thecoughingcat · 1 year
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Baebae is crying again
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thecoughingcat · 1 year
I changed my name.
The old one was pretty, but it was lacking authenticity.
I am not really a mysterious individual. I like a good mystery, but I am not a living one. Mystiquexinks allowed me to hide behind a shroud in words. It held everyone at an arms length, keeping my little heart safe from the world and its opinions.
It felt like a shield weighing me down. The word ‘mystique’ will always be a favourite, but it affected how I created. It felt like there was no room for colour in the land of mystery, no room for cutesy little nothings, no room for fun.
I felt trapped by the mystery I created, so in an effort to embrace myself fully - a username change was first.
I cry a lot. A lot, a lot.
Every day or two I cry.
Why? Sometimes for no reason other than I felt low. I cry for everything.
Frustrated- I cry
Angry, I cry
Happy, I cry
Loved, hated, excited, anxious, sad, scared, worried, joyous, euphoric, elated.
I cry for them all.
Cry baby was what I was called often as a young person and child. ‘Bébée lala pleur encore" (translation; cry baby is crying again/more).
I am and always have been emotionally charged, for better or for worse and it’s past time to embrace the truth. I am an emotional machine (thanks marina), a human being, a foolish mortal adjusting to my new normal (qveen Herby).
I am proud to announce myself as baebaexlaalaa ; I am learning to love how emotionally fluid I am. I am learning to love & be proud of myself for exactly who I am. A big ol’ cry baby just tying to do their damnedest & best.
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