#anti shadowhunters
venussaidso · 9 months
Shadowhunters is the biggest piece of shit I've ever watched and I'm still on episode 3, I'm fucking crying acid tears, man PLEASE KILL ME RN OH MY GOD!! WHAT IS THIS ATROCIOUS ACTING AND STORYTELLING OH MY GOD I LITERALLY HATE EVERYONE 😭
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cryastallo · 2 years
the shtv production set up a greenhouse set in the series but they didn't use it to film clace's first kiss... did they really think the way it was filmed was better than this scene in the movie?
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pansexual-lilychen · 3 months
”we need more complex female characters“
y‘all couldn’t even handle her
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mohabbaat · 3 months
i am sorry but swifties are truly the worst fandom i have ever interacted with.
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if i wrote essays about everything wrong with each season of the shadowhunters tv show would anyone read it?
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rinadragomir · 1 month
No but like talk shit about me, say that im being the meanest bitch idc but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY WOULD SHE START ANOTHER YA FANTASY SERIES IF SHE HASN'T FINISHED WITH TSC AND SWORD CATCHER YET?!
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ANOTHER! For fuck sake WOMAN PLEASE FINISH THIS ONE, your young adults have turned into actual adults with their own families. I'll get violent if that series THAT NOBODY ASKED FOR will end in second or third TWP book releasing later than it's supposed to.
"She has a right to try new things, maybe she's tired of TSC" —
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"ohhh I'm so tired, being rich and famous is so exhausting, I have million of books to finish and I have no idea when I'll do it BUT HEY~ maybe I should start another YA series?😋"
Please no PLEASE STOP, look at me Cassie, you've just told me that I might get one of the Seasons of Shadowhunters books in the end of 2025/ beginning of 2026. Don't do this to me, I'm genuinely happy for you and the Sword Catcher, it was great, BUT MAYBE IT'S TIME TO FOCUS ON THOSE 5346743 projects which "haven't been scheduled yet".
I defend her every single decision, so I'M CERTAINLY not a hater, I've been promoting her books way more than her "promotion bloggers". But there's no way she'll complain about being too busy to write the books we've been waiting for years and then go: so I found a solution! I'll start a new series!
This is a cursed year
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spacehero-23 · 3 months
i found my old (may 2022) chain of thorns predictions and every point felt like a puch to the nuts.
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my hopes were HIGH...
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lurafita · 3 months
Mini shadowhunters stealth training
I just want young shadowhunters in training to test out their stealthiness by following the HOTI and the High Warlock around town.
Which the two are aware of the whole time, because the kids aren't that good yet. Leaving Magnus mostly bemused, and Alec grumbly. (Because 1: This is his "Magnus time" and it is not to be disturbed. And 2: Witnessing these kids bumble along while thinking of themselves as master spies is grating on his professional pride and he is going to upp the training for these little shits. Because Magnus' cooing as one of them almost falls into a fountain while trying to eaves drop on their conversation, is giving him the most inappropriate thoughts. And it's the middle of the day and they are being followed by a bunch of kids and he can't very well drag Magnus into the nearest alley and make out with him now, can he?)
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stabbydragon · 9 months
*clears throat* Can we just talk about how unfair it was that Cordelia was the one who got to kill Tatiana? Like there were a million other people who were way more qualified.
I’m pretty sure most people, like me, were rooting for Grace. After all, she was the one that Tatiana hurt most by physically abusing her, making her into a weapon, forcing her to brainwash James which made everyone she cares about mad at her, etc. Not to mention that Christopher, one of her only friends, the only person who defended her, and the one who encouraged her to pursue her passion for science, had just been MURDERED by Tatiana! And like, Grace was RIGHT THERE with a knife to Tatiana’s throat! Then CORDELIA had to come and ruin everything by summoning Lillith! WTF!?
Jesse was another person who had been hurt by Tatiana. This bitch, who he thought cared about him despite her flaws, as a mother should, SOLD HIM TO BELIAL so he could be possessed and forced to murder people which he would never do under any circumstances of his own free will! The guilt the poor boy must have gone through because of this bitch! Although personally, I don’t think he would be capable of murder, but it would have been better than fucking CORDELIA.
Also, the idea of either Jesse or Grace doing it to avenge their sibling? 😭
My second choice after Grace would be Lucie, who would be furious both because of Jesse being possessed, and because she had just found out that Tatiana had been the one to ruin James and Cordelia’s marriage, causing both her brother and parabatai a lot of pain. It would have set the scene for a fascinating conversation between her and Jesse regarding how they both felt about Tatiana’s death (the same is true for Grace) because I need more Ghostwriter scenes. Also, if she killed her partially on Grace’s behalf, it would better showcase what could have been a beautiful dynamic that desperately needs to be explored further. I need these too to become besties immediately! Lucie, unlike her boyfriend, totally deserved to be a morally ambiguous character. She had so much potential for stabbiness, so where’s all the stabbiness? It’s so unfair that she never gets to stab someone ONCE because she’s a main character and therefore needs to be morally perfect even though people who grew as rich as she did are the ones most likely to be evil. Besides, she could have ordered a ghost to do it while Lucie herself was far away, giving her an alibi, and any witnesses would not have seen the ghost. Honestly my preference would be if Lucie and Grace teamed up to do it together in Jesse’s name.
EVEN FUCKING JAMES a would have been a better option, not that I would like it much. He was the one who was brainwashed since he was fourteen after all. He was the one who kept on accidentally breaking his wife’s heart because of the gracelet.
While Cordelia was still hurt by Tatiana’s actions, she was farther removed from the situation. But because sHe’S tHe PrOtAgOnIsT, she had to be the one to do it. Not even of her own volition, but because she was being manipulated by a greater demon. Imagine all of your protagonists being so heroic and morally sound that they can’t even neutralize someone as twisted and dangerous and inhumane and this bitch without being physically magically controlled by Lillith herself. Is there anything more boring?
And what really makes me angry is that she finally gave in due to the death of one Christopher Lightwood, a character with whom she had no established dynamic. If this was CC’s plan all along, she could have made it so they had at least one single fucking conversation alone??? If the main catalyst for Tatiana’s death was Kit’s murder, then practically ANY OTHER CHARACTER a would have been better. Cecily and Gabriel and the others were in Idris but, once again, there’s Grace, Lucie, James, Thomas, Anna, Matthew, etc. Hell, even Rosamund Wentworth, who arrives pretty soon after Kit’s death, knew him longer than Cordelia!
*Ahem* Thank you for listening to my PSA
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i might be wrong BUT some of you people will have the time of your life when TWP come out or you'll gonna have the biggest downfall in your life 'cause of the expectations u guys are creating.
Personally, i don't have much expectations i just want my faves alive and finally have their peace. To be honest I'm alredy seeing some of you mad cause the theorys and favoritism in some characters are on HIGH LEVEL (cof cof kit herondale) and if these theories and expectations don't meet with the story cassie is about to deliver u guys are gonna be annoying as hell.
and just to end my "hate" post im still mad the janus are still alive and is going to be a big part in the books (even been small, he should be in the drafts that didn't make to the final paper), im not a fan of Will making an appearance cause i know cc and her favoritism towards herondale, also i don't care about ash he is sooo insignificant right now that you guys only love the idea u create about him, sorry not sorry but is the truth.
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layla-carstairs · 11 months
hmm since Clary also has the scar from having contact with an angel, do you think all of Clace's kids will inherit it? like will it stop being the "one of our ancestors fucked in a cave" scar & start being the "our ancestors were child experiments" scar?
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cryastallo · 2 years
i know a lot of people like it but i can't like malec from the series, not even like the actors, i think it's all so bad
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I just saw this on twitter. Apparently some of the cast have been making jokes about the air nomad genocide 🥲
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GODS SOMEONE I FOLLOW POSTED ABOUT IT TOO AND I SAW RED AND THIS MADE ME EVEN MORE MAD,DON'T BRAINWASH THE KID INTO THINKING THIS IS FUNNY!!!I'm so sick of this,we're in the middle of MULTIPLE irl genocides and even then people can't knock it off,it is SO disgusting and shows how wifully ignorant they are of the show's message with Aang as the protag to show poc trauma and culture.Every single person who jokes about the Air Nomads' fate should log off and see if they can get away with this shit to the victims' face i DARE them just so they can get decked.It's been almost two decades and they still haven't grown up
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carelessflower · 1 year
rating shtv jace questionable moment
let be honest, it will mostly be season one plus two offending screenshots from season two. critical analysis only when i want to, the rest depends. the descent into hell is easy after all
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5/10 - see? sh writers can write, first scene with jace they already show how he treat alec the rest of the season.
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6/10 - that his job
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3/10 - friendly reminder, alec was the acting head at this point aka jace's boss, it's his duty to report any strange occurrence at the institute and now you brought a STRANGE girl into HIS institute, i dont know, just a thought
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3/10 - yes it kinda is, and it's alec choice at that seeing how he your superiors
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3/10 - jace would be a shit head for the ny institute if a random pretty girl make him act like this. and again, it normal alec get suspicious at clary, because he, you know, can actually think through situations and not dive in first like a headless chicken
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4/10 - yes, he has working brain cells
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2/10 - dont you love it when the dude you supposedly share half your soul dismiss your valid concerns regarding your life
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5/10 - if he's as you said you would be six feet under or in some ceils not here talking shit
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1/10 - yes alec stop, don't you know jace is allergic to reasoning
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2/10 - he knows you should be supportive of your parabatai
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1/10 - all i can say is if a stranger comes into my life, not caring for anything but herself and jeopardizing my job, i would let out far worse things than angry rant
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3/10 - no wonder jace fancies clary, they are never ready to hold themselves or each other accountable for anything. true love
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🚩🚩🚩/10 - right before this izzy LITERALLY said clary go out WILLINGLY i have no words, alec's way too nice i would have 'oh this you' and drag jace daddy issue to filth back i would go lower than hell. by the way jace never apologize for this so. flop
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0/10 - proceed to lose her next episodes
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4/10 - flop. flop parabatai of the year
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2/10 - funny how jace only bring up the parabatai bond when he needs alec to do something for himm hmmmm. it giving suspicious it giving affection with conditions it giving manipulation
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-♾️/10 - that a totally normal thing to say about your brother, the one who you share a lifetime bond with. i normally wish jace choke on a porcupine
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0/10 - jace only contribution to the parabatai bond is 2x03 and when he use his nepotism to transfer the head of ny institute position to alec. and even with alec already on his way to that title before imogen swooped in
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5/10 - ooh be making that face now suddenly you care? dont make me laugh
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0/10 - jace lies so well, all that practice telling himself he looks handsome every morning paid off
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0/10 - my three year old cousin has more critical thinking than these two
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0/10 - jace the one to talk he's incapable of seeing anything outside clary
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-/10 - for whither thou storest, I will steal, and where thou trust, I will trust to betray.
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 💀/10 - took them ten episodes to have alec FINALLY punch somebody for joking, using his sexuality against him when he's clearly NOT ready to talk about it. yeah fuck shit up baby
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2/10 - oh okay, let talk about how you and clary fuck off to somewhere with the cup when the clave and a race supremacist massacre advocate cult leader are both hunting for it. then you and she proceed to play house with your newly discovered fake dad and left alec to deal with the mess. oh, did i mention izzy's complicit in your scheme and you left her there at the mercy of the clave?
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1/10 - your saving cause more problems than elon musk to twt get over yourself
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4/10 - selfish intentions + selfish actions = season one clace. a match made in heaven
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6/10 - passable apology but why he cant just resist making it all about him lmaoooo
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4/10 - the only joke here is your life
tag list: @dustandducks @cityofdownwardspirals @magnus-the-maqnificent @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @wildesummerchild @cam-ryt @khaleesiofalicante
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pansexual-lilychen · 1 year
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"Mine is a complicated story, and people do not want to hear complicated stories. They want simple stories, in which people are either good or evil, and no one good ever makes a mistake, and no one evil ever repents."
not jesse saying this quote at the beginning of CHOT just to absolutely relentlessly crucify and ostracize his little sister grace, who this quote applies to a thousand times better. it’s the hypocrisy for me.
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lightstairs1902 · 2 years
Kermit the frog as Tlh characters
Alastair and Thomas in the sanctuary:
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Alastair after the sanctuary scene 😭:
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Matthew Fairchild in two pics:
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Anna Lightwood:
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Probably Christopher if Thomas wasn't the mom of the group:
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James after he saw Cordelia and Matthew in the train:
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Jesse chilling in his coffin:
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Charles after reading Alastair's "break up" letter:
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