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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Sweeping Promises — Good Living Will Come to You (Feel It/Sub Pop)
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Photo by Shawn Brackhill
Sweeping Promises is all sharp angles. The two-person band met in Arkansas, recorded blistering Hunger for a Way Out in a Boston concrete bunker, left town first for Austin then Lawrence, Kansas and now delivers its jittery, minimalist second album via the combined networks of punk boutique Feel It (in America) and gargantuan Sub Pop (the rest of the world).
The debut clattered and banged with febrile strength, the taut, trilling vocals of bass player Lira Mondal the only element of softness in a bracing architecture. Good Living Will Come to You sounds slightly less austere, perhaps the result of relocating the home studio from a Beantown basement to a more resonant Midwestern home studio. Yet these two artists—Mondal and her life and music partner Caulfield Schnung—like to keep things brisk. After a brief, tender crooning into to “My Eraser,” the pair lurch into stuttering motion, bass clanking, keyboards blurting, guitar whipping back to sting. The vocals—that’s Mondal—tip the whole enterprise slightly towards new wave (Motels, Til Tuesday) but the architecture is funk-inflected early 1980s punk: Delta 5, ESG and, when the bass gets going, Maximum Joy!
Both members of Sweeping Promises are trained as sound engineers, so rest assured that this album hits exactly the way they want it to. The title track struts in on swaggering bass, guitar exclaiming in electrified yelps, the cut executed in machine-like precision. A sinuous vocal is the only curve in the piece; it snakes through wireframes of militant exactitude. You can hear every sound as it happens, the separation sharp and rigorous. Nothing overlaps here. Every block of auditory sensation comes italicized by surrounding white space.
And yet, if you like your punk rock distilled to purity, every idea boiled down to staccato essence, then pony up for Sweeping Promises. It’s bright and nervy, nodding towards funk but with all the grime scrubbed out of the seams. I like “Walk in Place,” the best, its viscous butt-moving bass line, hedged in by the fast scramble of off-beated guitars, the terse honk of saxophone. It’s a song that urges you to dance in the jerkiest, least sensual sort of way, pogoing straight up and down, head bobbing, like it’s 1982 again.
Jennifer Kelly
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Hensoldt receives a 100 million euro contract as part of the FCAS program
Sensor specialist develops central elements of a new type of sensor network.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/14/2023 - 14:00 in Military
Sensor solution provider HENSOLDT is developing essential core elements of the new sensor network in the German-French-Spanish military project FCAS (Future Combat Air System).
As a member of the German consortium FCMS GbR (Future Combat Mission System), HENSOLDT received a contract of approximately 100 million euros by the French purchasing authority DGA for the development of demonstrators in the areas of central competence of radar, recognition and self-protection electronics, optronics and also the comprehensive network of sensor technology.
“The next-generation air combat system requires an intelligent approach to a platform-independent network mission system, cutting-edge sensors and data evaluation based on Artificial Intelligence,” explains Christoph Ruffner, head of the Spectrum Dominance business unit. "This is where HENSOLDT will make the essential contribution with the FCMS consortium."
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In the FCAS project, the participating nations want to develop, among other things, a successor system for the Eurofighter and Rafale fighters, as well as a new networked sensor system. By 2025, several technology demonstrators will be developed to show the possibilities of a platform-independent network solution. This network of sensors with different platforms will later be developed in the other phases of the FCAS demonstrator.
The respective technological leaders of the industry of the three countries are involved: Under the general management of INDRA (Spain), Thales for France and the FCMS consortium for Germany, composed of HENSOLDT, Diehl Defense, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH and Rohde & Schwarz, are working together in the so-called demonstration phase 1b. HENSOLDT leads the FCMS consortium and, therefore, in addition to its technical work packages, also assumes essential tasks in project management and central architecture work packages.
Tags: Military AviationFCAS - Future Combat Air System/Future Air Combat SystemHensoldt
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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indiaartndesign · 2 years
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Uncompromising Sustainability
UNStudio unveils it winning competition entry for designing one of Germany’s most sustainable office buildings, where the concept breaks new, sustainable ground both technically and architecturally as it incorporates ESG objectives and highly efficient, resource-saving technology. https://bit.ly/NION_UNStudio-IAnD
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atomxmedia · 14 days
EcoRatings Secures $1 Million Pre-Seed Funding to Empower Businesses with AI-Driven Solutions
EcoRatings, a pioneering cleantech startup on a mission to empower businesses to achieve their sustainability goals, has successfully secured $1 million (INR 8.3 Cr) in a pre-seed funding round. This investment, secured from a consortium of prominent investors including We Founder Circle, 888 VC, Vinners, Indigram Labs Foundation, and Google, highlights the growing demand for innovative solutions that promote environmental responsibility within the corporate landscape.
Leveraging AI and Big Data for Sustainability Measurement
EcoRatings leverages the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data to quantify the environmental impact of products and services. Their methodology aligns seamlessly with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) norms, addressing the rising consumer demand for transparency in product sustainability. Our cutting-edge Gen AI platform provides organizations with a comprehensive solution to navigate their sustainability journeys, says Aditi Balbir, co-founder and CEO of EcoRatings. This fresh infusion of capital will empower us to further develop our large language model specifically designed for the sustainability domain, ultimately contributing to a more environmentally conscious future.
A Sustainability-Focused Large Language Model
Founded in 2023 by Balbir, Aqeel Ahmed, and Shruti Anand, EcoRatings’ platform meticulously analyzes vast datasets to provide precise environmental impact assessments. By processing contextually relevant data from internal and external sources, EcoRatings transforms complex insights into real-time, actionable intelligence delivered through chat replies. This innovative approach is driven by their Unified Knowledge Platform, featuring a large language model with a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture specifically tailored for the enterprise environment. This empowers organizations to achieve their sustainability targets with greater efficiency. EcoRatings’ comprehensive solutions cater to a diverse clientele, including consultants, investment banks, large corporations, and aggregators, facilitating informed and sustainable decision-making across various industries.
Building a Sustainable Future with Cleantech Innovation
EcoRatings’ success story underscores the burgeoning cleantech sector in India, where startups are at the forefront of developing sustainable solutions that drive economic growth without compromising environmental well-being. These innovative ventures are spearheading advancements in clean energy technologies, addressing organic waste management challenges, and providing air and water purification solutions. Their collective efforts significantly contribute to India’s ambitious clean energy goals.
Machine Learning: A Catalyst for Sustainability
Machine learning (ML), a powerful subset of AI, is rapidly transforming the cleantech landscape. By enabling computers to learn and adapt from data without explicit programming, ML plays a pivotal role in the fight against climate change. EcoRatings utilizes ML to pinpoint emission hotspots, predict carbon footprints, and optimize operational processes for maximum sustainability.
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themoneyguru1 · 2 months
Unveiling the Transformative Realm of Green Bonds
In the intersection of architecture and financial speculation, a fascinating phenomenon has emerged, captivating the attention of investors and environmentalists alike: green bonds. These financial instruments not only promise profitability but also pledge to promote environmental stewardship. As concerns about climate change and ecological degradation escalate, the ascent of green bonds paints a compelling picture of finance converging with responsible planetary guardianship.
Deciphering Green Bonds
Green bonds are financial tools issued by various entities such as governments, municipalities, corporations, or financial institutions. Their primary purpose is to finance projects that yield environmental benefits. These projects encompass a wide spectrum, including but not limited to renewable energy infrastructure, energy efficiency projects, sustainable transportation ventures, and environmentally conscious building developments. What sets green bonds apart from their traditional counterparts is the earmarked allocation of funds for environmentally sustainable projects, which are rigorously assessed against established standards and guidelines.
Unraveling the Mechanisms of Green Bonds
The issuance of green bonds involves several pivotal steps. Initially, the issuer identifies eligible projects, delineating environmental objectives and expected outcomes. Subsequently, an impartial third party evaluates these proposed projects to ensure compliance with established green criteria. Once approved, the issuer sells the bonds to investors who provide the requisite capital. The proceeds from these bonds are then channeled towards financing the specified green projects.
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Catalysts Driving the Green Bond Market
Numerous factors have propelled the rapid expansion of the green bond market in recent years. Foremost among these is the growing acknowledgment of climate change as a systemic risk demanding immediate action. Governments, corporations, and investors are under mounting pressure to transition to a low-carbon economy, fueling the demand for sustainable investment opportunities like green bonds.
Moreover, investors are increasingly integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into their investment decisions. Green bonds offer a vehicle for investors to align their portfolios with sustainability objectives while still reaping financial returns. Regulatory measures and policy incentives have also played pivotal roles in nurturing the growth of the green bond market by providing frameworks and standards to ensure transparency and credibility.
Impacts and Future Trajectories of Green Bonds
The impact of green bonds transcends the mere financing of individual projects; they serve as catalysts for broader systemic transformations. By directing capital towards environmentally beneficial initiatives, green bonds expedite the transition to a more sustainable economy. They also heighten awareness of the pivotal role of environmental considerations in investment decisions, prompting issuers to embed sustainability into their business strategies.
From an investor standpoint, green bonds present diversification opportunities and potential risk mitigation strategies. As the market matures, green bonds have demonstrated resilience, with evidence suggesting they can yield competitive risk-adjusted returns compared to traditional bonds. Additionally, investing in green bonds can bolster a company's reputation and brand equity, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers and stakeholders.
Challenges and Contemplations
Despite the promising outlook for green bonds, several challenges and considerations loom large. One significant challenge is the imperative for standardized reporting and verification mechanisms to uphold the integrity and credibility of green bond issuances. Transparency and accountability are paramount to maintaining investor confidence and fostering continued market expansion.
Furthermore, there exists a risk of "greenwashing," wherein issuers overstate the environmental benefits of their projects or misallocate proceeds. Robust due diligence and certification processes are imperative to thwart greenwashing and safeguard the integrity of the green bond market.
Additionally, the scalability of green bond issuances and the availability of eligible projects remain areas of concern. To fully unleash the potential of green bonds in addressing climate change and environmental challenges, concerted efforts are warranted to augment the issuance of green bonds and broaden the pipeline of sustainable projects.
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Green bonds epitomize a captivating innovation in finance, bridging capital markets with environmental sustainability. In the face of the urgent imperative to combat climate change and foster sustainable development, green bonds offer a mechanism for mobilizing capital towards environmentally beneficial initiatives.
By aligning financial objectives with environmental imperatives, green bonds harbor the potential to spur positive change at both micro and macro levels. However, realizing this potential necessitates collaborative endeavors across stakeholders, robust standards and frameworks, and an unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability.
As investors increasingly grasp the significance of integrating sustainability into their investment strategies, the green bond market stands poised for continued growth and innovation. By harnessing the power of finance to bolster sustainability, green bonds furnish a promising vision of a future wherein profitability and environmentally friendly practices seamlessly intertwine.
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esgagile · 2 months
The Advantages of LEED Certification for Green Buildings
As an LEED certification companies, The US Green Building Council, or USGBC, is the organization that issues the American green building standard known as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). It is the world's most popular green building certification program. LEED applies to nearly every kind of building. LEED offers green building standards that are energy-efficient, scientific, health-oriented, and save energy. Globally, LEED certification is acknowledged as a mark of accomplishments and sustainable paths. Consequently, the many advantages of earning a LEED certification are indisputable. According to 61% of business leaders, sustainability is essential to standing out in the competition and boosting bottom-line results. A facility that has earned LEED Green facility certification will have an edge, particularly in markets where competition is fierce.
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We are an LEED certification companies, LEED thereby enhances the building's standing in the marketplace and, more importantly, gives consumers an advantage when deciding what to buy. Consumers benefit from assurances regarding the quality and safety of their health, lower risk of sickness from using items containing dangerous ingredients, which lowers treatment expenses, and show social responsibility through their consumption. The highest rental prices are for those who are LEED-certified; these rates often vary by 20%. Typically, green buildings have a vacancy rate that is 4% lower than that of conventional structures. Experts claim marketers' income and awareness make prioritizing sustainable ideals and environmental respect challenging. The largest green building performance and project management system in the world is called LEED. LEED offers a thorough set of guidelines for the construction, operation, architecture, and performance of green buildings.
In our opinion as LEED certification companies, LEED helps investors accomplish their ESG objectives by establishing practical green building requirements. LEED is well-known worldwide for monitoring and controlling the performance of its real estate operations. Implementing management strategies that promote building efficiency, lower operating costs, raise asset value, and guarantee performance, comfort, health, and well-being for occupants is more accessible for investors with LEED certification. The building will have much lower operating costs because of green design and technology. Hence, it saves time and promptly makes up for unforeseen expenses incurred during construction. The findings indicate that employers with LEED-certified premises see increased hiring, employee retention, and productivity. When finishing projects, LEED ensures that the area is free of hazardous materials, has sunlight, and is airy and clean.
 We are renowned LEED certification companies; A green building's design strategies are always centered on maximizing natural light and ventilation to provide occupants with a comfortable and enjoyable environment. Good indoor air quality can boost memory, foster creativity, and increase job productivity by up to 18%, according to research by Dailey (2013). This is the primary reason for frequent side effects like headaches, weariness, eyestrain, and even melancholy. Enhancing indoor air quality can boost productivity while lowering the risk of allergies, asthma, stress, and depression. Green buildings use natural light, non-toxic furnishings, and ventilation systems that deliver fresh air. Outside of major industrial zones, energy-efficient buildings contribute to a reduction in environmental pollution and an improvement in air quality. LEED, in particular, is a valuable tool for lowering emissions.
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kirnakumar155 · 2 months
Google SAP Ariba
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Title: Google’s Procurement Transformation: A Closer Look at SAP Ariba
Giant tech companies like Google manage extraordinary spending volumes, complex supplier relationships, and vast global supply chains. Google has turned to SAP Ariba, a leading cloud-based procurement solution, to streamline and optimize these processes. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what SAP Ariba is, how Google benefits from it, and its overall impact on procurement practices.
What is SAP Ariba?
SAP Ariba is a comprehensive cloud-based procurement tool suite that facilitates the entire source-to-pay process. Think of it as a digital marketplace and management system that connects buyers and suppliers. Key features include:
Sourcing and Contract Management: Tools for finding suppliers, running e-auctions, negotiating contracts, and managing compliance.
Procurement: Streamlined purchase order processes, electronic invoicing, and simplified payment procedures.
Supplier Management: Centralized supplier information, risk assessment, and performance tracking.
Spend Analysis: In-depth reporting and analytics to uncover spending patterns and identify cost optimization opportunities.
Why Google Chose SAP Ariba
Google, like many large enterprises, recognized several critical benefits of SAP Ariba:
Centralized Control: Ariba provides a single platform for managing all procurement activities, replacing disparate systems, and increasing visibility.
Cost Savings: Automation, strategic sourcing, efficient processes, and more excellent cost transparency help save money
Process Efficiency: Accelerated procurement cycles with less manual intervention and fewer errors.
Improved Supplier Collaboration: Easy communication channels, shared documentation, and reduced delays in the procurement process.
Scalability: Ariba’s cloud-based architecture supports Google’s global reach and evolving business needs.
Google’s Success with SAP Ariba
The integration of SAP Ariba has undoubtedly transformed Google’s procurement operations. Some key outcomes include:
Streamlined invoice processing: Reduced invoice processing time for greater efficiency.
Enhanced sourcing decisions: Data-driven supplier selection and better contract negotiations.
Improved compliance: Automated workflows help Google adhere to both internal policies and external regulations.
Supplier relationship development: Stronger communication and collaboration with suppliers through the Ariba platform.
The Future of Procurement with Ariba
The benefits Google experiences with SAP Ariba highlight how cloud-based procurement solutions are revolutionizing the industry. Key trends to anticipate:
Increased Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI will play a more significant role in predictive analytics, supplier risk assessment, and contract negotiations.
Blockchain Integration: Blockchain could enhance transparency and traceability within global supply chains.
Focus on Sustainability: Ariba can aid in tracking and managing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics within the procurement process.
Google’s adoption of SAP Ariba underlines the strategic value of advanced procurement technology. By streamlining operations, increasing efficiency, and fostering better collaboration, SAP Ariba helps Google effectively manage its complex global spending. As procurement solutions evolve, businesses of all sizes will benefit from the ability to make smarter, data-driven decisions.
You can find more information about  SAP ARIBA in this  SAP ARIBA Link
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esgbuilders · 3 months
New Construction Contractors New York
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ESG Builders LTD: Building Your Dreams with a Sustainable Focus
At ESG Builders LTD, we’re more than just a construction company. We’re a family-owned business built on the values of quality craftsmanship, exceptional service, and a commitment to environmental responsibility. We proudly serve the New York City area, specializing in a wide range of new construction services to bring your vision to life.
Our New Construction Services:
Custom Home Building: We work closely with you to design and build your dream home, from foundation to final details. Our experienced team can handle everything, from architectural plans to obtaining permits and managing the entire construction process.
Additions & Extensions: Is your current home feeling cramped? We can seamlessly add bedrooms, bathrooms, living spaces, or even a second story to create the extra room you need.
Basement Renovations: Transform your unfinished basement into a functional and beautiful living area. We can create entertainment spaces, guest suites, home offices, or anything you can imagine.
The ESG Builders LTD Difference:
Experience & Expertise: Our team of skilled professionals has a proven track record of delivering high-quality new construction projects on time and within budget.
Commitment to Sustainability: We’re passionate about building green. We use eco-friendly materials and practices whenever possible, minimizing our environmental impact and creating energy-efficient homes.
Communication & Collaboration: We believe in clear and consistent communication throughout the entire building process. We’ll keep you informed every step of the way, ensuring your complete satisfaction.
Ready to Build Your Dream?
Contact ESG Builders LTD today for a free consultation. We’ll discuss your new construction project, answer your questions, and provide you with a personalized quote. Let us help you build a home that’s not only beautiful and functional but also environmentally responsible.
Additional Services:
In addition to new construction, ESG Builders LTD offers a comprehensive range of renovation services, including kitchen and bathroom remodeling, flooring installation, and more. We can handle all aspects of your project, from design to completion.
We look forward to working with you!
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sparkouttech · 6 months
What is enterprise integration and why is it important?
Enterprise integration uses technologies and methodologies to integrate business applications, data, private and public clouds, processes and devices across the IT environment. Enterprise integration is important because it connects functionality and communication between systems, allowing organizations to react quickly to business needs and become more agile and responsive companies. 
The complexity of most business environments typically involves multiple clouds, sprawling applications, and data scaling, making it difficult to manage and prepare for the future. Enterprise integration takes a holistic approach to solving challenges by bringing together separate data and application integration disciplines in a combined effort with a single governance model. 
Types of business integration
There are a number of different integration types that connect critical systems, processes, data and applications across all lines of business within an organization that drive transformational benefits. 
Application Integration – With  enterprise application integration (EIS), processes and data can be optimized, integrated, and shared between separate software applications in real time to provide improved insights, visibility, and productivity across the organization. 
Data Integration: With data integration , information – or data – is discovered, retrieved, and compiled from disparate sources into a structured, unified view. 
Cloud Integration – With cloud integration, multiple hybrid cloud environments are unified (both public and private clouds) as a cohesive IT infrastructure that addresses data, processes, system architectures, and enterprise applications. 
API Integration – With the application programming interface (API), the integration of two (or more) business applications is connected through their APIs, allowing those systems to exchange data sources. These critical connections drive processes and workflows across the enterprise to synchronize data, improve organizational productivity, and drive growth. 
Platform Integration: With the help of a broad range of software tools, IT specialists can create safe integration processes that link and control various cloud-based systems, apps, software development services, and data sources. Integrated platform as a service (iPaaS) and platform integration are closely related concepts.
Process Integration: With process integration, workflows and processes spanning multiple applications and systems can be optimized and orchestrated to transform operations and drive efficiency. 
Device integration: With device integration, different devices are connected so they can communicate, interact and operate across areas to support business needs and drive productivity. 
By integrating multiple clouds, applications, platforms, workflows and devices, business leaders can leverage real-time data and processes from across the organization to make informed decisions. That same 2022 ESG   survey found that the operational impacts of enterprise integration exceeded expectations, with 90% of respondents achieving better data visibility and 89% seeing a reduction in management complexity.
The business benefits of enterprise integration
Optimize and automate business processes. Customers and employees expect a seamless, personalized experience across multiple digital touchpoints. By optimizing and automating fragmented internal business processes, companies are simultaneously delivering engaging customer experiences .
Give clients strategic information.
Leaders in the market today have to use data from both inside and outside their companies to predict the wants and needs of their customers. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of their customers and audiences, organizations can enhance their competitive advantage and foster customer loyalty.
Design a future-proof IT environment. To support new business models, legacy systems must frequently be extended as part of a successful digital strategy. Cohesive enterprise integration solutions can unlock the value of your existing investments with an API-first approach. 
Enable the API economy. Companies are adopting APIs to unlock unique services and create new business models to gain a competitive advantage. These businesses can create an ecosystem of suppliers, partners, and customers by utilizing digital channels to create these economies both inside and outside of their immediate organizational boundaries.
The technologies involved in business integration 
Intelligent companies are integrated companies. They apply advanced technologies, intelligent process automation and real-time data to drive growth and business impact. As such, the applications, data and devices at the center of the business strategy must be accessible, and in multiple cloud environments at once.  
Delivering on the promise of transformation means effectively connecting and automating business processes, applications and data sources. To streamline this process and minimize risk, many organizations take advantage of enterprise application integration software (middleware) as well as cloud services.  
A guided scope is often included to assess an organization's integration requirements and objectives, allowing the business to apply proven patterns for IoT-centric processes, data, users, and scenarios.  
Enterprise application integration software solutions and cloud services often address the following transformative business technologies:  
iPaaS – Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) offers a cloud service for application, data, process, and service-oriented architecture (SOA) integration scenarios. This multi-tenant platform facilitates B2B integration as well as cloud-to-cloud, cloud-to-on-premise, and on-premise to on-premise connectivity.
EiPaaS : Gartner defines enterprise integration platform as a service (EiPaaS) as a combination of integration technology capabilities that are delivered as a suite of cloud services and designed to support enterprise-class integration initiatives. 
IaaS – Integration as a Service (IaaS) is an instant computing infrastructure provided and managed over the Internet. 
Messaging – Messaging is a form of communication for different components in a distributed application architecture. If both parties to a communication are aware of the same messaging format and protocol, components can send and receive messages across various operating systems, languages, and compilers.
Application Connectors: Architectural components that simulate the rules governing component interactions are called application connectors. They can be used to quickly integrate new EndPoints because they are standard class connections that have been customized for specific APIs.
Data Flows – Data flows provide a constant stream of information that applications can add to or consume, regardless of the transmission of that data.  
Enterprise Integration Patterns – EIPs are collections of technology-agnostic solutions to common integration problems. Patterns also provide a common language for application developers and architects to describe integrations. 
APIs, or application programming interfaces, An API is a collection of definitions, protocols, and tools used in the development of application software.
It allows your product or service to communicate with other products and services without having to know how they are implemented. 
Enterprise Integration Best Practices
Start with a platform approach. A platform-based approach supports multiple dimensions of enterprise connectivity, addressing a wide range of integration use cases (such as applications, processes, data, usage, sensors and others) in on-premise ecosystems, in the cloud and hybrid. 
Use APIs as building blocks. APIs facilitate the integration of people, processes, and systems by acting as swappable integration components within a platform framework. This allows the business to easily transform digital assets into new business models through monetization plans. 
Make the integration accessible to everyone. By democratizing integration, the business can empower all users with intuitive no-code development experiences. Business users of all profiles and technical capabilities can update and develop integrations to help maximize business value, decreasing dependence on dedicated developers. 
Implement intelligent lifecycle management. In software development for enterprise integration, intelligent lifecycle management is crucial. Create ongoing management plans to support your business integration strategy. Plans should include access control, change management, extending integrations, system credentials, and data encryption. For hybrid deployments, lifecycle management must be able to push patches and updates to runtime engines, whether on-premises or in the cloud. 
Drive continuous improvements with analytics and predictive intelligence. Use integration activity analytics to gain insights into data flow across the enterprise, departments, and endpoints. With greater user-driven integration, predictive intelligence can recognize integration patterns used across the organization. 
Establish an integration center of excellence (ICoE). Within a software development company, consider establishing an integration center of excellence (ICoE) or integration competency center (ICC) methodically integrates data, systems, cloud, and enterprise applications in a scalable, economical, and consistent way to provide a long-term competitive advantage. As a centralized function that disseminates knowledge and standardizes processes throughout the organization, the role of the ICoE is to promote business integration as a formal discipline. ICC provides multiple benefits to the software development company, including reduced infrastructure and data center costs, sustainable growth, greater supply chain stability, smart technologies and predictive analytics for better decision making, smarter process automation, and much more. further.  
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Sustainable Software Development: Environmental and Ethical Considerations
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As technology continues to advance, where innovation drives progress, an often overlooked aspect of development emerges - the sustainability of software. Software isn't just lines of code; it's a powerful tool that can significantly impact our energy consumption and, consequently, the health of our planet. This sustainable software approach considers the ecological, ethical, and economic impacts from the software's creation to its end. Here is a look at the positive effects of sustainable software development on the environment.
Software is the backbone of the intelligent solutions we use to address environmental challenges like deforestation and emissions reduction. But here's the twist – the way we develop and use software can actually contribute to our growing carbon footprint. It's not the software itself that's energy-hungry, but the hardware it relies on. As software continues to expand, so does our dependence on energy-guzzling machines.
For instance, consider the blockchain, which powers green solutions like microgrids, but also fuels energy-hungry cryptocurrency networks. In fact, maintaining the Bitcoin network consumed more energy than the entire nation of Switzerland! The information and communications technology sector is expected to account for 14% of the world's carbon footprint by 2040, up from just 1.5% in 2007.
The development of software can also be energy-intensive. Training artificial intelligence models, for example, requires substantial energy, and the computational power for large AI models is growing exponentially. This is where sustainable software development steps in.
Sustainable software engineering is an approach that focuses on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability throughout the software's lifecycle. Here's how it works:
Optimization: Developers strive to write efficient code that minimizes energy consumption.
Deployment: Choosing energy-efficient deployment methods, like containers over virtual machines, can make a difference.
Architecture: Selecting application and infrastructure architectures that reduce energy usage is crucial.
Data Centers: Picking eco-friendly data centers and practices can further cut energy consumption.
Lifecycle Management: Reducing environmental impact during development, maintenance, updates, and disposal is essential.
User Engagement: Educating users on energy-efficient software usage and providing tools for monitoring consumption can contribute to sustainability.
Continuous Improvement: Sustainable software engineering is an ongoing process that involves regularly assessing and improving efficiency.
So, how does sustainable software benefit businesses? It's cost-effective, results in higher-quality products, helps meet ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals, enhances employer branding, and boosts customer satisfaction.
To go green with software, companies should follow a three-step process:
Articulate a Strategy: Set clear boundaries and metrics, allowing flexibility for engineers to innovate and learn.
Refine the Development Life Cycle: Focus on minimizing environmental impact from the very beginning, make informed choices, and continually assess efficiency.
Make the Cloud Green: Explore sustainable interventions in data centers, like data optimization and server architectures.
Sustainable software development is the way forward. It's a win-win – better for the planet and your business. As we move into a future where technology plays an even more significant role in our lives, embracing green software is a step towards a more sustainable and ethical digital world.
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proliteofficial · 7 months
Corporate Offsite Venues: How to Choose the Perfect Location for Your Next Team Event
Selecting the ideal venue for your corporate event is a critical decision that can significantly impact the overall experience for both you and your attendees. Planning team-building activities, celebrating important milestones with the entire organization, awarding your star performers or bringing together a cohort to chart out your next strategy, can be done by an expert offsite company. 
To make sure you make the best choice, there are several factors to take into account. These include the geographical origins of your attendees and the specific activities you plan to organize. Let's delve deeper into the key considerations when making your venue selection. 
Location Selecting the right location is often one of the initial factors to consider when choosing a venue. It's crucial to find a place that is convenient and easily accessible for your attendees. If your colleagues are travelling from various parts of the country, ensure that the venue is well-connected to transportation options. If your guests are coming from abroad, it's essential to choose a location near an airport for their convenience.
On the other hand, if all the attendees are from the same local area, you'll need to decide whether to opt for a nearby venue or go further afield for a change of scenery. Regardless of your choice, take into account factors such as traffic, transportation, and parking options, along with the associated costs for both you and your attendees.
Type of Event The nature of your event will significantly influence the type of venue you should seek. For a strategy meeting, you'll require a comfortable and conducive space for focused work. If you plan to host workshops, you may need various areas where participants can easily come together and break out into smaller groups. Team offsite days will necessitate space for group activities and team-building exercises. If your event involves showcasing a new product to clients, make sure the venue offers the space and facilities necessary to create a lasting and positive impression.
Atmosphere The atmosphere of a venue plays a pivotal role in establishing the overall vibe of your event. If you aim to foster creativity or encourage connections among your teams, seek out venues with a cosy and inviting ambience. For a gala or celebratory event, you might prefer a more opulent and elegant setting. The ambience is influenced by factors such as decor, lighting, architectural design, and the style of furniture within the space. Even the venue's historical background can contribute to the atmosphere, infusing a sense of warmth, glamour, or excitement to your gathering.
Recreational Options When organizing an offsite meeting for your team, infusing an element of enjoyment is essential for enhancing team spirit. Therefore, it's crucial to select a venue that can support group activities. Whether it's team-building exercises like tug of war, sports like cricket, an open-air movie screening, or something more refined like whisky tasting, the possibilities are limitless as long as your chosen venue offers the necessary space and amenities to make it happen. A process of mindful decision-making is considered the key to creating impactful offsite events.
Environmental and Social Responsibility In today's business landscape, companies often prefer to collaborate with suppliers who demonstrate strong environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) practices. If sustainability is a priority for your event, make inquiries with the venue regarding their eco-friendly efforts, recycling protocols, and water and energy conservation measures. Additionally, you can inquire about their contributions to social impact initiatives. It's likely that if these concerns matter to you, they will resonate with your attendees as well, and they will value a venue that aligns with their values in these areas.
In conclusion, the choice of your corporate event venue is a multifaceted decision that can greatly influence the success of your gathering. By carefully considering factors like location, the type of event, atmosphere, recreational options, and environmental and social responsibility, you can create an unforgettable experience for both you and your attendees. Tailoring your choice to the unique needs and values of your team will undoubtedly result in a memorable and impactful event that fosters collaboration and leaves a positive impression.
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bellaviablatt · 10 months
Navigating the Future: Trends and Strategies in Commercial Real Estate
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To explore more about the latest trends and strategies in commercial real estate, visit https://www.bellaviablatt.com/ for valuable insights and industry expertise.
**1. ** Adaptive Reuse:
One of the most prominent trends in commercial real estate is the increasing focus on adaptive reuse. This approach involves repurposing existing structures, often those with historical or architectural significance, for new uses. This trend is driven by a desire for sustainability, as it reduces the need for new construction and minimizes environmental impact.
Adaptive reuse projects can transform old warehouses into trendy loft apartments, former factories into modern office spaces, and abandoned shopping malls into mixed-use developments. This trend not only aligns with sustainability goals but also creates unique and attractive spaces that can command premium rents.
**2. ** Tech-Driven Transformation:
Technology is revolutionizing every aspect of commercial real estate. From smart buildings equipped with advanced IoT (Internet of Things) systems to AI-powered data analytics for property valuation, the industry is embracing digital transformation.
In particular, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of technology for remote work, which in turn has reshaped the demand for office space. Many companies are now adopting flexible work arrangements, leading to a shift in how office spaces are designed and utilized.
**3. ** Sustainability and ESG:
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are becoming increasingly important in commercial real estate. Investors and tenants are placing greater emphasis on sustainability and ethical business practices.
Developers are incorporating sustainable design principles, such as energy-efficient systems, green building materials, and renewable energy sources, into their projects. Buildings with high ESG ratings are likely to attract more tenants and secure better financing terms.
**4. ** Flexible Space Solutions:
The demand for flexible office spaces, such as co-working spaces and serviced offices, continues to grow. These spaces offer businesses the agility to scale up or down as needed without long-term leases. The pandemic has further accelerated this trend as companies seek cost-effective and flexible solutions to accommodate remote and hybrid work models.
**5. ** Urbanization and Suburbanization:
The debate between urban and suburban living has been ongoing for years, but the pandemic has sparked new interest in suburban areas. Many individuals and families are seeking larger homes with more outdoor space. However, cities remain hubs for businesses, culture, and innovation. Commercial real estate stakeholders must carefully consider these shifting preferences when making investment decisions.
**6. ** Supply Chain Resilience:
The disruptions in supply chains caused by the pandemic have highlighted the importance of supply chain resilience. This has implications for industrial and logistics real estate. Companies are looking for strategically located warehouses and distribution centers to ensure smoother operations and faster delivery times.
Strategies for Navigating the Future:
Given these emerging trends, what strategies can CRE professionals and investors employ to navigate the future successfully?
**1. ** Diversification:
Diversifying your real estate portfolio across different property types and geographic regions can help mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations. Consider investments in sectors like industrial, multifamily, and healthcare real estate to spread risk.
**2. ** Embrace Technology:
Stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the industry. Utilize data analytics for informed decision-making, invest in smart building technologies, and leverage digital marketing to reach a wider audience of tenants and buyers.
**3. ** Sustainability Initiatives:
Incorporate sustainability into your projects and property management practices. Not only is this socially responsible, but it also aligns with market demand and can enhance the long-term value of your properties.
**4. ** Flexibility and Adaptability:
Be prepared to adapt to changing market conditions. Consider the potential for adaptive reuse of properties, and design spaces with flexibility in mind to accommodate evolving tenant needs.
**5. ** Risk Management:
Assess and mitigate risks related to economic downturns, supply chain disruptions, and changes in tenant preferences. Diversify your financing sources and maintain healthy cash reserves.
**6. ** Stay Informed:
Finally, continuous learning and staying informed about industry trends and regulatory changes are essential. Attend conferences, join industry associations, and engage in networking to gain valuable insights and build relationships with fellow professionals.
In conclusion, the commercial real estate industry is undergoing significant transformation, driven by factors ranging from technology to sustainability and changing tenant preferences. Navigating the future successfully requires a proactive approach, including diversification, embracing technology, sustainability initiatives, flexibility, risk management, and staying well-informed. By understanding these trends and implementing effective strategies, stakeholders in the commercial real estate sector can thrive in an ever-changing landscape.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Local authorities toy with 15-minute city, but the concept needs cooperation at all levels of society Growing up, we probably all envisaged the city of the future as a shiny towering metropolis, full of flying cars and robots. When fantasy meets reality, however, that vision starts to change. The needs and concerns of the global population, mean that protecting the environment has become the major priority, with a drive to prioritise a fulfilling, healthy lifestyle in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. It is these trends that will shape the way our cities look and feel, rather than an ever-increasing skyline of skyscrapers and an over-reliance on technology. This leads into the idea of the 15-minute city, pioneered by Professor Carlos Moreno, who is based at the Pantheon Sorbonne University in Paris. The notion reimagines the layout of a city as a series of interconnected self-contained neighbourhoods, where all of the amenities necessary for everyday life — work, shopping, restaurants, green spaces, cultural venues, and so on — are no more than a 15-minute walk or cycle away. Under this system, there is no immediate need to travel long distances or use carbon-based transport, with “hyper-locality” achieving a better work-life balance for all. The Paris COP21 conference in 2015 inspired Moreno to write the initial paper outlining his ideas, while the circumstances arising from the COVID-19 crisis helped it to gain more prominence, with Moreno even receiving the Obel Award, which is awarded for “outstanding architectural contributors to human development”, in 2021. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo included the concept as part of her successful re-election campaign, with Moreno serving as her scientific adviser, and many of his suggestions have already been implemented in the city. In the real estate investment management community, this new approach to urban planning is gaining advocates. Kelly Russell Catella, head of sustainability at Italian ESG-led investor and developer COIMA, has already embraced the concept. “The 15-minute city is about shaping more liveable, healthy and inclusive communities, where people’s basic needs, in terms of services, are near at hand and accessible,” she says. “Promoting cycling and walking, and reducing our reliance on cars, is healthy and sustainable, as is developing more public spaces where inhabitants can be in touch with nature and culture.” To find out more about how local authorities are toying with the idea of the 15-minute city, but the concept needs cooperation at all levels of society, read "It takes a village" by in the June 2023 issue of Institutional Real Estate Europe, here. The post Local authorities toy with 15-minute city, but the concept needs cooperation at all levels of society appeared first on Institutional Real Estate, Inc.. https://irei.com/news/523957/
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elsa16744 · 1 year
Outlook on Sustainability: Is ESG an Investment Strategy or a Path to a Sustainable World?
Every new day, sustainability takes the stage, and organisations are gradually easing into incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their business decisions.
ESG is extremely important to nearly 87% of senior management and 74% of senior leadership. CEOs are now scrutinising internal systems, while asset owners are demanding greater transparency on ESG reporting from the underlying companies in which they invest. In a CNBC interview, Microsoft’s Bill Gates remarked that corporations who inflate their ESG credentials asserted that, while corporate sustainability credentials are controversial, they are critical in determining whether to invest in a company.
According to a KMPG survey, global CEOs are putting ESG aspirations on hold in order to prepare for the impending crisis. According to the survey, while organisations are dedicated to investing in transformational prospects for future growth, their ESG initiatives will be paused or reconsidered in 2023.
ESG has received some unfavourable attention as a result of a variety of difficulties, however definitions of ESG differ by industry. Some attribute it to a lack of standards or measuring methods, while others attribute it to marketing hype and, in some cases, political backlash. According to the 2017 EY Outlook Report, 34% of CEOs polled expressed concern about the impact of the climate issue, as well as the need to construct a new infrastructure.
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Technology’s Role
For many industries, the way to sustainability is through technology. In this regard, the technology sector has a disproportionate role to play in aiding all other industries with ESG tracking and measurement, as well as effective change.
According to a recent KPMG analysis, despite the pause caused by the worldwide pandemic, supply chain disruption, and impending recession, the use case for ESG remains good. According to the same survey, nearly 70% of worldwide CEOs believe that their company’s ESG programmes have aided in improving financial performance.
Technology such as IoT, edge computing, digital twinning, blockchain, and other software architecture are assisting organisations in identifying and regulating end-to-end emission flows throughout their operational networks.
Read More:- https://us.sganalytics.com/blog/esg-is-an-investment-strategy-or-a-path-to-creating-a-sustainable-world/
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yelowbrick · 1 year
Enterprise Strategy Group Finds Massive Cost and ROI Benefits from Yellowbrick Data Warehouse - Yellowbrick Data
Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) today published an Economic Validation report , The benefits of calculating ROI to measure a facility's performance objectives to improved security and compliance, faster decision making.
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