#b.a.p scenairo
rscenarios · 7 years
Daehyun - Easier
This wasn’t the scenario I originally thought about posting, but here’s a Daehyun fluff. Happy 2000 days with B.A.P. I hope the boys are getting some much needed rest.
**This is a sequel to Not Easy that an anon requested a long time ago.**
-Admin Em
Warnings: none.
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It took almost a month for him to truly accept she was gone and that he could work on moving on. He kept busy for the most part, and you aren’t sure if that’s his doing or his company’s. You kept in touch as best you can, mainly through text, but sometimes you visit his apartment especially on the bad days.
The bad days were often on the days something big happened in the relationship: the first date, the first kiss, the day he met your parents, etc. Some bad days just happened when he was drained physically and emotionally from his hard work. As always you were there for him. “I know it’s foolish after all this time, but I still miss her,” he would tell you on the bad days.
“These things take time,” you assured him, stroking his dark hair as his head rested in your lap.
Sometimes you would hold his hand as he worked through his emotions. Regardless of how you comforted him, you had to remind yourself he would get through this and not to get involved beyond friendship.
“Thank you for always dealing with me. You make things easier,” he would tell you when he finished.
“It’s not a problem. This is what I’m here for.”
“I’ll make it up to you someday.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you’d tease.
It’s been a little over a year since she left him and almost three month since you last saw Daehyun. He would send messages now and then, but mostly one worded replies with his schedule.
The last message he sent was two days ago, “I miss you.”
“I miss you too,’ you’d replied, but hadn’t heard anything since. Although, in his defense you could have sent another message except that you didn’t want to seem obsessive or something like that. You could wait, right?
You sigh to yourself as you head into work. It wasn’t a terrible job, but you could definitely you some change in this daily routine. Wake up, eat, work, eat, work more, eat, relax, sleep, and repeat. On weekends you would at least see a few friends.
You make conversation with your work-friends as the day goes at a mind-numbing pace. You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket so at a slow point you sneak a peek at the contact name Daebutt.
Your heart does an excited flip before you force yourself to calm down. He was probably just saying hi. Nothing to get overly excited about. Still, when you get on your break you check the messages, “What are you doing tonight?”
“Nothing, why?” You reply, knowing you won’t hear from him for a while you spend your break checking out social media or chatting with the other people on break.
When your shift is over you start walking home, cursing slightly as the forecast hadn’t mentioned any rain so you left you umbrella at home. You pull your hood up and start walking, the rain stops hitting you about a block away from your apartment. “Because I want to see you,” a familiar voice tells you.
You turn to face your best friend, awe-struck that he’s standing before you after so long. He’s still handsome as ever and your heart skips a beat as he smiles at you. He chuckles at your expression, causing the umbrella he’s holding to shake slightly. Before you can stop yourself you wrap your arms around me. “Ah, it’s cold,” he whines, making you pull away.
“Sorry, I just didn’t expect you here. What were you doing?”
“It’s okay. Let’s get you home before you catch a cold,” he gestures for you to start walking. “To answer your question, I knew you would be heading home from work so I was coming to see you. I caught sight of you and caught up so here we are. You should always carry an umbrella.”
“I just might have to. Thanks for the tip,” you nod.
“It’s nothing,” he shrugs as the two of you enter your apartment.
Daehyun sheds his wet hoodie and makes himself comfortable on your couch as you head to change. “What do you want to do tonight?” You call from your room.
“Can we...just stay in?”
The hesitation in his voice immediately makes you think he’s having a rough day. Telling yourself not to jump to conclusions, you throw on some sweatpants and a clean shirt before settling beside him. “You want take out? I’m too lazy to cook unless you have a special request.”
“Take out is fine,” he tells you before putting his head in your lap. Naturally your fingers comb through his hair, waiting for him to say whatever he needs to say. “_____________, something has been on my mind lately.”
“What’s that?” You prompt gently.
“There’s been...a lot going on lately to say the least and even with everyone around for the schedules, I can’t help but feel something is missing. It took a bit for me to figure out what it is, and I’m still not sure what to do about it.”
“Are you talking about a relationship?” You ask so he gives a small nod, almost curling up into a small ball. “Well, I think if you feel ready to be in a relationship you can start looking for the right person. But don’t jump into anything just because you’re lonely.”
“I already found someone,” is all he says.
You can’t help the tightening in your chest and your hand briefly stops playing with his locks. Maybe this was really why he didn’t talk to you as much. He was giving someone else his attention. “Oh really?”
“Mhm,” he hums as resume your previous actions. “It’s been a long time coming I think. I just don’t want to mess things up.”
“What does your heart tell you to do?”
“To be with them.”
“Then go be with them,” you encourage, moving your hand away from his head. “Don’t let the fear stop you. They will probably be happy to see you.”
Every word out of your mouth makes you feel like a hypocrite. Here you are telling him to tell this person about his feelings when you couldn’t even tell him how you felt for so long.
Daehyun rolls onto his back making you think he’s about to leave so you try looking away. Your attempt doesn’t last long as you see the way he’s smiling up at you. “But do you know what today is?”
“It’s the day you and I met.”
You think back through your friendship, surprised that he would know the day the two of you met. “You can still go see them if you want. We can celebrate our friendship another day, I promise.”
A chuckle falls from his lips. “But it is you,” he says softly.
“_____________,” he sits up and turns to face you, gently taking your hand. “You and I have been friends for a long time. You have always been there for me, especially when I need you the most...and I can’t believe I didn’t realize what I had in front of me until I couldn’t talk to you as much. I wanted to talk to you every time I was free, but I couldn’t and it was hard. I missed you so much and I realized that you’re the one I should be with. I know that’s cliche, but that’s how I feel...and I have a feeling you might feel the same. But if you don’t that’s fine. We can stay friends.”
His words take time to process. This wasn’t a dream, was it? “Dae,” you squeeze his hand gently, trying to ground yourself. “You have no idea how long I hoped to hear something like this. But, are you sure this isn’t just because you’re lonely?”
“I can see why you might think that, but I’m sure. We’ve like a couple for a while, even when one of use was dating someone else, we stayed the same. I should have seen what I had in front of me sooner, but I hope you can forgive me for taking so long. You are the one I should be with. If you will allow me the chance.”
Your face almost starts to hurt at how wide your smile gets as you practically tackle him in a hug. “Of course I will,” you tell him, burying your face in his chest, taking the situation in a bit more. There’s a gentle kiss pressed to the top of your head before you hear his stomach growl. “What do you say we get some celebratory take out ordered now?”
“Ah you read my mind,” he chuckles. “But I want to hold you like this after.”
“As long as you want,” you assure him before getting up too grab the menu and place the call. It doesn’t take long for you to settle back into his arms, both of you feeling completely at ease.
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rscenarios · 7 years
Daehyun - Freefall
akutagawahakuryuunosuke requested “Hello can i request a scenario for Daehyun? The plot is what if he was a mafia who like to eat a cheesecake from the bakery across the street, at first he just love the cakes but later he fall in love with the baker too, but one day she start avoiding him and after that is up to you hehehe thank you hope my plot not confuse you^^;; hehe make it nsfw if you, thanks”
Since this got quite longer, I didn’t include the smut so I apologize for that. I was also originally going to lead this into where the Skydive M/V starts but decided not to be cruel about this... Please enjoy -Admin Em
Warnings: Some curse words.
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It was rare for a new business to appear in their territory with the history of crime and violence. It was especially interesting that of all thing the business was a cute little bakery right across the street. Something brightly colorful and sweet among the bitter darkness. A place like that sparked the interest of B.A.P and so they kept a watchful eye.
After a week of no surprising activity, the youngest member suggests they pay a visit. “Getting inside will give us a better idea if something is happening,” Zelo explains.
“Or it’s a trap,” Himchan sighs before he takes another drink.
“It’s not like we don’t use the club as a rouse,” Zelo groans. It’s times like this everyone is reminded he’s still young.
“We aren’t going,” Himchan declares. “Don’t argue.”
The room falls silent as Yongguk enters, handing Himchan a file that may contain new orders. Himchan points to something in the document, raising an eyebrow in question. Yongguk shakes his head.
“Warn him the bill is to be paid in a month. We’ll have to see about this...development,” Himchan says, handing the files back to the second in command. The leader looks at Zelo. “You get your wish, we’re headed to the bakery.”
“Really?!” Zelo asks, an excited grin forming on his face.
“What’s going on?” Daehyun questions as he follows the group.
“That’s what we want to know,” Himchan states simply.
“Do you think all of us should go? It might be suspicious,” Youngjae suggests, making the leader halt.
“You’re right. Yongguk, Youngjae, Jongup, you three stay here. Daehyun and Zelo, with me,” Himchan orders and everyone obeys without further question.
There’s a small chime as the trio enters the bakery, but no one is in sight. The group looks around, the place is mostly bare with only a few pieces of art hanging on the walls. Some of the furniture is in worn condition, but is still cute. The group nearly draws their weapons as you rush out of the back room, “I’m sorry, I hadn’t heard you come in,” you apologize before smiling at them, “Welcome, thank you for coming in. How can I help you today?”
“Woah, everything looks so good,” Zelo gasps, looking at all the treats through the glass container as Himchan looks around. Daehyun is focused on your beauty though as you give a small chuckle at the youngest’s comment.
“Thank you. Would you like to sample something before you buy?”
HImchan shakes his head, “I’d just like a slice of the chocolate cake.”
You quickly place the slice on a plate for him before Zelo asks, “Can I have caramel apple?”
“Sure thing,” you smile and hand it over.
“A slice of your best cheesecake, please,” he requests and is soon given a slice of New York style cheesecake.
Before you can say anything, Himchan hands over the payment and you return his change. “Please have a seat anywhere,” you tell them and they settle at a table.
“It’s so good,” Zelo hums as he munches on his treat. Himchan and Daehyun nod without word. The leader is still looking around, watching for any sign of trouble and Daehyun is just too focused on the cheesecake to care.
“Did you make this?” Himchan calls out to you as he notes you cleaning the display case.
“Oh, yes, is there a problem?”
“No, it’s good. I wasn’t sure if you were the baker or just an employee,” Himchan explains casually.
“Thank you, I’m currently everything around here. I don’t have any other employees yet.”
“Really?” Zelo gasps. “You work in such a dangerous area alone?”
Himchan gives him a warning look, but you give an amused chuckle. “It was the only place I could afford to lease on such short notice,” you bit your lip before you can say anything more.
“What do you mean?” Himchan asks.
“I’d rather not discuss it. Excuse me,” you go into the back room to get rid of the dirty rag.
“Daehyun,” Himchan speaks quietly as Daehyun cleans his plate.
“I want you to keep an eye on this place. Figure out her story.”
Daehyun gives a quick nod as you come back into the room.
“I apologize if he upset you. Our Junhong is a curious one,” Himchan says politely.
“It’s okay, can I take care of your plates?” you ask, taking note of the empty plates sitting in front of him and Daehyun. When he nods you quickly take those to the back room too. When you return, the three are moving to leave. “Thank you again for coming, have a good day,” you smile.
Himchan and Zelo return the kind words as they leave, but Daehyun stays behind.
“Could I have another slice to go?” he asks.
“Of course,” you say while placing a slice in a box for him as he hands you the money. “Come again,” you call after him as he leaves.
Daehyun already knows he’ll be back. This was some of the best cheesecake he’s ever had...and there was his assignment. Mainly the cheesecake though.
Two days later, Daehyun returns to find that there are a few more customers in the shop. Not many and no one he recognized from their reveals. “Be with you in a moment,” you smile as you carry some plates into the back room. “Nice to see you again,” you say as you step behind the counter. “What would you like?”
Daehyun looks at all the choices, licking his lips in approval. Everything looks so good, but the cheesecake is still calling his name. “I’ll take a slice of the blueberry cheesecake, please,” he tells you while grabbing the cash from his wallet.
“Thank you,” you muse as he goes to sit down. As much as he wants to give the cheesecake his full attention, he keeps a watchful eye on you as you work. He doesn’t notice anything out of the ordinary about you. He can tell you’re trying not to show how tired you are as you wipe down tables and tend to customer needs. Your smile doesn’t seem to dwindle and Daehyun admires that, but he also can’t help but worry why you’re pushing yourself so much. He would have to find out another time, it would be suspicious to ask now.
He bids you farewell, thanking you once again for the cheesecake before he goes back to the club. “Anything to report?” Himchan asks without looking up from what he’s doing.
“No. Is there something particular I should be looking for?”
Himchan simply shakes his head and Daehyun goes about his business.
Another two days pass before Daehyun comes back, and this time the shop is empty again. “Nice to see you again,” you greet him. “What kind of cheesecake will it be today?”
“Surprise me,” Daehyun shrugs while placing the money on the counter. “It’s a shame more people don’t know how good your food is,” he tries to make conversation.
“Just leaves more for my number one customer,” you laugh, handing over the food. Daehyun can tell the laugh is somewhat forced. “People just don’t want to risk being in this area long.”
Daehyun finds a seat and  takes a bite of his cheesecake, trying to think of what more he can say. He has to start getting to know you, but he can’t risk coming on too strong. “Does it scare you?”
“The lack of customers or the area?” you ask while arranging something by the register.
“The area.”
You stop whatever you’re doing and sigh. “A little bit.”
A silence falls over the two of you so Daehyun decides to just eat. He feels guilty for upsetting you and it was evident you didn’t want to say anything more.
“Do you think they’re as bad as everyone says?” you ask suddenly, trying to hide the small shake in your voice.
“Any of the gangs, or mafia...whatever they are. Like B.A.P.”
Daehyun almost chokes on his food. “They’re tough, but they don’t hurt the innocent so you don’t need to worry,” he offers, trying to keep casual. You nod slowly, letting his words sink in but Daehyun senses there’s something more. “Forgive me for being bold, but are you in trouble with someone? Is that why you’re in this area?”
You shake your head, “I’m not in trouble. Just worried.”
“It’ll be okay. I’m not far away, I’ll keep you safe, but if I’m not around and anyone tries to hurt you just feed them,” he tries to lighten the mood and this time you give a genuine laugh. It’s beautiful.
“Thank you...I don’t even know your name,” you note.
“I’m Daehyun.”
“____________,” you introduce yourself before noting the empty plate in front of him. “How was your cheesecake?”
“Wonderful,” Daehyun smiles as you take his plate. “As always.”
“That’s good. I hope it continues to be.”
“I’ll have to keep checking,” he declares as he gets up.
“If you insist. See you next time, Daehyun.”
“Have a good day, __________,” he smiles before leaving. He decides that he would start coming every day after that.
Each visit the two of you would talk more. No matter who else was in the shop, you would always make light chit-chat with Daehyun and whoever he was with. You got along with all of the members of B.A.P without knowing who they were. Himchan would have DAehyun’s head if he told you who he really was and Daehyun didn’t want you to see him as a monster. He didn’t want to risk not seeing your beautiful smile. He was falling for you even though he knows that’s risky. Himchan warned him he would be pulled from the assignment if he didn’t find anything out soon, but Daehyun still doesn’t know what he’s supposed to be looking for. You lived a normal life.
It’s a week and a half before the deadline and after taking out a group that owed B.A.P money Daehyun decides that he needs to see you. You had become the bright spot in his day and he could use that. Daehyun is excited to see your smile, but instead he hears a soft sobbing and spots you crying at one of the tables. “____________, are you alright?!” he asks quickly, rushing over to you.
“Oh, Daehyun, I’m sorry,” you sniffle, wiping away tears. “I’m okay. It’s fine. Let me get you your cheesecake.”
“No, I don’t need it,” he stops you. “Please just relax.”
“I can’t, I-”
“It’s okay, you work hard.”
“You’re too kind,” you tell him, still trying to control your tears. Slowly, he reaches out to gently pat your head to try to help you calm down. It seems to help as a few minutes later you take a few deep breaths and relax. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s okay. Is there something I can do to help?”
“Will you...will you walk me home?”
“Of course, do you want me to drive your car home?”
“My father needed it today so I don’t have it,” you explain.
“I’ll go get my car. Wait here,” Daehyun tells you before rushing to get his car from the garage behind the club. He returns quickly and helps you stand. He even opens your door for you and closes it once you’re seated. You tell him the address and it isn’t far so the drive is quick.
When the car stops Daehyun walks you to the door of your apartment. “You didn’t need to walk me in. I don’t want to be a bother.”
“It’s no bother,” he assures you. “I told you I would be around to keep you safe,” he reminds you.
“Well, I think I owe you for your services,” you smile.
“And how will you be paying?”
“Would my handsome saviour settle for a kiss?” you ask boldly.
Daehyun’s heart skips a beat. This had started as an assignment and grown into so much more. He had thought about asking you out, but he knew the risks involved in that. But now, now he can’t help but smile and step closer to you. “I would have settled for a phone number, but I will accept your kiss.”
Your cheeks turn a soft shade of pink as you lean up, eyes closing slowly as your lips meet his gently. It’s a short kiss, but it sends sparks through Daehyun’s body. Everything else is forgotten in that moment and even as you move away from him. “________, will you be my girlfriend?” he asks softly.
“Of course.”
“Can I have your phone?” He asks and you hand it over without question. He punches in his number and hands it back you. “Now I’m only a phone call away when you need me. But it’s late and you’ve had a long day. Please go and rest,” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I will see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” you smile as you head inside.
The smile doesn’t leave Daehyun’s face as he heads back to the club. He doesn’t even notice as Youngjae and Jongup start talking to him. He only snaps out of it when Youngjae throws a dart just a few centimeters away from his head. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?!” he shouts
“Relax, if I wanted to hit you I would have,” Youngjae remains him. It was true, Youngjae had deadly aim. “What’s on your mind?”
“Probably the pretty noona at the bakery,” Jongup grins.
“Just her food,” Daehyun says coolly. He doesn’t want the others to know about his relationship with you yet. Not until he’s discussed it with Himchan. “Where’s Himchan?”
“He and Yongguk just got back from meeting someone that owes us money. Should be in his office,” Jongup answers.
“Thanks,” Daehyun nods and heads to Himchan’s office.
“Come in,” Himchan calls when he hears the knock on his door. “Daehyun, have a seat,” HImchan says, putting some documents in one of his drawers. “Do you have something to report?”
“Not yet, but I wanted to inform you that my relationship with ________ has grown.”
Himchan raises an eyebrow, “For the mission or for your own personal benefit?”
Daehyun takes a deep breath, “Both, but mostly due to my own feelings.”
Himchan leans back in his seat, eyeing Daehyun carefully. The leader’s expression is unreadable as the two sit in silence. “You understand that regardless of your feelings, whatever has to happen will happen, correct? If your loyalty becomes a question, you know what will be done, correct?”
“B.A.P is my family, I will not betray my family. Is _____________ in trouble with us?”
“No, but she has connection to someone who is. She may be part of something bigger. She could be using you. Be careful,” Himchan warns. “For now, it’s nearly time for the club to open.”
“Yes sir, thank you,” Daehyun bows and leaves.
When the crowd of people starts to enter, Daehyun pays them no mind as he thinks about what HImchan told him. He doesn’t want to think you could be using him, but in his life anything was possible. People were hard to trust. He shouldn’t have been careless to ask you out, but he couldn’t deny what he felt for you, especially after the kiss. Especially as you send him a good night message and his heart gives a small flutter. Regardless, he would have to be careful from now on.
The following day, your shop has a few customers, but that still doesn’t stop you from rushing to greet your boyfriend. You don’t bother to ask him what he wants as you hand over a plate with a slice of cheesecake. Before he can take his wallet out you stop him. “My treat.”
“Oh, am I going to be getting special treatment now that I’m your boyfriend?” he asks
“No, you’ve just done so much for me that I still want to repay you however I can.”
“Please don’t worry about paying me back,” Daehyun assures you. “You work hard. We can talk later,” he adds, seeing more people walk in behind him.
“Ok, enjoy,” you grin as he goes to take a seat.
To his dismay, with HImchan’s warning in the back of his mind, he starts to worry that maybe there was something wrong with this cheesecake. He shakes his head, trying to force the thought away. You weren’t like that. You weren’t a part of the world of killing. He takes the first bite slowly, and waits for any signs of trouble even though he knows it would take more than one bite.
He finishes sometime later, feeling fine. He’s ashamed to have thought so lowly of you. He takes his dirty plate to the counter and gets a hug goodbye from you. “I’m going to be pretty busy tonight so I probably won’t get to talk to you, but I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“How about dinner later?”
“That would be great,” you reply before he leaves.
The next three days are spent in bliss. The two of you would message almost constantly when you weren’t out on dates or busy with work. Business was picking up for you. You were even looking for some part time help. Daehyun would help on occasion, allowing the two of you to spend more time together. He stayed to help you with closing, offering you a ride home. “I have to meet with someone, so it will be a while. Go home and rest,” you told him, giving him a soft kiss.
He kisses you again quickly before leaving. As he steps out of the shop, he bumps into a man and apologizes quickly. The man looks like he’s about to yell, but suddenly fear fills his eyes and he apologizes in return before quickly entering the shop. Daehyun doesn’t question this much as it was common for people to remember that this was an area filled with people that could easily kill someone.
The next day your shop is still busy, and it makes Daehyun happy that you’re work was finally being appreciated. You finally put up a sign looking for some part-time help. You hand over his cheesecake, and he hands you the money just before you move to tend to someone else’s needs. It was odd you didn’t say anything, but he dismisses it as the frustration of being busy two days in a row. He quietly eats his food, watching you move with a forced smile on your face. You don’t look at him, but again he dismisses it as you’re busy. He takes his plate to the counter and is about to ask if you want help when you go into the back room so he waits for you to return. When you come back, you have a fresh pie to place in the display case.
“Do you want some help?” he asks.
“No, thanks, I can do this,” you say just as quickly. “I’ll talk to you another time.”
Daehyun just nods and leaves, allowing you to get back to work.
Later that night he decides to message you to make sure you’re okay. “Hey __________. Did you have a good day?”
“Lots of business. I’m pretty tired so I’m actually headed to bed early.”
“You work too hard. Sleep well,” he replies. All he can do now is wait for a time when you’re less busy to talk to you.
Unfortunately, you continue to dismiss his messages and work keeps you busy for three more days, On the fourth day, with only five days left in Himchan’s deadline, Daehyun doesn’t bother to come in to see you. Instead, he makes the bold and incredibly risky choice to meet you as the shop closes. A few minutes before closing time, he enters the shop, making you jump as the bell chimes. “Hey Daehyun, I’m about to close,” you tell him simply..
“I know. I came to walk you home. I haven’t seen your car lately.”
You shift uncomfortably and head for the door.. “I can take myself home. You don’t need to worry about it.”
“____________, what’s wrong?” He steps closer to you and you step away, tears forming in your eyes.
“Please don’t,” you whimper and he halts. His heart breaks at the sound of fear in your voice. Your legs start to shake and you fall to your knees. “Please don’t,” you beg again. “Please don’t hurt me.”
Daehyun quickly kneels in front of you. “___________, I would never hurt you.”
“You were going to kill him!” You sob.
“What? Who?”
“My father. He owes B.A.P money,” you say between sobs. “He didn’t have enough to pay it back. He was supposed to pay it tomorrow...but he left. I tried to help earn the money....I gave him everything I could. I didn’t....I didn’t,” you choke on your words. “Are you going to kill me?” you manage to ask slowly.
Daehyun thinks back to the man he bumped into a few days ago. No wonder he had been so afraid. To see a known mafia member spending time with his daughter. “__________, please listen to me,” Daehyun urges. “You aren’t going to be hurt.”
“I gave him money to pay. He saw you and told me I should run from B.A.P. You’re one of them and he left me. I don’t have enough to pay his debt. ”
“It’s true,,” he says slowly. “I’m a member of B.A.P, but I’m not going to hurt you. You didn’t expect him to run. It’s not your fault. I won’t let you get hurt. I’ll keep watching over you. I love you,” Daehyun vows, pulling you into his arms..
“What? You love me?”
“I do.”
“But the money-”
“It doesn’t matter. B.A.P doesn’t hurt the families of the people who have done us wrong. You’re safe. I’ll explain it to my boss. You’re safe. I promise.”
You sob harder in his arms. “I’ve been so scared. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I pushed you away. I love you too,” you cry as he holds you. He rocks you back and forth, allowing you time to calm down. “Will you take me home?”
“Of course,” he says, wiping the last few tears away from your face before helping you up. He keeps a firm hold on your hand the entire walk.
You stop in front of your door. “Will you....will you spend the night?”
“Are you sure?” He asks and you nod, not wanting to be alone. He follows you inside to see how small and empty your apartment is. There was likely more at some point, but it had since been sold to help your father. “Do you have a spare pillow? I’ll sleep out here,” he says as he looks at the barren living room.
You let go of his hand and grab him a few things. He continues to look around, spotting the note your father had left you telling you he was leaving. Daehyun steps away so you don’t see him looking at your things. “I’m sorry I don’t have more,” you say when you hand him a pillow and blanket.
“It’s alright,” he assures. “Rest, I’m going to make a call and then I’ll be right out here.”
You nod and go to crawl in your own bed as he steps outside to call Himchan. “Hello?”
“Sir, I have something to report.”
“Daehyun, what is it? Where are you?”
“I’m with __________. Her father left her. He took the money she gave him to pay us but he ran away.”
“Damn it. Did she tell you where he went?”
“She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know anything. She’s scared.”
“Are you certain she isn’t lying to protect him?” Himchan questions.
“I’m sure. She was begging for her life. I told her she would be safe. We don’t hurt the innocent.”
“I’m aware of our code,” HImchan snaps. “She’ll be fine, but we will be looking for her father. You know that.”
“All I care is that she’s safe now.”
“Yes. I have things to do now. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Himchan hangs up..
Daehyun knows his boss is angry. He knows Himchan likely wants to interrogate you himself to make sure you weren’t lying, but HImchan wouldn’t do that to Daehyun. As tough as Himchan is, he still had a softer side for the group.
As quietly as possible, Daehyun comes back into your apartment and lies down in a spot on the floor. He wishes he could run home and grab some pajamas, but he doesn’t want to leave you. Not like this. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to let the events of the day sink in. He’s about to doze off as he hears you softly call his name. “I’m here,” he assures you as he gets up. He opens your bedroom door. “What’s wrong?”
“Will you lie with me?”
“Are you sure?”
It wasn’t the first time the two of you had lied together, but Daehyun knows you’re scared. You’ve been living in fear. He would take things at the pace you wanted but only if he knew you were certain of your actions.
“I’m sure,” you say, lifting the blankets for him. He settles in quickly, allowing you to move into his arms.
“I took care of everything,” he tells you softly.
“Your boss is probably mad.”
“A little,” he tells you honestly. He doesn’t want to lie. He wasn’t going to tell you that your father would be hunted down to pay for his actions, but he wasn’t going to keep anything more from you. “But he won’t do anything to you. No one will. You’re innocent and I’m here to protect you. I promise,” he kisses your forehead.
“I’m sorry for the trouble.”
“You have no reason to be sorry. I’m sorry that you had to go through this. You deserve much better.”
Your arms tighten around him. “I never said I love you too.”
“You told me you loved me...and I didn’t tell you I love you too. I just thought it was all part of making sure my father paid you back...but he still ran. I got scared and I tried to push you away, but I do love you.”
Daehyun smiles, kissing your forehead again. Very slowly, he kisses down to your nose and then places a light peck on your lips only for you to kiss him back. Everything is very tender and soft between the two of you as he holds you close.
Your hands lightly move over his chest as he pulls away to place gentle kisses over your face. He whispers sweet things, telling you how beautiful you are and how he was always going to be here. He doesn’t stop you as you remove his shirt before you roll on top of him. You don’t stop his hands from rubbing your thighs. His touch is light, as if he’s afraid to break you.
Your hands move over his bare skin, trailing lower until he stops you. “___________,” he licks his lips, “we should stop. As much as I would love to continue, I want to wait and show you how much I love you. Is that okay?”
He trusts your judgement, but he wants to make sure you’re ready to be involved in his world. You’d had a long day, and although he had missed you desperately, he didn’t want to risk you regretting anything.
You move to lie at his side and kiss him again. “Okay, let’s just sleep.”
He moves you back into his arms, kissing you again. “Sleep well.”
The two of you quickly drift off, content in each other's company without worry of future dangers.
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rscenarios · 7 years
Yongguk - Differences
A request from @idkijustneedanotheraccount that was sent forever ago for how Yongguk would handle being in a relationship with someone who is different from him? Their personality is goth, shy at first, but very caring. I don’t think I conveyed much difference and this is kind of short, but I hope you guys enjoy! I’m trying to get back into writing on a regular basis but life is still busy. -Admin Em
Warnings: none. Fluff ahead before Yamakazi destroys us all. (Seriously, that teaser is amazing)
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Yongguk lies in his bed with a smile as he admires your sleeping face. You seem at peace in your dreams and your usual dark makeup is missing. Although he found you beautiful with or without it, he appreciated the times he was able to see your bare-face. He remembers the first time he saw you at a charity event. Even from across the room you surprised him. Perhaps it was rude to think, but you looked so...different from everyone else at the event.
Sure, he had seen various idols with the gothic style, but he couldn’t recall seeing someone at a charity like this. Still, you had a smile on your face as you seemed to make conversation with the people around you  He was captivated until you looked up from what you were doing, Yongguk looked away quickly. He didn’t want to be rude.
His attention returned to the package he was working on for the children’s hospital. If someone spoke to him he would reply, but he committed himself into the work as much as possible. After he had a small stack of boxes he gathered them and took them to the large moving van, adding to the growing stacks. As he turned to step off the truck he felt himself collide into someone.
“I’m so sorry, sorry,” he said, his words coming out rushed as he did his best to grab the person. Only one of the boxes fell.
“Sorry, I took too many,” a voice piped up.
“Let me give you a hand,” Yongguk offered, grabbing the fallen box before taking a few from the person’s stack. When he had enough boxes to see the person’s face he nearly gasped. It was you.
He noted a blush forming as you gave a shy smile. He wondered if it was from running into him or if you had seen him looking at you earlier. “Thank you, I’m _______________,” you introduced yourself.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Yongguk,” he said politely as he added the boxes to the rest.
A silence fell between the two of you as you left the van and went back to your work areas. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, Yongguk liked silence, but he did want to get to know you more. He just wasn’t sure how. Especially if you really had seen him staring. He could apologize if he got close to you again, but that could also be awkward if you hadn’t seen him earlier. This debate went on as he kept working until the event organizer started their closing speech, thanking everyone for their time and how much it would mean to the children and their families.
Yongguk put his final few packages with the rest and then began helping to clean the venue even though there were plenty of staff around to tend to it. As the crowd grew smaller Yongguk caught a glimpse of you again and he found himself smiling that someone else had stayed too. He wanted to speak with you again, but he still wasn’t sure what to say. Nothing seemed right to him.
“Oh it’s you again,” a soft voice broke him out of his thoughts. He found you standing next to him, collecting some of the leftover paper. He can vaguely hear some music playing from the earbud that dangles at your side. “Yongguk, right?”
“Yes, ____________?”
“Right. Nice to see you’re still here.”
“I try to help as much as possible,” Yongguk shrugged..
“Me too. It’s nice that so many people were here today.”
“Yeah. What are you listening to?”
You seemed mildly surprised by the topic change until you look at the earbud that isn’t in your ear. Yongguk hadn’t meant to catch you off guard, but music was something he could talk about with ease. It always fascinated him to see what other people liked. You tell him the name of the song, adding that it’s one of your favorite songs from your favorite artist. “The lyrics just speak to me. I love songs that have meaningful lyrics that I can relate to or be inspired by.”
He gave an understanding nod.
“What do you listen to?” You asked as the two of you finish cleaning up.
“I like to listen to many different styles. I try to have as much inspiration for my own work.”
“Oh, you write songs?!” There’s an excitement in your voice that makes Yongguk’s heart swell with joy. He’s also a bit relieved you didn’t seem to know he was. Right now he was just Yongguk, not Bang Yongguk, leader of B.A.P.  It made things feel a little less awkward.
“Well, I’m headed this way,” you gestured in the opposite direction of Yongguk’s bike. “It was nice to talk with you.”
“You too,” Yongguk nodded. As you started to walk away an idea popped into his head, “Would you want a ride?”
“To where you need to go. I could give you a lift if you want?” As much as he wanted to be home, he didn’t like that you would be walking alone. It wasn’t safe.
“A lift would be nice,” you mused and follow him to his bike.
Immediately he hands you his helmet. “I usually don’t give rides so you can have the helmet,” he admits.
“What about you?” You didn’t like the idea of him being helmetless.
“I’ll be okay. I drive pretty slow anyway.”
You purse your lips, still unsure about his offer. He didn’t want to admit he felt nervous about it as well, but he wasn’t going to let his fear overtake him when you were having a risk.. “Are you sure?”
Yongguk simply nodded and once you did as well he got on the bike. As you put on the helmet you give him the address and sat behind him as the engine started. Your hold on him wasn’t too tight since he was true to his word and went pretty slow. You would warn him when a turn was coming up, but soon enough you were outside your apartment building.
“Thank you again,” you smiled as you gave back the helmet.
“No problem,” he smiled, strapping the helmet on. He took his time doing so, he could see there was something you weren’t saying.
“Could I get your number?” You said quickly, using all your courage. You eyes went wide, shocked that you had managed to ask. “I mean, so I can take you to dinner to repay you for the ride sometime,” you added.
“You don’t need to do that,” he told you. “But I can give you my number.”
With that you handed over your phone and he put his information in before wishing you a good night.
It wasn’t long after that that you’d reached out to him for the dinner. Yongguk still didn’t like leaving his apartment, so he convinced you to meet at a small restaurant that was just down the block from him. He felt bad asking you to go out of your way, but you agreed. When he arrived he spotted you easily, dressed in a similar fashion to how you’d been at the charity event. Plus the restaurant wasn’t busy which quickly helped his nerves. Conversation was light, the both of you shy about the situation. Still it was nice, and for a while Yongguk forgot all his worries.
The two of you kept in touch after that, getting to know each other more and more. You came out of your shell more and when Yongguk told you of his fame you didn’t change. You were true to yourself and Yongguk found himself falling for you. He had his worries about confessing to you since he still felt like you were from completely different worlds.
While he was more reserved, you were free in most situations. Sometimes you were still shy. You were shy when he managed to tell you how he felt, but admitted to returning his feelings. Being in the relationship didn’t change much except that there was small forms of skinship in public. You would take his hand in yours when you could tell his anxieties were rising. He would place a protective arm around you when you convinced him to be out late at night. Sometimes it seemed that the two of you could silently communicate.
Things weren’t always perfect. Sometimes the odd looks the two of you got in public made things tense and the tension couldn’t always be brushed off. There were times the two of you would have arguments about how he wouldn’t eat or sometimes you seemed to expect too much out of him after his long days. The fights never lasted long, the two of you cared too much about each other for them to be. All you needed was some time apart, but once the time was taken you talked things through.
Last night the two of you had almost had a fight and it made Yongguk especially happy that you had stayed with him. He was glad you didn’t fight, that you had stayed calm even though you were frustrated. He knows he doesn’t always makes things easy. He knows sometimes he puts his career first, but he was working on it. He was being better and you were still here to work with him. The two of you were a team even on the days you seemed to be on opposite sides.
Unable to resist any longer, he places a kiss on your forehead. “Wake up beautiful,” he whispers.
You give a sleepy hum and nuzzle into his chest but say nothing.
“Do you want breakfast?”
“Not yet. Let’s just say in bed. It’s nice here.”
“Now you sound like me,” he laughs.
“Your influence has rubbed off.”
“Yours too,” he reminds you.
“I know, you asked about breakfast,” you tease as you look up at him, a smile on your half-asleep face.
“Oh shush,” he laughs again before leaning down to kiss you.
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