#anyway thats just mostly to say... I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS. TRULY. i don't think ive ever been complimented this way
ihatebnha · 2 years
hey pretty, I just wanted to tell you that it's not your fics that makes this your blog, it's you!! so don't feel like to be here you have to be "working" or "posting". you're you and I love u for that. really, I love it when you answer asks, you're so polite, gentle and funny, it actually makes us wanna talk to you. but!! if one day this whole thing ever overwhelms you it's okay baby. just wanted to let you know that you alredy give us so much <33 you are amazing in indulging our thoughts, you give us tiktok content and amazing dad headcanons for all the characters!! know you're doing great, you really are active here and we love you 💗❤❤
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#cries for literally 100 years#thank you so incredibly much for this anon :(((( truly truly truly#hardly know how to express what i wanna so i have to stay in the tags so i don't end up blubbering all over u adslfjkjasnd#no one has ever ............... said anything like this to me before#at least about ... my content and how active i am and stuff#i always feel like im never doing enough. ALWAYS. even when i post a lot i just wish i could post more#and maybe its just cuz im comparing myself to my old self#but it makes me sad bc i just feel like u all deserve more than whats happening now#and usually im reassured by the fact that like... something IS better than nothing... esp w/ quality over quantity#but at the same time... idk. all my content seems so. rudimentary#so it's like. when i cant produce a lot of it... what am i even doing?#and honestly i think my burnout mostly comes from the fact that im sick of doing homework and the prospects of relaxing this summer#are just too good to give up (making even focusing on this blog hard) BUT IDK#it triggers my performance anxiety... like what if ppl hate me if i do bad... or am not the way i used to be... you know?#anyway thats just mostly to say... I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS. TRULY. i don't think ive ever been complimented this way#and i appreciate it beyond. words.#not sure how im gonna feel in 2-3 weeks after i settle myself for the summer but. as long as u dont mind the fact that im slow...#that's enough for me <3 just need to find my spark again (which is funny cuz im watching bnha s5 rn and its really got me like... HUH)#ajfdjalsjdfj sorry to talk ur ear off tho bc what u said is really so reassuring... i just AHHHH and want u to know i love u lots#forever and ever and ever#ask#anon#caitie chats#fave
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