#anyway au where when billy first rolled into town; he truly did feel the need to like. make himself big. surround himself with crowds
biillys · 2 years
love the idea of billy being able to approach anyone at school and it just being accepted. him not necessarily being apart of the popular crowd but anytime he chooses to grace them with his presence, they're all over him, offering him a seat and the latest hottest gossip. him talking to some nerd in class, asking for a pen becos he doesn't believe in bringing his own school supplies, and said nerd internally rolling their eyes but still handing over a pen. him talking to the drama kids, asking where they got that sick as fuck leather jacket for their musical, getting confused and lowkey alarmed looks but still an answer.
love the idea of there being only a select few people that can approach him and have him actually respond and acknowledge them, everyone else not even getting a glance.
eddie being one of them.
eddie and billy seeming to become eddie and billy overnight, like one day they were strangers and the next they were basically inseparable.
eddie walking up behind billy in the hallway and swinging an arm over his shoulder, fucking with his hair, before dumping half the shit he was carrying in billy’s basically unused satchel. billy giving him a what the fuck look but still holding it open for him, and eddie rolling his eyes and saying it was fucking empty anyway, billy shoving his satchel onto eddie's shoulder cos he’s not carrying around eddie's shit for him all day.
eddie being able to lean against billy's car, jump in the passenger seat without an invitation or even a comment, cos billy does the same thing to eddie's van just as often.
they have one class together, and their teacher’s given up on separating them, cos eddie’s just gonna talk to billy from across the room anyway, and billy’s gonna throw notes back to him, ripping up the piece of paper he borrowed from the guy beside him and throwing them at eddie's hair.
they have fun in detention together.
heathers another one.
they’re coworkers, yeah, but heather was probably the first person that billy ever truly gave a shit about in this shithole of a town. heathers been a cheerleader since becoming a cheerleader was an option, but somehow, like billy these days, always seems to just do her own thing.
she can sit on billy’s lap at lunch if they both bother with the cafeteria and the most billy will do is wrap an arm around her waist and move around 'til their more comfortable.
she can go through his shit to find his car keys to make a quick run to his car at lunch to find some spare hairbands and bobby-pins cos her’s broke and billy’s got spare shit everywhere in his car ever since he basically started being everyone’s personal chauffeur.
she can drag his notes across and copy everything he's written cos she was too busy texting chrissy under the table to pay attention and the most billy will do is ask what the plans were for that night. his notes half the time are basically illegible but billy's more or less somehow got mostly straight A's so heather'll take it.
sometimes she wears his jacket. rips him off about the lip stain. billy tells her to do a better one since she gives so much of a fuck.
chrissy joins billy’s inner-circle slowly, then instantly.
billy knows of her, has probably even spoke to her, but it’s not until they meet in eddie's trailer and all smoke up together - eddie and billy fucking around on eddie's guitars, heather with her feet swung over the back of the couch, chrissy sitting tense on the single armchair before slowly loosening up - that billy feels like he actually meets her.
suddenly, she’s pulling away from jason, from the other basketball players, from all her cheer friends, and slowly she’s hanging out with heather under the bleachers, she’s meeting up with eddie in the woods, and she’s waiting around the camaro at the end of the day to catch a ride home.
suddenly billy’s waiting around after basketball/cheer practice until chrissy’s ready to leave, cos jason's been talking a lot of shit lately, and billy doesn’t really think he’s got it in him to do something reckless, but he’s also not stupid enough to underestimate a guy like jason carver.
chrissy getting nervous when she sees jason loitering around but then she sees billy waiting just behind him, and she’s feeling brave suddenly, so she practically dances her way over to billy, grabs his hand before leaning into his side, and billy’s leaning right back and dropping her hand so he can wrap his arm around her shoulder, and she leaves without looking back. billy flips jason the bird over his shoulder.
max, obviously, when she starts going to the same high school. they’ve spent the previous summer working so much shit out, and it doesn’t mean they’re not still at each others throats over the stupidest shit, but it does mean that when billy bitches about having to wait around after her stupid nerd clubs, he does it without that much heat, and when max bitches about having to deal with the fact that every single person and teacher in this damn school has an opinion on her just becos she’s billy hargrove’s little sister, she sometimes sounds kind of proud to have that label. most of the time, she’s just annoyed.
max sometimes shoves her shit in billy’s locker, becos her locker’s full of dustin’s science shit, and sometimes when she’s carrying her board around at the end of the day, billy’ll come up behind her and smack it out of her grasp before skating down the hallway. she always feels vindicated when billy gets caught though, cos she never does. 
shaking billy down for lunch money, cos susan seems to think max actually likes tunafish sandwiches, when she rly truly fucking hates them. billy usually telling her to fucking scram, but occasionally giving in and passing her some change.
max sometimes tracking him down at the start of her lunch period and holding a hand out for his car keys, a pissed off look on his face, and billy takes one look behind he to see her lil gang looking all shifty, and billy - having been on the receiving end of her attitude fucking constantly in the past - just sighing before handing his keys over. more often than not, trailing behind her, even when she tells him to fuck off, just throwing a shit eating grin her way with an aww, so little maxine can have a pity party for one? fuck no. what'd the fuckers do this time?
lucas, becos he’s max’s boyfriend, and also becos he’s on the team, and he seems to be sneaking over every other weekend, and things may still be rocky between them, but since billy make his apology, they’ve been getting better. they’re not exactly besties, but sometimes they play a one on one game after practice ends and no one’s in a rush to get home, and most times lucas will win becos he’s honestly just better than billy at basketball, and each time billy will ask for best out of three, then best out of five, cos he fucking sucks at losing.
when jason and some of the other basketball dickheads start trying to drag lucas in, pulling their fake shit only to split whenever it’s convenient, billy just watches on before rolling his eyes and pulling lucas’ gear closer to his in the locker room and gives him the worlds shittest pep talk. jason carver ain’t shit, trust me. fuck that guy.
carol! and tommy! except billy’s a dick and he thinks it’s funny to fuck with tommy, so when carol comes up to him and catches him up to date with the latest wild happenings from the party he couldn’t be fucked to attend the night before, crashing at eddie’s with the others instead, and tommy tries to go in for a simple bro-handshake, billy gives him a blank stare and holds his hand out limply, not participating, watches the look on tommy’s face go from excited to confused, before finally grabbing him by the hand and pulling him close, hand on his shoulder, ‘i’m fucking with you’, then doing the stupid bro-shake thing. tommy laughing it off but turning to carol with wide eyes, every fucking time, like ‘shit, are we cool? are we friends?’ and carol just patting him on the shoulder before tucking herself into his side, all ‘yeah, babe, you're good.’
#anyway au where when billy first rolled into town; he truly did feel the need to like. make himself big. surround himself with crowds#fit in with the popular kids. attend every party. but then s3 happened#or like the non-upsidedown version but still a major critical life changing event. and when hes as healed as hes gonna get#and finally standing on his own two feet; trying to get his life back on track#he just. cant be fucked with keeping up appearances anymore. fuck being basketball captain fuck being the keg king fuck being That Guy#instead all he needs is his sister and his few people. that's literally all that matters.#anyway i think its be FUN if eddie can't understand shit in class so he's like 'billy what the fucks this mean'#but the teacher DID separate them so billy - from the literal other side of class - tries to explain it in terms eddie will click with#much to the teachers surprise; eddies grades actually improve#also. heather and chrissy wearing the guys jackets. its THAT simple#but also consider: chrissy wearing eddies jacket but eddies kinda chilly so billy offers him his leather jacket#that happens to be in the car. while heathers got his denim one. and billys just walking around in sleeves in a hawkins winter like a tool#max gives him SO much shit#also billy tommy and carol is like. billy was Faking it Til he Could Make it when he first met them so he keeps them at a distance#but then when he's in hospital and recovering; before eddie and chrissy are rly on his radar#and its just max and heather sitting by his side; tommy and carol come through#they're the only ones from billys Friend Group that reach out and visit; that check in; that fucking care#so when billy does stroll back into school. he just - walks straight pass jason and all his fake ass sympathies; straight past the girls#that use to hang all over him; gives tommy and carol a two finger salute as he walks by but completely ignores everyone else#and meets up w heather at his locker#m#nqff
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deciduwhy · 7 years
attempt one: part i
i heard some of you fuckers liked the last one WELL GUESS WHO GOT OFF THEIR ASS AND FINISHED THE NEXT PART.
no content warnings here, but it’ll get dark soon, i’m sure.
this is a fanfic for @turtletalks98‘s mission failed au - please give the au some love!
Dark fog blanketed the sky once again. It’d been one of the few constants in the past month - The sky was always dark over Pueltown’s cobbled roads, though the world was far from asleep.
The world was afraid. Few wandered the streets aside from Dim Sun grunts and that…That thing. It was Darkrai, it was clearly Darkrai, but few dared speak its name. It was always that thing, that beast that hardly seemed like it could be a Pokémon, that thing that had ruined everything.
It was easier to blame a Pokémon instead of Altru’s damned president, Garret mused as he awaited the moment one of his siblings returned to the room. Most of the world was afraid, and he’d admit that there was still some of that fear lingering in his chest, but he’d carry on. He’d do what he had to, no matter that that was, in order to keep his siblings safe in such dark times.
But this...Even leaving the hotel was dangerous.
Garret lay over the sofa in the hotel room his siblings and he had been using, a room in a place that’d been all but abandoned by everyone, save for the few brave souls who could handle the presence of something that always seemed to linger nearby.
Brave, or simply desperate. Garret knew that in his case, it was desperation that had caused him to take shelter in the abandoned hotel. There was enough for the four of them. Two beds and a sofa, and even if bed-sharing became awkward, the four of them would manage. They always would.
In not even an hour, he would be roaming those streets himself, his siblings not far from him as the four made their next move.
The click of the door opening nearly caused Garret’s heart to stop. His shuddering breaths as Tiffany walked in, immediately gesturing for him to follow without a word, were a testament to how the calamity had affected him. No part of his usual smooth demeanor could truly mask the fact that he, like the rest of his siblings, was afraid. Just like the world around him.
The hallway was barren. Barren, and damaged like nothing else. The carpet, once deep red, had been ripped apart and seemed to have faded, the wood beneath exposed and cracked. The walls fared no better; though they were still standing, the wallpaper was charred and had been slashed time after time.
It was a sign the group couldn’t stay. The building would come down on them if they stayed.
“Tiffany,” Garret began quietly as the two began to make for the elevator, something that stood just around a nearby corner, “Are Billy and Clyde out there already?”
Tiffany’s response was only a quiet hum of agreement. As the two neared the corner they were supposed to turn, Tiffany held out an arm to keep her brother from heading any further.
It was a gesture that said all it had to: There were grunts around, and they’d already seen Tiffany. Soon, Garret realized he could hear two voices nearby.
Voices that sounded far from friendly.
“So what’s with her, anyway?” one grunt asked, the sound of claws ripping at the walls echoing as he spoke.
“Beats me,” the other grunt replied, “We’re just here because we need to wreck something. She’s not gonna, like...Go for the boss or anything. And hey, maybe if we’re lucky, the building’ll come down on her!”
“What?!” the first grunt gasped, “Y-You dunce! That’d bring it down on us, too!”
A groan escaped the second grunt. It would have been amusing, reminiscent of the petty squabbles in the old Go-Rock Squad, had the two siblings not known that there were Pokémon with these grunts. It was true that the hotel was being torn apart slowly. Frustration had welled up in many grunts, and they’d found no better release than destruction. Shaking his head, Garret stepped forward, gesturing for Tiffany to stay where she was.
“What are you doing?!” Tiffany hissed, though it was near-inaudible.
“...I’m going to negotiate,” Garret replied in an equally low voice, “If they start to act up, we run.”
“...Hmph, fine.” Tiffany stepped back, watching as Garret turned a corner before muttering out her two cents on the situation. “Not like they’ll listen to a second one of us after seeing me…”
Garret let out a huff, turning the corner to see two Dim Sun grunts - One a man, notably lanky, with long, brown hair and deep olive green eyes, and the other a younger woman, her curled auburn hair a mess from her time patrolling the town. Both carried a Miniremo unit beneath one arm.
Both looked far more than exhausted. When the two locked eyes with Garret, the connection seemed to click in their minds instantly. At the feet of one, a Glameow stood with its hackles raised and claws out. At the feet of the other, a Magby stood with a bright glow emanating from its mouth.
These two really were going to destroy the place.
“...Wait,” Garret said, “We don’t want trouble. We just want to leave.”
The dark-haired grunt stifled a laugh as his partner stepped forward, placing her Miniremo down.
“Pff...Ha! And what, what are you going to do?” the female grunt challenged, “We’re just here to bring the hotel down! What do you think these are for?”
Garret had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes. He could tell, and he knew Tiffany knew this just as much, that this grunt was bluffing.
He gestured for Tiffany to step out, watching as annoyance crossed the grunts’ faces. When Tiffany walked to his side, she walked out smirking. The two of them had won their fight, clearly.
“...What?” the male grunt cut in, “Is that it? You think we’re gonna let you two go?”
“Yeah,” Tiffany said, not missing a beat, “Call back the Pokémon. I mean...Like...Everyone can tell you’re lying. Aren’t you both scared?”
Both grunts took a step back. Even the Magby seemed to step away with the two, no longer looking as if it was ready to burn the hotel to cinders. Tiffany had clearly hit a weak spot. Everyone knew what she was referring to, after all. Darkrai.
“...That’s why you’re both here, isn’t it?” Garret asked, “Both of you, move. If you’re going to be cowards and stay here, fine, but my siblings and I aren’t staying here.”
The two pairs stared each other down for a long while. Garret could hear his heart pounding with every passing second. The steady beat...For some reason, Clyde came to mind. Garret wondered if his brother ever heard drumbeats every time his heart pounded. Once again, Garret’s resolve swelled in his chest.
Tiffany and he would get past these grunts, and soon, they would once again be a family.
That was all he needed to feel as he stood, unmoving alongside his sister. However, this immobility didn’t last. In the last moment, Tiffany took a step forward, clearly intending to challenge the grunts herself.
Then, the grunts and their Pokémon stepped aside, and once again, everything went still.
“...Fine, fine fine,” the female grunt huffed, “Go on ahead. Get outta my sight already.”
“I’ll keep her from tearing the place down, I guess,” her partner added, “So go out there and leave. Who knows, we might be the next two out once you’ve left.”
“...Thank you,” Garret said quietly, “If you decide to escape, we wish you luck...And I’m sure our brothers would as well.”
As the two began to walk past the grunts, Garret could hear Tiffany grumble out a “Took you two long enough,” but he did nothing to stop her. After everything they had both been through, they had to make it out alive.
The lobby of the hotel fared no better than its halls, with the front desk torn to splinters and glass shards practically tiling parts of the floor, but the hotel’s door was open, and the outside air, though dark, placing weights on the chests of whoever stepped into it, had reached Garret’s nose.
Tiffany began to rush ahead, and Garret wasn’t one to argue with this. Wordlessly, the two ran out towards the streets, rushing into an alley between the hotel and whatever building was near it. (No doubt it was just as ruined as the hotel, though.)
Catching his breath, Garret turned to his sister. “You’re...Way too excited about this,” he whispered.
“What, do you think I’m not afraid?” Tiffany snapped back, “We’re outside, Garret. That was our goal, and we made it. Can’t I enjoy my victory?”
Garret shook his head, leaning back against a wall before snapping back into a defensive stance at the sound of footsteps behind him. Tiffany, however, immediately perked up - She knew who this was. A silhouette slowly became more visible, and the two could finally make out which one of their siblings had come for them.
“Billy!” Garret gasped, “Where’s Clyde?”
Billy grinned, gesturing for his siblings to follow behind him through the alleyway.
“We’ve got a lot to explain to you two,” Billy softly laughed, “Come on, you guys. Clyde’s just found something huge.”
“...Define huge,” Tiffany replied as the group began to move into what little light was available in the town. As they did, being greeted by stone buildings and patches of wilted foliage throughout the city, Billy glanced down a nearby road, one that all three of them knew would lead to a particularly dangerous area of the town: Altru Park.
“Guess I should say first that it’s dangerous, shouldn’t I?” Billy shrugged before he continued his explanation. “Clyde’ll be right here in a moment. If we’re right about something...There’s a way through there that’ll lead us to the outside world.”
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