#ari mccarthy
stuff-diary · 9 months
Talk To Me
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Movies watched in 2023
Talk to Me (2022, Australia)
Directors: Danny Philippou & Michael Philippou
Writers: Danny Philippou & Bill Hinzman (based on a concept by Daley Pearson)
This was basically the buzziest horror movie of the year and, fortunately, it mostly lives up to the hype. Pretty much all the scenes with the hand thingy are incredibly gripping and intense, to the point of giving me a bit of anxiety. Also, I just love how original the whole idea feels. Like, I know we've seen tons and tons of possession movies and stuff like that, but Talk to Me manages to give the genre a twist that feels super refreshing. Kudos must be given to the sound design and the score, which immerse the viewer in the film's world from the very first scene. And the script tends to include moments of very dark humor that made me laugh out loud. Last but not least, I need to commend Sophie Wilde's bravura performance. Tbh, the one complaint I have is that the movie sometimes struggles to keep a steady pace. So, yeah, Talk to Me is a pretty scary and refreshing horror film, and I'm really curious to see where it will go as a franchise.
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abs0luteb4stard · 5 months
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oceanusborealis · 5 months
Talk To Me - Movie Review
TL;DR – A completely fraught film that captivates and terrifies you in equal measures. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit scene.Disclosure – I paid for the Netflix service that viewed this film.Warning – Contains scenes that may cause distress. Talk To Me Review – As I do this final wrap-up of 2023, there is one film that I tried to see multiple times, but…
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flashfuckingflesh · 7 months
EVIL Says Talk to the Hand. "Talk to Me" reviewed! (Lionsgate / Blu-ray)
“Talk to Me” on Blu-ray/DVD/Digital! The two-year anniversary of the death is a solemn time for Mia to mourn the hard loss of her beloved mother who took her own life, or at least that is what her father tells her.  Feeling uneasy by her father’s account that circulates doubt uncontrollably, Mia pries her way into her best friend Jade’s family for comfort and becomes equally amiably with Jade’s…
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genevieveetguy · 10 months
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. I let you in.
Talk to Me, Danny Philippou & Michael Philippou (2023)
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
Soft Launch - JJ McCarthy
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“Hi baby.” JJ smiled down at you, keeping his voice low as you two walked through campus, his hand on your lower back and he guided you.
You two were public and as much as you would have liked to kiss him in public, you both knew it was best to keep it under wraps for the time being.
Well that was until some freshman from the debate team saw JJ press a gentle kiss to your lips as he told you goodbye when he dropped you off at your dorm.
“I’ll see you later. Are you still going to the boys house?” He asked as he walked backwards, making sure you two were still on for tonight.
You nodded as he shot you a thumbs up, him finally leaving for practice.
You wanted to tell your friends before news got out, but some punk had beat you to it.
“You’re dating who?” Nolan laughed as he watched you walk into their house, immediately starting on you.
You turned around, trying to walk out, only to bump into Rutgers chest, him coming in after you, “No can do bucko. Turn around.” His hands found the side of your arms, turning you around to push you forward towards the open spot on the couch.
“McCarthy of all people? Him?” Steve scoffed, “You could do better.”
“He’s nice. And super sweet. And look at that face.” You gushed. They looked at you with distaste before letting a laugh escape their lips.
You had invited JJ with you over to Nolan’s house to tell them, but the news broke campus wide that ‘Super Star Quarterback JJ McCarthy was off the market by you’ and the boys had gotten whiff of it before you were able to tell them.
“When did this happen?” Ethan asked as he grabbed your forearm, tugging you to sit down next to him.
“Like.. a month-“
“A month!” Phil laughed, “Dude, we didn’t even suspect anything.”
“I- We wanted to tell you, but apparently it’s already out.”
“Yeah we heard.” Dylan snorted, “Ya know Y/N/N, if you wanted to be more secretive, maybe you should have invited him in if you wanted to kiss him.” He laughed as he pulled up the picture of you two smooching.
You rolled your eyes at him.
“Well we didn’t expect this drama today.” Luca laughed.
The conversation changed after that, you being thankful for this until you heard a knock on the front door, Nolan popping up to grab it.
“Hey buddy.” Your eyes widened as you saw JJ walk into his house, the tension in the air becoming awkward.
A couple of the boys glared at him, sorta jokingly. It wasn’t that they care who you dated, most definitely wasn’t that- it was more so they were nervous that they’d hurt you. Especially an athlete. They all knew how these boys ran through girls and they didn’t want you in that situation.
Especially Nolan. You had been close with him since your freshman year, which would have been his junior year. You both got paired up for a project, you both finding out the other was pretty cool. It was all history from there.
“One wrong move.” Ethan glared, “We’re watching you.”
“Apparently others are too.” JJ commented, you nodding.
“Oh yeah. They found out before I even had a chance to say anything when I walked in.” You admitted as you stood up, walking over to him, “Guys, this is JJ, my boyfriend.”
You didn’t want the football player part looming over him so that’s exactly why you introduced him the way you did.
It didn’t take long for Steve and Phil to catch on before Steve replied with, “Nice to meet you, Y/N’s boyfriend.”
You rolled your eyes, but thankful one of them was smart enough to catch on, and not say something stupid.
“Well I’ve had enough. Can we just start this movie already?” Jacob whined.
“Go ahead.” You laughed as you got comfortable next to JJ on the couch.
“Hands where we can see them pal.”
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lgbtqreads · 7 months
October 2023 Book Deals
Adult Fiction Sunday Times-bestselling author of A MARVELLOUS LIGHT Freya Marske‘s SWORDCROSSED, pitched as Ellen Kushner’s SWORDSPOINT meets LEGENDS & LATTES; a second novel pitched as Grey’s Anatomy meets A DEADLY EDUCATION; an untitled novel; and an untitled novella, to Ruoxi Chen at Tor, in a six-figure deal, in a four-book deal, for publication in fall 2024, by Diana Fox at Fox…
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Benjamin “Ben” Evans- The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Ari Helix- Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy
Winter Ihernglass- Shadow Campaigns (series) by Django Wexler
Lily Chen- The Shadowhunters Chronicles by Cassandra Clare
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duckprintspress · 5 months
32 of Our Favorite Sci-Fi Reads for National Science Fiction Day
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Duck Prints Press LOVES kicking off the new year with one of our favorite annual recommendation lists: science fiction stories (ideally queer, but it wasn’t required) to celebrate National Science Fiction Day! For this year, 14 Duck Prints Press contributors suggested a whopping 32 awesome science fiction books. Note that there’s no overlap with last year (by design) so make sure you also check out Our Ten Favorite Science Fiction Reads of 2022 for some more titles to add to your 2024 TBR.
Our 2024 Science Fiction Recs:
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots
Little Mushroom by Shisi
Always Human by Ari North
More Than We Deserve by Nicola Kapron
Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho
Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell
Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
CrashCourse by Wilhelmina Baird
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
We Have Always Been Here by Lena Nguyen
Emergent Properties by Aimee Ogden
Victories Greater than Death by Charlie Jane Anders
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
The Fever King by Victoria Lee
All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Infomocracy by Malka Older
Zero Sum Game by S. L. Huang
Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
Unconquerable Sun by Kate Elliott
Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone
Trigun and Trigun Maximum by Yasuhiro Nightow
Legend of the Galactic Heroes by Yoshiki Tanaka & Katsumi Michihara
In the Lives of Puppets by T. J. Klune
Mega Man by Ian Flynn & Pat Spaz Spaziante
Mega Man Megamix by Hitoshi Ariga
Ghost in the Shell by Masamune Shirow
Once & Future by A. R. Capetta & Cory McCarthy
Five-Twelfths of Heaven by Melissa Scott
The Big Sigma by Joseph R. Lallo
Want to come read some of these books with us? Join our 2024 Queer Book Challenge on Storygraph! One of our challenges there is to read a queer science fiction book, and there’s a lot on this list that’d count!
You can check out all our sci-fi recs on this Goodreads shelf.
Wish you could contribute to these lists? Back our Patreon, join our Discord, and you can!
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daggerhobbit · 11 days
*upon your bed sits a very small crow with a letter tied with a green ribbon to its leg. you untie the ribbon and unroll the letter that smells of the forest it reads*
Hi Felix!!!!
I've run out of books to read, do you have any recommendations??
book recommendations (if you haven’t already read them):
Once and Future by AR Capetta and Cory McCarthy - science fiction/fantasy, very queer, pretty much the story of King Arthur but set in the future (also Arthur is a girl named Ari who’s the 42nd reincarnation of King Arthur), REALLY GOOD BOOK THAT MORE PEOPLE SHOULD READ
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune- fantasy, also queer, another very good book that more people should read
If you want any more book recommendations or some from a different genre, let me know!!! (also if you read Once & Future also let me know because that book is SO FRICKIN GOOD)
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justthegreat1 · 10 months
Talk To The Hand: Talk To Me Review
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Pictured above is the Talk To Me poster.
Image credit: A24
So, this will be my 2nd A24 movie review and I am still processing this movie so if this review isn’t great, I’m sorry. Now, when I first heard about this movie which was a month ago, I honestly thought “oh great…another possession movie.”, but no this is not your typical possession movie and I’m going to tell you right now dear reader… I think this might be one of the best years to be a horror fan. Anyways, enough talking and cut to the chase and “Talk” about this movie in this spoiler-free review…I’m sorry about the pun.
Talk To Me is a 2023 supernatural horror film directed by Danny and Michael Philippou (RackaRacka) and this is their feature film directorial debut. Talk To Me is produced by Samantha Jennings and Kristina Ceyton. This movie is written by Danny Philippou and Bill Hinzman. The cast includes Sophie Wilde as Mia, Alexandra Jensen as Jade, Joe Bird as Riley, Otis Dhanji as Daniel, Miranda Otto as Sue, Zoe Terakes as Hayley, Chris Alosio as Joss, Marcus Johnson as Max, Alexandria Steffensen as Rhea, Ari McCarthy as Cole, and Sunny Johnson as Duckett.
The Plot:
When a group of friends discover how to conjure spirits using an embalmed hand, they become hooked on the new thrill, until one of them goes too far and unleashes terrifying supernatural forces.
One positive I have about this movie was how the cast worked so well with each other, each cast member nailed their roles…especially Sophie Wilde, her performance makes the viewer feel what she goes through, and she was unsettling in the possession scene which was shown in the second trailer. I appreciated how each character didn’t feel like just another body count as they served their purpose.
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Pictured above is Mia in of the many possession scenes in the movie.
Image credit: A24
The second positive I have about this movie was that it didn’t depend on jump scares or violence (except for one scene) to make you feel uncomfortable, rather it was the story itself that made the viewer feel uncomfortable. This movie was made to make you feel something whether that’s discomfort, fear, or whatever emotion you get from watching this movie.
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Pictured above is the character of Riley played by Joe Bird in a very unfortunate situation.
Image credit: A24
The third positive is that I’m glad we don’t get a clear explanation as to where the hand comes from, we get hints throughout the movie from the characters, but I liked how they don’t fill the movie with exposition on where the hand came from. This movie is straight to the point which is another positive I have about this movie. It isn’t slow like Insidious: The Red Door or too fast, it is a crisp 1 hour 35 minutes which is a great run time for a movie like this.
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Pictured above is the hand that each of the characters used to communicate with the dead.
Image credit: A24
Sooooo, when it came to the negatives, I couldn’t think of one. Now I’m not calling the movie perfect by any means, but when I rewatch this movie I’m sure I will find some flaws but right now, I think this might be one of the better supernatural horror films we had in awhile (Conjuring 2 being my favorite one).
My overall thoughts:
I think this movie is worth your time if you want a supernatural horror movie that has plenty of twists and turns throughout to keep you invested, likeable characters throughout, and has plenty of suspenseful moments. I can picture myself owning this on physical media and rewatching it to find things I might’ve missed in my first viewing.
What did you think about Talk To Me if you have seen it?
Feel free to comment your thoughts and please keep the comments respectful.
Thank you!
Where to watch Talk To Me?
Talk To Me can currently be watched in movie theaters.
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His eyes were red and wet, but he wore a strange smile, it was composed of cruelty and shame and delight.
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No one is going to fix you for you, I thought to myself when I got home, giving myself a good hard stare in my bathroom mirror. But like all revelations, it didn’t last long.
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i'm not feeling good at all (part ii): mirrors, tears, & smiles
Yolk by Mary H. K. Choi / / / Euphoria / / / Luster by Raven Leilani / / / I May Destroy You / / / Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi / / / The Fits / / / Writers & Lovers by Lily King / / / Midsommar dir. Ari Aster / / / Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin / / / Possession dir. Andrzej Żuławski / / / Giovanni's Room by Baldwin / / / Lady Vengeance dir. Park Chan-wook / / /  The Four Humors by Mina Seçkin / / / I, Tonya dir. Craig Gillespie / / / Self-Portrait with Boy by Rachel Lyon / / / Sea Change  by Gina Chung / / / Either/Or by Elif Batuman / / / The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath / / / A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara / / / Either/Or by Batuman / / / Edinburgh by Alexander Chee / / / The Magician's Assistant by Ann Patchett / / / Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas / / / The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy
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emotionalcadaver · 3 months
Hello 🌻
hope you are having fun during your holiday :)
So... I noticed in your bio you describe yourself as a film snob, and I was curious if you could put together a list of films you believe everyone should watch. It doesn't matter whether they're niche films or d'essai or blockbuster, I used to adore going to cine-forums and watch every kind of genre, they always leave you something to bring home
Thank you! <3
(Sorry for the ramble, but I'm stuck in bed for the next couple of weeks with way too much free time, and I figured I might as well put it to good use! xD )
Ohhh my god, Ari, you have no idea just how badly I wanna hug you right now. Films and filmmaking are one of my special interests and I could literally talk your ear off about the industry!
Please keep in mind that these are just my personal picks/opinions, and I am almost certainly forgetting a few because I'm doing this off of memory. I'm also not including any films that I haven't seen yet (there are a few classics that I embarrassingly just somehow never got around to seeing that are currently in my watchlist) so if you notice any strange omissions that's why. Please keep in mind that I tend to prefer dark, pessimistic films, so this list is going to reflect that.
If you'd like specific recommendations, wish for me elaborate anymore on any of these films, or want a part 2 to this, please let me know!
Also, I recently got a Letterboxd account back in December, so if you want to see what I've been watching recently, give me a follow over there!
Under a read more because this got LONG.
Alien (1979, Dir. Ridley Scott)
Aliens (1986, Dir. James Cameron)
Anthropoid (2016, Dir. Sean Ellis)
The Banshees of Inisherin (2022, Dir. Martin McDonagh)
Batman Begins (2005, Dir. Christopher Nolan)
Black Swan (2010, Dir. Darren Aronofsky)
Children of Men (2006, Dir. Alfonso Cuaron)
A Clockwork Orange (1971, Dir. Stanley Kubrick)
Clue (1985, Dir. Jonathan Lynn)
The Dark Knight (2008, Dir. Christopher Nolan)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012, Dir. Christopher Nolan)
Dune Part I (2021, Dir. Denis Villeneuve)
Dunkirk (2017, Dir. Christopher Nolan)
Get Out (2017, Dir. Jordan Peele)
The Godfather (1972, Dir. Francis Ford Coppola)
The Godfather Part II (1974, Dir. Francis Ford Coppola)
Inception (2010, Dir. Christopher Nolan)
Interstellar (2014, Dir. Christopher Nolan)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001, Dir. Peter Jackson)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003, Dir. Peter Jackson)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002, Dir. Peter Jackson)
Memento (2000, Dir. Christopher Nolan)
Molly's Game (2017, Dir. Aaron Sorkin)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993, Dir. Henry Selick)
No Country for Old Men (2007, Dir. Joel Coen & Ethan Coen)
Oppenheimer (2023, Dir. Christopher Nolan)
Platoon (1986, Dir. Oliver Stone)
The Prestige (2006, Dir. Christopher Nolan)
Psycho (1960, Dir. Alfred Hitchcock)
Pulp Fiction (1994, Dir. Quentin Tarantino)
Rear Window (1954, Dir. Alfred Hitchcock)
The Shining (1980, Dir. Stanley Kubrick)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991, Dir. Jonathan Demme)
Spotlight (2015, Dir. Tom McCarthy)
Titanic (1997, Dir. James Cameron)
12 Years a Slave (2013, Dir. Steve McQueen)
28 Days Later (2002, Dir. Danny Boyle)
Zero Dark Thirty (2012, Dir. Kathryn Bigelow)
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peppermint-jade · 1 month
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Sometimes you send mail to space, and sometimes they send it back.
Watercolor postcard sent in 2022 flown on Blue Orgin New Shepard rocket and returned recently.
Art features space themed characters and ponies, Ari-Once & Future duology by A.R. Capetta & Cory McCarthy, The 13th Doctor, G1 Galaxy, G1 Star Hopper, G1 Night Glider, G1 Baby Twice-as-Fancy Milky Way, Jamie McCrimmon-Classic who and best companion, and Princess Amara-Starfield: the fake TV show from the Once Upon a Con series by Ashley Poston
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
Ugh comforting JJ after the loss to tcu 😞
Loss - JJ McCarthy
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This one hurts but thank you 🥰
You watched as JJ stood tall, watching TCU celebrate their hard fought win. You were standing next to his parents and his sister, them all watching him as well. 
He started congratulating the other players from TCU, them all on a high from winning the semi finals, them expressing how well he played against them. He shook their hands before finding his teammates, them all eventually making their way off the field. 
You watched as he hung his head as he walked down the tunnel, tossing his helmet to the ground.
“I know sweetie.” His mom sighed as she tossed her arm over your shoulder, “We’ll wait for him at the hotel. He’ll have press and everything so it’ll be a while.”
You nodded as you and his family exited the stands, you all finding their car almost immediately.
It wasn’t long that you all had arrived at the hotel, now you were just waiting for JJ to get back to the
“I let them down.” He sighed into your neck, “I let my family down. I let the team down.” He continued, “and i let you down.”
“You listen to me McCarthy. You in no way, shape, or form let me down. You played your heart out and you did all you could do. Your defense hung you out to dry tonight.” You said as you pulled back, your hands finding either side of his face, “I never want to hear you say that again.”
“But I-“
“But nothing.” You cut him off, “You got them this far. Things happen. There’s next year and if you can get them this far this year, you can get them even further next year.” You said as you tugged him over to the bed, you both sitting down, “You have to realize you don’t control the whole game. Yes, you throw the ball to help provide the touchdowns, but you can’t control your defense and they played terrible baby.”
“I know.” He whispered as he flopped back on the bed. You laid down beside him, pulling his arm towards you, wrapped it over your torso.
“Come here.” You said, signaling him to lay on your chest, “It’ll all be okay.”
“I just wanted to win this year.” He whispered.
“I know you did.” You said as you ran your hand through his hair, “and I know you don’t want to hear it, but like I said, there’s next year and you’ll be back better than ever.”
“What did i do to deserve you?” He asked as he looked up at you.
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julianxpark · 1 month
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[cis male and he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [JULIAN PARK]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [JUSTIN H MIN]. You must be the [THIRTY FOUR] year old [UNEMPLOYED]. Word is you’re [OPTIMISTIC] but can also be a bit [PASSIVE] and your favorite song is [KOOL AID BY ROYEL OTIS]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [SEABROOK QUARTER]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
fullname. julian park (줄리안 파크)
nicknames. none.
gender. cis male
pronouns. he / him
d.o.b. august 16th, 1990 | ( 34 years old )
astrology. leo ☀ cancer ☾  aries ↑
birth place. san diego, california.
hometown. san diego, california.
current residence. aurora bay, california. ( @aurorabayaesthetic​ )
occupation. unemployed / ex-actor.
religion. buddist.
tattoos. matching tattoo with cast mates.
piercings. none.
marital status. single.
sexual preference. pansexual.
family. ha-won park ( mother ), joon park ( father ), simon park ( stepfather ) , half-sister (WC).
children. none.
shane mccarthy ( will they or won't they by ava wilder ), smith jarrett ( sex and the city ), rick dalton ( once upon a time in hollywood ), vince chase ( entourage ).
+ optimistic, friendly, talented. - passive, directionless, self-deprecating.
Julian Park had never wanted to be an actor. That's what he has always said, the many times he's been interviewed over the years. When he was discovered at the ripe old age of 23, the ex-waiter would have had no idea what his life would become. All he ever wanted was to make good tips and get stoned with his friends, that was why he moved from San Diego to Los Angeles after all. That was why he was working as a waiter in the Bestia, an up-and-coming italian restaurant that attracted a lot of the Hollywood crowd. Julian had always enjoys schmoozing, knowing what people wanted to hear was his secret talent and it paid off in the hospitality industry. It wasn't until he was serving Roman Schultz, a network showrunner - that Julian realised that maybe there was more to life than charming your way into getting bigger tips.
When he was invited to audition for the lead in a paranormal drama aimed at teenagers, Julian nearly didn't bother showing up. What did he know about acting? Other than pretending to be interested in the random conversations with regulars and saying he was going to call a few one-night stands when he never had any intention of doing so, he had no experience with it. But as he read the lines aloud to a panel of producers and casting directors, Julian could feel himself become someone else. He became Harrison Chu. A ghost who haunted his love interest, a rookie cop, into solving his own murder.
And he would continue being Harrison Chu for the next ten years.
Off the back of the Twilight craze, the supernatural dramas were still on the rise but vampires were so done. The network said it was all about ghosts now. Throw in a 'will they or won't they' love dynamic between Julian and his co-star and it was a hit! The chemistry between the two leads was so intense that people often speculated that they were together in real life, although the two never confirmed it. The network would milk that tension for the better part of a decade.
The Hunt would air for nine seasons, from 2013 until the spring of 2023, when ratings had dropped far too low for the network to continue. Upon hearing that their ninth season would be their last, most of the cast and crew were relieved. All plot lines were exhausted to the point where it was borderline ridiculous. While they were like family, most of the cast were looking for other projects, wanting to grow as actors. But for Julian.. he'd only ever played Harrison. Shooting in Vancouver for ninth months of the year didn't leave much time for anything else, in between press tours, promo shoots and the convention circuit. The Hunt was the only experience he'd ever had in the film and television industry, and while it had made him rich and semi-famous in some circles, it didn't necessarily translate into range.
As things were finishing up on the show, Julian's agent kept pushing for audition after audition. Eventually, he did try out for a small indie movie with a well-known actor attached to make their directorial debut. It had Oscar bait written all over it and it generated a lot of buzz, but for all the wrong reasons. Critics said it was pretentious, the dialogue was stilted. And while Redditors online were lenient on Julian's acting, it did not bode well for his chances of launching into bigger budget films.
Thankfully, Julian wasn't the type to take things too personally and it wasn't as if he was necessarily needing a job right away. He had nine seasons of residuals and a dedicated fanbase, but away from the spotlight, he felt adrift once again. Life had been so easy on set, with a strict schedule and places to be. While it was exhausting, at least it was something to do. Since studios weren't necessarily banging down his door and his agent kept forgetting to return his calls, Julian started looking for inspiration elsewhere.
An interest in surfing is what had originally brought him to Aurora Bay. The perfect waves that lapped at the shore was the perfect reset from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood life, but it was still close enough if he did ever want to go back and throw his hat into the ring again. And while he may have no plan lined up for his future, he's in the perfect place to rediscover who he really is behind the lens.
coming soon!
roommates with @robinsantos and @ziggykyeons
close friends with @tillycai
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