#aph snake hill
Do you know any other female micronations?
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"There are many more out there I haven't had the pleasure of meeting, and it is a pleasure - it's tiring to be around stupid boys all the time."
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laurajameskinney · 6 years
Aurora Borealis
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Pairings: APH Hong Kong/APH Iceland
Characters: APH Hong Kong, APH Iceland
Wordcount: 953
Read on: (ffn) (ao3)
“Come on, Hong Kong, you’re gonna miss it!” Iceland called up the stairs.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” He yelled back, pulling on a pair of boots. “Really, I don’t see what’s so exciting about the aura borealis. It’s just a bunch of lights in the sky, same as the stars,” Hong Kong mumbled to himself. “Same as fireworks, too,” he added after a moment of consideration.
“Hurry up or I’m leaving without you!” Iceland called out.
“Hold on for just a moment, would you?” Hong Kong shouted as he shoved a sweater on and pounded down the stairs. “Jeez, you’re always such an impatient boyfriend,” he teased.
Iceland didn’t reply, instead grabbing the other boy by the wrist and pulling him out the door, causing Hong Kong to stumble.
“Sorry,” Iceland apologized.
“S’fine, don’t worry about it,” Hong Kong mumbled, rightening himself and brushing the nonexistent specks of dust off of his clothes.
“Where are we going, anyways?” he asked. “All you said was that we were watching the northern lights but like...they’re in the sky. There’s a lot of places where you can see the sky, Iceland.”
“Yeah Hong Kong, that’s true I guess, there are a lot of places where you can see the sky, but not all of them are very good,” Iceland replied with a small smile on his face. “Besides, this place is special,” he added.
Hong Kong rolled his eyes. “Sure,” he replied doubtfully.
“You’ll see,” Iceland assured him before dragging him down a wooded path in the nearby forest.
Hong Kong could barely see where they were going, unused to the dark or the forest, but doing his best not to trip or stumble and trusting his boyfriend to show him the way. He knew where they were going, after all.
Finally they arrived at what Hong Kong could only assume was their destination - a hill, carpeted in white flowers.
The couple raced each other to the top of the hill before throwing themselves down at the top of it, Hong Kong propping himself up on one arm so that he could better gaze at his boyfriend.
With his purple eyes and pale features lit up by starlight and his head framed with the same white blooms that coated the hill, Iceland nearly seemed to glow with ethereal beauty.
So distracted was he by his lover’s stunning visage was he that Hong Kong neglected to notice the gentle hand on his face until Iceland spoke.
“You know I’m not the view here, right?” Iceland said, voice tinged with mirth.
“Says who?” Hong Kong shot back.
“Says me,” Iceland declared before pulling Hong Kong to lay down beside him, face turned towards the sky.
Hong Kong laughed breathlessly before his mind actually registered what he was looking at, and then he gasped in awe.
The sky was awash with thousands of stars, too many to ever count, like sugar spilled on the ink-black canvass of the night sky and set aglow.
And that was not to mention the green and purple lights snaking across the dome of the sky, light illuminating the world around them so you could faintly see the colors reflected in the flower petals.
Beautiful. Breathtaking. Hong Kong was nearly speechless.
“Pictures really don’t do it justice,” he managed.
“I know, right?” Iceland responded gleefully.
“I’ve never seen so many stars at once…” Hong Kong murmured
“It’s because you live in a big city, and before that you were with England,” Iceland teased, poking him and wrinkling his nose when he mentioned England.
“Hey! That’s rude!” Hong Kong cried out, jerking up and pulling Iceland with him. Iceland, surprised by his sudden movement, steadied himself by grabbing onto the other’s shoulders, placing their faces almost dangerously close.
“Um,” Iceland said. Hong Kong couldn’t help but stare at his lips, and felt the heat rise to his cheeks. Iceland looked confused until the realization hit him and he shoved Hong Kong away and bolting up, cheeks flushing crimson.
Immediately Hong Kong was also on his feet, a thousand thoughts flashing through his mind. Had he done something wrong?
“Did I - did I mess up?” Hong Kong asked uncertiably. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “It’s just - this is the first time I’ve ever really, like, been with anyone, so I don’t know what do, only what people say you should do but that’s not always right, and - and I’m scared of messing up what we have because it’s special and you mean so much to me and I don’t want to ruin this,” he finished taking a deep breath.
“So can you please just tell me what I did wrong?” Hong Kong asked, sighing.
“It um, it sounds stupid to me, but it’s just...I don’t think I’m ready for kissing and stuff um...and stuff like that,” Iceland mumbled.
Hong Kong nearly sighed in relief. Of course. That would make sense.
“It’s not stupid, Iceland, I promise. I don’t wanna make you do anything that you’re not comfortable with,” Hong Kong said.
After a few moments of silence, Iceland spoke. “...can we please go back to stargazing? There’s supposed to be a meteor shower.”
Hong Kong sat down as his answer, and Iceland followed suit.
As the two laid there, Hong Kong’s head resting on Iceland’s chest, he considered their position.
Maybe they weren’t ready for things like kissing. Not yet, and maybe not ever.
But this? Both of them sprawled out on a grassy hilltop at the dead of night, Hong Kong using Iceland as a pillow as the later taught the former every constellation he could remember while they both watched meteors streak across the sky?
That was paradise, in Hong Kong’s opinion.
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RULES: Answer the twenty questions and then tag twenty people you want to get to know better!
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NAME: Clover ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces HEIGHT:  158cm/5′18″ LANGUAGES SPOKEN:  English, Mandarin, a bit of French NATIONALITY:  Australian FAVOURITE FRUIT:  Apples FAVOURITE SCENT: Pizza FAVOURITE COLOUR:  Teal FAVOURITE ANIMAL:  Betta fish COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S):  APH France, but APH Taiwan’s really growing on me DREAM TRIP: Ireland; Lyon, France WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG CREATED: This blog was established on March 8th 2017, though I’ve had an ask blog starting from April 2016 LAST MOVIE SEEN: Her (2013) SONGS YOU’VE HAD ON REPEAT: SONG ONE: Friend like me- Alan Menken SONG TWO:  Castle on the hill- Ed Sheeran SONG THREE:  La vie en rose- Edith Piaf FAVOURITE CANDY: gummy snakes FAVOURITE HOLIDAY:  Chinese new year
TAGGED BY: @zdravstvuysclntse
TAGGING: @thebeautyofliberty , @theblackbirdoflondon  , @maismoisurtout , @preussischekrahen , @epochish and idk steal this if you want
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Atlantic brothers/ aph america + aph england analysis
It is just awesome how both aph America and aph England used to be parents-child relations turned to sibling-alike to frienemies to friendship and returned to sibling-rivalry-buddy relationship. They have through a lot.
Their behaviour are interesting, especially after the famous American Revolutionary War episode(Axis powers season) which is remarkable for both side in bad moments. During war to get aph America back, he even wrote a letter asking aph America to go back (with food inside the box with letter inside) and if I don’t get mistaken I think he fell ill every 4th July, it might be for hetalia gags or might be a statement that explain Aph America is a very dear figure for him.
At the same time during American revolutionary war flashback(Axis Powers season), Aph America reflected on his good past that makes him depressed, his cleaning storage moment is exposing himself to the past he wanted to escape or staying within his subconscnious memories. He knew he regret his decision, he said “is it all depressing things here?”(or something like that) and decided to throw old things that held memories away which means forcing himself to move on(which he did not do, he put aph England wood doll mementos on table, aph Lithuania said it is cute btw). Eventually he give up and did not do any cleaning. He cope his bad memories by giving reasons for stopping cleaning and seek distractions inside the storage.
Now move on to The Bicentennial episode(BW/Twinkle season). England sent a cracked bell and feel lioe he needed to repaired it but he is sad when he got rejected. So he asked the Queen to give him present, the Queen got suprised with sudden initiative of England, England used reason for being an adult which is probably he wanted to be seen as an adult infront of royals or important people and spotted he coughed blood which showed he forced himself too much and being sensitive/weak whenever Independence-related is mentioned. England maybe dislike and try to hide his sorrow and dislikeness over Independence topic after watching brothers separated themselves from him, which is honestly pretty traumatizing, I think. Overall England has started to moving on here, well judging by how he brought the bell and invisible present by himself eventho he is falling sick and forcing himself and yet he denied his bros-like affection when aph America getting concerned about him. Well England is a huge tsundere head, it is part of his gag.
Alright! Now is African Front episode(beautiful world/twinkle season) when England have a dream about America bringing chaos upon his beautiful peaceful life and blushes or getting awkward-shy loser when a soldier said something like “altho you are brothers, you don’t look alike” and England getting all flustered and stuttering mumbling “w-well you know”, this episode show the sibling-alike bonding time on how England secretly want America to follow his step for strategies, have sibling rivalry time like who is faster to go to hills, and he is being soft and a bit strict brother about the nasty marmite jam, also being frantic loser run away from snakes together w his bros, and he got real tired of America childish act around him and got stressed to the point he woke up and relieved when it is a dream but TA DA AMERICA IS COMING FOR REAL AND HE DROPPED THE BASS I MEAN TEA CUP IN SHOCK.
Also there is an episode both of them trying expired food like dude no bad idea but they are immortal anyway and England actually complained about how nasty those food and I am glad he is not a god of nasty food. And they agree when they find (expired) fruit cake that taste good.
Also on hetaween OVA, America invite England as his special guess whether as a gag or not for being his superhero partner and England got all embarassed. America also mentioned because England is his first follower, maybe America is suprisingly a lonely person, like whoa dude he is America the most famous country in the world why he does not have wham so much followers at once. And I think it is weird he is more chill when he is alone like when he measure his weight and cleaning his storage like he is not so loud. Maybe he need attention and England is enough since he is the figure that stay on his side since he was adopted.
Overall chapters and episodes i have been watching…. The conclusion is… England might critize and both put his attention a lot to America whether because he care or just simply to tease him, he care when aph America got sad(when he is actually roasting marshmallow and England being huge tsundere head saying he does not want to comfort America ever again), make a fool of himself (on meeting, etc) and when injured himself (When America jumped to reach ice cream on one of Axis powers episode and England still gave him ice cream and let America eat it himself). Aph America at first complained and getting a tad defensive about aph england’s opinions like yell back and being a kid.
Aph England turned from showing so much hatred like “what i want to deny is your existence itself” into laughing and talk about his problem and laugh over it with aph america. Aph America changed from denying kid into more accepting and even relying to England after teasing him.
Also they dragged each others to child-like nature and dragged each others to grow up as well.
That is all mates!!! Lets see if I will write this type of things later!
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