#at least we’re getting coffee 😣😣
womb-complex · 24 days
heartbreak hurt so bad I had to open up to my mom
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jedoxo · 2 years
Hi! I’m Jedrick and my Wednesday, September 7, 2022, was SO stressful. 😩😣😰
Like what I’ve said in my Monday blog, I was still hesitant whether being a student-leader is my calling, that's why Wednesday was so stressful. A lot of things happened. We conducted a strand election, I was nominated first for Treasurer but I objected. I objected because I know that I’m not the perfect fit for this position and even if I would get to choose a position, being a treasurer was the least option. However, I got nominated again for the position of Auditor. This time, I thought this position would be okay for me, so I didn’t object and just let people decide for my win, and I won. However, since we got excused in our Earth Science class to be in our strand election, I missed the chance to pass my activity in Earth Science so I was hoping for Sir Mamino’s consideration.
After the strand election, we got grouped to be in a partylist. Luckily, I was grouped with Ate Maicah because I really love her vibes. Another good thing is that I’m with my friends in our partylist. Actually, the campaign period was the most fun part of being a student-leader. However, it was so stressful. Another bad thing about it is that I missed the chance to participate in our activity in Oral Communication, that’s why I don’t have a pluss points in our examination.
Even though it was stressful, me and my friends still went to a coffee shop to catch up and it was so fun even though we’re all stressed and zoning out.
Even though the day was stressful, it was still enjoyable. I have no idea what feelings or experiences I will have tomorrow. But one thing is certain: I would keep conquering to the fullest extent possible.
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chriswhitewolf · 2 years
Hey @rainyfox3! I was your Secret Santa for @dcmksecretsanta, and I had a blast writing this for you!
I had wanted to have it done and posted earlier today, but we lost power in my neighborhood for a little while this afternoon and I didn’t have an internet connection to access the platform I was writing on 😣 So I didn’t get it finalized ‘til a little while ago.
Have a merry Christmas, and I hope you enjoy your present!
. . .
Shinichi stepped through the door of the small café and scanned the tables. He spotted Ran, sitting by a window near the back of the dining room, deep in conversation with her girlfriend Sera. The serious look they both had made him want to turn around and walk right back out; it was certainly tempting.
Sera glanced up and spotted him before he could decide, and nudged Ran. His childhood friend glanced up at him, faking a bright and relaxed smile that was completely at odds with how she’d looked just moments before. Shinichi bit back a groan as he walked over to join them, wondering just what he’d gotten himself into by agreeing to have lunch with them today.
“Shinichi!” Ran stood as he neared the table and greeted him with a hug. He returned it before they broke apart and sat down; Ran next to Sera and Shinichi across the table from Ran. He nodded a greeting to Sera, who nodded back, and turned back to Ran.
“So, to what do I owe the sudden lunch invite?” Ran stuttered out denials of any underlying motive, but Shinichi just raised an eyebrow and gave her a look. Ran’s shoulders slumped as she sighed. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She was struggling with her words, seemingly unable to find a way to phrase whatever it was she wanted to say.
“We hired someone to make sure you eat actual food and get at least something resembling normal sleep.” Sera smirked at Shinichi, who stared at her in shock.
“Sera!” Ran’s tone was scolding, and Shinichi felt a glimmer of hope that it’d been a joke.
“What? He drinks a lethal dose of coffee and calls it a meal if left to his own devices! Interventions aren’t meant to be subtle.”
“You could be a little nicer about it,” Ran grumbled, but didn’t contradict anything her girlfriend had said.
“What?!” Ran grimaced, but looked him in the eye as she answered.
“Shinichi, you need to take better care of yourself. You don’t eat much more than having toast with your coffee, and you hardly sleep because you’re either working on a cold case or reading mystery novels. We’re worried about you.”
“So you hired someone to babysit me?!” Shinichi hissed at her, but Ran didn’t even flinch at the tone.
“You need someone around to remind you to eat and make sure you do more than just have take out, and this was the best solution we could come up with.”
“You can’t expect me to let some stranger into my house to wander around! With my luck, they’ll have some sort of grudge against me and are seeking revenge!”
“We were very thorough. Sonoko helped us get a deep-dive background check, and he doesn’t have any connections to anything criminal. We met with him last week; he’s nice, and charming, and a good cook. I think you’ll really like him, Shinichi. He’s even our age.”
That took Shinichi back. “What’s a guy our age doing getting a job like this?” Ran shrugged.
“He says he needs the money. He’s an armature magician who wants to do magic professionally, like his dad did, and he needs the money for supplies to learn bigger tricks. Shinichi, he’s perfectly clean. No criminal record, no ties to anyone or anything illegal, and not a single connection to you or any of your cases at all.” Shinichi huffed, crossing his arms and glaring out the window, but didn’t answer. Ran sighed. “He’s going over to your place tomorrow morning at nine. Give him a chance, at least. I really think you two will get along.” Ran’s pleading tone softened Shinichi’s irritation, and he shook his head at himself as he caved.
“Fine. A chance, nothing more.” Ran’s bright smile caused Shinichi’s mouth to turn up into a smile of his own. “Who is this guy?”
“Kuroba Kaito.” Shinichi's brow furrowed in thought. That name sounded familiar, where has he heard Kuroba before…?
He was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of a chair scraping across the tile, and when he looked, Ran was standing and smiling down at the two of them.
“Let’s go find something fun to do! We haven’t hung out enough recently!” Sera and Shinichi shared a look at Ran’s declaration, knowing they’d trail along wherever she wanted to go even if they weren’t interested in the place, and stood to follow her out the door. Halfway there, Shinichi paused.
“Wait, what about lunch?” Ran rolled her eyes and grabbed his wrist to drag him along after them.
“We’ll go find food somewhere you’ll order something more than coffee.”
“Hey!” Both girls giggled at Shinichi’s offended tone.
“She’s got a point, Shinichi-kun.” Ran pecked a kiss to Sera’s cheek for her agreement. Shinichi grumbled at being outnumbered.
. . . 
The next morning, Shinichi was woken up by the sound of the doorbell echoing through the house. Half-asleep and grumbling under his breath, he rolled out of bed and stumbled down the stairs to answer the door.
There was a teenager standing on his doorstep. He was a little taller than Shinichi, with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes the color of twilight. The sleuth squinted at the stranger, confused at the unexpected visitor.
“Uh, good morning, Kudo-kun. I’m Kuroba Kaito, I believe Mouri-san mentioned I would be coming over today?” Shinichi blinked, the words taking a moment to process in his sleep-addled brain. Once they had, Shinichi made a low groan in the back of his throat and knuckled at his eyes.
“She did, yeah. Come on in.” Shinichi stepped back to allow Kaito through the door. He ran a hand through his hair with a yawn as Kaito removed his shoes and changed into a pair of guest slippers. Shinichi shuffled off to the kitchen to make coffee before he’d quite finished getting the slippers on, needing coffee before he would be awake enough for any sort of interaction. He started the coffee machine and stared blankly at the pot as the device whirred to life.
“Have you had breakfast yet, Kudo-san?” Shinichi half-startled at the voice from the kitchen doorway, having not heard footsteps to indicate Kuroba was following him. Shinichi grunted in response, not bothering with words. There was a sigh from behind him, and he heard the muffled sound of footsteps padding over to him before a hand lightly rested on his forearm. Kaito slowly tightened his hold until he had Shinichi’s arm in his grasp and tugged him back from the counter. “Sit down, Kudo-san.” He all but pushed the other down into the chair, though Shinichi resisted some, moving as though to walk back to the coffee maker. “I’ll bring you a cup of coffee once it’s finished brewing. Now sit.” Shinichi sank into the seat, seemingly content now he’d been reassured he’d get his coffee; and Kaito huffed in amusement at the complacent detective. The magician was fairly certain Shinichi was still more asleep than awake, and would likely be very confused when he finally became aware of the situation and Kaito’s presence. Still, he was sitting still and content at the kitchen table, so Kaito focused on searching the fridge to see what he could make. Ingredients gathered, he went around and opened the cabinets and drawers, noting what was where, and gathered what dishes he’d need.
The coffee machine beeped and shut off when Kaito was about halfway done with breakfast. He stepped over to where the coffee pot and mug sat on the counter, filling the cup and bringing it over to the table to set down in front of the still-sleepy sleuth. The detour was a quick one, and Kaito was back to his cooking by the time Shinichi wrapped his hands around the mug and started drinking.
He was just getting the last of the food on the plate when Shinichi made a discontent sound. Anticipating the cause, Kaito grabbed the breakfast plate in one hand and the pot of coffee in the other, stepping soundly over to the table and setting the plate in front of Shinichi before prying the empty mug from his hands to refill it. The sleuth stared at the plate in shock as Kaito set the mug back on the table, before turning to look up at the smiling magician in confusion. When had this guy gotten here? And better yet, why had he cooked breakfast? Kaito chuckled softly at the look on Shinichi’s face.
“You awake yet, Kudo-san?” Shinichi flushed red in embarrassment, ducking his head and nodding. Kaito gave another soft laugh, and Shinichi felt butterfly’s rise in his stomach at how much it reminded him of KID’s quiet laugh whenever he, as Conan, surprised the thief. “Eat your breakfast, Kudo-san. We can talk after you’ve had some food.”
Shinichi picked up his utensils and took a bite, immediately falling in love with the dish. He didn’t think he’d ever eaten anything this delicious in his life.
When the food was gone, Kaito took his plate and empty coffee cup to set them in the sink, before turning to smile at Shinichi. The sleuth pointedly ignored any and all thoughts of how attractive the magician looked, leaning back against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest and a sly smile playing across his lips. Shinichi cleared his throat, making every effort to keep his voice steady when he spoke.
“So, uh. Talking.” Kaito’s grin looked smug, and Shinichi tried not to show the embarrassment he was feeling.
. . .
Shinichi and Kaito had talked at length about the specifics of what Ran and Sera had hired him to do, and any rules or boundaries Shinichi had, since it was his home. In the end, Kaito had smiled and headed home for the day with a spare key and the agreement that he’d be back at nine again the next morning. As Shinichi stood in the doorway watching the magician walk away, he couldn’t help but admit, to himself at least, that Ran had been right. He liked Kuroba Kaito.
. . .
Kaito kept his poker face up until he was safely within his own house. As soon as he knew no one else could see him, he dropped to a crouch with his hands fisting and pulling at his hair. Had it been a little risky to take an odd job from Mouri-san, knowing she was close with Meitantei? Yes, but he didn’t think that it would be Meitantei he was working with! He was confident in his ability to go undetected, even with Ran having grown up with Shinichi and Sonoko being as big of a KID fan as she was.
Kaito grimaced. It wasn’t a very good idea to do this. He’d be spending far more time around Shinichi than was entirely comfortable. Especially with the way the detective always seemed to sense him, no matter his disguise. But he couldn’t well back out! He needed the extra funds for his heists, and there weren’t many options for jobs that’d give him the free time he needed to research and plan KID’s heists. Plus, most other jobs would be harder to take time off from if he got injured. With this, he could just text and say he was too sick, without all the hassle of having to get a doctor’s note or worry about finding someone to cover his shifts.
Kaito tugged a little harder on his hair, sending a spike of pain through his scalp. Okay. Okay! He could do this. He was Kaitou KID, The Moonlight Magician who cannot be caught. Of course he can keep Meitantei from discovering his identity. The detective hadn’t suspected anything today, and Kaito had been caught off guard when the address Mouri-san sent him led to Kudo manor. Now, he was going in prepared. There was nothing to worry about!
Kaito took a deep breath, blowing it out and dropping his desperate hold on his hair as he stood. He pulled the new house key from his pocket, eyeing the little silver trinket. He had a key to Kudo’s house. Shinichi had given him a key to his house. Kaito knew it didn’t mean anything the way he was thinking, but still. His crush had given him a house key with permission to use it as he pleased. Anyone would be a little giddy.
Calm down, Kaito. Poker face, the magician scolded himself mentally. He couldn’t get too caught up in spending time with Meitantei. He needed to make sure not to give himself away as KID. Kuroba Kaito met Shinichi Kudo for the first time today, there’s no reason he’d have any romantic feelings for the detective.
He could do this.
. . .
The next morning saw Kaito in the Kudo manor kitchen, preparing breakfast. The coffee machine was brewing quietly in the background. Shinichi hadn’t shown up yet, Kaito having used his newly-acquired key to let himself in, but knowing the meitantei, he’d wake up from the coffee smell permeating the air and follow it down before long.
Shinichi woke up, too groggy to question why he could smell coffee and just glad that there was apparently coffee already made. He shuffled downstairs and made his way to the kitchen, pausing at the sight of Kaito standing at the stove. He was dressed casually in blue jeans and a tee shirt, looking comfortable and at home in Shinichi’s kitchen. It made butterfly’s kick to life in Shinichi’s stomach, and the sleuth realized he was quickly developing a crush on the magician, much to his dismay.
“Morning, Kudo-san,” Kaito chirped without even turning to look at him. Shinichi swallowed the lump in his throat and moved to the coffee machine. His favourite mug was already set beside the device, and Shinichi idly wondered if Kuroba had known it was his favourite or had just grabbed a random mug from the cabinet.
“Morning,” he responded, taking a sip of his coffee. He debated with himself for a minute as he drank his coffee and watched Kaito cook. In the end, he figured he had nothing to lose by doing it. “Shinichi.”
“You can call me Shinichi. I mean, you’re gonna be around so often, and we’re the same age.”
“Alright,” there was an odd lilt to his voice, but Shinichi couldn’t decipher it. “You can call me Kaito, then.”
“Alright. Kaito.” Shinichi liked the way the name felt on his tongue, and he silently cursed himself for how the lack of honorifics sent a warm feeling through his chest.
He didn’t stand a chance against this crush.
. . .
It’d been a week since that first day Kaito had made breakfast and Shinichi had given him a key, and Shinichi was going crazy.
First, Kaito had taken to helping clean the house while Shinichi was away. They’d quickly fallen into a routine. Kaito would show up at nine and make breakfast, then prepare a packed lunch while Shinichi got ready to go to the station. Shinichi would leave, and Kaito would wash the dishes and do some basic cleaning. He spent most of the afternoon on his phone or laptop doing…something. Shinichi would get home from his work with Division One, and Kaito would be halfway done with dinner. After, Kaito would wash dishes and Shinichi would dry them, and Kaito would head home for the night. He’d get a text from the magician later, reminding him to go to sleep and, when it was clear Shinichi was more likely to bury himself in mysteries than his blankets, threaten to take a train back to Beika to strong arm him. After the first time, when Kaito actually had done that and hadn’t gotten back home until late into the night, Shinichi took the threats seriously and made sure to go to bed just so he didn’t have to feel guilty for keeping Kaito from sleeping properly.
But what was driving Shinichi crazy was how, that first night after Kaito left, Shinichi had gone to the library to read and had noticed Conan’s glasses folded and set neatly on the end table. He’d freaked out and gone into a frenzy trying to gather anything relating to Conan and hide it away. After Haibara had given him the antidote, he’d done his best to distance himself from Conan to keep people from finding out they were one and the same. Even though the Black Organization had been taken down, Shinichi wasn’t willing to risk the chance that there were still members hidden somewhere, left on their own. Knowing he’d been Conan could still put people in danger.
And despite his best efforts, every few days Kaito would find something relating to Conan, and Shinichi would do his best not to freak out.
Meanwhile, Kaito was worrying himself to the bone over keeping his identity as KID a secret from Shinichi. He’d been confident he could manage it at first, but over the last week he’d caught Shinichi watching him warily more than once. And then of course he’d found a dart watch identical to Conan’s, big enough for Shinichi, which had sent him into a frenzy. He’d ended up stashing the watch in a hidden alcove in one of the guest bedrooms so the detective would at least have a hard time finding it if he did suspect Kaito.
He knew he should leave, quit while he’s ahead and his identity is still unknown.
But he couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing Meitantei outside of heists, not now that he’d gotten to spend time with him every day. He couldn’t imagine giving up seeing Shinichi stumble into the kitchen half-asleep, droopy eyed and looking soft in a way that was hidden once he was dressed in his suit. Or the way Shinichi eyed the bento boxes Kaito hands him before he leaves, like giving a kid a sweet and telling them not to eat it for a few hours.
Kaito just knew his crush on Shinichi would be the death of him someday.
. . .
Kaito and Shinichi continued in this manner for months, dancing around each other with their feelings and their secrets, trying to keep their distance while at the same wanting to get close to each other.
It all came crashing down one December night.
There’d been a KID heist. Shinichi was there, along with the Task Force and Hakuba, as well as Snake hiding in the shadows on the roof of the next building over. KID had taken the gem, led the task force on a wild chase through the building, and ended the night on the roof with his Meitantei. He opened his mouth to greet the detective, when a gunshot rang out and Shinichi dropped like lead to the cement roof.
“Shinichi!” Kaito couldn’t think, didn’t have the presence of mind to stop himself from calling out in his normal voice. He wanted to rush forward, check on Shinichi and make sure his Meitantei was okay.
He made himself turn his back to the fallen detective, finding the familiar shape of Snake aiming a gun at him from the other building’s roof. Kaito scowled and mentally ran through his options. He didn’t have many. Snake was too far away for Kaito to reach him, and he didn’t have anything set up on that roof. His card gun could reach that far, if he stood at the very edge of the roof, but it didn’t pose nearly as much of a threat to Snake as the man’s bullets did to KID.
Snake shifted ever so slightly, and Kaito knew he was out of time. Before he could pull the trigger, Kaito ducked low and ran to Shinichi. He hefted the detective, conscious but in too much pain to do much more than breathe, into his arms and sprinted at top speed, right off the roof.
Another gunshot, and Kaito choked on a scream as fire burned across his thigh. Still, he pressed the button to release his hang glider and did his best to ignore the pain clouding the edges of his thoughts as he tried to steer. His glider couldn’t hold both their weight, not like when he’d carried Conan in his arms while using it. They were falling, and Kaito could only do his best to keep it a controlled fall. He managed to get them on the roof of a short building, retracting his glider back into place and lowering Shinichi to the cement gently. The sleuth was still conscious, but there was a large red stain covering his right side and he was struggling for breath. Kaito wasted no time in pulling his phone from his pocket, dialing the emergency number and relaying the need for an ambulance for a gunshot victim. He rattled off the address, having had the presence of mind to keep track of where they were as they’d flown over, and hung up. He didn’t have time to waste, he had to disappear before the paramedics arrived.
“Hang in there, Meitantei. Help is on the way.” Kaito went to stand, and cried out as he tried to put weight on his left leg. The fiery pain roared back to life, and Kaito bit his lip. He tasted blood and ran his tongue over his lip, taking a few deep breaths before maneuvering up onto his feet - foot - and resting his hand against the wall to keep himself steady as he hopped away.
. . .
Shinichi had spent four days in the hospital, and Kaito hadn’t read or responded to any of his texts since before the heist. Ran made her dad come to drive Shinichi home from the hospital, and Shinichi was relieved to see the gate of his family home through the windshield. Kogoro pulled over to the curb and put the car in park as Ran jumped out of the passenger seat to help Shinihi. He accompanied him to the front door, thought Shinichi was perfectly capable of walking on his own, and smiled at Haibara when the little scientist opened the door for them.
Ran had only agreed to let Shinichi stay in his own house, instead of hers, because she’d gotten the professor and Haibara both to promise to look after him. He muttered a greeting and stepped inside, toeing his shoes off with one hand on the wall for balance and immediately heading for the library.
He collapsed onto the couch and pulled out his phone, opening his text history with Kaito and chewing his lower lip. His messages haven’t been read, and he was worried out of his mind for the magician. Sure, he’d been worse off than Kaito, but he’d also received medical attention. He wasn’t sure the other had even made it somewhere safe that night, much less been treated for his injuries.
Shinichi sat like that, staring at his phone and worrying his lip until Haibara brought him dinner. After, he’d laid down and curled up on the couch and staring at the bookshelf on the wall with his phone gripped in his hand, hoping for the sound of his text tone to signify Kaito had texted him back and was okay.
He must have fallen asleep, because he woke up to the sound of a crash, like someone had knocked over something heavy. He eased himself up into a sitting position, turning in his seat to watch the library door.
The door opened slowly, and Shinichi watched as Kaito, crutches under his arms and his jeans showing the bandages wrapped heavily around his thigh, maneuvered into the room. He paused once he was fully through the doorway, head ducked and not looking at the detective on the couch. Shinichi sucked in a heavy breath, hardly believing that Kaito was actually here.
“Kaito…” Shinichi saw Kaito glance at him from beneath his bangs, but he quickly looked away. His eyes darted around the room, seeming to look everywhere but at him, and he swore his heart stopped for a moment in worry. The worry, for Kaito’s health and for the friendship they’ve built over the months, morphed into a white-hot anger in an instant. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you, you damn thief!” The anger melted away as quickly as it’d come. “You could have answered my texts, at the very least. I wasn’t even sure you were alive.”
“Sorry,” Kaito breathed, ducking his head further. “I…didn’t know what to say. And Haku-bastard wouldn’t let me come see you til now.” Kaito tilted his head to one side, the ghost of a smirk on his face. “Actually, he thinks I’m asleep in one of his guest rooms right now. I snuck out.”
Shinichi couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out from his chest. By the time he calmed down, there were tears in his eyes. He waved Kaito over to the couch.
“Get over here, don’t just stand around when you’ve been shot in the leg.” He paused and gave Kaito a mischievous look. “I didn’t expect you to wait for an invitation. You usually just make yourself right at home whether you’ve been given permission or not.” The teasing finally got Kaito to look at him, a small but hopeful smile playing across his lips. He moved further into the room, carefully making his way over to the couch on his crutches and sitting down on the far end from Shinichi. The smile slipped off the detective’s face as he glanced again at the outline of the bandages on Kaito’s leg. “So, Hakuba knows?” Kaito tensed and pursed his lips.
“Oh.” Shinichi probably shouldn’t have brought it up, especially when Kaito was already so on edge just seeing him. “For how long?” Kaito sighed, a resigned sound.
“He figured it out over a year ago, but I denied it, obviously. It was only a few months ago I actually admitted it. There were…extenuating circumstances.”
Just like this time. Shinichi looked from the tension in his shoulders, to the way he was fidgeting with his hands, and wondered if Kaito regretted him finding out. It certainly hadn’t been Kaito’s choice to tell Shinichi his identity; it’d been a life-or-death situation.
“Sorry,” he blurted, causing the magician to over at him in confusion. “Just…I…” Shinichi took a breath and forcibly calmed himself, ordering the words in his head before speaking again. His thoughts felt jumbled. Lack of sleep mixed with his painkillers maybe. “I wish I’d found out because you wanted me to, and chose to tell me. Not because I was shot and you couldn’t hide it.”
Shinichi heard Kaito suck in a sharp breath, but he kept his eyes downcast.
“You…aren’t going to turn me in.” It sounded like a statement. Shinichi shook his head to answer anyway. “I don’t…why?”
“Well I can’t very well date you if you get arrested and the people after KID kill you, now can I?” Shinichi’s mouth had moved before his brain could process the words, and he realized what he’d said about the same time Kaito processed the words and stopped breathing. Shinichi flushed red, embarrassment warming his cheeks. “Sorry, sorry, I, uh.” Shinichi groaned and buried his face in his hands.
He didn’t see the way Kaito had also turned beet red, staring at him with eyes shining with a delicate hope.
“You…want to date me?” Kaito’s voice sounded shy and timid, and Shinichi dropped his hands back to his lap, but didn’t look at him. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth, so he nodded in leu of a verbal response. “...Good.” Kaito laughed, surprised and joyous. “That’s…good. I hadn’t figured out how I would convince you to be my boyfriend if you’d said no.”
Shinichi’s head shot up to look at Kaito in shock. Of all the reactions he’d expected, it wasn’t this. The soft, relieved smile, with just the smallest hint of mischief in his eyes. He’d expected, at best, to be let down gently. Despite all his hopes and imaginings, he hadn’t thought Kaito would actually want to date him.
“You want me to be your boyfriend?” Shinichi asked with hope.
“Meitantei, I’ve been falling in love with you since you came back. You have no idea how hard it was to not only plan heists I knew you could attend, just to see you. You should’ve seen me after you gave me a key to the house.”
Shinichi blushed, face warming at Kaito’s use of the word love. But the feeling was bittersweet. He didn’t think it would be anything else until Kaito knew his other identity too. True, that Shinichi was his ‘real’ identity, but Conan was a part of him too. Being Conan had changed him, taught him so many things that influenced who he was now.
“...I have something to show you.” Kaito tilted his head in question at Shinichi’s statement. With a determined look, Shinichi stood from the couch and crossed over to his father’s desk off to one side of the room. He opened the drawer and pulled out a pair of black-framed glasses, both familiar and foreign, and turned to face Kaito as he fidgeted with them. He took a breath to try and settle his nervousness, and slid the glasses onto his
face, putting his hands in his pockets and changing his stance to the one he had when he uncovered a mystery and revealed the truth.
He was in a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt, and as Conan he’d always attended heists in his suit, but Kaito seemed to catch the similarities anyway. He gasped quietly, and squinted. Probably trying to figure out how it could possibly be true that Shinichi and Conan were the same person. Kaito pursed his lips.
“You were Tantei-kun. Shrunk down to the body of a child?”
“Uh, yeah,” Shinichi gaped. What? How on earth did he reach that conclusion? No one on earth would assume that was the case, even if Shinichi had just admitted it. Sort of.
“Interesting,” Kaito nodded, seeming completely unsurprised at finding out Shinichi had been shrunk down to the body of a child. Of himself as a child.
“Kaito, what the fuck? How are you not…shocked, or doubtful?” Kaito shrugged.
“There’s a witch in my class. She likes to…do stuff.” Kaito made a face. “It’s mostly harmless now, but, well. It wasn’t always.” Shinichi stared at him, at a loss for words. “She turned someone into a snail once. Hakuba saw it.”
“...Our lives are so weird.” He didn’t know how else to respond. Kaito barked a laugh.
“You could say that again, Tantei-kun.” Kaito smirked mischievously. “Now get over here so I can cuddle my boyfriend.”
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badfauxmance · 3 years
Rapid Fire Answers
Anon 1:  Lately I keep thinking this shit show is real and I hate it. 😣
We still think this is all fake bullshit and there’s plenty of things that about it that don’t make sense if this was real. We’re going to keep pointing out reasons why we think things aren’t real. It’s ultimately up to you whether you think anything we say is convincing enough to make you believe it’s PR like we think it is.
Anon 2:  Do you think that they hang out casually?
Anon 3:  Do you think Seb and Ale are kinda like friends or co workers at least? Do they hang out casually?
Based on his body language in the last couple times they’ve been in pictures together? No. Their body language in the last LA pap walk honestly look like like they’re want to get the hell away from each other. Their Tulum pap walk he literally walks away from her without bothering to look back at her or holding her hand like you’d think an actual boyfriend would do. That Christmas picture with Elizabeth Gilpin, he looks like “why the hell am I here right now?” while the two blonds look like they’re having fun.
Anon 4:  Real or fake this relationship is really toxic and both parties should honestly just go their separate ways. Because it's not gonna last.
It’ll end either when the contract is expired or Alejandra decides to pull the plug earlier than that. So they’re not going to last anyway. But yeah they have nothing in common and have different interests. If this was real, this relationship would have been over before July was even done because of how little sense they make.
Anon 5:  Ale just posted a new photo. She is probably in Mexico don't you think? And I love your blog, I check it everyday to see if there is an update :)
As of this posting, she just posted a new IG story where she’s clearly out and about with Esmeralda Brajovic. They were at an LA coffee chain. That’s sounds like a violation of quarantine rules, but she probably doesn’t give damn about pesky rules and stuff that might get you in trouble with the US immigration people if you get reported, etc.
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