guillemelgat · 8 months
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Hello everyone, @minglana and I have been working on trying to compile a playlist of all the incredible folktronica-adjacent music coming out the Iberian Peninsula in the past couple of years, and it's finally here and ready for your listening pleasure! Including everything from electro-fado and trance-like muiñeiras to arrangements of 14th century liturgical chants and revamped jotas, and spanning from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, the playlist is roughly ordered by geographical location, starting in Portugal and moving up across the north from Galicia and Asturias through the Basque Country to Aragon and the Catalan Countries, then south to Andalusia and Extremadura. Languages include Portuguese, Galician, Asturian, Basque, Aragonese, Catalan, and Spanish. If there's any artists or song you'd like to see included, let us know and we'll add them!
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guillemelgat · 2 years
Happy Halloween! Have a very, very last-minute, untested playlist of witch- and magic-related songs which I definitely didn’t make an hour ago, and enjoy your evenings, whether you celebrate or not! 🎃
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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The Evening of the Year - A November Playlist
Our twilight month November is The evening of the year The brilliant summer noontide left A pallor soft and clear
I put together a little playlist of songs in multiple languages (the goal was as many as possible) which captured all the different feelings that November makes me feel. It’s a lot of indie and folk, and I tried to make it as chill as my music taste would allow. Hope you guys enjoy it!
ROMANTICIDI | Pantaleó & Anaïs Vila (Catalan)
Lo Berde | Rewşan (Kurdish)
Veleno | Baiuca & Rodrigo Cuevas (Asturian)
Aeode | Mashrou’ Leila (Arabic)
Sebi | zalagaspar (Slovenian)
Zigzan | Bombino (Tamasheq)
Cançó | Marala & Xarim Aresté (Catalan)
Tyrd yn ôl | Plu (Welsh)
Fioled | Sŵnami (Welsh)
I Barval Pudela | Šaban Bajramović (Romani)
Torna a casa | Måneskin (Italian)
Kea | Zea Mays (Basque)
Quart de Lluna Minvant | Blaumut (Catalan)
La Canción del Pensador | Ciudad Jara (Spanish)
Dh'éirich mi moch, b'fheàrr nach do dh'éirich | Julie Fowlis (Scottish Gaelic)
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guillemelgat · 3 years
I was tagged by @acadiera to post my three comfort albums (your picks were Immaculate so idk if I can beat them), this is vaguely on topic for this blog because I’m screaming about music recs, so here goes:
Equilibri by Blaumut. They always show up in my Spotify Wrapped as one of my most played artists and I get confused because I never remember listening to them, but actually I listen to this and 0001 so much as comforting background music, they are really excellent albums <3
Raval by Zoo. I mean??? one of the best albums of the 21st century, what can I say
Esnesaltzailearena by Esne Beltza. I’m sorry sir, that’s my emotional support trikitixa.
(Honorable mention to Ibn el-Leil by Mashrou’ Leila but that’s my gay existential depression album and brings emotional spiraling not comfort so I don’t think it quite counts, also same for Translúcid by Smoking Souls)
I tag anyone who needs to yell about their music, please rec me some good and fun albums because I need large quantities of new music at all times to keep functioning ahaha
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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Good Summer Vibes - A Summer 2021 Playlist
Hey everyone! This is definitely just a summer playlist and not an excuse to play “Non é verán de Estrella Damm”, “Imperfeccions”, and “Alacant per interior” on repeat but whatever. I originally made this playlist for myself, but I figured it would maybe be a thing some other people would enjoy so I thought I’d share it. Here’s to a good summer because we all really need one <3
Non é verán de Estrella Damm | Ezetaerre (Galician)
Imperfeccions | Zoo ft. Los Chikos del Maíz & At Versaris (Catalan & Spanish)
Alacant per interior | Smoking Souls & Feliu Ventura (Catalan)
Aske maitte | Gatibu ft. IZARO (Basque)
Sebona Fi | Yws Gwynedd (Welsh)
Voy a celebrarlo | Lágrimas de Sangre (Spanish)
Milano Good Vibes | Mahmood (Italian)
Celébrate | Miki Núñez (Spanish)
Iñundik Iñoare | Huntza (Basque)
Esbarzers | La Gossa Sorda (Catalan)
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guillemelgat · 3 years
I just found this song and I thought it was really cute so I thought I would share it! I feel like it’s good enough to deserve more attention and I hope it gets it <3
Gaurko eguna besteen berdina izango da Today will be the same as the others Mundua aldatzeko gogorik gabe Without the desire to change the world Monotonia huts honetan gaude murgilduta We’re submerged in this empty monotony Bizirauten saiatzen Trying to survive
Hainbeste ahots egin behar duguna esaten So many voices saying what we have to do Ixildu nahi ditut une batez I want to quiet them for a moment Ohera joan irudimenak egin dezan jolas Go to bed so your imagination can play Ametsetan bakarrikan gera aske Only in dreams are we free
[ ERREPIKA: Amestu dezagun We can dream Egunez By day Askatu gaitezen We can free ourselves Amestu dezagun We can dream Gauez By night Esnatu gaitezen We can wake ourselves ]
Ez ditut maindireak kendu nahi I don’t want to get out of the sheets Esnatzean aurkituko dudanaren beldur Fear of what I’ll find when I wake up Oheko babesa askoz nahiago dut I much prefer the shelter of my bed Esna jaso baititut hainbat gezur Because I’ve woken up to so many lies
Txikitatikan bideratu gaituzte haitzulora Since we were little, they’ve guided us into the cave Amets guztik lapurtu dizkigute They’ve stolen all our dreams Ohera joan irudimenak egin dezan jolas Go to bed so your imagination can play Ametsetan bakarrikan gera aske Only in dreams are we free
Ametsetan bakarrik gera aske Only in dreams are we free Galdu dezagun burua We can let our minds go Joan gaitezen Hogwartsetik Narniara We can travel from Hogwarts to Narnia Ahaztu dezagun mundu hau We can forget this world
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guillemelgat · 4 years
Oques Grasses and Zetak just released a song together, and since it’s in Catalan and Basque I felt like I was legally obligated to try my hand at translating it. Let me know if you spot any corrections!
Garestia da muxu bat orain A kiss is costly now
 Gorde bagenitu, dohan zirenean If only we were to save them, when they were free 
Orain “maite zaitut” gehiagotan elkarri esatea Now saying “I love you” more often,
 Normala izango dela, hitz eman Promise that it’ll become normal

Del cim del riu es sent que creix a poc a poc la pluja From the high point of the river the rain can be heard slowly growing
 Si ens enganxa pujant contracorrent ja ens ho farem If it catches us going upstream against the current we’ll figure it out
 Del plor de tantes ànimes que s'han sentit perdudes From the tears of so many souls who’ve felt lost
 Creix la llum del fons i esquerda el cel The light in the background grows and tears apart the sky
: Hitz eman Promise 
Momentu hau, betiko oroitzea To always remember this moment
 En la nostàlgia del record In the nostalgia of the memory
 Hi ha un dеmà, hi haurà sort There’s a tomorrow, there will be good fortune 
Hitz eman Promise ]

Urrun orain zure besarkadak Your hugs are far away now 
Elkarrеkin geundenean, enituen gorde I didn’t save them when we were together
 Som a temps d'escoltar la remor de dins We’re in time to hear the rumor from within
 Sempre corrents es va fent fosc i no es veu el camí Always running, it gets darker and the road can’t be seen

Hitz eman! Udaberri bat berria benetan Promise! A spring that’s truly new
 Euriak idatzi du zeruan, hitz eman! The rain has written it in the sky, promise!
 La primavera dels teus ulls a l'infinit The spring in your eyes continuing forever
 Si et tremolen els genolls és que ets aquí If your knees tremble it’s because you’re here


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guillemelgat · 4 years
Happy International Women’s Day!
This song is a collaboration between Roba Estesa, who are Catalan, and Huntza, who are Basque, and the song is bilingual. It’s about shared pride, and building communities and relationships even when the world is against you. While it’s not specifically about anything, this version ends with the message: “In times when living is a competition, loving and finding each other/ourselves is holding down the fort, sisters!” It’s also 10 amazing women all performing together, which is a gift in itself.
Quantes vegades hem caigut al forat. How many times have we fallen in the hole  Quantes vegades hem tingut por, hem tingut fam. How many time have we been afraid, have we been hungry Quantes vegades ens hem promès seguir endavant How many times have we promised ourselves to continue forward  omplint cabassos, sortint del fang. Filling containers, emerging from the mud 
Fins aleshores t’he demanat Until now I'd asked you  desemboirar-me, tornar-me prat, To lift the fog, turn me into a meadow  tornar-me sol, tornar-me llum, tornar-me gra. Turn me into the sun, turn me into light, turn me into grain. 
Extraordinàriament capaç d’allò normal fer-ho especial. Extraordinarily capable of making the normal special.  Amor fugaç, fulla caduca, camí d’estels fins a la Lluna. A fleeting love, a falling leaf, a road of stars up to the moon. 
Quin orgull compartir-te en la batalla. What pride, having you with me in the battle  Quin orgull sentir-te a prop sent jo tan lluny. What pride, feeling you so close even though I'm so far away 
Zenbat aldiz irabazi dugu borroka How many times have we won the fight  zenbat aldiz izan gera malko (e)ta itsaso How many times have we been tears and seas  zenbat marea (e)ta zenbat ozeano How many tides and how many oceans  zenbat ur eta zenbat esku How many waters and how many hands
Mugitzeko ordua da, It's time to move  pausuz pausu elkartuko gara! Step by step we'll join together Argi, abesti ta igitai izango gara! We'll be light, song, and sickle
Arrunta dena berezi An ability to make special  bihurtzeko gaitasuna. All that which is normal  Bihotz iheskor eta laino, An elusive heart and fog,  izarren bidetik ilargiraino! a path from the stars to the moon
Ohorea, zurekin borrokatzea! It's an honor fighting with you Ohorea, urrundik gertu sentitzea! It's an honor, feeling you close from far away
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guillemelgat · 4 years
This came out a couple months ago, but it’s a really good song. The video is also very thought-provoking, and I feel like it has an interesting message. All in all, the whole thing is about embracing change and one’s own flaws, and I like the fact that it’s neither completely positive nor completely negative, but somewhere in between – just like all of us.
Atea itxita La porta tancada The door, closed Leihotik begira Mirant per la finestra Looking out the window Gorriak ezpainak Els llavis, vermells Lips, red Ilea urdina Els cabells, grisos Hair, grey Malko txiki bat Una llàgrima petita A small tear Zu gogoratzean A recordar-te While remembering you Irribarre handia Un somriure gran A big smile Zoriontasuna Felicitat Happiness
Oker ibiliko naiz M’equivocaré I will be wrong Baina dena aldatu da Però tot ha canviat But everything’s changed Oraingo geroa El futur d’ara The future now Ez da izaten zena No és el que era Isn’t what it used to be Aldakorra naiz Soc variable I’m changeable Agian buruarina Potser de cap calent Maybe hot-headed Hotz eta beroa une berean Fred i calent(a) alhora Cold and warm at the same time
[ ERREPIKA: Kea bezala airean Com fum a l’aire Like smoke in the air Hegan nabil gauean Vaig volant a la nit I go flying in the night Dantza luze batean En un ball llarg In a long dance Miazkatuz haizea Llepant el vent Licking the wind ]
Horrela bada bizitza Si la vida és així If life is like this Hartuko dut beti den moduan La prendré de la manera de sempre I’ll take it the way it always is Horrela bada bizitza Si la vida és així If life is like this Beti aurrera egin beharko da Hauré de tirar sempre endavant I’ll have to always push forward Aldakorra naiz Soc variable I’m changeable Agian buruarina Potser de cap calent Maybe hot-headed Zuri eta beltza une berean Blanc i negre/a alhora White and black at the same time
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guillemelgat · 5 years
This is actually a song that @elnas-studies​ posted before but it’s a new version of the song and I really like it so I wanted to translate it. The original song (which you can listen to in this post) is from the Spanish Civil War and was sung by the International Brigades, so there were lots of different verses in different languages. This is a new version for the 21st century, and has verses in four of the (co-)official languages of Spain: Catalan, Castilian, Galician, and Basque. I just thought it was a really cool way of connecting the past to the present, hope you enjoy it! (Also Huntza is singing so I had to post it, you know how it be)
Aquí les milicianes Here are the militiawomen Que batallem la vida sense por Fighting for our lives without fear Portem un món nou i lliure We carry a world, new and free Sense déu, rei ni patró Without god, king, or boss
Pues un, dos, tres So one, two, three Pues un, dos, tres So one, two, three Compañero, en tu lugar! Comrade, to your place! Porque eres del pueblo afíliate ya Because you’re of the people, join already En el Frente Popular With the Popular Front
Un mundo vermello e negro A red and black world Contra o brillo ostentoso do poder Against the ostentatious shine of power Traemos nas nosas mans We’ll carry in our hands Semente de vencer A seed of victory
Pues un, dos, tres So one, two, three Pues un, dos, tres So one, two, three Compañero, en tu lugar! Comrade, to your place! Porque eres del pueblo afíliate ya Because you’re of the people, join already En el Frente Popular With the Popular Front
Luchar con gran tesón We’ll fight with great tenacity Por nuestra emancipación For our emancipation Reforzando las filas con ilusión Reinforcing our ranks with eagerness En el frente popular In the Popular Front
Desde todos los frentes From all fronts Contra el fascismo siempre hay que actuar Fascism must always be acted against Serás libre, compañera You’ll be free, my woman comrade Con nosotras al luchar With us women in the fight
Pues un, dos, tres So one, two, three Pues un, dos, tres So one, two, three Compañero, en tu lugar! Comrade, to your place! Porque eres del pueblo afíliate ya Because you’re of the people, join already En el Frente Popular With the Popular Front
Zure erraiak itotzen If the rich bourgeois are Badituzte burges aberatsek suffocating your insides Hemen egongo gera gu We will be here Beti borrokarako prest Always ready to fight
Pues un, dos, tres So one, two, three Pues un, dos, tres So one, two, three Compañero, en tu lugar! Comrade, to your place! Porque eres del pueblo afíliate ya Because you’re of the people, join already En el Frente Popular With the Popular Front
Luchar con gran tesón We’ll fight with great tenacity Por nuestra emancipación For our emancipation Reforzando las filas con ilusión Reinforcing our ranks with eagerness En el frente popular In the Popular Front
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guillemelgat · 5 years
This was one of the first songs I tried translating from Basque, and probably one of the most ambitious, but it’s a classic so I had to. Since winter is now actually (possibly?) leaving, I figured now would be a good time to post it. This version is with the Basque Symphony Orchestra, and also features Ainhoa Moiua interpreting the song in Spanish sign language (LSE). My translation didn’t do it justice and could probably use corrections, but hopefully you all enjoy the song!
Elurrak joan direnean nire mendien artean When the snow disappears from my mountains Eguzkia teloian atzekaldean da The sun is on a cloth backdrop Ateratzeko beldur da, beldur eszenikoa It's afraid to come out, it has stage fright Aspaldi antzeztu ez duen obra honetan In this play that it hasn’t performed in a long time
Izpi txiki txikiren bat agertuz doa gaurkoan Today, a tiny, tiny ray comes approaching Poztasun handi batek besarkatzen nau A great happiness embraces me Mesedez ozen esan negua joan egin dela Please say loudly and clearly that winter has gone Nire arima hotzak ez du sinizten eta Because my cold soul does not believe it
Laztandu nazazu orain, ur urdinen artean Kiss me now, between blue waters Orain lainorik ez da, aurpegi biluziak Now there are no clouds, bare faces Ta larrua jotzean garrasirik ozenena, And having sex, the loudest cry Gordin amaigabea, negua joan da ta Unending rawness, because winter has gone
Jaio berrien antzera taupaden beharra dut orain Like a newborn, I need a heartbeat now Belarriekin ikusteko nire begiek entzuten ez dutena In order to see with my ears what my eyes do not hear Mesedez ozen esan negua joan egin dela Please say loudly and clearly that winter has gone Izara guztiak erre ditut eta Because I’ve burned all the bedsheets
Laztandu nazazu orain, ur urdinen artean Kiss me now, between blue waters Orain lainorik ez da, aurpegi biluziak Now there are no clouds, covered faces Ta larrua jotzean garrasirik ozenena, And having sex, the loudest cry Gordin amaigabea, negua joan da ta Unending rawness, because winter has gone
Soinu bakar bakarra zure bularraldean A single sound in your chest Negua joan da ta Because winter has gone Borobildu zaizkit ertzak zure ondoan I am surrounded by shores, by your side Izpi lasaigarri bat A ray of relief Negua joan da ta, negua joan da ta Because winter has gone, winter has gone
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guillemelgat · 5 years
I know I’m a day late, but here’s my annual song for International Women’s Day! This time it’s by the Basque band Huntza, led by Josune Arakistan (accordion and voice) and Uxue Amonarriz Zubiondo (tambourine and voice), who are the two amazing musicians appearing at the beginning of the video. It also features the band Tremenda Jauría, who are from Madrid and make lots of amazing feminist music in genres that traditionally haven’t been very welcoming to women. I really like this song (and also Huntza, but you probably know that already), and I hope y’all enjoy it too!
Tradizioak traizionatzean, Betraying traditions ileak puntan jartzean, Putting hairs on end erratzak utzi ta mikrofonoak hartzean, Leaving behind brooms and taking up microphones hegan egitean… ez digute esango! Flying… they won’t tell us...
[ ERREPIKA: Zer egin, nola esan, nola egin (e)ta zer izan. What to do, how to talk, how to do things, and how to be Zer egin, nola esan, nola egin, (e)ta zer izan… What to do, how to talk, how to do things, and how to be ]
Nacimos preparadas, We were born ready más fuertes en manada. Stronger in a pack Se acabó tu juego: Your game is up ya no tenemos miedo! We’re not scared anymore
Entre hechizos y runas Between spells and runes organizadas verás a las hijas del agua. You’ll see the daughters of water organized Entre sombras y lunas, su poder. Between shadows and moons, their power
Como una enredadera que te atrapa aunque no quieras, Like a vine that traps you even though you don’t want it to cumbia, reggaeton, auto-tune y carretera. Cumbia, reggaeton, auto-tune, and highway Como una enredadera que te atrapa aunque no quieras, Like a vine that traps you even though you don’t want it to seguimos salvajes, rompiendo barreras! we’ll continue wildly, breaking down barriers
Siguiendo los pasos que otras andaron, Following the steps that others took codo con codo, micrófono en mano; arm in arm, microphone in hand abriendo caminos, tejiendo alegrías, opening paths, weaving joys aquí estamos, sí, here we are, yes con fuerza, con power. with strength, with power
Siguiendo los pasos que otras andaron, Following the steps that others took codo con codo, micrófono en mano; arm in arm, microphone in hand abriendo caminos, tejiendo alegrías, opening paths, weaving joys aquí estamos, sí, here we are, yes con fuerza, con power, con todo el descaro! with strength, with power, with all our nerve
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Huntzak disko berria atera du ta oso ona da, maite badut!
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 28
[ original post with full list of challenges / other posts by me for this challenge ]
Today’s Challenge: Look up children’s games (such as word games) and songs. If you can, find someone to play them with you.
I found one lullaby in Basque which I thought was really pretty, so I thought I’d try to translate it? I’m really tired so I probably shouldn’t be listening to lullabies or I’ll fall asleep, but whatever, this is beautiful and I love it.
Also here’s a really pretty version by La Oreja de Van Gogh, who are amazing.
Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta Aita guria Gasteizen da Our father is in Vitoria Ama mandoan hartuta Our mother taken on a mule Aita guria Gasteizen da Our father is in Vitoria Ama mandoan hartuta Our mother taken on a mule Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta
Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta Aita guria abiatu da Our father has set out Vitoriako ferira To the fair in Vitoria Aita guria abiatu da Our father has set out Vitoriako ferira To the fair in Vitoria Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta
Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta Aita guriak diru asko du Our father has lots of money ama bidean salduta Our mother, sold along the way Aita guriak diru asko du Our father has lots of money ama bidean salduta Our mother, sold along the way Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 7
[ original post with full list of challenges / other posts by me for this challenge ]
Today’s Challenge: Listen to songs in your target language. Note how phrasing is manipulated to make the words fit with the music.
So this song is kind of weird and random, but I’ve always been captivated by it because he just raps so fast and I don’t understand. Like, I have no idea how he produces these sounds. Sometimes it’s too fast and I can’t even follow the words. So of course I want to learn how to do it.
Here’s the words, sorry no translation :/
Nire raparen eztandak, harrapa zaitzala etzanda tripi bat janda, pattarra edanda eta… Aspirina bat ez al zaizu falta? Zure pandak daramatzan plantak dira tranpa gure bandak beti kanta galantak gu gara whisky, zu berriz fanta. Aparta!
Aparta da eta nire emaria eztarrian beti errimen egarria, zure belarrian azkenean saria: Juantxoren flow gozagarria. Erritmoaren osagarria, osagaiak arima eta maría. Musika aldarria, reggae da oinarria, gu miraria.
Galdetu al duzu zure etxean zer gertatzen da Glaukomatarrak ikustean jo eta ke zuzenean? Zu zure tokian eta gu gurean, Non izango da ba? Otsabiko sukaldean. (x2)
Yehe yehe, hau da gure flowa. Yehe yehe, glaukomatar showa. Yehe yehe, entzun gure kanta. Yehe, yehe, Whisky vs Fanta.
Ta inglesez, euskeraz edo erderaz erraz, beraz, Gerrazale denak proba beza nire zerra, nire ezpata. Erritmo bizkorren katarata, pirata da eta milaka errima eta milaka firma abordatzen dituen fragata. Suabe bada nata, gogor hator? Ni naiz enbata. Ekaitza basamortuan, isiltasunean zarata. Zenbat oferta eta zenbat demanda, eta zenbat rapero txarren propaganda, egunero da gure txanda, hau da raparen eztanda!
Galdetu al duzu zure etxean zer gertatzen da Glaukomatarrak ikustean jo eta ke zuzenean? Zu zure tokian eta gu gurean, Non izango da ba? Otsabiko sukaldean.
Yehe yehe, hau da gure flowa. Yehe yehe, glaukomatar showa. Yehe yehe, entzun gure kanta. Yehe, yehe, Whisky vs Fanta. (x2)
I only sort of know what the words mean, but I mostly listen to it because it’s a truly mind-blowing experience and kind of terrifies me. Today I’m going to try to learn a verse, we’ll see how far I get!
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guillemelgat · 6 years
As a random update for no reason in particular, today in Basque class my professor was asking what bands I like and I FORGOT TO MENTION MY CHILDREN HUNTZA. To add insult to injury, I mentioned Glaukoma but didn’t mention them. How dare I do this. I am a scourge on humanity. As penance I am listening to every song Huntza has ever made in the hopes of correcting this grievous error.
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