#as if the very first thing max said once they were friends wasn't 'ok lol void me and i'll see if I can tell you're there'
givehimthemedicine · 2 years
Sensing El in the void
(no particular conclusion here, just collecting examples of people seeing/hearing/touching El in the void to figure out how this works. jump in?)
I'm intrigued with the way El is able to touch people in the void, as opposed to her hands passing through them like ghosts. is there any chance it affects the person in reality? she's picking up and moving Max's hand, so would Lucas have seen Max's hand floating around a bit if he'd been looking? Probably not, but we're never shown a non-void matched shot that makes it absolutely definite.
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Max definitely can't see her but I'm not clear if she could possibly be able to hear or feel her. remember when Max got Vecna'd in the graveyard she was able to really faintly hear the boys calling out to her, so I want to say trancewise it's possible she could be hearing El trying to comfort her, but voidwise maybe not.
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Granted he's a bit preoccupied, but this is a fairly rare example of El interacting with someone in the void who's actually fully conscious so I'm going to say Lucas not reacting to this is evidence that people can't feel her touching them
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this part is differently complicated because we've gone from void+trance rules to void+paralysis rules. Max can't see or feel anything, but I'm clinging to the possibility that Max could still sense she's there
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Will definitely heard her in the void. I don't think this would be because of the "people in the UD can hear people in the RU" thing because El isn't physically at castle byers. can he hear her because he's sensitive, or because the void is audible from the upside down? I'm unclear if he was able to see her or not, or if he was able to feel her hand, again not sure if that's void rules or just because he's on 1% battery and can't do much.
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Billy sensed her (which I'm gonna chalk up to hive mind ESP) and this gives us our only view of what void spying looks like from the spy-ee's pov if they know she's there
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Max knows sensing El in the void is a thing, and when she wakes up from her coma I need her to say she knew El was there, even if she didn't exactly see, hear, or feel her. like:
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Mixed bag here with Mike. he's saying "if you're out there give me a sign" and she sits down by him without making any noise and he looks up at exactly where her eyes are. then she says his name and he says hers, though it's ambiguous whether he actually hears her and replies or if he just coincidentally says her name because he's thinking about her. then she touches his face and he gets discouraged and gives up. I can only leave this at "sensed" because I can't believe he would've gotten up and left if any one of those three senses had been successful, but undeniably he felt that she was there, at least for a second.
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This time her hands go through Mike like a ghost, although it might have just been a timing issue. I think the "going up in smoke" thing is just how the connection ends if she isn't the one to end it on purpose
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Terry and flayed Billy are the only ones who ever touched, saw, and sorta spoke to El in the void, and were the ones to initiate it, I'm thinking because they both have psionic abilities
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This is also a neat one because El is able to touch her memory-mom in the void, although once again, pretty sure memory-mom wouldn't be able to hear/see/feel because that makes no sense, but void-mom does make eye contact with her.
There's only one time I can think of that El initiated touch in the void and it was 100% definitely felt...
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are there other times I'm forgetting? (I think her extensive interactions with Max in the cali memory / snowball / hellscape don't count because that isn't exactly the void?)
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
hi! I know I'm being very selfish and specific here, so would it be ok if you did a max verstappen x equestrian reader or a lando x equestrian reader, as I requested this from norrisleclercf1, and said that you were the person to go to as you were and equestrian too! I definitely won't be offended if you choose to not do this request as it is very specific and only a very small amount of people may actually understand what is going on, but I would really love it if you could!
Thanks xxxxx
I went Max bc I haven't done a horse girl fic for him yet lol.
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"What has you most excited for the weekend?" The interviewer asked Max.
Normally he hated things like this. He had his hand rubbing the back of his neck before he pointlessly adjusted his Red Bull cap and answered. "Well its always nice to drive here, the car is well suited to the circuit. And for once my girlfriend is here."
Max wasn't private with his relationship. He posted her on his Instagram from time to time. But, she had never been to a Grand Prix.
They'd been together for three years now, nearly four, and she'd never been to a race. She'd watched them on TV, supporting Max from a distance.
The thing was, she was a horse girl. She had her three warm bloods, all of them insanely expensive competition horses. But, most importantly, they were her babies and she didn't trust anybody to look after them.
This was the first time Max had convinced her to let one of her stable friends look after the horses so that she could go with him.
Max looked past the camera, at the phone. For the third time in half an hour, she was on the phone, calling to check in on Prim, Circe, and Scooby.
As soon as the interviewer let him go, Max walked over to her. She couldn't help but look embarrassed as she ended the call abd slipped her phone into her pocket. "I know, I know," she said. "I'm sorry."
"Try and relax," Max said, his pretty eyes staring into her own. "They'll survive two days without you."
She took his hand and squeezed. "I know they're gonna be fine," she said. "But I can't help it."
Max kissed the top of her head. "You're the best," he said, leading her to the garage. Of course he didn't see as she sent one last text message.
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kiawren · 5 months
kiawren things that may add some plot to our relationship: (becuz to me we both like each other too much and are so perfect for each other we already know we're in love and get together so early like I Know it's not realistic but really I don't see how it'd drag out becuz I'm not stupid and I'd realise he likes me becuz he's not exactly good at hiding it so it wouldn't even be mutual pining for long lol)
– wren confessed his crush first (very in character of me becuz I get infatuated too easily), and kia/we says sorry he doesn't like them and has responsibilities to focus on, but they stay good friends. And then he falls for wren
– if we continue with the above, kia/we later asks wren if they view him still as a crush or a friend, and wren replies friend but he actually still adores kia/we, but kia/wes like ok he doesnt like me. And doesn't confess (he would've if wren said he still likes him)
– but then again im not that oblivious I feel like I can easily tell if kia/we likes me 😭 so thats fun to think about but it's not how the relationship 'canonly' mainly goes
– trans guy kia/we who wasn't sure that he was gay (didn't even like anyone legitimately till wren), when he transitioned he just took on an assumed transhet identity. and was conflicted when he starts to like wren whos nonbinary transmasc but doesn't really pass so he was worried he doesnt see wren as the boy they identify as!
– if kia/we already knows he likes guys/masculine aligned people, then wren was worried he wasn't enough of a boy for kia/we to reciprocate (actual thing that I thought of alot when I had an infatuation for a cis gay irl)
– over a vacation wren went back to whatever region they came from (idk poke/mon well enough outside of gen 7 my bad💀💀) and both of them were thinking whether it's a crush that'll pass over the month or two. (spoiler it didn't)
– well on the gender and sexuality thing maybe kia/we thought wren as someone who understands him in that aspect very well (since they're both transmasc, just to different extents) so he confused himself over whether it was like a special bond of solidarity and understanding or like. An actual crush (reminder he has not liked anyone so bad before. Or anyone for that matter. I still haven't really decided on that. I feel like he knows what love is cuz his parents are in love but never really had time to think abt it)
– wren isnt from alo/la right. He's there to study on conservation (my irl dream) and kia/we doesnt trust foreigners as seen in the first few eps. So he treats wren in a stern and a bit mean. kinda way. This is kinda important becuz if he didn't, wren would immediately be infatuated with him within like max 5 days. So to drag out the time they take to like each other kia/we has to warm up to wren and wren has to see him as actually not intimidating.
– it'll also be interesting if there were foreign students before and they did not care for alo/la's natural world as their academic intentions made them seem to. So kia/we had bad impressions of ppl coming to alo/la to help the region becuz he doesn't trust that they truly care for it. But wren really does and kia/we needs a bit of time to realise that. So he was initially really mean to wren lol, and unlike the shift in the canon show where kia/we quickly became a silly guy and wasn't mean anymore, here it was more gradual and so wren didnt like him that early on
– they were on the topic of dating before and wren said they didn't really like the idea of dating a schoolmate (once again, me irl, schoolmates suck) but that mostly applied for his school back home, not the smaller and more bonded class he was part of here in alola. And kia/we was like yeah I have lots of commitments too like my family, my training,... So they were both like yeah I don't think I'd date. So they were apprehensive on confessing to each other becuz they thought the other's answer was pretty much definitive. (but it completely changed later on solely becuz they really liked each other..!!)
Some other points of personality conflicts so they're not actually as perfect as I say they are lol
– I posted this before but wren (me irl) is kind of a germaphobe when it comes to their bedroom and some other routines in their life and kia/we is much less hygienic like basic hygiene ofc but he stays on a farm and sweats a lot and he sometimes lays down on his bed in between, or like before he sleeps he trains but he doesnt shower idfk in the games his bed literally smells like sweat. But anyway the point is wren got thrown off by kia/we like idk not washing his hands that much etc etc it's hard to say becuz I freak over 'germs' in specific places and circumstances only... but ajsksjkd I'm literally getting nowhere with this. I'm just saying they have to get used to each other here
– kiawe has 100 discipline responsibility commitment. wren has like 2. If we were to keep it realistic kia/we wouldn't be like head over heels for wren cuz he's really not perfect lol, all this comes to kia/we so naturally and. I kinda want to say he'd be annoyed that wren isn't like that but he also doesn't get annoyed at people's flaws. He understands them and helps them achieve their goals regardless.. but I still think it'd be tiring for him.. so I guess he'd want to help wren as more of a friend and it'd take a while to see them for their other strengths aside from yknow their work ethic that takes up a lot of what you see in someone and infer about them. What I mean is that I'm so non-committal but if someone were to like me. I guess it'd be more of the artistic and intellectual aspect? I hope........
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wackology · 4 years
Dumb HBCU/WR movie ramblings
Ok so I've been thinking a bit about the HBCU and a potential Wacky Races movie in development a bit and I got a lot of shit to say about this so buckle your seatbelts and hold on to your hats as you witness my incoherent ramblings and fanon headcanons.
So it pretty much agreed upon that any next installment of the HBCU is gonna take a while to come out considering how WB has put the HBCU in standstill for their dr seuss cinematic universe and liveaction-animation hyprid movies. Hell even the director of Scoob said that. The possibility of us getting another cinematic HB film in the next 5 years are close to none but if we were to get a movie it would probably be wacky races themed. Why? Cuz the Scoob film left off with Dick escaping prison with the wacky races on his mind (or in this case, his prison cell) and it would make sense for WB to continue the HBCU (which they probs don't plan to) with a character we are pretty familiar with and the only likable character in Scoob. Which begs the question, where would the plot go narrative wise?
Dick probably won't be the main character of the story but I can practically guarantee it will be Penelope Pitstop. I mean they already got concept art and i think they have models too that were unused and the people on scoob said they didn't add her to the film because they planned for her to be part of something bigger. Basically, I bet my left arm that the protag will be penny because apart from dick and muttley, she was the most memorable character of the show. We must also consider how they would tie up other hanna barbera characters and properties into a WR film thats part of an HBCU installment.
So basically, with this in mind I have created a few theoretical plots/premises that might happen in a WR movie
1. A Hooded Claw driven girl power film
Claw is an og and classic antagonist for penny, and if they really wanted to make a film centered on her the hooded claw is the perfect character to play the bad guy. I feel like the plot would go a bit like this: In order to kill penny and get her inheritance, Claw sponsored/set up the wacky races to kill penelope under the guise that good ol uncle sylvester was supporting Penny's girl power dreams to be a racer. Basically, he acts all supportive and shit for her to chase her dreams and enter this new race but under the mask actually set the whole thing up as an elaborate plan to kill her.
He lets the most deranged, insane and wacky people enter the race, from a gangster mob, to literal monsters to a pilot racer and a military tank duo with guns and canons thinking that Penny's survival chances in this race will be close to none, especially with it being a sausage fest and him not believing  in girl power. He even hires a professional mercenary with an evil dog to help kill penny in the WR (yes, dick, and yes he was sucessful at killing the pigeon in the scoobverse so he is actually considered quite the exceptional and competent villian in universe).
The rest of the film would be her racing and doing good despite all the odds and ends at her winning the grand finale, much to the frustration of Claw.Basically a film of empowerment for young girls to enjoy. This plot would probably be the most faithful to the original WR and most likely be a prequel to Scoob since the movie implies that Dick was doing all the skull shit after the wacky races sooo yeah.
There could also be a peter/penny subplot, perhaps not as romantic interests but as platonic friends or just some flirty exchanges between them, as well as a dick subplot with him not liking to race much at first and doing it for just the money but coming to love it as the film progresses. This plot would also probably be the least HBCU type film since it is mostly WR based and by nature would already have a ton of characters but they might try to replace some of the less memorable characters with other HB characters that are a bit more memorable than the boring racers but not as well known to have their own films (could see the country bears replace luke and blubber bear as well as any other character replace the lumberjack guy).
2. The Great Race inspired film
So we kinda get the idea in scoob that dick hasn't been in the Wacky races for a while after muttley disappeared and all the skull business happened but as we all know, dick was the character who made the races actually interesting. So the execs couldnt just have the wacky races without dick so what did they do ? They got a doppleganger of course, that being this boyyyy
Basically, the Wacky Races executives used Dick's way less famous twin brother  the Dread Baron and his dog friend Mumbly to fill in for the two once they realized Dick wasn't going to come back after prison. They were wrong of course but dick doesnt know he's been replaced and escapes thinking he was going to join the races again but when he does find out it bruises his ego a lot.
This idea technically serves better as a subplot and could be woven into the hooded claw story above if we just changed a few elements( make it happen after scoob instead of before, perhaps DB and Mumbly were hired by claw to kill penny and dick has to begrudgingly help penny and peter to get his place back in wacky races). After plot stuff happens it ends with dick being in the WR again and DB finding employment elsewhere in the Laffalympics which can easily tie into the established HBCU since it has the yogi gang, mystery gang, captain caveman and the teen angels gang and blue falcon and dynomutt.
Does this theoretical plot draw a lot from my personal desire to see DB just once. Yes. But do i care. No
3. The super HBCU plot(probs the most likely)
So the end credits basically tell us that after the scoob movie that the mystery gang and other HB characters joined the falcon force and are fighting baddies and crap.
Dick has escaped so they will probably start looking for him and in order to do so they get tangled up in the wacky races. Dick isnt the main antagonist tho( he's either trying to sabotage the other wacky racers because he is salty af or begrudgingly has to help out the heros or main antagonist) but the falcon/scooby gang discover a huge conspiracy happening within the wacky races that goes something like this: this race was set up kind of like a scavenger hunt across the world or the US to find mcguffins that are actually really powerful and crap when assembled, which is what the villain was trying to do because evil reasons. Basically wacky raceland done funnier or just Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run.
In this premise not only would the og wacky racers and scoob cast be in it but i bet there would also be a bunch of cameos and references to other HB characters and they might even join in on the action and be racers too. I have no real clue on who the main baddie would be but I think it would be a johnny quest bad guy or something:( in the end credits they are teaming up with Quest industries after all).
I feel like the entire vibe of a premise like this would be very mad max like but without all the apocalypse stuff and just pure unrefined insanity. I kinda based these ideas off some of the unused concept art in scoob and I'm pretty sure the gang and the falcon force would team up with penny cuz they were planning to do so in the og concept art.
I have a few other ideas in my head but those arent fully developed but I might post them one day lol. But yeah, thanks for listening to my dumb shit lol
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