#babadook spoilers
falenminds-blog · 4 months
The Magnus Protocol 5 - Personal Screening with no context
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spiderversegf · 8 months
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looked up the babadook on doesthedogdie and was delighted by what i found
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r0semultiverse · 3 months
Colin’s just doing maintenance, it’s probably fine- oh.
“It’s important we don’t keep secrets here.”
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What do you mean by that?
I know I’m probably going to regret saying this,
https://www.tomsterrors.blogsphere.org is apparently not a real site, at least on my old mobile phone anyway!
Welcome to my twisted mind!
Who is deleting all these blog posts? I mean realistic representation of modern social media, but damn!
Private screening of the film and a Q&A with the director. This strikes me as a bit familiar. 😂
​Kind of odd that anything unrelated to the movie so far has been deleted. 👀
“I never even gave them my address.” THEN JUST DON’T GO! THATS SO SUSPECT!
“I didn’t even know it was still open.” BRO!
“I feel like I’ve been waiting for something to truly scare me for years now.” Just dig your grave in advance at this point. Lmao
“Live blogging the event is okay!” The Eye type energy imo
Bro everything about this is HIGHLY SUSPECT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Who is this old guy?? That’s so weird... avatar of some sort?? Maybe for the Distortion/Spiral?? Or the Eye because of the live blogging? Or an entity collab?
I wonder who the old IT guy was. 👀👀👀👀👀
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vertoludum · 10 months
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the babadook at pride
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The Babadook's Info Post.
Colored Pencils' Info Post.
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seizedeath · 11 months
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p3pto-bysmal · 8 months
Idgaf how good your movie is, if the dog dies it's the worst movie ever created
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raviniaraven · 1 year
Kudos to Smile for going with the downer ending, for a second I thought it was gonna have the "get over your depression by just getting rid of it" themes and I've never been so happy for a last act twist
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cowboycannibalism · 10 months
just got out of a late showing of Talk To Me and I have thoughts!
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️SPOILERS AHEAD ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
so let's dive in while it's still fresh in my mind
Grief is a heavy player in this movie and that's what makes it so good. So much of what happens is because of Mia not being able to let go or face her grief. she's vulnerable to the spirits/demons/souls because she's lonely and sad and she's trying to find anything to make her feel.
The opening scene was absolutely amazing! it sets up how fucking crazy the movie is going to be. It brings us into the world where everything is for views, everyone is entertainment even when they're suffering. It's not the focus of the film but they way social media guides the story is interesting.
to add to the previous point, every time someone does the "game"/seance, the others whip out their phones with lightening speed. They laugh, they point their cameras at the possessed and scream and shout in joy regardless of what the possessed is doing. we see this in Daniel's first go which is a weird sexual possession that leaves him embarrassed and scared, whereas the group is laughing and recording. it's also what brings Mia to the hand in the first place, she keeps seeing the videos posted of people playing the game and having "fun"
I really liked the kangaroo scene because it was so jarring and the foreshadowing was just mwah. wonderful.
I will admit Mia got annoying because you want her to know that she should stop, but she won't. I was literally trying not to yell at the screen lol
on the other hand (ha hand), I get it. She was desperate, grief will do that to you, she just wanted answers and closure. And that can drive you mad.
The gore/violence in the movie was so good for a possession film! The Riley scene was intense and had the small amount of us in the theater squirming and yelling and gasping. And the limbo/purgatory scene although brief was not what I was expecting and it blew me away, it gave cronenbergian/yuzna's Society [1989] vibes.
the cast was very very good! Sophie Wilde played Mia with such an intensity and passion that drew me in even when I didn't care for her character's actions. And the supporting cast stood their own which was awesome because sometimes in horror those other characters can sometimes get pushed aside or fade into the background.
the sound design had me so tense! I swear I thought I was hearing things and not sure if it was me or the movie. We don't talk enough about sound when it comes to horror. It's honestly what really scares me, more than the actual scenes, it's the score that revs up my anxiety and fear.
All in all, the movie was really good! I'm not even a huge fan of possession horror but I was excited to see it and really glad that I did. I know it's been greenlit for a sequel which would be interesting depending on where they take the story but I'm definitely more interested in the prequel that they've already made!! I hope it gets picked up by A24 like the sequel is because I definitely would like to know more about the hand and mythology behind the "game".
Just to add on some more personal thoughts: It's interesting to me how often grief plays a role in horror. From Midsommar to Hereditary to The Babadook to classics like Pet Sematary, the list goes on. We are vulnerable when we're grieving, easier to let bad things in or ignore the people who love us who are trying to help. When I watch horror about grief, it gets to me more often than any others because I've known grief like a childhood friend. It's been with me my entire life. But I've learned to handle it better than I used to, and with movies like this it's a safe place for me to let it consume me, let it be messy and overwhelming like it is for the characters in the movie.
Anyways to wrap this up please go see Talk To Me! If you like possession movies you'll like it, if you like movies with deeper layers you'll like it, it feels like there's a little bit of everything to appeal to most horror fans.
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sparkknightella · 6 months
The Archons as horror movies
with brief explanations!! :3
both genshin and movie spoilers !! but they’re vague
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Venti // The Babadook (2014)
A character is trapped in their grief and it’s getting in the way of helping the people that depend on them. The dark shadow of their past looms behind them, but can they learn that they don’t have to be grieving to keep someone’s memory alive?
Also The Babadook is a Gay Icon, just like Venti :)
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Zhongli // Old
When you’re an immortal Adeptus, human life flashes by in the blink of an eye. Even the lives of those you thought would be by your side for all time seem to have ended forever ago…
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Raiden Shogun (Ei) // Mother! (2017)
Despite your deepest wishes to remain hidden from the world, safe in the heaven of your own making, the one you love most brings outsiders in. As the chaos of humanity surrounds you, can you survive? Or will this be your eternity?
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Nahida // The Platform (2019)
An unexpected child emerges in the middle of a terrible, conflicted place, controlled by scientists of a sort. These scientists trap the child at the bottom. Will the people above them realize it’s up to them to free the child? If they do… can they even make it to the child alive?
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Furina // Marrowbone (2017)
A teenager is left with a massive weight on their shoulders. They must keep their families alive until all of the other pieces fall into place… but when death haunts you… when their memories live inside of you, will you be able to keep them alive until reckoning day?
((When you look in the mirror… who looks back?))
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rebeccasteventaylor · 4 months
Ooh, yes, here come my spoilers thoughts for Magnus Protocol 5!
So Colin is basically cracking, is he. Notice the hiss when Lena said he could request assistance? I don’t think Freddie wants Colin getting help.
Oh the response department responded! They want a lot of information…And Alice is very VERY eager that Sam not complete it.
It’s Chester! Oh boy, it sounds so strange for a fun blog about horror movies to be read in The Archivists voice.
Oh I’m already thinking about The Puppeteer - Neil Lagorio (TMA 136).
This one is a bit of a warning for us horror fans - but horror podcasts fans are fine, right? Right? (I had the same reaction to Babadook too…)
Really old guy? I wonder of it’s some we’ve seen before..
The clever thing about Protocol is the way it captures incidents means we can find out what happened as it happened - in Archives we only got statements (mostly) from survivors.
Oh, that is creepy….
Alice’s brother again…still asking for money and she’s still ‘wait until payday’…I wonder if she means payday in the same way I mean payday.
Ooh, Gwen Bouchard is investigating! Could this Bouchard be one of the good guys?
I liked that. Lots of hidden hints and undertones of horror
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trashworldblog · 1 year
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creator of many memes
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pretends to be a demon, just for the bit (or is it a joke?)
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he's created an entire universe just from some png animations and some story he came up while he drove to work. and has made some BANGER SONGS!! but the music doesnt stop there...
What is he doing now?
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["served cunt" image made by the wonderfully hilarious @joyful-soul-collector thank you for the comedic art i love this photo so much /gen]
Crafting a puppet show that teaches history, has deep lore, and the main bit is that his best friend (ryan bergara) cannot win. ALSO!! THERE ARE SONGS!!! SANG BY PUPPETS
[s5 puppet history spoilers next paragraph]
he is SO committed to the bit that in the 5th season (yes, the 5th season, the show has only been ongoin for 3 years) he created a whole arc where the professor timetravels, has a dinosoar family, ryan meets the genie, and a hologram version of the professor has kidnapped ryan and been pretending to be the professor for the whole season!!
(ive hit max image number but I STILL HAVE MORE POINTS)
Hes also still ghost hunting with ryan on ghost files! he fought a ghost, had a nice chat with the babadook, and got called a nerd by a ghost (and also been being a little shit by hiding the walkie talkie from ryan, and has been playing with haunted dolls)
hes been exploring this weird and wonderful world!! and been falling on his ass and eating fun things! hes failing compitions! and dancing!
(stands for orange boy, he's an orange little guy :D )
also if he wins i will send him a trophy that I am currently working on :D
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 4 months
TMAGP 5 Thoughts: Getting Babadooked
Honestly, I didn't really vibe with this one. I didn't hate it or anything but it didn't really grab me. I'm not really sure there is a whole lot to say about it either. It's an interesting premise in a cerebral sense but I don't think the incident itself was super compelling.
Spoilers for Ep 5 below the cut.
I think the setup was pretty great but when it got time to do something spooky there wasn't really much of it there. The build up was compelling enough. A movie that's so obscure information on it in any sense is hard to come by. The singular review being not overtly strange but not really a review at all. A contest that's pretty clearly a scam of some sort. Some hints that the theatre was wrong, a single weird staff member hinting at more, spooky popcorn, etc. The movie itself is entirely mundane except that it's a home-movie of your own family, with a detail you never noticed while you were living that movement. Then it just sort of ends.
It really felt like it could've done with a couple more minutes to give it a bit more of an ending. The conclusion, while scary to think about as a full scenario, lacks so much detail and happens so abruptly it's hard to feel like there is really much of a conclusion at all. Just a minute or two of blind panic and a hurried attempt at an escape before they get kidnapped, and presumably, replaced would've been a much better climax which the final post on the site would've helped reinforce. There was even a narrative device worked in that would allow for all sorts of fucked up stuff to happen and still be coherent in the format. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] is just [EXTENDED SOUNDS OF BRUTAL PIPE MURDER] by a different name and could've done a lot of great work in leaving that sort of imaginative space for the listener.
For the office drama portion of the episodel; Klaus being the IT manager before Colin is an interesting detail for sure. Wasn't entirely expecting that but it explains a few things. It doesn't significantly alter any of my previous understanding other than suggest that the precursor to the OIAR's system might be a little bit more fringe. As in if Klaus set up Freddy entirely then the Klaus sheet might not be from a German version of the OIAR. The response 121 came back a lot sooner than I was expecting but still feels a bit like a slow burn.
DPHW Theory: 2377 lines up well enough. It was mostly a weird time where they got compelled to do something. Makes sense, not too exciting.
CAT#R# Theory: CAT2RB is properly filed this time around but still not a whole lot to say. You could assume the ones that were wrong are all wrong and so the tria prima thing is back on the table but with so few data points it's hard to call any of them anomalous. R# could be some sort of scale indicator now though. Rank C incidents supernaturally affect single people or objects, Rank B's can affect larger areas or spread from person/object to person/object, Rank A's are wider still, and Rank S's are on very large scales. That idea fits pretty well with what we've seen so long as you labour under the assumption that the effect an incident can have doesn't map directly with its Rank. Daria's incident ranks higher than the violin but lower than the Institute. Whatever happened to Daria was passed onto her through another means so is higher even though the violin ended up killing more people it never grew beyond just a violin. Where as the Institute is a hole building that's seemingly supernaturally tainted.
Header talk: Disappearance (undetermined) -/- Invitation is fairly interesting. Showing some broader concepts than I think we've previously seen.
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The Babadook
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Source: The Babadook (2014)
Explanation from Submitter: Suitguy, appeals to monsterlovers i think, commonly shipped with Pennywise (albeit as a joke)
Note from Mod: This character is from a psychological horror film with violence in it. You can look through its "Does the Dog Die" page to find out more information.
vs Gluntz (won)
vs Colored Pencils, The Missile Maestro (lost)
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origami-trust · 4 months
MAGP005 Spoilers: Hmm....I wonder if the Fears are Cameoing-in for some of those movies that got dropped - if not in the plot, then in the title? Buried: August Underground Corruption: Critters Desolation: Fire in the Sky End: Faces of Death Eye: I Know What You Did Last Summer Spiral: WELCOME TO MY TWISTED MIND (can I use the title of the blogpost? If not, babadook.) Stranger: The Thing Web: Puppet Master Faith: the Unholy Trinity seems a bit self-referential...a jmj.error, if you will....
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ms-hells-bells · 1 year
(ramble incoming lol)
so i've been on a horror film kick lately and i watched the babadook today; i really liked it, it was super creepy (in a cool way) but i also found the ending emotionally poignant in a unique way that's different from other psychological horror movies i've watched. i don't think the ending of a scary movie has ever affected me the way this one has (in a good way).
now, i'm usually not that good at picking up on symbolism/metaphors in art, but it was super obvious to me that (mild spoiler?) the monster was an allegory for repressed grief. so you can imagine my surprise when i read other people's comments/reviews online, and found that a lot of them seemingly completely missed that? then i realized upon closer inspection that the oblivious comments seemed to primarily be from men. saying they didn't understand the ending or that they wanted a different "tragic" ending. nearly all the reviews that demonstrate understanding of the symbolism are by women. i found out the film was written/directed by a woman, so that probs has something to do with it, but i'm still genuinely kinda weirded out: are men socialized to process grief so differently that they can't recognize it in a woman's narrative, even in blatant metaphor? do they (sub)consciously refuse to mentally engage with any media that subverts their expectations of death/violence? are they just stupid as hell? what is their deal lmao
i hate horror films and shows lol, but i understand what you're saying. men often fail to understand metaphors no matter how deep they pretend to act about film. if it doesn't follow their preset notions of what things are SUPPOSED to mean, as well as whatever philosophy they learned online or in university, especially if it comes from experiences and demographics that they are taught not to empathise with or relate to, like women, then they simply cannot grasp it most of the time.
it's like how most girls read and relate to books with male main characters, but most boys do NOT read books by women or with female main characters, and say it is because they can't relate to girls. their dehumanisation of us actually inhibits the full potential of their psyche and philosophy.
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