#audrey fulquard rp
Audrey stood shocked and still on the edge of what used to be Mushnick’s Florist. She was covered in dust, what looked like green grass stains, various cuts and bruises–including one jagged cut of significant size that was still bleeding–and her wedding dress was torn to shreds.  She wondered how much blood she had actually lost because she was feeling a bit woozy and wasn’t sure her thoughts were all straight…a talking plant? a talking, man-eating plant?!  Was she sure she was remembering that right? Was that what Seymour had been trying to tell–Seymour! He’d been inside the shop when it had collapsed!  Her fuzzy thoughts cleared and she anxiously called into the night, desperate to hear his voice answering her, “Seymour! Seymour, where are you?” She stumbled over the bricks towards the epicenter of the destruction, clawing at the fallen stone. “Seymour? Seymour!” Every moment that he didn’t answer her she grew more and more hysterical.  “Seymour!” She cried, and then winced, clutching a hand to her side.  “...Seymour?” She said, quieter this time as tears streamed down her face.  He was gone.  She had lost him. She began to sink to knees in despair. 
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planteaten-blog · 7 years
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❛   i know seymour's the greatest, but i'm dating a semi-sadist. so i've got a black eye, and my arm's in a cast.   ❜       //       WRITTEN BY HARLEY
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maplefallshq · 4 years
—•▲👁 whoa!? is that ( melissa benoist )? no it’s just ( audrey fulquard )! they were born on ( 12/04/1994 ) and are from the world of ( little shop of horrors ). they currently work at ( hocus crocus ). is it just us, or when you think of ( her ), do you think of ( somewhere that's green, self-doubt & bruises )? either way, welcome to Maple Falls!
( audrey fulquard ) from ( little shop of horrors ) – we’ve been waiting for your arrival to maple falls. welcome! has anybody told you that you look a lot like ( melissa benoist )? let’s waste no more time, shall we? check out your welcome pack here and settle in. time to begin your h̫̜̓̂á̘͉̉p̠͖̠̈́͋p̠͖̠̈́͋ĭ̢̜͝l͈̯̾̀ý̗̙̝̫̱͐̄̚͞ e͎̫̻͕͒͒̑̃̊͟v̨̖̪͔̋̌̋̈́e͎̫̻͕͒͒̑̃̊͟ṙ̻ á̘͉̉f̝͓͇̰̋͋̂͝t͙́e͎̫̻͕͒͒̑̃̊͟ṙ̻
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skidrowflorist · 3 years
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ind. sel. rp blog for AUDREY FULQUARD of ‘LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS’ — incorporates both stage musical and 1986 movie canon. est. feb. 2016, written by ros, varying levels of activity. canon, oc, and crossover friendly. please read rules before interacting!
❦  rules  |  about  |  verses  |  inbox  ❦
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Audrey stirred as morning light began to filter through the cotton curtains that hung in the bedroom window of the little green house on a little green street in a little green town. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled as her gaze landed on a red cardinal perched on the window box, singing in welcome to the morning sun. She watched the bird for a while, her head resting on Seymour’s chest, his arm still around her. In typical Audrey fashion, she had completely forgotten what today was: the 14th of February. Of course, she’d gotten Seymour a little something sweet earlier that week and then tucked it into a hiding spot in the closet, she just had forgotten that today was the day. Equally, she had learned not to expect anything from Valentine’s Day, and didn’t want to get her hopes up and then be disappointed – despite the endless love Seymour had showered her with thus far. In the meantime, she let her mind wander as she waited for Seymour to also wake up. She didn’t want to get up just yet, both because she didn’t want to disturb him and because she was enjoying the quiet morning. Waking up next to Seymour and snuggling up until they grew hungry for breakfast was her favorite part of the day. It seemed the epitome of the simple life she had imagined: they didn’t have anything to fret about and could easily hide away under the covers from the lingering worries of their past.
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hc + 👪 for a family themed headcannon
I think I’m going to use this as an opportunity to share more about hcs for Seymour and Audrey’s kiddos because I’ve only talked about them here and there… (And if anyone wants to interact with them, or hear more, just let me know!) Anyways! Their oldest is Lily, and Nate–short for Nathaniel–is her younger brother (by 2 years!). 
Nate is more introverted and was very shy at a young age. However, this shyness matured into quiet observation as he got older. He loves comic books and making his own art - leading to him making some of his own comics. His sister also drags him into helping her make scientific illustrations for her projects. He also really likes puzzles and building things like model planes and trains. He’s very much a mama's boy, and in the same way Audrey tries to encourage Seymour to step out of his comfort zone just a bit, she does the same for Nate. Lily does too, but she has a bit more of a “jump right in” approach.
On the other hand, Lily is very outgoing and adventurous, and she shares her dad’s love for botany, and science in general. They can often be found hunkered down together in Seymour’s little workshop. She’s not afraid of getting into trouble, she’s very adventurous, and is definitely one to go her own way. She’s very protective of her younger brother, although sometimes she doesn’t really understand his need for some peace and quiet or his social anxiety since she’s so outgoing herself.
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Ingvar's fingers gingerly curled around Audrey, carefully lifting her from her solitary window and into the open air, before the two hands cupped so as to prevent her from falling.
The other man needn't know. He needn't find out. They would be gone for only a moment.
He slowly knelt upon the ground, cautious not to tread upon any of the myriad flowers there, then, and placed Audrey carefully upon it — and in front of a waiting Seymour.
Audrey’s heart pounded in her chest as she rose into the air. She gripped the tip of Ingvar’s finger like a lifeline, squeezing her eyes shut as the breeze ruffled through her hair. When she sensed that the downward motion had stopped, she slowly opened them again. For a moment, she sat in the palm of Ingvar’s hand, gazing around and working up the courage to take her first step into the real world. She trusted that Ingvar and Seymour would keep her safe, though there was the lingering fear that she’d be found out. But after spending her afternoons talking with Seymour about the human world, Audrey was beginning to realize that being held captive was not a form of protection, but rather a form of cruelty. And apart from the obvious reasons for fear, there were other reasons for her moment of hesitation…like the fact that she’d never felt the feeling of grass between her toes. She had no shoes, they were never something she needed living in the tower all her life. Tentatively, she uncurled one leg and gingerly placed her foot on the ground. It was surprisingly soft and slightly squishy - which was a bit alarming for a second. Slowly, she set her other foot down and stood up, still holding on to Ingvar’s finger for support. She giggled at the way the grass and flowers tickled her feet, and she knelt down and ran her fingers through the green that she’d admired from her window for so long.
She stood up slowly, her cheeks pink with a hint of embarrassment. Here she was being marveled by grass, which was a completely normal and mundane thing to Seymour. “Sorry I’ve just…neva’ done this before,” She couldn’t hide her smile, which was about as bright as the sun that shone down upon them.
( @young-botanical-genius )
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28, 37, 54
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28. what do they tell people they want? what do they actually want?
Audrey tells people that she wants whatever it is they want in her round-about way that makes it seem like she wanted what they wanted all along. She's sort of lost her own sense of what she wants, and everything that she does know she wants seems to only be in the realm of fantasies and daydreams. Deep down she wants to have her own expectations for herself, not the ones that are superimposed on her. She wants to break free of all the molds people put her in and become her own person. She wants to be into control of her person and what's conformity and predictability in her life.
37. what’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
This is a situation that I've been thinking about more, and the complexity of Audrey and Orin's relationship, especially if you go past the superficial development of the characters in the movie and whatnot (which is fun and all, but sometimes diving a little deeper is also fun). There's very little time between Orin's "disappearance" and when her and Seymour get together, so I don't think she really let herself process her thoughts and feelings about how it ended, and if you hop onto the Jason AU (which thank you for that @scrivellc) that's a whole other can of worms...We know Audrey's got a big heart and I don't see her as one to be totally okay with death as the solution. I think she would also have...thoughts...about it being Seymour who did it. And of course, she has no desire to return to that relationship and is still just as afraid of Orin, she just hasn't let herself properly let go of and process all of that mess, instead choosing to just stuff it away. All this to say, I don't think she shares much of this with Seymour...
54. What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
She'll most often go the fawn route, trying to stretch herself to appease everyone anytime there's any sort of conflict. She struggles standing up for herself and is easily taken advantage off. She tries so hard to take care of everyone around her that she quickly forgets to also take care of herself. She bites her tongue, not wanting to aggravate a situation by expressing how she feels. She also doesn't enforce her boundaries very well. In some situations, especially the ones where she doesn't have any chance of changing through flattery and cooperation, she'll choose to freeze by dissociating...she'll slip away into a daydream far more pleasant than whatever current situation she's in.
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You have Audrey's voice and personality down so well!! I can really hear her in my head when I read the narration and dialogue you write for her
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omg thank you so much!! i think her voice is such a key part of her character and what makes her so fun as a muse, so i'm so glad that comes through in my writing! and i also pleased that you think that i got the personality down, because that's super important to me too and it's kinda been tricky to get right at times! thank you! :D 💐 💐
- Pearl 🌷
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What Color is Your Aura?
lace, blown kisses, milk tea, paper fans, pillows, ballet slippers, fairy wings. your essence is rose: you are the young at heart, the gentle. you cherish existing without pretense; the future seems unsteady, so instead you reminiscence about the past and live in the present. it is hard for you to grow because you feel you have already bloomed. you are the youthful. you are the dove. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of pink, magenta, pearl, and lavender, who share your idealism. you are also drawn to the practical ivory and beige, who will help you grow and show you that you can accomplish by yourself. however, you may struggle to get along with the focused personalities of sage and cream who don't watch out for you.
Thanks for the tag @riiese! :D
Tagging: anyone who wants too :)
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hc + 💰
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hc + 💰 for a money themed headcanon
Audrey doesn't like to use the money that she makes at The Gutter. Of course, the only reason that she does work there is because she does need the money, but she only uses the exact amount she needs. Anything extra that she happens to make she keeps tucked away in an envelope and refuses to use it. Over the years, quite a bit of money has accumulated but she won't touch it, unless it's for something she absolutely needs - she wouldn't dream of spending it on herself. It makes her feel dirty and shameful, and she doesn't like the thought of who's pockets that money was in before it came to her.
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hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
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So in the 1986 movie, right before "Somewhere That's Green", you can see behind Audrey an empty birdcage and it seems kinda random...so why not add a little story to it!
Audrey was milling around a second-hand store and found the little birdcage - which matched the little pink and gold theme she has in her apartment. It inspired her to find a little companionship for herself in her little apartment. She had always wanted a pet, but she knew her apartment was no place for a dog or a cat. The birdcage gave her a sudden new possibility, and without thinking she purchased it. Of course, she never really got around to actually getting a bird, and was also talked down from doing it from the girls - Crystal, Ronette, and Chiffon. So now the birdcage sits empty in her apartment, and every now and then Audrey still considers getting a bird. But mostly it just serves a reminder of all she can't do.
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Memories of my Childhood Edition
Repost. Don't reblog. Bold what applies. Italicize what sometimes applies.
scraped knees, silent tears in a locked room, slamming doors, pervasive loneliness, a dog barking, rain on a metal roof, flinching at movement, the creak of an old house, forced laughter, wandering in the dark woods, wondering how you made it through, sudden loss, trying to make sense of the noise, hiding what you love to protect it, trying to explain but your words falter, invaded privacy, confusion at the pain, running barefoot in the grass, wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing, realizing you aren’t a priority, grass stains on white clothing, trying to earn love you will never have, being threatened over the smallest mistake, secrets you are warned not to share, the feeling of never being good enough, the hope things might someday get better, grief that aches in your bones, childish dares and pranks, the sense that your body isn’t yours, shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry, sledding down a frozen hill, absentmindedly following snakes through the grass, punching a tree until your knuckles bleed, tears over every dead creature you find, searching out small places you can hide… just in case, climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you, the feeling of something tainted under your skin, a curious child told to stop asking, floral dresses, body tensing at approaching footsteps, anger with nowhere to go, brief escapes from the chaos, the purr of a contented cat, taking the blame to keep the peace, being told you’re too sensitive, the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
Tagged by: @scrivellc
Tagging: anyone who wants to!!
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8, 13, 15
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8. how loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
She'd like to tell you that it's not very loose at all, and that she only says it when she's absolutely certain...the only trouble is that she's easily coerced by others and by her own naivety into thinking that she's finally found the one. And while she tells herself that she's always said it sincerely, there have been times when it becomes the last ditch effort in an attempt to keep someone around just a little bit longer. This may also have something to do with what "love" now means for her: how long someone sticks around for her.
13. when do they fake a smile? how often?
Audrey fakes a smile quite a lot, and if she weren't such an open book she might actually get away with it. She's the queen of "Oh, I'm fine," and a forced smile whenever someone questions the bruises or dark circles under her eyes. Other times she's learned that simply smiling and going along with something is a good way to keep herself from getting hurt. And though it often leads to shameful and guilty sort of feeling in her stomach, she knows she can pretty easily get something she wants with a flash of a smile and the bat of an eyelash.
15. what’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
The most obvious difference is probably that she's much more relaxed and let's herself go in ways that she tries really hard to keep in check when she's with other people - especially those she's not particularly comfortable with. She'll let herself slip into a daydream and lose focus from whatever task she had set herself too. She's kinder to herself when she forgets things when she's alone, and she'll let herself do the things she thinks other people find silly like reading magazines while doodling little hearts in them, painting her nails, or singing along to the radio. She also talks to herself or her little stuffed dog a lot!
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what does love feel like to you?
I did it twice: once as Audrey on Skid Row pre her relationship with Seymour, and Audrey once Seymour and her are together and living out of the city!
Skid Row - a memory
do you know what love is? you think you did, once upon a time. maybe you never did. you hold onto what you think love is; how you felt when you thought you had it. it's fleeting, and maybe you'll never feel that way again. but wasn't it great? how long will you stay here, lost in this world of fantasy and memory? when will you move on?
Suburbia - everything
nothing matters but this. not you. not them. this moment, this love that you've built, that is what matters. it is all that there is. you will do anything to keep it this way; no matter what line you have to cross, who you have to step over. the ends justify the means, after all; and for you, this is everything. they are everything.
thanks for the tag: @young-botanical-genius
the only person i interact with that hasn't been tagged yet is @themeekwillinherit (only if ya wanna of course )
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Things Your Muse Will Notice About Mine | Audrey Fulquard
What they look like :
Like a second hand Marylin Monroe trying too hard to fit into the molds set to her by the men in her life. She hides her true self behind layers of makeup, bright eye shadows, and dark lines. Her hair is her most recognizable feature – blonde, short, and with its signature inward curl. She’s quite petite with a very delicate frame, manicured nails and a bright smile that can range from beaming and radiant to soft and shy. She knows how to use that smile and her long thick lashes to her advantage when she needs to, though it doesn’t make her feel very good inside. A post-canon Audrey is your typical suburban housewife ripped straight out of 1950s magazines and television shows. Her features have melted into their natural state with soft pastels and rosy pinks, ultimately making her prettier than the harshness of Skid Row ever could. She’s finally able to bloom into who she’s also been at heart, since she was a day-dreaming little girl.
What they smell like :
Various cheap floral perfumes – all perfectly aligned with all the seasons and moods you could imagine – with a hint of hairspray and rose shampoo. In her suburban dream, you can add freshly baked cookies and pine sol to the mix. 
What they taste like :
Sugary, sweet, and home-like in that same comforting way a grandma’s house is or a mother’s arms.
What they sound like :
Helium on steroids. Her voice is sky-high in pitch with a heavy New York accent that gets thicker with excitement or fear. At times it’s bright and dance-like, tinkling like tiny bells, and other times it’s wispy and quiet in attempts to either appease or comfort. She’s also always accompanied by the click of heels and the jingle of jewelry. 
What they feel like :
Warm and welcoming, but too soft for her own good. But she’s stronger than she looks and is resilient despite how much she’s been knocked around. She has a strong maternal aura and her presence is reassuring and comforting, and can go as far as to soften the toughest and stoniest out there. 
Tagged by: @scrivellc
Tagging: Anyone who wants to!
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