#auction of evil bthb
wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
Auction of evil for Bailey? Maybe an AU where SV tires of them and sells/rents them off to the highest (villainous) bidder
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I liked these two together, so I combined them. Do I need more AUs for WBOH? No. Is that gonna stop me? Also no.
CW for non-con drugging/sedation, implied abuse
“I’m in position,” Zera said softly into their comm. 
“Good,” came Elijah’s tinny voice. “Find out what it is they’re auctioning and get out. Just recon, nothing else.”
Zera tamped down on the anger welling up in them at that. He was right, after all. As much as Zera might want to help if someone was in danger, there were too many people here. 
There were too many villains. 
Iris had found the information about the auction with one of her programs. Zera couldn’t claim to understand what she had said when she explained it. Something about the dark web, VPNs, and honeypots? What Zera did understand was that she had found the coordinates, date, and time of an auction being planned. An auction to which all of the villains who could make it to the area were invited.
What she hadn’t found was information about what was being auctioned. All the heroes knew was that it had to be something big. Something dangerous. Potentially catastrophic if left in the wrong hands. 
Zera was there to find out just what it was that had drawn so much attention.
“Got it,” they replied. “Find out what’s being auctioned, stay to see who buys it if it’s safe, then get out.”
“Exactly. Comms blackout starts now.” 
With that, Zera’s earpiece went dead. They felt a shiver travel up their spine at the idea of being unable to reach their team. It was necessary—there were too many technopaths in the villain world for any comms to be safe in this situation—but they still hated it. They settled into their hiding spot in the rafters, making themself comfortable for the wait.
The seats in the old theater started filling up. Zera recognized many of them. Ice Queen, Black Fox, The Piper, Livewire, Miss Eerie… these weren’t just local small-time villains. Some of these were international supervillains. 
What the hell was special enough to draw them all here!?
Finally, the lights in the hall dimmed and the chatter went silent. All eyes turned to the stage. 
The figure who walked out wore an expensive tailored suit. The click of their dress shoes against the stage reverberated through the hall as they walked to the spotlight. The domino mask they wore was a decorative, lacy thing that wouldn’t have been out of place at a masquerade ball. 
Slipknot gestured like they were embracing the gathered crowd, and the villains in attendance applauded.
“Welcome, welcome!” Slipknot greeted their audience. Their voice was amplified and played through speakers throughout the hall, giving the disconcerting impression that they were everywhere.
The hall quieted, and Slipknot continued. “Thank you all for coming. I promised you something special, and you won’t be disappointed.”
They clicked their fingers, and a second figure emerged from off-stage. This one lacked Slipknot’s refined poise. Their suit was meant for combat, not elegance; their mask was utilitarian, not decorative. 
Poppet looked as out of place as a bloodstain on a wedding dress amidst the finery of the hall. 
They reached Slipknot’s side and sank to their knees beside the supervillain, head bowed. Slipknot placed a hand on the back of their neck; Poppet didn’t so much as flinch.
What. The. Hell. 
“As many of you know, I have been training a protege for the last few years,” Slipknot said. “My Poppet has come on in leaps and bounds in terms of their powers. Their telekinesis can be used for both brute force and finesse. For more detail, just look at the news.” 
That got a chuckle from the audience. 
“I am here to auction off one month of Poppet’s service. During that time, they will be yours to command as you see fit. They must be returned at the end of the month in the same condition they are now: all limbs attached and functioning.” Slipknot grinned at that. 
Zera felt like they’d swallowed a stone. Poppet was their nemesis, sure, but that didn’t mean they deserved this. Hell, Zera almost enjoyed fighting the villain! They were smart and witty, something that Zera learned when getting to banter with them between blows. And lately, those blows had been barely connecting. The villain had been going easy on them for some reason. Zera hadn’t had so much as a nosebleed from fighting Poppet in the last month. And okay, yes, some of that was that Poppet had been suspiciously absent for the past few weeks, but the point still stood!  
Poppet finally showed up, only for it to be here? 
Slipknot was willing to sell their own apprentice? Like they were nothing more than a weapon, an object? A guard dog to be loaned and traded?
“The bidding starts at one million dollars,” Slipknot said. 
Zera needed to get out of there. They needed to get back to their team, to report on this. To let everyone know just how ruthless Slipknot was.
Wouldn’t it be useful to know just who bought Poppet’s services? That way they could make plans for what that villain might do. Maybe they could even rescue capture Poppet during that time. And Elijah had said they could stick around if they deemed it safe…
Their thoughts were cut off by a sharp sting in their neck, followed by a wave of coldness seeping out from that spot. They turned their head to see Viper, a villain specializing in poisons, standing a few meters away with a… blowgun?
They reached a hand—why was that so hard to do?—to their neck. Their fingers brushed against something, and they pulled it out. 
A dart. She had hit them with a dart. A dart that had to have some kind of paralytic or sedative or something, because their body wasn’t responding correctly to their commands. 
Viper touched a hand to her ear before speaking. “Yeah, caught them sniffing around just like you suspected. I’ll bring them down now.”
The next thing Zera knew, they were being manhandled. Time was acting funny, too fast and too slow at once, like molasses shot from a cannon. A blink later and they were dropped to the shiny wood floor of the stage.
“And as a bonus, I’ll include custody of the hero Foxfire to whoever wins the bid on Poppet,” Slipknot said smugly. 
Zera’s eyelids were too heavy to stay open. The last thing they saw before they closed their eyes was Poppet, staring at them in horror from behind their mask.
Zera woke up with a scream stuck in their throat. Everything ached, a bone-deep pain that seemed to throb in time with their heartbeat. 
“I’m sorry,” came a small voice. 
Zera managed to turn their head to see the speaker. 
It was Poppet. They were no longer in their suit, but rather civilian clothing. The change in outfit revealed dark bruises ringing their wrists and decorating their arms. Zera winced in sympathy. 
“I’m so sorry,” Poppet said again.
@heathenville @nonbinary-disaster @kim-poce @whump-world @dolls-circus @pickleking8 @ghostfacepepper @cupcakes-and-pain @badluck990 @mylifeisonthebookshelf @pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @extemporary-whump @whumpwillow @multiple-characters1-acct @sunflower1000 @fleur-alise @equestrianwritingsstuff, @scp-1296 @livingforthewhump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @suspicious-whumping-egg @kaiwewi @lelly-belly @neuro-whump @newbornwhumperfly @whumpthisway, @whumpcreations, @wicked-whump @heart4brains, @myhusbandsasemni @how-to-be-a-hero @kixngiggles @kurochan @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @pattonvirglsanders @neverthelass @we-write-as-one @elrysdoesstuff @whumperflies-and-roses @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @ramadiiiisme @towerlesskey @emmanemanemm @pigeonwhumps
Special thank-you to everyone who helped me come up with villain names to round out the crowd!
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a-whump-muffin · 4 years
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Ten Thousand Autumns || BTHB: Dehumanization
Jin Hongyi is finally sold off in this one.
CW: box boy universe, human slavery, dehumanization, conditioning, pet whump, non-con touching, reference to past physical trauma (broken fingers)
He lifts his head, his mind as usual trapped in a misty haze that aches for tens of thousands of things he cannot name for fear the ones tormenting him will see that longing in his eyes and tear him apart for wanting more than they are willing to give. He is already covered in bruises so dark and swollen it hurts to breathe and shuffle between the inner and outer rooms that have been set aside for the master’s new pet to acclimate itself.
The words make him sick.
His new “owner” makes him even sicker.
The man is a wealthy official from the south, one of considerable wealth to have afforded to buy the Third Prince of Xing on the black market. Thousand Autumns Auction House never put him up for official sale, of course, because he had never signed his name and any hint of his presence in Ningxian would have brought the entire western division of the Xing army to their gates.
He does not even know this man’s full name, only that he was referred to as Official Xiao by the trainers.
He does know that the man is demanding and entertains the sickest fantasies. Their journey to Wu was marked by the long days and nights traveling in a carriage and the shift from Xing’s dry air to the heat and dampness of the south. The entire time, the man laid out the future he has planned for his new “pet” – a future filled with torment and misery.
The first of those torments is this choice he is offering, which is not really a choice at all.
“Come on, lovely boy, choose one – you can keep your name, I know you haven’t really forgotten it like the auction house claimed, or you can serve me as a person. You can take your meals with the servants, walk like a person, even speak like one. Your trainers were nice enough to provide this list of phrases you were taught to say, but you don’t need to be a mindless little pet if you don’t want to.”
The choice is impossible. It has been two hours since he first presented those choices and he is not any closer to making a decision.
He can give up his name or he can give up being a person.
He shakes his head, lips parted wordlessly as frustrated tears sting his eyes. Official Xiao loops a finger under his chin and tilts his head back, the other hand tugging at the leather collar wrapped securely around his neck.
“Won’t,” he says, voice nearly a whisper because he hasn’t been given explicit permission to speak, but he has never quite been capable of following the rules. The only place he has ever abided by them perfectly is his father’s court. “Won’t it be...a bother, or a, um, issue if I’m called by, by my name?”
That’s right. No matter how much they tried to beat it out of him, he could never forget his name.
All his life, he has been the Fourth Prince of Xing. He may have traveled the country more than his brothers and sisters, but the only life he has known is the imperial family and weight of a responsibility he never wanted but could not escape. Stop being willful. The moment you were born into this family, your life was already no longer your own. His mother’s final words to him held no affection, but he would never forget them.
He will remember his name, even if this man never calls him by it.
He should choose to be allowed to live as a person. A slave is still better than a mindless pet, endlessly reciting the phrases he has been taught. In function, nothing will have changed. He is still here to fulfill this man’s sick desires. But he can do that either as something less than human, or as a person held captive by an evil man.
“I-” He closes his eyes and trembles faintly in the man’s loose grip. No matter how loose, he cannot get away. He is weak, only given enough food to survive, and those trainers have twisted his wrists and ankles so many times that they are still swollen and aching, barely able to take his weight.
It’s then that he realizes, eyes going wide. Official Xiao’s hand falls away to let him look down at himself. His fingers never quite healed from the first few weeks in which they broke and dislocated them, again and again, to teach him to flinch every time his hands come into contact with an item that people use – writing brushes, bowls, spoons, chopsticks, even a broom. His joints aren’t even aligned properly anymore, his left wrist twisted at a strange angle. When he is forced to stay on his hands and knees for too long, he finds himself shifting his weight to his other three limbs to quell the pain that shoots up his left arm.
“I-” To his horror, he feels the tears drip from his eyes and slide down his nose and lips, falling one by one to the floor.
Official Xiao wipes them away patiently, rubbing soothing little circles into his shoulder.
“Take your time,” the man says, sounding far too cheerful for how miserable his little pet is right beneath his nose.
“Name,” he whispers, forcing himself not to trip over the word. “I want to keep my name.”
“‘I want to keep my name…’?” The man’s fingers dig into his shoulder and he allows himself a small, wavering exhale to expel the grief that sits heavy in his chest.
“I want to keep my name, Master,” he murmurs.
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
With Bloody Outstretched Hands Masterlist
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An injured villain makes their way to the heroes' headquarters to beg for protection.
No matter what the cost.
This is set in the same universe as my series "And Still", which you can find the masterlist for here. You don't have to read that first, but some of the events might be mentioned.
General content warning for Villain escaping an abusive situation/relationship. Specific warnings are on each piece.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Before the Beginning
Part 5
Bailey gets drunk
Bloody pulp
Part 6
Sadistic Choice (BTHB)
Part 7
Morning Reassurance
Part 8: Breakfast in Bed
Part 9: Breakfast in Bed 2
Part 10: Breakfast in Bed 3
Part 11: Trust Issues
"Same Time Tomorrow" (drabble)
Spineless (drabble)
Recapture Arc: (yes I'm evil. It's coming. I wrote a little drabble set in the future so now I have revealed my evil plan.)
Bailey drinking Baileys
Pariah Prisoner AU:
Pariah Prisoner (BTHB)
Trying Not To Cry (BTHB)
Reluctant Caretaker (BTHB)
"Hold On"/Soft Words of Reassurance
Stitches/Sloppy Bandages, Self Done First Aid (BTHB and Whumptober 2022 No. 11)
Revenge whump/"Are you going to kill me?"
Auction of Evil AU:
Auction of Evil (BTHB)
Adverse Reaction (Whumptober 2022 No. 1)
Dazed and Confused (Whumptober 2022 Altprompt 3)
Color Coordination, part of The Whumpers' Soiree:
Part 1
Bailey, before and after Supervillain
Bailey moodboard by @newbornwhumperfly
Zera moodboard by @newbornwhumperfly
Bailey Poppet
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Worst thing Bailey has done
What happened to Bailey's family?
How did Icarus cope?
Early fights between Bailey and Zera
Worst and best days of Bailey's life
Icarus's planned revenge
Cold, afraid of thunderstorms, bridal carry
Bailey's journal/sketchbook
Bailey picks a hero to put them down
Truth serum: how does Bailey feel about Foxfire?
Blorbo rating sheets:
Bailey, Slipknot
I accidentally gave @kim-poce the chance to whump Bailey:
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Comfort asks:
Shoulder to cry on
Someone by their bedside when they wake up
Gentle hair brushing
Warm hug and fluffy blanket
Dress them up in comfy clothes
With @kim-poce's Ice and Fire series:
@heathenville @nonbinary-disaster @kim-poce @whump-world @dolls-circus @pickleking8 @ghostfacepepper @cupcakes-and-pain @badluck990 @mylifeisonthebookshelf @pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @extemporary-whump @whumpwillow @multiple-characters1-acct @sunflower1000 @fleur-alise @equestrianwritingsstuff, @scp-1296 @livingforthewhump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @suspicious-whumping-egg @kaiwewi @lelly-belly @neuro-whump @newbornwhumperfly @whumpthisway, @whumpcreations, @wicked-whump @heart4brains, @myhusbandsasemni @how-to-be-a-hero @kixngiggles @kurochan @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @pattonvirglsanders @neverthelass @we-write-as-one @elrysdoesstuff @whumperflies-and-roses @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @ramadiiiisme @towerlesskey @emmanemanemm
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
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Checks are for completed, stars for requested. Blue is With Bloody Outstretched Hands, red is The Heart and the Hunger, orange is No Prisoners, and yellow is Weapons Don't Weep.
"You Can Scream All You Want" (No Prisoners)
"Sadistic Choice" (With Bloody Outstretched Hands)
"Pariah Prisoner" (With Bloody Outstretched Hands AU)
"Trying Not To Cry" (Pariah Prisoner AU)
"Reluctant Caretaker" (Pariah Prisoner AU)
"Force Feeding" (Weapons Don't Weep)
"I Will Punish Your Friend For Your Failure" (The Heart and the Hunger)
"Trust Issues" (With Bloody Outstretched Hands)
"Auction of Evil" (With Bloody Outstretched Hands AU)
"Dragged by the Ankle" (The Heart and the Hunger)
"Stitches" (Pariah Prisoner AU)
"Standing Cuffs" (The Heart and the Hunger)
"Trail of Blood" (Weapons Don't Weep)
"Hidden Scar" (No Prisoners)
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