#not helped by Alice eating some of the product but
victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->After a brief break for socializing, everyone got straight back to work -- Victor Copypastoed some fireflies for Smiler, then made some chocolatey animal treats and an inspiring perfume; Smiler took those fireflies to make spirit-lifting gummies (which got them up to Apothecary skill level 3 in the process, w00); and Alice made more boxes of MREs on the bulk processor. I then followed Victor up as he went upstairs to drop off his bottle of inspiring scent and had him do some more Copypasto (specifically, copying his new animal treats so he didn't have to waste custard making more) --
-->But uh-oh! The thing that I was hoping wouldn't happen had happened -- the flower arrangements that the gang had made near the start of this whole "grocery store" venture had started to wilt! I quickly unmarked all the arrangements for sale and had Victor sell all the bad ones directly -- as they were now covered in flies, he didn't get a good price for any of them, but since all of the arrangements we make here are free, it was still pure profit. Victor then got sent back downstairs to work on deodorant perfume --
-->While Alice came upstairs and stole some meat right out of the meat "department" to eat! Naughty werewolf! >( I guess it's my fault for not immediately marking them all for sale -- the trouble is, I need to have at least one that ISN'T for sale so Victor can Copypasto it! *grumbles* Anyway, she got punished for eating some of the product by having the bathroom sink break on her when she washed her plate -- what you get, girl! At least it didn't take her too long to fix it up.
-->Forbidden snacktime over with, it was straight back to work again -- Victor finished up his perfume, and then discharged so he could get back to Copypastoing everything he could Copypasto; Alice got put back on bulk processing, making tomato sauce and meat substitute; and Smiler took over the flower arranging bench to start replacing the wilted flower arrangements! Specifically, with excellent-quality arrangements that could be scented with bluebells, which make the arrangements "Timeless." That is, I believe they no longer wilt at ALL. Which, given how long it's taken us to fill up this store, I believe is going to be USEFUL. I was prepared to have them work at this for a while --
-->But then I noted the time both in-game and in real life, and realized, "okay, you guys should go home so I can wrap this up." So, after noting what the gang needed in the store (boxes of jam, cheese, more candles, more flower arrangements, etc), and discovering a spare picture from the family reunion still in Alice's inventory (I decided it would look cute on the front desk), I did indeed send the gang home.
Where they were promptly put back to work in the crafting barn. XD Victor was sent to make more candles; Smiler to make more chatterbots; and Alice to make more sugar to use in canning. I left it with her going "screw it, gonna just sleep on the floor here." XD Sorry, I just really, REALLY wanted to get this done!
But we're not quite there yet, so join me next time for another episode of "Time To FINISH FILLING THESE DAMN SHELVES PLEASE" -- "Is Fishing Fun?" edition! Bye!
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
I Don't Need Your Help P2
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Adorable
Concept Foster Parents
Requested 'I don't Want your Help' Sequel
I hummed my little tune as I pushed the cart along the alise of products every so often glancing to the signs above each alise and then to my shopping list to cross reference between the two, I felt a small tug on my dress so I glanced behind me seeing little Lisa in her clean dress her hair in the pigtails I did for her this morning
"Ohh yes?" I asked she simply pointed to the shelf where the the chocolate chip cookie dough sat in its logs "I think that's a great idea Lisa" I smiled I let her choose which ones we got and helped her add them to the cart "okay next is orange juice, you think you can grab that for me?" I asked her and she nods and runs off happily to find it. I went around and got the rest of the groceries we quickly paid for and loaded up the Lincoln heading through the busy still drizzly New York streets back to the beautiful house I now called home. I pulled into the driveway and parked up helping lisa out the car and she happily came and helped me unload all the groceries into the kitchen, once everything was away I started on the rest of my chores for the day sorting all the beds, all the laundry everything I needed to do when I heard the phone so I bolted downstairs grabbing it before it rang off
"Watts residence?"
"Hi y/n" her voice smiled
"Oh hi carol" I smiled "what's up?"
"I know we were talking and you mentioned you have an open bedroom"
"Yes we do, now Alice has gone home we have an open bedroom. Why do you ask?"
"I've got a young lady here, it's an absolute shit show of a case and I need somewhere for her to go and I know just how well you guys do with these kinda cases"
"Absolutely what's her name?"
"Mable she's just turned eleven, she's a very sweet girl been thought one hell of a time"
"No problem well we are more then happy you can send her and her file along as soon as you get chance"
"Thanks y/n you're a lifesaver" she says before she rang off
So I put the phone down and I grabbed a little cream basket from the cupboard, I headed upstairs making sure to peek in on Lisa on her room playing with her rag dolls so I went on past the other rooms to the last free bedroom I opened the door revealing the fairly bare bones room, it use to be Alice's room when she lived here but she left a few weeks ago with a wide smile happy she finally was able to live with her mother again, I made the bed with some fresh clean sheets and made sure the room was free of dust and spiders, I set the basket on the bed and made sure to fill it from the airing cupboard with a fresh new fluffy towel, some clean brand new PJ's, some snacks, some colouring stuff, a stuffie, some fresh blankets for the bed, a new toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner and even a bath bomb all of them fairly mini travel sized ones ready for Mable to arrive I even made her a little card up to put on the basket for her. When I checked the time I rushed myself down to the front door watching out the front window as the yellow bus pulled up outside the house, I opened the door up and smiled widely as I saw them all get off the bus so I smiled and waved As Jessi ran over dropping her backpack on the doorstep to give my legs a hug, I smiled and patted her head "Hi Jessi, How was school?"
"Good" she smiled 
"Alright, go on then make sure you get on that maths before dinner else you won't want to do it after bath time" I told her 
"I Will" she smiled happily running inside 
"Afternoon Harriet" I smiled to her 
"Hi," she smiled nicely 
"How was your day?" 
"Okay," she nods 
"Okay, make sure you eat some dinner okay" I told her as she headed inside, and as soon as she was in Dani came to the door too "Hi"
"Hi, how was class?"
"Good" she smiled giving me a tight hug 
"Awww, lovely hugs come on then we have cookie dough for tomorrow"
"Great" she smiled heading inside too, I waved the driver away and headed inside to start on dinner for the girls, making sure everyone was okay given everything had had happened during the day at school and what they wanted to do over the weekend 
"He's home!" Jessi smiled as she was at the window I laughed and set the dishes down and went towards the front door but I didn't even need to open it as the door opened and immediately I saw benny as he came though the door and dropped his duffle bag on the floor, in his jeans and black shirt 
"Hi Benny" I smiled 
he didn't bother to reply simply taking me into his arms and lifting me up giving me a spin "I've missed you little lady"
"I've missed you too" I smiled giving him a sweet kiss as he set me down on the floor again "Happy Anniversary" He smiled handing over some roses clearly from the gas station but still 
"Thank you benny, a week late but thank you" I smiled giving him a kiss 
"Better late then never, you know I don't like going off over our anniversary" he says "Where are my girls?" He asks and immediately the girls all bolted to give him cuddles even Harriet everyone coming to give him a cuddle and to tell him about everything since he was gone, and of course he came to have his own dinner all while listening to the girls tell him everything he missed and of course he told them all about his time away until they headed up to their rooms, "How has everything been?"
"its been okay, Harriet's struggling but I hope it'll cheer her up to have you home again. Jessi is struggling with her maths so I've been looking into a tutor for her. Dani's missed you a lot, and I know Lisa has been feeling a lot better since she's gotten settled" I explained "Ohh and we got a letter from alice"
"we did? didn't you open it?" he asks as I handed over the letter
"Course not I was waiting for you" I smiled "Ohh and we have a young lady coming tonight for the spare room."
"Ohh her name?" he asks opening the letter
"Lovely, how old?"
"we know anything about her?"
"Not much but carol is bringing her pack when she brings her"
"You made her a bed up?"
"Made a bed, and a basket for her"
"Good, I'll have a chat with her when she gets here, we'll give her pack a look though one she's settled in her room"
"Absolutely, and Lisa helped me pick out some nice cookie dough logs as a nice activity for tomorrow"
"Ohh that sounds lovely the girls will love that" He smiled "you wanna read?"
"Of course" I smiled sitting with him and leaning my head on his shoulder holding his arm tightly 
"Dear Benny and Y/n Watts,
I wanted to let you know I've settled down into the new house and my new room. 
My mother has made lots of promises since I moved in, I'm not sure if I should believe her or not but I'm going to give it time, I know she's put so much work in already. 
Even thought its nice to be back with my mother, I do miss you all terribly. 
I still keep the blanket you gave me on my bed at night and I've been using the lessons you taught me in school.
My grades are good, and I'm waiting to here back about a summer internship which will be amazing, 
I know I've told you both a hundred times but I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me and I'm sure I'll be able to see you at some point again. 
I hope everyone is okay and things are going well, and I'll send more letters as soon as I can. "
"Awww she's such a sweetie" I smiled 
"I worry about her"
"I worry too. I know she doesn't trust her mother"
"Can you blame her? she's let her down before" 
"I know, well I always told her she has a bed here if ever she needs one" 
"We'll write her back tomorrow" I smiled 
We caught up about benny's tournament until the door knocked so we fixed up a little and went to the door seeing carol with her folder
"Hi carol" I smiled 
"Hi, Ohh I didn't know you where home benny"
"Only got back tonight, So about Mabel?"
"She's in the car" she says indicating behind her to the car on the street "I've got her file, not sure how long she'll be here"
"she can be here as long as she needs" I told her "School?"
"Not at the moment we can give her a week see how she settles," she explained 
"Okay" I nodded "Shall we meet her?"
Carol Happily walked us down to the car and their sat Mabel, with a trash bag of her belongings, her hair matted and messy, her skin dirty she was clearly nervous. we were slow and careful but we helped her out of the car and into the house up to the bedroom I set up 
"So, this is your room its your space completely to can do whatever you want with it , we have a three day weekend so over this weekend we can help you unpack and take you to do some shopping to get some nice things for your room" I explained "Everything in this basket is yours its all for you"
"To keep?" she asks
"To keep, absolutely" benny told her as he leant on the door frame 
"All of it is for you, and if there is anything specific you'd like, maybe a type of plush or blanket you'd like we can get you them. These hygiene things are all yours and when we got out this weekend we'll get you whatever larger ones you'd like to keep in the bathroom, You're welcome to go and have a bath or shower to make yourself feel more comfortable" 
"And your welcome to ask for anything you want, if you'd like to go to the hairdresser, maybe get your nails done, go get some plushies anything you'd like"
"Just let us know, is this bag all your stuff?"
"Yes" she nods
"Okay is there any clothes you'd like me to do any laundry for you? anything you'd like us to wash before we put away?"
"Ohh... uhhh yes please" she nods handing the whole bag over 
"Everything? you sure?"
"Yes please, could I go have a bath?"
"Of course you can, and if you need anything that's benny and I'm y/n you need anything at all just let us know"
"we hope you can get comfortable, and enjoy your time here" benny told her
I went and ran her a bath with bubbles and some bath bombs leaving the towel in the bathroom for her, and I took her clothes down cleaning all her clothes and toys in the machine 
"she seems okay" Benny says as he came into the kitchen flipping though her file 
"she does, hopefully she can relax over the next couple of days and maybe spend some time with the other girls"
"Absolutely, Ohh got another nut allergy" 
"Ahh like Harriet, no problem" I nodded sitting with him to go though the file about her history and her issues to make sure she's comfortable, once we sorted all the girls for the night making sure to give them all privacy and we headed up to our own bed room 
"Yes benny?"
"You ever get kinda... upset we can't have our own kids?"
"Sometimes" I admit "But we have lots of kids to look after, all the girls we have here all the girls we've helped before who are so much better now then they were before they came here"
"Yeah its nice to help them all out, its nice to help them all"
"It is, besides, Carol's been trying to convince us to adopt Lisa for years now"  
"I know, I'm thinking about it, come on lets get to bed" 
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folatefangirl · 1 year
Haven't seen one of these floating around for the recent MTAP tag but here's some gameplay tips I've picked up as a newbie who picked this up while it was 80% off on steam. I was mega stressed early on due to not knowing things and would be happy to pass on advice to save others the stress:
1. Reddit is good for advice and tumblr is penalizing me for links so yeah. Use the reddit community and/or wiki when stuck. Link to a decent set of advice is in the replies to this post.
2. Repair your workshop as soon as possible bc you'll wake up with low stamina daily until that gets done. Doesn't take more than like 30ish or so pieces of wood.
3. Yep the advice to make more than one machine is correct. Even for the blender. Maybe not the cooking setup or basic skiver per se. Yes, this will use up resources and space. Use the For Sale sign to expand space (or be like me and try to cram a level 2 house into a space too small for it 😅).
4. In the small planter boxes, grow lettuce, cotton, and wheat as much as possible if you can. You can also grow other things, but these seem to be the most helpful for feeding mounts and skiver crafting. Large boxes are for the special giant seeds and you can get the box from the church store and seeds from the Mysterious Man. Fertilize often to have the best shot at winning the Autumn Festival!
5. No, you can't have a rival romance with Higgins, tragically. But you can spar and body block him and chat to him until 9 AM to prevent him from taking commissions, especially the fancy valuable ones. I'm currently chill with being at rank 2 in my first year so I don't bother yet. I still think we should be allowed to woo him. As a treat. And mechanic to make him nicer 😅. Btw once he scams you (you'll know when) talk to him as soon as possible after and you can at least guilt him into giving you money.
6. No seriously do use Gust's shop in A&G to swap for 999 wood and keep furnaces running. You'll get wayyy too much stone from mining and the first quarry only gives so much marble for stone tables to sell en masse when the market is up. Other quarries are annoying to get to in the early game. Use the excess for wood first, then making stone bricks or stone tools etc to sell or whatever. Go wild. I make excess glass to sell since it's more profitable than raw resource selling, yep even with the wood cost. Still haven't figured out how to make excess soil more profitable besides planter boxes.
7. If you don't wanna feel like a monster for killing llamas for their worn fur, you can totally kill panbats. I like all the critters so I feel like a monster regardless 🥴. Kinda has to be done for certain quests and quest items tho.
8. Make allll the Dee-Dee Stops you can for the spots marked on the map. You can also have your mount follow you to the next stop.
9. Bring or make stamina repletion food when mining, esp if you have the game speed slowed down and don't run to the Round Table to replete (you have a limited number of things you can eat and can only eat once daily... Or you could try sitting for an hour if you aren't like me and it won't drive you crazy to sit and do nothing).
10. Annoying timed storyline quest needed items that you can collect earlier while the main story has no time limit for progression per se: pretty much all ores/ore products and special mining items like valves and engines, wild cocoons, ironwood (more than you think), bat wings, bamboo papaya, information discs (I keep the extra beyond the ones I give Petra for research in general for the storyline quest diagrams; I can complete the relics later), knight badges from the Round Table (minimum 250 of them), old parts, crystal necklace x1, dog food x1, soap x1, wildflower bouquet from Alice x1, tempering fluid, copper and steel wire, steel planks, welding rods. Can't think of the other ones that were super urgent and non-commission board rn as of Winter 1st (my latest stopping point) but yeah this is totally a hoarding game.
11. P.S. To get into the hazardous ruins area as a lower level, literally just dodge and run for 60 seconds. Do a hit if you feel brave. Yes, it's cowardly but it totally works and unlocks neat stuff you really need for certain quests. You can kick their asses later.
12. The worst that can happen if you die is that you get warped back home. Same for passing out at 3 AM but without the health depletion. Use that knowledge for what you will. I've noticed in boss battles it just bumps me back to the start of the battle with full health and stamina so I only get warped back further in other situations.
That's all I have for now but I may add more as I play. Hope this helps!
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tietensgo · 9 months
note: spoilers
As I did for Squid Games and Alice in Borderland, I am going to jot down my thoughts about One Piece Live Action, which turned out to be an overall good watch, even though I was /genuinely/ afraid it would suck.
OPLA had big shoes to fill, as the One Piece IP is quite well known and beloved. In my view, the Netflix show understood where it could bring a unique perspective, which helped the execution greatly. For example, the speed, superhuman movements, and over-the-top expressions of the anime would be a stretch to represent accurately in live action; even with cgi, I struggled to feel the epic nature of the devil fruits or fighting abilities being used to their full effect (the initial fight against Captain Alvida, for example). Instead, I enjoyed when the show leaned into amplifying the setting of the world and emotions of the characters, which was amazing! The grime of Alvida's ship, Luffy's backstory on Dawn island (the young!Luffy casting was spot. on.), watching Usopp try to load a cannon for the first time, the exploration of what Zoro and Nami talk about when they're not keeping the captain out of trouble - in my opinion, these were the moments that shined brightest for the show.
Pacing. If you've sat through 1000+ episodes of the anime as many have and felt the buildup of tension over /years/, the treatment that the show gives some plot points can feel frustratingly brief. Sanji's goodbye at the Baratie was not half as emotional as it was in the anime, and the moments when the crew was supposed to band together (e.g. feet on barrel on the Going Merry) felt less impactful because we hadn't had as much time to be endeared to the Straw Hat Pirates and root for them as a group. (For example, if the show had included Morgan's backstory of cruelty from the anime, his defeat would have felt farrrrrr more satisfying). However, I have to acknowledge that rapid pacing is expected in the live action, because the anime is decades old and OPLA has to condense a lot of material into a reasonable run time; for an eight-plus hour series, it managed to rarely feel slow (though it did happen), and that's a feat.
Characters. Koby was perfect. The right amount of nervous, the right amount of ambitious. Buggy was a revelation. His character is kind of a running joke in the anime, so I was ready to wish him off screen as soon as he appeared, but I loved Ward as Deke in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the genuineness he added to Buggy's CLAP FOR ME OR DIE behavior made the performance not just intense but somehow nuanced. Nami asking (after Sanji's wink) if there was something wrong with his eye. Luffy drinking milk while others ordered beer. The adaptations of Hawkeye and Garp. You can just imagine the work that went into the fishmen makeup- the list goes on. As I mentioned, I think this attention to detail in adapting the appearance and interactions of the characters was probably what the series did best. Of course there were... interesting takes (bright neon hair in a world of muted color, Nami turning from dollar-sign-eyes loving money in the anime to eat-the-rich in the show, Nami keeping the secret of her involvement with Arlong from Nojiko) but these differences I think make OPLA its own production - a TV show with its own lore - and leave room for people to go back and watch the anime and fall even more in love with the characters and their deeper stories there.
Helmeppo. Helmeppo is so much. I love the 'let's all shit on Helmeppo' jokes. More. Moarrrrr of this.
Extras. I appreciated all the extra touches like the title screen of each episode being modeled after the focus character of the episode and the wanted posters being half anime half live action; it made the production feel like it was made by people who cared that the adaptation was done right. I loved hearing hints of We Are in the soundtrack, and the den den mushis were toooo cute. Altogether, good stuff for my one piece brain. It helped me get through the scenes of Go with Garp.
TLDR; The interpretations of the characters and the realistic settings were highlights of OPLA. The Going Merry, Kaya's mansion, Morgan's naval base, the Baratie and Arlong Park were all stunning to see in live action. However, while the fight scenes were well made, they didn't quite compete with the heights set by the anime, and the story is really condensed, leaving some heartfelt moments coming off as shallow or leaving them out of the plot altogether. This can be a struggle if you're looking for the intricate, mysterious, multi-layered world from the anime. But those still traumatized from memories of live action atla (2010) or dbz (2009) can breathe a sigh of relief as we hold out for sustained quality for this adaptation in future seasons: overall, OPLA is worth watching. A great introduction for newcomers to this amazing series and a pretty good adaptation for long time fans as well.
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readingslover · 1 year
Chapter III
Previous Chapter: Chapter II
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February 24, 2020
The first few days were trying to mostly just work out the camerawork. Which would mean that I wasn't needed on the set, but Baz insisted that I should be there. Maybe I could come up with ideas on how to capture certain things. A fresh gaze since they were all doing it for almost a whole year with the prepping. Olivia and Alice are amazing neighbors to have. They don't complain when I suddenly play guitar when they are at their apartment. We even had a few dinners just the three of us because the others in our hallway would still be on set or are out eating with family. Yes, from some people joined the family because this production could take a year and if I had a family of my own I would also ask them to tag along at least for a couple of weeks.
Outside being on set I haven’t seen Austin or Dacre very much. So the only people I really bonded with these past few weeks were Olivia and Alice. I also called my mom a few times, because we had gotten the news that there is a virus going around the world and since my mom has just finished her treatment from her cancer relapse she could be a risk patiënt if she gets in contact with it. On set we have already started testing, which is incredibly painful. So staying in seemed like the right thing to do. I also had a few facetime calls with Jack for some ideas I had for an album after my ‘Lover’ tour. I can say that I have written down some sentences from books, movies or series. But also from the infidelity of my previous boyfriend. 
When I was on set we, Austin and I, mostly rehearsed scenes so I can say how to sing certain parts without damaging his vocal cords too much. Unfortunately, he will damage his vocal cords due to him not being a singer with the right techniques. However, from what I’ve heard from him, he knows how to sing, but sometimes just oversteps by wanting to do too much. It’s normal to be wanting everything to be perfect, but some days he just needs to take it easy. So Baz recommended that Austin rested his voice for a few days, on my request. That explains why I spent the last few days in my apartment and having too much time on my hands.
I also had a call with my manager, Kristen, about the music video that is coming out in 3 days. We shot this last year around the time the album dropped. And I’m really stressed about it, because it is the first music video that I completely directed, because any other directors that I wanted on the production weren’t available. I just hope that the fans will enjoy it as much as I did. It will also be my dad’s acting debut. I had asked him if he wanted a small part in the music video and he enjoyed it so much. I just had so much fun with him on set and doing this together, because without him and my mom I don’t think I would’ve become as far as I am now.
@/HannahGrace posted on Instagram
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Liked by Austinbutler and others
Man down. After a massive mantrum. 🎾 #TheManMusicVideo is out now!
February 27, 2020
@/HannahGrace posted on Instagram
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Liked by therock and others
Just sitting here pondering how happy I am that The Man music video is OUT. I want to say thank you to so many people- Gotta thank @/therock for voicing The Man and for being so supportive of my music for years (and now my directorial debut!)- it’s so cool to have you be a part of this!! Thank You @/jaydenbartels and @/dominic_toliver for your amazing and hilarious reactions- and @/loren your eye roll really was aStOnIsHiNg 🥰😘💗 My dad making his acting debut as ‘unimpressed umpire’ is a memory I’ll always cherish. Thank you to the entire cast and crew for helping me become the man I always knew I could be 😂
March 5, 2020
Being on set is really fun. Because of mostly watching I learn a lot from Baz. I have been directing my music videos for not so long, but it’s a thing that I think will continue throughout my career. So I ask Baz for some tips, directions and just observe how he does certain things. It’s just amazing that even though some things have been decided since last year about how they would do certain things, Baz sometimes decides to try a new angle of filming and it could sometimes be better than what was discussed earlier. He sometimes asks me about how to approach certain shots and I am just glad to be included in these things. I am learning so much.
After a while I walk over to the table with some sweets and drinks to keep us energized on long days. While deciding what to pick I feel a presence next to me. When I look up I see Austin standing next to me also looking at the sweets. We stand there for a few minutes in complete comfortable silence before I speak up. “Shouldn’t you be on the scene? Since, you know, you’re playing Elvis. Whose biopic we’re making?”
“I have a few minutes free to grab something. So I am.”
“Okay well, I’ll be going back since I have what I need.” I said holding up my plate of a few sweets.
“Wait… I actually wanted to ask you something for a few days, but I just didn’t know how. I wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me tonight or so…?” Austin said, nerves clearly in his voice.
“I would like it, but I think it isn’t really safe to go outside since the virus is going around. How about you just come over to my place and we’ll have some wine or something else, a snack and just watch a movie or so?”
“Okay. I would like that. Is it okay if I come by around 8 since I have a few more scenes to film?”
“Sure, no problem at all.” I say before walking towards Baz and Olivia who were talking about a line in the script since the next scene will be the kiss between Elvis and Pricilla.
Is it normal to be this nervous? I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous. Not even with my previous boyfriend when he asked me out. Is this considered a date? Or just friends hanging out? Do I wear something more casual or can I go comfortable since I am in my apartment? Is it too soon for me to go on dates? These thoughts have been spinning around in my head for the past 30 minutes. I had texted Selena for some advice, but due to the different time zone I forgot she must be sleeping. I decided to just keep wearing what I was all day. Which consisted of a white buttoned up shirt with a sleeveless pull over it and some blue jeans.
Before I know it there is a knock on my door. I put down my wine glass, that I had started to calm my nerves, and went to open the door. When I open the door I see Austin in casual jeans and a pull. Thank god I decided to not dress up. I would’ve looked so stupid next to him. We made small talk as I led him into my apartment. “Would you like a glass of wine? I only have white. Sorry I don’t like the red one that much.”
“Yes, please.”
I go to the cupboard to get him a wine glass. When I turn around I see Austin inspecting my apartment. I have some photos of my friends and family hanging up as well as a few tour pictures. “This interior is lovely.” Austin says when he turns to me.
“Thank you, the furniture was already here. I just added a few photos and plants.” I say when I hand him his glass of wine. 
I pick mine up and walk towards the couch while Austin follows me. On the coffee table I have a few snacks standing, not so much since I didn’t snack as much due to our long days.
We spent the following hours talking about literally everything. It goes from our family, to our first experiences in celebrity life, to where we are now. There was barely any silence. Of course, we also touched on the uncomfortable topic: the exes. He told me a lot about Vanessa and that there is no bad blood between them. I found it a bit uncomfortable since he was in a relationship for almost a decade while I was just in a relationship that lasted a few months, or like my last one 4 years. I mean, the media already thinks I’m a slut. But Austin assured me that it doesn’t matter how many relationships you have, you eventually find the right one. He thought it was Vanessa but due to hectic schedules it got hard to combine in the end.
When it reached 1 in the morning we decided it would be good to finish it since tomorrow Austin has to be on set at 7 in the morning for filming. It’s going to be a short night for him. Austin wanted to help me clean up, but I insisted that he get his rest since it won’t be that long until he needs to be on set. He also said the same about me, but I told him not to worry since I am used to this while working on albums, filming music videos, or even being on tour.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so comfortable on a date, if that’s what we call it. I had so much fun. I could be myself without having to worry about other people seeing us. When Austin was standing in the doorframe he turned around and told me he would like to do it again. I told him I would like it too.
March 12, 2020
This week has been a hard one. My mom called to tell me that our state is in lockdown due to the virus spreading really fast. Yesterday Tom and his wife tested positive for that same virus. So since then everyone has been sitting at their own apartment. I asked Baz if I could still go to the little studio we have but he advised against it, but he did tell me that if I wanted an instrument from that room I could ask and maybe I would be able to get it at my apartment. So I asked if I could have the keyboard. 
I also had a call with Kirsten about upcoming events and if we should postpone the tour or just wait for a few more weeks. She said that it would be best if we wait a few days since the president, Trump, says that it will only last a few weeks. But honestly I don’t believe it. They have advised us to only come outside when needed. So I only went to the supermarket with a mask, except for that I haven’t really left my apartment.
Austin and I have been texting a lot outside seeing each other on the set. It’s just so easy to talk to him. I don’t have to worry about being too crazy with what I say. He just accepts it at this point. 
Last week I caught him in the studio on the piano playing a really good melody. I went inside and asked him if I could record it for maybe a thing I’m working on. The hours that followed we composed a melody on the piano and came up with a few lyrical sentences that could fit the melody. I was afraid he would not want to do that, but he just was a natural about it and told me he loved it. When I was back at my apartment that night I sent our recorded version of what we have to Jack and asked what he thought. A day later I thought it would be good for a duet, but I know Austin wouldn’t want to do it now due to his focus being on the movie. I asked Jack if he maybe knew someone with a deep voice that would be interested. Jack said he could ask around, but he was going to let me know.
Selena also called me back due to my calling and texts I sent her when Austin came over. She asked me what happened, how it happened. You know stuff everyone wants to know when they hear about it. Right now I am on a facetime call with Austin to keep practicing his vocals so when filming picks up again it won’t be too much for his voice. In the middle of an exercise a call comes through from Jack. 
“Austin, Jack is calling so I will stay on the line on my computer, but keep practicing.” Austin said he could hang up but then I would have to call him again after and I know I will forget it.
“Hey Jack. how are you?”
“Hey Hannah, I’m doing as well as I can with the circumstances. I called you about the voice memo you sent me last week. I sent it over to Aaron Dressner from The National. He mentioned he could bring it up to Justin Vernon if you wanted.”
“Oh my god. That would be amazing. Could you maybe ask if he could also contact me so we can call sometimes about lyrics and arrangements.”
“I will pass it on. Aaron would also like to call you. Has some things that could be worked on if you want.”
“Oh that would be lovely. If he could send me a file with what he already has I can look into it. I have an idea in what direction I want to go with the songs.”
“Okay. Have a good day. Stay safe. I will call you later in the week for our weekly call.”
“Thank you Jack. Say hello to your wife.”
When I hang up I look towards the facetime call with Austin to see him looking at me already. “Have you heard everything?”
“I have. You sent what we have to Jack?”
“Yeah. I liked it and I wanted to work further with it. If that’s okay with you.”
“Sure no problem. Is this how all your collaborations go?”
“Pretty much. Jack knows a lot of people and I meet some of them at events like the AMA’s, but I wanted to work with Justin for a while now and this is an opportunity to do so.”
“Do you often just come up with things in the middle of doing something else?”
“Yeah. It just comes to my mind and I either write it down or record it to use in our songwriting sessions. And now with nothing else to do, except my sessions with you, I can work some things through until sometimes the end.”
“And these songwriting sessions, how do they usually go?”
“I can let you join one if you want to.It’s hard to take you through the process, because everytime is different and now especially. Normally we are together and not locked inside our own home and at a studio. So this will be new.”
“I would like that thank you. When there is one. Would it be okay with you if I came to your apartment?”
This has me thinking for a few seconds. On one hand I would like to not be alone in my apartment for a while, but on the other is it allowed with the virus going around?
“I haven’t been outside or in contact with other people since they tested me yesterday.“ Austin says when he sees me thinking about it.
“Okay, but just try to keep some distance between us. I haven’t been outside either, but if I gave you this virus I would never forgive myself.”
After that we finish our session and make plans for our meeting with Jack. I also text Jack to let him know that Austin will be joining us at our meeting.
Chapter 4 (OIW)
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
Its that time again!!!!!!!!!!! Best music to come out in March PLEEEAAASE
.Sex by Alice Longyu Gao. Experimental as HELL and the experiments pay off. Indie meets drum and bass with some screaming and trance. It's a lot. I love it. One of the rare English tracks on my rec list so like... if youd on't like non-English music relish this while you can
Beat my Face by Rico Nasty. I really like the beat on the track and Rico's aggressive flow really suits its more laid back tempo.
Believing off of Babymetal's new album. I kinda miss their sillier sound but I don't hate that theyre making more serious, urgent music. I chose believing because the chorus sounds a bit like they're interpolating All The Things She Said (they arent but it still sounds like it)! IMO this is a good ~metal album for anyone scared off by how hardcore metal can be and they need something more symphonic
Eat your Young by Hozier. I don't have to describe hozier for y'all... you konw
It's hard to pick a single track off the album but Ebony Eye by Yves Tumor. If you like alt music, this entire album is worth trying out. It's conceptual clarity is a sharp contrast to the diversity of sound you'll get on the album.
Exit by So!yoon!. I was picking off of tracks that came out in March, otherwise i'd shout out Bad, but yeah... this track is dreamy and aching and fully in English despite being by a Korean artist. The vocals have a nice punch while also reverberating through your head and bones.
Fly Girl by Flo. The nostalgic sound keeps developing them and choosing to collab with Missy Elliot really elevates them even further. Sliiick production and vocals
Onew (from Shinee) released a lot of music in both Korean and Japanese. My fave Japanese track is the vibrant Inspiration that highlights how lovely his voice is and as for the Korean song... maybe Paradise?? Or Expectations. There is a WEALTH of great tracks to choose from. If you love good production, listen to this whole album, each track is seamless.
Mugen Loop by Buck Tick feels like a song that plays in a theater as credits roll and you're so emotionally wiped out by the film, you just sit there, taking it in. The echoing guitar and swirling instrumentals make you feel like you are being enveloped by clouds.
Rover by Kai. I don't know if Kai NEEDED to do a reggaeton influenced song but... it's fun. I feel a lil stockholm syndromed into loving hte song and I think some b sides are better (Sinner being the easiest pick) but I can't deny I can't stop listneing
BILLLIE'S ENTIRE ALBUM. Idk how to describe it. Just a girl group working at max power.
Notable tracks but not necessarily my faves:
Underneath My Raincoat by Studio Killers (Poppy, low key)
Fall Out Boy's album happened and I can't say I have a fave that wasn't one fo the lead singles? I need to digest it a bit more but I do really enjoy the title track and the drama of it all.
Kororon by Eve. More poppy Jrock.
Lights out by Sunmi and Be'o. Sweet, simple Kpop. Her voice is BEAUTIFUL and this is so relaxing.
Dumbest Girl Alive by 100 Gecs. Beat does go hard. I cannot lie but also I wanna shout out 757. Fuck the ska based songs on this album tho
Circle by Code Kunst. More just good, simple r&b influenced kpop
Free by Hur. Mostly english Cpop that literally shocked me because it used fuck twice in a single second?? I was like WHAT??? It's kinda generic as a pop song but like in a 2000s way.
"can you help me?" by Can't Swim. 2000s indie rock vibes a la Motion City Soundtrack
Go by Kan Sano. Jazzy japanese music.
the forbidden door by lynch. More japanese metal. It's fucking good, okay.
All Nighter bt Tiesto. Just good dance music.
Bad Intentions by Bayside. More modern (ENGLISH!! SURPRISIGN FOR ME) rock music.
dramatic by mass of the fermenting dregs. band name sounds hardcore but really the song is a soothing balm. music for an indie coming of age movie (but in japanese.)
more japanese music idk why i cahnged gears so hard this month but not enough by rei yasuda. sounds like it could thrive on america radio, tbh
trigun stampede's theme song. it's aping juice wrld SO heavily it kinda makes me uncomfortable but it's good...
the new shakira song is a fucking bop i can't stop listening
sorry this was so long all i did this month was listen to music and laugh about my dead nana
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parasprite · 1 year
Team Green takes care of you when you're burned out
this is a present for my baby @birdbrainless 💚
Alicent Hightower
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Alicent knows how hard you've been working recently, and she encourages you to get some rest. She'll make sure you're comfortable in bed and she'll get you a hot drink and something to eat before you drift off. Once you're settled in, she gently strokes your hair as you fall asleep, and you feel the tension leaving your body.
She checks in with you every now and then while you take a few days to rest, and she gives you plenty of hugs and affection. She squeezes your hand and tells you to rest for as long as you need, and that she'll always be here for you.
Aegon II Targaryen
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At first, Aegon assumes you're hungover. He brings you his favourite herbal remedy. He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit. He sits next to you while you sip your tea in bed and tries to cheer you up with a dirty joke, which makes you chuckle. The tea actually does help a little bit.
Later that day when he realises you weren't actually hungover, he's a little embarrassed... but he still wants to look after you and keep you company while you recover. He entertains you with the latest news and gossip from the city. When he finds out you like the tea, he brings you more of it.
He knows how it feels to be burnt out, and he only makes fun of you for it a little bit. Because he loves you.
Helaena Targaryen
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Helaena doesn't want you to feel lonely while you're on bed rest, so she offers to read to you. This way the two of you can hang out even if you feel too tired to have a conversation.
She lays next to you in bed and reads you her favourite tomes (most of which are about insects) and you can hear the joy in her soft voice when she tells you all about a bug she's particularly fond of. She doesn't mind if you fall asleep in the middle of it, she's just happy she could help you relax.
Sometimes you wake up to her fast asleep next to you, with the book still open on her chest.
Aemond Targaryen
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Aemond spends his days training, so you don't get to see him much while you're confined to your bed. He misses you a lot, though. He comes up to your room in the evenings and eats dinner with you. After a long and difficult day, spending time with you helps him unwind.
He's a little quieter than his siblings but you don't mind. You appreciate his dry sense of humour. He likes making you laugh, and he feels like he can really be himself around you.
He stays with you until you fall asleep, and then he quietly tucks you in, kisses your forehead and sneaks back to his room.
Ser Criston Cole
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Criston is quite concerned when he finds out you're feeling poorly. He takes really good care of you - bringing you hearty meals in bed, preparing hot baths, checking in with you and making sure you're warm and comfortable - but he knows that sometimes all you need is some peace and quiet, so he guards your door sometimes and makes sure you're not disturbed while you're napping.
He assures you that there's no shame in needing to rest. Even the mightiest of warriors get burned out and need time to recover sometimes, so don't feel bad about needing it too. You don't need to be productive to be valued and loved.
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wcmi-22 · 2 years
Behind the Scenes of WCMI part 1
Allison Blossom: Hello, I’m Allison Blossom!
Alice: I’m Alice Liddell
Reginald: Reginald Theophilus The Third
EARS: Edwin A Roderick!
Purple Squirrel: And this is…
Everyone: Behind the Scenes of WCMI
Que clapperboard sound
Allison Blossom: Hello, I am Allison Blossom! I am not the Creator of WCMI but, I am the unofficial fanfic writer of the reviving fandom!
(Movie Bleep)
Allison Blossom: I first found out about WCMI when I was a freshman in college and at that time, I was new and fresh into the world. I spent most of my time in the stairway because my roommates thought I was weird on so many levels. So, most of the time, I was alone. One day while I was in the stairway, I was looking at the different couples in the Disney fandom when I thought about Alice and the Mad Hatter. I then proceeded to look up Alice and the Mad hatter on YouTube and found the most amazing drawings I have ever seen!!! That’s when I kept finding more and more YouTube videos with the same drawings. The couple seemed so perfect together! It took a long time to track it down but when I found it! I was entranced by the storyline and the art! But then…… the worst thing happened! I found out that it was discontinued. So I did what anyone would do. Eat ice cream and cry.
(Que clip of me eating a pint of ice cream and crying uncontrollably)
Allison Blossom: Eventually, I stopped crying because of WCMI but, because I ran out of ice cream!
(Que clip of me crying over an empty carton of ice cream.)
Allison Blossom: Yeah, that was the worse week for me to be on my period. So, after I calmed down and bought some more ice cream, I went to Walmart, bought a new notebook, and just started writing. I just kept thinking about all these different romantic and funny scenes in my mind and thought about how Reginald would do this and how Alice would respond to it etc. sometimes I would even write as early as 3 am because an idea would just pop into my head! Eventually, I went online to see some art for inspiration when suddenly I found Tumblr. At the time, I was still pretty shy and secluded about my work because I figured it was a little too weird for anyone’s taste. As a Christian, it was hard because I wondered would push their beliefs on me if I released it or even would I be ridiculed for my beliefs and would be stoked and murdered! Well, long story short I took a chance anyway and found out there are people like me out there who want to see WCMI continued because they remember how good it was and had amazing ideas of their own as well!
(Imagination is not real for this part ▶️) I even got to meet and work with the characters to help with the setup of scenes and I have to tell ya it has been like going through Tulgey Wood, crazy and exciting at the same time!
( clapperboard that reads meet the characters )
Reginald: Hello I am Reginald Theophilus the Third
Alice: And I am Alice Liddell!
Reginald and Alice: And we’re the Mad Couple of WCMI
( clapper board)
Alice Liddell: Working with Briana and Rain, we had quite a lot of adventures! I mean that mud scene in particular was quite a set up and quite messy! I had to be in makeup for hours just to get all that mud off me! Not to mention sitting there or acting out things when they would need a new scene to draw or just practice for their script. Still, it was a lot of fun! There were laughs, there were tears and even some madness in the mixture as well! Like Reginald says “what is life without a little madness!”
Reginald: Oh it was fun!I even got to write my own pick up lines and got to direct the next few scenes!!But later production slowed down and eventually…
Alice:I mean I was shocked but when Briana and Rain told us why, we all understood!
Belle: It was hard but, I mean nothing lasts forever. Plus, a lot of us cannon Disney Characters were getting even busier with our lives as well. Plus all these new princesses and other movies were coming out! It was hard.
Reginald: When production was cancelled it was tough for all of us cause that’s all we knew! But at the same time l, we knew it was for the best because Brianna and Rain had their own lives and had their own dreams. So we threw them a mad tea party and wished them luck.
Ears: Eventually as time went on, we all found jobs and careers to fall back on! For instance, I am the spokes person for Helping Hares! This organization helps those Hares who have had work related accidents at testing labs get the justice they need!
Alice: I became a school teacher and taught 5th grade at a local elementary school!
Reginald: I am ashamed to say it but, a lot of people didn’t really have a need for milliners now a days so I took a rather brief job from Mattel to be on Ever After High! I had to dye my hair, be in makeup for God only know how long, and learn the weird Riddlish language they made up!
(Que clip of Reginald on set with EAH)
Reginald: The train runs on tracks? Birds in the air? OK WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN?
Producer: Cut! Come on Reg just read the line!
Reginald: How can I! I don’t even know what I’m saying?!!!!
(Back to Reginald)
Reginald: not to mention I couldn’t talk to anyone my own age and I could not understand the lingo to save my life!
( Que clip of Reg near snack table)
Apple white: OMG Daring was like so Zzzz
Raven Queen: Rotfl girl!!!
*both of them laughing
*Reginald looks at the camera confused.
(Back to Reginald)
Reginald: Eventually, that production was done as well. Thank God! Still, there was the matter of income so again I had to get a job at another unlikely place.
(Clip of Reginald at a life insurance company)
Reginald on phone : Sir, I am telling you this is the best insurance there is! Well no it ain’t All State but it’s just as good and… *phone hangs up* Hello? Hello?
(Que back to Reginald)
Reginald: it’s a tough world for non cannon characters but, we are determined even if it kills us. Luckily in comes an unlikely chance in my letter box!
Alice: At first I thought it was Rain and Briana but come to find out!
EARS: There was another writer out there who wanted to save WCMI
Reginald: I was I was excited because finally, we may be able to get back on track! And do something we all loved to do! I immediately went back to work that day and quit my job!
(Que clip)
Reginald on his desk throwing all the paper around and launching a confetti cannon: Eat on that suckers!!! I quit!!!! And Michael! I’ve never liked any of your weird jokes!!!
( back to set)
Belle: When we all reunited it was amazing! It was like a family reunion in a way!
Ears: Next thing we knew in comes Alllison…
Alice: Allison
Reginald: Allison
Belle: Allison Blossom!
Ears: and she had the most amazing ideas and most extraordinary set ups that changed our lives forever!
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
Chandani Kumar - Birthday suit up SSR voice lines
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Login on Birthday Despite how busy you are, you still remembered my birthday? ...Ah, I'm so happy, I couldn't thank you enough!
Unlock Card I've never had such a big party in my honor before. I can't say I completely dislike it though.
Ahaha, the birds are singing so cheerfully~! Are they celebrating with us as well?
Groovy The party wouldn't have been complete without you. Thank you for livening things up.
Home setting I don't normally like wearing fancy clothes, but I'll make an exception since everyone is so excited.
Home transitions Blythe- Er, Bunny was running around trying to get everyone (from Speculum) to settle down before the party started. I was going to try and help, but she handled it in time.
Neige LeBlanche is so friendly! We haven't talked much before, but he and his little friends gifted me an apple pie this afternoon.
I found a mysterious box at my door this morning, filled with chocolates that each have a different effect when eaten. I think I know who sent them.
Home transition (login greeting) Eating this naan makes me long for my hometown...How did they manage to find these kinds of food?
Home transition (groovy) Would you like to try the tea I'm drinking? Its a family recipe.
Home taps My mother always braids my hair on my birthday. Its a shame she can't do it this year.
My brother was the first to greet me on my birthday, interrupting my sleep to call me at midnight. I made sure to give him a good scolding.
Irene made breakfast in bed for me this morning. I would have been touched if she hadn't put the tray down and tickled me.
Mia made tea for me to go with breakfast. But she had decided to experiment with some new ingredients and the final product was...less than satisfactory.
Xue Mei brought me to a creek to swim. I've never swam in freshwater before, so that was a lovely new experience for me.
Home tap (groovy) Today has certainly been lively! Would you care to join me for a walk in the gardens?
*Since Chandani kinda ended up being inspired by Alice, I decided to add in a little reference to Blythe! @linawritesocs
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moviemunchies · 2 years
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Before seeing this movie, I’d seen a lot of reviews of this film. More fandom-oriented viewers seemed to like it, and the success of the movie at the box office seemed to bear out that general audiences liked it. Critic reviews were much less kind to the movie. I’ve seen some outlets refer to Jurassic World: Dominion as the worst film in the series.
So I was a bit apprehensive about going to the theater!
The previous movie, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, ends with dinosaurs being released into the wild, and the trailers for this film showed some of the results of that. Except that’s not really what this movie is about. Jurassic World: Dominion is about two main storylines:
With Owen, Claire, and Maisie: Biosyn, the genetics company that took over the business of dinosaurs from InGen, is searching for Maisie Lockwood because (as the last movie revealed) she’s a clone and this makes her genetically special, somehow, or something.
With Grant, Sattler, and Malcolm: So Biosyn is engineering prehistoric killer locusts to eat all the world’s crops except the ones engineered by Biosyn, and Sattler wants to prove it with Grant’s help. Malcolm, who now works for Biosyn as an in-house lecturer. 
All of them end up in Biosyn’s new headquarters, which is now in the middle of an isolated dinosaur sanctuary in a valley somewhere. Which means the premise of “dinosaurs out in the world” is discarded for “our heroes are trapped in a collapsing dinosaur park AGAIN, and the actual Plot is about locusts.
I’m sorry, I’m making it sound like I hated this movie. I didn’t–I had a lot of fun! There are some really cool action sequences, like the raptor chase in Malta. And there are a bunch of new dinosaurs! Maybe the two different kinds of raptors feel a bit repetitive, but the Therizinosaurus is cool, as is the Giganotosaurus, and the return of Dilophosaurus! I’m also very excited to finally see feathered dinosaurs in a Jurassic Park movie–it’s about freaking time. We don’t need hybrids, we need to move closer to paleontological accuracy!
The problem is that these creatures don’t have much time to be used as they’re crammed in a movie that’s not really about dinosaurs at all. The main Plot is ultimately about Biosyn’s plan to make locusts to eat everything but their own products. It’s a stupid plan, as I’ve said. The leader of Biosyn, Lewis Dodgson, doesn’t seem to even realize that he’s causing complete ecological destruction, even when it’s pointed out to him. Honestly, Dodgson seems a bit lost during the entire movie, and I thought it’d be revealed that the interest he has in genetic research is because he wants to cure some sort of degenerative mental disease he has. But nope! He’s just a befuddled man as far as I can tell!
Then again, he is named after the author for Alice in Wonderland_ (Lewis Carroll, pen name for Charles Dodgson) for no discernible reason, so maybe that’s meant to be his thing? It’s still weird, because the character has a brief scene in the original Jurassic Park (with a different actor) and in that, he’s considerably more menacing, despite having less than five minutes of screentime. Here, I don’t know if I’m supposed to feel sorry for him or not.
[Supposedly the actor who played him in the first movie was eager to play the character again if it ever came up, but he couldn’t do this movie because he was imprisoned for sexualy assaulting a kid. What the eff?]
Also this movie brings Grant and Sattler back together in a relationship. People care about that, I guess. I’ve always been bewildered by this, because I didn’t even know it was a thing until I saw the Nostalgia Critic review for Jurassic Park III (YES I watched Nostalgia Critic back in the day, so sue me). I didn’t realize that Grant and Sattler were EVER a couple in the movies, because it’s not like Jurassic Park has many overt romantic moments between the two. And I remembered that in the book, they’re explicitly NOT a couple–one of the kids asks Grant, and he tells them that she’s one of his students, he has no interest in her, and she’s dating some other guy.
Again, apparently this ship was important to people. Important enough that there were headlines before the release of Dominion in which people asked if it was appropriate in the first film, given their age gap.
So despite Jurassic Park III establishing that they’re still very good friends despite their relationship not working out, and Sattler being married with children, THIS movie awkwardly has it so that Grant was never really over her, and now she’s conveniently divorced and her kids are in college, so she’s free to get with Grant.
[helpless gestures] I don’t really care. Claire and Owen are finally a couple, if you care about that–I was tired of the Will They/Won’t They, so happy to see that resolved. And they make sympathetic/entertaining parental figures for Maisie.
The actual Plot doesn’t really make that much sense to me, truth be told. Okay, so Maisie is a clone, and her mother had a fatal genetic disease of some sort. But her mother changed her genes so Maisie wouldn’t have that disease. And so Dr. Wu thinks that by studying Maisie’s DNA he can find a way to stop the evil locusts Dodgson made him create within a generation, or something? Also Blue the velociraptor reproduced without a male, on her own, basically creating a clone (this is a thing that can happen in some species) that the baby raptor will also have some kind of genetic secrets? I don’t know how that works.
I’m more than a bit fuzzy on how “Maisie being a clone with edited genes” means “We can stop the locust plague”, and even more so on how the raptor could fix this. And the more I think about it, the more I realize that I shouldn’t have to be thinking about this because the Plot should be ABOUT DINOSAURS, DANG IT.
Look, I thought the dinosaur rights groups we saw in the last movie were dumb. They still are. But _Fallen Kingdom_ ends with Maise releasing dinosaurs into the world. This is going to have major repercussions. The beginning of this film tells us that there’s a dinosaur black market and so they’ve spread all over the world. This movie should give us something like a Dinotopia  or The Dinosaur Lords AU. We should start to see how people are adapting to sharing the world with dinosaurs out in the wild or in their cities. And there are some great scenes showing this! Instead the movie’s just not interested in that premise, outside of a handful of scenes.
But Kayla Watts is pretty cool. I mean, she’s probably the coolest character out of the last three movies, the most fun to watch, and one of the few people who is close to having her head on straight.
[rubs forehead]
Look, I guess what I’m saying is this: this movie’s dumb. For some people, it’s probably unforgivably dumb. But it’s entertaining. It doesn’t have much substance, to be honest, but it’s got action, and it is trying to please fans old and new by bringing back old characters and plenty of callbacks. 
[Some of those callbacks are grating and pointless, I’ll admit–the can of shaving cream from the first movie is back, despite that it has no function right now and is just something Dodgson keeps with him as a trophy, I GUESS.]
If you like Jurassic Park but don’t care about the story being too deep, yeah, you’ll be fine. Go watch this movie. It’s fine. There’s nothing as dumb as the military creating a genetic hybrid serial killer dinosaur. But it’s far from as good as this movie could have been, and displays that the makers of the Jurassic World trilogy don’t really know the true value of what they’re handling.
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nntheblog · 2 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Season 3 release dates confirmed by new visual teasing Harvest Festival Ark
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The key visual for the Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Season 3 Pic credit: @nep_irumakun/Twitter Mairimashita will be celebrating her 15th birthday on August 15, 2022. Iruma-kun anime’s official Twitter account announced that the Demon School: Welcome! Iruma-kun Season 3 release date will be on October 8, 2022 – just in time to have a spooky anime filled with demons for Halloween! Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun’s twitter account also released a new key visual, which teases the upcoming Harvest Festival Arc. You can see the new art here. Welcome to Demon School: A new key visual! Iruma Kun Season 3 was released August 15, 2022. Pic credit: Bandai Namco Pictures What is the plot to Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun? Iruma Suzuki, a 14-year old human boy, is the focus of the story. Strangely, his selfish, neglectful, and lazy parents decide to sell Iruma off to a demon named Sullivan. Iruma is taken to the Demon World by Sullivan, who adopts him as his grandson. At first, Iruma is afraid of Sullivan, but instead of being cruel like Iruma thought he’d be Sullivan spoils and dotes on Iruma. Iruma enrolls at the Babyls School for Demons, where Sullivan is the chiefmaster. Iruma meets Alice Asmodeus, a fire-wielding demonic demon, and then Clara Valac is introduced to Clara Valac. Clara has the ability to summon items from the dimensional pockets she wears on her skirt. Sullivan warns Iruma not to reveal to the other demons that he is human, as they may decide to eat him. Iruma, horrified by the prospect, vows to blend into the Demon World and not be noticed. However, Iruma ends up in various dangerous life-or-death situations where he ends up looking extremely talented and stands out when he’s really just trying to survive. Iruma is 15 years old by the end of his second year. What is Welcome to Demon School? What will Iruma Kun Season 3 be like? Scenes from The End of Days Arc. Pic credit: @mairimashita-irumakun.fandom.com The End of Final Days Arc/End Of Summer Vacation Arc will be the start of the season. Since there’s a little bit of time left until their “Final Days” are over Iruma and his friends find various ways to spend their remaining vacation until the second term begins. Azz-kun goes to a demon ball with Ameri and dances with a young demoness. Iruma accompanies Sullivan along on an errand, where he meets some interesting demons who could be the next demon king. The Misfits will benefit from the guidance of tutors. Pic credit: @mairimashita-irumakun.fandom.com The Special Tutor Training Arc commences. They must become stronger due to the requirement that every Misfit Class member (Iruma, his classmates) have a Demon Ranking 4 in order to be allowed to remain in the Royal One classroom. In order to accomplish this each of them is assigned to a special group of staff from Babyls that will help nurture their abilities so they can get ready for the opportunity to raise their rank during the school’s Harvest Festival. Iruma discovers he has a talent for archery, which is something most demons don’t have the patience for. Meanwhile, Azz-kun trains in how to bring out his “Evil Cycle” to become more powerful. Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Chapter 155. Pic credit: Akita Shoten (Weekly Shonen Champion) The Harvest Festival Arc commences. After all their intense training the Misfit Class feels ready to participate in the Harvest Festival where they must gather ingredients in a demonic jungle – the aim is to get the very best ingredients and gain the most points. They will need to use the new abilities they have acquired. Unexpected threats are lurking in the demonic jungle, which will test their new skills. Who are the members of the production team? Demon School: Welcome! Iruma-kun Season 3’s production team members include: - Director – Makoto Moriwaki - Animation – Bandai Namco Pictures - Series composition – Kazuyuki Fudeyasu - Character design – Yumiko Hara - Music composer – Akimitsu Honma Where can I read and watch the manga? Demon School: Welcome! Osamu Nishi's Japanese manga series Iruma Kun is called Iruma. Since March 2017, it has been serialized in Akita Shoten’s shonen manga magazine Weekly Shonen Champion and its chapters have been collected in twenty-seven tankobon volumes. A TV anime series was created by Bandai Namco Pictures and aired between October 2019 and March 2020 on Japan's NHK Educational channel. Crunchyroll also streamed the anime in Japan as it aired under the title Welcome To Demon School, Iruma Kun, with an English dubbed version. Crunchyroll aired a second season from April 2021 to September 2021 in Japan. Crunchyroll also streamed it as it aired. The English dub wasn’t available until June 2021. Are you excited for Welcome to Demon School? Iruma-kun Season 3. Do you like Iruma-kun’s new outfit and his bow? Iruma-kun's archery skills were the most rewarding. What do you think of Azz-kun’s new long hair? Are you looking forward to Azz-kun's Evil Cycle? Please comment below! Read the full article
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tomhenryyy · 17 days
Andy Robison- Mental Health On Tour
Andy Robison is a freelance front-of-house sound engineer and production manager.  
Robinson has worked with big names like Beabadoobee, and Ashnikko but has mixed for every sort of artist and bands. For the past twelve years, Andy has been working in the realm of live music, for the past nine years he’s been touring all around the world but worked at his local O2 arena when attending the University of Leicester. Robinson was lucky enough to meet award winning band Wolf Alice just before their success and started touring with them for a year. Andy has stated that touring with Wolf Alice allowed him to put his foot in the door of the industry which led to him getting more work in the future.  
Andy is very open about every part of his job and doesn’t shy away from the more realistic topics. He says “The best part about my job is I get to travel the world” he speaks about the people and friends he has met whilst doping so and speaks about all the existing adventures they all have, on the flip side of this he speaks about how the job is very fun but does come with some drawbacks like long hours, the unsocial hours, spend a good chunk of time is in forms of transportation, his longest day on the job was 27 hours, this included flying to LA setting up doing the show packing down and the travelling back to his accommodation for the night. Andy shared that at the beginning of his career, he loved the travelling side to his work, visiting all these new countries however as time goes by he has since found that the travelling side can at times be a tedious task and can absolutely have effects on his relationships, and family dynamics sacrificing not being around for big family events. 
When speaking about how being on the road can really affect your mental health Andy caught my attention. He said ‘There are many things that contribute to the effects of your mental health on tour, some of these might be the food that you’re eating’ ‘Sometimes tours are catered for and that's amazing, but often I find myself eating junk food and a lot of Deliveroo food’  
This is something that I would keep in mind because a big part of my life is diet and physical activity, I will try and eat as many whole foods as I can and try to stay away from fast food and junk chemical foods.  
Another aspect of mental health Andy speaks about is the stress and pressure of the job. “Personally, I like the pressure and stress” he feels that when in these situations he can often pull off some of the best shows that he has worked on. This is the complete opposite of me, when stressed and under pressure, I tend to shut down and lose my train of thought, so I applaud Andy to have the capability to achieve such results in stressful situations.  
A report from Music Ally written by Stuart Dredge shares the comparison in musicians with mental health problems pre-Covid and post-Covid.  
‘The comparison with pre-Covid numbers show a 396% increase in mental health consultations and a 357% rise in numbers of patients' (Dredge, 2024)
Stuart Dredge also wrote another article, this one focusing on a charity called ‘Music, Minds, Matter.’ this article is dedicated to helping the organisation set up a stand-alone charity that focuses on ‘mental health and the twin pressures of touring and social media.’  
Whilst Andy isn’t the most active on social media he is always on the job, whether it’s a stand-alone show or a run of shows Andy is always on the job and charity could be a massive help in terms of his al health when on the road.  
“Creation of the new charity will mean all fundraising income generated for mental health by the charity is solely dedicated to improving mental health,” 
Since opening the charity, the call lines to ‘Help Musicians’ have risen by 30% in the last year.  (Dredge, 2024)
I think that the call stats have risen due to the company being so public about the fact that the mental health portion of the company is now a separate company. The publicity of this change has opened up the eyes of people who are struggling with mental health issues.  
If I could sum up meeting Andy and hearing his talk, I would say I came away from it with more interest towards the behind the scenes side of touring, his honesty was very insightful and has made me consider getting into his side of the industry.  
Dredge, S. (2024) Report: Mental health issues surge in UK performing arts sector. Available at: https://musically.com/2024/03/18/report-mental-health-issues-surge-in-uk-performing-arts-sector/. (Accessed: 23/5/24).
Dredge, S. (2024) Help Musicians Turn Music Minds Matter into a single-focus charity. Available at:https://musically.com/2022/09/23/music-minds-matter-single-focus-charity/(Accessed: 23rd May 2024). 
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metropolitianmania · 6 months
Dear younger me,
Hi, it's me from the future. Yeah, I know - why are you all clad in black clothes? Why does my wardrobe look reminiscent of Mom and Dad's, with such a lack of color? Why does my hair look so messy??
We've...been through a lot. I get that you're probably having trouble processing the things that just happened to you, and that's fine. I just want you to know that none of it is your fault. It's not your fault that Mom and Dad do these things to you, alright? It's okay not to believe them when they say they love you, and it's okay to still love them even after you're hurt by them.
Please don't give up on God. I know you don't want to believe He's real, but I promise you, he helps us more than you think. Even if you doubt him, just know believing in anything will help you get through everything we've gone through.
Please, keep up the good work. I know you're scared to be the person you want to be, and I know everyone around us makes you feel that you can't do it, that you can't achieve your dreams. You can. You will. You become such a strong writer, your teachers and professors can't help but compliment you when given the chance. Your art progresses so much that people can't keep their excitement in when they see it. You become such a light to be around that you finally feel like you belong.
Don't, and please don't, think that everyone you meet will like you. You're going to tear yourself inside out trying to make everyone happy, you're going to make yourself bleed to just get stabbed over and over and over and over, by the same people you love, the same people you thought about bringing into your home one day and sharing your dream with. Some people are not worth saving. Be okay with leaving people and people leaving you.
But that...makes me just like Dad.
It's alright. You'll get to the point in your life where you realize you're a product of two teens, both with daddy issues who got too many kids at once so young, without any help. Sure, they were trying to figure it out along the way, but that doesn't mean what they did to you was right or even remotely okay. They never learned how to take care of themselves before taking care of others.
That doesn't mean you have to do the same. I've seen it, you want to be a good person. You want people to trust you and lean on you. You will be able to. But understand, you can't just beg for it. You have to work really hard to get there. And so far, we're showing progress.
Tonight's a night to celebrate, a night of a silky, violet sky patterned by the stars. Remember the things that made you happy, that make you happy. Dance with the glistening white stars, swim with the luminescent jellyfish that you've always wanted to touch, sing with the jade hummingbirds whose name you took too literal, paint with the colors of the flamingo and narwhal sunset that you know is just smog, read with the tiny, spiky hedgehogs and the cottony white rabbits you wanted because you loved Alice's Adventures in Wonderland so much as a child, eat the vibrant and colorful cakes you wanted to bake yourself after watching so much Food Network shows, and live.
Do that for me.
Longingly waiting for our happy ending,
Future You
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victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->Where they found a bunch of people gathered outside their shop for some reason. O.o I was initially a bit confused -- but then remembered "oh, right, the Flea Market! Forgot that happened in this neighborhood!" Sure enough, most of the folks lingering on the sidewalk headed for the plaza to take their places as vendors or to take a look around at what was available, leaving Victor and Alice free to head inside and start making product --
But, well, Smiler was feeling a bit peckish, and one of their friends, Sai Bau, was in the crowd, so I had them catch up with him (well, maybe "him" -- Sai admitted to still figuring out their exact identity, but he/him pronouns seem okay for now), trade some frogs (I forget what Smiler gave him, but Sai gave them a spotted eggplant frog in return, which was nice), and eventually get a drink (a very, uh, enthusiastic drink -- as you can see, Smiler's animation glitched out a little there, leading them to shove a little more of Sai's arm than normal into their mouth! XD). Not what I expected them to be doing when they arrived at the store, but still -- always good to keep that Thirst quenched!
-->While that was going on, though, Victor and Alice were keeping busy -- Victor Copypastoed a few of Smiler's herbalism concoctions before heading into the basement to make some Emotional Stability potions, while Alice started out making a box of dried sage bottles before moving on to jarring up some mayo and custard before using the bulk processor to get some more sugar. Fun never stops down there! :p Smiler joined them and hopped on their apothecary bench to make more synthetic food tablets as Victor finished up the Emotional Stability brew -- he bottled that up, then moved onto another batch of Nimble Mind while Alice went back to making boxes of product -- specifically, apple jam, green beans, and green PEAS once I remembered "oh, wait, THAT'S the one I need more boxes of." ^^; All that processing was hungry work, though, so I had her take a quick break to sample some of her spare mushroom conserve -- she actually quite liked it, getting a nice Inspired moodlet with a terrible pun about how eating canned food made her think "yes I can!" XD Look, whatever helps you get through this push to fill the shelves, Alice.
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asydicsydney · 1 year
In lieu of the soon to be anniversary of me getting serious with writing, here is one of my first full fanfics (dated March 10th, 2022)
Context: Our school production of Alice in Wonderland that fall had original characters that soon became my own as I extended the story (and wrote way too many fics)
Spots is about 6 here, they are the adopted child of Black and Brown (also the Blue Borogove is mentioned here before his name was updated)
This is written as a script because that was the only way I could write back then, also it has small suggestive connotations. Enjoy :)
S: *Struggling to put on their other sock, bandana backwards, and only one overall strap on, running to the kitchen*
Bl: "Woahwoahwoah, slow down gingerbread bunny, why're you in such a ru-"
S: *Grabs Brown's leg*
Br: "*Oomph*" *He stumbles a back a little*
Br: "You're.. welcome.. Spot. Now can you let go of my leg? 'Else your ears will be covered in egg."
S + Bl: "Rhyme dime!"
Br: "Alright, alright, I'll put a dime in the jar, *after* breakfast. Now go sit down and let your father fix your clothes."
S: *Nods, releases Brown, and shuffles over to where Black is sitting at the table*
Bl: "Alright kit, up we go!" *He picks up Spots and sits them on the table next to the soon-to-be-filled plates and proceeds to fix Spots' clothes*
Br: "Off! Off of the table! Unless we're eating the kit for breakfast, there shall be no bunnies on my table!"
S: *Giggles and jumps off the table, letting Black fix their clothes on the floor*
Br: "Food's ready!"
S: "Yayyy!!!" *Runs away from Black's grasp to their chair, while their bandana gets pulled off*
Bl: *sigh* "I'll fix it later, kit."
Br: "Who's ready for SSSCRAMbled Egg Surprise?"
S: "Me, me, me!!"
Br: "Then here you go, kit." *Dishes out the eggs to Spots' plate, then Black's, then his own*
Bl: "Thank you, hun." *Kisses Brown on the cheek* "It looks amazing."
S: "Thanks, Poppa!"
Br: "Alright you two, just eat your food." *He giggles slightly and sits down*
*Everyone starts eating*
Br: "So, what are my favorite rabbits up to today?"
Bl: "I gotta help White draft some escape routes for the castle, like for if there was a fire. Poor kit is too scared someone will burn a cake *before* he finishes."
Br: "Wow, how noble of you to help your brother." /s
Bl: "I can't be fighting beasts all the time, besides, a little security never hurt nobunny."
Br: "True, true. And what's on the docket for you today, Spots?"
S: "Blue asked me do go mome rath hunning!"
Br: "Now *that* is an adventure! You should learn from them, Black."
Bl: *Not paying attention* "What?"
S + Br: *Laughter*
Br: "Nothing, hun."
Bl: "Hmph, keep your secrets then."
S: "Hey, Poppa?"
Br: "Ya, kit?"
S: "Who Awah?"
Bl: "Spot, you gotta swallow your food, kit."
S: *swallows* "Who's Alex?"
Br: "Oh um.." *catches a side glance from Black* "Where'd you hear that, kit?"
S: "From you!"
Br: "Fro-from me!? Nonono, couldn'tve been me." *Looks to Black for support*
Bl: "Shrugs and pours more coffee in his cup*
S: "Uh huh! I woke up super lae las nigh, and I heard you yelling 'Alex! Alex!'"
Bl: *Spits out his coffee* "O-oh! Well that's interesting! Care to explain, *hun*?"
Br: "Oh! Yyyup I remember that now. Sorry I woke you, kit. I was just yelling at Dad because he was... stealing all of the blanket!"
Bl: *mouths "good save"*
S: "Oh! Ok!"
Br: *phew*
S: "One more question."
Br: "Ya, kit?"
S: "Why did you call Dad 'Alex'?"
Bl: "I can take this one, Brown."
Br: "Thanks." *He picks up their plates and kisses Black on the cheek, then walks to the kitchen to wash up*
Bl: "Ok, kit. You know how you call me Dad?"
S: "Uh huh?"
Bl: "And how sometimes you're Poppa calls me Black?"
S: "Hehe, ya. Jus like your fur!"
Bl: "That's right, kit. Well, I also go by Alex. It's like my.. adult name."
S: "Wow! Thah's so cool!"
Bl: "Uh huh, Sir Alexander Black Rabbit!" *He strikes a pose*
Br: *coming back from the kitchen* "The adorkable knight!"
Bl: "Hey!"
Br: "Just telling it how it is, hun."
Bl: "Is that all, Spot?" *He ruffles their hair and kisses their forehead* "Come on, we gotta get our boots on, or we'll both be running 'late, late, late for an important date!'"
S + Br: "Rhyme dime!"
Bl: "I was quoting my brother! You two are no fun!" /lh
S: "Dad?"
Bl: "Ya, Spot?"
S: "Does Poppa have an adul name?"
Bl: "Hahaa, well, do you, hunnybun?"
Br: "As a matter of fact, I do. It's Arthur. Are all your questions answered now, kit? You two gotta get moving or you'll actually be late."
S: "Thah's all the questions I had, Poppa!"
Br: "Alright, now let your father help you get your boots on while I finish cleaning up."
S: "Ok, Poppa!"
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chinahatbeach · 1 year
Thoughts for Today
Friday. Aloha Friday…… I am looking forward to the weekend. Big plans….. nope. Taking a nap, maybe. I just have today to get through and then, the couch calls my name. A hot cup of tea, snuggly blanket, and my doggos.
Yesterday was a tiring day. By the time I got home, had something to eat, and watched a bit of tv, I was done. Somedays wear you out more than others.
I find that the one company I work for grates on me. They are so unorganized. I asked for Comet cleaner in December and finally got it last night. My new boss called me to tell me that a fellow from the company would make a delivery to the jobsite. I was across the street working at a different company and cleaning there. The fellow showed up with two bottles of Comet liquid cleanser. I shall use it sparingly as I have no clue if I’ll get any in the near future.
Today’s adventure is cleaning for a new customer. She had broken her hip and can’t do things. She has 5 or 6 cats and can’t clean the cat litter. Think about that…….and use your nose for those thoughts. Hazmat suit comes to my mind. I’ve cleaned cat litter that was more like cement. Take that litter pan outside and put the whole mess in the garbage can. The garbage man would have a hard time lifting it. Cement I tell you. Urine odor. Tootsie Rolls of epic proportion.
Over the years, I remember the jobs that would make most people gag. I have a top ten of putrid homes. Most of those came along when I cleaned apartments for a living. Oh, the sights I have seen.
Number one worst was Alice’s townhome. She was a neighbor of ours when we lived off of Mahama Way. She had mental issues but was the sweetest lady. She had cats and a dog. The cats peed up against the kitchen cabinets, the walls, and most everywhere. The rug stuck to the molding along the wall due to the amount of pee. The washer leaked and ruined the floor. The stench was overwhelming. No one else would work for us to help us remove the carpeting and do needed repairs. And we also had another person who lived in another townhome who lived with two dogs who urinated and pooped all over the downstairs carpeting. Her downstairs toilet leaked and was sinking into the floor. Her refrigerator had an ungodly amount of black mold. And these folks never notified management of any issues.
I’ve dealt with poopy diapers left behind when people moved out. I’ve seen maggot ridden food left behind. Plugged toilets…. apples do not flush. Tooth brushes and toys do not flush.
After typing up about those horrid jobs, I should write a book on the horrible things I have seen. It would be titled, “Why Clean Your House?”
At least I haven’t found dead bodies at homes but then again, anything is possible. One apartment manager told me his horrible story of having a tenant who was a great tenant…… she always paid her rent before it was due, never was loud, but……….. one day she just moved and didn’t say a thing. He didn’t get her rent and wondered why. After the necessary time and paperwork filed, he went into the apartment. Dead cats and a dead dog. Knee deep worth of poop all over the entire apartment. The oven was left open and a dead cat was in it. He told me it took him a week of working eight hours a day to remove the filth. He had to change his coveralls nightly due to the stench he picked up.
After you have just read some of the horrendous things I have seen, you know why I like things neat and tidy. I watch YouTube videos on how to clean more efficiently. There are great videos on how to make your own cleaning products. I love using lemons to clean along with lavender. Baking soda is a great cleanser and it doesn’t have a scent. Scrubs up stuff very well. Dawn dishwashing liquid is a favorite. A drop of it along with vinegar and water does a great job. And no, I don’t use newspaper to wash windows……. I don’t read newspapers and I find it to be more mess than it’s worth it. I do dilute Windex as it’s too strong and you don’t need it that strong. My favorite products are Dr. Bonner’s Soaps and cleaner. They have one called “Sal Suds Biodegradable Cleaners”. One tablespoon per one quart of water to clean with and it does make a lot from one container. One half of a teaspoon per gallon of water to mop the floor. Why spend money on fancy stuff that wastes money.
Well, I better go and get ready to hit the trenches of dirt and grime. If you have questions on how to clean something, send it. I like saving other folks money and help them do the dirty work. But then again, I like getting paid to do the dirty work. Nothing feels better than to revive a dirty shower and see it sparkle.
And that’s the way it is………….
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