#yeah this episode and the next two are all about trying to get the shelves FILLED damn it
victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->After a brief break for socializing, everyone got straight back to work -- Victor Copypastoed some fireflies for Smiler, then made some chocolatey animal treats and an inspiring perfume; Smiler took those fireflies to make spirit-lifting gummies (which got them up to Apothecary skill level 3 in the process, w00); and Alice made more boxes of MREs on the bulk processor. I then followed Victor up as he went upstairs to drop off his bottle of inspiring scent and had him do some more Copypasto (specifically, copying his new animal treats so he didn't have to waste custard making more) --
-->But uh-oh! The thing that I was hoping wouldn't happen had happened -- the flower arrangements that the gang had made near the start of this whole "grocery store" venture had started to wilt! I quickly unmarked all the arrangements for sale and had Victor sell all the bad ones directly -- as they were now covered in flies, he didn't get a good price for any of them, but since all of the arrangements we make here are free, it was still pure profit. Victor then got sent back downstairs to work on deodorant perfume --
-->While Alice came upstairs and stole some meat right out of the meat "department" to eat! Naughty werewolf! >( I guess it's my fault for not immediately marking them all for sale -- the trouble is, I need to have at least one that ISN'T for sale so Victor can Copypasto it! *grumbles* Anyway, she got punished for eating some of the product by having the bathroom sink break on her when she washed her plate -- what you get, girl! At least it didn't take her too long to fix it up.
-->Forbidden snacktime over with, it was straight back to work again -- Victor finished up his perfume, and then discharged so he could get back to Copypastoing everything he could Copypasto; Alice got put back on bulk processing, making tomato sauce and meat substitute; and Smiler took over the flower arranging bench to start replacing the wilted flower arrangements! Specifically, with excellent-quality arrangements that could be scented with bluebells, which make the arrangements "Timeless." That is, I believe they no longer wilt at ALL. Which, given how long it's taken us to fill up this store, I believe is going to be USEFUL. I was prepared to have them work at this for a while --
-->But then I noted the time both in-game and in real life, and realized, "okay, you guys should go home so I can wrap this up." So, after noting what the gang needed in the store (boxes of jam, cheese, more candles, more flower arrangements, etc), and discovering a spare picture from the family reunion still in Alice's inventory (I decided it would look cute on the front desk), I did indeed send the gang home.
Where they were promptly put back to work in the crafting barn. XD Victor was sent to make more candles; Smiler to make more chatterbots; and Alice to make more sugar to use in canning. I left it with her going "screw it, gonna just sleep on the floor here." XD Sorry, I just really, REALLY wanted to get this done!
But we're not quite there yet, so join me next time for another episode of "Time To FINISH FILLING THESE DAMN SHELVES PLEASE" -- "Is Fishing Fun?" edition! Bye!
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Nothing is Accidental | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: You usual Criminal Minds crimes
Author's note: This is a rewrite of the Season 7 Episode "True Genius".
Words: 3.342
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Being a last year student at the San Francisco Police Department Academy had been a thrill. You had been dreaming about this since you were just a kid, wanting to step into your mother’s shoes. She had been the captain at the San Francisco Police Department since you knew what it meant. Her death caused you to up that dream to make her proud. Losing her made you want to become a detective even more. 
When you heard there was a conference hosted by Patricia Cornwell, you knew you had to attend. Her books weren’t the only ones on your shelves, but they took up a lot of space. Luckily, you didn’t have any classes all day. 
As Patricia wrapped up her talk, she turned to the guy sitting next to her and introduced him as Dr. Spencer Reid with the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. He was tall and awkward and he had the sort of face that one could stare at for hours on end and not get bored. Even from your seat in the room, you were able to memorize every single aspect of his face. 
After Dr. Spencer Reid, came Agent Emily Prentiss. Though she was interesting too, you couldn’t help but keep your eyes trained on her co-worker who had retaken his seat. You wanted to talk to him, pick his overly genius brain. Whatever he would have to say would captivate you to no end. 
At the very end of the conference, people crowded around Agent Prentiss to ask her everything they needed to know. However, no one did the same to Dr. Reid. Watching him squirm and awkwardly twist and turn hurt your heart. Before you even dared to walk up to him, he scurried out of the door. With furrowed brows, you quickly follow behind him, just to find him talking to someone else. 
From a distance, you watched as Dr. Reid talked to the young man. He looked excited to talk to him, his smile never wavering right up until the end when the guy said his goodbye. Spencer’s smile vanished from his face. 
“Hi, Dr. Reid,” you finally dared to go up to him. 
The smile reappeared, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He was just trying to be polite to you. “Hi.” 
“I– uhm,” You stuttered, nervous as you saw the color of his eyes up close. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N, student at the SFPD Academy and I–” You scoffed at your own awkwardness. “I just thought you – what you said up there was really interesting.” 
“Oh,” Spencer chuckled, the light in his eyes returning. “Thank you.” 
A moment passed as the two of you just watched one another, smiles persistent on your faces. Neither of you said anything up until the point where Agent Prentiss exited the conference room. “Hey,” she greeted. 
You offered Emily a smile before turning back to Spencer. “I-I gotta go. It was nice to meet you.” 
“Yeah, you too,” said Spencer before watching you walk away after a quick bid of goodbye to Emily. 
“Who was that?” Emily asked, her eyes trained on Spencer’s furiously blushing face as he was still looking at you. 
He pressed his lips together. “Uhm, y/n y/l/n. She’s a student at the San Francisco Police Academy.” 
Emily hummed suspiciously, regarding her co-worker to find any trace of infatuation for the woman he’d just met. Though all she found was confusion, worry and a tiny bit of curiosity. She wasn’t even too sure where the first two emotions came from. 
For the rest of the day, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. The words he said during the conference and the bright honey-colored eyes haunted you with everything you did. Even the world didn’t allow you to forget him as his face was on your tv-screen as you were cleaning up your apartment. 
“Was your cousin by chance a fan of Wagner?” Spencer asked the man who was informing reporters about his cousin being the new Zodiac Killer. “Because a CD of the Tragic Overture was sent to the police this morning.” 
You furrowed your brows. “Come on, Spencer, you know better than that,” you mumbled, confused about how a genius like him could mix that up. 
The man on TV nodded his head. “He loved Wagner, especially the Tragic Overture. It’s him.” 
Spencer quickly pushed the man aside so he was now standing in front of the camera. “Oh, yeah. Well, for the record, a CD was not sent to the police this morning, and the Tragic Overture was written by Brahms, not Wagner. So luckily, I guess it’s not your cousin.” You let out a snort. Of course he knew that. “The FBI would greatly appreciate it if people would stop making false claims to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Thank you. Thank you very much.” 
Chuckling, you shake your head and continue cleaning up your apartment. Once you were done, you got ready and headed out to the coffee shop near the Academy, something you did almost every day before afternoon classes. 
“A tall caramel macchiato with soy milk, please,” you ordered with a smile and thanked the barista once you were given your coffee. As you turned around, your eyes landed on the mop of curls you’d seen just the day before. You tilted your head slightly as you approached him cautiously, uncertain if it actually was him. “Dr. Reid?” 
The man looked up at you from the papers in front of him, his honey-colored eyes sparkling as they landed on you. “Hi, y/n.”
“What are you doing?” 
He chuckled and looked down at the paper again. “Working on a case,” he mumbled. 
“The Zodiac thing, right?” he nodded his head. “Saw you on the TV this morning. It made me wonder how you could get Wagner and Brahms so mixed up.” 
Another chuckle rolled off his lips until something popped into his mind. “Hey, do you know anything about code?” 
“Uh, yeah, a little,” you murmured before accepting his wordless invitation to sit down. He slid the paper in front of you, showing off the spam comment underneath the article that had contained a matrix code which had led them to nothing. Your eyes scanned the comment for any clue until something in your mind clicked. Quickly, before you could lose it, you reached for the pen in Spencer’s hand, your fingers brushing his. You decided to ignore the feeling of the sparks at your touch and went to work. “It’s not a matrix code, it’s binary. I-It was written in the words, not the code.” 
You showed him what you’d come up with, his eyes lighting up in surprise as he read over it. “China Weekly Post, Page F4.” 
“This guy is smart,” you commented, leaving Spencer to wonder whether you were talking about him or the UnSub. You watched Emily walk into the cafe, telling you it was time to go. “I-I gotta go. Got a class in five minutes.” You quickly scribbled down your number on the top of the page. With furrowed brows, Spencer looked up at you in confusion. “Nothing’s accidental,” you whispered before turning on your heel and leaving the coffee shop with an acknowledging nod towards Emily. 
“She’s a genius,” you heard Spencer mutter to his co-worker. 
A slight blush resided on your cheeks as you made your way to class. All the way through, you couldn’t stop thinking about the case. Your brain only picked up a few of the things your professor was telling the class. Coincidentally, you were covering the Zodiac Killer case as the professor saw it fit with what had been happening. 
Nothing is accidental, the words kept rushing through your mind. Even though it was a throwaway comment you said to Spencer, it still held some truth to this case. Your professor repeated those words throughout the class and it made you realize that nothing was accidental in this case, either. 
Just as you made your way towards your next class, your phone started ringing. The number flashed on your screen, telling you it was someone you hadn’t saved in your phone. Confused about the flutter in your stomach, you picked up quickly. “Hello?” 
“Y/N, it’s Spencer Reid, f-from the FBI.” 
A smile crept onto your face. “I know who you are. Hi, Spencer.” 
“Do you remember what you said before you left the coffee shop earlier?” 
Humming, you nodded your head. “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that. My professor said the same thing about the original Zodiac Killer. Nothing’s accidental. This guy is doing everything on purpose. Every last detail is important to him.”
“Can you come and help me? I could use your genius.” 
The smile on your face only widened. “Are you sure I’m allowed to interfere in an FBI case?” 
“I’ll tell them it’s for your internship or something. We’ll figure something out. I-I just… I think I need to pick your brain for mine to function in this.” You allowed the silence to linger, giving yourself time to simmer in his words. 
“I’ll be there in ten,” you finally whispered before hanging up and making your way down to the police station where you found Spencer. He was sitting criss-cross on a desk, staring at an empty board. “Is there something on there that only geniuses can see?” you asked, startling him slightly. 
“No, because then you’d be able to see it, too,” he complimented. “I just figured we were looking at things linearly while we needed to take dimensions in account.” 
“Hey, we went through all the surveillance footage near the newspaper. There’s nothing,” Emily said to the other co-workers while you and Spencer started going through the evidence at hand. 
“Spence, you okay?” the blonde next to JJ asked. “And who’s this?” 
Cursing at yourself for not introducing yourself earlier, you offered the BAU team a smile. “Y/N Y/L/N, I’m a student at the SFPD Academy. I-I’ve been assigned by my professor to help you out for my internship…” you lied through your teeth, but it’s the best you could come up with. 
“Was that cleared by Hotch?” the older guy asked Spencer, though the genius didn't respond. 
“Nothing is accidental,” Spencer repeated your words as he started to put up some of the pictures on the board. “Nothing this UnSub does is accidental. The message in the China Weekly Post was on page F4. Why F4?” 
“That’s where the classifieds were,” said Morgan. 
You shook your head. “There’s more. Have you looked at the geographical profile yet?” you asked them. 
Spencer shook his head before moving over to one of the guys from the San Francisco PD who was at a computer. He had the map on his screen with red dots indicating the recent murders. 
“Can you rotate that?” Spencer asked and the guy obeyed, rotating the map and placing the grid over it. 
“F4 is a chess square,” you told them. 
The blonde woman known as JJ furrowed her brows. “He murdered people according to a chess game?” 
“He murdered people according to a specific chess game,” Spencer corrected while you nodded your head. 
“Game six of Fischer vs. Spassky in 1972,” you added, earning an impressed smile from the Boy Wonder himself. 
“One of the greatest chess matches ever played,” he continued. “The murder locations correspond with the final three moves of the game.” 
The man standing behind you grabbed his phone and dialed a number. Rather quickly, a chipper voice sounded from its speaker. “Garcia’s lair of knowledge and wisdom.” 
“Garcia, you have the list of Zodiac case experts?” 
“Yeah, standing by for you. I have everyone who’s ever written or blogged about it. FYI, there are way too many people obsessed with this sicko.” 
“All right, cross-reference that with professional chess players,” the man continued, hoping their tech analyst could find something. 
“Oh, that totally helps. Yeah. Okay. List is getting smaller… And smaller… Down to nothing.” 
You frowned before looking up at the tall man behind you. “What about high-level amateurs?”
The man gave you a weird glance, one that told you he wasn’t too sure what you were doing here. “All right, open it up to high-level amateurs as well,” he said into the phone. Even though he wasn’t too happy with you being there, he still took your suggestions to heart. 
The tech analyst told them she’d call them back when she had answers, leaving the FBI agents to simmer in their own thoughts. While they talked, you turned back to the board and looked over the evidence that was there. 
“Hey,” Spencer’s soft voice interrupted your thoughts. “Thank you for wanting to come and help me.” 
You offered him a smile and shrugged. “Eh, I’m only missing three classes and this is more interesting anyway. Though I don’t think your boss is too happy with me.” You throw a glance over your shoulder towards Agent Hotchner, who’s talking to Emily about something. 
“He’ll get over it,” he dismissed. “I was wondering – why did you–” his question got interrupted by Hotch’s phone ringing again. 
“Go ahead, Garcia.” You and Spencer quickly turned back to the rest of the group, ready to hear what Garcia had figured out. 
“Get ready to love me more. I did a search of chess players rater 2,200 or higher, which would make them masters but not necessarily professionals. I cross-referenced that search with Zodiac experts and came up with two former chess prodigies and best friends who used to write about the Zodiac in their junior high school newspaper. And I get bonus points because they both have IQs over 160.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the overly chipper tech analyst. 
“Where are they?” Hotch wanted to know. 
“In San Francisco. Caleb Rossmore is a City Parks employee. Harvey Morell is an engineer at a Chinese computer firm. He’s about to get married, and, yes, I just emailed you all this information right now.” 
JJ reached for the tablet and opened up the documents Garcia had sent. A news article of the announcement of their engagement popped up, carrying a photo of the happy couple. With a furrowed brow, your eyes skidded from the tablet to the victims on the board. “The fiancée Marisa Devon looks like the two female victims, doesn’t she?” 
Nodding her head, JJ agreed. “They were surrogates for her.” 
“Caleb could be jealous of his friend,” Morgan speculated. 
“Or what if he’s afraid of losing Harvey?” Emily suggested. 
“If he was a child prodigy, he may no longer feel special as an adult,” Spencer spoke up. “He could be trying to hold onto him.” 
His solemn expression made you wonder if he was relating a little too much to this guy, but you decided not to say anything on it and listened to Rossi instead as he spoke. “Harvey’s engagement could have been a trigger.” 
Hotch then turned to Spencer and you. “Reid, I know Spassky conceded the match, but what would the next move have been?” 
Before the genius could answer, you beat him to it. “Spassky would have been checkmated or…” you allowed him to finish your sentence. 
“He would’ve lost his queen.” 
You nodded your head in agreement. “Spassky’s queen landed on E8,” you remembered just as the team dispersed, starting to get ready to capture the guy. 
“Thank you for your help, miss Y/L/N,” Hotch told you, stoically. “But this is never going to happen again unless you decide to join the BAU.” 
“Of course, Sir.” You watched as everyone got ready, assembling your own stuff to leave when Spencer stopped you. 
“Could you-could you maybe stay put until I get back?” he asked. “I–I’d like to go for some coffee afterwards to thank you for your help?” He sounded incredibly nervous, though you found his bashfulness rather endearing. 
“You don’t need to do that,” you responded, and noticed his shoulders slumping. “But I would like to go for a coffee with you.” 
His smile reappeared, his honeycomb eyes shimmering brightly. “O-okay, I like that.”
“Great. Come back in one piece, then, okay?” You fought your urge to kiss him but then settled on kissing his cheek quickly before turning away and heading out to the breakroom to grab a glass of water, feeling Spencer’s eyes on you. 
Later that night, when Spencer returned, he took you out for a coffee, as promised. For the entire night, the two of you talked about anything that came to mind. Chess games, true crime cases, he told you about how the team had forgotten his birthday a few weeks ago… You felt a connection to him. A connection you had never had with anyone else. Call it love at first sight or just infatuation, you didn’t know what to call it, but you did know what you were feeling. 
So, that same night, you contacted Emily and set up a surprise for him. A few days later, all of his co-workers had gathered in the briefing room with presents scattered around the table and a cake with candles, ready for him to blow out. 
Occupied by the hugs and kisses he got from his co-workers, Spencer didn’t even notice that in the corner of the room, you resided. For a while, you just watched him get smothered in love and birthday wishes, and you couldn’t help but feel how your heart melted at the sight. Over the last couple of days, the two of you had been calling and texting non-stop. It nearly wrecked you to try and keep this from him, but it was all worth it when his eyes finally landed on you. 
“Happy birthday, genius,” you told him, grinning. 
“Y-Y/N, wow, I–” he coughed awkwardly as he grabbed your hands in his. “I didn’t–How are you here?” 
You nodded your head, trying to stay serious though you couldn’t stop the corners of your mouth to twitch into a smile. “You know, they invented something called an airplane. Gets people around the globe pretty quickly.” 
“I-I know that. I–” he chuckled nervously. “I just– Why are you here?” 
“When you told me these guys had accidentally forgotten your birthday, I wanted to– you know, make sure you felt loved, make sure that even though life gets busy and rough sometimes, we still need to take a break and celebrate what’s important,” you told him, squeezing his hands. “So, I called Emily and we set up this surprise for you.” 
Spencer’s eyes moved over to Emily, who gave him a wide grin. “You did this?” he asked you, motioning to the party. 
“Yeah… Don’t know if you noticed, genius, but I do like you.” 
His jaw dropped ever so slightly and you could hear how his breath caught in his throat. “You like me?” 
“You’re a profiler, Spencer, I thought you’d have figured it out already.” 
“Our Boy Wonder is a bit oblivious to that sometimes,” Morgan interrupted with a smirk. 
You chuckled, turning back to Spencer. “Maybe this might help,” you whispered before standing on your tiptoes and allowing your lips to ghost over his before kissing him fully and deeply. You didn’t even care that you were standing right in front of his colleagues. You just wanted to kiss him. You needed to kiss him. As you pulled back from him, you smiled at how flustered he was and how the others in the room were cheering for him. 
“That does help a little,” he agreed before dipping down and kissing you again. 
From that day on, you were reminded that nothing was accidental. Meeting him at that conference wasn’t an accident, it was meant to happen; You bumping into him at the coffee shop, him asking your help on a case. None of it was an accident, just a junction in the path of your life that you had to take. 
Nothing was accidental. 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeee @unnowhatthisistbh
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lolamarlowe65 · 1 year
𝓘𝓷 𝓶𝔂 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 //James Hetfield
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“The house next door was just sold, i hope the new neighbour will be nice.”
part eight of ? part seven
disclaimers: smut, age gap (modern day james), slow burn, cursing, smoking, drinking, kissing, mentions of a size kink, mentions of death, big girls stuff nsfw
Wattpad link
࿓ 𓋪・𖧹 𖤐
Chapter 8 - Unexpected turn
I didn't sleep much. Just enough to get me through the day. My mind was occupied with James's picture. During the night I grabbed my phone a few times just to look at it. I am the only one in the world who has this picture. It feels like a part of him; a very public character; is only for me and me only. I turned around in my bed thinking about what could have been his reaction to my picture. I thought that what I sent was too much for a slight moment but given the lingering lust we have for each other, I doubt that. He makes me so alive and I won't regret at least trying. I think so much and feel so much and nothing has even happened between us. I can't help but imagine being with him, at his side, not only for lust but also for him.
I'm trying my best to look alive at work. Pamela is in a bad mood. She actually entered the pharmacy and threw some papers on the floor screaming "motherfucker". She never tells me anything about her personal life and considering her pissy mood I won't dare ask.
The day is slow, it's like it will never end! The store is closed because we had inventory to do, then we've got deliveries and now we're cleaning and stocking back the shelves. I feel like I am dragged into the hell of one of Pamela's manic episodes. But frankly, it occupies my mind.
"- Hey Ann, can you put the TV on?! Like a music channel or something?!" Pamela asks me.
"- Yeah for sure!" i answer.
There's a TV on one of the shelves behind the counter, it's mostly used for commercials and stuff. Those give you headaches all the time and that's why I hate this TV. Except on inventory day, we put it on for music. It goes from shitty music videos to the old music I am so fond of up to interviews and lives. Right now there's this loud guy who's talking about some new exclusive interview with Metallica coming up next. Wait? Metallica?! I turn the sound up to be able to hear clearly. This must be the interview James was in San Francisco for.
"- Hey guys how are y'all doing?" the journalist asks.
Oh god, it is. I can see James clearly, he is the same. He doesn't put up a character or anything. I mean to me he is already very aloof and strong minded so I guess you don't need to change a thing when you're the frontman of a metal band. The fact is, his sweet smile and good heart doesn't disappear either. He mixes them both so well and stays himself. His voice is calm and his words are well chosen, it reminds me of how much I love talking to him. It makes me so happy. I hope I will see him lost in his music one day. Seeing him play must say so many more things.
I recognise Kirk next to him, he looks and sounds the same as when I met him. And the two other guys must be Lars and Robert. Who is who tho? Who is the one that would look the most like an hyperactive drummer boy? I could check but I'll let it go so I can discover it when time comes. If it ever comes. James looks so busy. They are passionately talking about their new upcoming album and their tour next year. I don't know if I will see him as much as I do today and this thought makes me sad. All the people I have an attachment to all go away at some point. I shouldn't think about it. I don't even know what I exactly feel about James. I shake my head around trying to get back to my work and get those thoughts out of my head.
"- So last but not least. James this question might be too personal but we know things changed around in your personal life. We'd love to know how things are going?" the reporter asked James.
I turn my head around. What a shitty question. "Personal life". It means what it says for Christ's sake! Still, I'd love to hear the answer. Just morbid curiosity. From what Stacy told me, I finally remember he got a divorce not long ago. I don't why but this information came back to mind now. Then he moved out here but we never talked about it and as much as I'd love to know about it in a more intimate setting and not through a very public interview I can't stop but listening to the answer. He is very secretive about it so I can't stop thinking he doesn't know what he feels about all that. He has this whole life build for himself, what could he possibly find interesting about a young chick like me? I know he's not doing all that just for my ass, but then, why?
"- Well man, things were complicated at first but I think I'm good now. Let's say "things" took an unexpected turn." James smiles and laughs slightly.
"- Oh! Interesting and are we going to know about this "unexpected turn" soon?" the reporter asks back.
"- That I can't tell you, but I sure hope." James smiles.
I think I turned red. I cannot be what he is talking about. Nah I can't. I'm not the centre of the world, even more of his. I play with his necklace around my neck trying to get all this out of my head.
"- Haha anyway thank you guys for accepting this interview, I know y'all are pretty busy those times." the journalist says before turning his head to look at the camera. "Stay tuned on this channel tomorrow night. Metallica is playing live for charity and we are here to retransmit it! See y'all tomorrow!"
They're playing tomorrow night? I think I will watch the live. I just want to see how he looks while playing, how they look as a band. I need to see this.
"- Hey Ann, the fuck you doing?" i hear Pam coldly saying. 
"- Yeah sorry Pam, coming right up." i answer.
She is right on this point, I just lost myself in my thoughts and the interview for a good amount of time. Let's go back to work. Time is so slow I don't know when I'll get out of here. I better work without a thought in my head to make it go faster.
I finally ended my shift and went to the hospital right away. Early in the morning the hospital called and asked my grandmother to come right away. Apparently, something in her analysis was not clear, they needed her to retake it. Their tone was pressed and I just hope it's nothing bad. Her health is declining those days and I was happy to know nothing was bad in her analysis but apparently my rest was short.
As I arrive I immediately go to my grandmother. They set her up in a room. Just for simple analysis? This definitely doesn't look good.
"- Are you okay grandma?" i ask, voice trembling.
I go and hug her tightly. I need her. I don't want anything bad happening to her. I just wouldn't be able to take it.
"- I am okay sweetheart. I promise." she says sweetly, caressing my head.
"- Don't make me a false promise. You know I couldn't take it." i answer, almost crying.
I can feel that something isn't right. I can feel my grandmother's anxiety through her body. I know she's trying to make me feel better. I know she's telling me to calm myself. But I can't. She's all I have left.
A doctor walks in the room and asks me to talk privately.
"- How is she doing?" i ask.
"- Well, I will be honest with you. Her arthritis is getting worse. There is a high chance she will not be able to walk anymore." he says unbothered, i almost started crying. "We want to keep her here on observation so we can figure out if we can operate on her and to make sure it doesn't spread to her other members." he continues.
"- Will she ever go home?" i ask.
"- Not constantly. It will be better for her if she stays here at the hospital for the time being. I gather some of her friends are also here, we will make sure she has contacts with them and that you can come see her everyday. But it will be better if she stays here."
"- You don't look very optimistic." i say.
"- I'm sorry miss." he answers, not sorry.
The doctor goes away after handing me the papers I need to sign for her admission. I won't do anything without asking my grandmother. My mom asked to get her out of the hospital in her last weeks. She knew she wouldn't make it and chose to stay by our side in the house. Without her asking me, I wouldn't have done anything. My grandma deserves this choice. The doctor was not very optimistic. She is probably going to have her last birthday this year. I am defeated. I want to stay optimistic, to say to myself she is gonna be okay and everything is gonna come back to normal, but I know it's not the case. Preparing myself for this eventuality actually helps me with dealing with it all. I go back to her room and sit next to her on her bed.
"- The doctor wants you to stay here until then." i say, crushed, putting my head on her shoulder.
"- It's okay sweetheart. I will stay here." she answers.
I let out a sob. Today should have been a good day. But it's not. My grandmother tries her best to move around to cup my face with her hands.
"- Ann. My beautiful Ann." she says, putting strands of my hair behind my ear. "You are a smart young woman. I know you understood this visit at the hospital will probably be my last. It's been a few months my health is not doing great and your mother knew it too. Your mother knew I would leave you not long after she did but I promise you sweetheart." her voice trembled. "I promise we will always be with you. Forever and ever. I know you will figure your life out. I know you will find someone who will love you as much as your mother and I do. It's gonna be hard, but I don't want to see my beautiful baby girl losing herself in false hope." she wipes a tear off my face. "I love you. I love you so much. Be happy." she says before finaling. "In the meantime, don't stay here all the time. Come see me everyday, but once you get out, live your life. I want to see you happy during my last moments." 
I'm crying so much. I can't accept the truth of this. I just can't.
"- Grandma... I don't want to lose you. I love you, stay with me." i sob.
She puts her forehead against mine and we cry together. Even if she cries like me, she keeps on her sweet smile, this smile that would always reassure me. That would always cheer me up and make me go on. It still does now. Even if it's hard. I will respect her wishes. I will try to live out of here. I will come see her and change her mind with my stories for as long as she stays here. I don't know what will happen to me after she's gone. But I will try it. Just for my mom and grandma.
"- My mind is good but my body fails me. I will always exist, I will always be with you. Like your mom is in this beautiful heart of yours." my grandmother reassures me.
"- Did you sign the papers miss?" the doctor comes into the room to say.
"- Don't you see my granddaughter and I are having a discussion? What do you think your mother would think of this young man?!" my grandma interrupts him. "She will give them to you, now leave her be." she adds.
Her response made me laugh. Her mind is still there and in good health. But her body isn't. Like my mom. Knowing that she will keep her character intact until her last breath makes me feel more at peace with all this.
"- Sorry ma'am." the doctor says embarrassed before walking out.
"- Don't let them piss you off. Silly little doctors who think they're better than you because they got a diploma." she rolls her eyes. "Know what you want and get it." she says.
I'm still crying. My head's a mess but I gather myself to sign those papers. Before I get out to hand the papers my grandma calls for me.
"- Darling, get home. Have yourself a peaceful afternoon. Get me my stuff tomorrow will ya? The nurses are very nice, they will take care of me." my grandmother asks me.
"- Are you sure?" i answer.
"- Yes my love. Come here so I can give you a kiss."
I walk toward my grandmother. She gives me a kiss on my forehead and hugs me tightly. Before she lets me out she whispers in my ear.
"- Would you get Stacy, Pamela and James to come here tomorrow sweetheart? I want to give them a word." she asks.
Stacy and Pamela I get but James? What does she want to tell him? It makes James even more important to me knowing that my grandmother thinks so highly of him. Even if I don't know how to ask James I will try. I don't know how he is gonna react.
"- Okay. I will. I can't promise anything for James. He is busy. I'll have to catch him before then."
"- I am sure you will, love." she smiles, hinting something.
She let go of me and I got out of the room holding tears in the corner of my eyes. Now, each time I will get out of this room I will not be able to know if this is the last time I see her. But I need to keep my head high and do what she asked me. Before heading out, I give back the papers to the doctor. I know James is coming back soon, I told him I would see him today but I don't know if I actually will. Deep within myself, I hope I will. I want him to tell me everything's okay. I want to open this pain of mine to him.
When I get home I lay down on the couch. I don't want to cry so I look at the ceiling with empty eyes while smoking a cigarette. This house is empty without her. I think about my future. My grandmother has lived a full life. She went for her passion, she travelled all around the world and met my grandpa, she had a kid, which she always wanted to have but she never put her work and passion aside. Do I want to travel? How to live off of your passion? Do I want kids? I don't know. My mom would tell me to stop thinking so much, she would say that I will see what will happen when it will happen. She is right. But I'm sure of only one thing right now: I will keep on living to make these two women who made me who I am proud. I just hate the fact that I am so alone in this. Putting my hand on my collar bone to touch the necklace I open my messages, hoping to see one of James, but nothing. He has seen my message. It's written he saw it. I think I'm gonna break down.
I hear a knock on the door and go up slowly to open it.
"- Coming!" i open the door.
"- Hey Anna." James expresses calmly.
"- Ja... James." i say, surprised.
"- Are you okay?" he asks me right away.
I didn't even answer him. I just threw myself into his arms. I hold him tightly by the chest. Maybe it's too much and he will reject me but I didn't think about it, I just needed to do it. James doesn't move, he doesn't do anything. I shouldn't have done that. I try to go back and stop hugging him but James holds me back immediately into his arms. One of his hands is holding tightly by the waist and the other is in the back of my head. My head rests against his chest and I can hear his heart ringing. It goes fast but peacefully. I'm pretty sure his music is not as beautiful as this sound. I can feel him trying to move around. He doesn't let me go but he makes me understand to take a step back so he can close the door behind him. That's better. It's more intimate and makes me feel more at ease. He doesn't say anything and just holds me without forcing me to talk.
"- My grandma. She has to stay in the hospital. She probably doesn't have long anymore." i say, very softly.
"- Oh Anna." James sight. "Everything's gonna be okay." he holds me tighter.
James lets me out of his arms just to hold me lightly. Looking at me, he studies me, trying to get how I react.
"- You are the most courageous woman I know. And I'm sure your grandmother is the first to think it. I know you will be okay. I know she will be okay. Wherever she goes. It's gonna be hard. I know. But your mind is strong and you will keep her in your heart, always."
"- Thank you James." i say, sweetly.
"- Hey." he says, putting his hand on my cheek. "I know that saying those words won't heal you or make anything better but I'm saying them to you to tell you I'm here." he smiles. "I'm here for you. If you want it and whenever you need it."
I look up to him and my eyes dive into his. How happy I am to have him around. Somehow, it makes my grief more peaceful. Because I shared it with him. Because he is here for me. I had very few people around me when my mom died. Apart from my grandmother, Stacy and Pamela. They all helped me with their presence. Having them around made me more tranquil but having James around I feel protected. I didn't know I needed to feel protected until today, but I do. I want to feel like I have a shield that's not made with my survival instinct. A shield that's made of comfort and hope and mostly a strong shield that you wouldn't dare to try and break. James is that. He is comforting, he gives me hope and he's strong enough to kick anybody's ass. I'm pretty sure, at the very least, his mind is strong, and so is he. And as long as he allows me around him, I will see him as such. James isn't only that for me, well, not the only thing I want him to be but that's still too complicated to say. I love the way he is here for me. I don't know if I'm courageous but I will try.
"- Let me get you something to drink, Anna." he says, looking for the kitchen.
I draw a mellow smile, letting out a small laugh.
"- Here James." i show, walking toward it.
As we walk into the kitchen I go and get two glasses out of the cupboard. When I try to reach for the bottle in the fridge James stops me.
"- Let me do it. Sit down and ease your mind." he presses.
I nod and sit down at the table. How sweet.
"- My grandmother... she wants to see you tomorrow." i remember.
"- I'll be there." he answers immediately. "She will kick my ass if I don't come so I'll be there." he then jokes.
I love the way he jokes around to make me cheer up. And it works like a charm because it does make me laugh. She will kick his ass tho. Tomorrow night, James is supposed to play live and I know it. Now, I don't know too much about the organisation of a metal concert but I'm pretty sure his day will be quite busy. Yet he accepted right away without any condition. While I'm getting lost in my thoughts James pours me a drink and gives me the glass.
"- Thank you." i smile.
James leans himself against the kitchen counter in front of me and locks his gaze on me. The kitchen is not very big, having him here, like this, makes it feel even more tiny. Not in an anxious way at all, in a tensful way. It's like the walls are shrinking because the room wants us close. I'd love to nestle myself into his arms and stay here for hours. Feeling his heartbeat, reminding me that I have to keep on and make mine beat as peacefully as his. But I can't. I won't dare trying. The quick hug I had from him minutes ago was so intense I can barely hold on. He made me feel better just with his arms, he made me forget for a brief amount of time about this day. Made me forget about her leaving me. James observes me, probably wondering what I am blabbering about in my head.
"- I saw the interview." i interrupt my own head saying.
"- Did you?" he smiles.
"- The one you did yesterday in San Francisco. It was on this morning at the pharmacy."
"- And what did you think about it?" he answers, keeping on his smile.
"- Well, I still don't get who's Lars and who's Robert but I recognised Kirk. See, I'm becoming a fan. I'm getting there." i silently laugh.
"- You'd be the best fan we've ever had." he smirks. "But I'm already jealous of Kirk so retard the moment you get to know the two others." he jests.
His dumb joke let out of me an honest laugh. I'm also a hundred percent sure I'm burning red. I know he isn't actually jealous, and that would be weird if he was, trust me, but hinting a certain attachment to me by making these kinds of jokes makes me feel so confused.
"- I loved the way you talked. I love the way you don't change from the James I know. Even if I don't know you much yet. You are so sure of yourself and you show it by using a serene tone, never by bragging or thinking you are better than the ones around you. I love that about you." i say, calmly, James keeping his gaze locked on me. "I don't know much about your music but you sounded so passionate. I'm also glad you said things we're doing okay for you. Truly." i conclude.
I think again about "the unexpected turn" he talked about earlier. I'd loved to know what he was precisely talking about. My heart tells me I am, but my reason tells me that I'm giving myself delusions. But yet, there's the necklace, the photo I have of him, all of this that I can't forget about.
James puts his glass aside next to him and straightens up from the counter. I see him slowly walk towards me. This must be about four steps but it feels like twenty. Sitting on my chair, he approaches me and puts two of his fingers under my chin.
His hand.
He lifts my head up so I can look at him. James is already so tall, looking at him from this perspective makes me feel so weak. I don't have a size kink. I swear. And I'm not even "petite"! He is just so much. So much of him. So much that I want. My hand immediately goes to his necklace around my neck. Our eyes connecting on each other's gaze.
"- You know that you are my "unexpected turn"? Right?" James states.
I take a heavy breath. I think my heart skipped a beat. James looks entranced by me. His eyes glimmer a different light. Something changed in the air. Something that feels like the whiff of his breath in my neck I felt the other day. My heart was right. He was talking about me. He sees me in his future. When he said he would be here for me he knew he wanted my heart. His determination is obvious. I can see it in his eyes. But I can see he is scared. I can see he doesn't know how I will react. I get to see a side of him that I would have never guessed about the first time I saw him. He is so beautiful.
So fucking beautiful.
Suddenly my head moves up slightly, desperately trying to reach him. James's head does move toward mine too and I feel his hand slide slowly in the back of my head, in between my hair, helping me to stand up, pulling me toward him. In between paths, him and I trying to reach each other our lips connect. He kisses my lips passionately, holding onto me like he is afraid I'd disappear. But I'm not going anywhere, I have never felt something like this. Lust, romance, whatever. Time stopped at the moment we connected. My hand goes in the back of his neck, trying to reassure him. Telling him, "I'm not going anywhere." His body straightens up and moves me so I can stand up. At this moment, our lips disconnect so we can take a breath, but those seconds must have felt like hours because we kissed again as soon as we took one breath like we are starving without each other. James pushes me against the counter behind me and I push his head even closer to me with my hand in the back of his head as a way of telling him to deepen the kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I let his tongue dance with mine. Grabbing my waist he pushes me back even further and I hear him grunt before he sits me down on the counter. One of his hands stays on my waist and the other goes in the back of my neck.
This is the best thing I've ever felt. I wish time would stop and we could stay like this forever.
"- Last night." James says, in between kisses and out of breath. "I thought I was going crazy when I saw your picture." he kisses me deeply. "I understood. I knew I had to come to you. All the reasons I am so entranced by you I could see in this picture. I had to see you." he kisses me again. "I had to tell you. I wouldn't even have dared to think about kissing you but here I am."
"- James..." i whisper.
"- Here I was with my silly picture, thinking I would make you smile, thinking I could make your eyes bliss, before you sent me this and made all my effort go to waste." he pauses and smiles. "You are so talented and so goddamn beautiful." he adds, our eyes locked on each other's.
My mouth opens slightly to express how bewildered I am. "You are so talented and so goddamn beautiful." Nobody has ever told me that. Never. Even more with such passion and honesty. I am speechless. I want him. Everything. I don't even wait before throwing myself in his arms again, kissing and hugging him, giving him the opportunity of giving me a bear hug, that he takes instantly. Such a sudden act. An act that I wanted to do for longer than you can think. Just feeling his lips on mine is better than anything I have done thinking about him.
"- James... I... You..." i try to gather my words.
"- Shhh... It's all about you right now." James answer.
I don't know how to tell him everything. Everything he makes me feel. Everything I want him to do to me and everything I want him to be. He understands me so well and his answers make me even weaker than I already am. I smile and he kisses me again, my hands starting to play with the end of his shirt. I need him so much. I can hear him grunt as he slowly slides his tattooed hand under mine, grabbing my waist roughly, playing with my skin.
"- The neck-" i say, interrupted by the phone in my house that starts to ring. fuck it. "Fuck it..." i whisper.
James stopped kissing me as the phone started to chime but I take his head back to crash him back onto my lips. His hand is still playing with this little parcel of my skin, initiating an indescribable fire into me. He's my fuel, my fire, my desire.
The phone stops to ring but bips, letting the person on the other side of the line leave a message.
"- Hey Ann... It's Stacy... I know you've had a shitty day but I really need you there." i can hear her hesitate. "Well... something happened. I tried your phone but as always, you leave it on silent. If you hear this, just know I left my door unlocked, see you soon!" Stacy concludes.
Her tone is sad and struggling and I feel guilty not hearing my phone ringing. If she had to call on the house phone then she was really desperate. I can feel James's hand let go of my waist to put a messy strand of my hair behind my ear.
"- Go." James says. "She needs you."
"- Are you sure?" i ask.
"- What do you think? Your friend needs you. I don't even have a say in this." he smiles, kissing my lips quickly.
James is such a sweetheart. I don't want this moment to end. But my best friend needs me and I will be here for her. Smiling, I can see him trying to gather his words.
"- Listen Anna. I want to do things right. I want you, but I don't want you to think I just want to play with you." he suspends, studying my expressions. "Let me take you on a date. One date."
"- Yes James. Show me everything about you. Take me anywhere." i answer, my arms wrapped around his neck.
"- Then come to my gig tomorrow night, I want you to see me play. Then the rest of the evening is for you, all for you." he pauses. "I will never accept you not having what you deserve." he concludes, one arm around my waist, one hand playing with my hair. "You deserve a date, you deserve something that's done right."
I nod. Delighted by this news. My whole life is changing and at least I'm glad James is a part of my new world. I want to see him play, I want to have a nice evening with him. I want to know him more deeply. I love the way he talks to me, I can't believe he thinks so highly of me, I can't believe anybody would ever treat me as good as he does in my life. Just for that, I don't wanna let it go. I was afraid my age would be a problem for him, I was afraid it would just be me. But he takes it seriously. And if I didn't have enough proof I can just look at the fire in his eyes, I can just feel his heartbeat. His body and mind work together to show me how honest he is. My eyes glimmering, happy the universe sent him to me in this weird period of my life. "Thank you mom" I say to myself chuckling.
"- Let me drive you at Stacy's." James interrupts, still playing with my hair.
I nod, I don't feel like driving right now. As I'll probably stay over at Stacy's tonight and go to the hospital with her tomorrow, using my car is useless anyway. Having more time with James isn't. Going down the counter I follow James to his car.
The ride is peaceful because I spend it looking at his expressions while he drives and I give him the instructions as to where Stacy lives. When he notices it he lets out a laugh and gives me quick looks trying to stay focused on the road. As we arrive, I thank him and get out of the car. Before I could go, he gets out of the car and asks me to come here. As I get to him, I feel a breeze and hold my arms together. I left home without taking anything other than my bag and I forgot my jacket, even if the weather is hot, the breeze in the evening is still cold. I'll take one of Stacy's for tomorrow, it's okay.
"- Here, take that." James says, putting his leather jacket on my shoulders.
"- I can take one of Stacy's, it's okay James." i smile.
"- I don't care." he teasingly smiles. "You look so good when you wear my things." he adds, looking at the necklace.
"- Okay." i answer, burning red. 
His smell is impregnated on his jacket. I wish I could tease him back by giving him something with my smell on. Giving him my panties maybe is too much now but I would if I could easily take them out. I laugh at my dirty thoughts and I kiss his cheek as a thank you. Before I go James takes my wrist in his hand. This hand of course.
"- Send me a text before you go to sleep, just so I know you are okay and safe because if you don't, I'll come rescue you."
"- Don't tempt me, Mr. Hetfield." i conclude, walking towards Stacy's place.
I can't believe how well he treats me. I can't believe he made me actually feel good on a shitty day like this. I can't believe I will get to have that again tomorrow. I can't believe James is real.
࿓ 𓋪・𖧹 𖤐
A/N : i’m sorry it took me so long to write it, i got sick and all. hope you enjoy it because i loves writing it <33 just imagine living that with james aargh
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
I don't know if this is an odd request or not but Eugene x fem reader who's like Maggie's sister. And they get really close after they meet and it's super obvious that eugene is into the reader. And the night in 5x5 episode where GREATM is sleeping in the library eugene and reader are laying down next to the little fire they have going (eugene is laying on one side of it and reader is laying on the other side) and they are sitting and talking (mostly eugene rambling) and they end up sleeping together that night after everybody else goes to bed?
This sounds super fucking scattered and not that much detail but I hope you can do it. <3
Hold Me, Please;;
A/N: I spent a good hour trying to decode what "GREATM" meant before I realized it was "Glenn, Rosita, Eugene, Abraham, Tara, and Maggie". I am so sorry 😭🫶 but yeah I can do this! Not a big fan of Eugene, but he gives me an excuse to put nerdy stuff into fics LMAO Sorry if this isn't the best
Pairing: Eugene Porter x Fem!Reader (Maggies Sister)
Warnings: I was going to do smut but I got lazy sorry 😭🫶, making out, Maggie's Big Sister ModeTM Activates, Eugene is a fucking NERD, let me know if I need to add more!
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It was just the two of you up besides Glenn who was taking watch at the window for the next couple of hours. Maggie and Tara were asleep on the other side of the bookshelf to the left of you. Abraham and Rosita were asleep on the other side of the shelves to the right.
"Do they always fuck that loud?" You blurted, and Eugene could feel his face heating up. Not only did he just realize how intently he was staring at your face while you laid on your back and stared up at the ceiling, but you had also asked him a quite bizarre question. Maybe that's what he liked about you. How ruthless and random you were. He liked that you seemed to have zero shame when it came to asking about people you hardly knew. He wondered if you had always been that way, or if the hardness of the world had changed your personality.
"Well, not every night," he started, his fingers playing with a few strands of his hair while he lay on his side. His eyes fixated on the small can that still had some ambers within it. The little can that separates you from him.
"I mean, some nights they don't even. I reckon they're fighting those nights. Or something happens and they just don't have the time. Abe's always been quite obnoxious though. Sex or not, he wants the world to hear him it seems." He rambled, and you smiled over at Eugene with this smile that had his brain lagging. He swore he'd never felt this way toward anyone in his life. Sure, he'd steal glances from Rosita here and there. Plus, he liked how badass she was, but you? You felt so different from him. You had this sweet and silky demeanor to you. Like if he touched you all of his problems would vanish and he'd be enveloped in this warmth that only you could give him.
"Well, it's annoying," you snickered, rolling onto your side so you could face him. His eyes hesitantly flashed up to meet yours, and he swore that was his worst mistake of the night. Your eyes were so easy to get lost in. He wondered how you weren't spoken for with how drop-dead gorgeous you were.
"Did you game before this all started?" You asked, and he shook his head. Yet again having to pull his thoughts away from how distracting you were. "What?" He asked, and you giggled. The noise had his heart beating even faster in his chest. His eyes looking everywhere but at you. Terrified that if he looked at you then you would know what he was thinking.
"Did you play any video games before all of this?" He swallowed thickly at the question and tried to think of how to respond. You were treading on thin ice right now. Before you knew it you were going to have Eugene talking all night. He could never shut up when the topic of his special interests was brought up. It had his heart swelling at the fact that you wanted to know more about him.
"Well, I would like to consider myself a gamer. I wasn't the best with gaming chats, some people got too darn mean, but I liked hearing the commentary when I would absolutely kick ass." He added, and he felt his lips pull up into a small smile when you smiled at him. "What games were your favorite?" you asked, and he sighed. his fingers drummed on the floor while he looked around in thought.
"Well, I enjoyed an array of games. First-person shooter games, Puzzle Games, RPGs, and a wide variety. I enjoyed coming home from work or school to sit and play some Galaga or Minecraft here or there. Borderlands was a good one, super beautiful character development in those games. Call of Duty could be fun at times, wasn't much a fan of the people who would play that game though." He rambled on before he realized how much he was talking.
Eugene cleared his throat. He looked up at you with bashful eyes, nodding his head toward you. "Did you have any games you liked?"
He watched closely while you looked around. The way you seemed to think as if you were questioning lying or not. Then this deep sigh fell from your lips and he half wondered if you were upset. "Well, not really. I grew up on the farm with Maggie and..." your eyes drifted with this look of hurt that had his heartstrings tugging. He barely knew you and he hated seeing you look so upset. He knew enough about you already to know you didn't deserve whatever pain you were experiencing right now. "Our other sister, Beth. We didn't really have any time to play games other than the ones outside. Plus, Daddy was never a fan of them. Claimed they would rot our brains." You told him, and he nodded. Making a mental note to find some sort of gaming device in the future so you could play one with him.
"Well, he's not entirely wrong. I used to procrastinate on college work by gaming all day and night. Even missed a few classes because I would stay up too late." He told you, and you nodded with a sigh. "What did you do, then?" He asked, wanting to hear more of your voice. More about you.
You shifted in your spot, and he did as well. "Well, I used to help my family on the farm. That took up a lot of my time, really. I didn't even get to move out. I was always worried Daddy didn't have enough help, and he was already so lost when Maggie left for school. I couldn't leave," you rambled, and he was enraptured by you. You had every ounce of attention that he could give to you as you told him on and on about your life. Whether it be the games you and your little sister Beth used to play. Or how you and your uncle used to hunt. Or how you used to tend to the animals. He would remember everything, God as his witness.
When neither of you really had any more to talk about, it was silent again. You could hear Abraham snoring, and the faint sound of groaning from the walkers that aimlessly roamed the streets outside. Neither of you knew what to say.
His eyes focused on your form in the dark when you shuddered. His brows furrowing with a curious grin in his eyes. "Are you cold?" He asked, and he was acting before you even had time to answer. "Take my jacket, I suspect that you are in need of it more than I," he told you, offering the coat, and you felt your stomach flip at the offer. That was the kindest thing anyone had really done for you since all of this started. Besides Daryl being there to help you and Beth when you each got separated from the prison. Or when he helped you after you lost Beth. Daryl and Glenn were really the only two of the group that you believed would treat you as kind as Eugene was. Even then, this felt different than their friendly demeanors towards you. It felt less brotherly and more romantic?
"Eugene, I don't want to take your coat," you chuckled, and he raised a brow. "We could share it? Our combined body temperatures would keep the both of us equally warm. If not you warmer than me, being that I'm a man and we tend to let off more body heat due to muscle mass. Plus with my size, it would be the most efficient way for you to stay warm. Unless you're uncomfortable with it, that's more important than you being slightly cold. If the temperatures were below freezing I would fight over the matter more, but that's not the case," he jabbered in a matter-of-fact way. It made you smile at how intellectual he always was. Even the jokes he told he always said it with this "I'm smart, and I know it," attitude.
"If this is your way at flirting you have a funny way at doing it," you shot, and that was quick to make him shut up. His brows furrowed and he gave you this look that almost made him look half offended that you were accusing his scientific and worried arguments of him just wanting to lay beside you. "Though lying beside you would be a plus, I am only suggesting it out of concern for you. I promise you, I'm not some pig, I would never use the word of science to get in a woman such as yourself's pants," he spoke, and you raised a brow when he came to sit beside you. "You deserve a gentleman, nothing less, and I will stand by that," he finished, and you smiled.
He didn't really know what to do from here, his mind was racing a mile a minute and he wondered if he was overstepping boundaries by simply moving around that stupid tin can so he could sit beside you. He tried his best to chase his racing thoughts away while he lay down on the floor beside you. His back pressed against the hardwood. Saliva pooled in his mouth that he quickly swallowed away. He despised how awkward and anxiety-ridden he always was. He wished he could be normal and not overcomplicate every single thing he did.
His body stiffened when you grabbed the coat from his hands. Draping it over the both of you so you could curl up beside him. This time he felt a shudder from you, and it nearly had him shuddering. Just he wasn't cold. "If this is too much, you let me know," he muttered "Eugene," he turned his head to look over at you. Your face was a hell of a lot prettier up close. "Hold me, please."
He couldn't say no to that offer, especially with how soft your voice was. He felt like he was a sailor, and you were a siren coaxing him into the water with you. Turning on his side so he could wrap an arm around your body and pull you close. Your body felt so warm and cozy up against his. A soft breath left his lips while his eyes fluttered shut. He prayed this moment would never end.
"I know I said I wasn't trying to get in your pants, but may I maybe steal a kiss from you? If that's not weird, I could be getting the wrong vibes from you, I apologize if I am, and I-" a muffled gasp left his mouth when your lips were pressed against his. He was so lost in his ramble that he wasn't even paying attention to what you were doing.
Your lips on his had his body bubbling with a feeling he swore he had never felt. It felt like straight electricity, and his dopamine levels were through the roof. A cocktail of feelings was shooting through his brain right now and he hardly knew how to react. He kissed back, but he was so stiff with it. He'd never done this before, how was he supposed to kiss? Was he too rough, too hard? What if he was fucking this all up and you didn't want to ever kiss him again.
"Eugen, relax," you muttered against his lips, and his eyes fluttered shut. "Sorta hard when I got a pretty gal such as yourself kissin' me," he spoke and you chuckled, kissing his cheek. "All right, then you kiss me. It's fine, I've got no idea what I'm doing either," you snickered, and for some reason that eased his worries away. It was hard to believe, but it made him feel like less of a loser.
One of his hands came to shakily rest on the side of your face. His thumb brushed the apple of your cheek. His eyes were parted once more so he could see what he was doing. Once he leaned back in and his lips caught yours in a kiss they were closing. This time he felt more at ease like maybe he could figure out what he was doing. He was a perfectionist, after all. He'd get the hang of it sooner or later.
A soft sigh left your lips, and the noise shot straight between his legs. A low grumble left his throat while he rolled his body so he was partially above you. Sharing kiss after kiss with you felt like dream after dream.
He wanted to take it a little further, with your approval, but like they say. All good things come to an end, right?
"Get off of her!" Eugene nearly screamed when he heard Maggies voice. Jumping to his feet like a scared cat as he stared at your older sister with wide eyes. His hands flew up in defense when he saw the machete in her hands and he wondered if maybe he should have asked her if this was okay. Was he going to die?
"Maggie! Stop it, he wasn't hurting me," you shouted at your older sibling, and she shook her head. "The hell do you think yer doin'? We don' know him!" She hissed, and you scowled. "He listens to me," you snapped, "Plus, you obviously trust them enough to have me come along with you and Glenn on this mission!" you argued back, watching as your arms lowered her weapon and he attention was no longer on Eugene, it was on you.
"Maggie, what's going on?" Glenn asked, and Eugene looked at the man with a pale expression. Abraham and Rosita retreated from their corner to see what the commotion was all about as well.
"I kissed her," Eugene spoke, finger pointing at you to clarify who he was talking about. "It was all my idea. She was cold so I offered my jacket and to lay beside her to help regulate her body temperature. Then she asked me to hold her an dI asked if I could kiss her. It was all consensual! I would never take advantage of a woman like that," he blabbered in attempts to get you and himself out of this sticky situation. All eyes landing on the two of you.
Abraham looked impressed, Maggie had a look that could kill, Rosita was shocked, Glenn was dumbfounded, and Tara was clapping. "Get it, Eugene," she hooted with a snicker, and Maggie shot her a glare that had her throwing her arms up and retreating. "too soon, my bad, horrible with these situations," Tara mumbled, and you bit your lower lip to fight back a chuckle.
Maggie looked back at Eugene with this gaze that had him wanting to throw himself outside to the walkers rather than deal with her rage, but he didn't say anything. He just stood there and stared at the girl with a worried gaze of his own. Doing all in his power to seem strong for you.
"Maggie, I'm an adult, I'm not a little girl anymore. I haven't been since before all this apocalypse stuff started," you spoke to your sister in a calming tone, and she nodded. "Fine, but he hurts you, I don't care what information he knows. He's a dead man," her voice was venomous, and she was looking back at you with a similar scowl. "And you, don't do anything stupid. I trust you, don't disappoint me," you nodded, understanding Maggie's worries for you. All she had left was you, and you knew she'd be protective over you until one of you was to go.
Everyone slowly retreated back to their positions. Maggie taking over Glenns watch while Glenn went to bed. Tara back in her sleeping spot and Rosita was lingering waiting for Abraham to join her.
"Didn't think ya had it in ya, Gene," Abe piped, hitting the brunette's shoulder with a toothy grin. "Well, uh, I reckon I never did. I just talked enough that it got me a kiss," he spoke, and the ginger snickered. "Whatever, congratulations, you my friend. Landed yourself a nice piece of ass," he told him with a salute and wink before heading back to bed with Rosita.
Eugene cringed at the other man's phrasing. You were far from a piece of ass to the scientist. You were a friend, a companion. He wanted you to be the person he could rely on when he needed a comforting hand, not just someone to get his rocks off. Though he wouldn't be complaining if you and he did do a little more than just kiss, he'd never push it from you. He'd happily just be in a relationship with you without sex if that was truly what you desired.
His attention was drawn back to you when you said his name. Turning in his spot to find you back on the ground with his jacket over you. Your arm was outstretched towards him, luring him back to bed. He couldn't say no to that. Even if he was dead terrified of your sister, and even Glenn. He could never say no to you. He found a reason to live rather than just being scared of dying, and he'd be damned if he denied you something as simple as lying beside you. He was finally at peace and happy with everything, his only concern was how you'd react when you found out he wasn't actually a scientist. Those were thoughts for another time, though, because right now. He had a date with you and sleep.
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curedestiny4 · 1 year
I was cleaning the shelves at work yesterday while listening to my favorite childhood show “Crashbox” and I think to myself; “Self, I wonder if that demon family you know ever got around to watching the show and thought about what’s their most favorite game.” Welp, it’s a long shot but here I go.
Balthazor: Yep this one’s a no-brainer. According to episode 4 of “Neighbors From Hell”, he seems to really enjoy riddles quite a lot. And I thought “Hey! If he loves riddles, his favorite game should be “Riddle Snake!” He’ll have a blast at it!” Well, that’s only one of the two games I thought he would enjoy the most not because he’s a father that loves stuff like this but also alleviate grim situations. Next game I thought Balthazor would like the best is “Psycho Math.” It could just be me but I thought this would give him the thrill and excitement he wouldn’t normally see in Hell or Earth, I mean come on! The host of said game is Professor effin’ Rocket, for Satan’s sake!
Tina: Uhh yeah, I may be overthinking this one a little but I think she would dig either “Haunted House Party” for its atmosphere and having more than decent famous dead humans or “Mug Shots” for its female host and testing testimonies as well as jurisdiction. Hey just cuz she’s a housewife that doesn’t mean she can’t have fun. I mean really, let the succubus go at it!
Josh: No surprise here, his favorite games would be “Eddie Bull” or “Poop or Scoop” since they’re both animal-related games. Granted, he does like other stuff but I felt like this would be an appropriate answer for the little scalawag.
Mandy: I gotta be honest, this one’s probably a little tough since Mandy’s personality and interests weren’t all the way out there. At least not yet. Nevertheless I would say the games she would enjoy are “Sketch Pad” for the cool, hip vibes and “Paige and Sage” because of the valley girl theme.
Vlaartark: Oh boy, where to start with this? First off, he mentioned about something that involved his level with sophistication and elegance. I thought “Dirty Pictures” for its elderly hosts and paintings. (yes it’s called that but it’s not what you think, you sickos.) “Word Shake” for the host and the aforementioned premise of the game. Good luck trying to get through those games, old man.
Pazuzu: This one had to be easy and not because of the gobmutt having a rock-star look. I figured he would love “Radio Scramble” for its unique musical style and anagram puzzles. Oh my kami, if I could just hear him sing the songs the host would throw at us.
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agardenandlibrary · 2 years
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I posted 10,450 times in 2022
That's 3,620 more posts than 2021!
880 posts created (8%)
9,570 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,997 of my posts in 2022
#cara rags on fba - 382 posts
#myth rags on fba - 134 posts
#cara reads wot - 113 posts
#my book picture - 102 posts
#wheel of time - 64 posts
#cara reads the dragon reborn - 58 posts
#discworld - 56 posts
#cara podcasts - 51 posts
#star trek - 51 posts
#cara reads 2022 - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i straight up thought my aunt was gonna announce her divorce!! she starts off talking about getting married the day mt st helen's exploded!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
episode 3 of pride and prejudice 1995 may be the funniest
“shelves in the closet? happy thought indeed”
“i thought at least the pigs had gotten into the garden”
“what - *camera zooms in on lady catherine* - all your sisters out at once?”
“colonel fitzwilliam why is your cousin staring at me” - darcy comes over and makes awkward small talk. colonel fitzwilliam smirks at lizzie like “he’s got it bad, girlfriend”
“if i had ever learnt [to play piano] i would have been a true proficient”
colonel fitzwilliam sitting back to watch the carnage as lizzie goes for darcy’s throat. darcy’s little smirk as he says “I am not afraid of you”
darcy rolls his eyes when lady catherine interrupts his flirt-fest with lizzie
I had to pause it for a while but in the last 15 minutes of this episode:
Darcy’s first attempt to propose where he mostly tries to communicate his feelings via intense staring
lizzie  brings up that jane is in london and for one second you can see darcy go “wait... does she know that i’ve ruined jane’s chances with bingley? no, no it’s cool, i’ve covered my tracks”
darcy and lizzie having two moments of agreeing on a point: when they roast mr. collins and when they say how great charlotte is
“you would not wish to always be near longbourn” lasjldfalsdf you’re NOT SMOOTH
then he just BAILS like “OH NO I’VE SAID TOO MUCH”
when col. fitzwilliam meets up with lizzie in the park I think he’s trying to talk up darcy, like “oh yeah, my cousin’s hot for this girl, i’ll be a good wingman” then he’s like “actually what if we roasted darcy a little, we had fun with that yesterday”
next day darcy comes back and lizzie’s like “fuck it, he can carry the conversation this time, i’m annoyed as hell with him and he hates me anyway”
the LOOK she gives him. and she’s POLITE. DEVASTATINGLY POLITE in her refusal. and he’s gotta ask, he’s gotta know why and lizzie’s like “SINCE YOU FUCKING ASKED, ACTUALLY, HERE’S MY LIST OF GRIEVANCES, listed chronologically from most recent --”
*blank stare* “and this is your opinion of me”
when he leaves the doorknob squeaks and I feel like he fumbled that in his panic
lizzie left standing in the cottage going "what the fuck just happened"
625 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
I'm casually looking up information about the Wild Hunt and I just found this:
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there's a Motif-Index of Folk Literature?!
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There are multiple motif-indices?
See the full post
730 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
okay the reason the “darcy wet t-shirt contest” scene works in p&p1995 as a fan service scene is because we’ve spent 3.5hrs watching these people be incredibly buttoned up and correct and suddenly Lizzie is in his HOUSE ogling his PORTRAIT and his WELL MAINTAINED LAWNS and then there’s the man himself and he’s in a wet shirt and you can see that he has skin? under his clothes? is that chest hair?!
lizzie literally stares at his tits for a solid two seconds before she’s like “oh god his eyes are up there”
1,724 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
I'm going to make a collection of quotes about Anne Elliot that make me clutch my heart in sorrow
Half the sum of attraction, on either side, might have been enough, for he had nothing to do, and she had hardly anybody to love;
She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older -- the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning.
"I cannot possible do without Anne," was Mary's reasoning; and Elizabeth's reply was, "Then I am sure Anne had better stay. for nobody will want her in Bath." To be claimed as a good, though in an improper style, is at least better than being rejected as no good at all.
She knew that when she played [piano] she was giving pleasure only to herself; but this was no new sensation: excepting one short period of her life, she had never, since the age of fourteen, never since the loss of her dear mother, known the happiness of being listened to, or encouraged by any just appreciation or real taste. In music she had been always used to feel alone in the world.
1,893 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love Cecil. He's like "incomprehensible horrors happen every day! Not to me though :)" and then they do happen to him and he's like "WHAT THE F–" every. time.
2,309 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
Spencer Reid x Reader
Synopsis; Where the team discusses the question ‘do you kiss after head’, you find out Spencer has too little experience to answer the question so you help him out
Warnings; smut, oral (male receiving), sub!spencer, praise, slight degradation 
a/n; LMAO im so sorry for disappearing again life has been actually kicking my ass but anyways lately i’ve been thinking about subby early season spence so here we go,, hope you enjoy!
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Another Friday night and the team was out bar crawling after an easy case. But this time all members were there as it reached 11pm which was rare. Usually Hotch and JJ would have been home by 10:30 and Spencer wouldn’t have been there at all. But there was something light in the air which had all parties concerned sitting packed in a booth, laughing after each sip of their drinks. 
Since it wasn’t your first rodeo together you knew how the night went. It started off with Rossi offering to buy the first few rounds, always whiskey but he made an exception for Penelope. Then again who would deny her anything. 
Once the drinks were flowing and lips got a little loose, the questions would start popping in at the top of your heads. However these were not your run of the mill, ‘hows so and so doing?’ ‘done your taxes yet?’ oh no. The name of the game was discuss where you would all think of a question which would help you dig just a tiny bit deeper into your coworkers sex lives. 
Maybe if you were all sober then you’d avoid thinking of each other in such positions, pun intended, yet in this state your prying minds were open and your stomachs were ready to grow abs from bending over in laughter. 
You raised the margarita glass up clinking it with a fork to get the tables attention. Everyone including Aaron had a smile on their face, ready to hear the intrusive question for the night. 
“Ok my fellow profilers, doctor, and tech genius,” you added pointing at Spencer then Pen, “Do you kiss your partner after they give you head? Discuss!” you finished in your most formal voice. 
Right as you took a swig of your drink the mixed responses of yes and no filled your small space. 
“Why wouldn’t you? You guys especially, if someones willingly trying to swallow then you damn well owe them a kiss,” Emily finished earning nods and ‘exactly’s from JJ, Pen, and yourself. 
“Ok but thats weird. I just can’t explain it but its a no go for me,” Morgan finished. This only gained him a scoff and raised voices, “Hotch man help me out here,” he said looking over to the man hiding his smirk behind the amber liquid. 
“I have to agree with the ladies here Derek,” he said curtly. 
The girls yelped and hooted at Hotch for siding with them while Morgan sat with his arms crossed being the singular person left out as even Rossi agreed. Meanwhile you noticed the presence next to you had shrunk back and wasn’t too active in the conversation. 
“So Spence do you kiss your partner after they,” you trailed off shaking your fist by your cheek and poking your tongue in the side. 
He coughed as he instantly sat up quicker. Even under the dim lights of the bar you could still see the blush creeping up from his neck to his ears and the slightest tint on his cheeks. 
“Oh I uh- I never-” he said looking anywhere but your eyes. 
“You don’t kiss them?” you said raising your brows. 
“No! I-i mean yes. I would I think b-but I haven’t had the chance to actually partake in such.. activities,” he finished finally taking a look into your eyes. 
You could tell he was waiting for you to laugh in his face for being so inexperienced but you felt far from it. If anything you wished you could be the one to show him things. 
That sweet boy had you wrapped around his finger and he didn’t even know it. Maybe it was his naivety considering how exceptionally smart he was. Or maybe it was the cute sweater vests he wore and now he nervously tucked his hair behind his ears. All you knew was that you wanted Spencer Reid and tonight was your night to make it happen. 
You hummed taking in the information, “Well that’s not a bad thing Spence. Everything takes time,” you said putting your hand on his arm for comfort and giving him a smile. 
Going to turn back to face the table you almost didn’t hear Spencer go to speak again, “Do you?” 
Got him.
“Why don’t you find out pretty boy,” you said with a wink as you downed the rest of your marg. In the corner of your eye you could see Spencer shifting in his seat, subtly moving his bag to cover the slowly growing tent in his slacks. 
As the night went by you couldn’t help but really give him a show. You had popped open a button or two on the long sleeve you had on, since it was getting stuffy in the booth. Though when you leaned forward and jutted your chest out, the soft inhale of a breath from the man next to you was just serving as motivation to get bolder. 
For the last hour you called it quits on the alcohol and drank a few glasses of water before you drove home. Spencer had been uncharacteristically quiet ever since your little interactions. 
The team had all gotten up to say their goodbyes. Rossi going by and giving everyone a kiss on each cheek. Derek having to quite literally rangle Penelope from talking to passing by groups on their way out. Then there were two. 
You turned to the side where Spencer was nursing on his coke, “Hey pretty boy, it’s late, let me give you a ride home,” you said grabbing your belongings. 
“Y-yeah ok. Thanks Y/n,” he said getting up. You’d noticed how he still had the burnt orange bag over his crotch. He couldn’t still be hard could he? Well you’d love to find out. 
As gentlemanly as he was, Spencer opened the door for you to exit the building first. The whip of fresh night air cooling on your exposed chest and legs under your skirt. 
You unlocked your car and stepped in, Spencer waiting to hear the little beep signaling his side was open. As he sat down you heard him let out a little whimper. Your head shot over to look at him, you could tell from the flush on his cheeks he didn’t mean to let the noise out. 
Holding in your chuckle you started the ignition and pulled out of the lot, “Can I put on some music?” 
“Yeah I don’t mind,” he said looking over at you with his lips in a line. If it was anyone else, they’d probably think he was uncomfortable but you loved his tiny awkward smiles. 
The ride to his apartment was mostly silent besides a rare quip from Spencer about paper work or fact about an older building you had passed by. It fascinated you to no end hearing him talk. Spencer was a hand speaker, meaning he always used his hands waving them around and making gestures. The pale digits had you captivated. Probably a driving hazard but you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. 
You pulled up into one of the visitor spots and put the car in park. You looked over to see Spencer almost contemplating something. You’d seen the look on his face before when he was looking over puzzles. 
“Somethin on your mind Doc?” you said with a small smile. As cute as he looked when he was nervous, you’d never want him to feel uncomfortable around you. 
“Would you-,” he cleared his throat, “Wo- Would you maybe want to c-come inside?” 
“Of course Spence I’d love to,” you finished with a reassuring nod. 
As he led you upstairs you were giddy with anticipation. So what if nothing happened. He was your friend first and you were glad he was letting you into his personal space. Even if you wanted nothing more than to have him writhi-
The door closing snapped you out of your thoughts. You didn’t even realize you were in his living room. The dark green walls and shelves bursting with books put a grin on your face, “Sorry Doc, just caught up in my thoughts. What did you say hun?” 
His brows practically raised to his hairline from hearing the pet name. While he was used to the names coming from Garcia they took a whole different light coming from your lips. 
“I was asking if you wanted water or something,” he said fiddling with the keys in his hands. Eyes darting everywhere but your face so you wouldn’t be able to see the flush rising on his cheeks. 
“No I’m fine thanks for asking though,” you said taking a seat on the worn leather couch. 
You reached for the tv remote making a face at Spencer to ask for permission. He nodded and you settled back turning on an old sitcom that played late at night. 
As the episode ended you both sat in silence. Again you didn’t mind but you could practically hear the cogs moving in Spencer’s brain. 
You were about to speak when he cut you off before you could even get a word out, “What did you mean by ‘why don’t you find out’.”
Gaining confidence you moved closer to where he was on the couch, slow enough for him to stop you in case he wanted to back out. 
“Well you have options pretty boy,” you said moving a leg to straddle him. Your hands instinctively going to his brown locks. You could’ve sworn you heard a little moan leave his chapped lips. Noted. 
“W-what are the options,” lust blown eyes looked up to yours. 
“One, you can put that mouth to good use on me,” you said trailing your finger over his bottom lip, “and let me cum over that pretty face.” 
His eyes shut hearing your words and you weren’t having it, “Nuh uh eyes on me honey,” instantly they were back on yours. 
“Or number two. I can suck you off and let you cum down my throat, but,” you paused making sure to roll your hips on his growing length, “ you have to give me a nice big smooch after.” 
The hands on your hips pulled you closer as he bucked his hips into you as you finished the sentence. It was clear which option was preferred. 
You moved to slide down in between his legs. You let your hands trail down his clothed thighs, causing him to jump. 
“Tsk such a needy boy,” you said mockingly, “Am I not going fast enough baby?”
“Please Y/n,” he all but whimpered. It was like music to your ears. 
Your hands went to his belt, looking up in his eyes for a final sign of permission. Once he nodded you quickly undid it and he lifted his hips to help get his pants down. You palmed him over his boxers, feeling the wet patch where he was already leaking pre cum. 
“Is this all for me Spence? Does the thought of my lips around you make you this hard,” you said taking him out of the striped confines. 
“Oh god please just,” he cut himself off. You could see his hands curling fists besides his legs. 
“Please what baby? I can’t give you anything unless you ask.” Your hands continued their task of leisurely stroking his length. 
“Fuck please put your mouth on me,” he rushed out, hips bucking to prove his point. 
The answer was good enough for you so you wasted no time in leaning forward and taking him in your mouth. Both of you let out content sighs as you tried to take him further. 
You looked up to see him with his head leaned back, eyes scrunched closes in pleasure. 
You pulled off with a pop, letting your hand work him over. “Better keep those pretty eyes on me before I decide you can’t finish.”
He looked down with a flash of worry, that was quickly replaced by a loud moan as you spit down on his cock before taking him in your mouth again. 
For a germaphobe, Spencer loved how nasty it was. He was thanking god or whatever higher being there was for giving him his eidetic memory because the sight below him was something he’d never wanna forget. 
Your eyes were teary and you had spit dribbling down your chin but he wanted nothing more than to give you more than just a kiss after you finished. Or well after he finishes. 
You could tell he was close by the way he was throbbing on your tongue. Again taking him out of your mouth you used both hands to jerk him off. 
“You’re doing such a good job baby. So good for me. You wanna cum in my mouth pretty boy?”
“God Y/n I’m so close please please please,” he whimpered out. 
“Cum for me baby, be my good boy Spence,”  you said before taking him down your throat. He was big, not girthy but long and it was a struggle but you’d be damned if you didn’t try to take him all. 
Hollowing your cheeks you bobbed your head quickly, egging on his release further. His hands finally found a place in the back of your head. Pushing you down further as he came. 
“F-fuck Y/n I’m gonna”
His moans and whines were a symphony of sounds you’d have on repeat in your head forever. 
You swallowed the salty release but before you could even wipe your lips you were being pulled up by Spencer placing his lips on yours. You moaned into the kiss, his hands gripped the sides of your face not wanting to let you go. 
The need for air made you both pull back. You looked at one another, chests heaving and looking like you ran a marathon. 
Then a sad look came across his face. 
“Spencer what’s wrong?” 
“You didn’t get any pleasure,” he said looking like a hurt puppy. Oh your sweet boy. 
“It’s ok baby, I can take care of myself,” you tried to shrug off.
He was quick to push you back on the couch, taking the spot you were previously in. His warm lips trailing down your exposed thighs. 
“I wanna do it, but only if you kiss me after.” 
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parkers-gal · 3 years
hiiii! can i please get a Tom x Fem!Reader imagine where he and reader have started dating and Tom’s brothers are weary of her because they’re protective etc incase people use Tom but they don’t know she has an actor brother who she helps with his career? Like maybe Taron Egerton or someone idk.. and they overhear her on a phone call to a film crew and they think she’s interfering in Tom’s career but she’s actually on the phone helping her brother? And just angst but end in fluff always ✨ tysm
requests are open (hope u like this)
wc: 1.1k
“You know they love you.” Tom says to you softly, quietly. The two of you are seated on a loveseat quite closely. You’re practically on his lap while his hand remains on the outer side of your thigh. You were with his brothers for the night, the “boys” if you will. They were in another room getting something, leaving you and Tom alone.
“Tough love, then.” You huff, looking in another direction. Tom frowns; he knows they’ve been just a bit cold towards you, sometimes even a bit hostile. Tom warned you things might be difficult, especially considering what happened last time when he brought a girl over.
“It’ll just take time.” He tries to assure you, hand rubbing up and down your thigh while he gives you a sweet kiss on the cheek. You nod, smiling a tight-lipped one as you attempted to remain cheerful for him. You knew the boys were very protective, especially about who they let into their tight circle. “Thank you for doing this.”
You smile a genuine one now, looking at him and giving him a soft kiss, short but passionate. “Anything for you.” You hug him closer and the boys come back into the room. They’ve almost been hesitant the entire night, but you’re all due for a day outside in the shops tomorrow, and Tom promised it would give you all time to warm up.
“Right then,” Tom smiled, eyes crinkling from the smirk. “Let’s finish this game of Clue.”
You’re holding Tom’s hand while you go from shop to shop. There’s no actual street separating the stores across from each other, so you’re free to walk wherever you please. Harry has a camera around his neck, Sam walking with a water bottle in one hand and Elysia’s hand in the other. Harrison is pointing out every stupid detail that could possible link back to the next season of Stranger Things. They’d been hung up on the last season’s ending, impatiently waiting for new episodes to arise. Tuwaine is feeding him on, gossiping about new theories. You’re laughing at them, adding onto the conversation as much as you can.
They’re not as reserved, today. Maybe it’s the sunshine of London, or maybe they’re just a bit overprotective when anything related to work pops up into the conversation or the mind. You don’t want to think much of it, though, because you’re still getting somewhere, and any progress is progress for everyone.
You’re stopped outside of a shop while Sam and Elysia are inside browsing the shelves. You’re all standing around the entrance waiting for them to return, but your phone rings rather loudly and consistently, so you excuse yourself to take the call, walking a way for some privacy.
“Hey, Tar.” You speak into the mobile device. “What’s up?”
Though you’re barely five minutes into the call, you can tell it’s going to be an important one — one that regards the script of your brother’s upcoming film. Sam and Elysia finally emerge from the shop while you're still on the call, and though they can only hear one end of the conversation, they urge to listen in. Tom had gone to get pretzels with Tuwaine from a small bakery, leaving the boys to wait for each of you to come back.
You’re still talking on the phone, though, and they’re listening to you frantically talking to your brother, though they don’t know it’s your brother on the other end.
“No, you should replace that second fade-in scene with the rough draft Jon wrote last week — yes the one from the producer’s room. The… yeah the cherry one too.”
After hearing what could’ve been you talking about Tom’s work, Harrison runs to get Tom before you can return.
“What’s up?” Tom’s licking his fingers from the cinnamon of a pretzel.
“Y/N…. she’s messing with your work.”
“What?” His brows furrow as he tries to understand what they’re saying.
“Yeah. She’s changing things about Cherry and something with Jon Watts-”
“And you know this because?”
Harry blushes. “We eavesdropped on her phone call.”
Tom raises a stern brow. “You know that’s not polite.”
“But she’s not even an actress or anything! What if she’s sabotaging your work?”
Tom tries not to laugh too hard. “You sound like someone from a Disney Channel show.”
“You can’t deny it’s a little fishy.” Harrison’s buff arms cross over chest and Tom sighs just as you’re about to come back.
“Just be careful with her.” Sam whispers as you arrive.
“What’re we doing now?”
Nobody manages to answer you, and you can tell the dynamic has shifted slightly. Tom had gone back to the pretzel shop for Tuwaine, and you’re left alone with the rest of the group.
“Are you meddling with Tom’s work?” Harrison manages to to get out after a few awkwardly silent moments.
“We heard you on the phone.” Sam elaborates.
“I worked on Cherry with Tom, y’know.” He moves his camera slightly and you can see his demeanor grow defensive.
“Yeah… and?” You’re trying your best to understand, but there seems to be a gap for the misunderstanding.
“I think you should tell Tom what you’re doing to his work?”
“What’s going on?” Tom disrupts the circle that had once surrounded you, with questions and with people.
“Y/N has something to confess.”
Tom looks from Harry to you, wearily, curious as to where this is going.
“Yeah…” You trail off, thinking. “Your brothers have been listening to my conversations.”
“Within reason!” Harrison is quick to jump to the defense. “You’re a bit fishy.”
“I’m fishy for helping my brother?”
“You were talking to your brother about Tom’s upcoming movie?” Harry’s fast in deciphering your words. You’re stunned, face showing pure bewilderment.
“My brother happens to be Taron Egerton; we have this ongoing joke about fruits and scenes for scripts. Cherry is what we say for…. For the number two.”
Tom rolls his eyes as the group realizes their mistakes. They’re looking down at their feet while Tom comes to your side, hand on the small of your back.
“Don’t you have something to say to my dear Y/N?” Tom’s rubbing it in slightly, and it makes you laugh.
“We’re really sorry. It was rude and impolite and… yeah.” The rest of them say other things along those lines, and you nod in forgiveness.
“It’s alright. Tom told me you all were… protective or… of the sorts.” They laugh dryly at your twist of words, and you return it with a smile. “We cool, though?”
“God yes.” Harry exhales with relief. “As long as you are.”
“Good.” Tom smiles, eyes still reading as the ‘stern older brother.’ “No more of that nonsense.”
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
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Update to this post about where to find textless openings and endings for Detective Conan/Case Closed!
To my knowledge, I now own every music album containing a bonus DVD with clean footage that's been released at this time (save for the Detective Conan edition of the "TRY AGAIN" single, since that content is also included in The Best of Detective Conan 5 and Mai Kuraki x Detective Conan Collaboration Best 21).
So, I can definitively confirm: across the nine DVDs, you can find creditless versions of 27/55 openings and 32/65 endings. You can also find clean movie endings for five of the films—5, 6, 7, 13, and 21—but there's a bit of a catch. For the two Mai Kuraki songs used both as TV and movie endings, "always" (ED 12, Movie 5) and "Togetsukyō ~Kimi Omou~" (ED 55, Movie 21), you don't get a textless version of the show ending. The videos depict the movie ending only.
That creditless OPs and EDs (generally) aren't included on the literal hundreds of volumes that the series is sold in, which each contain only the runtime equivalent of about four episodes and sell for 4,620 yen apiece, still baffles me. But given that one of Discotek Media's highlights for their recent Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan: The Movie Blu-ray was "a clean opening sequence not available anywhere else," I guess providing this content just really isn't DetCo's thing.
And while I admittedly bought close to a dozen albums pretty much solely to get my hands on the textless footage included on a separate disc, you do of course also get a lot of music—a fact illustrated to me in crystal-clear clarity when I finished importing all of the CDs to iTunes:
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Granted, these are some bloated stats; they also include The Best of Detective Conan 3, which I purchased to fill out the collection even though it lacks the bonus DVD, and there are 13 duplicates of Mai Kuraki songs if you buy every album pictured above. But subtracting all of that, there are still 77 Detective Conan or Conan-adjacent songs and about 5 hours and 24 minutes of music. If the 1,000+ episode count and 25 movies don't do it enough, these numbers put into perspective how massive this franchise is! Enough OPs and EDs that only a portion of them fill hours.
And make quite the fat stack:
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Anyway, I can't say that this was my preferred method of picking up creditless footage—ideally, I would have liked it all included with the dozens upon dozens of Japanese Conan DVDs sitting on my shelves—but I am glad that you can purchase this content somewhere. Plus, you get loads of music, and the packaging can be quite cute, with some nice extras here and there, too.
For example, The Best of Detective Conan 5 comes bundled with three adorable music-themed prints; I think my favorite might have to be this one with Shinichi on guitar and Conan on harmonica (though the one with Ran playing piano and Conan singing is a close second!)
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And for the "Countdown" single, there's a pin featuring one of three scenes from the opening sequence. Mine's this Heizuha moment, but I wonder what the other two are?
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I also have to say that Mai Kuraki's stuff is wonderfully charming. The disc designs are pretty and pleasing; the "Barairo no Jinsei" and "Kimi to Koi no Mama de Owarenai Itsumo Yume no Mama ja Irarenai" album contains one disc adorned with a rose and another with the moon, fitting the lyrics of both songs:
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And while "ZERO kara Hajimete" translates to "Start from ZERO," call me silly—I didn't make the connection to Shinichi's speech in the "Holmes' Revelation" arc until I saw the disc with the English translation and Conan's face next to it:
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Also, what a cute back cover:
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So, yeah! If you're looking for creditless DetCo OPs and EDs, buying these nine albums is one way to find a nice chunk of them—and get you a ton of music to boot!
#detective conan#case closed#detco dvd saga#ish#ramblings#shut up goop#long post#bleh not to be super whiny because i am sleeping in my bed for the first time in months lol which is great#but it's been kinda a bummer time lately#dropped my computer on the audio jack with headphones plugged in and broke the headphones and the audio jack#fixing the jack would require replacing the entire motherboard so i opted for just using a usb headphone adapter#which works but the sound quality is definitely impacted (but maybe it's because i bought like the cheapest adapter on the market....)#then the 2018 pin i got for being my region's nanowrimo ml fell off my bag and luckily it was the 2018 one#because you can still get that from the ml shop#but the new one is smaller than the other ones? idk if that was always the case i'm so unobservant... probably why i lost the pin at all#a button also fell off my coat so i felt like a culprit in a detco filler lol#(seriously how many use that plot where someone kills a person and their button gets loose or lost in the process?)#and i'm still super bummed about reposts of my work on reddit that are used as ammunition to be a jerk#and this comment on one of the reposts (that was literally copy/pasted and not credited) basically saying that survivors need to shut up#not to be too serious on this post but i'm so sick of klk fans telling survivors to shut up#and work's been a struggle lately and blgh i know nothing that bad has happened and i'm really lucky but i've just been down in the dumps#so these albums were nice to get; many thanks to dcrewatch for letting me know about them!#expect a spamming of opening and ending gifs lol#it was also nice that i initially messed up the shipping for this order by using a po box when they don't ship to those#and i thought i'd have to pay reshipment fees but i got a refund! so that was good#also note that there are duplicates but the videos aren't entirely the same#some of the endings use different episodes for example so there are different clips#mai kuraki's collection generally looks higher quality too imo#anyway would love to know if there are more options for clean ops/eds! i really really wanted ed 10 clean but alas idk if it exists....#hope this can help anyone else looking for clean footage though!
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
let me down gently
Prompts: Anger and Fight
Word Count: 6,465
Characters: Lloyd and Kai
Timeline: During episodes 96 (Into the Breach) and 97 (The Fall)
Trigger Warnings: Strained Parental Relationships, Suffocation, Major Character Death (kind of, u all know Cole didn't really die in this episode)
Summary: The thing about spending nearly every waking moment of the last several years of your life with a group of friends is that you really get to know them, inside and out, so much so that sometimes you know what they’re thinking before they do.
And, sometimes that means it’s easy to overlook what they’re actually trying to say.
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(wooo! got my first bingo! what happens now lol)
Read on FFN.net
Read on Ao3
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The thing about spending nearly every waking moment of the last several years of your life with a group of friends is that you really get to know them, inside and out, so much so that sometimes you know what they’re thinking before they do.
Kai had learned that it was all about being observant. The littlest things could hint him off at what was going on in their minds.
For example, whenever Nya was frustrated with a piece of machinery she was repairing, Kai could tell by the sound of her hammer against the metal. It was more of a dull, clunking sound than the lighter, ringing tone that could usually be heard. Or when Zane was faced with a problem that he was struggling to solve, he would always walk with a slightly stiffer posture. How Jay’s leg would bounce slightly when he was impatient, or how Cole bit his lip when he was focused.
And now, as the ninja stood around Garmadon on the deck of the Bounty, Kai could tell from the look in Lloyd’s bright green eyes that his youngest brother was planning something- something that Kai wasn’t going to like.
“I’m done with your foolishness,” Garmadon growled at the ninja. “You do not have a choice. I will say it once more- I am the only one who can enter the Oni Cloud. Give me a weapon, and let me go, or the Darkness will consume us all.”
“It’s not going to happen,” Lloyd snapped back. “You’re not going anywhere- not without me.”
Kai balked at him. What?!
Lloyd began to walk up to Garmadon, until he was glaring him right in the face. “I’m your son, remember. I’m Oni, too.”
No. The blood was roaring in Kai’s ears, now. Lloyd had come up with plenty of dumb, impulsive plans in his life, but this was on another level entirely. If Lloyd thought Kai was letting him go into the Darkness alone with Garmadon, he was sorely mistaken.
“You are part Oni.” The man reached out, shoving Lloyd, and the green ninja stumbled backwards. Nya quickly caught him by the arm, steadying him, and the others lunged towards Garmadon. Kai barely managed to stop himself from punching the man in the face, dropping into a defensive stance instead when Lloyd pulled away from Nya, evidently unharmed.
“That means you might survive,” Garmadon told Lloyd, ignoring the others glaring at him.
“Well, I guess we’ll find out.”
Oh, you’ll find out all right, Kai fumed as he glared at the green ninja. You’ll find out that this is not happening, as soon as I knock some sense into you.
“Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, have you lost your tiny mind?” Kai grabbed Lloyd’s arm, yanking him into an empty room below deck on the Bounty.
Lloyd stared at him. “Did you just call my mind tiny?”
“Yes, I did, and you deserve it, because you’re being the absolute worst idiot I have seen right now. And I’m friends with Jay, so that’s saying something.”
“Excuse me for trying to help,” Lloyd spat back. “I didn’t see anyone else coming up with a plan.”
“So the only thing you could come up with was chucking your own life into danger? Typical Lloyd move.”
His friend's eyes widened. “You’re one to talk! Do you really need me to go over every risky decision you’ve made? We’ll be here all day!”
“Half of those ‘risky decisions’ have just been trying to get you out of situations that your risky decisions got you into!”
Lloyd’s eyes darkened, and he turned away, beginning to rummage through the cabinets for a suitable weapon. “No one asked you to do that.”
Kai couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He marched forward, put a hand on Lloyd’s shoulder, and forced him around. “You expected me to just leave you. To die?”
“No!” The green ninja answered hastily, although he wouldn’t meet Kai’s eyes. “… I just could’ve taken care of it myself, that’s all.”
Kai snorted. “Right.”
Lloyd shoved his hand away. “I’m serious! I’m not a kid anymore, I don’t need you babysitting me.”
Kai felt like his heart had been impaled as he watched Lloyd turn away from him, back towards the shelves. He felt stinging in his eyes, and quickly pushed the hurt down, letting it give way to anger instead. How dare Lloyd speak to him that way. Kai had spent years caring for him, looking out for him. He had been the one to save him from the Fire Temple, from Morro, had been the one to carry him to Mystaké’s shop when he had foolishly run off to fight Garmadon alone and nearly died-
Sure, Kai had… he had failed him, sometimes. He knew he wasn’t always good enough to protect him, as hard as he tried. But in his defence, Lloyd wasn’t exactly making it easy for him! It was almost as if the boy wanted to die! He was getting an odd sense of déjà vu, and he didn’t like it one bit.
“Have you forgotten what happened the last time you left us to fight the villain by yourself? I’m still having nightmares about that night, Lloyd! You nearly died.”
“That was different.”
“Different how?”
“I know what I’m doing,” he insisted. “And I won’t be alone. My dad will be with me.”
Kai’s eyes narrowed. “Oh great, now I’m so reassured.”
Lloyd shot him a look so venomous that Kai nearly faltered. What was that about?
“Look, Lloyd, I’m just trying to watch out for you! Can’t you see that the Cloud is dangerous? Cole was only in it for a second, and we nearly lost him. I don’t want to lose you, too.”
Lloyd sighed. “I know. But someone’s gotta do it, and my father said that my Oni blood will protect me.”
“He also said your human blood would make you weaker. He never guaranteed you would survive, and, frankly, even if he did, I wouldn’t trust him.”
Lloyd’s gaze went hard again. “Of course you wouldn’t. You’ve never trusted him. For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve had a vendetta against him, and that’s no different now.”
“Lloyd, don’t be ridiculous, you know that’s not true. He was our sensei at one point, remember? I accepted him then! It’s only the Devourer venom I don’t trust. He said it himself- he couldn’t be trusted with the venom flowing through his veins.”
“Yeah, well the venom’s gone now, isn’t it? And I don’t see you acting any different than those first days.”
“Lloyd, he’s different now, and you know it. He’s not Sensei Garmadon anymore.”
“So that automatically means we can’t trust him?”
“No! But I can list a hundred other reasons why we can’t!” Kai began counting off on his fingers, “He tried to kill you, he tried to kill us, he tried to kill Wu, he destroyed the Bounty, he destroyed the city, he imprisoned our friends, he created a giant stone Colossus to try and destroy us, he’s Oni-”
“I’m Oni, too,” Lloyd snapped. “Does that mean you don’t trust me?”
“Lloyd, stop being stupid-”
“Oh, so now I’m stupid!”
“I didn’t mean that.”
“So what did you mean?”
Kai sighed, rubbing his temples. “You’re only part Oni. Things are different.”
“But what if I wasn’t? What if I was full Oni? You wouldn’t trust me then?”
“I never said that.” “You literally just did.”
Kai glowered at him. “Look, it doesn’t matter- Lloyd, you’re my friend. I’ve known you for years, I know you’re trustworthy because you’ve never done anything to prove me otherwise.”
“If you trust me so much, then why aren’t you acting like it now?”
“I do trust you! I still do, and I always will. But I also know your judgement tends to get clouded when it comes to people you care about. And, I’m sorry Lloyd, but your father does not deserve to be on that list. Not anymore. Ever since he’s come back, he’s done nothing but prove to me that he doesn’t care about you. At all.”
Lloyd froze, a shadow falling over his face. Kai reached for his hand, but he jerked back, gritting his teeth.
“Oh, come on, Lloyd, I know you’re trusting, but this is ridiculous! Have you forgotten what he’s done to you?”
“You don’t get to talk,” Lloyd choked, his voice suddenly sounding wet. “You don’t know what it’s like. What I’ve been through.”
Kai stopped, blinking at him. “What?”
“You don’t know! You never had to watch your dad be an evil warlord for your whole life, never had people telling you that your entire destiny was to defeat him!”
Kai felt his anger dissipate. “Lloyd-”
But the green ninja wasn’t done. “You never had to fight the one person who came back for you when everyone else turned their backs on you, only to get him back as someone completely different than the person you remembered! You never had to suffer through those long weeks, those long months, struggling to reconnect with him after the rift that had been torn between the two of you. You never had to deal with only having your father back for a couple years before losing him again, just when you had finally been getting to know him again! You never had to suffer through that loss, thinking about him every day for the next few years, just starting to get over him when suddenly you found out he was coming back again! You never had to fight so hard to keep him from coming back, even though a small part of you really wanted to see him again. You don’t know what it was like to get a chance to reunite with him, only to have him nearly kill you, and then be forced to recruit him to help you. You don’t know what it’s like to have half of your brain remembering him as this horrible, sadistic monster that absolutely cannot be trusted, but the other half remembering him as a good man, as your true father, and feeling like there’s still some of that in there, and maybe you can have that back!”
By this point, Lloyd was crying, hard, and Kai felt like his heart was going to shatter. “Lloyd. I’m sorry bud. I’m so sorry. But you’re going to have to trust us. Your team. We’ve always been here for you, even when your dad wasn’t.”
“You still don’t get it!” Lloyd was borderline yelling by this point. “I can’t! I can’t forget everything he’s done- both the good and the bad! You can’t possibly understand how angry I am at him but how much I love him! He left me! He hurt me! But he is the only person who loved me from the very beginning- even you thought I was some washed-up street rat when we first met!”
The pressure building in Kai’s chest suddenly snapped, and he found himself yelling right back at Lloyd. “I don’t know what it’s like? Have you forgotten what my father did? I lived the majority of my life thinking that he had abandoned me! For a five-year-old kid, that was the scariest thing of my life- I didn’t know what to do, and everything was resting on me. It took me years to get over that, to get over them and to move on, and then- then I figured out they were alive and now everyone was saying that they were good and that this wasn’t their fault- that everything was okay now. But it wasn’t okay- they had left me, burdened me, and as much as I knew they hadn’t done it on purpose, I couldn’t forget all those years of pain. Even Nya thought I was being crazy, tried to stop me from lashing out at them. She didn’t understand. She was the younger sibling, she wasn’t burdened with my responsibility. If anyone could understand me, I would’ve thought it would be you.”
“It’s not the same!” Lloyd’s voice was shrill. “You still have years ahead of you- years to talk and reconnect. You think I didn’t go through the same thing with my father after he was cleansed from the venom? I thought we would have all the time in the world! But now we’re back at square one again, but worse- square zero- and this time he won’t even listen to me! He doesn’t remember me, he doesn’t remember himself, he doesn’t remember anything except hatred.”
“Then why are you so eager to listen to him again?”
“I can’t let him go again! Not like last time!”
“This isn’t like last time, Lloyd! Why won’t you listen to us? Since when did you start trusting Garmadon’s judgement over mine?” “The moment you stopped listening to me and tried to make everything about yourself!”
Kai stared at him in disbelief. Lloyd was seriously calling him selfish right now? He had just poured out all his insecurities about his parents, ones that he didn’t want to share but did anyway to try to help Lloyd see he wasn’t alone- and the brat had the nerve to call him selfish?
“I can’t believe you! I’ve done nothing- nothing- but try to help you and care for you since you joined our team. And you have the audacity to pin this on me. You know what? Go! Go with your father into that dumb Cloud! Since you obviously care about him so much more than you do me!”
“I will,” Lloyd shot back, already storming out of the room.
“Don’t come crying to me when you suffocate in there! At least you’ll be with your dear old pops!”
Lloyd turned around when he reached the doorway, their shouting match quieting as he responded in a low voice.
“Trust me, I’m not going to be crying to anyone.”
There was a loud bang as Lloyd slammed the door shut, and Kai was alone.
Zane walked quietly down the hallway of the ship, stopping in front of Nya as she slowly backed out of a room, pulling the door shut softly behind her.
“Any luck?”
She shook her head. “He won’t even talk to me, not to mention tell me what happened.”
“Kai isn’t budging either. He asked me how close we were to the city, and what Garmadon was up to, but refused to even mention Lloyd.”
“I’ve never seen Lloyd like this, Zane, he was… he was upset. Angry. I think they fell out, but… I don’t know why, or how…”
“It has to be about the Cloud. Kai was pretty upset when Lloyd announced his plan.”
“I’m upset too!” she snapped. “It’s a horrible plan! He’s going to get himself killed! But you know how Lloyd gets when he sets his mind on something. And Kai can get… snappy when he’s worried about someone important to him. I’m worried things have been taken too far this time, though.”
Nya buried her face in her hands, and Zane put a hand on her shoulder. “Nya, it’s going to be alright. It’s not like they haven’t fought before. They’ll make up quickly, like they always do.”
“Yeah, but it’s never been this bad before! Lloyd was really upset, Zane! He always talks to me, comes to me, when he’s having a hard time, especially if it’s with Kai, but…” her voice dropped to a whisper. “This time is different.”
“Have you forgotten everything they’ve been through?” Zane reminded her. “Their friendship has survived the green ninja prophecy, Chen’s staff, a possession, many near-death experiences, and realm-hopping. I think they can handle one argument.”
Nya didn’t look so reassured, so Zane looped his arm around her. “They’re going to be fine. They always are.”
Nya wiped a sleeve across her eyes, sniffing. “I know. I just worry about them.”
“It’s great, how much you look out for them, but there are some things that Kai and Lloyd must resolve on their own.”
Nya nodded, slowly stepping back from the door of the room where Lloyd was.
A faint beeping sounded from above them, and Zane quickly checked his internal GPS. “Now, we should head back above deck. It won’t be long before we reach Ninjago City, and the outskirts of the Oni Cloud.”
“The time is nearly upon us,” Nya whispered. “Soon, the fate of Ninjago will rest in our hands.” Her nose wrinkled. “Again.”
Kai stared over the deck of the Bounty, his jaw slack as he surveyed the landscape below. The entirety of Ninjago City was covered in a thick, black smog, only the tips of some of the taller skyscrapers emerging from it.
A sickly black tentacle reached up below them, curling up towards the fins on the rear of the Bounty, lapping gently against the wood. Nya put on a burst of speed, and the Bounty pulled from its grasp, leaving the tentacle to lurk hungrily, before it slowly receded back down into the Cloud.
A shiver slipped down his spine, and he gritted his teeth. He couldn’t believe the others had agreed to send Lloyd down there.
“This will allow us to see what’s happening inside the Cloud.”
Kai turned to see Zane slipping what looked to be a GoPro over Lloyd’s head. “We can watch the camera feed from the monitor screens of the Bounty.”
Lloyd was shifting from foot to foot, looking nervous. As he should be. How long will it take for him to finally realize how dangerous this is?
Lloyd wasn’t the only one looking frightened. From where she stood up by the steering wheel, Nya was watching Lloyd apprehensively, nibbling on her lip. Jay stood at Lloyd’s side, double and triple checking to make sure the armor pieces fastened to his gi were strong and secured. Cole was leaning back against the mast, arms crossed over his chest as he surveyed them all with dark eyes.
“What’s our plan for extraction?” Cole asked gruffly. “If we’re doing this, we need a clear plan before you leave. There’ll be no room for mistakes down there.”
“We’ll wait here with the Bounty while he’s down there,” Zane explained. “When he’s made it back, we’ll drop the anchor so he can climb the chain.”
“I installed a tracking device in the camera,” Nya added, “so if something goes wrong, we can come pick you up elsewhere.”
“Hopefully nothing will go wrong,” Lloyd muttered.
Nya shook her head. “I’ll say.”
“Did you guys check the parachute? Does it feel alright, do you want me to-”
“Jay.” Lloyd said firmly. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Jay sighed, running a hand through his curly locks. “I’m just not sure about this, Lloyd.”
“Guys. I have to do this. I’m gonna get in, grab the Realm Crystal, get out. No problem.”
“No problem?” Kai growled. “Yeah, except for the freezing black tentacles, deathly fog, and swarms of Oni you’re forgetting about. Oh, and wait, your father.”
“Kai, can we not get into this now,” Lloyd grimaced.
“If we don’t get into it now, when will we get into it?” Kai pulled back from the railing, walking over to him. “Once you go, there’s no turning back.”
His eyes flashed. “I’m aware of the consequences. I’m doing it.”
Kai groaned. “You’re not even listening to me!”
“And you’re not listening to me. Do you have another plan?”
“I’m sure we could come up with something better than this.”
“Yeah? Well, you haven’t!” he snapped, loudly.
Kai said nothing, glaring at him.
“The people of Ninjago City are in danger. Many of them are already lost, and I only hope that we can save them. Someone has to help, sooner rather than later. And right now, me and my father are the only ones who can.”
“Well, maybe not you,” Jay squeaked, looking nervous to impede on their argument.
“Jay’s right, you’re taking a huge risk.”
“I’m a ninja!” Lloyd threw up his arms. “Risk is part of the job description.”
There was silence at that.
Really, what could they say? To deny it would be to put down every risk they had ever taken, every consequence they had ever faced.
But so many of them had ended in disaster- Zane’s death, Chen’s staff, Morro’s possession, Wu getting lost in time, and of course, Lloyd’s initial face-off with his resurrected father- and Kai was wondering when they would finally draw the line.
Sooner or later, their luck was going to run out. Sooner or later, they would get themselves into a mess they couldn’t get out of.
The ship slowed to a halt in front of Borg Tower. The tallest building in the city, it stretched far above the Cloud, but as Lloyd peered down, he saw that the bottom of it just seemed to disappear, getting swallowed by the blackness.
“This is the closest I can get,” Nya announced, descending the ladder as she hopped down to the deck with them. “You’re going to have to take it from here.”
Garmadon said nothing, stepping up to the edge of the rail to peer over the edge.
Pixal beckoned to him, and Lloyd walked over, standing patiently as she fiddled with his GoPro.
“Zane?” she called back to the nindroid, to where he had climbed back up towards the monitor. She waved at Lloyd’s camera, and Zane gave her a thumbs up.
“It’s working. For now. The reception might break up a little when he actually goes into the Darkness, but hopefully it will last us a while, at least.”
“And the GPS?”
“Signal is on point.”
“Voice feed? Can you hear me through the comms?”
“Loud and clear.”
“Good.” Pixal stepped back from him, nodding. She hesitated for a moment, her green eyes flashing. “Lloyd… just be careful, okay? Your life isn’t worth the Realm Crystal. We can always come up with another plan.”
Lloyd swallowed. Suddenly, this whole thing was beginning to feel a lot more real.
Apparently, he wasn’t the only one thinking this, because Kai walked over to him. Lloyd flinched, expecting him to yell again, but his voice was soft.
“Lloyd. If you… if you really trust your dad so much, you should let him go. Alone.”
Lloyd bit back a sigh. “I don’t trust him.”
Kai blinked. “You literally just told me earlier that you-”
“No, I said it was complicated.” Lloyd breathed out slowly, running his fingers through his hair before his voice came out too sharp. “I trust him enough to not get me killed, but not enough to bring the Realm Crystal back on his own.”
“Look, Lloyd, you don’t have to do this.”
Lloyd glared at him. “Yeah, I do. I’m going, end of discussion.”
“Please don’t go. Look, I’m sorry about what I said earlier, okay? I’ll make it up to you. Please don’t base this decision off of that.”
Kai’s eyes were looking suspiciously shiny now, and Lloyd bit his lip. He was still mad at Kai, but Lloyd hated fighting with him. Maybe he should-
No. Lloyd shut down that train of thought fiercely. He couldn’t do this again. He couldn’t let his emotions get the better of him.
Sure, this was Kai he was talking about- not Harumi, or his father. He knew Kai would never try to take advantage of him, but- he was also biased. Lloyd wanted to listen to his own judgement, for once. The best decisions were always made with a clear head, anyways.
He forced his voice to be hard as he spoke. “I made this decision plenty of time before that conversation.”
Ignoring the look on Kai’s face, he turned and walked towards the edge of the deck, pulling his sword out of the rack. It was about time he finished this.
Kai hurried over to her looking half in tears.
“So I’m guessing that’s a ‘no’ on talking him out of it?”
Kai gripped her shoulders, tight. “He won’t listen to me Nya, I think he’s still angry with me. I can’t change his mind. Nothing I say will change his mind. You need to talk to him, please. Maybe he’ll listen to you.” “I wouldn’t get your hopes up, Kai. He may not be upset with me, but you know how stubborn he gets when he sets his mind on something.”
“Can you at least try?”
Nya looked at him, and after a moment, let out a sigh. “Fine.”
Her footsteps were quiet as she walked over to the green ninja, who was sheathing his sword. He didn’t look at her, but he knew she was there, that Nya was certain of.
“I have no idea what he said to you, earlier… but he’s just worried about you, y’know.”
Lloyd snorted. “Sure has a funny way of showing it.”
“I’m serious, Lloyd. This is dangerous. Perhaps one of the biggest risks we’ve taken yet. What you said earlier was true- taking risks is part of the job- but that doesn’t mean we can’t be careful. Can’t worry.”
Lloyd sighed. “I know- and I’m not expecting you not to. But sometimes, certain things have to be done, and… you just have to endure the worry for the sake of others.” He eyed her. “Kind of like you’re doing now.”
Nya side-eyed him, and he smiled slightly. “I can tell. You’ve been pacing.”
She breathed out slowly. “You’re right. But that’s not an easy thing to do. Especially for those who love you and care about you very much.”
Lloyd looked down. “Just get it over with.”
“He sent you over here to talk me out of it, didn’t he?”
“Technically, yes… but he’s not my team leader. I don’t have to listen to anything he says.”
Lloyd looked up, his brilliant green eyes meeting her much tamer, softer brown ones.
“Why aren’t you going to try to change my mind?”
“Because I know what a stubborn brat you are,” she teased, cuffing him over the head. He shook her off, scowling as he straightened his hair.
“Seriously, though. I wouldn’t be sending you in if I wasn’t certain you were strong enough to handle yourself.”
Relief flooded his expression. “So you get it! Why doesn’t Kai? Why doesn’t he just trust me?”
“He trusts you,” she said firmly, and Lloyd blinked at her, surprised. “He trusts you more than you will ever know.”
“Then why is he so upset about me doing this?”
“Just because you know someone is capable doesn’t mean that you’re not going to worry or fear the worst when they have to do something dangerous. Kai’s a big brother. It’s his job to be overprotective! He’s just trying to look out for you.”
“I’m not a kid anymore. Sometimes I need to look after myself.”
“Kai’s afraid of losing you, Lloyd. He knows you’re strong. He knows you’re capable. He trusts you completely. But bad things can happen to even the best people. He doesn’t want a world without you in it. None of us do.”
Lloyd was silent at that, toeing at the ground with his foot. “I’ll be careful,” he said after a long while.
“You better be.” She reached forward, squeezing his hand. “Just know that he comes from a place of love, okay?”
“Are we going to just stand here all day?” Garmadon snapped, stalking over to him. “Or should I just go without you?”
“No,” Lloyd insisted, wiping at his face with his sleeve. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”
Garmadon shot a pointed glance at his sword. Lloyd sighed.
“Cole, give him a sword.”
The black ninja grabbed a katana, eyeing the Dark Lord with thinly veiled suspicion. “Are you sure about that?”
Lloyd nodded.
Cole tossed the sword at Garmadon’s feet, and he picked it up, surveying it slowly. The ninja and Pixal watched him apprehensively.
Suddenly, Garmadon was lunging at Cole, and before Nya could react, Kai was screaming at him to look out as he charged Garmadon, the sharp screech of metal sounding as his sword clashed with Garmadon’s. The man pushed past them, running towards Lloyd and Nya, and Lloyd quickly charged up his powers, hands glowing as he held up his fists protectively.
Garmadon darted to the side, wisely avoiding his son’s powers, and Nya blocked him with her spear, pinning him down as she caught him off guard.
Zane’s arrow flew past, and Garmadon rolled out of the way, causing her to lose her grip on him as he shot to his feet again, sending her flying with a sharply delivered kick to the gut.
Nya staggered to her feet, panting, just as Pixal was flung past her. Hurrying over, she helped her friend to her feet, and the two fell into battle stances behind the rest of the crew, who were now watching Garmadon through slitted eyes.
“Try that again!” Cole dared. “Now that I’m ready!”
Garmadon glared at them, raising a fist. Suddenly, it burst into purple flames, and the ninja recoiled, gasping.
His powers are back? How? “That’s better,” Garmadon rasped, grinning. Then, with a running leap, he launched himself off the side of the ship.
There was silence for a moment, before Cole burst out, “Okay, what the heck was that?”
“Conflict fuels him!” Lloyd said, walking forward.
“He was powering up!” Zane agreed.
“He did that just to get his powers back?” Jay cried.
Cole grimaced, marching up to Lloyd. “I. Do. Not. Trust. Him!”
Nya felt her stomach flip. She was starting to regret giving Lloyd that pep talk, now. Sure, she believed in his ability to take care of himself, but… Garmadon had his powers back, now? Lloyd’s powers were nothing to be scoffed at, but… they paled in comparison to Garmadon's. Those powers were what had nearly gotten him killed the last time. What would happen if Garmadon needed to “power up” again? Would he turn on Lloyd? And this time, he wouldn’t have his team to help him.
Seeing the look in her youngest brother’s eyes, Nya suddenly felt the urge to hold him back, and she grabbed his shoulder tightly. “Lloyd. Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
Lloyd hesitated, gazing at his teammates, who looked back at him with fearful gazes. He bit his lip.
Please say no, please say no, please say-
Nya blinked. Well, that was easier than expected-
“But I don’t really have a choice,” he added, and before Nya could react, he was ripping away from her, running across the deck of the Bounty-
And jumping off the side of the ship.
“Lloyd!” Nya screamed, and Kai was suddenly pushing his way past her, running to the edge of the ship to peer over the side.
Lloyd was plummeting, down, down, down, until the green of his gi vanished and the Darkness swallowed him up. Kai swore, curling his fingers into the handrail.
The others had joined him, Nya leaning over so desperately that Cole had to pull her back. Unease crackled in the air as they blinked at each other.
“The camera feed!” Zane cried suddenly. “Come on!”
The nindroid hurried towards the monitors, the rest of them not far behind. Kai held his breath as Zane’s fingers flew across the keyboard, until a hazy purple image appeared. Dark, lurking outlines blurred past, as if in motion, until they suddenly slowed, Lloyd’s feet swinging into view.
“He opened his parachute,” Zane breathed.
Jay squinted at the screen, leaning forward. “I can’t see anything… except for that weird, purplish smoke.”
“Wait,” Cole pointed at the shadows, which came into better view as the fog began to thin slightly. “There’s some sort of building there.” He recoiled as something dark slithered across it. “What is that?”
“They look like…” Nya narrowed her eyes. “Tentacles, or something.”
“Eugh! Those are the things that tried to grab me, earlier!” Cole cried.
Kai bit down on his lip, only just stopping himself before he could draw blood. “Be careful, Lloyd.”
After a moment, the ground drifted into view, and Lloyd stumbled to a halt as his feet reached it, releasing his parachute.
As he looked around, the camera turned with his head, and Kai felt himself shudder at the creepy, desolate landscape that had once been their city. It was cruel, how much something could change in only a day.
Lloyd coughed, clearing his throat, and Kai’s attention was drawn back to him, frowning.
“Lloyd? Are you okay?”
There was no response, except for another, heaving cough, and Kai felt his heart drop, turning to Zane. “Can’t he hear us?”
Zane’s eyes flashed, hitting a few things on the control panel. “He should be able to, unless the reception has been blocked already, which frankly, I doubt-”
Lloyd’s hands flew to his mouth as he wheezed, a horrible, strangled sound. He gasped for air, and suddenly he was falling to his knees, the camera flickering.
Kai felt like he was having a heart attack.
“He’s suffocating!” he cried, reaching out and grabbing Nya’s arm, shaking her. “He can’t breathe, I told you this was a horrible idea, we have to get him out of there!”
Nya’s voice trembled. “Hurry, drop the anchor, he needs to get out now!”
“He can’t even stand, how is he going to climb the chain?”
“If he can't, I'll go down and get him.”
“You can’t do that, Kai, you’ll be dead within seconds!”
“What other choice do we-”
“Guys!” Zane cried, breaking over the clamor. “He’s okay now. His breathing has stabilized.”
Kai turned to the screen, seeing that Lloyd had pushed himself to his feet and was walking over to Garmadon. His breathing had stopped the horrible rasping, but it was still too heavy.
Nya slumped against him, rubbing her hands over her face. “This kid’s going to be the end of me.”
“Why is he going away from us?” Kai snapped. “Tell him to get back on the ship!”
Zane blinked at him. “The whole point of the mission is to get the Realm Crystal, is it not?”
“Not at the cost of his life!” “Of course not.” Zane reached forward, squeezing his arm gently. “But he is fine now. Trust me, I will be the first to inform you if his breathing becomes irregular again.”
Kai pulled his hands over his face, screaming into them. “Wake me up when this horrible nightmare is over!”
“There’s more to life than surviving!”
Lloyd’s scream made even Garmadon flinch back as the green ninja raced off, vanishing below deck. Kai watched him anxiously, and he felt Nya slip her arm out of his grasp.
“I’m okay, Kai. Go.”
Giving her hand one last squeeze, he ran after Lloyd, shooting Garmadon a fierce glare as he passed.
When he finally found Lloyd, he was in their bedroom, curled up on his bed, crying softly.
Kai sat down next to him, the mattress sagging slightly lower beneath his weight. After a moment of silence, he reached out a hand and began to rub Lloyd’s back gently.
“You were right,” he gasped suddenly. “I should never have left. The plan didn’t even work. It’s my fault, I should’ve been there, I could’ve- I could’ve-”
“Lloyd, you couldn’t have done anything,” Kai insisted, giving up with subtlety and pulling Lloyd against his side. “No one could’ve.”
Lloyd didn’t seem to hear him. “Why did I trust my father, you were right, I never should’ve done that, I was being stupid as always, I thought we could- I thought maybe things would go back, but- no, you tried to warn me, and I was horrible to you-”
“Lloyd, Lloyd stop, breathe,” Kai begged, grabbing his hands and desperately trying to pull them off of his head, where he was digging in his nails. “Stop, please, I don’t care about any of that, I forgave you ages ago.”
Lloyd took a shuddery breath, loosening his hands enough for Kai to move them, and letting his head rest in Kai’s lap. “Ages ago? We just had the argument earlier today.”
“Yeah, well, I’m quick at forgiving.”
Lloyd huffed softly. “No, you’re not.”
“For you I am. That’s what family’s for, right?”
Kai immediately regretted his choice of words as Lloyd flinched. “I mean, true family. The one you chose, not the one you’re related to by blood.”
“Yeah. I guess so.”
Kai let his breath out slowly, leaning back on the hand that wasn’t wrapped around Lloyd, and paused as it hit against something hard.
Looking back, he saw it was a photo frame. Sucking in his breath, he picked it up.
The glass was cracked, but the picture behind it was perfectly clear. In it, Sensei Garmadon was standing in front of the Monastery, an arm slung around Lloyd. Although their former sensei was standing stiff, as usual, a rare smile was playing on his lips. And Lloyd- Lloyd’s grin was all teeth, his eyes practically sparkling as he gazed at his father. He looked so happy it made Kai’s heart hurt.
“Did you…”
Lloyd looked up as Kai trailed off, pulling himself into more of a sitting position, and his gaze found the photo. His eyes darkened, but he took it from Kai’s hands, anyway. He stared at it for a moment, his face unreadable as he traced his fingers along the cracks, then, suddenly, he was throwing the frame across the room, where it shattered against the floor loudly. A sob caught in his throat, and he wiped at his eyes.
Kai wrapped his arms around him in a hug, noticing as Lloyd flinched, hard, when he squeezed his arm. He made a mental note to make him go to the medbay later, but for now, he didn’t push it.
“Hm?” “I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier.”
“Bud, there’s nothing to be sorry about. We both made mistakes. But it’s over now. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay.”
“No,” Kai breathed out, running a hand through his hair as tears stung in his eyes. “You’re right. It’s not.”
Lloyd whimpered, curling closer. “He’s gone, Kai. How can anything ever be okay again?”
“I don’t know, bud. Maybe it won’t be. But you know what? We keep going. Wherever life takes us, we keep on going, and we don’t give up.”
“It’s hard to keep going.”
“Then we just hold on. As tight as we can.”
Lloyd sobbed into the side of his gi, and Kai buried his face in Lloyd’s hair as tears slipped down his cheeks. Never again, was he going to take this for granted. He had already made that mistake with Cole.
And for that, Kai made sure to grip on a little tighter.
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word-scribbless · 3 years
Oh baby part 8
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Wooo this one has been in the works for a while! Sorry for the delay life has been very busy! @leroyjethrogibbsgirl and I are very excited for this chapter and the next (this one had to be cut off because it was getting super long so part 9 will pick up right where this one leaves off). We also have a little extra thing in the works we’re excited about!
We’re also very excited about a new character introduced in this chapter!
Side note this chapter and the next deal with some PTSD and anxiety so if that’s a trigger just be warned.
The 3 months after Jethro and the girls were reunited were not the easiest. Both Gibbs and his little girl were having nightmares and Y/N was trying her best to pretend she wasn’t having panic attacks every morning when Gibbs left.
While difficult, it was also a very snuggle and love filled 3 months. Their little family did anything the could together. They would snuggle every night before bed, spend days off together (like usual) but they didn’t take a single second for granted.
“Hey you” Y/N greeted.
“Morning” Gibbs smiled and kissed her while scooping Amelia up off the counter.
“Making breakfast together?” Y/N asked as she smiled at the stack of pancakes. “Pancakes on a weekday?” She questioned with a smile
“Yeah, we were up. Figured we’d spend our time making momma’s favorite.”
“Momma loves CAKES! Wiff chippies” Amelia shouted as she moved to hug her mom.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at her little girl and her husband, but something in her gut told her the reason they’d been up was because they were woken up by their nightmares.
“Rough night?” Y/N whispered to Gibbs when Amelia was distracted.
“Mhm, easier for both of us to just get up.” He said and Y/N frowned.
“Please wake me up next time? She can nap and I only have 1 class this semester, you are our super hero you need sleep!”
“I know” he smiled “just needed some time with her.”
Y/N understood, and wished she would wake up when Gibbs had nightmares, because he’d never wake her up. However her own daily panic attacks took so much out of her, she slept like a rock.
“Just wish you’d let me be there for you too.”
“Ya need your sleep”
“I need to know that you’re okay.”
He just nodded and kissed her head. Truly none of them were okay, but Y/N and Gibbs knew that together they’d get there eventually.
It was quickly approaching Amelia’s 2nd birthday and they were all using that to distract them. It probably wasn’t the best idea but both Gibbs and Y/N knew if they focused on their little girl then they’d be alright.
PTSD however, doesn’t care that it’s a few days from your daughters birthday. The Gibbs family found that out one night when Y/N came home from dropping Amelia off so she and Jethro could get party supplies for the weekend. Y/N walked into the house and noticed a side table flipped, and a vase broken. A few boxes were off the shelves and maganizes off the coffee table. Y/N automatically reached for her phone to call Gibbs and panic set in when his phone rang on the couch.
She stalked slowly to the basement where she head sobs. She ran down the stairs to find her husband curled up on the floor crying with two crumpled up papers in his hand.
“Baby, hey” she cooed and kneeled next to him. She winced when he shrunk away and pulled his hand away from hers.
“Jethro, hey” she tried again. “It’s just me can- can I help?”
She heard him sniffle but he didn’t move.
“Okay I- I’m just going to sit right here. if and when you’re ready I’ll be here. If you want me to go just tap my hand once.” She said, trying to keep her voice even. She wasn’t new to panic attacks at all of course.
She knew that with Gibbs and his PTSD from everything in his life, this was most likely an episode. He usually hid them from her, much like she did with her panic. After this, she knew that they would have to try harder to talk about it.
She waited for him to tap her hand to ask her to leave, she knew how much being alone helps him process. Much to her surprise, when she did feel him touch her hand it wasn’t a tap, it was him sliding his fingers through hers.
“Can I hold you?” She whispered after a few minutes of holding his hand.
He nodded slightly and she wasted no pulling him into her chest.
“I-I-I” he stammered.
“Shhhh” she assured as she stroked his hair. “We can talk in a minute baby, just breath. Can I see what you have?” She asked pointing to the crumpled papers. He nodded and tried to smooth them out a bit before holding them out to her.
She gasped as she saw what they were. It was a stack of letters, half from her that she had written from the safe house a few months ago and half from Shannon, that she had written from protective custody before they were killed.
Tears came to her eyes as she realized just how much it hurt him when they had to go away.
“Aw baby” she said as she kissed his head.
“We’re here, we’re safe. I’m so sorry you had to go through this again.”
“I- I found the letters and thought about how I lost them and I almost lost you and Amelia and I- I can’t lose you.” He cried into her chest. “I just- god it hurt all over again reading these”
“I know, I know” she said, tears falling slowly.
“Has this been happening a lot?” She asked him after about 20 minutes of just holding him.
“Not this bad” he admitted.
“I um- my panic has been bad too. I have been thinking about seeing some one, think maybe you should too.”
“Y/N-“ he started to argue.
“I’m not asking you to spill your guts, just try it?”
He nodded and took a deep breath “I’ll think about it.” He said and she knew that was the most she’d get for now.
Later that night as they were wrapping Amelia’s presents Gibbs finally remembered what she had said about her own panic.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were panicking again?” He asked, wrapping his arms around her from behind.
She leaned back into him and sighed. “I just was hoping it’d go away”
He nodded, getting that more then she knew.
“You gonna get help?” He murmured.
“I actually made an appointment yesterday, thinking about going back on meds.” She had been on them back when Ryan had first died but slowly cut back.
He nodded.
“Had one when I was with meals the other day... I- I- have to be okay for her.” She said and snuggled further into his grip.
He nodded and marveled at how strong and fearless his wife was. She would do anything for their little girl and he wouldn’t even go talk to someone after breaking down. He couldn’t, he just had to keep going. He thought if he was ‘strong’ enough he’d be able to fix them all, even though he knew Y/N would tell him being ‘strong’ didn’t mean you didn’t need help. He just never knew how to ask for it.
The next day Gibbs went in to work for a few hours, Andi and Josh still had Amelia until her party that night. Y/N had her therapy appointment and had to pick up her new medicine. She had one more stop to make.
She had set up the the perfect gift for not just amelia but her whole family.
She pulled into the drive way a few hours later and smiled to see Gibbs truck already there. He had made Amelia her first “Big Girl Bed” complete with railings on the side that they could remove to sit and read to her or when she didn’t need them anymore, and was planning to put it together in her room that afternoon. She smiled at the new member of their family in the back seat.
“Alright bud, hope dad isn’t too mad at me for this” she said and smiled as her new “son” barked from the back seat.
Y/N knew Gibbs loved dogs and that even if he wouldn’t admit he needed help to any other humans, maybe he’d let a dog help him.
She had contacted a program that trains dogs for people with panic disorder and PTSD. She also knew that a puppy would work wonders for their little girl who still woke up From nightmares every few nights. As soon as she saw this particular pup she knew he was theirs.
She walked into the house with the dog following close behind her.
“Jethro” she yelled and she heard “up here” from Amelia’s room.
“Can you come down real quick?”
“In a minute”
He said and she smiled and patted the dogs head as she heard her husband’s foot steps.
“Uh Y/N” he said when he spotted she wasn’t alone.
“Why do you have a dog”
“Meet Sniper, your new puppy son.” Y/N said as she nodded to sniper to go and see the man.
Gibbs smirked and leaned down to pet the dog who had moved to greet his new owner.
“Hi handsome” he said taking the dog’s head in his hands and scratching his cheeks.
“You got her a dog?” He questioned looking up.
“Got us a dog.”
Gibbs smiled and shook his head.
“You’re crazy” he laughed and kissed the dog’s head.
“So you like him”
“He’s our son now...of course I like him” he laughed and she smiled wide, sitting down next to him.
“Sniper huh?” He asked with a grin.
“Thought you’d like that” y/N smiled and he kissed her head.
“He’s trained for families who have members battling panic and ptsd”
“You did this for me?” He asked and she can tell he is a little apprehensive.
“You’re not the only one I did this for Jethro. He is trained for kids who have been through trauma as well.”
“You here to help us buddy?” He asked and smiled when the dog barked happily.
“Just like how we help each other.” Y/N said.
He smiled and kissed her, “you’re crazy, and incredible.” He laughed and hugged her to him.
“Meals is gonna love you” he said to sniper. “Hope you like hugs.” He continued and laughed as Sniper almost leaned his body weight into him, waiting for a hug.
Yeah, she made the right choice, she thought as she watched her husband with sniper.
It was almost time for Andi to bring Amelia home. They had decorated the whole house, Gibbs had finished her “big girl bed” they had put a big bow on it and Sniper was laying on his own bed next to hers with a big bow on his head.
Y/N opened the door while Gibbs stayed upstairs to keep sniper in his spot.
“Hi baby! Happy party day darling!”
“Hi momma!!!! Where poppa!”
“Well, you get most of your presents from momma and poppa on your actual birthday tomorrow, but you get two surprises from us today! They are in your room with poppa, should we go see?”
“Yeahhhhh” she squealed
“Poppa I home!” She yelled and swung the door open stopping in her tracks.
“Hi baby! Happy almost birthday!”
“Rrruff” sniper barked happily and wagged his tail.
“Amelia wanna come meet sniper?”
She nodded and walked over to her dad and the dog.
“He our doggie?”
“He is baby” Gibbs laughed and she pet him.
“I has a puppy brover?”
“Yup you have a puppy brother and poppa made you something too.”
“A BIG GIRL BED!” She yelled jumping up on it.
“Puppy come on my big girl bed?”
“Sure sweets, sniper can go up.” Y/N said looked at the dog “go ahead” she said and the dog jumped up and started licking Amelia’s face.
Gibbs laughed at how the little girl said sniper and smiled as he watched Y/N join the love fest.
“Come on gunny” Y/N said as she motioned Gibbs to join them. He shook his head and plopped down on the bed sandwiching sniper and Amelia between him and Y/N. Feeling all the more lucky for the ladies and now gentleman in his life.
Next chapter
@mac99martin @kittenlittle24 @drakelover78 @hopscotchandlemon @viper-official @viper-official @ilovemark1951 @theofficialzivadavid @averyhotchner @andreasworlsboring101 @diesinspanishbcimhispanic
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The Other Side of Hollywood
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Word Count: 4.7K+
Author’s Note: So, this was going to be covering all of episode eight, but I got a bit carried away, and like, wrote too much? So, felt right to split it, the rest of episode eight will be in the next chapter (get the tissues ready). For now, enjoy some jatp au I made up! 
Warning: brief discussion of death.
Part One is here, Two is here, Three is here and Four is here. The masterlist is here, and the moodboard I made for Y/N is aquí. 
Y/N wasn’t the type to dream, but the more she tried to forget about music, the more she dreamed about… And the people linked to it. Her nights were restless as memories of the past few weeks stirred with flashes of things she couldn’t remember happening to her, often making her periods of sleep restless. It didn’t help that the flickering was getting worse, or that the one person she wanted to spend time with no doubt hated her.
Willie had been good enough to tell her what he had done: admitting to explaining everything to Alex, Reggie, and Luke. He didn’t plan on holding it back, walking straight into her room that night, a week ago, and letting it all tumble out before she could stop him. She just sat, glassy eyed as she listened, her focus somewhere else as she held herself.
“Y/N… Y/N say something…” Willie had asked, taking his hands in hers. Her eyes looked up into his, her forehead resting against his.
“You’re my family, Will… We stick together… I won’t tell Caleb.” She said simply, glancing around them at the mention of their boss.
“He came back, didn’t he? Yelled again?” Willie asked with a sigh.
“I’m fine.”
When Willie found Y/N at the bar the next morning, it was clear she had forgone sleep the night before. She was sluggish in her movements, but not without some sort of spirit in her, humming softly to herself as she straightened glasses on shelves. He sat down across from her on a bar stool, his elbows resting on the polished counter as he reached out a hand to catch her attention.
“Talk to me, Y/N. Please. You don’t look good.” Willie begged, not liking the sight of his closest friend in such pain. She had been getting worse as the week went on, almost like she was losing colour.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Willie… Have you seen Alex?” She asked, and Willie shook his head. He had been keeping his distance from the guys for his own safety, though it hurt not seeing Alex.
“I was planning to look for him today. Just now, actually.” He explained, and Y/N nodded.
“Then do that… I have somewhere to be.” She muttered, stopping when she caught her reflection, and sighing. She ran a hand through her hair, tidying herself up a little, and with a click of her fingers, she changed into better looking clothes. The perks of being a ghost…
“Y/N.” Willie said again, but when his friend started for the exit, he jumped from his seat and blocked her way. “You’re not well. You need to be resting, or something… Not disappearing every day and making Caleb more suspicious of you.” He whispered, holding her by the shoulders. “The plan doesn’t involve you dying, you know…”
“You help them… They cross over and all this nonsense stops…” She said softly, feeling a tear stain her cheek, that Willie quickly wiped away. “… Why do I feel like this?” she asked, catching Willie a little off-guard.
“Feel like what?” He asked, sitting her down at the nearest table. Y/N didn’t really talk about herself, how she felt… In the over a decade they had been friends, it wasn’t something that ever really came up.
“I feel…” She stopped, trying to describe it. “It’s like, heavy, everywhere’s heavy… And my stomach’s all knotted and there’s this fog in my head whenever I think about them…” She said in a hushed tone, rubbing the sides of her temple with her fingers, the black nail polish she had painted on them for that damned party last week now chipped.
“I… I think that’s guilt.” Willie said slowly, and Y/N opened her eyes.
“Guilt? You say it like I’m some sort of robot, Willie.”
“Well, before you met Luke… You sort of were.” He admitted, prompting a soft ‘oh’ to escape her lips. “I mean… You…” Willie tried to back track, but he couldn’t: Y/N needed to hear this. “No… Before a month ago, you were soulless. And considering that’s all you’ve got left…” He sighed, and Y/N just nodded in agreement.
“I just… I never felt like I was doing anything wrong before…” She confessed, her voice barely a whisper, and Willie nodded.
“Yeah… For a while, neither did I.” He agreed. This wasn’t their first time playing tempter and temptress for the club. It wasn’t the first time they had done bad things because they were told to, because they wanted to.
A jolt hit Y/N in the chest, causing her to groan and grip the side of her chair, Willie’s hands reaching out to help, but she shook her head.
“I’m fine. I’m fine.”
“So you keep saying, Y/N. And yet, here we are.” Willie reminded, receiving a harsh glare and weak punch in the arm. “I love you; I’ll see you later, alright?” He promised, and Y/N nodded gently, waving him off.
He glanced back once more, double-checking, but the seat was empty, Y/N already gone. It caused him to frown, but with Alex in his head Willie vanished from the club floor, landing in… A concert venue. Alex was sat on the couch beside him, twirling a drumstick between his fingers, eyes trained on the stage. He seemed to be lost in a memory, smiling softly to himself as his eyes lost focus. Willie flashed over, taking his place by Alex’s side with a sigh.
“Is this seat taken?” He asked, Alex looking over with a forlorn expression. He didn’t say anything in response, instead letting out a heavy breath and letting his legs swing for a moment, his eyes wandering over the room. Willie felt his hands clenching at the sight of Alex so sad, though he couldn’t do much about it.
“This whole thing sucks…” Alex softly said a few seconds later, the pair sharing a look Willie couldn’t hold.
“Yeah, I messed up.” He had been reminding himself of it over the past week quite often, usually in the company of Y/N. They would talk around it a lot, one time she had even offered some suggestions to getting their deal changed with Caleb.
“No, it’s like you said… You didn’t have a choice.” Alex reminded, both looking down at the stamps on their arms. “Caleb owns your soul, Willie…”
“No, still, I know what he’s capable of. I brought you guys right to him.” Willie’s eyes finally looked up at Alex. “When you guys asked me, I should’ve just skated away.” He said definitively, and Alex quirked a smile.
“I would have still followed you.” He responded, leaning closer to Willie for a moment before swaying back. “He would have found us one way or another… You’re not the bad guy, Willie…”
“Just friends with the people who are…” He sighed. “How… How are they doing, your friends?” He asked, and Alex rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh.
“Reggie is Reggie… Luke is… Angry? I think we all are but he… He’s spent the past week trying and failing at plans to help us cross over. I think he’s distracting himself.” He admitted to Willie, who nodded in understanding, no doubt in Alex’s mind that maybe Y/N had been distracting herself too. The bandmates all knew that this place, this was their end goal, but after Luke had made the connection last week he had been trying to find other ‘unfinished business’ options: something more attainable.
“Man…” Willie sighed, turning his body to face Alex better. “I would do anything to take back what I did to you.” It was a promise, even though the damage had been done, and Alex could tell he meant it. Another jolt coursed through Alex, his second that day, and Willie moved back in mild shock, watching the drummer hold his side. “I’m so sorry…” Willie muttered again. “I mean, did you guys figure out what your unfinished business is?” He asked, hoping for some good news, but was met with a tired scoff from Alex.
“It’s not like it’s going to happen…” He informed the skater, his eyes travelling around the venue once more, “We have to play here.” Alex finally revealed, and Willie looked around the room with Alex, not quite sure he had heard the boy correctly.
“The… The Orpheum?” He asked, deadpan, not quite sure if he was being serious: it was one of the biggest spots in Hollywood, alumni of the place were music royalty…
“Yeah, I mean, we were two hours away on that stage the night we died.” Alex pointed as he spoke, his hand dropping down as Willie uttered the following words.
“You guys were gonna be legends…”
“Yeah… We were…”
Willie’s concern for Y/N’s wellbeing was warranted: the jolts had been getting worse and more frequent, happening at least four time a day now; and she hadn’t spoken much about how she was feeling to him. Y/N knew Luke was angry, she was upset because of it, but tried her best not to show it. Last thing anyone needed was her teary-eyed and weak.
However, without the emotional outlet, Y/N had to find something else to do, find a distraction: find a new friend.
So, for the last week, Y/N had found herself at Los Feliz High School, quite literally shadowing Julie through the day. The first time, it had actually been a surprise to them both: Y/N had found herself wandering LA on Monday morning when she found herself at the steps to Los Feliz high: her own alma mater.
She walked around by herself for an hour or so, taking in how the school had changed in 25 years: there was certainly more than a coat of paint added, in fact the whole building had been renovated. Walls that were once dull greys and greens had become white, with splashes of red and blue scattered around. The ceilings had been opened up with skylights, making the whole space feel bigger; the cafeteria building was an entire new piece of infrastructure.
It was bizarre, to walk the halls and see smiling faces as if high school wasn’t the worst time of someone’s life… At least, for her it was.
Julie walked through her, actually, during lunch, as she and Flynn had headed for the music rooms to sneak in some practice. She had apologised to thin air, prompting Flynn to give her a funny look, and Y/N to laugh in response. After a brief explanation in the solitude of the band room, Julie insisted that she show Y/N around.
And that was how it had been, every day since. Y/N showed up to school around the same time every day, and followed Julie around her classes, allowed a look into a world she could barely remember being a part of. Y/N found Julie that day in maths class, appearing with a flash of light sat atop of Julie’s neighbouring classmate’s desk, sending the poor kid’s papers to the floor.
“Sorry I’m late, Willie held me up…” Y/N explained, receiving a smile in response. She knew Julie couldn’t talk back to her; she didn’t mind: more glad to be seen than anything. A glance around the room, students with their heads down scribbling furiously as their teacher paced at the board, make it pretty clear to Y/N that there was a test ongoing. “Oh… Sorry, I forgot about this.” She scolded herself for forgetting, Julie had mentioned it the day before, but with Luke and everything else on her mind, it had slipped through the cracks. “Did you study for this?” She asked Julie quickly, earning a quick shake of the head from the girl, who sighed and rubbed her temple in frustration.
Julie’s dad had told her that her grades needed to stay up if she wanted to keep singing with the guys, and Julie had been trying hard to balance it all: but it was math, and her teacher was horrid, it was only a matter of time before she showed up at home with a D in the subject.
“How about, I make up for intruding?” Y/N offered, and Julie glanced up with a raised eyebrow, curious. “Look, it’s a temporary fix, sure, but… You have an invisible friend, four in fact, you might as well use them.” Julie watched with wide eyes as the ghost girl walked to the front of her class, right through her teacher, and sat down at his desk, right where the answer sheet sat. “Oh wow, they really need to update their algebra exams… I’m pretty sure I did this exact paper in 94…” Y/N commented, and Julie had to stifle a giggle. “Wait… Is that Mr Norbert?!” Y/N exclaimed, looking back at the teacher. “He got fat… And bald… You know, he made this test to bump down kids’ GPAs…” She muttered, and Julie found herself clearing her throat. She wasn’t one to cheat at anything, but the test was impossible, and after Y/N clarified that it had been impossible since the 90s, the help would be more than appreciated. “Right, right… Make sure to mark some wrong, go for a… B+ average.” Y/N reminded, scooting the chair forward a little to start reading the answers, causing more than a few heads to look up at the noise. “Ok, number one is A. Number two is C. Number three is…”
Over the past week, Julie and Y/N had found themselves in a budding friendship.
It was unconventional, of course, but Y/N was sort of like the big sister Julie never had: Y/N 6 months on her alive and 25 years dead, so she was quite full of useful tid-bits, especially when she was looking for insights into ghost life, or insights into guys. And for Y/N, with Julie’s bandmates certainly hating her, and thanks to no-one wanting to give the girl bad news, she had the chance to make some proper girlfriends, both of Julie and Flynn, and still be connected to the guys, to Luke, even if it was second-hand.
The school day was coming to a close, and after Y/N’s help with her math test, Julie not only felt closer to the mysterious girl who had entered her life only a few weeks ago, but curious to know more: sure, the boys were dopey and a little reckless sometimes, but by the way Y/N talked, the way she dressed, it seemed to Julie that her newest ghostly companion was accustomed to bending the rules a little more than often.
“Hey.” Julie held her phone as she stood by her locker, sorting her books and essentials before the walk home, Y/N leaning on the lockers beside her, her fingers subconsciously moving through the air, like she was playing something no one but her could hear and see. “Y/N.” She said again, the girl knocked from her trance, looking over with a smile and a bounce in her body.
“Julie?” She responded, only for her face to change at the something behind her friend. “Julie.” She said again, gesturing for the girl to turn around. Julie spun on the stop, coming face to face with none other than Nick. She quickly dropped the phone from her ear, pretending to end the call and smiling sweetly at her crush. “You know, he looks better in daylight, and you really can’t say that about many people.”
“Mind if I get an autograph?” Nick asked with a smirk and a toss of his hair, earning an ‘awe’ from behind Julie’s ear.
“I’ll have to check with security.” Julie played along, glancing around, and doing her very best to not focus on the 90s grunge rocker girl ghost dancing around behind her in excitement: perhaps she was more like the guys than Julie thought. “Oh look, I don’t have any.”
“You say that, but after that performance last week, it’s pretty clear… You guys are gonna blow up.” He responded with a genuine smile, and Julie felt her heart flutter a little before reminding herself to not get big headed.
“It was just a garage party. Don’t go all crazy on me.” She dismissed his comment with a wave, but the smile was still there.
“He’s right, you know.” Y/N spoke from behind before circling the kid, pinching his denim jacket, and stopping for a moment. “You know, he looks like he’s in a modern Oasis tribute band. I like it.”
“Yeah, about that…” Nick pulled at the ends of his sleeves, and Julie couldn’t stop the blush rising to her cheeks. He had kissed her that night, and the pair hadn’t really had a chance to talk since. “Since we make such a good team, dance partners and all that, I was wondering if… If…” He laughed nervously, and Julie leaned forward a little. “Do you wanna maybe-”
“Yes.” Julie replied before he even finished the question, and Nick looked surprised.
“You-you do?” He asked. “You wanna go on a date?” He clarified, and Julie nodded, making sure her eyes didn’t drift to the celebrations Y/N was performing in the background. “Great! Uh, I’ll text you! We can schedule around the band practices, of course… Do you like Italian food?” Nick rambled a little, and Julie let out a sweet laugh.
“I do. But yeah, definitely send me a text.” She grinned from ear to ear as Nick walked off, a skip in the boy’s step.
“Uh, finally! I’ve been waiting a week for that kid to ask you out.” Y/N sighed in relief, watching the kid walk out towards the parking lot. It felt nice, for a moment, to not be focused on death and gloom and work, it felt nice to be a kid again. For a while, Y/N had forgotten what it felt like. “He’s been waiting to ask you for a while…” She said softly, and Julie tried to hide her blushing. Unfortunately for her, not only Y/N had noticed it.
“Well, that wasn’t just a what’s up…” Flynn saddled on over with an expectant smile on her face and the fashion sense of kings.
“Oh, that skirt…” Y/N stood by Flynn’s side, comparing the colour to her own skin tone as Julie watched on, amused.
“What? What’s happening?” Flynn asked, stiffening up. “Or are you just pretending one of them is here to avoid telling me what nick asked you?” She asked, still not moving, and Julie shook her head as she laughed.
“He asked me out, first off, and I said yes… And second, Y/N likes your skirt, so if it goes missing at some point.” Julie mumbled the last part, earning a ‘hey!’ from the ghost. “Come round after dinner?” Julie asked Flynn, who nodded, the pair embracing and parting ways, the former with a ghost tagged to her side.
“I’ll walk you to the door.” Y/N shrugged, sauntering beside the girl with a smile, reminding Julie of what she planned to ask before Nick had appeared.
“Do you want to come over?” She asked, earning an odd look from someone before quickly smiling and tapping her ear, pretending to be on wireless earphones. She quickly puled her phone back out and held it to her ear. “I mean, I’m sure the guys would want to see you…”
“Actually…” Y/N said softly, and Julie stopped to examine the look on her friend’s face. “It’s… Luke and I had an argument, the more I avoid the guys, the better.” She lied, but she had a knack for being convincing.
“Well, then I get you all to myself.” Julie said decidedly, and Y/N smiled weakly at her, that feeling for the morning returning: she felt guilty again, and she was half-convinced she’d have to ghost vomit, whatever that looked like.
Their walk home was refreshing, the first time Y/N had walked somewhere in a while, and comfortably quiet. Neither felt the need to talk much, Julie humming every once and a while to herself, both just enjoying the quality time.
They came round the garage to get to the house, Y/N’s eyes lingering for a moment on the doors before following Julie inside, only to get through the door and be walked straight through by Julie’s dad, who ran passed with Julie’s little brother Carlos on his heels, the second carrying two baguettes as he went.
“Dad?” Julie called after them, mouthing a quick ‘sorry’ to Y/N before following them into the kitchen, leaving the ghost alone in the entryway. Julie rounded the corner and raised an eyebrow at her dad and brother’s antics. “French dip?”
“Carlos found an old recipe; we think it belongs to the ghost haunting us.” Ry told his daughter with a wink, and Julie nodded quickly.
“Well, enjoy. If you need me I’ll be upstairs.” She informed with a wave of her hand, heading back for the entryway only to find Y/N stood at her dining room table, staring rather intensely into a box sat on the wood. “You… You all good Y/N?” She asked, the noise coming from the kitchen allowing her to speak freely.
Y/N’s head tilted, and her hand reached out to the CD sat amongst the box’s contents. There was something about it that seemed familiar, though she couldn’t place it, and as her fingers travelled through the object, she heard her name called.
“What?” Her head snapped up, and she smiled at Julie. “Sorry, sorry… In my own little world today. Meet you upstairs?” She suggested, disappearing before Julie could say otherwise. With a roll of the eyes, Julie climbed her stairs and entered her room, closing the door behind her and finding Y/N laid out on her bed.
“If Flynn and the guys weren’t enough, I need to worry about you stealing my bed too?” Julie asked with a laugh, Y/N propping herself up on her elbows.
“It’s a really comfy bed… Sort of your fault.” She shrugged, sitting herself up and crossing her legs as she sat at the foot of the bed. “You know, you’ve got a very… You, room.” She complimented, and Julie grinned.
“I’m a fan of butterflies.” She gestured around her, Y/N nodding as her eyes wandered: there had to be dozens of the creatures depicted in the room. It filled her with an overwhelming sense of déjà vu, something Y/N had felt a lot more often than she thought normal the past few weeks: but it was different…
Half of the time, there was nothing there to remember.
“You know, I had another friend who liked butterflies too… Rosalee.” Y/N said softly, the words unexpected. Julie sat on the bed across from her, grabbing a pillow and holding it to her chest, preparing for a story. Y/N had developed a habit of telling Julie tales about her best moments at the club, her best moments as a ghost, the reaction was reasonable. But Y/N was confused by the words, not quite sure what corner of her mind they had come from, though her lips kept moving. “Well, I called her Rosalee… Everyone else called her Rose. Her parents, our friends… But I had gotten her name wrong the first time I met her, and I couldn’t let it go… She looked like a Rosalee.” Y/N recalled, running a hand over her heart. “She was… So kind, and so funny. And she had this love of butterflies. They were everywhere: her jewellery, her clothes, her car.” Y/N let out a laugh at the thought of her.
“She told me about why she liked them so much once, something about her abuela telling her a story about them, that butterflies were this symbol of rebirth, resurrection, change.” And like that, Y/N came back from whatever place she had travelled to, glancing down at her hands: they had been moving while she spoke. “It’s funny, she was so stubborn… Maybe the butterflies were to remind her that change happens even when you don’t want it.”
“Were you friends with her when you…” Julie asked, speaking up for the first time in a while, but quickly trailing off, not wanting to be so blunt. The message was clear though, and Y/N answered her question with a nod.
“You know, I’d forgotten about her… You spend 25 years building a new life and you forget the old one.” Y/N said softly, sniffing as she thought, another image to her. “She wasn’t perfect, but she was pretty close… And my mom loved her.”
“Moms have that ability, don’t they? When my mom met Flynn, they hit it off right away.” Julie offered, lying back on the bed, Y/N following suit, so they were both staring at the ceiling. “It’s like some sort of sixth sense, picking out the good friends from the bad.”
“Tell me about her… Your, your mom.” Y/N asked, catching Julie smiling from the corner of her eye.
“She was my world...” Julie whispered, hugging the pillow tighter. “She always had energy, and she sang like… And had this heart that just loved everything and everyone it could.” Y/N closed her eyes and imagined Julie’s mom in her head, trying to picture her, though the image wasn’t clear. “She could write music too… We spent so much time together in the studio. She taught me piano, how to sing… She was the best. Sometimes I swear she’s still around. There are mornings… Mornings when I go downstairs and I can still hear her laughing with dad and Carlos, or late at night, I can hear her watching telenovelas in secret.” Julie blinked away the tears, turning to her side to look at Y/N. “What about your mom?”
“Ah… I wish my story were as nice as yours.” Y/N sighed. “I don’t really remember her anymore, and what I can is… Not very nice. I don’t think she was a bad person; I just think that once I had grown up a little too much, she started hating me… Everything I did was wrong, you know? And then they kicked me out, and I died… I don’t think she would have said that if she knew what was going to happen but…” Y/N shrugged. “I can’t really change it now… Both gotta deal with it.”
“Did you ever visit, after you died? That’s what Luke does.” Julie asked, and Y/N shook her head.
“Looked for them in the yellow pages once, but I think they moved out of LA after I died…” Y/N said, pausing for a moment as she processed the last of what Julie had said. “What do you mean that’s what Luke does.”
“Well, you both left on bad terms with your parents… He doesn’t think we know, but he goes to see them a lot…” Julie said softly, sighing. “He went on his birthday, Alex and Reggie took me along… He was just…”
“Luke’s birthday?” Y/N sat up, Julie giving her more and more to process.
“The day we played the bar downtown, yeah… Did he not tell you?” Julie furrowed her brow, and Y/N shook her head.
“Never came up…” She sighed, getting up and walking towards the window. How could she not have known about his birthday, about his parents? Of course, he didn’t know her, not really. “The song I like… Unsaid Emily?”
“About his mom, yeah.” Julie confirmed the thought for Y/N, who just nodded, moving away from the window after spotting movement, worried it might have been one of the boys. Julie watched her, racking her brain, and stopping on a thought. “I have an idea.” She announced, and Y/N looked at her from across the room. “Well, you’ve been helping me out all week, why don’t I help you back? Luke wrote out the song, I have a copy of it. What if I take it to his parents? Ask Luke to come with me, and when he asks, I tell him it was because of you. You two can patch things up, back to happy Luke again.” Julie proposed, and Y/N let out a sad laugh.
“I appreciate the gesture… I don’t think it’ll do much for me, but you should go anyway…” Y/N encouraged, watching Julie pick herself up off the bed to get ready. “Emily deserves to hear her song.”
Part Six is here...
Tags: @im-a-writer-right​ @elioelioeli0​ @jenjen889​ @walkingonshunshine​ @parkeret​ @lolychu​ @leahstypewriter​ @j-mar-memester​ @sunsetcurve-h​ @musicconversedance​ @gracefulpenguin​ @shae-is-not-ok​ @talksoprettyjjx​ @smol-book-nerd​ @lord-of-the-fried​ @siennanoelle01​ @deadpoolgirl23​ @theatricalfangirl​ @deepsleepnat @hhyunj1n​ @lovesanimals @oswin05 @ifilwtmfc @crappy-unicorn @eries45 @noncannonships​
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himbo-kuto · 4 years
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i saw this screencap from the manga and knew IMMEDIATELY that i would have to write a lil headcanon of aone and his turtle. he is literally the most precious person who deserves the whole entire world.
i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it!
genre: fluff, wholesomeness, a whole baked bean, college!au pairing: aone x gn!reader word count: 2k warning: language
okay so you ended up being roommates with aone, futakuchi, and mai when you ended up transferring colleges last minute and needed housing
you saw that they had an empty spot and with time not being on your side, you decided to take the opportunity!! apt 205 squad!!
at first you kind of felt left out since they all knew each other from date tech but you soon warmed up to futakuchi since you had a few classes with him and mai because well-- you guys shared a room
HOWEVER!! one person you couldn’t seem to get close to was a man by the name of takanobu aone-- lemme tell u sumn about this Baked Bean
whenever you tried to interact with him, all he would do is 👁 👄 👁  or just Grunt in response
you were a bit discouraged because you thought he didn’t like you so you shied away from talking to him again :(
but futakuchi was quick to ensure you that was just his way of communicating and that he was actually really engaged in the conversation 
“oh yeah, he’s a great listener-- i talk to him for hours and he just sits and listens”
“ok futakuchi-san, but have you considered that you talk Too much for your own good?”
he gave you the finger for that one
but omg the first time aone Spoke to you????? rocked ur mf world-- what the Heck!!
you were in the mood to bake some cookies and were looking for the big mixing bowls but you just remembered that futakuchi used it to try and make a baking soda volcano 
why??? who knows but all you do know is that he put it ALL the way on the top shelf-- and for what????
but u know-- bein dumb as dirt u tried to use a swivel chair to try and reach for them
and of course it was all the way in the back like wtf curse these tall men-- 
and so you got on your tippy toes and right as you were about to reach it, Of Course the chair decided to turn 
and u were 🤏🏼 this close to eating shit but thanks to the one-- the only-- tol angel baby aone, he stopped the chair dead in its tracks just in time for you to regain your balance
“are you okay?”
you were so shook (one from almost breaking your face and two-- AONE JUST SPOKE AND SAVED YOU!!!) 
at first you just stood there blinking down at him with the bowls in your arms like hinata season 4, episode 15 - 15:37
he held up his arms to you and you blushed so hard because was he really about to carry you down????
but before your mind had anytime to roam, he pointed to the bowls and you realized with your real eyes that you were not the one to whom he was referring to 
it wasn’t long until you got over your initial iron wall with aone (…. 😏)  and he actually ended up being someone you hung out with on a regular basis
mai was always out studying for her practicals in the library while futakuchi… well.. who even knows what the heck that man is up to..
but ANYWAYS!! you guys would hang out mostly in the living room to watch TV, do homework and eat meals-- he always helped you with your math homework and you helped him with his architecture models!! 
you didn’t really know what he liked to watch but he didn’t seem to oppose whatever you had on-- however, you Did notice that whenever you put on volleyball he stared very intensely at the TV only stopping when commercials came on
aone Always ate your home cooked meals without fail
literally such a sweet and appreciative boy as opposed to futakuchi who would complain but one time aone gave him That Look™️ and he shut right the fuck up
that day forward futakuchi ate all your meals like a good boy
aone has also become very protective of you-- in high school, he may have locked onto the aces of the other teams, but in college he locked onto his close friends to make sure they were safe
one time you guys got onto a cramped bus to go grocery shopping and all it took was this creepo man to just Look at you the wrong way for aone to stand right in front of you and shoot this man a death glare that said “if you even think about touching her i’ll put you into the ground” 
but know this ladies, gents and my non-binary friends, we MOST DEFINITELY sit next to aone on the bus and engage in the best of conversations because tHATS WHAT THIS MAN DESERVES!!!!!!!!! 
not to mention all the times he has saved you due to your clumsiness and overall single brain cell fueled activities 
one fateful day you were sitting in the living room as you saw aone come home with a whole bag of groceries
he didn’t put them into the communal fridge so you were a bit confused as to why he took them straight into his room
you weren’t one to just bust in there to try and find out so later when you guys were eating dinner you asked him what he bought at the store
he listed off a bunch of produce and then said that they were for his turtle!!!!
you were all !!?!?!??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 TURTLE?????? WHERE??? HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN HERE??? CAN I SEE THEM?
he goes on to tell you that he’s had the turtle ever since they all moved in!! but it never came up in conversation so you never knew until now
him and futakuchi rescued the turtle but when they tried to let them go, they didn’t go anywhere so they kept them!! 
so after dinner you both quickly washed the dishes, and he brought you into their room to show you his turtle
you were honestly a bit nervous going into their room-- like what were you to expect??? was it going to be messy?? stinky?? clean??? were there any secrets????
but to your surprise it was fairly clean and simple-- even futakuchi’s side (which you assumed was aone’s doing)
you looked around his room to find all these old pictures of date tech on the wall, many of them with futakuchi and mai
there was even a photo of all the third years clinging to aone like koalas on a tree and though his expression was faint, you could tell that he was happy
it warmed your heart to see that he got along with his teammates and held these memories close to him-- they accepted him for who he was and that was more than enough for you
he also had plethora of architecture books on his shelves which made you wonder why he picked that major in the first place
but you shrugged it off as you looked over to his desk
there was a table next to it with an enclosure and a cute little turtle sunbathing underneath a lamp inside
you scurried over to the tank, getting down on your knees to get eye level with the animal while you slowly brought your face to the glass  
the turtle was half curled into its shell, looking up at you as he gave you a slow blink
you could’ve sworn you felt your heart explode and melt all at once in that Exact moment
you looked up at aone with 🥺 eyes before looking back to reptile to see them poking their head out to fully greet you 
you squealed internally as you wiggled your finger as your salutations
“do they have a name?” 🥺 
“ichigo-desu...” (strawberry)
you thought your heart exploded before?????????????
oh bitch you felt like you were about to go into full blown cARDIAC ARREST MY G O D!!!!!!
“did futakuchi name them?”
“no i did…”
you literally hunched over, and leaned onto the desk for support as your heart was filled with his soft boy energy because there was no wAY!!! DID AONE JUST NAME THIS TURTLE ICHHHIGOOOO BITCHHH AHHH
but lowkey aone was also being filled with your soft energy and got all blushy-- but thank god you were too occupied by his turtle to notice
“do you want to feed him a strawberry? it’s his dinner time too”
you could not have said yes faster to this man 
he went into his personal fridge and there you saw all the groceries he had earlier that day!! he pulled out a single strawberry before handing it over to you
he walked over to the tank and cautiously pulled out ichigo before placing them on the ground
HOWEVERRRRRR!! what came next you didn’t expect at all
he walked around so that he was behind you, gingerly reached for your hand and guided you to hold the strawberry out for ichigo 
ichigo craned their neck in the sight of the fruit and started chowing down
and by God you hoped that aone could not hear your loud ass heartbeat and see your red ass face-- (you were surprised that ichigo wasn’t going after you since your face might as well have been a strawberry)
you two sat in a comfortable silence as you watched the little reptile enjoy his dinner 
as ichigo drew closer to the leafy bit, you wanted to ask aone if he was allowed to eat that part 
so you turned your head to the side to speak but immediately closed your mouth as aone’s face was only centimeters away from yours 
you thought you were red back then???? bitch buckle up cause we’re reaching a new LEVEL of red
at that moment you were no think, no thought, head EMPTY as you just stared at his profile 
all of his features were strong... the bridge of his nose, his jawline, his expression-- he himself was a strong man and you just wondered how all this soft, fluffy, wholesomeness was packed into this 192cm man
and just as you relaxed into this position
at first he’s so absorbed into his own conversation that he doesn’t even notice you guys in that position
but when he does??? it’s like those moments in animes where you’re all chibitized and you just have circle eyes and a blank expression o_o
you IMMEDIATELY come to your senses, releasing the rest of the strawberry and aone’s hand
if you could peace fade in this moment, you would’ve definitely flashed futakuchi a duces
but alas, you could not..
so you scrambled to your feet-- but not before thanking aone for letting you meet his turtle-- and RAN out TF of that room heart a BEEATTINN
from that day on, you visited aone and his turtle a lot more-- even going so far as buying things for ichigo!!
“hey aone-san, did ichigo like the squash i cooked?”
“hey aone-san, does ichigo like the new hide?”
“look aone-san! he can’t grip onto the cherry tomato!! it keeps rolling around!”
many of your conversations went along like that and he always appreciated the amount of effort you put into them
he wasn’t a man of many words but did his best to make sure you knew that he was listening and engaged
at one point mai and futakuchi said that “he has spoken more words to you in these past few months than he has with us in 3 years”
you were surprised but also flattered by the fact that aone was comfortable enough to open up and have conversation with you 
although it was a bit of a rough patch in the beginning, you were glad that you became a part of the 205 squad! it was you, aone, futakuchi, mai and ichigo against the world!!
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makoodlesarchive · 4 years
in bloom 🌼 || bnharem server collab
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hellooo everyone!! this is my piece for the bnharem sfw collab. The theme this time was ‘flowers’! i had the absolute pleasure of writing for my baby kiri! this collab was actually super fun to write for, i had a blast 🌸🌸🌸
please go and check out all of the fantastic works on the masterlist here!
kirishima x reader
word count: 4.9k
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Your apartment in Musutafu is small and cramped, with thin walls and very little natural light. The rent is extortionate for what it is, even considering the location in the city centre, and at least once a month there’s a complex wide electrical blackout. You can overlook all of the faults of the apartment though, because it’s in a safe neighbourhood close to a hero agency and, most importantly, it’s got a balcony.
Like the rest of the apartment, the balcony is small, but you’ve got enough room to cram a little outdoor bench into the corner. The rest of the space is filled with planters full of flowers and leafy pants, transforming the cramped little space into your own tiny garden. As the weeks begin to melt into summer, your little garden transforms into a wildy colourful and delightfully fragranced haven for butterflies and honeybees. You love to curl up on your little bench with a book, relishing the warmth of the sun on your face and the musical buzzing of the bees flitting about your Lantana flowers. Your apartment’s location on the ground floor means that you don’t get a whole load of privacy, but it doesn’t stop you from spending as much time as possible on the balcony beneath your hanging ivy planters.
Another bonus to the ground floor balcony is the cute redhead that wanders past every day at 2pm and then again at around 9pm. You’re not entirely sure when exactly you first noticed the man, but since you’ve moved in he’s become a permanent fixture in your daily routine. In the afternoons when you take a break from working from home and sprawl out amongst the leafy greenery of the balcony, you always catch a glimpse of him. You guess he must work in one of the offices nearby, and judging by the hastily buttoned jacket and wrinkled sweatpants he changes before going on his lunch break.
Every day he walks by, and every day you see him craning his neck to catch a glimpse of your balcony. It’s not uncommon for people to stare, considering your balcony is basically a green splash amongst the dull grey drabness of your apartment building, but unlike all the other curious passers-by, whenever this guy makes eye contact with you when you’re sitting out he’ll make sure to grin widely and wave at you. It’s sweet. You know next to nothing about the guy, other than that he always seems to be in a hurry and he has a smile so bright and toothy it could probably be seen from space, but those little interactions always put you in a good mood for hours afterwards.
After countless days of waves and smiles from a distance, you look up one day to find him grinning and waving yet again, but this time with a new addition. In his hand is a little potted cactus, which he holds up in the air so you can see. 
“It’s for my office!” he yells to you. There’s a shrubbery area right outside your balcony that acts as both decoration and security to prevent anyone from just strolling up and hopping over the railing, but the guy is still standing as close as he can get on the sidewalk.
Your grin spreads slowly as you get up off your little bench and lean over the balcony railing to get a closer look at his little potted plant. “It’s cute!” you call back to him.
He beams, impossibly pleased with himself. “It’s not as impressive as yours!” he gestures at the foliage flowing over the railings and the hanging baskets.
“Everyone has to start somewhere!”
He laughs at that, his nose scrunching up just a little, and then waves at you again before setting off down the street. You watch him go until he disappears from sight, then return to your bench to continue reading. You’re so distracted by that whole little episode that it takes a few minutes for you to realise that your book is upside down.
It was such a short exchange, but after nothing but smiles and waves from afar for so long it leaves you a little dazed. You could kick yourself for not asking what his name was, but you just hadn’t had the time. Besides, you had been a little dazzled by his smile.
The man’s name is Kirishima Eijirou. Since the first day he spoke to you, you’ve bumped into him at the local supermarket several times. He’s friendly, sometimes overwhelmingly so, and really kind. He’s the perfect package wrapped up in the body of a professional cage fighter, so it’s probably inevitable that you develop a big fat crush on him. The two of you have only really exchanged basic pleasantries and small talk, but it’s enough to have your pulse skipping everytime he smiles at you.
The local flower shop is beautifully vibrant compared to the gunmetal grey skies outside, and the quiet warmth of the place makes it one of your favourite places to spend your days off. Hanging baskets full of seasonal flowers and trailing ivy are suspended from the ceiling and from high shelves, and leafy green plants create a jungle-like atmosphere within the shop. The effect is delightfully mismatched, with enormous bouquets of flowers brightening up the spaces along the walls. The high shelves and boundless foliage makes the whole place feel like a maze; you could happily lose yourself for hours upon hours within the humid little aisles.
You trace your fingers along the large waxy leaves of a monstera plant, enjoying the smooth texture. A bell tinkles overhead as the door to the shop opens and shuts, momentarily breaking the soothing blanket of quiet. You contemplate the price tag on the monstera plant; you already have one, and if you buy another you’ll be pretty hard pressed to find space for it. It is really cute though, and you’re pretty sure that if you move your ficus a little more into the left corner of your balcony you can make enough space for it.
Your thought process is broken by a noise from the top of the aisle, and you glance up to meet the gaze of a surprised yet familiar man.. “Oh! Kirishima-san.” you say at the same time as he blurts “Hi!”
Before you can say anything else, his face splits into a smile. “Aw man, I can’t believe you’re here! This is perfect!”
You laugh a little nervously. “Huh?”
“I was hoping to get a new plant for my office! Could you help me pick one out?”
“Oh.” you blink, a little overwhelmed by his exuberance and the way his eyes crinkle up when he smiles, “I don’t work here.”
He laughs like you’ve just told a really funny joke, and moves to meet you in the middle of the aisle. “Yeah, I know. I’m just guessing that you know your stuff about plants -- your balcony is so awesome.”
“Oh.” you say again, straightening a little despite yourself. You feel ridiculously pleased, probably more than such a simple comment warrants. “Thank you. I worked hard on it.”
“It really shows!” he enthuses. “It actually inspired me to spruce up my office a bit, actually!”
“Really?” you ask, leaning back against one of the shelves. A frond-like leaf tickles the back of your neck, but you don’t bother swatting it away. You think that the two of you might be the only two customers in the shop at this time, and your conversation seems so loud in the relative silence. Somewhere near the back an electric fan buzzes, the noise breaking up the monotonous quiet so it doesn’t seem quite so oppressive. 
“Yeah! So, will you give me a hand?” he tilts his head as he asks, and you realise that his shoulders have dropped down, as if he’s trying to make himself appear smaller. “My friend thinks it’s stupid, but I’m determined to have the nicest desk in the whole building!”
You smile despite yourself, his good humour infectious. “Yeah, okay. Are you looking for something in particular?”
Kirishima steps back and regards the surrounding display cases thoughtfully. “Um. Honestly, I don’t know much about plants. I have my little cactus, but it’d be nice to get it a friend, right? I’m happy to go with whatever you think is best!”
You hum, considering your options. If it’s a small office desk he’s hoping to decorate, you suppose a couple of small succulents could do a nice job of adding a bit of life and colour. “I’m sure we can find something.”
“I’ll leave myself in your capable hands, then.” Kirishima says with a grin, inclining his head a little.
You step further into the shop, ducking under a trailing strand of ivy leaves. The dark hardwood floor creaks as you move, with Kirishima following close behind you. When you pause to gaze at a couple of potted plants on one the shelves you keep your gaze cast down, but glance up through your eyelashes to look at Kirishima. You’re surprised to find him already watching you, like he’s drinking in every move you make. The attention is a little overwhelming, but it’s also exciting. His gaze on you is like a physical weight, and you can’t quite help the coy smile that curves over your face. You know you’re not imagining the soft, heated interest behind his eyes; he’s not exactly being subtle.
You duck into a parallel aisle, just fast enough that Kirishima stumbles for half a step at the sudden change in direction. You hum quietly to yourself, and toss a playful smile over your shoulder as he follows behind you. He meets your smile with another grin, bright and handsome. He doesn’t look away from you for a second.
You come to an abrupt halt in the middle of the aisle and turn to face him. The sudden movement takes him by surprise, but he manages to catch himself before he barrels into you. It’s probably not entirely intentional, but he ends up standing so close that you can almost count the delicate little freckles splashed across the bridge of his nose from the summer sun. His head dips down towards you, leaning into your space in a way that is decidedly more than just casually friendly. His lips part, but before he can speak you ask, “What about this one?”
His gaze drops down to the space between you, where you’re holding up a small plant with waxy little leaves. He blinks at it, and then recovers gracefully. “Hey, that one is pretty cute.”
“‘Pretty cute’s not quite good enough, though, is it?” You pretend to ponder, tapping your chin. “If you want the nicest desk in the whole building, you need better than ‘pretty cute’, right?”
If anything, Kirishima’s smile grows even wider. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. You up for the challenge of finding me the best plant in the store?” He steps closer as he speaks, until there’s nothing but a scant few inches and the potted plant between you.
You make a show of considering the challenge, shifting your weight from foot to foot. “Hold this for me?” you ask suddenly, practically shoving the plant into his hands.
Kirishima takes it, startled, and in the moment of distraction you turn on your heel and dart down the aisle, disappearing down another row of shelves. You’ve barely turned the corner when you hear a deep, rumbling chuckle followed by quick footsteps against the hardwood floor as he follows after you.
It’s like a game. You wind your way through the aisles, skipping over vines and stray pots, and Kirishima tries to catch up. You know this shop like the back of your hand (you’re in here nearly every single weekend), but Kirishima is fast and agile despite his large stature. There are a few close calls, where you just manage to round the corner of a new aisle before Kirishima can reach you, and each one makes your breath catch in your chest when Kirishima’s delighted laughter rings out through the shop.
You can’t help the grin that stretches across your face as you turn into another half-hidden aisle, ducking under a large fan-like leaf that stretched out and drooped low. Only a moment later you hear a soft slap and an “Oof!” as Kirishima presumably runs straight into it, and you laugh quietly to yourself as you slip in between a row of glass display cases.
A clatter and a soft curse sounds from one aisle over, and you guess that Kirishima just accidentally knocked a pot over. You pad softly to the end of the aisle, taking a moment to try and catch your breath and stifle your wild grin. It’s so childish, playing a game of chase in a garden shop with a man you barely know, but you’re having so much fun.
You poke your head cautiously around the edge of one of the display shelves, biting your lip and listening carefully for any sign of Kirishima. The only noise you can hear is the strained mechanical whirring of the fan from somewhere near the back of the shop, so you edge forward. You’ve only managed to take two steps before you feel a presence behind you.
“Gotcha.” Kirishima rumbles, right by your ear.
The noise that’s punched out of your chest is embarrassing, a weird cross between a yelp and a laugh. You whirl on the ball of your feet to face him, only for him to keep stepping closer. You have no choice but to retreat, until you’re backed up into a little alcove between two large glass display cases overflowing with luscious green ferns. Kirishima advances until he’s as close as he can be without actually touching you, and maybe you should feel a little intimidated by this man that’s built like a brick wall of pure muscle but his smile is so delighted and soft that you don’t think you could be afraid of him if you tried.
“You got me.” You agree, a little breathlessly. You don’t know if it’s from the exertion of running through the shop like a child or from the thrill of Kirishima’s closeness to you, but your heart is thrumming like a wild thing in your chest.
From this close, you can see the way Kirishima’s hair is sweat-damp on his brow and curling just slightly; it must be from the humidity inside the shop, because he doesn’t seem even the slightest bit affected by the physical activity of chasing after you. “You’re fast.” he says, his voice quiet as if afraid to break the atmospheric stillness within the shop.
“Yeah?” you mimic his volume subconsciously, “You sure you don’t just like chasing me? I think you could have caught me earlier, if you wanted.”
Kirishima laughs, and the skin around his eyes crinkle up in the most adorable way you’ve ever seen. “Maybe.” he says, and it sounds like a secret. His teeth are white and sharp and his cheeks dimple when he smiles. You’re distracted by the dimples, so when he raises his hand you barely notice until suddenly there’s a flower right under your nose and your eyes nearly cross in your attempt to look at it. 
“It’s pretty.” You say with a smile. It’s a simple white cosmo flower, though Kirishima is beaming as though he’d managed to find a particularly rare gem, and you don’t get a chance to take it from him before he tucks it neatly behind your ear.
“It’s like you.” He says. The words are flirtatious, but he delivers them so earnestly that you don’t quite know how to react.
“How about a potted ivy?” you blurt, at a loss for anything else to say. “It would be easy to take care of, and it looks good.”
Kirishima blinks, but takes the change of subject in stride. “Is that your professional recommendation?”
“Mhmm.” It’s hard to focus when he’s so close that you can feel the warmth of his breath ghosting across your skin every time he speaks. You’re sure he must be picking up on how flustered he’s making you -- you’re not convinced by the innocent expression on his face. “Maybe a few succulents, too.”
Kirishima nods thoughtfully, consideringly. “Hmmm. That sounds good to me. Will you go out to dinner with me?”
It’s such a non-sequitur that it takes your brain a long moment to register his words. “I- huh?” 
His dimpled smile turns bashful and a little self-conscious. “Ah. Sorry, that might have been a little forward.” He scratches the back of his head, and your gaze is drawn to the way his bicep bulges at the movement. “I was wondering if you’d like to get some dinner with me? I know a place that does some really great burrito bowls.”
“Are you asking me on a date, Kirishima-san?” Your words come out soft and quiet and effortlessly flirtatious -- you hadn’t intended on sounding so seductive, but you can’t help but enjoy the way Kirishima leans in closer to you.
“Yeah. No pressure if you don’t wanna, of course!” He’s quick to reassure you, “It’s totally fine if you’re not interested. I just wanted to let you know that I am very interested.”
As refreshing as his straight-forwardness is, you can’t help but feel surprised. This man is very much out of your league, you’re not blind, and yet he had been the one to approach you, and had indulged in your silly game of chase around the shop, and had playfully cornered you in an alcove and asked you out. You’ve met him enough by now to know he’s kind, friendly, and eager to help with just about anything you ask. Plus, he’s practically built like a Greek god, with a handsome face and the most stacked muscles you’ve ever seen in person.
“I’m interested.” you breathe, heart hammering in your chest. God, you really hoped this wasn’t some kind of elaborate joke. 
Kirishima seems to actually inflate at that, a bright smile blooming across his face as his shoulders straighten. “Really? Great! Awesome! Tonight?”
“Sure.” you agree, returning his smile. Your heart rate still hasn’t returned to normal from your chase around the shop; if anything, it feels like it’s pounding harder than ever. “I’m free tonight.”
“Great!” Kirishima says again. He seems more excited than you would have expected, which is honestly pretty flattering since you’re pretty sure you’re the one that should be feeling the most excited in this situation. “I have to go back to work since I’m technically on my lunch break right now, but I could pick you up at your apartment at around eight tonight?”
“Eight is perfect.” you straighten the flower behind your ear and smile up at him, letting your own excitement shine through on your face.
Kirishima steps back, finally giving you some space. You forcefully resist the urge to follow after him, watching instead as he backs away, still beaming. “Okay. Okay, cool. So, I’ll see you tonight?”
You let him go a few more steps before tilting your head and asking, “So, you changed your mind about the plants?”
He pauses, one foot raised mid-step like a cartoon character. “Plan-?” he starts, before his eyes go comically wide, “Oh! The plants! Right!”
You laugh, finding him stupidly endearing, before stepping out of the little alcove and setting off down one of the aisles to the left. There’s a whole section of the shop dedicated solely to the house plants, and it’s not difficult to find a suitable ivy plant with light green leaves and tumbling vines. Kirishima takes the potted plant when you hand it to him, and trails after you again as you go in search of the succulents. When you’ve found some suitable little plants, you help him carry them up to the counter with the cash register. There’s no one manning the register (and you breathe a quiet sigh of relief at that, because it means that no one saw the two of you running through the shop like idiots), and you ring the little bell to notify the employees that you’re at the counter. 
“I’ll leave you to it,” you say, stepping away from the counter as an employee finally emerges from the back of the shop. “See you tonight?”
Kirishima fumbles with the plants in his hands as he tries to wave. “Tonight! Yeah!”
The bell tinkles as you duck out the shop door, biting your lip to try and stifle your excited grin.
You look in the mirror yet again, tugging nervously at your clothes. You look pretty good, you think, but the closer it gets to eight the more nervous you get. You realised too late that you never exchanged phone numbers, and Kirishima doesn’t know which number apartment to buzz from the front door. You focus on staying calm and not overthinking things; it’s just a date, with the most handsome man you’ve ever actually spoken to. No big deal. It’s fine.
You tug on your shirt again, even though it’s sitting pretty much perfectly. You just lean forward to check your teeth when a crash sounds from your balcony. You jerk towards the crash automatically, and race out to open the doors to the balcony. You’re greeted with the sight of Kirishima with one leg over the balcony railing, staring dismally down at the shattered pot that he apparently just knocked over.
“I’m so sorry!” he blurts as soon as he sees you, “It was an accident! I didn’t know your apartment number to buzz the door and so I thought I’d just knock on the door to your balcony but I didn’t see the pot and- wow, you look really good!”
You wave away his frantic apologies with a laugh as you step over the spilled dirt. “Don’t worry about it. You look pretty good, too.” Your eyes drop to where he’s hiding his hands behind his back. “What have you got there?”
Kirishima hikes his other leg over the railing and drops to his feet, before pulling his arms out from behind him and revealing a large bouquet of beautiful white and pink lilies. “I got these for you.” he says, a pink blush dusted over his cheekbones. “I know you, uh, like flowers and plants and things. I don’t know much about them, but I thought they were pretty!”
Your whole face softens, and you reach out to take the bouquet. They are pretty, with delicate pink-streaked white petals and long, dainty stems. Pollen drops from them at every movement, sprinkling into the air in delicate yellow puffs. “They’re beautiful! Thank you.”
When you glance up at him you find that his attention is caught by the side of your head, his own smile softening. “You kept it?”
You touch the cosmo flower still tucked behind your ear, a little embarrassed. It had seemed like a cute idea to keep it and wear it for the date, but now you wonder if it’s a little weird. “Yeah. Like you said, it’s pretty, right?”
“Yeah.” he agrees. His gentle pink blush has intensified into a deep red. “Very pretty.”
You look back down at your lilies, still smiling. You feel so pleased, like all your nerves are being melted away only to be replaced by excited anticipation. “Your office must be really close by if you had the time to grab these before getting here.”
“It’s right around the corner,” he points towards the end of the street, “But, uh. My boss actually let me go early today.”
“Yeah. I, uh-” His blush, impossibly, seems to intensify further. “I’ve been talking about you for a while, I guess. Telling people about your awesome balcony and stuff, and how nice you are whenever I meet you. I didn’t actually realise how much I mentioned you, but, uh, when I told Fat that I had asked you out, he pretty much told me to get outta there and come straight to get you.” 
You laugh, pleasantly embarrassed yourself. “Wow. That’s… that’s really sweet.” A thought intrudes on the back of your mind, suddenly, and you frown a little. He said his boss's name was Fat? Office around the corner? “Wait. You work at Fat Gum’s Hero Agency?”
“Yep!” He flexes one of his biceps playfully; you’re pretty sure it’s bigger than your head. “I’m a sidekick there! ”
“Wow.” you say, gaze stuck on his muscled arm. “That- well. That explains- I mean, you have a very nice body.” Oh god, you think, cursing yourself. Why had you said that?
Kirishima flushes from the roots of his hair to his chest. You can’t help but grin, his bashfulness impossibly charming. “Oh! Thanks! I work out a lot.” he chuckles, shrugging as if it’s nothing.
You’re still grinning as you look at his rosy face, your eyes dropping to his red-flushed chest. His very red-flushed chest. “Uh.” you glance to his neck, where the skin is an angry crimson colour. “Kirishima-san?”
“Yeah?” The sun is dropping low in the sky, and the golden sunset throws buttery yellow-toned light all over your balcony. It lights up Kirishima’s profile in warm relief, and makes you wonder if you’re maybe imagining the colour you’re seeing.
“Are you okay? You have- I think you have a rash?”
“Huh?” He drops his chin to his sternum, trying to get a look at what you’re seeing. When he tugs his shirt down, it reveals angry red lines streaking down his chest. “Oh. Yikes.”
Your mouth drops open. “That.. looks painful.”
“It’s more itchy, really.” He admits, poking at the patch of ruddy skin. His head snaps up, eyes wide, and he quickly adds, “This doesn’t usually happen! I don’t usually have, uh, whatever this is!”
That definitely isn’t as comforting as he’s clearly hoping it will be. “Um. Kirishima, do you feel weird right now?”
“A little? I think I’m just nervous for our date, though.” He shifts on his feet and reaches up to scratch at his throat. “Just a little itchy. My throat feels a bit weird. I think it’s nerves.”
The angry red rash climbing up his chest and throat suggests that it’s not just nerves. “Does your throat feel… swollen?”
Your gaze drops to the flowers in your arms. The breeze shakes loose another little cloud of pollen from them, which floats into the air in a little puff of yellow dust. “Did this start after you got the flowers?”
“I guess!” Kirishima says, clearly not following.
“Oh.” You stare at each other. Kirishima still hasn’t quite caught on to the logical conclusion of these questions. Now that you’re looking at him closely, you’re pretty sure his face looks a little puffier than usual. “I think you’re having an allergic reaction.”
Kirishima blinks, then looks to the flowers in your arms. His hand scratches idly at the base of his throat, which is now a raw and angry red. “Oh. Oh, I see. Huh.” You might be imagining it, but his voice sounds a little thicker now.
“I think we should go to the hospital.” You set down the lilies on your garden bench and usher him into your apartment. You haven’t had time to tidy up, but you’re past the point of caring about cleanliness. Kirishima doesn’t seem to notice anyway, as his face has fallen.
“What about dinner?” He asks, obviously disappointed, and yep, his voice has definitely gotten thicker. It sounds like his throat is swelling.
You try not to panic. “We can get food after the hospital!”
Kirishima actually has the nerve to pause and think about it. “Are you sure? I don’t feel that bad, and I really want to take you somewhere nice.”
It’s hard not to feel flattered at that. “I really appreciate that, Kirishima. I would feel a lot better if we got you checked out before dinner, though. I think the date would go better if you weren’t on the brink of anaphylactic shock.”
Kirishima concedes at that, and lets you call a taxi. As you stand on the sidewalk waiting for the taxi to arrive, he sighs and tilts his head. “This is embarrassing. I can’t believe I finally ask you out only for it to be ruined by some stupid flowers.”
“Hey,” you bump him with your hip, but it’s like hip-checking a boulder. You wince and rub at your hip bone as you say, “The flowers were beautiful, and a really lovely thought. Plus, I’ve kind of had a crush on you for a while now. One little bump in the road isn’t gonna chase me away, okay?”
You tug him over so you can press a chaste, tentative kiss to his cheek. “Really.”
“I’m gonna make sure when this is over that I bring you on the most unforgettable date ever!” In the light of the setting sun, Kirishima is lit up golden. He grins, gilded and bright, and even with his puffy face and swollen throat, you think he might just be the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. 
“I think that you’ve already accomplished that.” you say delicately as you spot your taxi rounding the corner of the street, “Maybe our next date should be a little more uneventful.”
“Yeah,” Kirishima laughs, sounding like his throat is full of cotton balls, “Maybe uneventful is best. But you basically just agreed to go on another date with me, right?”
You suppose you have to be impressed by his determination, if nothing else. You’re not used to being the focus of someone’s attention like this, especially not someone on the brink of a medical emergency. It’s… flattering. “Yeah, I guess I did. Maybe next time we should leave the flowers, though.”
“No flowers.” Kirishima agrees, then chuckles. 
You think his swollen, puffy smile might just be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
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mimisempai · 3 years
Together we can get through anything
Mobius has just stolen the Tempad from Ravonna and discovers the truth about the TVA. He goes to visit Loki's Timecell ready to do anything to be forgiven.
I keep trying to explore Lokius throughout the episodes. And if many people seem to be desperate after the last episode, I am not, so let me give you the content you deserve. My faith in Lokius has not moved an inch. And Marvel won't change that. They deserve each other. They deserve to be happy together. And here they will be.
2637 words - Rating G
Part 9 of The Story of Loki and Mobius
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Mobius had to act quickly before Ravonna realized he had switched their Tempad.
He went to hide between two shelves in the archives, pretending to look for files, and turned on the Tempad
He quickly found what he was looking for, the debriefing of the C-20 mission. He pressed play.
When the screen opened to show C-20 talking, it only took Mobius a few seconds to see that she wasn't crazy like Ravonna had claimed.
"You're not hearing me. I was there. This was real, what I saw. This is a place that I've been."
Mobius looked over his shoulder quickly and returned to the video.
"This wasn't the TVA. This was a memory. I lived down there. I went to that bar. I had friends. I had a whole life on the Sacred Timeline."
Mobius didn't want to believe it, but in the face of all that was being revealed to him, how could he not?
On the video, the interrogator told C-20 to calm down.
She retorted forcefully, "Calm down? I'm a Variant. So are you. So is every single person in this place."
"I'm ending this," it was the voice of Ravonna whose face then appeared on the screen and then staring at it, she turned it off.
It was all a lie. All variants. All stolen lives.
Among the thoughts that swirled in his head, one began to emerge, a single name.
Loki had been right. Loki had not lied to him. Or hardly ever. Not where it mattered.
Suddenly, mixed with the elation he felt, came a sense of shame. He had gained Loki's fragile trust and at the first hurdle he had reacted like all the others who had not believed in Loki before him. Just because he was jealous. Because he had seen the complicity between Loki and the Variant, Sylvie.
For the first time in his work, his feelings had been stronger than his reason, and the way Loki had lashed out to defend her had deeply upset Mobius.
He had been cruel. Even if she really had been Loki's girlfriend, it was cruel to make him believe that she was dead. Even for the purpose of gaining information.
He had seen Loki in the Time Cell admit that he deserved to be alone, while Mobius had done everything to convince him otherwise before their disastrous parting in the supermarket.
And what had Mobius told him in the end?
"Wherever you go, it's just death, destruction, the literal ends of worlds. Well, I'm gonna have to close this case now, 'cause I don't need you anymore. Yeah, or as you might say, our interests are no longer aligned."
Loki had looked so hurt at that moment, and had said to him as the guards were taking him away, "You know, of all the liars in this place, and there are a great many, you're the biggest."
Mobius had asked him, sneering, "Why? Cause I lied about your girlfriend?"
Loki had just replied, seriously, "Oh, no. That I can respect. I mean, the lies you tell yourself."
He hadn't looked back once this time before walking through the door of the Time Cell.
As he made his way to a safe place to open a Timedoor to the Time Cell, he figured he would have a lot to make up for this time.
As he walked through the door, he found himself facing Loki who looked agitated.
He immediately asked him. "What are you doing?"
"Passing the time." Loki answered ironically.
Because Mobius couldn't help it, because the memory of the jealousy he had experienced was too strong, he asked without transition, "Do you care about this variant?"
Loki answered him directly, rushing the words as usual, "Sylvie? I'm not sure if caring is the right word. We've covered this back in there."
Mobius interrupted him by shouting, "Shut up!" he paused to calm himself, he was not there to blame Loki, he asked sincerely, "Do you really think you deserve to be alone?"
Seeing that Loki didn't answer, he called out, "Loki!"
The cheeky bastard replied, "You told me to shut up." Since when did he do what Mobius told him? Mobius repeated his question, "Do you believe you deserve to be alone?"
Loki, annoyed, replied, "I don't know."
"You better figure it out quick, because the nexus event the two of you caused, whatever that connection is, can bring this whole place down. So we better understand…"
Mobius' heart sank at the way Loki said " we ". Because Mobius had made any possibility of a we vanish by withdrawing his trust from Loki. Loki's disbelief this time was entirely his own fault.
He asked Loki urgently, "Do you swear she didn't implant those memories in Hunter C-20?"
Loki didn't hesitate a moment before answering, "Mobius, no. I believe her!"
"So, I just have to trust the word of two Lokis?" Mobius answered rhetorically because the trust he had in Loki had risen from the ashes and even if he doubted the variant, he now knew that his trust in Loki was total.
"How about the word of a friend?"
Mobius gasped at the words he didn't expect in Loki's mouth.
Then he exhaled softly. Loki called himself his friend. Mobius still had the right to be his friend. Their bond was not broken.
So even if Loki's friendship it was the only thing he would get. If that was the only thing Loki would offer him, then he would accept it. He would cherish it, he would fight for it. He would be the loyal friend that Loki deserved.
He continued urgently, wanting to prove to Loki that his trust was real, "You were right, about the TVA. You were right from the beginning. And if you wanna save her, you need to trust me. Can we do that?"
He needed to hear Loki say it, to confirm that the trust between them was back, maybe not like before, but that it was there.
Once again a straightforward answer, without embellishment. A simple yes that said everything, that told the truth.
Mobius sighed with relief, "Okay."
He couldn't dwell on everything he'd said before, on all his false assertions dictated by ugly jealousy, disappointment and feelings of betrayal.
That's why he added, in an insistent tone, wanting to convince Loki with all his heart, "You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good."
Loki looked at him, his eyes full of emotion, the same look he had had when Mobius had told him that he did not consider him a villain. The dawning hope of someone who didn't dare to believe it. Then Mobius continued to convince Loki at all costs, smiling sheepishly, "I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different."
Loki's smile, a smile that Mobius had never seen on his face before, was the best reward he could have received. A sense of mutual absolution, a feeling of shared respect, and perhaps something more that Mobius refused to name because he felt he had no right to.
He was walking towards the Timedoor when he felt himself being pulled back by Loki who had grabbed his sleeve.
"Mobius, wait!"
He turned back to Loki who was still holding him by the sleeve.
"What? Is there something wrong?"
Loki exclaimed, "Is there something wrong? Is there something wrong?!" he ran his hand through his hair with frustration, "I'm not the one who was just told that his whole life, what he was fighting for, the world he lived in, was a lie! Believe me I know what that feels like! So it's me asking you, how are YOU Mobius?"
At that moment Mobius became aware of the extent of what he had just discovered, of what it meant for him.He put his hand to his chest, his breathing quickened and a cold sweat ran down his body.
He heard Loki's voice as if in the distance and felt vaguely that the man was helping him to sit on the ground with his head between his legs.
Little by little, encouraged by Loki, he found regular breathing.
Loki put his hand on his arm, gently, as if not to frighten him.
"Mobius, I need to know, first if you can you close the timedoor and then, how time is passing here?"
Mobius closed the door and replied, "In this cell, it's like time doesn't flow outside, so no matter how long we spend here, it will take Ravonna and the Hunters a little while to find us."
After a few moments of silence, Mobius spoke up, "You know what torments me the most now that I know? I wonder if I am real. Is what I've experienced real? And was what I believe or have believed in, real for a moment?"
Loki answered him softly, "You are real, just as I am real." seeing the distress in which Mobius found himself, he continued, "And if you don't believe me, I will show you what is real to me if you will let me." He just put two fingers on Mobius' temple without pressing, waiting for his answer. Mobius nodded.
A small green light connected Loki's fingers with Mobius' head.
Mobius saw sequences in his head racing by, as if he were moving from one room to another at full speed.
Mobius held out his hand to help Loki up.
Mobius remembered that moment of course, but the emotions were not his own, it was as if he was in Loki's head.
This time Loki didn't hesitate to take it. Once on his feet, he didn't want to let go of that hand, the only non-violent human contact he'd had in years. He didn't even realize that he was tightening his fingers on Mobius'.
He asked the question that had been burning in his mind, "If I'm not the villain, then what am I?"
They still hadn't let go of each other's hands and now Mobius' thumb was gently stroking the back of Loki's hand.
Mobius tilted his head a little, seeking Loki's gaze even more.
He said with that smile that Loki was beginning to appreciate, "I don't know, but we could search together, if you want."
Loki nodded slowly and answered with a slight smile.
Next scene.
"Oh once again, shut up!"
Loki replied with a mocking smile on his lips, "Make me."
It was as if a dam broke in Mobius.
He grabbed Loki's tie to pull him to him and before the god had time to wonder what he was doing, Mobius leaned in and placed his lips against Loki's.
Their first kiss in the elevator…
Next scene.
Mobius spoke with difficulty, still out of breath, "Later," he said, "We'll continue this later, I promise. We'll have to talk. But we really don't have time right now."
Loki nodded, and placed one last kiss on Mobius' lips before they parted, their reluctance more than obvious.
Seeing the uncertainty return to Loki's gaze, Mobius took his chin and said firmly with his eyes in his head, "Loki, I'm serious, we really will continue later. I swear I'm not playing, okay?"
Loki scrutinized him for a few seconds before nodding again and answering with that familiar mischievous grin, « Ok, let's go catch whoever thinks they are me."
Then he pushed Mobius forward and they went on their way.
Their second kiss... in the archive room.
Next scene.
Loki nodded but said nothing. He gently withdrew his hand and put his collar back on. Seeing that he was reluctant to speak, Mobius turned fully toward him and pulled him by the sleeve until he was standing between Mobius' knees.
Mobius remembered, it was the day when Loki had taken care of him, had given him the illusion of being on a jetski and then in return Mobius had shown Loki what he would want on a first date.
Looking at Loki from below, Mobius asked gently, "Loki, speak to me."
Loki replied just as softly, "Is this the kind of thing you like, the kind of thing you'd like to do...with me?"
"We could start with that after this whole thing is over, what do you say? Ah unless there's a rule that says gods don't date?" asked Mobius, raising an eyebrow.
Spreading his arms, a mischievous smile on his face, Loki said with his trademark emphasis, "Hey, I'm Loki, the god of mischief, since when do I follow rules?
Quickly checking behind his shoulder that no one was there, Mobius pulled Loki's head to his own with a gentle tug on his tie and proceeded to wipe the arrogant smile from Loki's lips in the only way he knew to be effective.
Next scene.
"Oh no Loki, I never wanted you to think you were a villain, I wanted you to see that you were not the one you insist on parading to the world."
Loki protested, "But you told me I was born to cause pain and suffering and death. That's how it is, that's how it was, that's how it will be. All so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves. "
"Yes, I told you that not because I think that's what you are, I was just showing you that that's what you were limiting yourself to because you yourself think you're only capable of that. Because you want to rule so badly, that you don't see that you are made for bigger things. You asked me to trust you yesterday. I did it because Loki I have faith in you and since you've been here you keep proving it. In your own way. Because you are undoubtedly the god of mischief. Unique. Not. A. Villain."
Mobius took his chin and placed a kiss on his forehead before standing up.
Their last moment together before the Alabama mission.
Loki gently removed his fingers from Mobius' head.
"Mobius, to me this was all real, everything we said to each other, everything that happened between us. It was probably the most real I've experienced in a long time."
Loki took her head in his hands and kissed her forehead, then whispered, "You. Are. Real. Mobius." then he kissed him gently, almost chastely before pulling back a little while still holding Mobius' head in his hands.
Mobius looked amazed and asked him a little hesitantly, "After everything that's happened, you would be willing to give me another chance?"
"Huh?" asked Loki, looking surprised, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the fact that at the first opportunity, I preferred to believe the worst rather than you, I let you down cowardly, blinded by the feeling betrayal and jealousy while I was the one who betrayed your trust "
Loki shook his head fondly.
"Oh Mobius, believe me I am a master of betrayal, low blow and jealousy. I never expected you to be perfect. After all, I tried to betray you at the first opportunity too. There are so many other parameters that we didn't know and still don't know. It's not about giving you another chance, it's about giving us another chance. So let's not waste it and let's make it something beautiful and good."
Loki stood up, and this time it was he who reached out to Mobius and helped him to his feet.
In an echo of a few days ago, it was he who gently stroked the back of Mobius' hand that he had kept in his own.
Mobius looked deeply into Loki's eyes again and asked him with a slightly hoarse voice, "If this is all fake, then who am I really?"
Loki replied with a smile, "We'll search together."
"Yes, yes, that I can do. " answered Mobius with a tightened throat.
Then he could not resist the impulse, the desire that was deep inside him since they had caught Loki and Sylvie.
He hugged Loki, the face in his hair, and, happy to find familiar sensations, he whispered into Loki's neck, "I'm so glad you're back safe and sound. You can't even imagine how much I missed you."
Loki tightened his arms around him and they stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling apart.
Mobius, opened a Timedoor and looked at Loki who nodded.
They crossed the door side by side, together, for all time, always.
🌈 Happy (last day) of Pride month ! 🌈 (Be pride every day!)
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story. Phew done !
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love! I hope you had enough !
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flourgirl · 4 years
Heart Skips a Beat
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You work at a coffee shop on campus and develop a crush on the cute astrophysics major who studies there everyday.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Pure fluff. One curse word.
A/N: There WILL be a sequel to Even If It’s a Lie! Until then, here’s a little something to hold you guys over :-)
“I saw you on a Sunday in a café And all you did was look my way And my heart started to race And my hands started to shake” -Nervous, Shawn Mendes
3 p.m. had quickly become your favorite time of the day. Sure, you had already been working for half of your shift by then, but it was worth it. Because despite how tired you were from a full day of lectures, like clockwork, the cutest guy you had ever seen walked into the café to order a caramel latte and do his homework. 
You were a hopeless romantic. A homeschooled bookworm whose only experiences with romance were through the many YA novels you had read growing up. College was honestly your first experience with independence and having a social life outside of your mom, your cat, and your elderly neighbors, Brenda and Pat.
The first day he had come was at the beginning of the semester. You had just started working there to help cut the costs of tuition that your scholarships couldn’t cover. Even though you barely knew how to use the machines at that point, and it took you almost 20 minutes and one phone call to your shift manager to give him his order, he was still really nice to you about it.
By the end of the first week that he started hanging out here, you had memorized his order. For a stranger, there was a lot to like about him. He was super sweet and always dropped his spare change in the tip jar, a rare occurrence amongst struggling college students. He always greeted you by your name, which he only knew because of the tag on your uniform, but you didn’t care. You liked hearing him say it either way.
The more you learned about him, the bigger your crush grew. His name was Peter. Peter Parker, which matched him perfectly. He was an astrophysics major, and he was always busy. So what was he doing hanging out in the café where you worked? Sure, homework, but you had always preferred to go somewhere more quiet, like the library. Not some noisy little coffee shop in the middle of campus where everybody hung out after class.
In between making coffee orders for other customers, you would oftentimes steal glances at him. You thought about how soft his messy brown hair would feel between your fingers, or what it would be like to smell his fabric softener from closer than the width of the countertop that always separated the two of you.
But it was just a silly crush. When you thought about it, the two of you were virtually strangers. He had an entire life outside of the walls of the coffee shop, and he probably didn’t think about you other than when you were taking his order every day. Still, just when you thought about how weird it was to think about somebody you barely knew this much, Peter found ways to make you like him even more than you already did.
Every now and then, Peter wouldn’t show up, and you worried that maybe he had found another place to get coffee or came at another time because he didn’t want to see you anymore. You knew you were overthinking. There was no way that Peter was planning his entire schedule around you. You were just the coffee girl to him and nothing more.
Little did you know that on your days off, Peter was disappointed to find that someone else would be making his coffee that day. Sure, he started coming here to study because it was conveniently located across the street from the laboratory that he interned at, but it was more than that. He came to see you. To see your smile and the way your eyes lit up whenever he walked in. The way you still managed to look cute in the unflattering café uniform and how you didn’t even have to ask what his order was.
He had the biggest crush on you. The five minutes that he spent talking to you each day made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and he took comfort in the fact that maybe, just maybe, you felt the same way about him. But he didn't know what to say to you past small talk. He told Ned and MJ that he had been planning to ask you out for a while now, but every time he walked up to the register, he chickened out. You made him too nervous, and he knew that if he tried too hard, he’d start rambling about string theory or something and scare you away. 
Peter thought about what kind of person you were outside of these four walls. Were you dating anybody? What was your favorite subject? Did you like pineapple on your pizza? He wondered if you even noticed that he was gone every time his “internship” at Stark Industries dragged him away for days at a time. Probably not. He thought about what it would be like to walk you to wherever you went after your shift ended, to make sure you got there safely, but he always had to rush off to somewhere else before you had finished working.
You had started experimenting with leaving little designs on top of his coffee instead of just haphazardly pouring the milk in. At first, they were just sad little blobs, but then you graduated to vaguely leaf-like blobs, and you could now make something that was shaped like a turnip on top of his lattes. You had been working up the courage to leave little hearts, but every time you did, you swirled them away and served it to him without any design at all.
Your friends would lovingly describe you as a klutz. You were constantly tripping over nothing or knocking things over. There was even that one time you almost broke your leg trying to climb one of the supermarket shelves to reach your favorite brand of maple syrup. But out of all of your clumsy mishaps, none of them lived up to what had just happened.
You had sworn you had looked both ways before crossing the street. But when the barrage of car horns and tires screeching interrupted your favorite song, you saw your life flash before your eyes. That was, until, you were flying through the air. Looking at your savior, you were both starstruck and shocked to see Spiderman holding you tightly as he swung from building to building.
It felt like forever before your feet touched the ground and he let go of your waist, but when he did, you were a little disappointed. How did he even know to drop you off at this specific coffee shop? It was insane, but you felt like you knew him. You just couldn’t place why or how before he saluted you and swung away without a word. “Thank you!” you screamed into the sky, knowing he definitely couldn’t hear you over the hustle and bustle of the city.
Peter’s heart was about to burst out of his chest. That was way too close of a call. What if you found out that it was him? What would you think? But he knew that if he hadn’t saved you, he would never forgive himself. Sure, you might get free tuition like that rumor people always talked about in middle school, but you’d also have a ton of hospital bills to pay because Spiderman was a selfish idiot and let you get hit by a taxi.
Your head was still spinning from what had just happened. You quickly changed into your uniform and started your shift, giddy with excitement to tell Peter who you had met today. As 3 p.m. came and went and there were no signs of Peter, you started to accept that the only person you’d get to tell about today was your mom. Go figure, you thought. You finally had something interesting to say to him and he doesn’t show up.
Eventually, after many disappointing coffee orders later, it was time for you to go home and curl up to a cup of tea and watch the latest episode of the Great British Bake-Off. It was ironic, but your favorite contestant this season was Peter, and every week was more and more tense as you worried whether or not he’d make it to the next episode. Sure, he was really good at technicals, but sometimes the flavors of his signature bakes were off. And when was stupid Laura going to get eliminated?
You were so caught up in worrying about who would be going to the finals that you didn’t even notice the guy walking through the doors just as you were leaving the café, knocking you onto the ground. 
“OW!” you squeaked as you hit the tiled floor that your co-worker had just finished mopping.
“Shit, Y/N, I’m so sorry,” a familiar voice apologized from above you. You squinted up to see Peter’s brown eyes full of worry, and at that point, you couldn’t even tell that you were hurt anymore. 
He held out his hand for you to take and pulled you up as if you weighed nothing. Still a bit dizzy, you stumbled, and he wrapped his hand around your waist to keep you from falling again. That same familiar feeling you felt earlier that day was rushing back to you. 
“Hey, don’t worry. I’ve got you, Y/N,” he assured you, walking you over to a table to sit down. 
You laid your head down on the table, both embarrassed and woozy from having your crush knock you flat on your face because you were too busy thinking about a televised baking competition to watch where you were going.
“You know we’re closed, right,” you groaned, lifting your head to see him staring attentively at you.
“Yeah, I know,” he answered, laughing nervously and running his hands through his hair. You wished that you were the one doing that instead.
“Oh. Well, you can if you really want to,” he said, leaving you confused as to what on earth he was talking about. It wasn’t until a few moments later that you were ready to curl up into a ball and hide forever. Did you say that you wanted to touch his hair OUT LOUD? TO HIS FACE?
Your cheeks turned crimson and you buried your face in your arms again. “Peter, I’m okay. You can go now.” If he didn’t leave now, you’d probably die of embarrassment right in front of him.
“Y/N,” he started, running his thumb across your arm. “I don’t want to go. I… I came here to see you.”
Your head shot up and you stared at him in disbelief. “You know I’m not the only one here who knows how to make a caramel latte, right?”
“Mhmm,” he hummed, nodding his head with a soft smile. Even in the dim lighting of the café at night, his eyes sparkled. “I hope this is okay for me to say, but… Y/N. I like you. I like you a lot, and I don’t even like caramel lattes but by the time I realized that I would never get used to the taste, you were already making them without me even having to ask you to.”
“Oh,” you replied, instantly feeling good as new. “I, uh...I like you too.”
You watched as the smile that never failed to brighten your day returned to Peter’s face. “So... Do you—would you, maybe, like to go out with me sometime?”
“Yes!” you replied enthusiastically. Checking your phone, you realized just how long you two had been sitting down. “But we should probably go. The doors were supposed to be locked thirty minutes ago.”
You grabbed his hand, pulling him out the front doors of the coffee shop before scrambling to lock them. When you turned around, you were standing face to face with the guy you’d been crushing on for months. 
Right before Peter could lean in to kiss you, you remembered what you had been dying to tell him about all day. “I almost forgot. I met Spiderman today!”
Peter’s eyes widened. He had hoped you wouldn’t bring it up, but then again, he probably shouldn’t have come here in the hopes of seeing you tonight. Play it cool, Parker, he thought as the two of you walked towards the subway station.
“Oh. That’s really cool,” he said in a tone that was suspiciously underwhelmed. “How’d that happen?”
“Well, I was on the way to work and I guess I was listening to my music a little bit too loud,” you started. “And suddenly I hear all these cars honking at me and WHOOSH! I’m in Spiderman’s arms and he drops me off right in front of the coffee shop. I mean, how did he even know that that’s where I was supposed to be? It was incredible!”
Peter really liked listening to you talk. He liked the softness of your voice and how excited you sounded whenever you spoke to him. “Huh. Are you sure you have a crush on me and not on our friendly neighborhood Spiderboy?”
“Spiderman,” you corrected, intertwining your fingers with his. “And no. I like you and only you.”
Peter laughed, thinking about how mad you’d be when he finally let you in on his little secret. But for now, there was no Spiderman. It was just you and him, and that’s how he liked it.
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