#anyway i think they're both equally easy for me now. i don't struggle with either in terms of voice or pov
astromechs · 4 months
no really, but, like. rebelcaptain is The ship for me, because i honestly cannot think of another where i very equally love both characters involved to this extent and also project an equally insane amount onto literally both of them
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hi !!! If you couldn’t tell by my constant stalking of all your amazing works, i’m a big fan! You update and do so much and I really enjoy the work you put out.
I saw you wrote a fic about the bad batch reacting to a short SO. How would the bad batch react to a tall reader?
Personally I have model height which makes dating really awkward, some men love tall women some just struggle with it. I wonder how members of the batch would react to being in a relationship with someone tall? Especially Hunter who isn’t very tall himself.
Aloha! So happy to have you around! Thanks for "stalking" all my work :))
Sure, we had the short readers before, now it's time for the tall ones :)
The Bad Batch + Rex x Tall Reader HC's
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Warning: Suggestive (In Parts)
He is fascinated. Equally tall or even taller, he is not intimidated as many other men might be. Hunter is not fixated on height, weight, or things like that. Your smile, your heart, and the way you talk are much more important to him. It's okay to wear high heels if you want. It will take him some time to get used to it, but he won't complain about it. It's not necessary for him to be taller than you, it's not something he measures his self-esteem by.
If you ask him if he is okay with you being as tall as you are, he will say.
"Why should it bother me? Only an idiot would complain about a woman's long legs.
He is cute and the looks he gives you are adorable. Never would he think to mention your height, he just doesn't care about it. Echo is in love, and he loves with all his heart. Why should he care about your size? He feels comfortable and content at your side because he senses how much you love him. Walking side by side with you is not a problem at all.
"Your girl is pretty tall"
Echo will look confused.
He can't understand why that should bother him. He loves you just the way you are.
He's huge, and he'll barely notice how big you are until you're standing next to Hunter or Echo or some woman smaller than you. It doesn't matter anyway, you're still pretty small compared to him, at least from his point of view.
High heels? No problem, although he'll worry about you breaking your ankles. He's never understood how women can walk on those things.
"They're death traps," he says, taking a closer look at your highest heels.
"They look pretty on me"
Wrecker chuckles, "Swetheart, you look stunning either way, you don't need fancy clothes or shoes. You better come right over here naked"
He is a big boy. You're probably not as tall as he is, but even if you were and ask him about his opinion:
"Why should that matter? Do you want me to be bothered by that in any way?"
Tech is much more interested in you being open. Of course, he's still a man and is also attracted to your body, but your height isn't really something he'd be particularly, well, interested in. He has other preferences. Of course, he'll realize that others might comment on your size. You can be sure that he will have your back if they should do it in a disrespectful way, both verbally and physically if necessary.
He may not be a person who seeks confrontation, but for your honor and safety, he will always be willing to do so.
Now if someone comes along and hits on you, which is entirely possible, he's not too keen on those people either.
Careful. He is actually into tall women (not only). Crosshairs is not superficial at all, but he is very much into women's legs. He'll probably really adore your legs and have his way with them. You can easily drive him crazy with short skirts and hot pants. Try it out, he will be super easy to manipulate if you wear something that shows a lot of leg.
He's a ladies man, short or tall doesn't matter, but he really has a thing for long legs.
But no one else should dare to look at you the way he does. Crosshairs is super jealous.
He is pretty much the same way as Hunter. Same height or even talle, he doesn't mind, he feels content with you at his side. Rex knows who he is, he doesn't need to be taller than you. Even if you are taller than him, or the same size, he never feels small at your side. On the contrary, your love makes him feel larger than life in many respects.
"You are the wind beneath my wings, cyare. You lift me up higher than anyone else could ever be"
You chuckle, " You are so corny"
He smiles at you and says, "Admit it, that's one of the things you like most about me."
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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