#anti itachi fandom
heidiikm · 10 months
Some of my thoughts on Naruto as a (kinda) intro post!
Hyperfixating on Naruto rn and wanted to try write some thoughts down. It’ll become obvious very fast that I love sasuke and believe he deserves that absolute world and will defend him until my last breath thank you 🫶
I hate the narrative of Naruto for how it treated sasuke and the Naruto ending being literllay pro-konoha and sasuke is convinced he has to “repent”?? Like what’s he repenting for? Being a victim?
Imagine growing up having witnessed the genocide of your family by the one you love the most, tortured having to watch it over 500,000 times and being told to hate and kill that person that you once loved…
I don’t understand Itachi fans who will say they don’t like sasuke for what he does and his mindset when its Itachi who manipulated and moulded him into what he is… like you don’t like his actions and that he’s the ‘villain’ (in the eyes of many fans) when itachi told him to pretty much do all this. E.g kill his closest friends (Naruto) and only focus on becoming stronger to kill him.
Sasuke had every right to attack Konoha, the overall shinobi system and those that tried to uphold it.
Disclaimer: Naruto is a show that I love and means a lot to me. I enjoy analysing characters and themes within shows so that’s what you’ll probably be seeing me do on here. I just have a problem with some of the things within the story such as certain characters and especially how the narrative portrays things. Just remember this is all fictional and it’s never that deep I just want to express my opinions if you disagree then just don’t interact with me.
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slowlysointernet · 11 months
The more you think about Kotoamatsukami and what Itachi was readily willing to do, the more the argument that ‘'Itachi loved Sasuke more than the village'’ falls flat in every way.
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Fugaku: *wants his sons to be the best that they can be, shows that he is proud of them whenever they do something impressive, talks about Sasuke when he is Alone with Mikoto and doesn't want to fight back against his son*
Naruto fans: What an abusive asshole!
Itachi: *killed his clan, showing Sasuke What happened for 72 hours, attacking him 5 years later, makes him watch the massacre again for 48 hours and puts him in a coma, not to mention tried to use Shisui's eye on him*
Naruto fans: What a Great Brother!
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anubisthe1 · 5 months
Tried for the first time to listen to a podcast, so obviously, it had to be about Naruto to keep me interested.
Don't know how familiar you guys are about Naruto Reviewto, but those guys started in 2020 and are still going to these days. They were brilliant enough to come with the idea to review 2 or 3 episodes at a time, starting from the first episode of Naruto while one of them hadn't properly watched the show.
It is fun to comment on each episode with him there saying something that has the others biting their tongue to not spoil anything but just like everything else in this fandom this also was ruined for me because of the sasuke hate.
Sakura fans are annoying, and I wasn't necessarily bothered that they immediately said since episode one that they love her because every once in a while, they will also bring her down and mention how ridiculous she is. No, I had no problem here.
They would say stuff like "Oh poor sakura," "she is so smart," while on the same breath they turn around and look at sasuke and call him the classic "emo".
They said sasuke ruined the vibe and was pretty annoying each time he would jump in a fight without planning with the rest of the team. They would go on rants about how sasuke is just constantly trying to look cool and much, much more that I blocked out of my mind.
I can't watch the rest of the episodes now.
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"If you don't like this character, blame the author for their shitty writing"
I hate this specific argument so, so much, you have absolutely no idea. Alright, let's for some reason, dive in and allow this character to use "this defense", now what? No, really, now what? What are we supposed to do if we blame the author for everything "bad" the character does? Do we start to worship a fanon version of the same character that, by god, doesn't belong to us as the character is just a tool the author uses to tell a story? Do we completely rewrite it to fit our aesthetic tastes and moral compass as we believe to be a better writer or have a better grasp of reality than the OA despite their work being apparently so important to us that we love their character so much that we treat it as an independent being and not a fictional invent? Do we kiss the metaphorical ground that that character steps on for everything we do canonically like about it as they "did all of that" despite having the author against it as if those specific performances are somehow independent of the original writer's intentions?
What do we do then? Forgive the character as "those bad actions" were out of their control as they never had a choice on the matter while somehow the things they did that we do approve of get, somehow, highlighted as if that actually was their independent decision? If AO's writing is so shitty, why do you like the character in the first place? What compelled you to like a character of which you detest the writing? Why do you favour one specific character yet detest another one? Shouldn't you treat all characters equally if the problem isn't them but the "Author's shitty writing"?
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mdr-reikas · 1 year
What a lot of people don't seem to put in their analysis of why they find a character unlikable, is their fandom. I think this is a clear mistake, because how people react towards a character can influence how you think about them too. My best example is Itachi.
He could've been an interesting character to me (I wouldn't like him still but yk) if the narrative and the fandom wasn't busy worshipping the ground he walks on and defending his literal genocide. Like atleast most of the obito fandom for example doesn't try to actually defend what he did, we're very aware of that and can like him despite all of this, while itachi fans can't accept his crimes, so they tell themselves that what he did was okay.
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golden-bean-soup · 1 year
I love how the itachi's stans are alway the one that say shit like "Noooo how could you like Sasuke!? He's a crazy mass murderer!" like my good sir please truly gaze at the mirror and see the exact thing you're ctritisizing staring back at you
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obitoslover · 10 months
Most of Itachi fans genuinely scares me
Like, do you genuinely believe genocide can be the only solution to a rebellion (or anything in general)? Can't you analyse a story without the author's lens?
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nartml · 3 months
Every time I see hardcore Itachi stans I physically recoil.
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slowlysointernet · 1 year
''Itachi chose to save the village''.
This is basically admitting that the Uchiha were seen as separate from the village. The lives of strangers were more valuable than his family's. Lol.
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kcuf-ad · 11 months
I do not understand how people can see Sasuke being mentally tortured by his older brother twice for 72 hours, making him watch him kill the Uchiha, his aunts and uncles, his parents, mentally scaring him for years, telling him that he left him to live because he pitied him and nothing more, and after he woke up, he walked to the destroyed and ruined part of the village slowly and painfully as an annoying little piss emo baby that needs to be humbled.
They glorify the man that betrayed the Uchiha and told the higher ups about the coup, but they make a genocide survivor a villain.
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anubisthe1 · 11 months
I could like itachi. Like a little.
Then i remember that itachi fan that has sasukes decapateted head tattoo on his body and i get reminded why i cant like itachi.
Its the ignorence in them that makes sure i can never look at a pic of itachi without wincing, cause i remember all the bullshit info they spread about him.
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leportraitducadavre · 2 years
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Alright, allow me to put my two cents on this:
Also I see a lot of people mistaking Itachi wanting to protect the village with him wanting to protect the system, which is like... that’s not it?
How is the Uchiha couping threatening Konoha more than threatening the system it upholds? Konoha without its system is nothing but a piece of land, what exactly do they think a nation is? A nation (in this case, a village) is the combination of the same political, economic, and cultural spheres limited inside a specific territory.
Taking down the government doesn't modify Konoha's geography nor the overall bureaucratic structure it's built on, maybe some infrastructure will suffer (as there might be some losses), but not the overall space.
He wanted to protect the village because it was his brother’s home, because he loved people and he loved peace and a village was supposed so symbolise differrent people working together to maintain peace.
These people never maintained peace nor wanted to as armed conflict is their literal business. If there were looking for ever-lasting peace, they would dismantle their whole culture in order to live as civilians instead of being a military society, yet they don't.
Pain's whole plan was to gain control of the tailed beast in order to dismantle the villages of their most potent tools and control the war business to force the villages to do his will; the Chünin Exams are war-like scenarios to teach gënin how to thrive on such situations -it's literally the main plot of the series.
It's established how the Third instigated a war for profit, and how Hashirama wasn't against child soldiers as neither were his successors, they wanted a space where children could learn how to fight before being sent to battle.
You can love your country but not the corrupted government that rules it and Itachi had always been too smart to fall for blind nationalism.
Yes. Why is going against the system in place/going against the government (in this case, Hiruzen, Danzo, and his advisors) treated as going against Konoha itself? The Uchiha who were planning to coup had a very specific objective in mind and it wasn't to destroy Konoha (nor dismantle the entire system it was built on, as some might believe), but to take down the current government. The idea of dismantling the entire system Konoha was built on was introduced solely by Sasuke after learning the reasons behind his family's genocide.
Considering this was their entire intention how is Itachi not deep inside his nationalistic mindset? He also claimed himself to be "Itachi of Leaf".
Maybe I just haven’t seen Naruto in a long time but he never specifically wanted to uphold the system the way Kakashi did or Naruto later did (which was character assassination btw fuck the ending).
As I've said, Itachi killed his clan because they were a threat to those currently in power, so he did in fact want to uphold the corrupt system he was raised on as he considered it to be the "best possible outcome". And if he wasn't, what did he do to guarantee a change in the system he supposedly despised after the Uchiha clan's sacrifice? Why would he trust the same people that ordered him to kill his entire kin to protect Sasuke if he was against the same system these people upheld?
On the other hand Itachi very speficially wanted there to be as few ninjas as possible because fewer ninjas = fewer people dying.
Never stated. Never happened.
So, no? His desire to protect the village and his brother, even though manipulated by the higher ups, was not intended to serve and maintain the oppressive system in that village. And Sasuke understood this?? Which was why he came up with the revolution idea (that I desperately wanted to see happen btw, just with a few tweaks), albeit he might have interpreted it a little differently.
No. Itachi was loyal to the system. Sasuke understood where his brother's loyalty was and concluded that the system that was forced upon them was flawed if it convinced people like him to kill their own kind for a "greater good" that only produces death and destruction.
What it's amazing is how engraved they have their nationalistic mindset as to consider that to be loyal to the village/country is far more important or good than to be loyal to your race/ethnic group.
For instance, to use a very general real-world example, is like to say to black people in the USA that they should be Americans first and black second.
Why would these people feel more loyalty towards a place that has discriminated against them than to their own kind?
There're some fans (not OP specifically) that argue that the Uchiha were at most discriminated against after the Kyubi attack (which they weren't, as after the Kyubi attack they were more visibly oppressed, but this mindset doesn't start with one isolated event), therefore implying that they weren't discriminated enough time to want to rebel. Should people endure discrimination for a couple of generations until they're "allowed" to stand for themselves?
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mdr-reikas · 8 months
*something interesting.*
also. any Correct Takes™️ that you have and want an excuse to share/talk more about? (not naruto/uchiha specific, but i know you have many Naruto Takes™️ so i'm ofc always happy to see more of that and/or anything else)
I have a lot to say about Naruto (evident by my past 1000 posts), but one thing that I never actually talked about was how much more likeable itachi would've been if there wasn't this whole plot twist that he "did it for konoha" and "is actschually the good guy".
It felt like kishimoto was trying to justify the massacre, which obviously doesn't sit right with me. Why did you have to make itachi a bootlicker? Itachi would've been much better if he stayed that insane fuck who murdered his entire clan for funsies??? Like imagine if he actually just did it because. He felt like it. Thought it would be funny.
If it stayed like this, it would've also called out the consequences of sending out children for war, a mere child wouldn't be able to take all that and go insane. Of course, "just for funsies" is also a bit strange, but we could've also gone down the road of "itachi hated his clan because konoha teached him that the Uchiha are scum and violence is a valid solution".
There's also of course the fandom's god awful perception of itachi, since everyone seems to see him as some misunderstood hero, which I also hate. But this also happens because this is how the narrative spins the story to be, and you really shouldn't expect dudebros to actually engage with their source material.
In other words, there's many ways to handle this, and I feel like all of them are better than "itachi was the good guy all along". I know this isn't as interesting as a lot of my other takes, but I'm thankful for the excuse to talk about this :)
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mikotwo · 2 years
I saw someone on twitter "call out" people who are pro sasuke and anti itachi, implying that since they're pro sasuke, they should be pro itachi too (or at least not shit on him) because Sasuke loved him very very much and I just. I can't believe I saw that
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