halfdent · 19 days
No  twin  could  truly  ever  be  the  exact  parallel  of  the  other  .  Identical  was  always  hyperbole  .  Still  the  henchmen  were  similar  enough  .  A  natural  pair  ,  something  Two Face  isn't  so  inclined  to  ignore  .  He  prefers  the  company  of  two  cut  from  the  same  cloth  .  They  had  noticed  differences  ,  insignificant  as  they  were  .  It  would  suffice  .
Harvey  shares  that  .  Everything  in  his  life  always  split  down  the  middle  ,  not  perfectly  mind  you  ,  though  close  enough  .   
❝   Missing  ?  ❞   Harvey  believed  in  chance  ,  they  both  did  ,  maybe  once  Gotham's  very  own  Apollo  believed  that  if  he  worked  hard  enough  ,  if  he  fought  hard  enough  he  could  be  pure  ,  he  could  be  good  .  Deep  down  he  knew  that  there  was  something  rotten  inside  of  him  ,  something  his  father  had  seen  ,  something  that  was  like  bare  teeth  ,  ready  to  be  revealed  past  thin  lips   .  A  monster  with  an  appetite  for  both  justice  and  injustice  alike  . 
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❝    I  -  ❞   He  spoke  candidly  .  ❝    we  were  always  this  way  .  I  felt  like  I  was  pretending  ,  that  I  kept  up  a  guise  of  being  the  symbol  of  hope  ,  the  picture  perfect  husband  ,  and  friend  .  That  I  was  somehow  free  of  all  sins  .  But  the  people  I  couldn't  fool  ,  myself  ,  my  fiance  ,  my  -  ❞    Father  .  ❝   I  wasn't  missing  anything  but  a  clarity  that  this  is  what  we  are  .  What  we  have  always  been  and  who  we  were  meant  to  be  .  ❞   At  that  he  takes  his  own  glass  into  his  hand  ,  leading  with  the  right  ,  this  was  Harvey afterall  .  Harvey  ,  unlike  his  counterpart  was  more  cautious  with  drinking  ,  especially  in  a  domestic  situation  opposed  to  a  bustling  club  full  of  watching  eyes  .  He  has  his  reasons  .
❝   What  about  you { @babydxhl  } ?  Surely  you  must've  known  from  the  beginning  .  People  would  only  let  you  be  what  they  saw  .  Seems  like  that's  just  who  you  are .  The  face  you've  been  given  and  the  face  you  wear . They  are  the  same  thing  in  the  end . ❞  / ⚖  ―  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃  彡
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psychxpxthic · 1 year
✍️ ❤️🥲
|| Send ✍️ and I’ll draw your muse! | 𝑪𝑳𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑫 ||
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𝒐𝒐𝒄;; Wanted to try my own little twist on babydoll, was very fun to do ! Gave her a far more doll-ish look.
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red-hemlock · 5 months
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
OC Emoji Asks @babydxhl
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A couple! Aside from the whole 'I kill people for my bread and bills' thing she has going-on, definitely the bloodlust associated with it... Just another lovely trait she had instilled into her from back home; and it's what prevented her from going completely straight when she first came to Gotham. River won't really admit it, but she enjoys the act of killing far more than she lets-on, and really the only things keeping her from stepping-off the cliff into serial killer-land is the small code she has, her having a decent enough rein on it, and the fact that the 'itch' can be scratched all she likes on her jobs.
Even when working she tends to hold herself 'back', with the murder itself usually being enough to satisfy; but once a job starts to get lengthy and the blood and adrenaline really start flowing, those reins loosen and the monster comes-out to play.
Another would be the fact that she can't 'accept' the lye scarring as being a part of herself, considering those scars in particular more a curse than anything. In a way, they kind-of are. River spent her entire life in service to her family, to her grandmother in particular, who twisted her love into a horrible dependence that became a codependence in the end. River believed her grandmother loved her enough to want to see her happy with Jamey, but Grandma Locke found it to be a betrayal instead; and had the entire family participate in Jamey's murder and the scarring with the lye, telling River that now she would have to stay with them, as she would never be able to successfully live in society looking the way she did now.
All River see's when she looks in the mirror is that night playing on repeat, and that woman's words ringing in her ears. It absolutely drives her up the wall.
Taking the lye scars into consideration, River's most destructive physical tendency actually involves them, too. The wounds never healed correctly in the first place, and the constant exposure to the make-up River wears and chemicals she works with for her poisons have not helped either. These particular scars are prone to severe itching, and she tends to get into a vicious cycle of scratching and re-scratching them... But part of her also does it as a 'self-punishment' of sorts, for trusting her family and getting Jamey killed for it.
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question-marked · 8 months
@babydxhl sent 🚔 (Send 🚔 for a starter where our muses are being held in a prison cell together)
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Once Edward was forcefully entered into the cell by the guards, the sight of Mary kind of confused him. “Shit, I didn’t expect you to be in here.” He had known of Mary’s exploits, but Edward never actually saw her as often compared to others.
“I knew that you were in and out of Arkham, but I didn’t think I would actually have a chance to see and talk to you.” Edward usually was in a cell by himself when he was sent to Arkham, at least the other times when he was brought back after he escaped.
He then sat down next to her. “How long have you been here? Honestly, I always try to escape from here when I’m sent to this place. I can’t stay, this place is so unsettling.”
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arkhamcalamity · 2 days
Go. To. Bed. That's an order.
Lack of sleep starters // Still Accepting @babydxhl
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"You are literally the last woman alive who gets to commentate on sleep habits." She's seen how you live. Then again, perhaps Mary thinking the younger girl was at her limit was a sign for the worse on how she'd been in the nocturnal hours.
Olive spent a quiet second looking down and fidgeting with a deck.
"Wanna play me for it?" She'll probably lose, but it still buys some time.
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kahpelput · 13 days
@babydxhl inquired : “ how much can you change and get away with it, before you turn into someone else, before it’s some kind of murder? ”
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Amusement curls lips into grimaced smile, downing his third drink since he got back to the lounge. Attention turns to her, all agitation melting, so she doesn't assume any of it is directed her way. No no, of all the rogues he may have had a bleeding heart for in the past, Mary is the only on he still remotely cares about. Not out of pity, of course not! He respects her far too much to insult her so, but sympathy? As close as it as he can get anyway.
Fingers snap, and a young man behind the bar counter immediately begins preparing another drink for him. He leans over propping his head up with a wicked playful smile.
"Do I need to call Gordon or poison control to ask how much alcohol it would take to murder a child?" Speak of alcohol and it arrives, with a nervous looking man setting down an old fashioned next to Oswald. His attention turns to Mary waiting to see if she wants anything. "We do have chasers if you have the public image to uphold."
He thinks her words over carefully, choosing his own not tentatively by any means but he can't lay out all his plans immediately.
"You know, I was just having that exact train of thought, Miss Mary." Drink is snatched up, to sip at slowly. "I'd take you 'round to the back office away from nosy goons, but honestly.... I just sat down and I ran out of pain pills yesterday. Consider me part of this chair unless it's an emergency."
To make a point he shimmies down further into it, earning an audible snap in protest from his knee.
"Arkham has a way of getting in your brain and rearranging all the furniture. They blindfold you. Spin you to make you dizzy and set you loose in the dark to find yourself again on the outside. This city... It has a way of getting under your skin. Sometimes the cycle of change is necessary for survival... and sometimes maybe it's time to let go? To truly kill the self you are and just... Free a new you, with fresh perspective."
All his edges have softened speaking truthfully with her. She's just about the only one left that gets the real him. His wheels are turning. They've been turning. Each day a new slight against him and he's grown bored and tired of it in equal measure.
"Hypothetically, Miss Mary--" Chin rests on his hand, looking every bit as old as he feels and still somehow incredibly young, with just a touch of kicked puppy. Gotham has been something he's fought and fought and now, maybe it's time for the penguin to choose flight instead. "How would you feel if I left Gotham and left you in my place? Everything I've accomplished. Both legal and not Jim Gordon approved. The goons will listen to you if I tell them to. Violence gets things done if they won't... It can be for now or permanently. Things to think on."
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queen-of-the-mad · 18 days
i'm just fucking with you.
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“Ms. Dahl. The attitude is unnecessary. Lying to me isn’t helping either.”
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volucerrubidus · 18 days
cont. || @babydxhl
"A good friend once asked me that question. When I said no, she said she knew I was lying, and that I'd just run three scenarios in my head. I don't know how she knew, but she was right." Tim braced Mary's hand with one of his own around the inside of her wrist, as he plucked another tiny shard from between her fingers. He tried to smother his sympathy winces as he did so.
"I was annoyed by it at the time. Because I don't think I regret the path I've picked. I mean, is it awesome all the time? 'Course not. But I'm glad I didn't leave when I had planned on it."
He could hear chatter in his ear about being careful of what he told Mary, so he paused his first aid long enough to reach up and pull the radio piece out from under his cowl, using a long press on the side to turn it off.
"Not many people know this, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't pass it on, but I wasn't supposed to be in this game long-term. I was a temporary solution to an issue that needed fixing." He shrugged. "Sometimes I feel like that's all I have to offer. Short-term solutions for things way bigger than I can handle."
Shaking his head, he resumed his work on her hand. "But, hey. I volunteered for the life, right?" Tim smiled ruefully.
"So, why'd you ask? Regretting certain recent life choices?"
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gnarledbite · 20 days
❛ don’t we deserve to be happy? ❜
Various Questions || Accepting!
Garrett gave a soft snort, pale smoke drifting from between his fangs.
“Not according to the rest of the world,” he muttered. 
…Most of it, anyway. There would always be those ready and willing to vouche for the "capacity for change", whether that leap of faith was from bleeding heart doctors or particularly sympathetic hunters. But they seemed few and far between.
“Criminals and monsters apparently don't deserve the good they can scrounge up.”
“Makes me want to be a bit spiteful about the whole thing.”
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fragmcntdstars · 4 months
@babydxhl sent i'm so tired of myself.
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Nica  stifles  a  laugh  ,  then  gives  a  small  shake  of  her  head  .   She's  agreeing  with  the  other's  sentiment  ,  but  she  knows  that  talk  doesn't  really  mean  anything  after  a  while  .   They're  sitting  in  the  living  room  of  the  home  Mary  had  given  Nica  ,  windows  open  a  little  on  the  rare  sunny  afternoon  .   She  could  count  the  times  there'd  been  sunlight  in  Gotham  on  one  hand  ,  &&  she's  not  sure  what  would  happen  if  she  got  to  the  sixth  sunny  day  .   Maybe  the  city  would  actually  get  its  act  together  .   On  the  day  that  happened  ,  Nica  internally  wondered  if  the  GCPD  would  actually  do  their  job  well  that  day .
"  I've  been  tired  of  myself  for  a  few  weeks  now  ,  "  she  admits  ,  tucking  a  strand  of  hair  behind  her  ear  .   "  Can't  say  that  it  gets  easier  ,  but  there's  something  about  having  company  that  makes  things  better  .  "   Nica  glances  at  the  entry  to  the  kitchen  &&  debates  getting  a  drink  for  herself  &&  Mary  ,  although  there  was  still  something  else  that  kind  of  tugged  at  her  .   When  she  was  younger  ,  she  didn't  quite  understand  the  meaning  behind  the  phrase  "  misery  loves  company  .  "   However  ,  living  in  Gotham  had  given  her  a  slightly  deeper  understanding  of  the  phrase  in  a  way  she  hadn't  quite  expected  .   Honestly  ,  she  kind  of  likes  it  .   It  makes  things  a  little  different  ,  but  still  better  .  
At  least  that's  what  she  tells  herself  ,  anyway  .
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mute-call · 5 months
"Okay, so, yeah. Yes, I've been listening to your calls. But it's only because I like you!" That didn't come out right. "I mean, because I view you as a friend. Not that I was spying on you in a weird way, or anything, I wasn't implying that."
Is any of this making sense?
"I know, I know, it's an 'invasion of privacy,' blah, blah, blah. But you're basically a public figure anyway, so do you really have much privacy left to, uh, invade?" That's probably the wrong tactic to use to convince her that everything's fine.
"Look, I do this for all my friends. I'm just trying to keep you safe, y'know?"
Steven is fully aware of the fact that she can take care of herself, but it gives him peace of mind to keep up with her communications and stay up-to-date about the sorts of people with whom she's interacting.
His mentality about the situation seems to be an odd mix of trying to minimize the worst aspects of his complete overstep while also failing to truly understand that he's done anything wrong. The company's had him doing this sort of thing since he was a teenager; as far as he's concerned, it's (almost) perfectly normal to use one's abilities to check in on the people you care about.
"...this isn't-- an issue, right, Ms. Dahl?"
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red-hemlock · 6 months
@babydxhl continued from HERE!
"Really? So then that slip on the ice cube back there, was you being graceful?" Green eyes had locked onto that car, fixated until it passed them by and drove-off into that darkest unknown. One can never be too sure in Gotham; and clad in civilian wear, she was woefully lacking in tools benefiting an escape.
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The night is a cold companion, third-wheeling with an embrace that pin-pricks the skin and chills the lungs in a far-cry from the smothering heat of the bar before. It doesn't take much effort to shift her weight into a position more comfortable, for she weighs barely anything: Like pastel cotton or a bagful of feathers. "I do care, because you're not a nobody to me anymore. But I know that I can be a bit 'much', and that tongues wag... If it's reflecting poorly on you, I'd like to know."
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arobinwithoutbatman · 11 months
@babydxhl continued from here
His head tilted slightly, much like the bird he and his predecessors were named after, sharp eyes behind his mask lenses wandering over the scene. Oh he'd catalogued everything from the shadows already before making himself known but it never hurt to look over it again now that he was closer.
One victim on the floor, heavily wounded. Flanked by a pair. Mary, because it was Mary right now judging by the fact that she was smoking and how she carried herself and the current pitch of her voice and her word choice, was simply watching.
"Uh huh." He didn't believe that for a second but he wasn't going to jump into a fight. Not with a civillian in bad shape nearby. Priority was to get the guy medical attention. "So what'd he do to earn your ire, Mary?"
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jonnyjonnyfrost · 3 months
@babydxhl continued from x The silence that blankets the front hall of her apartment — Mary, leaning against a doorframe, silhouetted in a rectangle of warm kitchen light, and Jonny, still in the door, ghoulish — is almost a solid weight pressing down on both of them. Mary thinks faintly, if she had been younger, it might have curved her shoulders, sent her eyes down. As it is she only flicks her gaze back toward the still dark living room, dismissing Miriam and her drawn weapon. No threat, not here, not even in the middle of the night. She inhales, and the smell of iron clings to the back of her throat. Her expression is unreadable. "Your blood or someone else's?" she asks quietly, after a long moment.
Jonny's brows are high and arching. His legs ached from walking here. He looks drained. Hollowed out inside. Empty.
It's the dead of night. He didn't know why he decided to come here specifically, well maybe just because it was conveniently close? Probably yeah. Didn't hurt that he knew she wasn't going to call the cops like his Ex-wife definitely would have. Hell, he didn't even recall making the conscious choice to come here, it's like his legs just decided to carry him here while in a daze instead of the usual spot.. which is where he should be right now, overlooking the city from up high till he sees what could be his last sun rise, instead of here, bothering her.
His entire upper half is very thoroughly painted, not just spattered but an even coat of red, save for some smudges and tear streaks to his face. It was a miracle no one had seen him and called the cops.
Eyes unfocused until her question shatters his delicate detachment, it demanded an answer which forced him to recall exactly what had happened that night. Which he instinctually shied away from--like a hand to an open flame, it burned the closer you got.
“Someone else’s.” the second word catches in his throat. He can’t help the emotion that wells up in his throat like bile, anguish. Mouth twisting into a frown. The creases in his worried brow multiplying. Swallowing it back down he tries desperately to keep his composure in front of her.
But frankly he looked shell shocked.
The blood had long since cooled but it had been so warm when he'd initially been soaked. Like just getting into a hot shower. But he felt so cold now, cold to his bones.
“Mostly..” he adds softly as he cast his eyes downward at his upturned palm. A little tiny bit of the blood drenching his formerly powder blue suit was his, a nasty gash to his palm courtesy of Joker.
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twcfaces · 7 months
@babydxhl from x
Two-Face huffs, like a cat being offered an unacceptable toy.
"I studied. At the library. I went through books. When I wasn't in class, I was sitting in on court cases taking notes on a goddamn legal pad."
He leans back, folding his arms, staring incredulously at an advertisement for Bat Burgers and Night Wings.
"I sure as hell didn't get paywalled out of my case files!"
Back to square one. At least Gotham's Legal Library should still have copies on file. He's mostly complaining just to complain, but... still. Why should he have to subscribe to a damn mailing list?
"You're not exactly young and hip, yourself. Isn't that show you were in considered archival footage or something by now? Was it even broadcast in color?"
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deathmaiidens · 5 months
@babydxhl ❧ What's your favourite scary movie?│Horror Movie AU Prompts
For all her waxing poetic about the beauty of nature, Jerrie Rathaway was decidedly not a cabin-in-the woods person. The gloom and isolation did wonders at the seashore, but in this dingy little place, it made her want to bang her head against the wall and scream.
She supposed she was grateful the parents were in the (of course, more luxurious and less cramped) cabin across the little stone walkway from theirs. It was a comfort to have someone who hated being there as much as she did, much less her best friend. At least when they weren't going to perish from boredom.
Jerrie had already read every single book in the cabin, so she laid on the floor, one hand dramatically rested on her forehead like a sickly girl in a Victorian novel and the other running its fingers over the tiling. It wasn't the best stim, but it was something. Said hand slipped, one of the tiles starting to wriggle, and the eleven-year-old sat upright. Carefully, she moved it back and forth again until it came apart, and soon after she was doing the same to some of the others.
"Mary!" Jerrie called out. "Mary, come and see!"
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