ask-asdfengland · 5 years
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haha Im still dead but I want to archieve something that isnt important but it was one of my experience of running ask blog. You wont able to find this acc anymore (and you wont do it too) cuz I just deactivated this after reading this article regarding Twitter is going to purge inactives next month
Luckily the tweets arent that much so if you want to see what did I tweeted many years ago feel free to do so all will be cut out after Keep Reading section
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RIP asdfengland’s twitter acc. You will never be forgotten
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yee-art · 5 years
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I know I should’ve state this as soon as the nsfw removal has announced. Sorry for being quiet for months.
I will continue stay in tumblr and post my art since I never received any flagged art here. But not as every doodles/art that I made since majority of followers are into APH/Persona. 
truth to be told, I am in deep into Fate series fandom and not really talk about the old fandoms I used to love. Is hard to confess about this but I dont want to keep my voice for myself and I decided to voice out before it gets worse.
I love all my muses/headcanons that I created ( Im lookin at you, Salty!America and @ask-asdfengland​ ) Im happy to see you all enjoy them a lot. As Im become older and eventually become one of the senior of the community, I started to feel tired and hard to blend in with newcomers or hard to keep it up.
It sounds impossible for me now but I really wish I can continue to draw them again. I want to move on but I feel anxious and started to feel struggle on this problem. I hope this resolve a bit even tho that wont really work.
I hope my followers, old and new, continues to support my arts. Whether you  like it or not, Im sure you still appreciate my charms inside of my arts. I also wish anyone who are still reading my post now, can at least say hello to me in either message or inbox just to break out the barrier between us.
Not to mention, I have twitter too, where I spam my doodle nearly everyday (mostly just fgo lmao)
some other website which Im try to be active there: pixiv | Instagram
Thank you.
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yee-llow · 2 years
Hey man this isn't important at all but I followed your Uhh asdfengland blog years ago and never really read the whole post about you going inactive and I got kinda upset but got over it, so I had NO IDEA of your main blog. But today I do and I started cackling seeing that your profile picture is. England. I was not expecting that.
Im pretty sure I've been promoting my main and art blog for a lot of time when I was still actively running asdfengland. I think is better for me to letting the ask blog go after running it for like 5 years.
the reason Im still using England as profile picture in this main account is because he's forever my favourite character, even after I've move on to Fate Series fandom in general. Whoever known me in tumblr dot com will recognize me as one of England fan and I would like to remain that forever, even tho I don't talk about hetalia anymore (unless someone willing to but I dont have anything to discuss about it)
like please, at least take some time look through someone else's blog and make sure if they are still alive or at least find the links to mun's social media.
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Then please tell ussssssss QAQ but like legit unless you don't want to!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -ma
( ugh fine, but you guys better not do anything with this
(I think I go got everyone, but if not I'll add later
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bubblyernie · 7 years
aak-asdfengland tumblr com/post/155667440420/ask-monster-hunter-jones
hh what? the link doesnt even work, and i put the dots in and everything 
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ask-asdfengland · 6 years
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ask-asdfengland · 5 years
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ask-asdfengland · 5 years
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After months of hiatus and with the last update in December, I realized I couldn’t keep up with this blog any longer. This will be the very last but not as really farewall update from mun.
I want to thank you to everyone who’ve been supporting and following asdfengland for 5 years and 4 months!
If you are in this section now, I want to deeply appreciate ur time to read on my reason why I have stopped updating the blog.
1. Low Fandom reception: Ever since I started to run this ask blog, I slowly noticed the fandom itself isnt that great, because the majority of people only bias on only few numbers of ancient grade famous content creator instead of supporting newcomers. (which is why I did the callout post nearly 2 years ago) plus the tumblr system alr make things worse as the post get flushed away into deep ocean if nobody reblogs it.
2. Tumblr: *This part is actually irrelevant to my reason but I need to mention this. Beside the system, I never get to know how tumblr’s taste actually works. I never get much attention but only memes. I dont like my follower sees me as that one who definitely deep into aph shit and only create meme 24/7. If people changes, so do artists. People just don’t even give a chance to get more exposes unless I have reached certain of reputation to do it. 1 content explodes in tumblr doesn’t even mean that artist will become instant popular.(and then the crash of 17th december)
3. Hetalia is no longer my main fandom anymore: You heard it, you just dont notice it. Beside asdfengland and salty!America, I dont even want to draw the rest of the aph characters after Late 2016. Im also tired of stucking in aph for too long...way too long. I slowly feel dried out as the time passes. I dont want to force myself to keep going if I cant even keep it up.
4. Evolved memes: Either is hard to fit asdfengland into new forms of meme, or I dont have any idea to fit into the context.
5. Lack of interaction: yall.
In conclusion, this blog is *claps* *claps* officially dead. Perhaps if there’s a kicks in, I will just slip a meme in as usual and ofc I will keep share my relevant content to make people laugh.
If you want to contact me, Please don’t contact me here. I’ve stopped taking any response from this blog. So Please move to other social media if you want to say hello to me or asking anything !
tumblr @yee-art or @yee-llow
twitter: https://twitter.com/Yehlawd
discord: Yehlawd #7119 or find me in the Vital Region 2.0
you can donate with Ko-Fi:https://t.co/RyX40PYYUL
Rest well, my meme grandpa. You will be remembered
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ask-asdfengland · 6 years
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((you heard it. tumblr is going to become a christian website and we cant even say the n word here. So I want to start considering on next few weeks how am I going to maintain the blog. I might consider on moving my content to twitter too, but I srsly need to know what you guys think about it. I still continue shatposting here so dont worry!
When you see this, that means my hiatus is about to the end soon, I will make a return this Friday so prepare some tasty meme..? Sorry make you guys wait too long for new post, I was srsly busy with everything I have on hand.
Just in case, if my art got flagged please go check out my other social media too! AND PLEASE CONTACT ME BESIDE THIS ACC, I dont usually check this blog more often except I want post.
twitter: https://twitter.com/Yehlawd my tumblr art blog @yee-art and personal blog @yee-llow
and please donate me in Ko-Fi too
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ask-asdfengland · 6 years
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ask-asdfengland · 6 years
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((Im having crippling depression.
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ask-asdfengland · 6 years
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ask-asdfengland · 6 years
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ask-asdfengland · 6 years
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(( I didnt made promise well cuz I got dragged by my parents to a place for 1 night. sorry for that!
the main point is, I just started to testing out SAI2 in my new pc! I was hoping for getting Clip Studio actually but I want to get it in legal way.
so I guess SAI2 is my main art program from now on, so if you are interested, just...PM me?(best to leave msg in my art/personal blog or discord not here)
I got some asks regarding the discord servers I have been secretly hinting around. The only good things about joining discord from me is you will see my work BEFORE getting posted in this blog. Then again, it has nothing to do with any association or what so. Both of the link are permanent so dont worry about the expire date. You dont have to 100% join, they’re totally optional
USUK Network Hub by @usuknetwork
LASTLY, you alr know what: support me in Ko-Fi! I didnt ask too much this time. this blog has been active for hell 4 HELL YEARS(CAN YOU BELIEVE IT) Please kindly check out my Ko-Fi page, I srsly appreciate ur support.
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ask-asdfengland · 6 years
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you know this season’s anime is fucking wild, which anime you guys are excited to watch?
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ask-asdfengland · 6 years
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