#awarding my specialest guy my specialest trait. back pain.
backhurtyy · 11 months
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the b in peter b parker stands for back pain
[Text ID: Peter, at this point in his life, is used to falling.
He thinks, sometimes, that he’s never really stopped. Not since that first fall, that first leap of faith.
That’s all being Spiderman is, really— one long fall. Web to web, building to building, fight to fight; he’s always falling through the air, catching himself for the briefest of moments before letting go once more. Even when he gets knocked to the ground, it’s really just a pause, because he always finds a way to get back up and start it all again. No matter what.
And then he gets thrown from a building during a fight, and he falls, and his web shooters aren’t firing but are instead crushed and sparking, and he keeps falling until he hits the ground with a sickening crunch and a burst of pain.
And then he doesn’t get up.
Not for a while.
Not this time. /End ID.]
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