#azalea nevra
starblazerm31 · 4 years
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These beauties made by the amazing and awesome @shyest-violet!!!
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apprenticeazalea · 4 years
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made by @shyest-violet
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imaliagabriev · 4 years
Mal Shorts: Talk to Him!!
Azalea turned and blinked.  Imalia was very attentively and very blatantly eyeing Asra.  Up and down.  She cleared her throat to get the woman's attention.  Imalia turned, face bright red. "Did you find it?" Imalia asked. "I did," Azalea replied, looking at her skeptically. Imalia shook her head, took the book from Azalea, and went to another table, prepping the experiment.  Azalea leaned uncomfortably close to her. "You like him, don't you." Imalia spluttered.  "What?!" she said in a hushed tone.  "What the hell do you mean by that?!" "I mean," Azalea said, "that you were just totally checking him out." "I was not, I was just making sure he was doing okay with his part!" "His hands aren't located on his ass, Imalia." Imalia huffed and scooted away.  She fiddled with some things for a moment before her head turned and she looked at Asra again.  Making a silent face of rage, she quietly stormed past, grabbing Azalea by the arm and pulling her behind a crammed bookshelf. "This is so completely unfair!" Imalia softly raged.  "Who said he could grow up to look that good?!" "Talk to him!!" Azalea whispered back.  "It's Asra, he's not going to bite!!" "No, it's not that easy!  We've been friends for twenty years, Azalea!  I try to get past that, it could ruin the whole thing!" "Asra's not that kind of person!  He would at least hear you out!" "But then if he said 'no' I'd be so embarrassed I'd want to die!" "But he might say 'yes'." "Or no." "Or yes." Imalia pinched the bridge of her nose.  "There are too many high-consequence negatives here to pursue this," she said.  "I just got you guys back.  I don't want to lose either of you."
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ao3feed-thearcana · 4 years
by StarBlazerM31
After risking a night out together, Julian and Azalea go back to the shop. They end up completely forgetting about their tea.
Words: 4360, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Arcana (Visual Novel)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Julian Devorak, Azalea Nevra
Relationships: Apprentice/Julian Devorak, Julian Devorak/Original Female Character(s)
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Got this AMAZING commission from @traviq !!! Omg it's so wonderful and sweet!!!
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
For the uncommon questions: 3, 7, 9, 38 for your behbehs!
(from these asks) Thank you so much for the ask, Violet!!
3.  How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
If she’s alone, she will read; usually a nice work of fiction to urge her dreams into a good place.
If she’s with her LI, she will occupy herself with them; being intimate, talking, joking, or cuddling.
On those special occasions where she does sleep, she will think.  She’s not going to have good dreams, and if they are good, there is going to be a cruel twist in there somewhere.  (Lon is a terrible mindpartner.)  She will try to think positively, or think of something completely absurd.  Thinking about an experiment she’s working on or an upcoming lecture will definitely make her stay awake, so she tries to keep her mind off of work.  The best thing for soothing her to sleep is Asra.  His voice is calming and he is always comforting and encouraging.
Ciel will often hum a song from his childhood to put himself to sleep.  Having such a doting mother was a comfort for him, and any of the songs she would sing to him would lul him right into dreamland.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Things that remind her of Asra trigger nostalgia more often than not.  Some of the feelings are good, reminding her of their friendship; but others make her think of how he would leave her alone for days -sometimes weeks- on end and that creeping feeling of isolation and uncertainty will take hold. Certain scents or sounds will give her a nostalgic feeling, and she isn’t exactly sure why.  She always assumes that those feelings come from the memories of her past life that she has forgotten.
Certain statues, mainly ones that look like they’re sleeping.  When she was young, there was a small garden outside of the city she was born in, where a statue of an ancient fallen hero was, leaning against a tree like he was sleeping.  She would go there when she was feeling bad or lonely, and tell stories to the statue, or sing to it.  At one point she found out that it wasn’t exactly a statue.  The fallen hero had been part rock golem, and when he died his body had turned completely to stone.  She had been actually singing and talking to the hero himself.  This memory will never be bad to Imalia, because around the statue she could be her true self and say whatever she wanted and it would never judge her.
Nutmeg.  Ciel’s mother would make specially seasoned oatmeal for him when he was very young that Ciel swears to this day is the best thing he’s ever tasted.  It was seasoned with nutmeg as well as other things, but the nutmeg really stood out.  He loves his mother very much, and when he’s reminded of something very special she would do or make for him, his heart fills with warmth.
9.  Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
Yes, but not often.  She swears when suddenly shocked, or when in the thralls of passion.  Otherwise, she tries to keep her language clean.  Her first swear word was “dammit.”
If swearing could be manifested into a human being, it would be Imalia.  But not pointless swearing for swearing’s sake...artistic swearing for insults and extreme expression.  She swears when she thinks a swear word would aptly amplify what she’s trying to say.  Which is quite often.  She went full tilt with her first swear word.  She went straight for the f-bomb.
Ciel would rather cut off both of his legs than swear.  He is above such base expressions, and tends to get bristly around people who do swear a lot.  He considers his first swear word to be “Poopy.”
38.  What memory do they revisit the most often?
The first time she saw her LI.  The hammering of her heart, the confusion, the surprise, the wonder.  And the fact that she had no idea she would end up falling so deeply in love with him.
The day she received the letter that stated that her father had died in the Lazaret.  She never willingly revisits that memory...it creeps up on her.  Swallows her up in its pain and makes her falter for just a moment.  Reminds her that she never got to say goodbye.
The day he timidly climbed out of the carriage to gaze upon the tall ivory and gold spires of the Vesuvian palace.  He didn’t know then that he would meet the love of his life in those gilded walls, and that he would remain by her side forever.
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Azalea Nevra
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pic by @aluckyartist​.
An apprentice who seeks knowledge of the arcane.
Basic Info
Full Name:  Azalea Larinya Nevra
Age:  30
Pronouns:  She/Her
Birthday:  November 4
Hair:  Aqua to coral ombre (but naturally grey)
Eyes:  Royal blue with gold around the pupils
Features:  Grey eyebrows, medium skin tone, wears the shed feathers of her familiar as jewelry
Familiar:  Female white raven with Egyptian-like eye markings, named Corva
Favorite Food:  Red Velvet Cake
Favorite Drink:  Orange Pekoe Tea
Favorite Flower:  Moonflower
Hobbies:  Parkour, Magical Theory, making dream catchers, brewing trick/amusement potions, enchantments, sparring, reading, writing
Magic:  Primarily lightning.  Also good at illusions, protection magic, and shamanistic magic
Parents:  Galen and Etoile Nevra (deceased)
Aunt:  Sylvane (deceased)
Spouse:  Lucio Morgasson
Mother-in-Law:  Morga Erisdottir
Master:  Imalia Gabriev
Kind an generous, helpful, passionate, hyper at times, and fun-loving.
Azalea is very perceptive and can tell a lot about a person just by looking at them.  It can come off as creepy, but she doesn’t mean harm by it; just trying to break the ice, albeit awkwardly.
She will do almost anything to help someone out.
OCD about her living and work space
Role-Playing Tidbits
Will fluff play/interact with anyone else’s OCs/MCs, if they like.  
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
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Okay, this gave me way more anxiety than it should have.  *curses lack of a dependable, easy-to-use paint program*  Not gonna do one for Asra and Imalia.  ><
Thanks for the tag, @blues-disasters​!  I tag @shyest-violet​ @coloursagainstthewall​ @verysoftthings​ @cherrygirl666​ @karriguelle​ @thelazaretmakesmesad​ And here’s the original, for anyone else who wants to try it!
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
For the chaotic asks: 27, 29-31, 35 for Ciel, Azalea, and Amalia!
27.  Do they wear socks in bed?
Azalea:  “Nope, it hinders circulation to the feet, plus increases your chances of athlete’s foot.”
Imalia:  “Sometimes.  What?  My feet get cold!”
Ciel:  “Yes.  Always.”
29.  What food crimes have they committed?
Azalea:  “Pineapple *does* go on pizza!!!  ALONG WITH ANCHOVIES!!”
Imalia:  “I turn fried pies into french dips.”
Ciel:  “Chedder cheese on apple pie.”
30.  How low will they get on underwear before it’s decided they’ll do laundry?
Azalea:  “At most a week’s worth.”
Imalia:  “You can get low on underwear?  Oh crap, I guess I’m spoiled.”
Ciel:  “I can only stand to wash two pairs at a time.  So I suppose I never really get low.”
31.  Do they bring food in the shower?
Azalea:  “...who DOES that?!”
Imalia:  “Yeah, I second that response.”
Ciel:  “I THIRD that response!!!”
35.  Free ask, you have to share a cursed behavior not on this list or get one assigned by the government
Azalea:  “I bite my nails and chew on them until they break into pieces.  Then I spit the pieces out like watermelon seeds.”
Imalia:  “I sometimes wake up in the ‘Marty McFly’ pose.”
Ciel:  “I put on my pants while sitting down, pull them up to my knees, put on my socks and shoes, and then pull my pants up the rest of the way when I stand.”
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
7, 10, 16, 17?
7. Would you live in the magical realm?
“Yes, if Lucio didn’t hate the place so much.  I would want to visit all of the Arcana and learn everything I can from them!  And can you imagine...tea with The High Priestess!  Or hanging out with The Star and getting all the hot gossip right from people’s memories!  Oooooh, it would be so much fun!  And I would want to explore all of the flora and fauna and see what magic affects them in what way.  And practicing MY magic...oh, wow, I would love to see what spells I could come up with!!”
“Nah, I’m a bit too worldly to live in the Magical Realms.  Plus, I would spend way too much time bitching out The Arcana because...well, they just don’t get it.  And by “It” I mean multiple concepts.  I wouldn’t be able to have really complete conversations with them. I’d just end up getting pissed off and leaving.”
“Um...well, you see, I am not magically inclined....and to be perfectly honest, I am quite alright with that.  From the things I’ve heard about the Magical Realms, I imagine I’d be quite stressed there.”
10. What would you do if you switched bodies with your familiar?
“I would fly up to the highest point of the palace, perch, and just look out over the city.”
“Ohhhohoho...I would take a flaming shit on the carriages of a few asshole nobles.”
“If I had a familiar, I would hope it would be something small and cute.  I would want to crawl into Nadia’s lap and let her pet me until I fell asleep.”
16. What would be the best gift EVER to receive?
“Something that belonged to my father.  I don’t remember him at all, but I heard that he was an amazing hunter.  He apparently was a simple person with very few possessions.  I have my mother’s shawl and I can feel her energy...but nothing from my dad.”
“Call me an old softie, but time spent with those I love is the best gift ever.”
*twiddles thumbs nervously*  “Um...well, I suppose if you mean ‘in the grand scheme of things,’ getting the position in the palace was the best gift.  I’ve honestly never felt more...wanted.  But as far as physical possessions...I always love receiving socks.  Socks keep my feet warm, dry, and comfortable.  Nothing beats a good pair of socks.”
17. What’s something that always manages to make you laugh/smile?
“Lucio.  He really is just adorably silly at times.  And I know he does it on purpose; his eyes give it away.”
“Dirty jokes.  Love ‘em.  Not afraid to say it.”
“Cats!  They’re so adorable and have such intricate little personalities!  Each one has their own way of playing and their own way of shredding your trousers!”
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Well, it only took me forever, but I finally finished the oneshot I wrote to accompany this absolutely amazing pic I commissioned from @cherrygirl666​ a while back.
1009 words
Rated M for language and strong citrus.
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Lucio stormed through the palace.  Both fists were clenched, and his brow dipped so low it almost touched the bridge of his nose.  The nerve!  The audacity!  The GALL!  That absolute rat fucking bastard!  How dare he speak that way of the Count's intended?!  Did he even KNOW who he was dealing with?!
Earlier, a meeting with a wealthy merchant prince went sour.  As Lucio was showing him through the palace, the prince had gotten a glimpse of Azalea as they had passed by the room where she had been working with Portia.  He had leered at her for a moment, before commenting about how he'd like to see if she screws as well as she cleans.  This made Lucio's blood boil.  That was HIS lover he was speaking of, not some mere servant.  That woman had power over the most powerful man in the city.  She was not to be disrespected.  BUT!  This trade agreement was months in the making, and Vesuvia needed this connection to further trade routes and international influence.  Even though he oh-so-desperately wanted to have the impudent wretch's tongue cut out and fed to his moat eels...he had to let this one go.  For now.
On the other hand, this was a fantastic example of why Lucio felt he was right.  Azalea needed to start wearing the clothes he bought for her.  She dressed far too plain to be viewed as the angel he saw her as, and the Court Magician.  He rounded the corner and came upon the room where he last saw her.  Surely enough, she was still in there but this time alone.  Perfect.  He entered and dramatically shut the doors behind him.  Azalea looked up at him and a huge smile spread across her face.  In an instant she was in Lucio's arms, covering his face with kisses.  His foul mood lightened considerably.
"How did the meeting go, darling?" Azalea asked after she released him.
Lucio huffed.  "Guy's an asshole.  If this shit weren't so important to the city, I'd have his fat ass booted back to his own shithole."  His face took on an angry pout.  "And he disrespected you."
Azalea's eyes lit up and she gave a wicked grin.  "Oh really?  What did he say?"
Lucio looked at her incredulously.  "It pissed me off pretty bad, okay?  I wanted to kill that guy.  Seriously."
Azalea's brow furrowed and she put a hand on Lucio's shoulder.  "Oh, I see.  Well, I'm glad you decided to ignore it."
"And that's the problem, ignorance," Lucio said.  He walked over to the wall and leaned on it.  "Baby, I appreciate your need to be independent and all, but on days like this...I wish you'd wear the outfits I bought for you.  Asshole said he wondered if you screwed as well as you cleaned."
Azalea winced.  "...Wow.  That was harsh."
Lucio gave her a self-righteous look.  "Wouldn'ta said that if you'd been wearing diamonds."
Azalea glared at him.  "Lucio, I hate diamonds.  I've told you this."
Lucio locked eyes with her and he took in the full force of her glare.  It was absolutely adorable, but did hold a degree of intimidation that kept Lucio on his toes.  But his eyes soon wandered down her face and neck to her collarbone, and the slope of her décolleté.  All of that exposed skin gave him an idea. "If you don't like diamonds..."  He reached out and took hold of her wrist with his gauntlet.  He pulled her to him and pressed her back against the wall, using his right arm to cushion her head.  "...Then I suppose I can give you other....accessories to flaunt."  His mouth connected with the skin beneath her collarbone, and Azalea let out a small gasp at the sharp sting.  He pulled away, looking over the small bruise left there.  "Ah, a solitaire...but I think they look better in clusters."  His mouth was on her again, sucking more small bruises into her skin.  Azalea's back arched and a moan escaped her throat that brought a perverse smile to the count's lips.
His mouth moved to hers.  The kiss was slow and sensual with their tongues dancing in a rhythm only they knew.  Lucio felt the familiar fire course through his body and the kiss became more intense.  Sweet whimpers came from Azalea as Lucio bit her bottom lip.  He drew back slightly, pulling on her lip with his teeth until it slid free, glistening with his saliva and red from the pressure.  He lunged forward and latched onto her neck with his teeth, drawing a sharp “Ah~!” out of Azalea.  She clutched at his back, her nails digging into the fine white fabric as his teeth ground into her flesh.
“Oh, Lucio~...” she moaned.
The gilded count pulled away from his lover to stare into her love drunk eyes.  “You like that, baby?” he purred.
All she could do was nod numbly.
He chuckled.  “Good.  ‘Cause I got one more for ya.”
His teeth sank into the skin amongst the other love bites he’d given her only moments before.  Azalea cried out in bliss as his teeth and tongue ministered the most delicious magic on her body.  Electric currents of pleasure coursed through her entire being and she pressed herself against him, her desire shamefully on display as she ground her hips against his leg.  Lucio didn’t hold back, his saliva seeping from his greedy lips and down the slope of Azalea’s chest.  Beads of perspiration formed on Azalea’s forehead and she tried as best as she could to hang on to him.  With a loud and dirty slurp, Lucio released her skin and withdrew to gaze upon his handiwork.  Red, angry tooth marks now decorated her décolleté, shamelessly vivid and unable to be hidden.  Azalea gazed up at him, her expression dazed.
“Oooh...those will look amazing with that dress I got you,” Lucio growled.  “Let’s see the look on that little shit’s face when you sit next to me at dinner tonight.”  His smile was huge and devious.  “And I’m gonna be extra handsy.”
Ko-Fi  ☕
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
@coloursagainstthewall​ Azalea and Julian, when Hector takes the stage.
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Hello! ^^ For Azalea, and if it's not much trouble, Imalia and Ciel as well? 2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like? 9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up? 45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Thank you so much, @heartofnopal​!
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
It was good!  Azalea’s mother, Etoile, was a very loving woman and is the main influence behind a lot of what Azalea does, even if Azalea can’t remember her.  Etoile would play with Azalea when she was young and use games as a way to teach her about things.  She would use rhymes when showing Azalea the differences between good herbs and poisons.  While cooking/cleaning their home, they would dance together.  And Etoile taught Azalea how to manage money from an early age.  Their relationship was full of hugs, smiles, and laughter.  And Etoile didn’t discipline Azalea for making mistakes.  She just taught her the right way to go about it and why, and let Azalea decide for herself to not repeat those mistakes.
CW!  It. Was. Bad.  Imalia’s mother, Narsial (yeah, her name is like that on purpose), wasn’t a *mother* in the classical sense of the word; more like a jailer.  She was one of those nobles who only saw children as a means to power.  That’s how she was raised, and that’s how she tried to raise Imalia.  Her “lessons” were long, grueling, and cruel.  If Imalia didn’t behave exactly the was Narsial wanted, she was struck on the hands with a long steel rod.  She wasn’t allowed to practice magic, because Narsial thought it was a lowly practice...despite coming from a country that thrived on magic.  Imalia wasn’t even allowed to experience the massive magical power that came from her maidenhood.  That was taken from her as well.  Narsial took things from Imalia that Imalia treasured and held them over her head.  If she didn’t marry into a well-respected noble house, she would be less than garbage.  The abuse Imalia experienced led to the rebellious nature that Imalia has to this day.
Ciel’s mother Tiren was a very introspective and observant woman, and she knew early-on that this would benefit her while raising Ciel.  He was a shy and withdrawn boy who had bouts of severe anxiety.  Tiren knew that he would require a soft hand and lots of encouragement.  Whenever he was too afraid to approach other children to play with, Tiren would encourage him, saying that he had a lot to offer others.  When Ciel was having anxiety attacks, she would hold him and recite math with him to calm him down.  She discovered that math was like a puzzle to him that he really enjoyed solving.  So she would come up with a mixture of simple and hard equations to both stimulate his mind and keep him at ease.  To this day, he will recite times tables to calm himself when he’s feeling anxious. 
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
Yes.  She grew up in a modest household with two merchants.  They were comfortable, but they didn’t have any luxuries.  After saving Vesuvia from the Devil’s plots and marrying Lucio, Azalea was placed into a whole different world as far as comfort.  It still takes her aback sometimes, as she still holds on to her modest sensibilities.
No.  She grew up wealthy, and she is still wealthy now.  The main difference is that she has so many more friends to share her wealth with.  She’s happier.
Yes.  Like Azalea, his formative years were modest.  After gaining recognition for his skills as an accountant and helping several noble families crawl out of debt, he became a frequently-requested and well-paid asset.  Working for Nadia isn’t the cushiest job he’s had, but he certainly enjoys it most.  He lives in comfort, has anything and everything he could possibly want/need, and has the most beautiful vision of a woman to gaze upon every day.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
After experiencing it first-hand, Azalea is actually scared of dying.  The blank nothingness and the lack of memory that comes with it is something that she doesn’t want to experience again, even though she knows it’s inevitable.
Imalia believes that you just cease to exist after you die, unless a greater being has use for you.  Azalea’s death confirmed that belief.  She doesn’t look forward to it, but she isn’t afraid of it.
Ciel holds slightly more traditional beliefs.  He believes that your essence, whatever is left of you, passes on to something else.  What, he doesn’t know.  But he is afraid of death.  He’s afraid of what lies after, because it’s most likely impartial to who/what you were in life.
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask 10, 11 and 14 for the Chaotic asks?
10. Is a hot dog a sandwich?
Azalea:  “Well, technically it fits the description of an open-faced sandwich...” Imalia:  “NEVER!!  YOU SPEAK HERESY!!!” Ciel:  *gasp!*  *covers the ears of the unfortunate person closest to him*
11. Is soup a drink or a meal?
Azalea:  “Why not both?” Imalia:  “Soup is what my food eats.” Ciel:  “It is very much a meal, thank you kindly.”
14.  Do they bite ice cream or lick it?
Azalea:  “To bite ice cream is to invite pain.” Imalia:  “Neither.  I drink it.” Ciel:  “When there are chunks, I will bite until my teeth scream and I can no longer taste.  Otherwise, lick.”
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Azalea WIP I've been working on for months. Struggling to find a reason to finish it.
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
3/6/20 for the in-character prompts for Azzie, Mal, and Ciel!
From this writing prompt
3. What do you do when you feel sad/upset to make you feel better?
Azalea:  “I make a cup of my favorite tea, grab my comfort food (red velvet cake), and curl up into my egg chair.”
Imalia:  “Setting something on fire.  Or snuggling with Asra.  Snuggling with Asra works better.  But fire *is* cathartic.”
Ciel:  “I cry.  Yes, I cry.  What, is that so wrong?”
6. If you were Nadia for a day, what would you do?
Azalea:  “Ooooooh!!  I would try on all of her clothes!���
Imalia:  “I’d rummage through her stuff and then go through all of her projects in her workshop.  And poke things.  Lots of poking.”
Ciel:  “I would marvel at my perfection the entire time I was blessed to be in the body of that angel…”
20. Freebie!! Say anything in character that you want:)
Azalea:  “Okay, powdered raccoon penis is *not* coffee creamer!!”
Imalia:  “I will squeeze tea bags until the day I die!!  And maybe even after that!!”
Ciel:  “You haven’t really known true fear until you’ve stared into the black eyes of a seagull while carrying a bag of peanuts.”
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