#anyway happy abed’s uncontrollable christmas day
motherfuckingbrad · 6 months
me, every december 9th:
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reblog if u would watch stop-motion christmas films with abed every year on December 9th <<33
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carrot-gallery · 7 years
Jarfoyle + Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas
Thanks so much for the ask! I’m posting this very very late, I know, but with good reason: it’s my boo @businessboyjared‘s birthday!!! So if you like the dumb thoughts below, make sure to send her your love.
Gilf abhors all traditional winter holidays, while Jared absolutely LOVES celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas
December is basically a big long holiday in the hacker hostel because Jared makes it so: he bakes sweet yummy things and decorates the house with miles of streamers and is often seen up late wrapping little things for the guys
This guilts Erlich and Dinesh into action, so they usually try to help by brewing up extremely alcoholic spiced cider (Erlich) and spending all day online shopping for gifts (Dinesh)
Erlich also makes a batch of nonalcoholic cider for Jared of course
With lotsa cinnamon and sugar in it
Richard as always doesn’t fuckign know what is going on around him so it takes him like a week to notice the decorations
When he does notice he takes to watering the little potted fir trees jared puts around the house so jared doesn’t have to…. Also he walks lucky when jared is busy wrapping stuff
Gilfoyle on the other hand…. is a big oscar the grouch about the whole thing bc he loves putting on a show of hating the holidays
But one evening he passes by the kitchen on his way to bed and sees jared sitting at the table surrounded by homemade cards and lil bits of ribbon and candy but just staring off into the distance lookin kinda sad….
And this keeps gilfoyle up all night bc he realizes jared’s shitty past must make it not that easy to deal with the holidays and yet he puts in the effort anyway for the sake of the guys
So the next day gilf digs into his boxes of old stuff in the garage and pulls out this big hefty statue of the Dark Lord Satan that he won at a Satanist poker game once
And he dusts it off and wraps it in tinsel and hangs baubles from the antlers of its goat head
And sets it up in the living room where everyone can see it…. And leaves poorly wrapped presents under it for all the guys
The next day the pile has grown– jared’s super-elaborate wrapping style, dinesh’s neat and simple style, richard’s sloppy best attempt, erlich’s gift bags because he is a Gift Bag Man
Some of the presents even have paw prints drawn on them instead of names because they’re for Lucky
The whole display is very beautiful and sweet
Gilf kinda smiles when he sees it, and then looks into the kitchen to see Jared (in the middle of frosting cupcakes and with powdered sugar adorably on the tip of his nose) smiling at it too
ALL THE HOLIDAY FEELINGS! THANK YOU @dineshgilfoyle!!! And happy birthday @businessboyjared!!!!
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