fouralignments · 1 year
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Oh what fresh hell is this
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Yeah report this to Ao3, I know yesterday I reblogged this subject of Webnovel being a scam. First techbros and now scammers coming into Fandom and fanfiction spaces to bring in their monetization/capitalism; spaces designed to be free and for artists and for the community that writes and producers fanworks. It goes against the very idea of fandom and Ao3.
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fouralignments · 2 years
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I keep seeing Dadneto
I was wondering when you were going to ask me a question.
One thing thing to do know about Peter is don't make him angry. He's a pretty chill dude. Sure, he may have his Dadneto's stubbornness, self-loathing, Metallokinetics, sarcasm and dry humor; but also his anger and wraith.
However, unlike his father, his anger takes more time to get out of him, a lot of the time he goes straight to sadness and self-deprecation instead of anger. But, when he does show his rage and anger, boy it can give Erik a run for his money; as Peter isn't used to dealing it. Causing power malfunctions in his metalbending...very scary stuff.
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Peter's anger is a slow build, it takes a lot. but when it happens its expulsive; he stays angry after the fact While Erik's anger is there, but he can control it and balance it with serenity like geothermal; staying on that spectrum he specialized in some forms of metalbending, but is consistent.
All I'm saying is that you do not fuck the Magento or his family or anyone that Erik holds dearest to him.
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fouralignments · 2 years
Okay I know you said that you would not touch the mcu within a ten foot pole. But...Peter being kidnapped by Agatha Harkness. Then he comes back....Erik is never letting the boy leave the house again.
Also it's worse if you look into comicbook more and realize that Agatha is related to Shaw. Like 3rd cousins or some shit like that. But it's enough for me to scream into the distance.
I know so much about it's insane
Ok, let have a go at it!
This could take place in the foxverse! I would aspect the Shaw family to be wealthy as Shaw may have had other allies over the years, he could be older than we think he is in the movie. With Erik so narrowly focused on Shaw, he didn't consider that he may have other family members. Agatha is a cousin, who was Shaw's fav niece or something. However, she inherited a form of energy manipulation. She wants revenge; what better way than to take it out on Peter?
So, she kidnaps him does a mind wipe of him, gives him a new identity and turns him against Erik and plans on marrying him to further control over him.
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It takes a valiant effort of both Erik, Charles, the X-Men, and the Brotherhood to get Peter back.
Basically Erik and Charles:
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fouralignments · 1 year
You ever heard of the movie Cocain bear
Because Peter would totally drag Erik to it
Yes I have.
Camp. Horror. All. The. Way.
They would also have a horror movie marathon including:
50s The Blob
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Hocus Pocus
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Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
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Of course:
Rocky Horror
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fouralignments · 1 year
Dad Dadneto and QuickSohn moment
Erik teaching Peter warrior shit.
Like boy scouts got nothing on Peter.
And then the speedster uses his skills for good. Like going red dawn all on Hank's ass.
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He's doing the lord's work by saving the students from an incompetent scientist.
Saving mutant students from scientists who wish to experiment on them does seem like a Dadneto and Quickson thing to do. A father son bonding moment indeed.
Like Peter learning knife skills karambit, daggers and other hand weapons; learning how to use explosives with his superspeed setting up booby traps, camouflage, cooking, firestarting, archery, tactics and strategy, teaching him how to play chess; obstrical courses; Erik uses his powers to fire bullets and even higher grade artillery at his son to dodge it and become faster.
Afterwards celebrating with baked goods and wound wrapping as a Dadneto does. Hanging out with Charles who's been sitting in his office watching over his two dearests.
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fouralignments · 2 years
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Peter: Am I Erik's son now Hank! IS THIS ENOUGH FOR YOU!?!
Hank: I said I was sorry!
Peter would even look great in a turtleneck!
Charles is like approve of this and also lets get Peter some high end pieces as well. This boy will be loved and look good!
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fouralignments · 1 year
Assassin's Creed au?
Erik the assassin leaving Peter in Charles care to protect him from Templars.
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Erik supposed it was an easy mission. Simple really.
But it became more than it. A revelation indeed.
Beyond mere leaps of faith.
Erik graced across the sky, the full moon so big it was like the sun glazing his back with coldfire, luminous and milky light. The skies filled with glittering stars and shrouds of nebulas. For in the dark, there could be found light in which he served with questions numbering in the dozens of stars above him. The winds cutting against face as the assassin glided downwards cracking a few terracotta tiles. Hunching over keeping himself to the shadows
blending into a chimney right over the kitchen, the staff prepping for the feast the next day; soups boiling, the rough chopping of vegetables, and yeast rising in breads, cakes, and other decadent patisseries filled with curds or jams before being utterly dosed in amber caramels; just to show off how much wealth the Xavier's had. Just to get the many pounds of refined sugar to produce such indulgences. Stilling his body.
As the torch light of a regent of guard patrolled with their halberds glinting, freshly sharpen and ready to fight, the Xavier estate Their heels of armor clicking together in unison as they hit the stone cobbles of the street.
Glancing over, the guards were far enough away. Erik continued on his way the soft soles of boots catching the sound to the inner sanctuary kept behind secrets and solitude of the grounds.
A quick detour...Erik picked up speed and launched himself onto a tower, his fingertips catching onto the barely an edge of the stone and pulled himself by the strength of arms to the rung of a long banner hanging the crest of the Xavier. Now relying on his balance on what wasn't the most sturdiest of poles. Erik jumped onto the roof; the highest point. There outstretched was a gargoyle, the drain water spout of the parapet.
Synchronized himself with the surrounding area. He could see all, a view from God's eye. The complex of buildings the Xavier Estate, stables, barricades, library, courtyards, smokehouses, servants quarters and the main mansion; the many walls keeping the nobles away from those below them, a city on top of a hill snubbing its nose against the world; the mountains craving the landscape behind it, the orchards of pomegranates, fields of blackberries and wild blueberries.
This was right one. The trees rustled as the breeze blew into archway with its geometric intricacy and pattern titles surrounding it; linen drapes flowed with winds creating the illusion of waves. A chess game on the floor well played against himself; the player unwilling to sacrifice any pawns.
Erik stood in the entry and his shadow overtaking the bed as the moon lit him from behind, only his ice blue eyes could be seen under the shadow of his assassin's hood. Erik raised hands in grace of his oath he swore of them, channeling the hidden blade from his bracer with a mere flick of his wrist; its twin with the magnetic force of the earth tuned to his command. His weapons of justice, killer of tyrants.
He knew what needed to be done.
Erik would show him the face of death.
The assassin pulled back the canopy of the bed. He could only breath as Erik mounted the young man; Erik didn't want to know his name. It made the job easier. But why the Brotherhood wanted him killed, he didn't know nor would they tell him.
A mountain of pillows supporting his shoulders and neck area as his target's chest rise and fell in the deep throws of sleep, leaving his chest extended outward with a neutral loose sheer shirt with a deep V neckline that left the eyes to wonder down his chest.
Erik placed his blade at the apex of the neck in the crest of the chest. The assassin breathed out as his eyes opened, awakened to the weight of the blade against his chest, not with fear, but with something much more damning: anticipation.
Erik fell into the deep pools of caerulean. He drowned in them. Lips as red as rosewater-Pomegranate Lokum delights and just as soft and delicately sweet as it was rolled in dried rose petals.
A shock went down Erik's spine as it stilled him. So complete was his shock that his other half slide down, hands feeling the ornate polished rows of carved camel bone beads handwoven into the soft brown leather and slide an arm around Erik's arm before collapsing into its mirror, pinned it against his chest. Bucking and with a great "umpf!" from Erik as he was rolled onto to his back, his hood falling back, revealing his face to his enemy; the Assassin found himself in a position that he didn't want to be in and gave the former much more leverage over him.
His light touches crowned Erik's chest, catching all the delicate work that went into his assassin's armor; an outmost shell of his being that show the world who he was; afraid one wrong touch would ruin it in all its splendor. At the feathered metal the handles of hidden throwing blades, resting above his heart. Above, the hands pulled back.
Feeling the rapid rise and fall of his breath; this was a templar ready to kill him.
An aura of serenity and calm radiated from him as if the sun had been brought to him. Charles breathed steadily until they matched one another and both breathed to together.
A thought passed over him, he'd known it, but didn't listen to it An instinct known the truth: this wasn't his enemy. This was Charles. He was certainly wasn't going to kill him.
Charles leaned down, his reddest lips that could put a rose to shame brushed against the whiskers of a shadow of a bread not yet grown; his auburn hairs standing on end as they catched the warmed breath. Every move methodically, just trying to capture every flow of jaw to the inner valley of the neck to memory. Every now and again the pad of the tongue, licking them.
Wills flowed together, "There are no need for your blades here, Assassin." Erik held his hands up in mute surrender, before the songs of his metal blades slide back at their command. Charles's nimble hands came back down into the hard weaved leather gantlets.
Trailing down the Y of the rows of camel bonds embroidered into the raw woven silks acting like the armor plating, but with all the beauty and finest that could only be done by hand. Before Charles paused at the the red suede strips overlayed with stamped leathers sash draped down bands of beads and a sheathed close combat Pesh-Kabz dagger, along with smoke bombs and poisons if the need arise.
"You do not need to say a word, my dearest. For I know what you want." Charles hands slide under Erik's waist and unbuckled the sash and tossed away along with the red suede wrapping. "Erik."
The first light of the day was what awoke Erik. Charles so close to him, his fingers combing his hair and twisted it around his finger while the other hand, traced down the length of his spine.
"You should stay, Erik, please." Charles begged of his lover. The thought of being away all too much for him to bare alone. Would be alone again.
"You why I can't, Charles." Erik stated. The warmth of his body leaving the bed as he got up to find his clothing and be gone before the guards found him. The Council would not be pleased...
"Come back to me, my dearest; its what you want."
"Its not about what I want, Charles...besides we do not want the same thing." Erik did look back as vanished into the daybreak.
Erik guided the horse and wagon turning into the innermost courtyard of the Xavier estate looking down at the cobblestone. Knowing that as they traveled, they would appear not as themselves but as simple merchants wishing to do the Xavier family; just one of Charles many tricks. The Templars and Shaw for that matter knowing none the wiser.
Peter gasped and couldn't contain his excitement and jumped down from the cart with Mr. Dibbles's glass bowl and tottered over to the large fountain pond that bubbled out the top into the larger basin filled with Lilly pads, skaters, and dragonflies skidding across the still water surface. Peter took out Mr. Dibbles from his glass home and showed the little turtle around.
Erik smiled at his sohn. It had been many years since he'd Charles, politics, practicality, missions, and the council's petty deceits kept them apart. Stepping out of the door, Charles was as beautiful as when he first laid his eyes on him. A light gray loose collar long sleeve shirt and hanging down on his neck was the carbon crystal that glowed in ethereal light like the moon. A rare find during a research mission in Egypt to find information on the first incarnation of the brotherhood hoping to find answers that the continent didn't have or misled during the crusades. The telepath wore a white wraparound scarf draped over his head and shoulder acting like a shawl the bellowed outward when the breeze came through; it quite reminded Erik of a tallit. "Oh stop your flattery, Erik. It's too much."
Erik gave a wayward laugh, "Its nowhere near enough--" Charles closed the distance between them and placed his scholarly hands on around his neck that knew no the roughness of stone or and were soft as the leathers that bond the books that he read throughout his studies: Ibn Khaldun, Aristotle, Socrates, Ibn Sina,  Ibn Rushd, Ptolemy, Alhazen, Apollonius, and Omar Khayyam. Chares pulled back on his hood to see his face, cradling it and moved toward the strand of beaded hair intertwined with mother of pearl, colorful Moroccan beads and bits of metal Erik found and turned into hollowed beads, a larger glass protective talisman blue and turquoise of the ayin ha’ra, the evil eye; played with it interweaving it between his lithe fingers.
Erik smelt like an early morning rain, the old ethereal stones of synagogues he climbed on to reach the rooftops to see the edges of the horizon; the oakmoss ambergris of distant woods and rolling in the meadow grass with his sohn; Charles wouldn’t have it any other way.
Erik would be lost to him again. He wished he’d stayed.
But in his waiting, Charles found ways to connect: letters, gifts of Persian sliver, Sidr Honey, Sandalwood, amber, silks and tea from the far east, ingots of Damascus steel that flowed downward like water or bloomed like roses; A Thousand Nights with tales of Sinbad and Scheherazade for Erik to read to Pietro and for Erik Ḥamāsah; bond book of his own handwritten poetry; or if he was playful placing flowers, Astilbe and Myosotis, all over the city for Erik to find on his daily assassin duties.
Erik would do the same: calligraphy of Ktav Ashuri script and intertwined with poetry, fine metal jewelry scrupled by his powers, letters of Pietro's development, and while in the deepest of sleep during a new moon darkness....Erik would come to his room and give the briefest of touches. Charles would awaken sharply, for a moment, a oh so brief moment he saw Erik, before in a blink his dearest was gone. But, he would always be in his shadow, watching over him Charles knew, he just knew that Erik was there feeling his presence over him.
Charles's hand flowed down Erik's face darken with fuzzy auburn bristles, "How about you stay for a day? I have a warm bath prepared and I can give you a shave and a massage."
Erik knew what Charles was trying to do. Brought Charles's hands down from his face and into his own. Charles took the time to trace the turquoise veins, Erik's duties to the assassins made them pop to the surface of his muscles. "You know that I can't---"
Tugging on his shawl, "Mr. Xavier, you look like my friend Ambrose and he's a faun."
Erik gave Charles a glare that could melt stone.
the telepath gave a nervous short laugh, "You have your tricks. I have mine, Erik." Charles added on, "Besides.. Peter was quite lonely."
"Look what I can do!" Peter did a forward roll.
Charles insisted, "Please my darling, call me Charles."
Erik smelt like an early morning rain, the old ethereal stones of synagogues he climbed on to reach the rooftops to see the edges of the horizon; the oakmoss ambergris of distant woods and rolling in the meadow grass with his sohn; Charles wouldn’t have it any other way.
Erik would be lost to him again. He wished he’d stayed.
"He's even faster than me."
"Oh, really?"
Erik commented, "Peter is having difficultly spelling and writing."
"I dreamt of teaching him. Oh, I can't wait to teach him: politics, history, poetry, rhetoric, music, astronomy, philosophy, literature.."
"As you will,"
"Have you thought about teaching outside? Letting him study the natural world. I'll get it sorted it."
"Keep my little light safe." Sighing as he looked over the courtyard to find his son again, "I don't know if he wants to fight me or fuck me." Erik said, "Or both." He didn't want to admit to Charles, jealous was a dangerous emotion to have and acting in reckless abounded would get Pietro killed, "Shaw is under the mistaken impression that..." Erik turned his gaze toward Pietro feeding Mr. Dibbles a rose petal and giving a high pitch squeal, as dramatic as he, "Is his."
"A mistake that I tend to correct."
"Shaw and the Templars already had contracts with my family, before I took over." Pointing out, "If anything is permitted is---are we truly safe?" And snappily added, "He sent---"
"Me." Turning away and leaving his sohn in beloved's care.
"Vati! Please don't leave me!!!" Pietro cried out.
Erik sighed and came back and knelt in front of him. Hummingbirds, pomegranates, stars of David and verses of Erik’s personal prayer of protection all intertwined in the intricate acid etched relief of the metal and enhanced contrast of lampblack into the recessed area furthered accentuated the designs of the bracers.
The metal humming its protective songs as Erik traces his work, feeling the layers of the composition of his work, before the father turned his sohn’s hand over to neatly untie the bracers network of leather lacing and pulled it off completely. Pietro's whole hand to his forearm was swathed in long thick weaved cloth bandages meant to keep compression on his sohn's broken wrist.
Erik's voiced cracked, "Pietro, the man who did this you
"Shaw...burned me and it hurt real bad.."
"My sohn," Cradling his child's head in his palm.
Shaw in all his arrogance didn't factor in a child's curiosity to explore nor persistence to get into anything that they found, it was beneath his notice, who would try to get into his room. Shaw had locks on his door that master assassins, many had tried with their skills at lockpicking and failed. However...Pietro took a more direct approach with gunpowder and a spark.
It was the POP! of the lock being blown off that first caught his attention.
His idiot offspring was doing something monumentally ill advised.
The smell of used gunpowder made Erik sprinted into his room. The sizzling of his sohn's skin bubbling blisters, Pietro screeching in a high pitch that could break glass
Shaw had a look in his eyes that he was about to yank Pietro's entire arm off he was so furious, he could light wildfire and rival mount Etna with a mere gaze. Erik attacked with all the ferocity and fury of any father finding their young endanger.
"This is why, you must stay." Erik hugged his sohn for one last time.
"Perhaps...maybe we could be together."
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fouralignments · 11 months
Well I just found out that people hate me.
It was because of my Magnus the MUGGLE-BORN fic.
People did not see me tags nor did they read the damn fic. Or maybe they did and it's a bunch of racists.
Yeah I saw that...First your a god damn lovely person. Fuck those racists.
I know there's a intellectual quote somewhere on this site stating that fandom and the creation of fanart, fanfiction, and fan creations is a way to take back the power from corporations and billionaires, de-commodify storytelling and returning it back to a communal roots. Don't get me wrong, we should undoubtedly fight for shorter copyright b/c right now its the author's life + 70 years; its bad for creativity, but also creates more inequality. (See more here)
I think one of ways is to write fanfiction that 'fixes' cannon. You should feel proud of your own work. Its a 91,838 word way to say It's one of the biggest fuck you Rowling that I can think of.
I must confess, I do read Newt Scamander/Percival Graves BDSM smut, its some of the hottest, queerest shit I've ever read on this side of the internet. Another fuck you to the TERF Rowling,
Also taking those tropes that Who should not be named, because come on its incredibly derivative (like come on, magic schools: The Worst Witch, Discworld, The Once and Future King, etc. theses tropes existed before her make it queer as fuck and trans inclusive.
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In addition, it will give new books for the younger generation to fall in love with that act as alternatives to the Harry Potter series, thus diminish her power.
I just hoped I helped!
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fouralignments · 1 year
Would Peter be able to handle a four Loko?
Would it kill him or somehow grant him the ability to enter the speed force?
Well considering that the caffeine amount in a Four Loko is about as much as a small/tall Starbuck coffee which is 160 mg; which in the energy drink market that is very small when compared to say Spike Hard Core has 350 mg of caffeine.
Also Four Loko, depending, has the alcohol content equivalent to five shots of vodka.
For Peter, I do headcanon that he has an iron stomach and has stomach acid that could probably burn through steel its that strong, to get all the energy he can get out of his food and drinks. Maybe he would get a a buzz maybe. Has an immunity to bio-poisons.
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But god just thinking about heartburn must be hell for him if he ever gets it.
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fouralignments · 1 year
So I'm at a basketball game right. And they're selling these booze in test tube things. And I don't know why but it doesn't appeal to me. Maybe it's because my parents are both doctors
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Plus...when has drinking from a test tube lead to anything GOOD?
Anyway I want to know YOUR opinion on this. You know because you also got some smart bitches in your family as well
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I'm a person who doesn't drink alcohol like teetotal, except in the flavoring of food where all the alcohol, because it messy with me sensory wise. But I do enjoy me some virgin Piña colada.
My parents are also in the medical field; but I also majored in chemistry so my first thought: One does drink lab chemicals! Agreed, specially in pop culture when has it EVER led to something good?
Hollow man (2000 movies with Kevin Bacon as dr. Sebastian Caine basically the Invisible man remake), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Connors/ Lizard from Amazing spiderman also Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy from Earth-65B in Across the Spiderverse, Norman Osborn from Spiderman with the Goblin Super serum in Spiderman (2002), you also have Harry Osborn from The Spectacular Spiderman. Dr. Anton Mercer from Power Ranger: Dino Thunder, which turns him into Mesogog. Paul Stamets from Star Trek: Discovery. Professor Souichi Tomoe/Germatoid from the Death Buster Arc from Sailor Moon. Hank McCoy from First Class, he gets what he deserve in his karmic transformation into a blue furball
I'm also counting like jabbing yourself, aerosol, swallowing it, transfusing it with untested science/medicine or otherwise same trope, just different method of delivery.
the only case that I know of where this leads to a good outcome is when its the curing of the plague or illness like in the case of the Star Trek episode Miri, where Dr. McCoy doesn't know which test is the antidote so Spock tests it out on himself; but this more of a case not being able to communicate with the ship's computer that could tell with a time clock running out.
Perhaps we can also count Static and Virgil from Static Shock in the event of The Big Bang; but for nearly the rest its um not so much; Miguel O'Hara with his backstory of bad corporate mad science and exploitation (which totally fits with what the fuck Elon Musk is doing with neuralink).
But other than that your in for a fucking world of PAIN. It just shows why we need high ethical standards in medicine and even a higher threshold for human testing; informing those who participate full information about the risks before they consent, what researchers hope to achieve etc.
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fouralignments · 1 year
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Erik using his power magnetic vortex to make it snow for his sohn.
Erik: 🎶walking in a winter wonderland 🎶
Hank: Erik the damage you're causing the ecosystem-
Erik *throws snowball.*
Peter: Hey Papa. Do you wanna build a snowman?
Erik: Did you do what I think you just did?
Peter: ......it doesn't have to be a snowman.
Erik: Okay THAT one was on purpose!
Soft Dadneto being soft for his sohn is the cutest.
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fouralignments · 1 year
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I hate this timeline. They're taking our jobs and soon they'll enslave us all. Nobody is going to learn anything from this. We're fucked. We earned this. We deserve this.
Terminator, Wall-e, 2001 space odyssey, The mitches vs the machine, Age of Ultron. The list goes on!
I was just thinking about this morning. With Trask and Tony Stark. There is something inherently authoritarian about handing over decision making to Ultron or the Sentinels because A.I. can't possible be bias. Right?
Trask really didn't think his Sentinels program through; he didn't have oversight about ethical concerns. Just five minutes of critical thought would have said: 'Hey if everyone has an X-Gene, would that mean that everyone is a target?' Then again he's rich and surrounded himself by yes, men; the rigor of scientists are overridden by money.
It very much follows through on the idea that Silicon Valley can solve all our problems. Theses men already have a ton of unchecked power because they're rich.
I at least give DOFP's credit that the writers didn't glorify Trask's billionaire status unlike the MCU's worship of Tony Stark's ass with him being the ultimate hero in Endgame.
Note to self write that essay.
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fouralignments · 1 year
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If Peter finds out about this.....he WILL enter the speedforce.
At this point Erik just accepts his speedyson getting into shenanigans and just waiting it out for all that sugar to get out of his system. Or just temp him with Babka and challah or the many many pastries that Erik knows how to make for after dinner that night.
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fouralignments · 2 years
Do you hate Shaw and Apocalypse equally or one more than another?
The X-Men Films have always created villains that could exist in real life your Senator Kellys, Trasks, William Strykers, Warren Worthington II theses motherfuckers exist. The Foxverse always tended toward realism, which isn't grimdark, it was more of mutants and a bit of advanced tech was all that was extraordinary. When compared to DC and MCU; without the distraction of aliens, other superheroes (though I got to admit Sam Ramini's spiderman could exist as it is similarly grounded; though that might just be an effect of being produced in the same decades and subject to the same trends); so mutants could be highlighted and doesn't need to justify itself as a phemameoun, so the story could focus on characters and thus be driven by them.
In a way Shaw was a twist villain, up and until that general getting exploded, again up to that point we hadn't had a true mutant villains. yes I know Magneto was the villain in X-Men, but I would the true villain US gov and the mutant registration act that forced Erik's hand.
This motherfucker could very well exist; maybe I'm just weird I took a deep dive into how and the why authoritarianism happens, read me some Robert A. Paxton; hell I even took a class on Democratic Backsliding; I'm a big fan of Hannah Arendt; so, I get the implications of his character. That's what makes him so fucking scary. I fucking hate him. Erik cannot kill this guy enough.
In my book, he's always a villain and deserves no sympathy and will be written as such.
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Now, moving on to Apocalypse, what I hate about him is how he is written. I'm going to restate one of my points, I've been making about his character. En Sabah Nur should have been an outside-context type villain, it was hinted in the movie, but given enough time. It would so easy to justify, not so much the Foxverse seeming to copy off of the MCU; however, XM:A was indeed a character piece despite how deluded; this movie desperately focus and a better driving core story. I liked the outcome of Charles's character specially less the journey and the repeated plot beats for both Erik, Raven; they as characters weren't moving forward and changing.
Unlike like DP which had to break its own back in the mental gymnastics to justify itself which crap storytelling in and of itself and should not be done; like if you have break your own fucking magic system in order to make your story work, go back to the drawing broad!
Anyhow, for one ancient Egyptian did erase records by defacing monuments and images of people they perceived as traitors, and being a false god would be so, so the information to uncover is not there and lost to history. Then the children of the atom mutant hypothesis has been established from First Class not that science is wrong, however the scientific community hasn't been presented with new information that contradicts or challenges their assumptions; they have to explain something that fits within the facts of the paradigm. So given that fact, they would even consider the possibility of ancient mutant existing and let alone living until the 20th century. En Sabah Nur would be as huge paradigm shift that would leave the world scrambling for answers and how to defeat him.
One of the reasons I hate DP is that nobody fucking comments on the bloodily miracle of aliens landing on Earth!
But I can't bring myself to hate on Apocalypse. How Oscar Isaac plays Apocalypse is just so fun! Soft spoken, but yet can be so over the top and hammy. Maybe its because of Oscar Isaac and how much he was wasted in this role and the god awful make up he was in that did no favors for him.
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En Sabah Nur could have easily won the movie and recruited so many more mutants.
Like I know I can write En Sabah Nur better than Hollywood. It could have been so cool if Sabah Nur actually challenged Charles and Erik on leadership and being good parents, where the stakes would matter like getting Mystique and Peter on his side. Isaac can pull of of soft dad roles. The writer's had the perfect set-up for Mystique and Peter, for Raven/Mystique she never asked to be the 'hero' of mutantkind nor does she believe the lie of a world that doesn't exist, ok cool turn her into a rouge or villain; with Peter, break into the Pentagon could have gotten him the attention of William Stryker where he was tortured and found out to be Erik's kid and learned about that and just felt betrayed by Charles and Erik who completely forgot about him and Sabah Nur is the one who saved him, Peter feels indebted to him. Also, Even Peters playing a villain and En Sabah Nur slotting himself in a fatherly figure to Quicksilver.
it would have been a great contrast to other X-Men villains and to Erik and Charles themselves, where it was a matter of survival and protecting other mutants and just the world. Now it so much more personal to the heroes, it challenging their philosophy, leadership and who they are, not really seen until First Class, which was more about finding who they are. Apocalypse is the mantle in which they must test themselves against, but also fight those that they love. Holy shit that would have made an amazing movie.
What I like about En Sabah Nur as a character is that I have so much creative freedom with him and I can take him in so many directions.
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fouralignments · 1 year
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Hey you're doing great!
Thank you!
I got my confidence back, May was not a good month for me. I wouldn't call it depression episode; but I had a series of low moments.
Normal feels great.
I came back, from the 3:30 PM showing of Across the Spiderverse. Now I have another Dad! Oscar Isaac character in Miguel O'Hara.
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Along with the many other dad including:
Duke Leto
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Poe and his ADHD adopted son Kaz
This is just too cute not to include
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Yeah, I did get my wish of Oscar Isaac doing more soft dad roles.
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fouralignments · 2 years
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Hey where'd you get that style from?
He got it from his daddy!
Well of course is Dadneto is a Fashneto!
Who says Erik has a bad fashion sense?
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