#apologies in advance if ur just learning about the epilogues and hs2 also. thats an entire other rabbit hole
buzzingroyalty · 2 years
Just a quick question. Ive been seeing a lot of Homestuck posts tagging June and I'm curious as to why? I know it's a popular headcanon (which is great! We need more trans rep in media) but now I feel like it's more then that? Is it canon? I've been rereading Homestuck recently but I haven't seen it mentioned. (I hope this doesn't seen transphobic. I'm not hating on June, I'm just curious if it is canon or if it's just a hc growing in popularity.)
this is my go-to post to read up on for the timeline of events, but to make a long story short it was initially just a popular headcanon, but one day hussie hid some signed toblerones in a cave and the first person to find one joked that she declared june egbert canon and hussie came out of the blue to reply like yeah sure let's do it. and ik we shouldnt always take hussie at their word bc they do a little trolling, but ppl closer to hussie passed on the message that they actually liked the headcanon and were not opposed to the idea of implementing it!
since then not much has exactly come of it from any (beyond) canonical homestuck texts except for some very minor subtle hints in hs2 that even then could be kind of reaching, since the announcement of the rest of hs2 being privately commissioned we just like. don't know anything? but either way a lot of people (including myself) have accepted june as their preferred egbert interpretation which i think would have persevered regardless of any word of god confirmation from higher-ups i personally have decided to solely junepost since before any toblerones were dropped in san fran but im a firm believer of doing whatever you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, i just dont think any june vs john infighting is productive or worth anyone's time especially in this grey area of hiatus. as if we need any author confirmation to make the content we like anyway lol
the only thing that rly irks me is when ppl are like "hussie only did that bc it was a toblerone wish weh weh" which is just. not what happened? it wasnt until AFTER the first was found that they announced the toblerones would grant wishes to the ppl who found them (which you can track here btw). no one's hands were forced, as i said before hussie showed genuine interest in june. but again, we didn't need this to validate us anyway.
so ya the answer to your question is kinda sorta not really but also yes-ish we rly just have to wait and see and entertain ourselves in the meantime
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