iamyouknow-yours · 7 months
Marcel is a Mikaelson. He does not have to call himself a Mikaelson as he is fully within his rights to denounce the very toxic family but he is one.
I hate the way the show treated him, I hate the way the characters treated him, and I hate that he is involved with Rebekah. I hate the way he and Hope are only kinda sorta siblings.
1. The show:
So we know Julie Plec is very much a white liberal. We know this. We know she has sexism issues, we know she has racism issues (black women will save us all, really Julie????). I don't know which of her multitude of biases made her (and the rest of the writers) think that the way they wrote Marcel and the Mikaelson's relationships with him, was normal (or like normal in the context of the show). But boy howdy.
The plantation house. We're just going to have the Mikaelsons move into the house where Marcel was owned as a slave????? That's what we're gonna do?????? And where his abusive biological father lived and y'know, abused him. Fucking what the fuck?? I feel like this just epitomises the way the show treats Marcel.
2. The characters:
The family never treats him as part of the family unless they want something from him.
They did not raise him as a son and it is weird and terrible and he was a child!!!!! Why did you adopt him if you didn't want a child???
Why is Klaus so scared of having Hope if he's already had a child?
Why does Klaus treat Marcel the exact same way Mikael treated him just because they're not blood related?? (if they actually explored this it could have been interesting but no they just only half treat Marcel as a Mikaelson).
YOU'RE TELLING ME THEY DIDN'T CHECK?? THEY DIDN'T CHECK HE WAS DEAD????? Not once in the 80+ years did Klaus or Elijah go back to New Orleans or even send someone to fucking check that his SON was really dead??? Didn't think to do that???? No???
3. Rebekah:
Oh my god what do I even say about Rebekah?
They could have at least made her be daggered for the time when he was a child and only meet him when he was already an adult and a vampire because that way she's only technically his aunt and not a full fucking adult who saw him grow up!!!!!!!!
Idk man, they were siblings. Let them be siblings. The whole thing in Legacies where the Mikaelsons just kind of left Hope alone? Weird. Bonkers. Batshit. I know it's because they couldn't get the actors but maybe think about that before writing your fucking show my guy.
Or in TO where Hope was just left alone and Klaus was not there as a dad for like 5(?) years.
Hayley was the only good parent on The Originals or Legacies canon, fight me.
(side note, you're telling me Caroline would leave Alaric, Alaric, an alcoholic, vampire-hating, weirdo (Caroline and Alaric being romantically involved briefly WAS WEIRD GUYS, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HE USED TO BE HER FUCKING TEACHER) in charge of the school for supernatural children??
You're telling me she left him in charge of parenting Lizzie and Josie?? Yeah okay sure.
And look how well that turned out. Locking teenagers in goddamn prison worlds, excellent headmastering there Alaric well done. And just swell parenting of the twins. Favouring Hope over them at all times and letting them bully each other weirdly for years and allowing your mentally ill children to just get more mentally ill from your parenting. Great moves. Very good.
Okay Legacies rant over)
Yeah okay my whole rant is over I think.
TL;DR: Marcel deserved better.
(and so did the kids on Legacies.)
Also PSA, the only reason I have so many feelings about this is because I like the freaking shows okay? I like the characters (except Alaric and Damon and the ones we're supposed to dislike like Mikael and Esther).
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Ok, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to slap a character in TVD, as much as I wanted to slap Alaric when he told Caroline the kid’s weren’t her’s.
Even if we ignore all the ways the statement was wrong in the first place, the hamster wheel in my head (that is normally just running chanting ‘Klaroline’), stopped, and went ‘WTF’. Because according to it’s (/mine) logic, those kids are in-fact NOT Alaric’s. (yes, it pulled a reverse-uno). 
Because I believe, that Alaric’s kids, they died with Jo, that day. So those kids, that were magically implanted in her womb, are in-fact Caroline’s from that point onward. 
She grew them, she raised them, she’s the reason they are alive. WTF did Alaric even do (except maybe pressured her to keep them). Like I don’t think ANYONE, even told Caroline, ‘Hey, we get this isn’t what you wanted or excepted. It’s ok to do what’s best for you’. Yes, I know, Caroline actually not keeping them would be out of character for her, but the fact that NOBODY even the ones who claimed to be her FRIEND, said that to her, really pisses me off.
So yeah, this is just my opinion, but Alaric’s kids died that day, and Lizzie and Josie are 100% Caroline’s - who was nice enough to let their bio dad be apart of their life. 
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Fuck you if you still plan to vote for Joe Biden. History will not remember you kindly.
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klonnieshippersclub · 4 months
Bonnie bennett as a headmistress in a supernatural school makes so much more sense then alaric understandably kat wasn't interested in returning as bonnie so that wasn't possible which is why legacies itself makes no sense they had nobody important wanting to return
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Here are some beautiful pics of Kat that I think gives headmistress!Bonnie.
I don’t blame Kat for not being interested in returning as Bonnie. TVD had eight long years to do right by her. She gave ideas and was continuously sidelined for being black. There is no excuse for their behavior but to call racism what it is. There is a reason Candice was open to returning during season 3(from what I was told) and her later guest appearance. Legacies, didn’t even do right by their black/or non-white characters. How do you make a musical episode with a joke that Bonnie wasn’t important? Huh.
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Bonnie didn’t have a ton of help being a witch. She was self-taught it would make perfect sense for her to want to create a space for witches/supernatural beings without guidance. It is very telling that TVDU started to introduce child witches/other beings but never connect them to Bonnie. I can’t talk about Legacies without mentioning Hope and Bonnie. If you aren’t aware Hope is physically book description Bonnie without the big curly red hair.
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I do not know much about Legacies-lore wise. I am aware that Alaric used and manipulated Hope into protecting the school/his daughters by proxy. I know that Hope continuously felt that she HAD to protect the school and everyone else. From discussions with my mutuals Hope and Alaric relationship to me feels very predatory. Why does a student and a teacher have private meeting to the point where his own children calls it out? That responsibility to save everyone shouldn’t have been on any student’s hands.
Legacies was all about the supernatural school. It feels very different than TVD’s supernatural beings existing in the real world. Where are the activities that young teenagers would do? Dances? Partying? Gossiping? As headmistress and Hope's step-mom, Bonnie would be the positive parental influence that she desperately needs! Bonnie would never run a school where Hope would have to feel like she is everyone’s savior.
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hyperactivewhore · 9 months
Some people have this weird fixation about making Klaus choose Caroline over Hope, especially in fanfics. I’ve seen fics where Klaus abandons Hope, or kills Hayley for disrespecting Caroline, or just ignores Hope in favor of Caroline. Like some people forget Hope’s his daughter - of course, he’s going to choose her over everyone. I think any decent parent would choose their child over a potential girlfriend/boyfriend. And Hayley is Hope’s mom, a very important person in her life. I don’t think Klaus would kill Hayley unless she posed a threat to Hope or if she tried to take Hope away from him. Honestly, I don’t think he would even tolerate people openly disrespecting Hayley in front of Hope, regardless of who it was.
Another thing that I’ve noticed is how people are so determined to make Klaus a father figure to the twins, particularly Lizzie. I’ve read a fic in which Klaus clearly and openly favored Lizzie over his own daughter - which would never happen. I think that if Klaus and Caroline actually did end up together, he still wouldn’t be that present in the twins lives. Since he is overprotective to the extreme, I think that he would hold some resentment over how the twins treated Hope in their younger years. He’s petty enough to hold a grudge against a kid. And anyway, I don’t ever see Alaric allowing Lizzie or Josie to get close to Klaus, no matter what Caroline says.
I don’t know… it’s just weird that people keep diminishing Hope’s relationship with her own father to benefit their ship. Sorry for the rambling.
People fail to remember that Klaus is his own person and not an extension of the ships they like, and that ship half of the time is klaroline because they are obssesed with making him her personal puppy, as if that ever happened in canon.
Granted, Klaus said a few nice things to her and did like two good things to make Caroline not feel so guilty about wanting to fuck him, but other than that there's no way he would ever seriously chose her over his family, especially his own daughter. He chose to save her over Rebekah back in Mystic Falls because his sister is immortal, Caroline isn't.
I've never actually read long klaroline/klamille/klayley fanfiction. Sure, I use to read some oneshots from time to time because they have really good writing, but this fanfics I'll talk about best used to show up while I was in the klaus or mikaelson tag and I used to take a look because I was curious. It has some wild elements, that's for sure.
I've seen a lot of fanfics where they make Caroline some weird ass hybrid/tribrid that manages to be a werewolf, witch and vampire all in one and it's like wtf. They complain constantly about Hope's existence because she breaks canon and yet they make this baby vampire the biggest Mary Sue ever. Yes, the producers created Hope because they wanted to create their own magical baby like Renaissance from Twilight, but they make a fool of themselves by making Caroline be anything but a vampire. Caroline was incredibly mean and a complete hypocrite as a human and don't bring me the "she was insecure and always in Elena's shadow" because I'm insecure too and that doesn't make me be a bitch to the people who love me. Klaus was always threatening her whenever she spoke in a way he didn't like, and that was when she was already the "sunshine vampire" people claim to love so badly, so people who think he would even let her live if he met her as a human are laughable.
Klaroline shippers are so pressed about Hayley being Hope's mother, I can't even tell you how many posts, videos and weird fanfics I've seen of Caroline being her mother and being the "Mikaelson's light". I've said it a lot of times, but the Mikaelson wouldn't like Caroline at all: Rebekah and Hayley were constantly slutshamed by her, Elijah hates people who insult/hurt his family, Kol was literally killed by one of her best friends and he would not be okay with that, Finn couldn't care less and Freya probably just heard bad things from her, if she even knew about her existence. And in top of that, Caroline literally threw a party when she thought Klaus died.
When they have any Mikaelson or Klaus, especially Klaus, kill Hayley, I just lose it. Why the hell would Klaus ever do that? He literally lost his mind when she died, he was a mess and they don't even want to admit he loved Hayley: new flash, he did. She was his family, the mother of his daughter, probably his best and only friend and he loved her. Not in a romantic way, but they still get pressed because how dare Klaus have feelings for anyone other than their queen Caroline.
Also, their obsession with making Caroline be called queen? It's creepy and weird, it must be really annoying for them that Klaus only called Cami and Hayley a queen. Those two girls were a thousand times closer to be considered family by him than Caroline ever could, and his siblings did care for those women too.
This reminds me of a really good point in klaroline fics: if Caroline is the one pregnant with Hope, Klaus will react a lot better. I just can't see this, Klaus’s daddy issues are literally the main point of his character. He hated Mikael as much as he desired his love, he always yearned for one of his parents to care and no one did: Mikael, because he was a piece of shit, Esther, because she was terrified of her husband and there's literally no other reason in canon that explains why she allowed Mikael's abuse and Ansel, because he was forced to stay away and was killed twice. That isn't gonna change just because he got Caroline, sorry to tell you.
I can see him reacting less murderer and less threatening. Alkaline covers this so well and it's one of my favorite Klaus fanfics, if he has a romantic relationship with the woman he got pregnant he wouldn't tell the witches to kill her and their baby, but I do think he would still think at first she cheated, not only because of his paranoia but also because he is supposedly incapable of having kids.
The whole Lizzie and Josie thing is really a good point! I agree, Klaus would never favor the twins over Hope or even Marcel. Those are his kids, he raised them and he never met Josie and Lizzie until they were like what, twelve? Thirteen? He even said people needed to ask him permission to even talk to Hope, he would 100% hold a grudge against the Saltzman twins for being mean to his daughter. I also think that the whole "Klaus would like Lizzie more than Josie" is because physically and in terms of personality, Lizzie is the one that resembles Caroline the most. So when writers have him openly prefer Lizzie isn't only weird, it has some uncomfortable pedophilic vibes.
I've only seen klaroline and some klayley shippers say that about klope, how he would love x girl more than Hope and etc. I hardly doubt they even remember canon Klaus, just their fanfic version because if Klaus ever had to chose he would always chose his daughter. I've also seen, in a lot of fanfics, not only klaroline ones, how Klaus would love more or completely ignore his oc kid (they also have Hope he a complete bitch from the start, even if it's her seven years old version) and it's just strange. There are a lot of reasons why Klaus and Marcel didn't have a stable relationship, mainly all the bad blood between them and the fact that Marcel was already grown up by the time they met, but he never hesitated to put himself in danger for him. Klaus even refused to kill him, knowing he was endangering Hope. I just can't see him ignoring his kid, especially if he got to actually see him/her grow up.
This is not bashing to the writers btw! Sorry if it came out like that.
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bakrishna · 26 days
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legacies-tv · 9 months
There's something so sad about how absolutely sure Lizzie is that she's broken. She's had this ingrained into her head since she was eleven that there was something wrong with her. Her parents tell her there's not, of course, but they're hardly around. Their influence is so small compared to the one family member who is a constant in her life that is always making her feel like she's less-than and a burden.
Josie's the only one around her to see what's going on, to see how much she suffers and struggles, and she takes every opportunity to remind Lizzie that being there for her isn't free. She's already convinced there's something fundamentally wrong with her and now she thinks she's accruing debt just for asking for help, just because Josie demands payment in return for empathy.
She tries so hard to help people. She makes the Sewing Club for a girl in her class who is feeling left out, she gives new kids tours of the school and offers to be their friend, she makes all of the witches come up with a new dance routine to cater to Josie's ideas, she tries to join the Honor Council so she can do things like convince her dad to let kids like Landon stay and have a home and things like making sure the school is a safe place from these new monsters. And then at every single corner, she gets these attempts thrown back in her face or her peers pretend like they never happened. She's so sure that it must be her. There must be something wrong with her that makes them hate her so much.
Even when she finds out that her sister read her diary to the class and was the one who told everyone about her bipolar diagnosis, she's so forgiving. She lets go of a ten-year-long feud with Hope the moment Hope apologizes and acknowledges her. She's always forgiving MG for crossing boundaries and hurting her. She thinks that if she's nice enough to them, maybe eventually they'll be nice back. She kills herself trying.
She sacrifices her life over and over and over again without batting and eye and this is perhaps the most concerning thing about her mental state but she thinks it's the greatest and only thing she has to offer. She's willing to die for her friends and her family and her classmates, only for them to immediately turn around and call her selfish for it, to laugh at her funeral after she's laid down her life for them again. And she just doesn't understand how that's possible. She thinks it has to be her fault. It must be, she must have done it wrong.
She tries to be the strong one, she tries to shoulder the burden her sister always talks about, and then she gets beaten down for taking up too much space, for casting too big of a shadow. She tries to be the hero, breaks her back trying to save the day, like her father always talks about in Hope, and then she gets lectured about how that's not important. She tries to live her own life, tries to not suffocate Josie, and in turn, she gets told that she was too self-centered and distant. No matter what she does, it's never enough. She's convinced that she's not enough.
Her whole life she hears that her disorder isn't an excuse, that she should just take her meds even if they make her feel awful, that she should just try harder, that her disorder isn't real, that it's her own fault, that she's just doing it for attention, that she's delusional or lying or crazy or all three.
She has no idea how deeply that's sunk into her very being until Aurora starts telling her that people will always try to tell her that she's broken and that she can't believe them. And Lizzie's so close to figuring it out. So close. She knows what Aurora went through wasn't her fault, that Tristan was the problem. She's almost figured out that what she went through isn't her fault, that Josie is the problem.
She's adamant that her family would never have done what Aurora's did to her in her day. She doesn't see that they've done worse. It's such a shame that she only finally got there in the last season and her story was cut abruptly before it really got started.
I hope wherever Lizzie Saltzman ended up, whatever Season 5 would have had in store for her, she remembered that she's not broken.
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witchcraftandgeekness · 9 months
If I had a nickel for every time the Saint Mystic Falls Gang demolished a 1/5 of the whole vampire race, I'd have two nickels but it's weird that it happened twice.
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hollytanaka · 6 months
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[Image ID: A tweet from @sarahephilips on Twitter, which quote-retweets Refaat Alareer (@itranslate123)'s poem "If I Must Die," states: "Refaat was murdered yesterday by Israeli occupation forces. Join me in engaging w his work," and includes links to the book Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Young Writers in Gaza, the book Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire, and a YouTube Channel with Refaat's lectures. /.End ID].
Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Young Writers in Gaza, Edited by Refaat Alareer:
Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire, Edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Mike Merryman-Lotze:
Refaat's Recorded Lectures on YouTube:
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bennettmaximoff · 7 months
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LEGACIES 1x2 + LEGACIES 4x5 • She’ll no longer be controlled…
“This hatred—this vengeance..this is your father.”
“You were only holding me back— I’ve finally realized..I am my father’s daughter”.
Hope Mikaelson
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cancerian-woman · 9 months
And it’s fuck Alaric saltzman forever but it’s another fuck you to the writers. Those kids shouldn’t have been placed in prison worlds but another thing is why was Bennett blood so freely for the taking? Zero bodily autonomy for Bonnie even when she isn’t in the picture. No respect to her bloodline as usual.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 2 months
Can we talk about how weird it is they made Caroline and alaric parents to the Gemini twins it was so random and gross alaric was a boring character anyways he didn't need to be jo then Caroline baby daddy
I never liked Alaric as a character even before Legacies, I would've preferred him to die over Jenna. His dynamic with Damon is interesting, but they should've kept him dead after season three.
The situation with Caroline's pregnancy was very gross. She didn't have a choice over having two babies put inside of her and they weren't going to let her have an abortion. Tvd is just really bad at consent and addressing this types of things.
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Ranking TVDU Parents
Disclaimer: I am not a parent, this is just my opinions.
1. Caroline 
Best Mom. This goes without question.
2. Stefan 
I may not have shipped Steroline, but Stefan frickin loved those kids. He literally did everything to protect them.
3. Jo
We didn’t get to see her be a mother, but I think she would have been a frickin, great, supportive mother. And unlike Alaric, she wouldn’t actually actively suppress her children’s powers. Like she choose to give up her magic, but I don’t think she’d ever force or limit her children’s powers, just because that’s what she did and wanted.
WORST - Hayley
First chance she got, she shipped her child to boarding school. AND DON’T YOUR DARE SAY IT FOR HER OWN GOOD or to teach her. Hope had all, and more resources than anyone out their. New Orleans was the PERFECT place to raise a supernatural kid. They had vampires, werewolves, and even witches. Freya, Marcel (or Josh if Marcel wasn’t around), and Keelin, she literally had every resource available from every faction. So well Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, and Klaus - her own father, were struggling to be in the same room as her, frickin Hayley chooses to ship her child out to a different state. And then when her child acted out (like any teenager) Hayley continued to make bad choices. Suddenly wanting to control everything Hope did. Like if you wanted to micro mange your child, or control how she used her magic, her blood, you shouldn’t have sent her away to be taught by somebody else, and taught her yourself! (Plus, I don’t think the school opened till the end of The Originals season 4 [and no - the check wasn’t for Hope, Klaus sent that money because of Caroline... ok like 70% Caroline, and 30% because his own kid will be going there], so Hayley literally shipped her kid out the second she got the chance to)
WORST - Alaric
Depends on who your ranking him on. Lizzie and Josie, or Hope. He constantly went around acting like Hope’s father (even when she didn’t want to - which is completely reasonable - she didn’t want her headmaster acting like her frickin dad - it’s creepy as heck), when Josie and Lizzie were left alone, and acting out - desperate to try and get their father’s attention.
Klaus - I have literally no idea where I should place him. Like yeah, he died for Hope, but we really didn’t get to see any moments between Klaus and Hope (plus, he had the whole MIA phase - so he’d definitely loose points for that). We never got to see him be a father, despite how much the showed revolved around the baby plot (which I found ironic and annoying). Like what was the point of shoving fatherhood down his throat, if we wouldn’t get to see those moments. So from what I’ve seen, he kind of ranked 2nd or third, but I’m not really sure. 
Special Acknowledgment: If it ever happened, Caroline and Klaus would be THE BEST parent duo out their, you can not change my mind).
And Rebekah would be an AMAZING mother to, like the best.
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
Can you write something about reader forgets Damon but she didn't but pretends to, to protect him and it hurts reader seeing him be so down? That she gives in and admits she lied but Damon doesn't believe her.
It was for your protection | Damon Salvatore x Reader
my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
warnings/ other notes ↪ reader is a vamp (older than damon only by a little)
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As your head lay smashed against the pavement, you watch your boyfriend maybe if you hadn't of met him eleven years ago all these dangers and threats wouldn't matter because without you he lead a nice life.
So despite him fighting for your life you couldn't help but think of a clever idea, to forget him. To pretend to forget him and maybe he'd move on, maybe this way he wont be attacked, it was to protect him.
he runs over to me and as I pretend to be unconscious he places his hands under my head, lifting it slowly.
"y/n, please y/n." his voice echoed through my mind, if i was to play this idea out, i'd have to stick by it. I blink, my eyes eventually opening to reveal his worrying expression.
My eyes stare at his, trying to feel no connection to him whatsoever "who are you?" my heart ached as the words slipped away from my mouth, a familiar sharp feeling in my body as I hoped it wouldn't hurt me this much to say those three words.
Damons lip quivers, running his hands along my cheek "it's me, Damon. Y/n, y/n?" he says and I take his blood covered hands off of my cheek "Damon? I don't know a Damon. Last I checked my boyfriend was James." I mumble confused.
Sitting up from Damons arms "no you can't play this cruel, twisted joke on my y/n. You can't do this." he says with tears forming in his eyes "i'm sorry you must be mistaken, I don't know you." I mumble, Stefan walks up beside him as Damon rubs his tears away keeping his tough facade alive.
"y/n?" Stefan says "Oh Stefan, god theres a familiar face." I act surprised to see Stefan "a familiar face?" Damon mutters "You met me first." Damon says trying not to show the emotion in his voice "I'm afraid not, I know Stefan Salvatore but who the hell are you?" I question him.
"Look y/n just come home with us and we'll run you through everything." Stefan says catching on to the fact that I couldn't 'remember' anything. Stefan walks up to me cautiously, placing a hand out for me to grab as Damon rolls his eyes storming off.
nine months later
"Good morning." I smile to Damon, I continued to uphold this not remembering thing and its been keeping this whole house out of drama so far.
Damon nods, he had been acting different recently. More sad, miserable if you will. He drags himself across the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a blood bag.
He turns to me "you know..." he pauses watching me do the dishes "nine months ago, you wouldn't have woken up in a bed on the other side of the house." he says before leaving the house "what does that mean?" I ask him rushing after him.
"Damon?" I ask as he stops in front of his car "You never told me... about us." I clear my throat "And I don't intend to." he scoffs before getting in his car.
Jumping in the passenger seat he turns to face me "tell me." I demand and he shakes his head, insisting that it isn't what I'd want to here "if it wasn't what I wanted to hear, then I would not be sat here... asking." my voice was gentle trying not to overdo this charade.
"you and i dated, that was all." he says before turning the key in the ignition "it was more than that, i can feel it." I say and he shakes his head "nothing more than kindred spirits." before stepping on the gas.
I remained in the passenger seat, as we left the driveway. Somehow he managed to forget I was in the car by cranking up the volume of his music.
After a while I noticed a tear rolling down his eye, he pulls over on the side of the road. "You would have been my wife if I simply listened to you." he says "and without you, i felt like I was suffocating, drowning. Like I had no purpose. We were perfectly imperfect for each other, I inspired you to live in the moment, whereas, you would give me purpose after a torturous century of living." his blue eyes pierced into my soul like the did.
"When you opened your eyes nine months ago, on the night I lost you. I lost myself." he mumbled before getting back on the road once more.
"I don't understand, I brought out the good in you?" I ask him, pretend as if I didn't already know. Tears building up in my eyes I try to hide them, only one tear managing to escape.
"you brought out everything in me, the good, the bad, the flaws, the imperfections. I loved every bit of it." he snickered "I don't understand why you didn't try to fight harder for me when I first saw you." I question him.
"Because I love you y/n, and it is because I love you that I cannot be selfish with you. If you didn't remember me, I wasn't going to force it upon you." he muttered.
We continue to drive down the road, I look around Mystic falls and how it had changed since that night.
Eventually we made it back home, Damon and I hadn't spoken to each other after what he had said, it made me question if this was really a good idea.
It wasn't like he had died from these fights, he had won just as much as he had lost if that made any sense.
So before Damon got out of the car I grab his hand "if the old me was here right now, would you want her?" I ask him "I'll always want her even if she was right in front of me." he said coldly before exiting the car and walking straight into the house.
This is wrong, so wrong. To fool the man I love, watch him fall into shreds before me and still love me even if my memory was altered. Damon Salvatore the man who couldn't be broken yet he fell apart when he realised the love of his life wasn't coming back to him.
Even if I wanted to tell him I suddenly remembered him, how would he take it. How different would he be, would he be happier?
I couldn't exactly tell him I forgot him for my better judgement of his survival, he'd kill me. So how exactly would I tell him.
Following shortly behind Damon, I open the door to reveal every single person of the original Mystic Falls gang was sat in the living room. From Tyler the wolf to Matt the inhumane human.
"Looks like they get along fine..." Caroline says confused "Hello?" I say confused and they all stare at me intensely "Who am I?" Elena asks "Elena?" I laugh confused "Look where is Damon?" I ask them "Who am I?" Bonnie asks.
"What is this?" I laugh "We are serious y/n." Stefan buds in "So am I where is Damon?" I say looking around the room.
"he vamped away with some packed bags." Caroline said "What but h- he was, why, he was, what?" I say in utter confusion.
"He left." Elena said.
three months after damon left.
"Stefan..." my voice was irritated, I still hadn't got over the fact the Damon left without a single word, not even a goodbye or a see you later.
Stefan nods looking over to me, I had told Stefan everything from the acting to the thought process behind the acting. He sat with his jaw hitting the floor "I mean Damon wouldn't know right?" I ask biting my nails as he shakes his head "No." he says.
"Wouldn't know what?" a voice says from behind me, I spin around and now my face looks like Stefans from when I told him the truth.
I ran towards Damon with open arms "Damon" I say excitedly, he opens his arms with a huge smile. "Someones excited to see me, did she remember?" Damon says taken aback at first before easing into the hug.
"God I missed you." I say getting a good look at his face "we need to talk." my voice still sounding ecstatic "good news?" he questions and I clear my throat shaking my head remembering that I sounded way too happy to give news that would potentially ruin my relationship... or the one i had.
Stefan looks at Damon and he faces drops almost as if he already knew what was going on "sit" I clear my throat and he nods going to the sofa and sitting down "so..." I take a deep breath in "i've basically been lying to you this whole time because i thought it was best for you to just not always be protecting me because i always get you into weird fights and supernatural disasters and like its very overwhelming but i remembered you this whole time." I say all in one breath.
Damon stares at me, trying to process all the 47 words that had just escaped my mouth.
Maybe 38 minutes passed before Damon finally spoke, Stefan had left and the house was empty besides him and I.
"I need a drink." he says walking down to the basement and retrieving one of the oldest bottles of bourbons in the cellar, he walks outside to sit in the brick wall leaving the door open.
I slowly take steps towards him as if he were a lion ready to pounce and I was just a zookeeper or something.
"I don't believe you." he says pressing his soft spoken lips against the old, bourbon glass. "you don't have too, but i've never lied to you..." I drag out the last few words "besides the past six or so months..." I mumble.
Damons eyes linger on my body, I place my hand on his cheek and he immediately melts into my hand like it was a familiar touch that he had longed for. "It was for your protection." I say quietly.
Still in denial, his looks into my eyes trying to find any part of me that was lying to him "tell me something only you would know." he whispered.
"when you accidentally killed my brother in law, and I was furious at you. You told me that you'd rather me live and be angry at you rather than you having to live another hundred lifetimes without me." I say making myself laugh at the fact that was one of my most angriest moments and I somehow managed to find some peace in it.
"Anyone could know that." he scoffed lifting his head out of my hand "fine" I say getting up and walking away "why did my dad spite me when i was younger?" he asked causing me to turn around "because he thought you stole his money, but you thought it was Stefan and you'd much rather take the hit than your little brother." I say and he stands up in disbelief.
Staring at me before running towards me and wrapping his arms around me "it is you" he says melting into me once again "I told you" I whisper.
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alicentes · 2 years
Klaus finding out that Alaric “I wanted hope to be a guard dog for my children who I fail to take care of” Saltzman has gone and Caroline, the woman he loved, will now be taking over the school and being the main parental influence in hopes life and being like “finally now I can really be at peace”
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we’re never going to see Hope Mikaelson on our screen again :(
or Lizzie Saltzman…
or Josie Saltzman…
or Milton Greasley…
or Kaleb Hawkins…
or Cleo Sowande…
or Landon Kirby…
or Ben…
or Jen…
or Jed Tien…
Or Ethan Machado…
or Caroline Forbes…
or Niklaus Mikaelson…
or Rebekah Mikaelson…
or Freya Mikaelson…
or Kol Mikaelson…
or Marcel Gerard…
but thank fuck we’ll never see Alaric again. Only good thing.
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