#audio by tino
theorderofthetriad · 1 year
for your listening pleasure, here is Jared Huffman yelling "Hakeem Jeffries!" with the same cadence as "Leeroy Jenkins!" in the US House of Representatives
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captainhancock727 · 3 months
Tino Izzo - The Field of Blue Children
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kolbisneat · 2 years
MONTHLY MEDIA: September 2022
Ooooh really getting into that fall weather over here. Staying in, cozying up, and watching stuff! Here’s how I spent September.
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RRR (2022) Incredible. Epic in every sense of the world. One benefit of watching it across a few sittings is that each time I sat down, I was about to see the coolest thing ever committed to film. It builds in such a way that I’d ask “whoa how do they top this?” and then they do. Please watch it.
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Armour of God (1986) I almost didn’t finish this. The first two acts were a bit of a slog as Jackie Chan’s character was surprisingly unlikeable and the action wasn’t keeping my attention. But then that final act kicks in and it’s all worth it. Funny, impressive, and all-around fun. Really glad I didn’t abandon it.
Bullet Train (2022) Entertaining for the most part and some fun characters. It seemed like the sort of project where everyone is having fun so I can’t really fault that. 
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A League of Their Own (Episode 1.01 to 1.08) Despite reading plenty of reviews and opinions, I still didn’t realize just how gay this show is! The baseball element was more secondary than I expected, but the characters and plots are all really great. Wholeheartedly recommend.
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Episode 1.01 to 1.05) The Hobbit is one of my most treasured books, but beyond that I don’t have much affinity for Middle Earth. With that said, I’m really digging this! Who knew fantasy could be hopeful while still having plenty of drama and mystery? Big fan so far.
The Bachelorettes (Episode 19.09 to 19.12) I really had high hopes for this season. It started strong and really put an emphasis on friendship; what’s not to love? But by the end of this season it’s become clear that the show isn’t in the business of romance (if even temporary) anymore. It’s about making the most dramatic television possible at the expense of real people. Sure they signed up for reality tv but no one would sign up for the sort of stuff we saw with Tino and Rachel. I think I’m going to take a break from this franchise.
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Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski (Complete) While mostly written for those assigned female at birth, I absolutely recommend this for anyone to read. It gets into psychology, sociology, culture, anatomy, it has it all. It’s written in a casual and compassionate way that really reads like a conversation with a really informed friend.  
Stages of Rot by Linnea Sterte (Complete) A rare book set on an alien world that truly feels alien. It builds this world that has notes of the familiar, sure, but the creatures and behaviours are driven by forces I don’t understand. Very cool and the limited palette really compliments the artwork.
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The Mars Volta by The Mars Volta (2022) I’ve never listened to The Mars Volta before so this is all new to me but really digging it! Is it a good representation of their work? Who knows. Certainly not me. If you’re a fan and want to suggest where I go next in their catalog, let me know.
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Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Despite Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting releasing this month, it was all Neverland for my groups! The Mof1 Crew spent most of their time in the belly of a giant beast (crocodile) and my Tuesday group has successfully tracked down a Pirate who fled to the Fairy Realm!
That’s it. As always, feel free to send any recommendations my way and happy Friday!
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Nel lontano 1988 uscivano il vinile, la cassetta e il CD in ristampa di CLAUDIO BAGLIONI, il primo disco di Baglioni eliminato dal commercio nel 1970.
Interprete: Claudio Baglioni
Etichetta: RCA Italiana
Catalogo: PSL 10465
Data di pubblicazione: Settembre 1970
Matrici: ZKAY 25370/ZKAY 25371
Supporto: vinile 33 giri
Tipo audio: Stereo
Dimensioni: 30 cm.
Facciate: 2
Note: Fotografie di Romolo Forlai / Registrato da Giulio Spelta negli Studi RCA di Roma / Distribuito da RCA Italiana - Roma.
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Lato A
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni (cori)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio Musicisti: I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni (cori)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio Musicisti: Tino Fornai (violino solista)
Autori: Giulio D'Ercole, Pietro Melfa, Alberto Morina Orchestra: Maurizio De Angelis Edizioni: AdD
Autori: Claudio Baglioni
Lato B
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio Musicisti: Edda Dell'Orso (voce solista)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni (cori)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio
Autori: Claudio Baglioni
Antonio Coggio
Ruggero Cini
RCA Amici del Disco
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Movie Review | The Dragon, the Hero (Ho, 1979)
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After having watched Bruceploitation movies starring Bruces Li and Le, I thought it was time for one with the next biggest star in the genre, Dragon Lee. Granted, I'd previously seen him in The Clones of Bruce Lee, which has an appealingly nutty concept that it does little interesting with (a movie with that many Bruce Lees should not be so boring), but I was hoping for one that might let him shine. This is not it. The Dragon, the Hero is barely a Bruceploitation movie. Dragon Lee is barely in this movie, popping up every few scenes, occasionally demonstrating his kung fu prowess, and then disappearing for the bulk of the runtime. In that sense, the movie represents a ripoff in a higher plane, not just offering a knock-off Bruce Lee as the genre was wont to do, but failing to deliver even that in sufficient quantities. The con works on multiple levels.
But as an hour-and-a-half piece of kung fu schlock, it has its charms. The plot...well, that's a bit difficult to explain. There are two dudes (John Liu and Tino Wong Cheung) who were experts in a rare form of martial arts and had a feud, and now their sons may or may not be continuing the feud. Dragon Lee has run ins with local rich assholes. There's a baddie who runs a racket where he pays twenty bucks to anyone who can beat one of his goons, but then sends his toughest goon Philip Ko to kill them and take the money back. Now, I suppose this is meant to demonstrate that these are some really bad dudes, but one wonders if it wouldn't be easier to just not do any of this in the first place. Also, that head baddie turns out to have rabies, which we learn in a flashback that he got when he attempted to rape a woman but was foiled by a dog who bit off dick off. (There's a shot of a dog running with a sausage in its mouth, dispelling any possible ambiguity.) Also, there are a pair of dumbasses who provide alleged comic relief, although one of their bits is echoed quite entertainingly in the climax.
All of these pieces feel pulled from different movies, with little attempt to shape them into a coherent plot. Adding to the confusion is the atrocious English dub, which directly contradicts the subtitles multiple times and seems to change character motivations with every second sentence. It also awkwardly stretches out syllables at random to force a match to the actors onscreen, as if the voiceover artists were losing a game of verbal Tetris. (The movie is made a bit more tolerable audio-wise with some pilfered Morricone and Goblin.) This all makes more sense when you realize the movie is directed by Godfrey Ho, best known for assembling movies out of pre-existing footage and adding ninjas for flavour, and whose titles evoke a pre-Internet version of search engine optimization. (My favourite title, from a movie I have not seen, is Ninja Operation 5: Godfather the Master, which sounds like the movie equivalent of submitting a job application where you stuffed all the keywords from the posting into your resume.) This is the second film I've seen from him after Ninja Terminator (pretty entertaining, as long as you don't try to make sense of the plot and focus instead on the ninja bullshit and the Garfield phone), and while this was apparently made entirely by him with no recycled footage, it has the same mix of narrative incoherence punctuated by genuinely entertaining action. Despite the title, this is basically the John Liu and Philip Ko show, the former of whom has a kick-heavy fighting style that's never not fun to watch. And Tino Wong Cheung joins in at the end for a pretty neat two-against-one finale.
There's fun to be had here, just don't think too hard about any of it.
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mrmceachin · 3 months
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verite-jesus-libre · 5 months
Tino Rossi - Noël des enfants oubliés (Audio officiel)
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grad603-viviandoan · 1 year
Decisions making
Type Faces:
The assigned audio by Dame Whina Cooper reminds me of an old audio script or interview, so I want to explore serifs and calligraphy-inspired typefaces to achieve this. Dame Whina Cooper was described as the "Mother of Nation". She is powerful, sophisticated and robust, and I want to show this through bold, elegant, and homely handwritten calligraphy.
DunhillScript Semibold- Designed by Richard Lipton at Adobe Fonts
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Avalon- Designed by Richard Lipton at Adobe Fonts
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P22 Marcel - Designed by Carolyn Porter
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Colour Scheme:
Red+ White+ Black
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Considering Dame Whina Cooper's Māori background and her dedication and movement in fighting for her people's land. I was thinking of using red, white and back from the Tino Rangatiratanga, the national Māori flag. Each colour contains a significant meaning; red is Te Whai Ao (coming into being), black is Te Korekore (potential being), and white is Te Ao Mārama (the realm of being and light). The flag's white part also references Aotearoa's meaning: "Land of the Long White Cloud.
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freddytje · 1 year
Tino Martin - It's raining in my heart (Officiële audio)
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theorderofthetriad · 1 year
This detective is extremely distressed by the murder's dumb methodology! He needs an enriching case perpetrated by someone smart who understands the capabilities and needs of a detective of his intelligence level!
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Palco d'Autore 2022
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Sono aperte le iscrizioni alla terza edizione di “Palco d’Autore” il contest nazionale dedicato agli autori, cantautori ed interpreti, ideato da Tino Coppola ed organizzato dalla Bit & Sound Music. Palco d’Autore, un po' di storia La prima fortunata edizione si è svolta all'Arena del Mare di Salerno il 17 agosto 2020 ed è stato il primo concorso live nazionale dopo il lockdown, riscuotendo un grande interesse di pubblico con artisti provenienti da tutta Italia. La seconda edizione svoltasi il 19 settembre 2021 ha confermato il successo del contest musicale, con un sorprendente boom di iscrizioni, avendo ricevuto 412 iscritti ed oltre 500 brani da selezionare. Esperienza e opportunità Le testimonianze di chi ha già partecipato a "Palco d'Autore", disponibili anche online sul sito www.palcodautore.it, sono la dimostrazione che il Premio risponde all'esigenza degli artisti di essere realmente ascoltati dal pubblico, dalla giuria e dagli altri concorrenti. Per molti è stata un'esperienza sorprendente, in cui hanno avuto la possibilità di conoscere artisti da tutta Italia con stili, generi, voci e sogni diversi, ma con la stessa grande passione per la musica. Palco d’Autore è una opportunità per presentare e promuovere al pubblico ed esperti del settore il proprio progetto artistico. Le iscrizioni gratuite sono aperte a singoli, duo e band come autori, cantautori o interpreti. L’età minima dei partecipanti è di anni 14. Sono ammessi tutti i generi musicali ed i partecipanti dovranno inviare la richiesta di iscrizione, con un brano inedito o edito (audio e video), via mail a: [email protected] entro le ore 20:00 del giorno 16 agosto 2022. Serata finale La serata finale sarà condotta anche quest'anno da Claudio Gambaro (Radio Sanremo) speaker radiofonico e televisivo nazionale, esperto della scena cantautorale italiana e vedrà come sempre ospiti a sorpresa, oltre ad una giuria selezionata che decreterà i vincitori del "Premio Musica e Parole". Nel villaggio musicale che si realizzerà per l'occasione ci saranno le telecamere di ARTECULTURA TV, con interviste, backstage e riprese dell'intero evento che sarà trasmesso in differita. Read the full article
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captainhancock727 · 3 months
Tino Izzo - No Sign of Yesterday
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ultimatecowbell · 3 years
ultimate cowbell update: #4142 - #4203
The latest update to the #UCDb has been posted:
Lots of covers on this one. Sometimes I go down a rabbit hole on a song and track down all of the covers I can. This can take forever and lengthen time between updates, but it must be done.
4142 Big Audio Dynamite II - “I Don't Know” 4143 Chaz Jankel - “Number One” 4144 Genesis - “Follow You Follow Me” 4145 General Public - “In Conversation” 4146 Arcade Fire - “Uncontrollable Urge (Bootleg)” [DEVO] 4147 Shitdisco - “I Know Kung Fu” 4148 Shitdisco - “Disco Blood” 4149 Ween - “Grounded for Life Theme” 4150 Jellybean - “Jingo” [Olatunji!] 4151 Craig Chaquico with Warren Hill and Jeff Kashiwa  - “Compared to What” [Les McCann] 4152 Tino Gonzales with Popa Chubby - “Compared to What” [Les McCann] 4153 Jef Lee Johnson - “Compared to What” [Les McCann] 4154 Ronnie Laws - “Compared to What” [Les McCann] 4155 Eric Marienthal - “Compared to What” [Les McCann] 4156 Passport - “Compared to What (Live)” [Les McCann] 4157 The Galdiolas - “Little Darlin'” 4158 The Monkees - “Little Darlin'” [The Gladiolas] 4159 The 4 Seasons - “Little Darlin'” [The Gladiolas] 4160 Poco - “Little Darlin'” 4161 Elvis Presley - “Little Darlin' (Live)” [The Gladiolas] 4162 Sha Na Na - “Little Darlin'” [The Gladiolas] 4163 Rocky Sharpe and the Replays - “Little Darlin'” [The Gladiolas] 4164 Tommy Steele with Harry Robinson and His Orchestra - “Little Darlin' (Live)” [The Gladiolas] 4165 The Delltones - “Little Darlin'” [The Gladiolas] 4166 Adge Cutler & the Wurtzels - “Little Darlin'” [The Gladiolas] 4167 The Boppers - “Little Darling” [The Gladiolas] 4168 Racey - “Little Darlin'” [The Gladiolas] 4169 Horst Wende - “Little Darling” [The Gladiolas] 4170 Todd Clouser, Steven Klingler, Brad Baker, Joe Price - “Sure Shot” [Beastie Boys] 4171 Tom Corbett, Tom Lackner, David West - “Down on the Corner” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4172 Bo Diddley - “Down on the Corner” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4173 Love Seed Mama Jump - Down on the Corner (Live)” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4174 Love Seed Mama Jump - “Domino (Live)” [Van Morrison] 4175 Love Seed Mama Jump - “The Boxer / Late in the Evening (Live)” [Paul Simon] 4176 The Mavericks - “Down on the Corner” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4177 Gary Walker - “Down on the Corner” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4178 The Weather Girls - “Down on the Corner” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4179 Dave Weckl Band - “Down on the Corner” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4180 The Osmond Brothers - “Down on the Corner (Bootleg)” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4181 Red Face - “Down on the Corner” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4182 Tom Lum Forest - “Down on the Corner” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4183 Jeff Sturges and Universe - “Clown (Live)” [The Flock] 4184 Steven Charles Boone - “Down on the Corner” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4185 Steven Charles Boone - “Susie Q” [Dale Hawkins] 4186 Steven Charles Boone - “Born on the Bayou” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4187 Steven Charles Boone - “Lookin' Out My Back Door” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4188 Steven Charles Boone - “Proud Mary” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4189 Steven Charles Boone - “Who'll Stop the Rain” [Creedence Clearwater Revival] 4190 ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead - “Open Doors” 4191 Professor Murder - “The Mountain” 4192 Professor Murder - “Champion” 4193 Professor Murder - “Camron's New Color (Part 3)” 4194 Professor Murder - “Dutch Hex” 4195 The Alice Band - “(Don't Fear) The Reaper” [Blue Öyster Cult] 4196 Hayseed Dixie - “Don't Fear The Reaper”  [Blue Öyster Cult] 4197 Lotus with Brian Robertson - “Mesmerization Eclipse” [Captain Beyond] 4198 Locomotive Breath - “I Can't Feel Nothing (Part I)” [Captain Beyond] 4199 Pink Turtle - “Logical Song” [Supertramp] 4200 Caravelli - “The Logical Song” [Supertramp] 4201 Jean-Marc Dompierre et son orchestre - “El Bimbo” [Bimbo Jet] 4202 Earlene Bentley - “The Boys Come to Town” 4203 Doom Side of the Moon - “Money” [Pink Floyd]
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Claudio Baglioni
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Interprete: Claudio Baglioni
Etichetta: RCA Italiana
Catalogo: PSL 10465
Data di pubblicazione: Settembre 1970
Matrici: ZKAY 25370/ZKAY 25371
Supporto:vinile 33 giri
Tipo audio: Stereo
Dimensioni: 30 cm.
Facciate: 2
Note: Fotografie di Romolo Forlai / Registrato da Giulio Spelta negli Studi RCA di Roma / Distribuito da RCA Italiana - Roma
Lato A
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni (cori)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio Musicisti: I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni (cori)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio Musicisti: Tino Fornai (violino solista)
Autori: Giulio D'Ercole, Pietro Melfa, Alberto Morina Orchestra: Maurizio De Angelis Edizioni: AdD
Autori: Claudio Baglioni
Lato B
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio Musicisti: Edda Dell'Orso (voce solista)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni (cori)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio
Autori: Claudio Baglioni, Antonio Coggio
Autori: Claudio Baglioni
Antonio Coggio
Ruggero Cini
RCA Amici del Disco
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sindicatoquimico · 3 years
A bailar...
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mrmceachin · 3 months
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