#au: helenarenee adopt steph
dyketectivecomics · 1 month
Dont you have an old au where Renee Montoya becomes Stephs parent or am I hallucinating
I’ve settled on a couple things (& also to catch y’all up a bit on the AU which I’m gonna use the tag at the end so y’all feel free to take a dive into it):
Helena & Renee do keep pulling Steph back n forth on the whole vengeance vs justice issue. I’m looking for Steph’s character progression to be still fairly similar to her canon arc, just through the lense of having mentors who ACTUALLY care abt getting her on the right path & giving her the outlet that she was begging for lol
Steph doesn’t die!!! She doesn’t become Robin or Batgirl either, all of them are more bop-aligned than bat-aligned but they still help when the whole city’s in Disaster Mode™️ obvsly
Speaking of, kinda still debating bumping up NML in what’s usually my personal canon/timeline amalgamation in my brain (NML being the kinda inciting Incident for Helena & Renee to take Steph in, it’s kinda Bombshells-like in that respect I think 😅 Altho it also means rip Crystal probably 😭😭😭 I’m kidding, I’m cooking up a whole dramatic reunion!!! )
Okay, now I’m thinking abt Babs pulling an uno-reverse on Bruce in this AU and after smthn War Games-like happens it’s BRUCE who fucks off outta gotham for some time!!! YA HAVE IT COMIN BRUCIE BOY!!!! PUSHIN EVERYONE AWAY IDIOT!!!!
Anyways, yea, Helena joining bop a bit sooner (I think it was originally a little while yet after NML for others to join, but I want it to be sooner/almost predating NML potentially??? Idk we’ll see) also similarly, Renee stepping away from GCPD & becoming the next Question being bumped up. (Possibly Vic mentoring her even while a detective??? I’m playin around with the idea!!)
How Helena & Renee meet prior to gaining A Whole Steph is another question I’m not prepared to answer!!! But we’ll figure it out!!!
Obligatory StephCass mention bc 💕💕💕💕💕
Omg wait 😭 Steph being like kind of an older cousin figure to Charlie instead of just a Cautionary Tale 😭😭😭 I’m in my FEELS now ahhh!!!!
I probably COULD go on, but I’ll cut it off here bc I wanna ruminate on these thoughts 💕 LOVE this au aaahhh
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
randy and me coming up with the rook!steph au: we’re giving the lesbians and the steph stans everything they want
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dyketectivecomics · 3 years
>makes a Highly Specific AU with my pal tee where Helena and Renee adopt Steph
>makes a few semi serious semi joke posts abt it
>realize months later that Helena is a Practicing Catholic and Renee is a Lapsed Catholic
>memes the shit out of this
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
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@dykehelenabertinelli I know we didn’t talk abt it but dude. What if Rook!Steph’s first investigation with Question is bc she skipped class and tagged along and she just... kept her school uniform as her Investigative uniform akskajak
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
steph as the question 🖍
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“Hey Question, there’s been a murder over here! Lots of blood!”
“Hmm, gross. Someone should get a mop”
(Send me a Character+🖍 for a lil crayon doodle!)
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
Which mom would build Rook!Steph a fort and why would it be both of them?
oh easy, it’d be both of- SON OF A BITCH you beat me to the joke anon >:/
but you get a ficlet for ur humor. A++ 1000/10 Excellent form
She frowned as the lock held, stubborn in its place as she kept pushing and pushing and pushing the key. Pushing until she thought it might threaten to snap.
“Stupid… Justice and stupid… key and stup-” 
She gave a small shout of victory as it finally turned, the apartment opened to her once again.
“Mom! Mama! The lock got stuck again!” she called, shutting the door swiftly behind her and flipping the deadbolt back into place with ease. “It was practically-”
She stopped in her tracks, as she took in the sight of the living room before her, a sea of blankets at shoulder-level, varying tents and dips throughout the space. The couch and coffee table and various furniture all obscured under the waves of fabric. And at the far side of the room, near one of the windows, a small opening through which Helena poked her head out.
“Stephie! Quick! I need your help-”
“Stephanie, baby, mira! Don’t listen to ‘Lena! I need you over here!” Renee’s muffled voice called from their bedroom.
The girl hesitated in the space between, that short hallway serving to distance the two rooms by a few steps.
‘I’m sorry,’ she mouthed for Helena, tiptoeing over to the bedroom and taking a peek inside. 
“Mama?” she asked hesitantly, before nearly turning right around immediately.
In stark contrast against the living room she had just exited from, the bedroom was a mountain range of pillows, all stacked strategically against one another and forming strong and sure walls and roofs within the room.
“Steph, what do you-”
“You’re both crazy!” she laughed before Renee could finish, turning right around and heading straight for the kitchen instead. “Why are you so weird!”
“We wanted to surprise you, kiddo,” Helena grinned, crawling out from her blanket fort, delicately avoiding pulling one of the sheets away with her as her left foot caught on the fabric. She and Renee were quick to follow Stephanie into the kitchen, however.
Her voice turned to a low hum as she admitted, “Didn’t agree on how to go about it but-”
“But we knew you’d love it,” Renee finished, reaching a hand over to muss up the girl’s curls. The detective was the first to reach the fridge, already pulling a box of Stephanie’s Eggos out, before hesitating. “You… do love it, right?”
There was a beat of silence, and the mothers exchanged an unsure glance with one another.
“Do I have to say yes when you’re holding my waffles hostage?” the girl asked sheepishly. 
Helena’s laughter was more of a howl of delight, and Renee could barely catch her breath at the unexpectedness of the question.
“No,” she wheezed, “No, I suppose you don’t.” 
“Good, because two forts is overkill,” she nodded, taking a seat at their table, “I’m only one person, for pete’s sake!”
Helena chuckled, sitting right beside her and propping her head in her hands. “I thought a blanket fort would be cooler. Ren thought pillows would make a better structure-”
“And I’m right.”
“-So we figured we’d let you break the tie when you got home.”
“So what’s the verdict?” Renee asked, setting the plate of waffles before the girl with a sly wink. “Pillow or blanket fort?”
Stephanie’s eyes roamed between her mothers and the waffles before her, thinking her options carefully for a minute before finally voicing her answer.
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
For @dykeskomandr (Happy Solstice, Tee!) I hope you don’t mind me writing up How Stephanie Gets Her Name for our uhhh, Highly Specific AU fjkdalsfj
(For those of you just joining us, you’re not missing out on much, the basic premise is Helena & Renee adopted Steph and, well, Certain Things Change bc of that, naturally.)
Hope you like this!! And again, happy solstice!!! :D
The private investigator stared at the board before her, heat rising at her ears as she began to realize the tween before her, had her cornered. She had been so preoccupied, thinking over the case she’d taken on, she barely registered Stephanie’s strategy was different from her habitual set of moves. If she didn’t start making more aggressive decisions, Stephanie would have her king within the next three turns.
“You didn’t answer my question,” she said, stalling for time as she continued staring down at the chess pieces that only seemed to mock her now, “How do I know this isn’t some wild attempt to chase after-”
“Ew, don’t be gross, Ren!” Steph scowled, sticking out her tongue in disgust. “It’s not about Robin.”
“He’s the only thing you’ve talked about these past three months-”
“That’s not true,” Helena interrupted from the kitchen, to which Stephanie’s scowl turned into a smug grin. One that quickly dropped as Helena continued, “Stephie wouldn’t shut up about Batgirl last week-”
“It’s true!”
As they began arguing, Renee quickly placed her knight in a more protective position, setting a trap she could only hope her daughter would see too late.
“Your move, kid.”
“Gimme a sec,” she muttered, fingers steepling in front of her face in her best ‘thinking’ pose. And Renee couldn’t help her smile.
“You still need to answer me-”
“I’m thinking-”
“If you can’t think and answer at the same time, what hope do you have for crime-fighting when you need to think and fight-”
“It’s because it’s right,” she barked back, making Renee pause in her teasing.
The former officer opened her mouth to argue, before thinking better, shutting it and giving the girl a hand wave. A simple gesture, encouraging Stephanie to elaborate.
“Because the Batman’s got his kids to help him take on the rogues, but who’s helping the Question take on corruption? Or the Huntress from taking on the mob?”
“Sweetie, you really don’t-” Helena tried to placate her before the girl interrupted again, her voice rising a pitch as she began to sit up straighter from her place in front of the coffee table.
“No! Let me finish!” Stephanie yelled, “Every day and every night you two go off wherever the hell you’re off to and… And I’m just stuck here until you get back! I’ve been studying your old files-” she pointed accusingly at Renee before turning to Helena, “-and I’ve been training at your old gym. I want to help. I have to help. And...”
She groaned, covering her face with her hands in frustration, mumbling under them as the women exchanged a glance. Helena nodded before checking on the dinner in progress, setting the burner to a low simmer and leaving the half-chopped vegetables at the cutting board for a moment before moving back into the living room.
She seemed to hesitate between joining Renee on the couch and sitting closer to their daughter to comfort her, and settled at the end of the coffee table between them. She set a gentle hand on the girl’s shoulder.
“And what, Stephie? Why do you feel like you need to help?”
“Because no one else can do it,” she mumbled, finally taking her hands away to look at them. Tears of frustration pricked at the corners of her eyes, and Renee felt her heart sink at the sight of them. “Because no one else can help you two like I can.”
This time Helena looked to Renee, a plea in her eyes to tell the PI she was out of platitudes for the tween.
Renee could only sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose, thinking.
After a moment or two, she rubbed at her eyes and gave another exasperated sigh.
“What would we even call you?” 
Helena blanched at the question, while Stephanie’s mood immediately shifted. A hope sparked in her eyes that brought back a warmth to Renee’s chest, and she knew, despite it being an attempt to dissuade her, there was nothing she could ever say that could change the girl’s mind.
Perhaps, she realized, they’d only be delaying the inevitable.
“Well, Batman has his Robins,” she said very carefully, playing with one of the chess pieces she’d most recently captured from Renee before holding the piece aloft.
“How do Huntress and Question feel about having a Rook?”
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
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No ones gonna appreciate me and @dykehelenabertinelli’s very specific AU where Helena & Renee adopt Steph and that’s okay. Bc that means I can try my hand at Stephs costume a million times if I want
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
does renee keep in contact w/ any of her friends/coworkers from her gc days? Are any of them involved in steph's life? Did kate and renee still get together in this verse? Does steph know the other birds kids? What's steph and cass's relationship like? who knows who's id?
given how everythings shifted a little and how much sooner i’ve been thinking abt having renee quit the MCU... i can see her maybe only keeping up with Gordon, Bullock & Allen after she quits? Gordon bc, c’mon, its The Commish, and Bullock & Allen bc when you’ve got a partner you’ve got a Bond with them ofc.
Steph’s definitely met them all separately for different occasions. both in and out of costume too, depending on Circumstance. Involvement beyond those brief encounters though... idk, we’ll have to really Consider that *thinking emoji* but i kinda like the idea of Renee, Steph & Helena all having semi-regular dinners with the Allens and Steph considering their boys her friends in some capacity?
at the v least she knows OF them, at first! I can see Dinah absolutely talking off-hand abt all of the arrow kids. there’s not exactly a protocol for arranging costumed playdates ofc, so uhhh, they’ll all get around to Team Ups eventually. gotta have at least a FEW one-off adventures together, after all
the stephcass friendship (eventual Relationship) is def still strong in this au! if anything, its even Stronger, since steph has much more of a hero support system encouraging her to continue her vigilantism bc fuck batman rights
actually, for that last q, i cant help but think how fun it would be, before Renee & Helena let her do her own Detective Work™, she has to Deduce certain Super’s IDs (figuring out the batfam is a Must, but easily done once she knows Cass & Babs and starts connecting dots from there. same thing with following the crumbs from Dinah to figuring out the rest of the arrows. maybe figures out a few of the Titans or some small-time heroes? idk, i really like this Idea of a Test now hmm everyone who knows Renee & Helena know its Steph under the Rook’s mask ofc. its Just Obvious fjkladsjfk
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dykerachelsummers · 5 years
a snippet based off mine and @dyketectivecomics’ au where helenarenee adopts steph.
Stephanie Brown was a precocious spitfire of a child and Helena couldn’t help but love her. The ten year old was sitting at the kitchen table, her nose practically pressed against the wood of the table as she scribbled away on some printer paper; her choppily-cut blonde curls had swung forward to hide her face. “Hey Stephie,” Helena said, “what are you drawing?”
Stephanie looked up from her work and her small, round face lit up wuth a delighted smile. “Hel!” she exclaimed. “Come look, I’m drawing us!”
Helena made her way to Stephanie and peered down at the picture. It was of a dark-skinned woman in a purple and white costume with her arm wrapped around a faceless brunette, with a small purple-clad figure in between them. The childlike figure’s face was hidden by the shadow of her large purple hood. “Aw, baby, is that you in between me and Renee?”
Stephanie nodded, her bright blue eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Yeah! You and Ren are my heroes and I’m going to be just like you someday - so I can bring down bad men like my father.”
Helena felt her heart melt.
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
Idk what took Steph is so tell me about it? Also ☠️ thing for magicfam!raven from that ask thing like 2(?) weeks ago?
Ooof ok two part q here we GO~ pt 1:
Rook is the identity Steph takes on in me & tee’s “Helena & Renee adopt Steph” AU! The core idea being that Steph gets Tired™️ of watching her moms go night after night on their own separate Crime Crusades, and decides for herself that Huntress & Question deserve a sidekick ala Batman & Robin ofc!
Me & Tee chose Rook bc its both a play on the bird motif & on a chess motif, so it works well with Huntress (ala a hunter and their hawk for ex), or Question (conspiracy and corruption have to be dealt with like a game of chess afterall). Actually while you’ve got the chess thing going, we could Maybe make an argument that it connects w/ the Spoiler theme, a hero who uses cunning & intelligence to get an advantage over her enemies first. Idk I just really love the way Rook works as a Potential hero ID overall.
Personally, I’ve decided the one constant for her costume will def be both the psuedoderm & domino mask, bc i like the idea that, even with them letting Steph be a Young Vigilante, they’re Extra Protective of her identity. And also the redundancy jokes to be had
Alright now Part dos!
☠️ - angry/violent headcanon
So raven lived a kinda idyllic childhood compared to canon, right? Like not Normal by any stretch, but something with a lot more normalities and exposure to Normal Goddamn People. (She’s more well-adjusted to pop culture & more relaxed around people basically) BUT. She’s also been much much more tempted by that demon half as a result. So anytime she’s been shown a penchant for Violence (starting with breaking toys or playing Too Roughly with others as a child) John and Zee shut that down Immediately. As she grows up ofc she needs to find an outlet for it, since she’s been allowed to Feel more fully and freely. While meditation does help when she’s more of a tween, she eventually needs Even More Outlets which leads (drum roll please 🥁 🥁 🥁) to Sports!
Now I know what ur thinking. “Raven? And sports? Ew” but LISTEN this is a DIFFERENT earth. This is a DIFFERENT background. One where she’s Encouraged to Try All The Things & Meet All The People & Feel All The Emotions (okay. Whoa wait. Dial it back there kiddo JUUUUST a Tad.) so ofc that means doing things that aren’t considered by fanon, Normal for her.
Something ya gotta understand too is, not all sports are Team Sports.
Ye THATS right. I’m talking running, I’m talking swimming, I’m talking track & field and weightlifting and boxing and all of the little Individual Exercises that she can do w/out wanting to get too many other people involved.
Bc Ravens not a violent person, by her human nature at least. But that doesn’t mean that she won’t need an outlet when she’s already given her demonic half a little too much freedom already
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
ok so its shown in yj that future charlie becomes huntress so do you think rook!steph would become the next question so they can be a dynamic sisterly duo? If not what mantels do you think steph will take up? does steph have stronger dies to the bats or arrows? also you mentioned steph going to her aunt's for wildly different advise do you have any examples of the kinda thing you mean? (also this is vodka aunt zinda erasure shed be there right along w/ zee) +sorryforbugginguijustreallylovehelena
outside of the AU & into my personal canon, i’m a BIG fan of nightwing!steph actually! but for this one? tbh, until you brought up huntress!charlie, me and tee had originally planned for steph to take over that mantle but.... the more that i think abt how steph used her Head above all else when bring down her dad and how time & again she’s out-thought or outmaneuvered an enemy instead of using sheer strength... seeing patterns and using them... oh shit I'm REALLY excited for the idea of steph taking on The Question mantle now actually ahh, tee we need to TALK abt this
the bats. they ARE living in Gotham after all! not to say that steph DOESNT have friends among the arrows, but, well, when you Live In Gotham already yknow?
okay SO Steph Goes To:Babs - for hw help that she thinks is Beyond Renee & Helena’s ability, and advice anytime she’s stuck on a case & really wants to Impress Renee. they all Know she’s going to babs. its an open secret lmaoDinah - for further hand-to-hand training and Good Emotional Vents. yknow how there’s some things you can only like, let your coach know? idk, i had one of those coaches/mentors and i just see that kind of relationship forming btwn steph n dinah?Zinda - general life advice and weapons training (when she's deemed Old Enough For It by both Renee & Helena bc they want her to have a healthy respect & understanding of weapons and who better than from a sharpshooter, ye?)
i already told u this but you most certainly are NOT bugging me bro, send me asks ANY time. it might take me awhile like it did for these ones bc i like to Think over my answers but i LOVE GETTING STUFF LIKE THIS. hop into my inbox ANY time!!!
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
ok I cant stop thinking about rook!steph and lori meeting cuz in this au they're DUBBLE connected through charlie (who's somehow related to lori) and zee (cuz of magic stuff)!! the raw power and potential for chaos!! who better to tell batman to get fucked!!
(answering your qs a little out of order here bc the first one you sent is a Lot and i Need to Think abt all those Qs,SO-)
ye, i know exactly what you’re talking about! charlie and lori weren’t ever really... specified, but its assumed that they’re at least cousins! (however far removed ofc, lord only knows) but they're definitely at least cousins! which i think makes it Fascinating how their powers might be related & if charlie might be capable of any other magic if properly trained on that front! but that’s a topic to gush about for another time so with that being said-
i’m... not sure how much i see that connection from steph to zatanna (that you also kinda mentioned in previous as that’s still waiting here in my inbox)? wait, unless you mean that “omg you’re hot (sorry)” moment that steph had in YJ19? is that the steph-zee connection you’re trying to reference jdklsa;
i mean also considering how much i love dinahzee, even just as friends, but the fact that zee wasn’t ever.. really part of the Birds... idk. hmm. i just... don't see that zatanna connection there my dude I'm??? 
but on another note: most of the night force, taking them pre- OR post-flashpoint, are usually aged around steph’s generation already. and shit with steph & klarion’s team-up that one time too- WAIT A MINUTE
*slaps m’cowboy hat against m’knee* oh shit this girl is DESTINED to be INEXPLICABLY involved in magic shenanigans. ESP if we’re giving her & charlie more of that emphasis
ok, but imagine the jld movie but with Rook!Steph in batman’s place as the EveryMan & the Night Force slowly being brought together To Save The World or w/e I'm just fjkdla;fk oh shit i need that now
but now i also really wanna set up some Dramatic Irony with renee & helena trying to get her to Always Steer Clear of Magic & mystics and here we are, and THOSE are the kids she and Charlie end up calling for like 50% of their problems fjksdajl ok. i def need to Get On This sometime. dude plz send in, like, an ask to remind me to Do That omg
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
Anyways. Steph calls her moms Mama Ren & Mama Len when she needs to address One (1) of them w/out the other getting Confused ofc
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
Do the birds of prey exist in your rook!steph au? If so what's charlie up to cuz helenas kinda her mom to? also helena and renee are a couple right? Who are steph's friends in this verse?
oh the birds absolutely exist in this AU. they’re just. it’s DC but a little To The Left yknow? the one decisions having a million minute ripples? including, but not limited to:
helena joins the birds negligibly later down the line, but when she does, Renee is right there along with her
yknow, between dinah with the arrowkids and sin, helena & renee w/ steph, and babs mentoring cass, they're really the Moms of Prey fjdkalsj, so when Charlie pops in as Their Collective Child, they’re rolling with the situation at that point. Practically Experts. so steph & charlie are like... pseudo-sisters? they're basically sisters.
(zinda’s the only one, tho, who’s sticking to her Chaotic Aunt status for all of their kids. Actively Encouraging & Supporting Bad Decisions™, god bless you zinda)
Steph absolutely adores Dinah, Babs & Zinda collectively as her aunts tho, but also goes to them for VASTLY different life advice when she doesnt want to go to her moms.
something else to make clear (& to start to circle back to ur q’s) renee quits the mcu & become the question a little sooner in this AU -> in fact, its fairly soon after they adopt steph! taking care of a kid makes you Realize Things after all.
so ye they're a couple! (I'm, kinda overthinking it all now about where exactly... they’d stand at the start, bc the actual comic ERA i personally have in mind, obviously is pre-52 and therefore also pre-Sweeping Gay Marriage Legalization, so??? i have no clue if NJ was one of those states that recognized marriage or skirted around the issue w/ Civil Unions instead, but either way, Helena & Renee get Really Close and steph kinda... seals the deal between them fdkalsjal) i mean timelines are tricky enough as is so we can pick and choose from diff canons as much as we want but... most of my knowledge pulls from pre52, so that’s really what I'm trying to use as a reference point of Altering From?
so to close out: step’s friends! steph & charlie absolutely grow close, BUT. also. since steph certainly doesn’t have Batman & Robin in her way, she absolutely earns a spot with the YJ crew early on in their founding. not quite Core Four early, but she DEF hops in as another Detective for the group & source of witty banter for em lmao
I'm sure there’s plenty more to talk about, but me & tee are really making this up as we go, so yknow!!! its just!!! fun!!! but i also wanna give tee time to make their own posts abt this too sometime &/or expand on this too so we’ll stop here for now!
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
I think what I love most abt this AU. Is Helena, whos actually worked with kids as a teacher and relates well with them, getting into the swing of parenting Steph with no problems
But then you have Renee who’s Woefully underprepared and is one of those gays who never actually Considered™️ having kids but now they’ve Got One and she’s even More Tired than usual bc How does Anyone Live Like This
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