#anyway do u guys wanna know more about my digimon hot takes.
mangoamango · 1 year
tagged by my mutual comrades @brofisting and @sixohsixoheightfourtwo !!
three ships: this question ouugughhgh it's TOO HARD. so i'm just going off of my last 3 ships i got ao3 emails about: ed/stede (ofmd), eddie/richie (it movies - muschietti), hua cheng/xie lian (heaven official's blessing). i already feel like i have revealed Too Much.
first ever ship: TK/Kari (Takeru/Hikari) from Digimon. Yes. I know. YES. I AM AWARE. but if I am going off of the "first ship i read fic for" then this is 100% the truthful answer. I still completely unironically love digimon btw, it is a Good Show. WHO else had characters falling into depression caves in 2000 hmmm? NO ONE
last song: “Hypnotic" by Dead Sara (via my discover weekly playlist)
last movie: “The Menu." love 2 support women
currently reading: V5 of "Heaven Official's Blessing", and rereading the first two books of the Dreamer trilogy by Stiefvater so I can read the last one. Just finished V4 of "The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" (there was only one bath!!!!!!!!!!! area man biggest idiot alive!!!!), and "The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida" by Shehan Karunatilaka, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
currently watching: The Bear, My Love Mix Up!, To Your Eternity, Abbott Elementary, Vox Machina S2, various and sundry kdramas and brit crime tv
currently consuming: mandarin orange that i tore into like a feral animal bc the skin was too hard to peel
currently craving: frozen rosé drink from a local neighborhood restaurant
tagging @valdemort18 @bripops @misterhaderach @jemware @shortcrust @beeintransit
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artsy-alice · 6 years
About Me!
The superb Summer @summerbummin tagged me so here we go.
Nickname(s): ok ok this is actually fun are you ready?
Alison for my family and hs friends
Ali for y’all and for people at work
Alls for some people from college
Hobbit-chan courtesy of my roommate who likes to take a dig on my height
my squad came up with Kuchi
my best friend calls me Irug, which is a play on the word for ‘beloved’ because we’re sappy
only one person calls me Jane because we both have Jane as a second name, so when one of us calls a Jane, we’re sure we’re referring to the other. it’s an inside joke now.
Height: i’m a shortcake. around uhhh... 4.7 ft i think??
Favorite fruit: i can eat a whole ass pomelo by myself altho for some reason i cannot stand pomelo flavored juice.
Orientation: eeehhh idk exactly. but at this point, probably gray aro-ace, and in the 0.01% of the time i am vaguely attracted to a person, i preferred to identify as bi because i found that i didn’t really care about their gender.
Favorite season: we just have sunny and rainy season here in the philippines, but i prefer the October to February period where it’s cold and windy but not too rainy. idk i just like being cold lmao
Favorite flower: uhhh aesthetic-wise, carnations. but the only flower i can recognize by smell is sampaguita.
Favorite scent: new books. old books. BOOKS. and jollibee chickenjoy.
Favorite color: pink and black
Coffee, tea, of hot chocolate: if we’re talking hot drinks, then hot chocolate in the only one of those i can stand. i only drink iced or ice-blended coffee and milk tea bc i don’t really like hot drinks. wait. i can drink coffee hot but like after you pour a gallon of creamer on it so it’s basically milk.
Average hours of sleep: 5 to 6 hours. up to 12 hours on weekends if i’m recharging.
Cat or Dog person: both, really. but i guess i’m more comfy with dogs now since we have no less than 15 dogs in the house.
Favorite fictional characters: oh man...? uh. okay let’s see...
Kuchiki Rukia (BLEACH)
Keith and Shiro (VLD)
Remus Lupin (HP)
Mimi Tachikawa (Digimon)
Ren Kougyoku (Magi)
Asami Sato (LoK)
Sailor Venus and Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
Leia Organa (SW)
Riza Hawkeye and Alphonse Elric (FMA)
Prince Sameth (Abhorsen)
Ichinose Hajime (Gatchacrowds)
Kamala Khan, Wanda Maximoff, Billy Kaplan, Gert Yorkes (Marvel)
Lucy Heartfilia and Freed Justine (FT)
Marie Mjonir (Soul Eater)
Izabel the Ghost Babysitter, Hazel (Saga)
Sophie Hatter (HMC)
Micah Heslop, Jessica Campion, Diane de Tremontaine (Riverside series)
Number of blankets I sleep with: one. sometimes none bc IT’S SO FUCKING HOT AND WE DON’T WANNA PAY FOR ELECTRIC BILLS FOR THE A/C so i just... sleep with the electric fan right next to me
Dream trip: ......huh. i don’t really have one???
Blog created: roughly 6 years ago
Number of followers: i had to check bc i never check, but... 3,141. oh wow that’s a lot. thanks u guys, and i’m so sorry.
Random facts: let’s limit this to five--
I CAN’T BIKE. i mean i know how to ride a bike. i ride bikes well! but i don’t know... how to... stop. i always crash. I’M A DISASTER.
since people only started calling me ‘Ali’ after college and at my first job, whenever someone i knew BEFORE that calls me ‘Ali’, i get whiplash and i’m like... shook... like... dude... who’s Ali?
usually people don’t like listening to music with lyrics when they code or write, but i HAVE to be singing words while coding or writing.
i am eldest of five siblings, but i usually feel like i have six younger sibs, instead of four, bc of two cousins live next door but are always in our house anyway.
i wasn’t comfy wearing dresses and skirts until third year college, i always felt like i’m not the type to wear them, and i didn’t have the confidence to be ~cute~. ‘till my best friend said i should wear a skirt on our movie date (it’s a trade-off, in exchange he shall shave his ugly goatee that i hated) and so i wore a skirt and holy shit i have seen the light, my thighs are free and they’re comfy and after that i finally let myself love and wear skirts and dresses and typically girlier stuff. :D
Anyways! This has gone long enough! I’m not gonna tag but feel free to do this @anyone who wants to because they’re fun to answer!
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