#anyway he had me join a warriors rp server
thordude · 4 years
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my cousin’s and my warriors ocs! webclaw (top) and fallspring (bottom)!
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regnumrp · 4 years
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6? I try to be active and usually I can make a couple posts a day but I’m a full-time student and I start my program in August. I also run a Tumblr blog and Discord servers. The only time I should be completely absent is a week or two before finals typically and I always give warnings when I foresee myself being slow or absent.
Introducing [Nezetta], the [28] year old [Governess.]. She is a [human] and bears a striking resemblance to [Matilda Lutz].
Nezetta did not grow up associating with royalty. She was instead born the third of eight children to a farmer and his wife on the outskirts of a small town. Growing up, she often helped with the younger siblings and found she had a natural talent for entertaining and consoling them. When she was five, however, she lost an older brother in an accident on the farm and two years later, she lost her youngest sister at the time to an illness. Not but five years later, when she was twelve, her father died of a mysterious illness himself.
In the wake of her father’s death, Nezetta’s only surviving older brother took over the farm with the help of her and her siblings. She continued to work on the farm for the next four years but when she was sixteen, her brother decided he had enough of the back-breaking work of tending the fields. He wanted to be more and he gave them an ultimatum: follow him to the city where he would attempt to find work in the castle or stay on the farm. Her mother chose to stay. It was all she had known, but Nezetta knew they could not man the farm themselves. If she could get better work, perhaps she could send money home to help her mother feed the younger children until they were old enough to work or marry. Besides, her younger sister was old enough to takeover her role of caretaker, and so she and her brother set off for he city.
Her brother was unsuccessful in the work he found there though and prone to sneaking a few extra coins into his pockets when he could. His mild thievery still earned him imprisonment, and so Nezetta was definitely on her own. Still struggling to find suitable work for herself, she soon found herself near starving and desperate enough to perhaps steal for herself. That was when she met the Lover. He offered assistance and after speaking to her, set her up with a job in court as a governess.
Her life took a significant turn for the better as she settled into her new life at court. She met her best friends, The Dancer and The Mistress, and later married The Warrior after meeting him there too. The year after their marriage she discovered she was pregnant but it wasn’t to be. The baby was a stillbirth though they did learn it had been a boy. They named him Matteo and buried him, but after that, their marriage was never the same. A few years later, and she discovered her husband and The Mistress in bed together. The resulting falling out with both of them broke her heart but she is still too wounded by it to fully forgive. Still, she tries to justify her husband’s actions in an attempt to lessen her pain. Perhaps if she had delivered their son safely, perhaps if she had been able to provide another after, perhaps The Mistress is the real one at fault…but her husband seems as uninterested in her now and she is hurt by his betrayal and the narrative had not yet been able to recover.
I would like to know whose children she’s caring for and some information about that as it may come up in a scene or conversation but other than that and the relationships already specified, I’m okay with letting the other relationships develop on their own.
In Character Questions
What are your thoughts on being brought to the castle?
“It was a surprise,” Nezetta answered humbly, a soft smile gracing her lips. Her hands fiddled nervously with the ribbon adorning her sleeves. She wasn’t particularly used to being put on the spot like this and she most certainly wasn’t expecting an interview. “I wasn’t expecting to be brought along, but I am grateful to King Zosea and my mistress for the opportunity.”
Are you interested in winning the crown? Why or why not?
Was she interested in winning the crown? It was an odd question. She was but a governess, after all; a servant. Nezetta hadn’t expected anyone to look twice at her, nevermind concider her for such an important position.
“I wouldn’t say I was interested,” came her answer after a moment of thought. “I never concidered myself in the running anyways, no royal blood and all. Though, I wouldn’t mind someone I’m close to winning. I have a few suggestions - little ideas, nothing important - but I would like a chance to suggest them nonetheless.”
Do you think the magical beings should stay hidden or join the humans in the open?
This time it was not a smile she gave, but a subtle frown. A silent part of her felt a certain sadness at the thought that this was even a question. Why should they hide themselves? They were all more alike than they wanted to believe.
“If I may speak my mind freely, I don’t think they should ever have felt the need to hide in the first place. Fairies, mermaids, humans…we’re all alike in more ways than some want to believe. We all have the same emotions, the same ambitions. If you ask me, we’re all just…people, despite our differences.”
“That said,” she continued on, “I hope it’s safe for them…when they do choose to reveal themselves. I don’t want to see anyone hurt for something so pointless.”
Writing Sample (Optional)
This is just a recent RP post I grabbed off my public RP blog. I hope it works but if you need/want something else, just let me know!
Sympathy instantly crossed Roxane’s features, her hand reaching to take her hair behind her ear. Little strands of silver had woven its way through her dark locks over these last years. Her other hand moved to rest on Logan’s arm.
She understood Logan’s worry all too well. It could be so easy to feel like you weren’t good enough, that you weren’t giving your child everything they deserved. Hell, Roxane had lost one since this all started and she still blamed herself for it every single day! Even before that, though, there was always the question of whether she was doing right by her babies, even in this horrible, messed up situation.
“Logan,” she said, her voice coming with tones both soft and stern. It was meant to comfort, but it was also meant to make Logan pay attention, to make her understand. “You are doing an absolutely wonderful job with your daughter. She’s here, healthy and as happy as anyone can be right now. Best of all, you love her and protect her and she knows that. Maybe you can’t give her everything right now but that’s okay. You’re doing your best and that is all that matters.”
Anything Else?
Fun fact: I started dancing at almost 19! My two best friends have done ballet since they were kids and I always wanted to do it but never could so when I was old enough to afford it, I found a studio willing to accept adults and signed up for ballet classes. Now all three of us get to dance together!
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