#hws snake hill
Do you know any other female micronations?
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"There are many more out there I haven't had the pleasure of meeting, and it is a pleasure - it's tiring to be around stupid boys all the time."
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watercolourferns · 5 years
I love your writing so much and your autistic hcs were literally spot on so thank you so much for that!!!!!! Could you do the main 6 with an mc who's like. Deathly afraid of bugs (especially spiders)???? Thank you so much, and i hope you have a lovely day
Thank you so much! OwO I was very nervous about it, but your words put me at ease. OwO
Ahhh, arachnophobia, the bane of my existence! Sure will do. OwO
Not gonna lie, this man also has fears of some animals, specifically snakes... so he gets it.
But he once got a spider in his hair and the screech he gave was... memorable.
Even so, he will help you with your fear. “There’s this therapy I hear about, please lay down and let’s start, alright? Don’t worry, darling, I will never do anything that will hurt you.”
He will NEVER tease you about it, EVER
If you see a spider he will suddenly know how to fance flamenco like a mad mad... he will suggest borrowing Faust for this, as well... this is hw much he loves you.
Citronella spray, he read somewhere that citronella spray will keep bugs at bay! So he makes some, pours it into a pretty bottle and gifts it to you.
He will tease you a bit, but if you ask him to stop he will stop immediately.
If you encounter a bug, but specially a spider, and shout he will come running to you and see what’s the deal.
He’s not one for stomping on them, but he will train Faust to go vaccum cleaner on them.
“Here, have some relaxing tea... I know, I know, everything will be alright, I promise.”
Hugs? Hugs. 
He will never force you into the forest if you are feeling specially phobic that day.
You best believe this woman will do anything necessary to keep you feeling safe in the palace.
She will make sure the cleaning is redoubled, burning tobacco leaves at night to keep mosquitos and other flying bugs at bay. Ask Julian for citronella spray. Etc.
She will go as far as to appoint a servant to swat any bug away from you. 
Valerius once tried to make fun of your phobia... let’s just say that his favourite wine bottle has been missing ever since...
You found a spider in your shoe and barely had a hold of yourself, almost passed out. She gently grabbed your shoe, shook it outside the window, and then knelt next to you and hugged you softly.
Then she carried you to bed and placed a soft, damp, cool towel on your forehead. She asked Portia to clear her schedule for the day to take care of you.
She knows that these things are serious to you, that your fear is very real to you, so she will MAKE time to care for your after a traumatic moment like this.
She’s used to bugs due to her garden, doesn’t mean she necessarily likes it.
“AH, my brother has something he gave me to repel bugs! Here!!” and she will give you some... citronella spray. XP
She will shriek with you, no lie.
But she will be brave and squish the spider or other bug... then go all “ew ew ew ew ew!!!!” 
She will train Pepi to hunt bugs, but will make sure she knows the difference between a bad bug and a harmless one.
Will keep the cottage clean and well swept, that means less bugs.
She will teach you to shake your shoes out everyday to make sure there’s no bugs inside.
Bugs are a fact of life for this man.
I mean, he lives in the middle of the forest... in a hut... under a tree...
He’s used to them.
But if you’re not he will make damn sure none come inside the hut.
He’s heard a chopped onion in a water bowl will keep mosquitoes away. Also lemons and mint, so he will hang those around. they do give off a pleasant smell, too.
Tobacco leaves for moths and other flying things, and chili powder for creepy crawlies.
He might plant some garlic around the perimeter of the hut, just to make sure it’s completely bug free.
And let you sweep to your heart’s content.
Muriel was out foraging for soe herbs, and you were in the chicken pen once when suddenly you felt something on your arm. Turns out it was a spider...
Your shriek could be heard in Vesuvia, they thought it was a lamenting spirit or something.
But Muri knew it was you... have you seen, heard and felt a small hill run? No? Now you will...
He arrives out of breath but immediately grabs the little fellow by a leg gently and places it on a tree bark.
He then will carry you inside the hut and hug you, with Innana snuggling too. He will try to calm you down. He’s not really good with words, but he knows a bear hug is a good thing to start, so he will give you as many as you like.
He won’t squish bugs, he will sweep them away, though.
He will NEVER squish a bug, not even venomous ones. He will grab a jar, coax them into it and bring them outside to the garden. Sometimes even cooing at them...
He will tease you, sometimes he will forget you asked him to stop, so he will continue. Get angry at him and make sure he knows it’s not acceptable if it’s not for you.
Regardless he will make sure there’s no bugs inside. And he will yell at servants if you find even an ant in your private rooms.
He knows about bugs, living out in the wild you learn things. So he will teach you about them, which are harmless, which aren’t, and how to handle them. This gives you a bit more confidence with them.
You won’t touch a spider anyways, and make it extremely clear to him. He nods, tease you a bit but understand it very well.
And that’s that. XD uGH Spiders are the worst. x___x  I hope you liked it, nonnie! ^_^
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shauntaake so the only 1 shauntaake/devil that it was meant for shauntaake to have shauntaake own mystery secret website that u have to pay to see it & view it it shauntaake fault for comang on the internet & lauk hw shauntaake tech geeks lay it out for shauntaake wit all of these websites that they built so they could try to collect a piece of shauntaake soul shauntaake gave u somethang shauntaake had shauntaake companys online for years shauntaake nee a investar one never came so shauntaake took shauntaake world bak from the internet the internet was customly built to loor the shauntaake/devil shauntaake/devil came out & built a whole nw world a whole nw era nw series & nw movies came out everywhere that all good but shauntaake nee money to do shauntaake own thang shauntaake have a laut of business to handle on shauntaake own & it gonna take money so it was great while it last lettang u into shauntaake world lauk at hw shauntaake/devil came the greatest hatcher shauntaake came to give shauntaake kds shauntaake hatch a lautaa kdssssssssssss whle shauntaake was on ths hill & they were hstory hatch's & love hatch's those devil lovang white's love shauntaake/devil baby u see the video's & hear the music so they got my kds sean taylor knw he nee to get hs hands on shauntaake to get shauntaake kds cause shauntaake soul was masterd to hatch shauntaake kds for shauntaake white's shauntaake whites gave shauntaake the world so they don't really owe shauntaake anythang but to keep creatang for shauntaake & the late 80's & 90's hip hop & r&b industry u were also great merge creaters for shauntaake & vanessa & our family & shauntaake gave one of shauntaake kds right bak to u justin justin was the only baby that got so much spotlight & att puffy lauk like shauntaake fathaa shauntaake was in love wit bad boy music at that time shauntaake heavily invest into the tape casset & shauntaake put shauntaake original masterd songs on a tape wit puffy & puffy artist & lauks hu pops out justin justin puts on a great show for justin circle justin was the only one that shauntaake gave to them a lil somethang from shauntaake to give to the rivers cause we never connect shauntaake was also nate mother naomi twin & naomi love shauntaake baby shauntaake finally gave nate hs star wit puffy but puffy puffy & want to b known for sean puffy combs & that hw shauntaake let it b & shauntaake was gonna make shauntaake way into your game one way or anuthaa justin lil baby so special & shauntaake magical shauntaake know aint no more come like hm puffy was take dat take dat & shauntaake gave it to hm shauntaake as we (pro seed) to give u what u nee puffy u one of the greatest as well as shauntaake act tupac shakur & suge knight but tupac shakur was'nt havang kds & shauntaake gave it to puffy & tupac shakur & suge knight start a war shauntaake baby was in puffy hands puttang on hs own show shauntaake sent shauntaake stork to put on a show lil ene justin took everybody hearts shauntaake want to show u hw special shauntaake baby was they fought to get next to justin & puffy & work wit puffy shauntaake sorry shauntaake baby start a war but that when u allllllll got pay in weight & took the hip hop & r&b industry over & shauntaake happy shauntaake did what shauntaake did work shauntaake magic & gave shauntaake baby to puffy a man that also knw what he was doang cause that terrible hw tupac shakur aint have no kds shauntaake soul had no way to get out to get to tupac shakur hands shauntaake gave tupac shakur & suge knight to shauntaake self shauntaake own shauntaake tupac shakur & suge knight masters & jasmin & janyah mahagony was shauntaake tupac shakur & suge knight gift to shauntaake self ths that big money suge baby jasmin the meanest one of them all jasmin kept her last lil boyfrend cryang telkang shauntaake hw jasmin so mean to hm he left & hs stll nags jasmin & gets on her nerves & he also came from the dead turkish tatoo up hs whole body he got jasmin name tatoo on hs face long hair like a woman a campbell descendent one of joanne's they only kiss he was also a savage but jasmin was a lot meaner & he love jasmin splergang on them togethaa he also spent hs money on jasmin shauntaake was trynna b the mother & fathaa he never had but they use to fight & shauntaake dont approve of that shauntaake had to calmly let hm know one day that shauntaake wll off hm if he start some sht wit jasmin again & he understood shauntaake very clear & that anuthaa reason why he left when he really got to know shauntaake he knw shauntaake a kller he knw hu shauntaake am he came to get close to us & we took hm up nder our wings showang love to hu we are natural born rockers we love our make but jasmin beang mean to hm made hm leave jasmin the meanest but jasmin also very sweet shauntaake special hstory years shauntaake gave to jasmin jasmin tells shauntaake hw shauntaake made her life special all the places shauntaake took her & all of the thangs shauntaake gave her jasmin remembers everythang from jasmin childhood shauntaake mold the good in jasmin cause jasmin waz a war baby u dont know jasmin also a jay z twin shauntaake peace the war kds sean taylor pay shauntaake tupac shakur & suge knight weight those heavy custom made coogi's devil acient sweaters & princess cut damonds sean taylor purchase us everythang tupac shakur & suge knight had the landcruiser the range rover we was workang on that rose royce was comang next so shauntaake happppppppy shauntaake got pay shauntaake hstory kds shauntaake earlvena & david campbell kds shauntaake lump last original hatcher & shauntaake got it bak janyah mahagony also shauntaake camerone diaz money & jasmin also shauntaake dan ackroyd chevy chase & john candy money & shauntaake tom hanks money jasmin was shauntaake first invest money baby shauntaaje was sellang tom hanks movie b i g to jasmin & janyah mahagony toys & inventons galoure sean taylor pay shauntaake to create & shauntaake kept it goang on aftaa hs passang shauntaake & sean taylor was givang it all to jasmin first jasmin also shauntaake marilyn baby shauntaake save marilyn soul from hell they made marilyn wit marilyn manson oooooo weeeeee pollick gave marilyn manson to marilyn shauntaake the below rock n roll music shauntaake save shauntaake loves soul's from shauntaake hells shauntaake rock & n rollers was already pay their gonna b pay for life they got pay the world literally their set forever shauntaake set them first & then shauntaake set shauntaake ppl shauntaake gave it bak to everybody that mutually invest into shauntaake soul & now ppl mad at shauntaake like shauntaake gone now we cant hatch the devil kds no more now u have to pay shauntaake mutherfuckers shauntaake nee to b happy & u dont make me happy why would shauntaake b happy sittang bk watchang u live the life & send money that does’nt make shauntaake happy shauntaake happy for u but shauntaake came to create so shauntaake happiness could b invest into u ppl are looser’s & shauntaake just want u to know that shauntaake/devil acient marble walls aint free no more their shauntaake treasure now those walls was always shauntaake treasure shauntaake really took it all when sean taylor pay shauntaake to collect shauntaake walls hstory thank u sean taylor shantaake/devil right hand man satan we came conquor & left we felt the same way we live in a world wit a bunch of stupd ppl that did’nt appreciate us & that did’nt invest in what we had to offer them so we left 
shauntaake was livang shauntaake hollywood movie dreams wit jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake rich white woman use to go crasy for shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony when we use to go shoppang in manhattan new york city for christmas shauntaake home alone hstory we all use to b in our furs in toys r us & we all use to speak to each uthaa oh your girls are so pretty & your girls are so pretty the white woman that work in the toys r us in time square use to take over shauntaake white vanessa twins they use to stop everythang they was doang to serve & catar to shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony & it felt normal we was in our own world payang everybody else no fuckang att we built our hstory for ourselves jasmin was also a home alone twin
shauntaake kds jasmin & janyah mahagony soul's their born rock n rollers shauntaake notice that all of their rock n roll clothes match shauntaake clothes shauntaake wrip jeans playboy shirt snake skin prints leopard prints grunge boots vintage pieces to stevie nicks ruffles uh huh the thangs their naturally attract to rock n roll t shirts uh huh those shauntaake kds they also get very classy when it time to dress up shauntaake just want a whole week in neiman marcus saks & the whole 5th ave strip in manhattan new york city every italian designer is on 5th ave shauntaake want to take control again of what jasmin & janyah mahagony wear shauntaake throwang some shoes chanel suit skirts & slacks on these two their rock n rollers shauntaake kept their baby's & kds in Italian clothes & shoes
shauntaake sk sphinx collectables
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madonna into the groove
shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony just chllang & shauntaake soul always connectang shauntaake & vanessa masterd hstory always ths always shauntaake & jasmin connectang it right now shauntaake gave birth to shauntaake air shauntaake hapy leave shauntaake the fuck alone do u see jasmin stroller shauntaake in love claim yo own kds shauntaake great shauntaake tellang u shauntaake dont give a fuck about yo kds like u dont givea fuck about mines shauntaake a never care for your funny laukang kds like shauntaake put they kds n houses u a mutherfuckang lie shauntaake house was plan for shauntaake kds shauntaake just aint want to move in it u cherish yours cause shauntaake cherish mineeeeesssss shauntaake restang wit shauntaake kds for ths past month & some weeks it brought out the best in shauntaake they pull shauntaake vanessa soul out cause shauntaake was jasmin & janyah mahagony vanessa so jasmin & janyah mahagony reconnect shauntaake/vanessa soul again cause jasmin & janyah mahagony came from vanessa/shauntaake & shauntaake happy got shauntaake lil shauntaake gifts
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shauntaake / jasmin face stay one of shauntaake baby’s janyah mahagony face grw & mold wit shauntaake face jasmin & janyah mahagony finally pull our lil devil muffin up out of shauntaake shauntaake rock n roll music devil music ths the music jasmin & janyah mahagony love jasmin mostly know all of these song's all of these song's in jasmin iphone
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shauntaake aint even mix vanessa gallon shauntaake yet shauntaake white kds gonna shit on yo whole world that what u fear shauntaake white mix shauntaake gonna stop all of yo shit praisang bullsht that cant even hold it own leachang ass mutherfuckers shauntaake full of those haunt murderous white doll baby's that came from wars they comang to war on anythang & anybody that don't belong in shauntaake circle like hw shauntaake baby war for vanessa shauntaake a lump & david hand full of doll baby's they aint got enough shauntaake leave shauntaake been seekang shauntaake rightful ever since them forever shauntaake a heavy weight it lauk so much better when it whole house full of doll baby's that earlvena & david campbell life they don't know nothang about that life
shauntaake let out some of shauntaake jasmin & janyah mähagony company it helps jasmin & janyah mahagony business sale’s cause jasmin is definately in business
shauntaake always told jasmin & janyah mahagony that their talents & gifts was gonna pay them abundantly shauntaake talent got shauntaake everywhere shauntaake went in life shauntaake was first introducd to sean taylôr cause he heard shauntaake frst casset tape shauntaake made by shauntaake self & sean taylor request that he meet shauntaake & it was on ever since then sean taylor came payang shauntaake weight also cause sean taylôr love shauntaake music shauntaake pay sean taylor dats & sean taylôr pay shauntaake riches & wealth like the major industry do their artist they pay their artist for their masters 
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shauntaake / it only 1 that was sent the cambell’s gave the world the devil & god shauntaake was the devil that was sent wman/man & devon was god that was sent devon baby was the lauk of god devon had had long hair to hs shoulders since devon was about 2 years old & then shauntaake ran into satan along shauntaake journey in life the taylors gave us satan brn & raise in the guts of newark sean taylor playang wit that dope & coke dope man they dont even know about them dope steps in newark in that spanish basement it famen ooozing from these steps they have that basemen chain down sean taylor sold the most hateful thangs to us & these thangs also made us very wealthy n hell it was only us 3 rulers of th earth devil god & satan our kds are only our image hacks their nt us u see hw the heaviest christians cäme & save devon to marry theîr cherîsh daughtaa andrea aka lovey tammy family own their own church n jersey city devon mother in law tammy lives in a mini manson andrea & her kds are campbell’s now & the evilist man sean taylor came to save shauntaake to b hs partner so shauntaake could destroy for hm like shauntaake destroy for the campbell’s satan hgher the devil mutherfuckers shauntaake was employ to b shauntaake & do what shauntaake do best 
shauntaake / 300 show u shauntaake/devil & devon/god war shauntaake had sean taylor/satan gorilla warfare army shauntaake own shauntaake & sean taylor frst set of masters togethaa shauntaake & devon love each uthaa but shauntaake soul destroys hs so we stay away from each uthaa were that kiss across the room to each uthaa devon cast shauntaake out of hs weddang like god cast the devil out of heaven devon shauntaake built shauntaakē own heaven  
shauntaake thought lee was the first devil but the money never came to save hm so we all questonang that now lee was the lauk of the devil the example of the devil of hw the devil was suppose to lauk that why lee also kept hs hair long like a woman devil woman/man walla shauntaake here in the flesh lee & elmo was two of the devils destroyers elmo & lee came destroyang sht for shauntaake the way jason & freddy came oooooowwwweee your worst nightmare that drop everybody they was promised the world & it was'nt given to them they got used lee was settang shauntaake path they made for shauntaake to walk along & follow shauntaake hstory path was set already lee & shauntaake grandma family sold the family mini manson hstory bak to shauntaake one of lee right hand cousin’s smiley mini manson in pa shauntaake was their devil baby smiley daughtaa chucky that got murdered they sold chucky bak to shauntaake shauntaake gave them their justice shauntaake lauk like chucky shauntaake doll baby face for life
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shauntaake never real mykyla where the phauts at shauntaake got about 2 phauts wit u your not shauntaake u nee to stop them from trynna sell shauntaake pr to u cause your nt built for shauntaake world shauntaake racst whites & hateful niggers wll try to off u it on,y 1 shauntaake shauntaake really go to war u did’nt pay shauntaake to do u shauntaake mahagpny lane masters aint make u shauntaake was’nt even around u stop trynna mock me & do yo own thang mykyla u a nigger lover u a fake white girl your a great actor all u play was these nw lil dirty rapper niggers music at your apartment they argue me down when shauntaake try o put some white bitchbsht on shauntaake not allowang u to play wit shauntaake hstory shauntaake over your baby it aint it & sean taylor felt the sam way ū aint perform like shauntaake baby your baby sat around all day u thought unwas to cute yeah shauntaake baby did a million thangs in one day shauntaake baby came out a war baby aimang shauntaake baby was it trynna come aftaa shauntaake baby hard work your baby aint put in shauntaake insult by ū lazy ppl
mykyla u was’nt a pay baby u have the right to try & remember your hstory wit your fathaa cause we saw u sometimes u was’nt our everyday baby not we saw u about once every month thans to your mother biheeyah she did’nt allow her baby around sean taylor u was’nt a investment relatonship the nw rap game a lie wit these biheeyah acts trynna come aftaa shantaake lauk sean taylor aint give biheeyah no money show shauntaake money biheeyah phauts shauntaake saw those phauts of biheeyah biheeyah was struggalang & homeless fuck up ass cruel sean taylor aint even give a fuck the prettiest lil baby & he stll aint give a fuck sean taylor use to say fuck biheeyah & her baby shauntaake know biheeyah was fuckang wit us war head mutherfuckers mykyla your fathaa soul was connect to u shauntaake was laukang at your baby book & sean taylor soul match all of mykyla bäby phauts & sean taylor sold her baby n the street's biheeyah came playang wit mykyla name connect her name to a stranger & sean taylor wild out cause finally when sean taylor got hm a doll biheeyah aint connect mykyla to sean taylor in no way & sean taylor try to ruin them
mykyla shauntaake happy they try to do u like shauntaake baby sean taylor wait for shauntaake to get old enough to come & get shauntaake shauntaake so happy u got save & have somewhere safe to rest cause your fathaa try to dēstroy u that why your mother gave u up cause biheeyah was’nt noone supportang her shauntaake anuthaa parent but leave shauntaake sht alone cause it dangerous & it was’nt made for u your fathaa document hstory left u n the streets my fathaa abandon me to shauntaake see they let shauntaake hstory save u 
shauntaake see shauntaake came rihanna sean taylor shauntaake have shauntaake art treasure for u doll baby's & great sex for u shauntaake masters shauntaake want to put shauntaake/devil rich warssss furs on u vanessa furs & phauts shauntaake/devil acient marble rocks inventons
shauntaake & jasmin & janyah mahagony not interest in shauntaake hstory riches & wealth they don't really know hu shauntaake am they aint study shauntaake shauntaake just gave it all to them their own but they never once ask to wear shauntaake furs or clothes shauntaake kds was all in vanessa clothes furs jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake rock n roll kds wrip jeans & cool shrts that jst hu they are shauntaake management makes them stars shauntaake always ise to tell them they could wear shauntaake thangs
shauntaake / oooooooo pilar & dion sanders son's shauntaake campbell son's that built like stallons like lump son's shauntaake so happy shauntaake save shauntaake masters cause shauntaake masters kept shauntaake soul's the same & the baby boy purtty like michael wit that same pretty hair & wide vanessa/shauntaake smile's ming & aoiki husands their parents nee to make that happen
shauntaake / let us know your real story now mykyla that what gonna make u more interestang cause ppl n the comments callang u a sex slve to someone that was close to your fathaa shauntaake aint gonna say no names if it is hm sean taylor warn us about hm that he was gonna try to kll hm & take everythang from sean taylor ppl nee to listen when ppl speak your informaton all fuckd up cause your not tellang your own truth tell it make yourself somethang crasy & special to talk about & it u are n slve to hu shauntaake thank it is he was snatchang your baby at up since u was about 3 months old sean taylor use to walk past hm holdang your baby in the car seat
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shaubtaake kinda sick of average shunda makes to your average shauntaake already gave shunda a turn your turn was when lady gaga furst came out shaubtaake over it u mutherfuckers dont know hw to move into the next thang your world is stuck shauntaake create a million thangs aftaa shunda
0 notes
triamphant entry te of jesus into the east africah of jerusalem in a simple way,Tutu from jeraha they put in foods such beans etc Wounds if you partake groundnuts you come to see. Mamy zile side mirror za piki piki ni masikio ya sunguch or rabit as sungura?Those people with a gap or space on the lower teeth knows nothing but cash into others affairs. The magira thing when tied to a dynamore can charge your phone as phone backup, dont disturb me i also got it on the net and its cheap so make yours bdude. My tumblr a/c name is andrewanampongolo.https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mrmonde click this link people,Safcom profit as microsoft aint real great part they get from 2goinvoice to build trust and sway people that they are doing good yet not, stop this crazy shit. Police wanna blow you up with a greenade at night by giving it to some one the pretending that you did that by yourself liasing with arabs and hindu. Stop this bulshit Mr kenyatta to the point they wanna eat in your house. Remove added acid on battery, sea, south East asia, neno, Eulogy in luo, moses saw that land on the tv and map as well as the computer. They say nairobi was bethlehem and ksm jerusalem along time b4 the white people migrated from E.africah in Genesis 10 or 11 period. Triangle, triamphant, fast fuck, phating etc MOUN, weep, women, montana, wanawakevin, his women hw, hagar welish. Kill all the people who cant partake sour things ST, the snakes who transforms into people causing accidents. Let hindu strungle people not change the into sour not dring things people to stop all the absurdities i have described above dude. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Siana Elect <[email protected]> Date: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 9:54 AM Subject: Fwd: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo To:  <[email protected]> Cc:  <[email protected]> ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Siana Elect <[email protected]> Date: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 9:53 AM Subject: Fwd: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo To:  <[email protected]> Cc:  <[email protected]> ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Siana Elect <[email protected]> Date: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 9:52 AM Subject: Fwd: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo To:  <[email protected]> Cc:  <[email protected]> ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Siana Elect <[email protected]> Date: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 9:51 AM Subject: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo To:  <[email protected]> Cc:  <[email protected]> https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mrmonde click this link bro Koro whon-kanye, mumefika wapi na mko wapi, where are you with jew-egyptian thing. Mfalme wa yawhodi and malach 5 who to the people who longs to see the lords day or frustrating mr Monde. East of Jerusalem was forested and a thought of yawhonde comes to the mind as much as Kigali Rwanda with numerous hills, hidden treasure in the midst of the forest which is the vigina upon who men make noise. Vineyard parable and people like men who work upon it and garden it. World affairs wa, wazi, live live-wandete etc.My new mail is [email protected] bro. Akon ft lil wayne am so paid, gi chamo litete litete opuk as tortoise. Am easter and am reporting Rodgers gi-afla gi winnie tedo ne nyithindo litete opuk koro wi-gi tek ta ka tok opuk to kebi riembo gi-ehot ni-kech G-blopablo ni-otedo ne-nyithindo litete opuk Gi-gi leftotindo. Odindo still reporting, okiblo kelo nwa kebi, jomanigi Bmi25, bloodgroup + O, pulserate 68 kasle ma kata-moloyo joma lando, rateng, dundo, joma-bocho, thikucho bwana okiblo-omo na bwana gi-langi!!!! kasle hahinya mama!!! She is bring forth sharp laughter, Ms Robinson as if someone is working tirelessly on her lower mouth as pumping. Analeta hicho kicheko as if au kama kwamba mtu anamlima huko chini vilivyo na kumchimba mno huyou kipusa knowles. Okelo nyiero ka-gima ng'ato winjo dhoge mapiny machiegni ni gi shianda ne- am shorty loss de colbart carlos reporting- ophra stop that shit dude like minaj stop it along time. check the song below dude by clicking the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnAbKuGss4Yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnAbKuGss4Y
cooker or fun timer if you cut one of the rotating gear and connect it to the outer big gear of the toy car gear system then you connect the one attatched to the two wheels to the comborela or mountain bike small 6V dynamore then you produce electricity free of charge using the magira system the same can be used to power motor-bikes, cars, sheeps, lories etc when the magira system is improved and is somehow strong enough eliminating oil or solar cars completely thwarting the moves of Arabia and Venezuela as much as Nigeria, Libya etc. Stop pride and help someone when another nation is stepping on his toe wrongly without relenting or administering justice. You are being watched dude to be finished this way. Dont help to bring someone down dude.
                                          —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:55 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: ShebaMiles <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:19 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Collins Odera <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:01 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Kevin Nelson <[email protected]>Cc: Etihad Airways <[email protected]>Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:44:33 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Collins Odera <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:44:10 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected] <[email protected]>Cc:[email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:49 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:23 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Emirates <[email protected]>Cc: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:12 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: equitybank <[email protected]>Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:00 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:41:48 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevin nelson <[email protected]>To: kevin nelson <[email protected]>Cc:“[email protected]” <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 3:27:37 PM GMT+3Subject: foxy brown cooker or fun timer if you cut one of the rotating gear and connect it to the outer big gear of the toy car gear system then you connect the one attached to the two wheels to the comborela or mountain bike small 6V dynamo then you produce electricity free of charge using the magira system the same can be used to power motor-bikes, cars, ships, lories etc when the magira system is improved and is somehow strong enough eliminating oil or solar cars completely thwarting the moves of Arabia and Venezuela as much as Nigeria, Libya etc. Stop pride and help someone when another nation is stepping on his toe wrongly without relenting or administering justice. You are being watched dude to be finished this way. Dont help to bring someone down dude. The magi with Jesus bro- the wise men from the East Africa of Jerusalem. Washing machines should be sold to every household as every household should be connected to electricity to increase stima usage. This machine wears and tears cloths rapidly compared to hand washing, so they are bound to replace clothes quickly thus creating larger market for cloths, thats why in the USA there is huge demand for cloths as opposed to 3rd world nations using hand to wash cloths. The wanna come to Kenya in particular to pick tea illegally then ship them to Europe, America and be rich quickly as they plan to sell the leaves door to door, they wanna get to westernyanza, central and eastern province to plant nyamawho tree and harvest its roots which is the better medication for smelling gums as fresh mouth herb and sell abroad liaising with the American or European whites as much as Colombian sorcerers to help them diffuse this medication and get much returns in profits. They are thieves in a nutshell- Jesus with the 2 thieves. Coffee beries not also left behind in central and Eastern provinces as much as Mogoka and Mira plants used to make vehicles. Goat parable or worker parables to cement the truth, pineaple and apples as well used to make buses after the devol converts it. Wild animals kid or some dead animals in the national parks used by car companies or electronic companies to make Gadgets bro as well as corps for Kamba used to make certain cars or gikuyou used to make cranes or folk lifts- in a nutshell they want to sell everything i have verbalised aboved period but in pretense. Take heed bro your plans are well known to us and the entire world.
Ways to raise
revenue forwarded to me
British are supreme they colonized so many nations which are far than french with 2goinvoice money and told their colonies which are doing better and that industrialization started there coz they were aliens from mars who lived near
you-the jew in the bible, stop English thing even china aint speaking it and they are far as much as japan and carli4nia. Eu-phobia, eucalyptus, podo, jacaranda, cedar, wall fence see what you are doing and transmitting your acts to the devil at Bermuda triangle. Have you heard this phrase that wall got ears, think twice dude. phobia is bad feeling towards something dude. Cut the tree and its roots in the book of Jeremiah even mapera as guava takes you information to Bermuda triangle- women with Jesus and Barnabas. Worker and vineyard parable, the negro say they are luo coz there is a lot of guava wasted around and fetch high prices if converted to juice and the white one used to make medicine not known to the locals bro. If you want to know the trend of what people think about, do not worry, take your net and roll it down and let mosquitoes be captured inside and kill them in the middle of the night and that sense of people thinking about you will be known to you. Stop many words dude. The white people who come to Africa create rapport within and look for market in their backyard where the illegal plucked tea is sold door to door like news paper being thrown at their doors in day time movies in KBC along time. Illuominatea and who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in Malachi four, ecclesiastic four Ef- a young man has saved the city and his message is no-longer heeded. Acid for car battery if you add 3-4 droplets on water also gives you sense of life, this and that like leave this people or they are about to cut you or gun you down. Paid slowly by slowly sbs, bit by bit bbb, monthly installments mi, mit, Malachi inne, Missouri, the china casket, houses, electronic etc. If your loved one dies you need not to pay in full but by installments bro- this adds revenue to china. Bought on credit Boc, on higher purchase dude. But most china goods esp electronics spoil the mind to the point of insanity and if many continue to used them we are going to loose a nation then china people gets in and conquer any nation that way after mega confusion. Mochanda chamo litete litete opuk magdalin be chamo litete litete opuk, same to lorain and amandanyatogo bro.
tell nigros this dudeGet money online at http://www.2goinvoice.com with your smart phone connect to paypal a/c open many 2goinvoice a/c as much as many email adresses and  paypal. After each transaction and transfer of funds to your opened card open another one and withdraw as much as you like. If your card dont connect immediately in the bank at the time of a/c opening then connect your card in the last minutes of the 5th hr from the time of opening untill it connects to your pay-pal. In kisumu the mozila firefox for android used is found at wid wid cyber- kenya at maga plaza building. send someone to buy bro and withdraw as much as you like stop disturbance hommy.
wyre kevin puonjo g-tedo chaye mar milo gi-tangamwizi, gi- tea masala, tm, ther mit huko jamaica. Arina hse no 12 gi 67 en mari kebi- esepiago opanga ni, jogi thero giparo ni piny enmargi, hse no 78 ondiek en-mari victor, hse 45 gi 234 enmari stevo-chonga panga tafadhali, tong kila ngato miyoudo by your side, hse no 65 manyata arabs gi hse34 usaid en mari-onetho- tong mluya osefuo, gi-dog kakamega, when there is tea in kach gi-tongo G, when they here of nyamawho gilokre says unice, gi-dwalo ma-korgi says odindo. Post thing on youtube can raise cash for the government let it be paid via card, we got to put these cold blood photos on Youtube, kokitong ngamomiyi then ebe-eblotongi says ogila.
paypal knows the transaction history of 2goinvoive as worker and vineyard parable so claim better. Knows the start date transaction- jesus with transfiguration and the invoice is computer generate- christ with good neighbour as it is money laundring thing- king of the jewomen. The black building stone now used around is imported but they dont want people to know, the kenyan one was gray or redish. The 300 meter pochogis ship at mombasa started the imports dude. A cash area dude. The china brought the stoves and the jikos to compare with the local ones and compare also the consumption of fuel index and now they have brought their bus to compare with the local ones and again they are about to bring their assembled houses which are plastic or metalic made as much as the roofing to compare esp the yellow gorofa at lolwe kisumu so that you are not them and them not you, there should be a thin line of difference so you stop your absurdity keeping in mind that the american ones are 10 times better than the china bus or houses.
Ways to raise quick revenue bulbs that has less life-span say six months same to phone chargers, extensions, toothpaste and its brush replaceable within 3 months and where they are made must not be written if you want superiority provided they are working. Shaving machine sm, each one should have it and go to the barber with and it should be a law and this a hot cake in rapid revenue raise as much as phone battery that has short life span lets say six months for the user to replenish it- stop the crazy thing of money laundering at 2goinvoice.Plastic plates or utensils can be minimized to give household the new way of buying ceramic ones which are bristle and hence brakes first and needs to be replaced. When this happens to many people, its a quick way to raise revenue for the Government. You find me and you dont know me well yet you signal me that you wanna leave your Bf and come to me yet i have not seduced you. Stop this
It needs nyowhonyo, Whip- who to the people who long to see the lords day in malachi inne Mi, miya, misouri, mitamu as sweet. The masai claiming people as much as luo and we got Dna and moreover I have left for them the rural home. Hindu, chinis, whites want to claim AE technology yet I have sent the diagram on email to all car, boat, electronic companies of the world of every nation even Ghana, Ethiopia and Brazil. Hindu are saying you got into their stupidity yet they get money at 2goinvoice and illegal tea picking at central Kenya, Uganda, Seychelles and Cameroon Highlands. Tea can be grown under greenhouse in Mongolia and the nyamawho tree can be grown in so many place including south east Asia Sea. Wezere Hindu wh, white hse, who, world health, whoa, kill dem KD king david, koth diewo, dwanyruok etc as filthy or nasty.
Iron box ought to be removed when stima current is reduced to 50, places to iron should be incorporated in the estates, with fridges and heaters the 50 v can be stepped up to 120 volts as American or European electronics use this current why not African ones or Central American ones? Being biased bro. King of the jewomen, ironing shops just like laundering shops ls dude. With online classes or schools there should be opening hours per day and closing hours not open all the time to create discipline dude. Radio stations should be paid not free to air just like the decorded TV’s to raise the government revenue as much as the sewerage system SS- sianda ,Somali, swisswana, swedishona- not free to raise revenue dude. Baba-who en mama-who yet we got DNA to prove that truth, your mother-father sagacity. After you blow him with grenade dont look like am with you-there should be a thin line of difference between me simple and you arrogant.
Air France has deployed people who transform to check the plane and its cargo to identify any foreign item and that’s why there has never been a plane fall associated with air france- its a blessing in disguise and they are payed hugely. Condom dispenser should be introduced like ATM and its a new market niche, buying the rubber in the store is awkward and lacks respect sometimes. Plastic toilets also is a new market to venture as much as births and the USA and china should capitalize on this esp for 3rd world nations. Car battery or solar should not have the acid replaced, they should be made in a way that it can go for long just like with the phone battery and once the power don’t hold for long its declared redundant and a new one bought. This is a huge market for those nations making such and The USA should look into this and stop the 2goinvoice saga. The computer software to download should be abolished, if you wanna download, take your camera and capture from the computer screen dude, this will increase revenue for songs, movies and recorded online classes for top world universities which people aspire to visit or study at like the Pa cyber schools and you can google dude. You can pay for the software to download only via your bank card as much as movies, series, songs, lectures as online classes etc. Top universities lectures per subjects or topics recorded and stored on the computer for online learners and its paid, this a new market venture we should look at dude. Tv and radios as much as electronic within there transformers or adapters should have a timer that within years can escalate the voltage from lets say 20 volts to a hundred to burn the whole system for the rich or just people to buy new ones to continues the productions of those equipment coz without such technology after long when many have bought and many nations have learnt to produce such like china, the commodities are just in the store which means they are not sold hence these nations wonder and look for dubious option B when her population has increased dramatically.
Owner of think twice Magazine as much as pullout journal no-one else but Mr Monde.Invator ought to be 24V not the already 12V ones which are many in the market and to give people the new business of replacing the 12V battery with 24V battery or buy another one or just two 12v battery to bring the total current to 24V. Tea firms which are government owned should be fenced- electric fenced where 50 meters from the road flowers or short trees are planted then the fenced placed after the fence the the tea firms to thwart illegal tea picking at night and those who transfigure to rodents, birds, cats, goat and sheep, kid to pluck the leaves even at day time in the heart of the plantation. Jesus with king of the jewomen phenomenon. The weight of tea leaves plucked daily should be availed to us so we know exactly how many Kilometer square can produce that tea and how long it takes the tea leaves to grow again to be plucked again so we dont plant much that encourages illegal picking at night or even at day time. The small scale tea firmers for domestic used should be inducted to find something else to do because they sell these tea leaves to other people or cartel who have small tea processing plants like hindu, white tourists, arabs, Nigerians, Tanzanians etc. Oki-blo-chiemi e-wiya, e-chiemo e-wiwho- who to the people who long to see the lords day in malachi four.  Western SEA south East Asia- Distant islands of the sea, malaysia, Thailand etc- mfalme wa yawhodi with christ- christ with division dude.
It seems Hindu via UG has given luya weapons ready for war as i was to by the bus driver who slept at Joventure hotel in KSM the bus were also bought with offering and tyth money as pastors bus PB pier ber/booty awaiting for the women. Kenya should just divide once everyone is sensitize of online cash as 2goinvoice using Mozilla for android to withdraw the said cash.Iran has made a suit case with hard plastic but its a gas cylinder the cooking one as king of the jew, so they get it into the plane with cigarette lighter or match box then shortly when the plane has departed the open the gas until it empties then switch the lighter then the plane burst into flames even they cash sport light as torch inside the plane to do what am describing bro. Whome the nose of the plane also they get as a toddler after the transfiguring and cut the wires leading to the plane dashboard using the teeth as a cat, rat or dog etc Put lights in those sides of a plane with spaces that can house a rat or a mice. Who to the people who long to see the lord day in Malachi four and mfalme wa yawhoundi with wounds wounds as its insinuated.You make a stool or table the you take the big black tiles like the bank one and put on it and you got a new table no one has ever used. The same to chopping board for onions, chapati making and tomatoes mounted on a stool, the best tile is black one dudes. Cut me with machette Mr Luya/sweet. The Ug buses china made are here in kenya to compare with their machakos bus and shortly afterwards the china ready to fix house will be available so is upon you to quit and see for yourself not to claim you are those fellows just like with Malaysian furniture esp in the supermarkets. Accept defeat and as much arrest Railamolodinga as time has been given to you to do your duty/obligation. BMI is there in USA, Russia etc. The same way tiles are put on the table the same way with the new metallic beds the mattress can be placed down not up and supported the way i see- luck of creativity dude. Towa kitu they coerce me with yet i dont feel like urinating, you only towa hiyo kitu if you feel you wanna kojowa-hao sivyo wasee. Stop that absurdity folks. The woman am not intimate with her and am not going anywhere with her, today, tomorrow or future, she was a big black cow in her schooling years, she wanna destroy my genes dude. Fuck that!!! Colly wacho ne-en th'ang maduong e-school, nofuo dabaal, e-thikode kanye bwana. If am smelling shit, well, they accuse me, here is the tissue Mis Nikey lets get to a room, i bend over then you wipe my ass hole with it, then after we get out and you look at it if its yellow, brown or black or got feces on it- stop reproach girl, accept the truth and move on as defeat.
Owner of think twice Magazine as much as pullout journal no-one else but Mr Monde.Invator ought to be 24V not the already 12V ones which are many in the market and to give people the new business of replacing the 12V battery with 24V battery or buy another one or just two 12v battery to bring the total current to 24V. Tea firms which are government owned should be fenced- electric fenced where 50 meters from the road flowers or short trees are planted then the fenced placed after the fence the the tea firms to thwart illegal tea picking at night and those who transfigure to rodents, birds, cats, goat and sheep, kid to pluck the leaves even at day time in the heart of the plantation. Jesus with king of the jewomen phenomenon. The weight of tea leaves plucked daily should be availed to us so we know exactly how many Kilometer square can produce that tea and how long it takes the tea leaves to grow again to be plucked again so we dont plant much that encourages illegal picking at night or even at day time. The small scale tea firmers for domestic used should be inducted to find something else to do because they sell these tea leaves to other people or cartel who have small tea processing plants like hindu, white tourists, arabs, Nigerians, Tanzanians etc. Oki-blo-chiemi e-wiya, e-chiemo e-wiwho- who to the people who long to see the lords day in malachi four.  Western SEA south East Asia- Distant islands of the sea, malaysia, Thailand etc- mfalme wa yawhodi with christ- christ with division dude.
Laughter dude
Koro whon-kanye, mumefika wapi na mko wapi, where are you with jew-egyptian thing. Mfalme wa yawhodi and malach 5 who to the people who longs to see the lords day or frustrating mr Monde. East of Jerusalem was forested and a thought of yawhonde comes to the mind as much as Kigali Rwanda with numerous hills, hidden treasure in the midst of the forest which is the vigina upon who men make noise. Vineyard parable and people like men who work upon it and garden it. World affairs wa, wazi, live live-wandete etc.My new mail is [email protected] bro. Akon ft lil wayne am so paid, gi chamo litete litete opuk as tortoise. Am easter and am reporting Rodgers gi-afla gi winnie tedo ne nyithindo litete opuk koro wi-gi tek ta ka tok opuk to kebi riembo gi-ehot ni-kech G-blopablo ni-otedo ne-nyithindo litete opuk Gi-gi leftotindo. Odindo still reporting, okiblo kelo nwa kebi, jomanigi Bmi25, bloodgroup + O, pulserate 68 kasle ma kata-moloyo joma lando, rateng, dundo, joma-bocho, thikucho bwana okiblo-omo na bwana gi-langi!!!! kasle hahinya mama!!! She is bring forth sharp laughter, Ms Robinson as if someone is working tirelessly on her lower mouth as pumping. Analeta hicho kicheko as if au kama kwamba mtu anamlima huko chini vilivyo na kumchimba mno huyou kipusa knowles. Okelo nyiero ka-gima ng'ato winjo dhoge mapiny machiegni ni gi shianda ne- am shorty loss de colbart carlos reporting- ophra stop that shit dude like minaj stop it along time. check the song below dude by clicking the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnAbKuGss4Yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnAbKuGss4Y
cooker or fun timer if you cut one of the rotating gear and connect it to the outer big gear of the toy car gear system then you connect the one attatched to the two wheels to the comborela or mountain bike small 6V dynamore then you produce electricity free of charge using the magira system the same can be used to power motor-bikes, cars, sheeps, lories etc when the magira system is improved and is somehow strong enough eliminating oil or solar cars completely thwarting the moves of Arabia and Venezuela as much as Nigeria, Libya etc. Stop pride and help someone when another nation is stepping on his toe wrongly without relenting or administering justice. You are being watched dude to be finished this way. Dont help to bring someone down dude.
                                          —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:55 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: ShebaMiles <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:19 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Collins Odera <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:01 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Kevin Nelson <[email protected]>Cc: Etihad Airways <[email protected]>Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:44:33 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Collins Odera <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:44:10 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected] <[email protected]>Cc:[email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:49 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:23 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Emirates <[email protected]>Cc: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:12 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: equitybank <[email protected]>Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:00 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:41:48 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevin nelson <[email protected]>To: kevin nelson <[email protected]>Cc:“[email protected]” <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 3:27:37 PM GMT+3Subject: foxy brown cooker or fun timer if you cut one of the rotating gear and connect it to the outer big gear of the toy car gear system then you connect the one attached to the two wheels to the comborela or mountain bike small 6V dynamo then you produce electricity free of charge using the magira system the same can be used to power motor-bikes, cars, ships, lories etc when the magira system is improved and is somehow strong enough eliminating oil or solar cars completely thwarting the moves of Arabia and Venezuela as much as Nigeria, Libya etc. Stop pride and help someone when another nation is stepping on his toe wrongly without relenting or administering justice. You are being watched dude to be finished this way. Dont help to bring someone down dude. The magi with Jesus bro- the wise men from the East Africa of Jerusalem. Washing machines should be sold to every household as every household should be connected to electricity to increase stima usage. This machine wears and tears cloths rapidly compared to hand washing, so they are bound to replace clothes quickly thus creating larger market for cloths, thats why in the USA there is huge demand for cloths as opposed to 3rd world nations using hand to wash cloths. The wanna come to Kenya in particular to pick tea illegally then ship them to Europe, America and be rich quickly as they plan to sell the leaves door to door, they wanna get to westernyanza, central and eastern province to plant nyamawho tree and harvest its roots which is the better medication for smelling gums as fresh mouth herb and sell abroad liaising with the American or European whites as much as Colombian sorcerers to help them diffuse this medication and get much returns in profits. They are thieves in a nutshell- Jesus with the 2 thieves. Coffee beries not also left behind in central and Eastern provinces as much as Mogoka and Mira plants used to make vehicles. Goat parable or worker parables to cement the truth, pineaple and apples as well used to make buses after the devol converts it. Wild animals kid or some dead animals in the national parks used by car companies or electronic companies to make Gadgets bro as well as corps for Kamba used to make certain cars or gikuyou used to make cranes or folk lifts- in a nutshell they want to sell everything i have verbalised aboved period but in pretense. Take heed bro your plans are well known to us and the entire world.
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected]:[email protected]:Malaysia AirlinesMay 20 at 1:27 PM        
                   kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:equitybankCc:Garuda IndonesiaBcc:EmiratesMay 20 at 1:27 PM        
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:Ruth MugaCc:Fly Jamaica ReservationsBcc:[email protected] 20 at 1:28 PM        
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected] 20 at 1:28 PM        
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:Sheila OkalCc:[email protected]:[email protected] 20 at 1:28 PM        
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected] 20 at 1:29 PM        
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:Etihad AirwaysCc:[email protected]:[email protected] 20 at 1:29 PM        
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:Dancan Ochieng Fundi SimuCc:[email protected]:ShebaMilesMay 20 at 1:30 PM        
Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>To:kevinelson mondyMay 20 at 1:30 PM
 Fly Jamaica Reservations ([email protected]) is not on your Guest List    | Approve sender    | Approve domain Thank you for contacting Fly Jamaica Airways. Your message has been received by our support team and will be handled within the shortest possible time. If we require additional information to address your query we will contact you. Thank you for choosing Fly Jamaica Airways, we look forward to serving you. (This is an automated response, please do not reply to this message.) You may follow up at any time by visiting our customer portal - https://flyjamaica.supportbee.com/portal/tickets
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected]:[email protected]:coopbankkenyaMay 20 at 1:30 PM        
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected] 20 at 1:31 PM        
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 1:30:39 PM GMT+3
Fw: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Dancan Ochieng Fundi Simu <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 1:30:13 PM GMT+3
Fw: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Etihad Airways <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 1:29:53 PM GMT+3
Fw: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 1:29:28 PM GMT+3
Fw: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Sheila Okal <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 1:28:58 PM GMT+3
Fw: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 1:28:35 PM GMT+3
Fw: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Ruth Muga <[email protected]>
Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 1:28:06 PM GMT+3
Fw: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
equitybank <[email protected]>
Garuda Indonesia <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 1:27:42 PM GMT+3
Fw: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 1:27:23 PM GMT+3
Fw: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
                                           ----- Forwarded Message -----                
Siana Elect <[email protected]>
Monday, May 20, 2019, 10:09:07 AM GMT+3
Fwd: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
triamphant entry te of jesus into the east africah of jerusalem in a simple way,Tutu from jeraha they put in foods such beans etc Wounds if you partake groundnuts you come to see. Mamy zile side mirror za piki piki ni masikio ya sunguch or rabit as sungura?Those people with a gap or space on the lower teeth knows nothing but cash into others affairs. The magira thing when tied to a dynamore can charge your phone as phone backup, dont disturb me i also got it on the net and its cheap so make yours bdude. My tumblr a/c name is andrewanampongolo.
click this link people,Safcom profit as microsoft aint real great part they get from 2goinvoice to build trust and sway people that they are doing good yet not, stop this crazy shit. Police wanna blow you up with a greenade at night by giving it to some one the pretending that you did that by yourself liasing with arabs and hindu. Stop this bulshit Mr kenyatta to the point they wanna eat in your house. Remove added acid on battery, sea, south East asia, neno, Eulogy in luo, moses saw that land on the tv and map as well as the computer. They say nairobi was bethlehem and ksm jerusalem along time b4 the white people migrated from E.africah in Genesis 10 or 11 period. Triangle, triamphant, fast fuck, phating etc MOUN, weep, women, montana, wanawakevin, his women hw, hagar welish. Kill all the people who cant partake sour things ST, the snakes who transforms into people causing accidents. Let hindu strungle people not change the into sour not dring things people to stop all the absurdities i have described above dude.
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From: Siana Elect <
Date: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 9:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
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From: Siana Elect <
Date: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 9:53 AM
Subject: Fwd: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
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From: Siana Elect <
Date: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 9:52 AM
Subject: Fwd: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
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From: Siana Elect <
Date: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 9:51 AM
Subject: my tumblr name is andrewanampongolo
To:  <
Cc:  <
click this link bro
Koro whon-kanye, mumefika wapi na mko wapi, where are you with jew-egyptian thing. Mfalme wa yawhodi and malach 5 who to the people who longs to see the lords day or frustrating mr Monde. East of Jerusalem was forested and a thought of yawhonde comes to the mind as much as Kigali Rwanda with numerous hills, hidden treasure in the midst of the forest which is the vigina upon who men make noise. Vineyard parable and people like men who work upon it and garden it. World affairs wa, wazi, live live-wandete etc.My new mail is
Akon ft lil wayne am so paid, gi chamo litete litete opuk as tortoise. Am easter and am reporting Rodgers gi-afla gi winnie tedo ne nyithindo litete opuk koro wi-gi tek ta ka tok opuk to kebi riembo gi-ehot ni-kech G-blopablo ni-otedo ne-nyithindo litete opuk Gi-gi leftotindo.
Odindo still reporting, okiblo kelo nwa kebi, jomanigi Bmi25, bloodgroup + O, pulserate 68 kasle ma kata-moloyo joma lando, rateng, dundo, joma-bocho, thikucho bwana okiblo-omo na bwana gi-langi!!!! kasle hahinya mama!!!
She is bring forth sharp laughter, Ms Robinson as if someone is working tirelessly on her lower mouth as pumping. Analeta hicho kicheko as if au kama kwamba mtu anamlima huko chini vilivyo na kumchimba mno huyou kipusa knowles. Okelo nyiero ka-gima ng'ato winjo dhoge mapiny machiegni ni gi shianda ne- am shorty loss de colbart carlos reporting- ophra stop that shit dude like minaj stop it along time. check the song below dude by clicking the link
cooker or fun timer if you cut one of the rotating gear and connect it to the outer big gear of the toy car gear system then you connect the one attatched to the two wheels to the comborela or mountain bike small 6V dynamore then you produce electricity free of charge using the magira system the same can be used to power motor-bikes, cars, sheeps, lories etc when the magira system is improved and is somehow strong enough eliminating oil or solar cars completely thwarting the moves of Arabia and Venezuela as much as Nigeria, Libya etc. Stop pride and help someone when another nation is stepping on his toe wrongly without relenting or administering justice. You are being watched dude to be finished this way. Dont help to bring someone down dude.
                                          —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:55 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: ShebaMiles <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:19 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Collins Odera <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:01 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Kevin Nelson <[email protected]>Cc: Etihad Airways <[email protected]>Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:44:33 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Collins Odera <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:44:10 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected] <[email protected]>Cc:[email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:49 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:23 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Emirates <[email protected]>Cc: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:12 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: equitybank <[email protected]>Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:00 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:41:48 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevin nelson <[email protected]>To: kevin nelson <[email protected]>Cc:“[email protected]” <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 3:27:37 PM GMT+3Subject: foxy brown cooker or fun timer if you cut one of the rotating gear and connect it to the outer big gear of the toy car gear system then you connect the one attached to the two wheels to the comborela or mountain bike small 6V dynamo then you produce electricity free of charge using the magira system the same can be used to power motor-bikes, cars, ships, lories etc when the magira system is improved and is somehow strong enough eliminating oil or solar cars completely thwarting the moves of Arabia and Venezuela as much as Nigeria, Libya etc. Stop pride and help someone when another nation is stepping on his toe wrongly without relenting or administering justice. You are being watched dude to be finished this way. Dont help to bring someone down dude. The magi with Jesus bro- the wise men from the East Africa of Jerusalem. Washing machines should be sold to every household as every household should be connected to electricity to increase stima usage. This machine wears and tears cloths rapidly compared to hand washing, so they are bound to replace clothes quickly thus creating larger market for cloths, thats why in the USA there is huge demand for cloths as opposed to 3rd world nations using hand to wash cloths. The wanna come to Kenya in particular to pick tea illegally then ship them to Europe, America and be rich quickly as they plan to sell the leaves door to door, they wanna get to westernyanza, central and eastern province to plant nyamawho tree and harvest its roots which is the better medication for smelling gums as fresh mouth herb and sell abroad liaising with the American or European whites as much as Colombian sorcerers to help them diffuse this medication and get much returns in profits. They are thieves in a nutshell- Jesus with the 2 thieves. Coffee beries not also left behind in central and Eastern provinces as much as Mogoka and Mira plants used to make vehicles. Goat parable or worker parables to cement the truth, pineaple and apples as well used to make buses after the devol converts it. Wild animals kid or some dead animals in the national parks used by car companies or electronic companies to make Gadgets bro as well as corps for Kamba used to make certain cars or gikuyou used to make cranes or folk lifts- in a nutshell they want to sell everything i have verbalised aboved period but in pretense. Take heed bro your plans are well known to us and the entire world.
Ways to raise
revenue forwarded to me
Laughter dude
British are supreme they colonized so many nations which are far than french with 2goinvoice money and told their colonies which are doing better and that industrialization started there coz they were aliens from mars who lived near
you-the jew in the bible, stop English thing even china aint speaking it and they are far as much as japan and carli4nia. Eu-phobia, eucalyptus, podo, jacaranda, cedar, wall fence see what you are doing and transmitting your acts to the devil at Bermuda triangle. Have you heard this phrase that wall got ears, think twice dude. phobia is bad feeling towards something dude. Cut the tree and its roots in the book of Jeremiah even mapera as guava takes you information to Bermuda triangle- women with Jesus and Barnabas. Worker and vineyard parable, the negro say they are luo coz there is a lot of guava wasted around and fetch high prices if converted to juice and the white one used to make medicine not known to the locals bro. If you want to know the trend of what people think about, do not worry, take your net and roll it down and let mosquitoes be captured inside and kill them in the middle of the night and that sense of people thinking about you will be known to you. Stop many words dude. The white people who come to Africa create rapport within and look for market in their backyard where the illegal plucked tea is sold door to door like news paper being thrown at their doors in day time movies in KBC along time. Illuominatea and who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in Malachi four, ecclesiastic four Ef- a young man has saved the city and his message is no-longer heeded. Acid for car battery if you add 3-4 droplets on water also gives you sense of life, this and that like leave this people or they are about to cut you or gun you down. Paid slowly by slowly sbs, bit by bit bbb, monthly installments mi, mit, Malachi inne, Missouri, the china casket, houses, electronic etc. If your loved one dies you need not to pay in full but by installments bro- this adds revenue to china. Bought on credit Boc, on higher purchase dude. But most china goods esp electronics spoil the mind to the point of insanity and if many continue to used them we are going to loose a nation then china people gets in and conquer any nation that way after mega confusion. Mochanda chamo litete litete opuk magdalin be chamo litete litete opuk, same to lorain and amandanyatogo bro.
tell nigros this dudeGet money online at http://www.2goinvoice.com with your smart phone connect to paypal a/c open many 2goinvoice a/c as much as many email adresses and  paypal. After each transaction and transfer of funds to your opened card open another one and withdraw as much as you like. If your card dont connect immediately in the bank at the time of a/c opening then connect your card in the last minutes of the 5th hr from the time of opening untill it connects to your pay-pal. In kisumu the mozila firefox for android used is found at wid wid cyber- kenya at maga plaza building. send someone to buy bro and withdraw as much as you like stop disturbance hommy.
wyre kevin puonjo g-tedo chaye mar milo gi-tangamwizi, gi- tea masala, tm, ther mit huko jamaica. Arina hse no 12 gi 67 en mari kebi- esepiago opanga ni, jogi thero giparo ni piny enmargi, hse no 78 ondiek en-mari victor, hse 45 gi 234 enmari stevo-chonga panga tafadhali, tong kila ngato miyoudo by your side, hse no 65 manyata arabs gi hse34 usaid en mari-onetho- tong mluya osefuo, gi-dog kakamega, when there is tea in kach gi-tongo G, when they here of nyamawho gilokre says unice, gi-dwalo ma-korgi says odindo. Post thing on youtube can raise cash for the government let it be paid via card, we got to put these cold blood photos on Youtube, kokitong ngamomiyi then ebe-eblotongi says ogila.
paypal knows the transaction history of 2goinvoive as worker and vineyard parable so claim better. Knows the start date transaction- jesus with transfiguration and the invoice is computer generate- christ with good neighbour as it is money laundring thing- king of the jewomen. The black building stone now used around is imported but they dont want people to know, the kenyan one was gray or redish. The 300 meter pochogis ship at mombasa started the imports dude. A cash area dude. The china brought the stoves and the jikos to compare with the local ones and compare also the consumption of fuel index and now they have brought their bus to compare with the local ones and again they are about to bring their assembled houses which are plastic or metalic made as much as the roofing to compare esp the yellow gorofa at lolwe kisumu so that you are not them and them not you, there should be a thin line of difference so you stop your absurdity keeping in mind that the american ones are 10 times better than the china bus or houses.
Ways to raise quick revenue bulbs that has less life-span say six months same to phone chargers, extensions, toothpaste and its brush replaceable within 3 months and where they are made must not be written if you want superiority provided they are working. Shaving machine sm, each one should have it and go to the barber with and it should be a law and this a hot cake in rapid revenue raise as much as phone battery that has short life span lets say six months for the user to replenish it- stop the crazy thing of money laundering at 2goinvoice.Plastic plates or utensils can be minimized to give household the new way of buying ceramic ones which are bristle and hence brakes first and needs to be replaced. When this happens to many people, its a quick way to raise revenue for the Government. You find me and you dont know me well yet you signal me that you wanna leave your Bf and come to me yet i have not seduced you. Stop this
It needs nyowhonyo, Whip- who to the people who long to see the lords day in malachi inne Mi, miya, misouri, mitamu as sweet. The masai claiming people as much as luo and we got Dna and moreover I have left for them the rural home. Hindu, chinis, whites want to claim AE technology yet I have sent the diagram on email to all car, boat, electronic companies of the world of every nation even Ghana, Ethiopia and Brazil. Hindu are saying you got into their stupidity yet they get money at 2goinvoice and illegal tea picking at central Kenya, Uganda, Seychelles and Cameroon Highlands. Tea can be grown under greenhouse in Mongolia and the nyamawho tree can be grown in so many place including south east Asia Sea. Wezere Hindu wh, white hse, who, world health, whoa, kill dem KD king david, koth diewo, dwanyruok etc as filthy or nasty.
Iron box ought to be removed when stima current is reduced to 50, places to iron should be incorporated in the estates, with fridges and heaters the 50 v can be stepped up to 120 volts as American or European electronics use this current why not African ones or Central American ones? Being biased bro. King of the jewomen, ironing shops just like laundering shops ls dude. With online classes or schools there should be opening hours per day and closing hours not open all the time to create discipline dude. Radio stations should be paid not free to air just like the decorded TV’s to raise the government revenue as much as the sewerage system SS- sianda ,Somali, swisswana, swedishona- not free to raise revenue dude. Baba-who en mama-who yet we got DNA to prove that truth, your mother-father sagacity. After you blow him with grenade dont look like am with you-there should be a thin line of difference between me simple and you arrogant.
Air France has deployed people who transform to check the plane and its cargo to identify any foreign item and that’s why there has never been a plane fall associated with air france- its a blessing in disguise and they are payed hugely. Condom dispenser should be introduced like ATM and its a new market niche, buying the rubber in the store is awkward and lacks respect sometimes. Plastic toilets also is a new market to venture as much as births and the USA and china should capitalize on this esp for 3rd world nations. Car battery or solar should not have the acid replaced, they should be made in a way that it can go for long just like with the phone battery and once the power don’t hold for long its declared redundant and a new one bought. This is a huge market for those nations making such and The USA should look into this and stop the 2goinvoice saga. The computer software to download should be abolished, if you wanna download, take your camera and capture from the computer screen dude, this will increase revenue for songs, movies and recorded online classes for top world universities which people aspire to visit or study at like the Pa cyber schools and you can google dude. You can pay for the software to download only via your bank card as much as movies, series, songs, lectures as online classes etc. Top universities lectures per subjects or topics recorded and stored on the computer for online learners and its paid, this a new market venture we should look at dude. Tv and radios as much as electronic within there transformers or adapters should have a timer that within years can escalate the voltage from lets say 20 volts to a hundred to burn the whole system for the rich or just people to buy new ones to continues the productions of those equipment coz without such technology after long when many have bought and many nations have learnt to produce such like china, the commodities are just in the store which means they are not sold hence these nations wonder and look for dubious option B when her population has increased dramatically.
Owner of think twice Magazine as much as pullout journal no-one else but Mr Monde.Invator ought to be 24V not the already 12V ones which are many in the market and to give people the new business of replacing the 12V battery with 24V battery or buy another one or just two 12v battery to bring the total current to 24V. Tea firms which are government owned should be fenced- electric fenced where 50 meters from the road flowers or short trees are planted then the fenced placed after the fence the the tea firms to thwart illegal tea picking at night and those who transfigure to rodents, birds, cats, goat and sheep, kid to pluck the leaves even at day time in the heart of the plantation. Jesus with king of the jewomen phenomenon. The weight of tea leaves plucked daily should be availed to us so we know exactly how many Kilometer square can produce that tea and how long it takes the tea leaves to grow again to be plucked again so we dont plant much that encourages illegal picking at night or even at day time. The small scale tea firmers for domestic used should be inducted to find something else to do because they sell these tea leaves to other people or cartel who have small tea processing plants like hindu, white tourists, arabs, Nigerians, Tanzanians etc. Oki-blo-chiemi e-wiya, e-chiemo e-wiwho- who to the people who long to see the lords day in malachi four.  Western SEA south East Asia- Distant islands of the sea, malaysia, Thailand etc- mfalme wa yawhodi with christ- christ with division dude.
It seems Hindu via UG has given luya weapons ready for war as i was to by the bus driver who slept at Joventure hotel in KSM the bus were also bought with offering and tyth money as pastors bus PB pier ber/booty awaiting for the women. Kenya should just divide once everyone is sensitize of online cash as 2goinvoice using Mozilla for android to withdraw the said cash.Iran has made a suit case with hard plastic but its a gas cylinder the cooking one as king of the jew, so they get it into the plane with cigarette lighter or match box then shortly when the plane has departed the open the gas until it empties then switch the lighter then the plane burst into flames even they cash sport light as torch inside the plane to do what am describing bro. Whome the nose of the plane also they get as a toddler after the transfiguring and cut the wires leading to the plane dashboard using the teeth as a cat, rat or dog etc Put lights in those sides of a plane with spaces that can house a rat or a mice. Who to the people who long to see the lord day in Malachi four and mfalme wa yawhoundi with wounds wounds as its insinuated.You make a stool or table the you take the big black tiles like the bank one and put on it and you got a new table no one has ever used. The same to chopping board for onions, chapati making and tomatoes mounted on a stool, the best tile is black one dudes. Cut me with machette Mr Luya/sweet. The Ug buses china made are here in kenya to compare with their machakos bus and shortly afterwards the china ready to fix house will be available so is upon you to quit and see for yourself not to claim you are those fellows just like with Malaysian furniture esp in the supermarkets. Accept defeat and as much arrest Railamolodinga as time has been given to you to do your duty/obligation. BMI is there in USA, Russia etc. The same way tiles are put on the table the same way with the new metallic beds the mattress can be placed down not up and supported the way i see- luck of creativity dude. Towa kitu they coerce me with yet i dont feel like urinating, you only towa hiyo kitu if you feel you wanna kojowa-hao sivyo wasee. Stop that absurdity folks. The woman am not intimate with her and am not going anywhere with her, today, tomorrow or future, she was a big black cow in her schooling years, she wanna destroy my genes dude. Fuck that!!! Colly wacho ne-en th'ang maduong e-school, nofuo dabaal, e-thikode kanye bwana. If am smelling shit, well, they accuse me, here is the tissue Mis Nikey lets get to a room, i bend over then you wipe my ass hole with it, then after we get out and you look at it if its yellow, brown or black or got feces on it- stop reproach girl, accept the truth and move on as defeat.
Owner of think twice Magazine as much as pullout journal no-one else but Mr Monde.Invator ought to be 24V not the already 12V ones which are many in the market and to give people the new business of replacing the 12V battery with 24V battery or buy another one or just two 12v battery to bring the total current to 24V. Tea firms which are government owned should be fenced- electric fenced where 50 meters from the road flowers or short trees are planted then the fenced placed after the fence the the tea firms to thwart illegal tea picking at night and those who transfigure to rodents, birds, cats, goat and sheep, kid to pluck the leaves even at day time in the heart of the plantation. Jesus with king of the jewomen phenomenon. The weight of tea leaves plucked daily should be availed to us so we know exactly how many Kilometer square can produce that tea and how long it takes the tea leaves to grow again to be plucked again so we dont plant much that encourages illegal picking at night or even at day time. The small scale tea firmers for domestic used should be inducted to find something else to do because they sell these tea leaves to other people or cartel who have small tea processing plants like hindu, white tourists, arabs, Nigerians, Tanzanians etc. Oki-blo-chiemi e-wiya, e-chiemo e-wiwho- who to the people who long to see the lords day in malachi four.  Western SEA south East Asia- Distant islands of the sea, malaysia, Thailand etc- mfalme wa yawhodi with christ- christ with division dude.
Koro whon-kanye, mumefika wapi na mko wapi, where are you with jew-egyptian thing. Mfalme wa yawhodi and malach 5 who to the people who longs to see the lords day or frustrating mr Monde. East of Jerusalem was forested and a thought of yawhonde comes to the mind as much as Kigali Rwanda with numerous hills, hidden treasure in the midst of the forest which is the vigina upon who men make noise. Vineyard parable and people like men who work upon it and garden it. World affairs wa, wazi, live live-wandete etc.My new mail is [email protected] bro. Akon ft lil wayne am so paid, gi chamo litete litete opuk as tortoise. Am easter and am reporting Rodgers gi-afla gi winnie tedo ne nyithindo litete opuk koro wi-gi tek ta ka tok opuk to kebi riembo gi-ehot ni-kech G-blopablo ni-otedo ne-nyithindo litete opuk Gi-gi leftotindo. Odindo still reporting, okiblo kelo nwa kebi, jomanigi Bmi25, bloodgroup + O, pulserate 68 kasle ma kata-moloyo joma lando, rateng, dundo, joma-bocho, thikucho bwana okiblo-omo na bwana gi-langi!!!! kasle hahinya mama!!! She is bring forth sharp laughter, Ms Robinson as if someone is working tirelessly on her lower mouth as pumping. Analeta hicho kicheko as if au kama kwamba mtu anamlima huko chini vilivyo na kumchimba mno huyou kipusa knowles. Okelo nyiero ka-gima ng'ato winjo dhoge mapiny machiegni ni gi shianda ne- am shorty loss de colbart carlos reporting- ophra stop that shit dude like minaj stop it along time. check the song below dude by clicking the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnAbKuGss4Yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnAbKuGss4Y
cooker or fun timer if you cut one of the rotating gear and connect it to the outer big gear of the toy car gear system then you connect the one attatched to the two wheels to the comborela or mountain bike small 6V dynamore then you produce electricity free of charge using the magira system the same can be used to power motor-bikes, cars, sheeps, lories etc when the magira system is improved and is somehow strong enough eliminating oil or solar cars completely thwarting the moves of Arabia and Venezuela as much as Nigeria, Libya etc. Stop pride and help someone when another nation is stepping on his toe wrongly without relenting or administering justice. You are being watched dude to be finished this way. Dont help to bring someone down dude.
                                          —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:55 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: ShebaMiles <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:19 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Collins Odera <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:45:01 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Kevin Nelson <[email protected]>Cc: Etihad Airways <[email protected]>Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:44:33 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Collins Odera <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:44:10 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected] <[email protected]>Cc:[email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:49 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:23 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Emirates <[email protected]>Cc: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:12 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: equitybank <[email protected]>Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:43:00 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From:kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:41:48 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: foxy brown                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevin nelson <[email protected]>To: kevin nelson <[email protected]>Cc:“[email protected]” <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 3:27:37 PM GMT+3Subject: foxy brown cooker or fun timer if you cut one of the rotating gear and connect it to the outer big gear of the toy car gear system then you connect the one attached to the two wheels to the comborela or mountain bike small 6V dynamo then you produce electricity free of charge using the magira system the same can be used to power motor-bikes, cars, ships, lories etc when the magira system is improved and is somehow strong enough eliminating oil or solar cars completely thwarting the moves of Arabia and Venezuela as much as Nigeria, Libya etc. Stop pride and help someone when another nation is stepping on his toe wrongly without relenting or administering justice. You are being watched dude to be finished this way. Dont help to bring someone down dude. The magi with Jesus bro- the wise men from the East Africa of Jerusalem. Washing machines should be sold to every household as every household should be connected to electricity to increase stima usage. This machine wears and tears cloths rapidly compared to hand washing, so they are bound to replace clothes quickly thus creating larger market for cloths, thats why in the USA there is huge demand for cloths as opposed to 3rd world nations using hand to wash cloths. The wanna come to Kenya in particular to pick tea illegally then ship them to Europe, America and be rich quickly as they plan to sell the leaves door to door, they wanna get to westernyanza, central and eastern province to plant nyamawho tree and harvest its roots which is the better medication for smelling gums as fresh mouth herb and sell abroad liaising with the American or European whites as much as Colombian sorcerers to help them diffuse this medication and get much returns in profits. They are thieves in a nutshell- Jesus with the 2 thieves. Coffee beries not also left behind in central and Eastern provinces as much as Mogoka and Mira plants used to make vehicles. Goat parable or worker parables to cement the truth, pineaple and apples as well used to make buses after the devol converts it. Wild animals kid or some dead animals in the national parks used by car companies or electronic companies to make Gadgets bro as well as corps for Kamba used to make certain cars or gikuyou used to make cranes or folk lifts- in a nutshell they want to sell everything i have verbalised aboved period but in pretense. Take heed bro your plans are well known to us and the entire world.
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