#aranea cuddling a moogle doll while fighting off a legion of MTs is a delightful thought
stephicness · 7 years
A character huh? How about...Aranea?
Five Headcanons About Aranea Highwind
Beauty, grace, and a lady that’ll punch you in the face. She’s a tough cookie with a gentle side sometimes that she refuses to let anyone see without having to act tough soon afterwards. Probably because she grew up most of her life alone. She seems like a lady who was an orphan, unfortunately. But at least she has Biggs and Wedge now!
When she joined the empire as a newly ranked captain, she didn’t know much about imperial etiquette until Biggs and Wedge had to teach her the ropes on how to not lose her head. Good thing too, because after calling Ravus a pussy, she knew what it was like to be banished to cleaning duty and vowed to never relive that feeling again.
Bra? What’s a bra? No, just kidding, but Aranea probably doesn’t really need to wear one that often, with her armor mostly being enough to support her. No need for that extra wires and over-sized padding when she can just wear a tank top and call it good. Wears it only when she has to, which is when she’s got formal occasions going on for her.
She seems like a sucker for the sappy romantics and the sappy heroes and… Well, most anything sappy. She likes Ignis’s flowery talk, Prompto’s optimism, and Noctis’s determination, and honestly finds them things that she hopes to become one day. Well, not so much the flowery talk. She’ll just enjoy it and be herself regardless.
She probably secretly likes cute accessories, like little chocobo or moogle charms, that sort of thing. Has them hanging on her lance or belt after she got a few charms as a gift from Biggs and Wedge. Anyone who dares make fun of her for it will see the tip of her lance impale into their throats because, fuck them. Those charms are cute, dammit.
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