#anyway yellow honse
marzzrocks · 8 months
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Tommy horse. My little AI. Half Life but the ponies are self-aware.
dunno if it's necessary to hide cartoon-ish blood but doing it just in case vvv
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am-i-sans · 1 year
dnd adventure 19
raz isnt here yet so no undyne. oh no.
and inferno is back. OH NO. oh god. oh fuck.
(gaius is listening in playing a soundboard help me)
undyne is in eeby deeby and inferno dropped out of it landing badly. ALL HANDS ON FUCKIN DECK.
dans is just the ben affleck smoking meme sksksksk
suzy and inferno are besties. dear god.
dans: i have total faith in most of you *staring at inferno*
me and cam volunteer to watch inferno. dans also offers to get us a carriage since soupnik isnt here without undyne. dans takes cam with him to haggle for a carriage, and tori will use wildshape to be a honse.
giant wacky inflatable waving arm tube man. that is all.
cam fails to lower the price but dans does so cam is sad oh noes. and then goes eeby deeby cause addi is being gay.
a wood elf looks disappointed at the carriage? dans walks over (ITS GAIUS WTF) i offer him a ride. SIlvyr O'Hara, a woodelf druid, is his name. cam comes back from eeby deeby lol. why is gaius so british wtf. cam goes and gets everyone.
tori turns into a horse and we all get on and goooooo. dans takes the reins. sllvyr questions us lol.
(this whole session is fuckin wild its taken us like forever just to leave town)
inferno tries to leave since undyne isnt here so no curse? suzy looks so betrayed. sllvyr asks us about disasterious carriage rides. and hes worried about getting cursed with us now lol. also british is a swear word now lol.
inferno feels like hes been insulted.
sllvyr tells us about his old group. stopping kids from being kidnapped and enslaved. and his dead brother. (dans is very fucking attentive at this) we get some backstory pog. cam is confused how dans can relate to this (cause they were eeby deeby)
frog doesnt like the bad vibes so they start playing music. cam joins them. 'anyway heres wonderwall!' INFERNO GETS ATTACKED BY A GIANT VULTURE! he wins
we arrive at the town, its called Gersbavi and its full of halflings! dans hands the carriage over to sllbyr.
inferno sees something and follows it. TIGER. sadly inferno wins. then he gets attacked by a hippo and griffin.
dans and cam are going to find whoever is in charge to find where the monsters are. there isnt anyone but we get told about some bugbears. we go back and tell everyone and gather up and shit. (i then haunt the group with puns xD) cam is trying to teach the kids how to swear in bird. tori is stuck answering halfling kids questions. some kids say they saw a yellow lizard in a cabin up the mountain.
raz is finally back but moss said "no undyne cant be back i want you all to die." inferno shows up somehow. sllvyr shows up too. inferno keeps hissing at the kids and they hiss back.
time to fight some bugbears! 7 of them and 1 bugbear chief. dans carefully steps out and tries to converse with them. they say they got chased away from their den. dans offers to clear the den to make these guys leave. but we dont find anything. hmm sus. tori talks to the trees. they say there was a dark cloud and fighting noises.
so whatever it was left cool. we go back and let them know its safe. (addi goes eeby deeby) undyne leaves eeby deeby finally. the bugbears go home. (undyne is drax she doesnt understand metaphors omg) we go to check out the lizard thing!
we hop on soupnik to find the cavern. dans spots it so we land pog. we hear breathing inside. dans is very sneaky, but undyne is very loud and clunky lol. its a small dragon and a malformed kraken. the dragon is awake. we elect to just uh leave it alone. (moss told us they were gay and if we killed them a druid would show up and yell at us for killing them cause they wanted a family lol) frog sneaks inside to look at the dragon cause of course.
we ruined moss's plans all over! also jim shows up in town! for next session.
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