#baby milburn-nyman
emmapills · 3 years
I’m so done with your shit, laurie
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astridncs · 3 years
Of Love, Happiness, and Promises
a Sex Education -- Jean Milburn/Jakob Nyman fanfic | full read on AO3
When Otis left the room, Jean was left with Jakob. They haven’t spoken much since after her surgery and as much as she wanted for them to have a conversation now, she was still exhausted and the anesthesia hasn’t worn off yet making her mind loopy.
“Sleep, Jean. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He whispered to her as he pressed a kiss on her forehead.
Jean nodded and before she drifted off to sleep she mumbled, “I’m the king of everything, Jakob…” and that made the man smile.
Looking at Jean’s sleeping form, Jakob began to ponder of their situation and their relationship. He thought of the therapy session that he went to before rushing to the hospital. He let out a quiet laugh thinking of how that was sort of a blessing in disguise. That conversation with Dr. Cutton surely made him realize a lot of things – things that he was now more than willing to improve just to make everything work, now that the baby’s finally born.
An hour passed when Jakob felt himself being woken up by someone. The midwife who assisted Jean earlier smiled at him as he roused from his sleep.
“We were wondering if Jean would like to visit the baby? It would be good for the both of them.” The midwife suggested. “I’m Carol, by the way.” She introduced herself and Jakob shook her hand before nodding and telling her he’d wake Jean up and bring her to the NICU.
When Carol left, Jakob stood by Jean’s bedside and instead of waking her yet, he began to talk to her sleeping form. It seemed cowardly that he couldn’t just talk to her when she was awake, but for some reason doing such when she was still asleep felt easier for him.
“Jean, I don’t know if you can hear me or if you’re in deep sleep, but I just want you to know that I am sorry for the things that I have said, for doubting you, and for not trusting you. Earlier, you were amazing, you always have been, but seeing you push our baby out into this world has made me love you even more than I already do. I am so proud of you,” he paused as he sighed and softly ran his fingers through her hair. He observed at how exhausted she looked – bags under her eyes, her skin paler, and her lips still seemingly blue from the ordeal that she went through.
“You scared me, Jean, but I’m so happy you’re alive,” he sniffled. “I’m so happy you held on. Our baby girl’s waiting for you. She’s perfect, tiny, but perfect; ten toes and ten fingers, she has your nose and your lips. She looks just like you, sötnos. She’s ready to meet you again.” He whispered.
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80s4life · 3 years
Character/Movie List
Below is movies and TV shows I like personally and are lsited as a reference. If you don't see something you're interested in, it is not that I don't like it, it is because I most likely forgot it because I love so many movies/shows tbh. Just ask, and I'll answer! And, from the Rules and Regulations page, what I had meant by "mostly" is that I can dabble outside of the acting world and into actors/actresses themselves and/or singers, popstars, etc.
{Another side-note, I am not so much into shows, but mostly movies! Although, there are some exceptions that I love beyond belief!}
Back to the Future Series:
Biff Tannen
Griff Tannen (Maybe, he wasn't the best of the Tannen's imo)
Buford Tannen
Marty McFly
George McFly
Doc Brown
Lorraine Baines
Rose DeWitt Bukater
Jack Dawson
Caledon Hockley
Brock Lovett
Rabrizio De Rossi
Thomas "Tommy" Ryan
Karate Kid Series {1/2/3}:
John Kreese
Mr. Miyagi
Johnny Lawrence
Daniel LaRusso
Bobby Brown (not so much; don't know him too well)
Ali Mills
Lucille LaRusso
Terry Silver (duh lmao)
Mike Barnes (also duh)
Jessica Andrews
Stand By Me:
Vern Tessio
Billy Tessio
Gordie LaChance
Chris Chambers
Eyeball Chambers
Ace Merrill
Teddy Duchamp
Jake Fratelli (he was kinda hot ngl)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off:
Ferris Bueller
Jeanie Bueller
Cameron Frye
Sloane Peterson
License to Drive:
Les Anderson
Mercedes Lane
Toy Soldiers:
Billy Tepper
Joey Trotta
Snuffy Bradberry
Ricardo Montoya
Hank Giles
Scream Movie Series {1/2}:
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Dwight "Dewey" Riley
Randy Meeks
Tatum Riley
Sidney Prescott
Gale Weathers
Cotton Weary
Derek Feldman
Escape Plan:
Emil Rottmayer/ "Victor Maheim"
Ray Breslin/ "Anthony Portos"
The Expendables:
Barney Ross
Lee Christmas
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
Bao Thao/ "Yin Yang"
Hale Caesar
Divergent Movie Series {1/2/3}:
Beatrice "Tris" Prior
Caleb Prior
Tobias "Four" Eaton
Christina "Chris"
Eric Coulter
Marcus Eaton
Terminator Series:
T-100/"Uncle Bob"/Terminator
T-1000 "Austin"
John Connor
Sarah Connor
Dani Ramos
Dazed and Confused:
David Wooderson
Fred O'Bannion
Randall "Pink" Floyd
Ron Slater
Don Dawson
Mitch Kramer
Benny O'Donnell
Rocky Series:
Rocky Balboa
Apollo Creed
Captain Ivan Drago
Zombieland {1/2}:
Little Rock
Lethal Weapon Movie Series {1/2/3/4}:
Martin Riggs
Roger Myrtaugh
Rianne Murtaugh
Leo Getz
Henry Hill
Jimmy Conway
Tommy DeVito
Karen Hill
Avengers Heroes-
Iron Man/Tony Stark
Ant-Man/Scott Lang
Hulk/Bruce Banner
Captain America/Steve Rogers
Hawkeye/ Clint Barton
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
Black Panther/T'Challa
Vision/Victor Shade
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
Spider-Man/Peter Parker
Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange
Avengers Anti-Heroes/Antagonists:
Yondu Udonta
Loki Laufeyson
Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
Wolverine/Logan Howlett
Sabretooth/Victor Creed
Bolt/Chris Bradley
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Cyclops/Scott Summers
(Younger!)Professor X
Deadpool/Wade Wilson
Cable/Nathan Summers
Colossus/Piotr "Peter" Nikolayevich Rasputin
Negasonic Teenage Warhead/Ellie Phimister
DC Universe:
Superman/Clark Kent (Henry Cavill)
Batman/Bruce Wayne (Affleck, Bale versions)
Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Harley Quinn
Joker (Leto, Ledger, Phoenix versions)
Captain Boomerang
Rick Flagg
Bane (Tom Hardy)
TV Shows
Stranger Things:
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Will Byers
Joyce Byers
Johnathan Byers
Maxine "Max" Hargrove
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Robin Buckley
Jim Hopper
Steve Harrington
Sex Education:
Erric Effiong
Aimee Gibbs
Adam Groff
Ola Nyman
Otis Milburn
Maeve Wiley
Hannibal (Show):
Hannibal Lector
Will Graham
Dr. Alana Bloom
Jack Crawford
Abigail Hobbs
Orange Is the New Black (OITNB):
Piper Chapman
Nicky Nichols
Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren
Galina "Red" Reznikov
Tasha "Taystee" Jefferson
Dayanara "Daya" Diaz
Gloria Mendoza
Lorna Morello
Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett
Alex Vause
Joel Luschek
Big Boo
Maritza Ramos
Poussey Washington
Yoga Jones
Gina Murphy
Brook Soso
Sophia Burst
George "Pornstache" Mendez
Larry Bloom
Polly Harper
Stella Carlin
The Boys:
Billy Butcher
Starlight/Annie January
Hughie Campbell
Kimiko Miyashiro
Queen Maeve/Maggie Shaw
Mother's Milk "M.M."
The Deep/Kevin Moskowitz
Becca Butcher
The Walking Dead (TWD):
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Lori Grimes
Maggie Greene
Beth Greene
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Michonne Hawthorne
Carol Peletier
Shane Walsh
Paul "Jesus" Monroe
Eugene Porter
Sgt. Abraham Ford
Outer Banks (OBX):
Sarah Cameron
Rafe Cameron
Ward Cameron
John B
Frank Gallagher
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Debbie Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
Mickey Milkovich
Mandy Milkovich
Jimmy "Steve" Lishman
Karen Jackson
Cobra Kai
Miguel Diaz
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Robby Keene
Carmen Diaz
John Kreese (baby version & old version)
Terry Silver (baby version & old version)
Tory Nichols
Samantha "Sam" LaRusso
If there is something or someone you like not on this list, feel free to ask or direct message me! For movies like the DC Universe and Marvel, if there is multiple actors of that character and you want a certain one, please make sure that you add that detail!
Rules & Regulations
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the-geeky-truth · 3 years
Sex Education 3x06 to 3x08 - Things are coming to an end
I can’t decide what’s better: the fact that Aimee made vulva cupcakes or the fact that nobody in the Milburn-Nyman household questioned it.
Jean making it clear that Aimee is not at fault for what happened on the bus is so damn important! I mean, of course it wasn’t Aimee’s fault and in a perfect world nobody would ever think it was, but we’re not living in that world and that’s why we need more people like Jean.
And whenever I think Mrs. Haddon is already awful enough, she outdoes herself again.
Putting signs on her students to humiliate and isolate them?! Who on earth allowed this woman to work with children/teenagers (or really any people at all) in the first place?! - Let alone put her in charge of an entire school?!
The audacity of both Otis and Isaac to hear about Elsie’s disappearance, get involved even though they have nothing helpful to contribute, and then proceed to make it about themselves.
Ohhh, Viv is gonna destroy Mrs. Haddon and I am so here for it!
I really like Anna, which once again reminds me that foster parents don’t get nearly enough credit for doing what they’re doing.
I’m glad Eric got to see the queer community in Lagos and that he feels at home there - that’s beautiful. But it’s no excuse whatsoever to cheat on Adam.
That animated sequence showing an excerpt of Lily’s story is really cool.
I love how Eric is so ready to help with the thing without knowing what the thing even is.
Aaand Mrs. Haddon outdoes herself again.
Oh, how I’ve missed Maeve and Aimee (and their fight didn’t even last that long).
Getting out through the air vent is a bit of an overused cliché, but I’ll allow it in this case.
Okay, where did Ruby come from?
No, Lily, don’t throw it all away!
“Beautiful” is a gendered word? Huh. I use it for anyone, all the time.
Lily’s definitely an artist.
Shots fired, Mr. Groff!
To think that this is Layla’s morning routine every day ...
I sort of expected that Anna would offer Maeve to stay with her, but I didn’t expect Maeve to accept, so that’s a nice surprise.
Rahim’s and Adam’s friendship is so weird.
So first Aimee told Jean about Otis and Maeve, now she told Maureen about Adam and Eric ... whose mother is she going to tell about her child’s love interest next?
And now Ola and Jakob have me crying a little.
Nooo, please don’t let the baby be Remi’s! Please, anyone’s but his!
I’m so glad Layla is binding safely now thanks to Cal.
Well, Adam has MY heart.
Yes, Ola and Lily!
Aimee is a very good second mum.
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emmapills · 4 years
EDIT: please refer to this post now because I’m a dumbass
Sooo, about that ending for Jean Milburn in Sex Education.
First, whoever let Chris Carter in the writers’ room, go suck an egg.
Second, the thought of another baby is so cute, but Jean is 48 years old. She’s already high risk, plus she has to tell Jakob (or not, who knows)? That’s stressful in and of itself. And she has to tell her son.
Third, miscarriage is highly likely and we don’t know how far along she is, but judging by the fact she’s not showing and the events seem to be close together she’s probably less than three months. So she’s not out of the safe zone and there’s still a risk. It’d be sad if the writers go that route, but it’s a reality for ALL women.
HOWEVER, Jean with a little baby would be so cute and a baby bump on her would be adorable. I’m cautiously optimistic. I doubt, if the writers decide to keep the pregnancy, that it’ll be smooth sailing and I can only imagine the possible complications.
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