#at least they're having more luck getting the apothecary stuff sorted!
victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->After a brief break for socializing, everyone got straight back to work -- Victor Copypastoed some fireflies for Smiler, then made some chocolatey animal treats and an inspiring perfume; Smiler took those fireflies to make spirit-lifting gummies (which got them up to Apothecary skill level 3 in the process, w00); and Alice made more boxes of MREs on the bulk processor. I then followed Victor up as he went upstairs to drop off his bottle of inspiring scent and had him do some more Copypasto (specifically, copying his new animal treats so he didn't have to waste custard making more) --
-->But uh-oh! The thing that I was hoping wouldn't happen had happened -- the flower arrangements that the gang had made near the start of this whole "grocery store" venture had started to wilt! I quickly unmarked all the arrangements for sale and had Victor sell all the bad ones directly -- as they were now covered in flies, he didn't get a good price for any of them, but since all of the arrangements we make here are free, it was still pure profit. Victor then got sent back downstairs to work on deodorant perfume --
-->While Alice came upstairs and stole some meat right out of the meat "department" to eat! Naughty werewolf! >( I guess it's my fault for not immediately marking them all for sale -- the trouble is, I need to have at least one that ISN'T for sale so Victor can Copypasto it! *grumbles* Anyway, she got punished for eating some of the product by having the bathroom sink break on her when she washed her plate -- what you get, girl! At least it didn't take her too long to fix it up.
-->Forbidden snacktime over with, it was straight back to work again -- Victor finished up his perfume, and then discharged so he could get back to Copypastoing everything he could Copypasto; Alice got put back on bulk processing, making tomato sauce and meat substitute; and Smiler took over the flower arranging bench to start replacing the wilted flower arrangements! Specifically, with excellent-quality arrangements that could be scented with bluebells, which make the arrangements "Timeless." That is, I believe they no longer wilt at ALL. Which, given how long it's taken us to fill up this store, I believe is going to be USEFUL. I was prepared to have them work at this for a while --
-->But then I noted the time both in-game and in real life, and realized, "okay, you guys should go home so I can wrap this up." So, after noting what the gang needed in the store (boxes of jam, cheese, more candles, more flower arrangements, etc), and discovering a spare picture from the family reunion still in Alice's inventory (I decided it would look cute on the front desk), I did indeed send the gang home.
Where they were promptly put back to work in the crafting barn. XD Victor was sent to make more candles; Smiler to make more chatterbots; and Alice to make more sugar to use in canning. I left it with her going "screw it, gonna just sleep on the floor here." XD Sorry, I just really, REALLY wanted to get this done!
But we're not quite there yet, so join me next time for another episode of "Time To FINISH FILLING THESE DAMN SHELVES PLEASE" -- "Is Fishing Fun?" edition! Bye!
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