#apologize) oh Kath will you ever forgive me? of course...[kissing]
bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
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[TUVOKTOBER: Day 9] Ballet with the Captain.
#Tuvok#bea art tag#tuvoktober#Janeway would love doing a ballet recital if there was significant lore in the holonovel about the stakes and so forth#Tuvok does not want to do a ballet recital. He does not see how this is enjoyable.#Janeway canonically took dance lessons as a kid and Tuvok just seems like he would have too.#They were both forced to take piano (or its equivalent) and dance - and they both hated it at the time#But Tuvok stuck with lute & Janeway quit both to go on to other hobbies (she had/has a lot)#<- gets bored a bit easily and likes the excitement of a new challenge#Janeway...ok. I think she would make her romantic interest in this holonovel be:#A brilliant but sort of dismissive reporter who's an amazing writer but gets stuck doing pieces he has no passion for. And she draws his ey#bc she's so good at dancing and they have flirty banter where she shows him how dancing isn't boring or dumb and you KNOW she's putting in#scene where she like makes him dance in the rain or something. And he's graying despite only being a few years older.#The holonovel ends with him appreciating dance and writing an amazing article about the performance which she reads after#some sort of misunderstanding only to realize gasp! He really DID love her! And she opens the door but he's already there (he came to#apologize) oh Kath will you ever forgive me? of course...[kissing]#camera pans over to Tuvok who's like “=_= ...”#st voyager#st voyager fanart#also Janeway is a rose & Tuvok is an orchid
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katherinemallory · 3 years
#7 Red’s my favourite colour
Previously, on this story: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
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Every day I wanted the ground to swallow me up. Every day I’ve been sitting alone in my apartment, unable to call anybody as my phone had been blocked, hoping something (or someone) would finally come to my rescue. I couldn’t believe my first days as a double-0 didn’t go as I had always planned, and I've been put under arrest only weeks after being promoted to the double-0 section. What is more, they suspected I had something to do with the attempted murder of the Head of MI6. So much for my promising career in espionage.
There were times I almost thought that *maybe* my deep feelings for Mallory (confirmed by Eve who has heard this whole embarrassing story from myself) had the power to save me from the arrest and a possible trial. But deep down I knew this wasn’t a possible scenario. Never ever I am going to reveal my feelings... The truth could ruin my life. It could ruin his life as well...
I tried to distract myself, so I refused to do anything that would remind me of my pathetic situation. The result was far from expected... I was playing video-games or reading books, I was willing to do *anything* that could help me forget about Mallory. It wasn’t easy, as spring was coming to town. Spring... In my world it was always associated with love... or at least some casual flirting.
It was early in the morning, but I was already sitting on my couch and switching channels on my tv. I was so hopeless and bored, that even my favourite coffee I kept sipping from my mug couldn't change my mood. My hair was a mess and I was wearing nothing but the black satin bathrobe on this another ordinary day since the beginning of my house arrest.
Out of the blue, I heard a door bell that scared me so much I spilled some coffee on the floor. I quickly turned off the tv and went to open the door.
"Morning. May I come in?"
I was still a bit shaken by the unexpected visit and my voice sounded unstable.
"Y-you came back?"
The man didn’t answer me, so I just stepped aside, allowing him to come in as he had requested. My eyes focused on his face when I closed the door after him.
It was actually a rare sight to see. It was *him*. James Bond, with a large bouquet of red roses in his hands, was standing in front of me. He looked as if he had just came home after taking his overdue holiday, judging by way he was dressed - a jacket in a light shade of brown and an ivory shirt. The three top buttons of his shirt were playfully undone. The look was completed by his shiny blond hair and a tanned face - a sign he has really been on the Maldives. I’ve never seen him in such a good shape, but despite looking like a million dollars, he appeared to be less self-confident than usual.
"Katherine... I'm here to apologize" he said, while handing me the roses. "I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I acted like an idiot. I'm really sorry... and I hope you can forgive me."
I was so surprised and furious at the same time to see him, that I totally forgot about my appearance - and the fact that I was completely naked under my bathrobe. I was standing in front of him, my arms folded, and eyes full of rage.
"Thanks," I replied, using my angry tone, as I looked at the bouquet, but refused to accept it. "But if you were really sorry, you would answer one of my calls."
"About that," added Bond and touched his left cuff. "You're right, I should have answered and talk to you... But I just preferred to do it in person."
As he didn't see any reaction to his words, he came closer to me and took my right hand in his.
"Please, Kath, let's forget about it and start anew. I didn't mean to hurt you," he said in his deep, smooth voice, and leaned down to kiss me gallantly on the hand.
I tried to make my face look like I was still pretty furious, but deep inside I was aware that I wouldn't be able to pretend for long. Damn, he's irresistible sometimes, I thought.
"Apology accepted," I said calmly, as I took the bouquet. "It seems I can't be mad at you."
I smelled the roses. It’s been a while since I was given flowers.
"It’s good to finally see you, James...”
I looked up at him and realized one of my sleeves had slid off, showing my bare shoulder that instantly drew Bond’s attention. The outfit might not have been the most appropriate for the occasion.
"Oh, please forgive me,” I trembled. “I hope it doesn't offend you..."
"Not at all," Bond declared. "Feel free to undress if you think it would be less provocative,” he added and smirked. 
“Very funny.”
My eyes pointed to the coffeemaker.
"Oh yes, please," said Bond. "Coffee. Very black."
We spent the whole morning sitting on my couch, talking about everything, and drinking coffee. I quickly lost the track of time.
"There is one thing I don't get, James. How is it possible that the guards have let you in? You know, I'm not allowed to leave the place, so I thought I wouldn't be allowed to meet anyone either."
"Not exactly," said Bond. "Don't forget you talk to the 007 himself. He knows how to deal with such matters," the last sentence was accompanied by a smirk. He turned to me, waiting to see me laugh.
I did laugh.
“Right... Then I’m glad this 007 wished to see me.”
He raised his hand as if he intended to move the hair away from my face, but hesitated, and he continued to talk instead.
“He wished to see both you and Mallory. After I got informed about what had happened, I came back as quickly as possible.”
“What about the mission?” I asked, unable to get what he meant.
“It was finished. I just wanted to stay there for a few more days. That’s all,” answered Bond and hesitated again. “I’ve... I’ve already spoken with Mallory on the phone. He wants to see me tomorrow.”
“So it means... he’s back in the office?” I asked, raising my voice.
“Yes,” Bond replied and smiled. “You’ll be able to meet him as well, because the investigation’s over. So, to answer your question, there aren’t any guards there anymore.”
At that moment it occurred to me that when I opened the door for Bond, I didn't pay attention to the guards.
"Great...," I hissed. "Nobody tells me anything..."
I must have looked upset, because Bond moved closer and put his arm around me.
"Look on the bright side, Kath. They didn’t inform you of the result of the investigation properly... yet. That’s correct. But...” he held onto me, “what a messenger they’ve sent you!”
I turned my head to him.
“James... hold me tight... please.”
Bond did as I asked. For a while we were silent, wrapped into each other’s arms.
“Thank you,” I whispered into his ear. “I really appreciate that you’re here.”
“It’s nothing,” said Bond, still holding me in his arms. “I guess you were worried about Mallory?”
My heart started to beat faster, and I’m sure Bond could feel it on his chest. I replied after a few seconds.
"I was worried as hell..."
"It's just a stab wound. He'll be fine,” replied Bond and released his grip. “Katherine... could you tell me... was I really wrong about your feelings towards him?”
I looked into his eyes, not knowing what to say. I haven’t been that much confused in my entire life. I’ve already known I had fallen for Mallory badly, but I still wasn’t sure how much Bond meant to me. There was something about him I couldn’t explain and understand. They call it “the charm”, right?
“Do you really have to know that?” I questioned, caressing his muscular arm. “And besides, do you think I will tell you?”
He took my hand off his shoulder.
“You should get some rest before you go back on active service,” whispered Bond and kissed me on the forehead. “I’d better get going. It was lovely to see you, Katherine.”
“Thank you, James. I *adore* those roses,” I smiled at him mildly. “Red is my favourite colour.”
Two or three hours have passed and I’ve began to prepare my lunch. Of course I couldn’t stop to think about Bond. He came all the way just to see me... brought me those roses... I adore them... has any other double-0 ever got a bouquet of *red* roses from this man? I’m sure the answer is “no”, I thought while washing the tomatoes. But on the other hand... he had to come back anyway... and maybe this is just a sweet-talk... yes... he’s such a womanizer... there is no denying he slept with a girl or two while on Maldives... and you can’t blame him... but, he’s not a man for you... forget about him, Kath.
Suddenly, my phone rang. I wiped my hands and came to the table, wondering who the hell wants to talk to me at lunchtime.
I froze when I realized what has just appeared on screen. There was a huge, single letter: M.
“Yes?” I said as I picked up.
“Good afternoon, 002,” said a deep, but sharp voice. I wish your voice could wake me up every day... Oh, sir, I missed you so much. Keep talking, I thought.
“Good afternoon, sir.”
“You’ve probably already spoken to 007,” guessed Mallory. “I’m pleased to inform you that investigation didn’t prove the accusations, so... it means your arrest is over. Or, in other words, you’re back on active service,” he added coldly. “Congratulations.”
I didn’t listen to the words he said. I was hypnotized by the way he uttered those words.
“002? Are you still there?”
“Yes! Uhm... Thank you... Thank you, sir.”
“I suppose it means you’re ready to come back?” he asked and I could sense that he was smiling.
“Yeah,” I smiled as well. “Armed and ready.”
“I’m very glad to hear that, 002. Meet me in my office at 1 P.M. tomorrow for further instructions then.”
“With pleasure, sir. I’ll be there,” I assured him.
I was just about to hang up (what a relief to hear his voice... thank God he’s safe and sound), when I realized I didn’t ask him about the arm.
“Uhm, sir... I’ve been wondering... how... How do you feel?”
“Thank you for asking, Katherine...”
As he replied, I couldn’t believe what I’ve just heard. It made me feel all warm inside. Wait, did he *really* call me by my name?! I will remember that day till the rest of my life, I thought, and Mallory continued:
“... I feel a lot better. Good enough to get back to work... I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow... sir.”
I said the last sentence almost breathlessly... I sat on the couch and gasped for air. Wow... He *did* call me “Katherine”... for the first time since I’ve entered the section. Does it mean our relationship has moved on to the next level...? Wait, what did he say? 1 P.M., I think...
I had to contact Amanda. I’ve quickly typed a message:
Congrats Amanda!! We’re finally free! Can’t wait to see you. xx
She replied right away, but the truth was, I expected a more enthusiastic response:
Yeah, that’s great, Kath. Would you mind if we talked tomorrow before our meetings with M? It’s urgent.
I agreed, and went on to resume cooking. I had no idea what Amanda had in mind and it worried me, because rarely she was that laconic. I wondered what did she want to talk about. It all happened so fast today... the flowers (& the messenger!), the rescue, the phone call from my supervisor, and now Amanda’s request... It seems there is a lot going on right now. But let’s be honest, Kath... to look into Mallory’s eyes once again... this is what you desire most.
It’s time to get out.
To be continued.
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