#apologies if you still dislike evil Gaius even with what I’ve done
reshramlove1ob · 1 month
Evil Gaius but he’s doing bad “for the greater good.” “That man had to die, he was a danger to everyone else. Now that he’s gone, the world is safer.”
Evil Gaius but he doesn’t defect. He stays in the Union and convinces himself and others that he’s justified.
Evil Gaius that people look up to, to protect them. That still protects them because they’re just normal people who can do no harm to peace without the weapons the Union hoards for no one else.
Evil Gaius but he is a genuine threat because no one knows he’d kill his allies for peace. That he still cares about Hannah and her final wish, but has accidentally twisted it to the point it’s broken in two and now he’s juggling good glass cups that he’s filled with polluted water.
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