bassrock-week · 10 days
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BassRock Week 2024
September 2nd - 8th
Sep. 2nd - Flowers
Sep. 3rd - Among the stars
Sep. 4th - Water
Sep. 5th - Bridal Carry
Sep. 6th - Fairytale
Sep. 7th - Music
Sep. 8th - Coffee/Café
Hello everyone!
It is time for this year's BassRock Week! Here are the prompts for this year!
Same Rules as the last year!
It can be used for either the Classic or EXE counterparts!
If ya wanna draw them in your AU (Alternate Universe) go for it!
It is okay if ya can't create all prompts plz do it at your own pace!
Most importantly have fun! Don't overdo it!
If you can't make it on time no worries! I will look through the hashtag even after the event!
The Hashtag will be #BassRock2024 if for some reason I can't find your entry tag me or DM me of course!
I hope you all have fun. I will see you in September!
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cylikaart · 1 year
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BassRock Week 2023
September 3rd - 10th
Day 1 - Ice Cream
Day 2- Sunflower
Day 3 - Serenity
Day 4 - Rain shower
Day 5 - Sunset
Day 6 - Starry Night
Day 7 - Natsu Matsuri (Japanese Summer Festival)
Hello everyone!
It is the time for this year BassRock Week! Here are the prompts for these year the theme will be "Summer" !
Same Rules as the last year!
It can be used for either the Classic or EXE counterparts!
If ya wanna draw them in your AU (Alternate Universe) go for it!
It is okay if ya can't create to all prompts plz do it in your own pace!
Mostly Importent have fun! Don't overdo it!
If you can't make it on time no worries! I will look through the hashtag even after the event!
The Hashtag will be #BassRock2023 if for some reason I can't find your entry tag me or DM me of course!
I hope you all will have fun and will see you in September!
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nogu-d-reamers · 9 months
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sometimes the battles can be difficult, they can break you and it takes you too long to gain strength to get up again… and if he needs solar energy to wake up… will a field full of "sunflowers" serve to give him energy?
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biolumink · 7 months
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BassRockWeek 2023
Here’s all the art I did for this year’s BassRock Week!
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quietlydiabolic · 2 years
“Bad At Dying” - Mega Man short oneshot fanfic
By: Jixie Fandom: Mega Man Classic BassRockWeek​ : September 8 - Comfort Rating: G Word Count: 1988
Roll had been crying on and off for the past two days. The moment she seemed to feel a little better, to begin pulling herself together, she'd immediately unravel and start sobbing again. Rock spent most of his time holding her, rubbing her back, offering soothing words.
Dr. Light's grief was quieter. He was somber, occasionally tearing up, at times grabbing either Roll or Rock into a tight bear hug, choking sob caught in his throat. He, too, did his best to comfort Roll.
And Rock?
Rock felt numb. He couldn't. He couldn't think, he couldn't feel. When he wasn't there for Roll, he walked around in a daze, his whole world suddenly fake and artificial and flat. Somewhere in the depths of that numbness Rock would catch a glimpse at an incredible ache, a massive hole in his heart where his brother had been, but he couldn't reach it, couldn't grasp it. He knew eventually the shock would wear off and the full horror of his grief— the enormity of it— would destroy him.
Until then, he tried his best to console Roll and Dr. Light.
Thankfully Auto was there to keep things running while everyone else tried, and failed, to deal with their pain. He answered calls and emails, made meals for Dr. Light, kept up lab maintenance, did some house cleaning, handled emergency repair jobs that truly couldn't wait. These things he did poorly, but he did them, which was what mattered.
…He also took care of the flowers and sympathy cards that came in, of which there was a surprising amount. Not just from Thomas' friends, peers, employees, former classmates. Not just from the people who were obligated, like the Mayor, or those whose lives had been touched by Mega Man or even Proto Man himself. No, there was an outpouring of love and support from those who cared about Blues Light. Blues' friends, people Rock and Roll never even knew existed.
So there was nothing unusual about the doorbell being rung over and over by some impatient delivery guy. Auto went to go answer it, and moments later, there was a loud crash as he was thrown to the floor.
Bass hopped over him and stormed into their house.
"Is it true!?"
He took one look at the Light family, Roll hunched over, Dr. Light's arm around her shoulder and his left hand patting her arm, Rock watching his all unfold with what could only be described as dull surprise. The flowers piled on the table, cards and photos scattered everywhere, a singed and tattered yellow scarf draped over one of the chairs.
(Rock couldn't bring himself to wear it.)
"Oh, crap! I can't believe it. That dumbass really went and got himself blown up."
Under any other circumstance, Rock would've marveled at the fact that his rival was here, in plain clothes, that he even could do that in the first place, not attacking any of them, apparently for the sole purpose of checking on Proto Man.
Only this wasn't any other circumstance.
Rock very suddenly, very overwhelmingly, felt something. Rage and disgust rose up like bile, filling his chest, his throat, his head, clouding his vision.
"How DARE YOU!?" He rushed forward and grabbed Bass' shirt collar with both hands, and yanked him so close that they almost banged heads. "Who do you think you are, coming in here, coming into OUR HOME, disrespecting MY BROTHER!? What made you think you could just waltz in here like this!"
Instead of getting angry and matching Rock's rage, Bass looked… oddly dejected. "I wasn't— I'm— y'know, he wasn't just your brother. Blues was—"
"Don't." With that Rock let go of one hand, using it to jab Bass in the chest. "Don't start with that. You never cared before. You didn't care about him when he nearly died attacking King. You mocked him when he was cut in half! You didn't care when that thing went bad with Wily's fake reality show, or when Nástenka tried to kill him, or— or— that whole mess with Uno and the Star Marshals! Don't pretend like you care now!"
Bass wrenched his shirt free from Rock's hand, but didn't let go of his wrist. "But he didn't die! He didn't die any of those times! Anyway—" He paused, then faltered. "Fine. You're right. You're right! I didn't care then. But— but that was— …no, actually, that thing with Uno was so messed up. I was… that time. Scared." His grip loosened. "The other times, yeah. I was a jerk— a great big jerk, and even then Blues was my friend but I didn't know it yet. Happy?"
"…No." The corners of his mouth started turning down. "N-no. I'm not happy. My brother is dead. I— I don't know. If. If I'll ever be happy again." Tears began to well up in his eyes.
"I know what you mean. He's the only one of you losers I liked— it's so unfair. He didn't deserve it. It should've been you instead." To his surprise, Bass also started to cry. "It should've been me instead. All those times I was mean to him…" He tried to fight it, rubbing his eyes, but then Rock had his arms around him and head against Bass' shoulder as he shook, silently and brokenly sobbing, and Bass broke down and wept too.
"It's not fair. I w-wish it could've been me."
"I can't take any of it back. Can't even apologize."
"Why couldn't he have just— just—" Rock paused, unable to continue.
"…wish I'd been a better friend back…"
"…couldn't've got his core fixed…?"
"…n-never realized how much I'd miss him…"
"…if not for himself, then for us! At least for Roll….!"
Auto took the opportunity to awkwardly squeeze past the grieving Robot Masters, disappearing into the breezeway that connected the house to the old laboratory, to fetch parts to repair the front door lock.
After watching this all unfold in silence, Roll, who hadn't been able to hold it together, blinked back her own tears and wiped the corners of her eyes. She approached and reached out. With one hand rubbed small comforting circles on Rock's back, and with her other hand did the same for Bass. Dr. Light hesitated for a moment, before following Auto off to the lab.
Once they'd got past the worst of it, Roll led the boys to the table, cleared some space, and took a seat next to Rock. Dr. Light returned shortly, with warmed E-Tanks and glass straws for all. He gave Rock a tender hug and then ruffled his hair, and proceeded to give Bass a hug as well, who tensed but didn't fight it, and tousled his hair too, which got a weak huff in protest. Finally he sat down next to Roll, giving her shoulder a quick squeeze.
They all looked up as Auto tromped back through the room to the entryway.
Then they all looked down at Blues' scarf on the empty chair.
"I'm still amazed he came back to me," Dr. Light said. "I was so sure he'd been destroyed, all those years ago. That I'd never see him again. I'm… glad I was wrong, and that… even now, that we got the time together that we did."
"Remember how he used to use his shield like a sled?" Roll asked.
They spent the next few hours reminiscing over all their favorite memories of Blues. Occasionally Rock would start crying again, or Bass, or Dr. Light. Roll stayed strong, although it was pretty obvious that she was going to fall apart the moment they went back to their day-to-day lives.
"You feel any better now?" Bass asked Rock suddenly.
"Would you feel better?" He replied, then hung his head. "I don't even know anymore."
"…I didn't mean what I said. About, y'know. Him being the only one of you guys I liked." He crossed his arms. "Roll's okay."
Rock snorted with an almost laugh. "For what it's worth… I know Blues forgave you for all that stuff a long time ago. I did too. It was wrong of me to bring it up."
"No, no, you were right." Then Bass hemmed and hawed and eventually said, "I know I'm gonna regret this. But… I don't got anyone to… uh, well it's not like I get along with any of the other Wily Numbers… I mean, I guess…" The rest of it came out mumbled. "…we should hang out sometime or whatever…"
For the first time in days, Rock had the slightest glimmer of happiness in his eyes.
"For Blues' sake," Bass added quickly. "It's what he'd want. I think."
When they heard Auto's heavy footsteps coming back in from the breezeway, Rock leaned back slightly to call out to him. "Hey, Auto, could you please grab a couple more E-Tanks?"
"I'm over here," Auto said, confused as he popped in from the front entrance, where he'd been waiting so as not to disturb them again.
They all turned back in alarm.
Almost a third of Proto Man's helmet was shattered, his brown hair frazzled and spilling out in every direction, half of the shades gone. His left eye was closed, but it was impossible to tell if that was from damage or because of the missing shade. His armor was in absolutely abysmal shape. A large tear cut down his left side from armpit to his hip, and the better part of his leg was simply gone, which was why he was being half-carried by Quake Woman, unable to support his own weight.
"There was no one in the lab," Quake Woman said. "None of you would answer your coms. Is something wrong?"
"Oh good, you found my scarf." Proto Man brightened at the sight of it. Then noticed everyone staring at him. "…What?"
Roll shrieked in excitement and launched herself at them before anyone else could move. Bass quickly followed, caught up in the moment, forgetting any pretense of being cool or edgy. Dr. Light stood and nearly fell, shaking as he hurried over and pulled the four of them into an embrace. Auto made his way to the group and placed a hand on Blues' shoulder, then looked at Rock and shook his head towards the others, gesturing for him to join them.
Rock sat there, frozen in place, tears streaming down freely, enormous grin plastered across his face. He couldn't believe it. He didn't dare.
"Wait, you guys… you guys didn't think…? Hey, I know I'm not the strongest Robot Master around, but give me some credit! Did you think I'd go out that easily?" Proto Man asked.
Slowly Rock got to his feet, and felt almost as if he were floating as he bound across the room. Roll and Bass and Quake Woman moved a little to each side as he threw his arms around his brother's neck, laughing through his tears.
Once they were all together, Auto glomped on— mindful of Dr. Light— and lifted them a little off the floor, swaying side to side before setting everyone back down.
"Yeah? It's great knowing that you're loved and all, but I'd really like to get repaired…"
"That's just gonna have to wait!" Then she pinched him. "How could you scare us like that!"
"If you don't get that damn core fixed, I'm gonna kill you," Bass said.
"Not if I get to him first," said Rock, then he started laughing again.
Quake Woman gave Proto Man a stern look. "Actually, I might do it before the rest of you can."
"I get it! I get it! Sheesh! I'll think about it."
Tangled and a little smushed between Quake Woman and Auto, Bass suddenly glared at Rock and worked one hand free to gently shove him. "I take back what I said."
"What, about hanging out? Uh-uh! Nope. No take backs!"
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cylikaart · 4 months
That being said the next BassRock week will be held on September 2nd - 8th!
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nogu-d-reamers · 9 months
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even big rivals deserve a day off, and with the weather so hot in Megapolis; What do you say about a delicious ice cream for robots?
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cylikaart · 1 month
are you doing a bassrock week this year?
The event will take place from the 2nd - 8th of September!
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cylikaart · 18 days
For BassRock week, maybe wild west, vacation, fairy tale, wings, flight, dance, or treasure? It's surprisingly difficult to come up with prompts...
Prompts are seriously not easy!Dx
But I will keep them in mind thank you for sending!
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cylikaart · 19 days
Hey everyone I am still accepting prompts for the BassRockweek 2024! If you have any ideas send me via comment here or via my box!
DM's are even okay!
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cylikaart · 2 months
I will accept now the Prompts for the ForteRock Week 2024!
If any of you have some ideas for this year. My inbox is open to send them through!
Their is no specific theme this year!
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nogu-d-reamers · 11 months
just a wip
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(desde la primera muerte de mi pc no dibujaba nada)
This is the first day of the challenge, which its theme is "ice cream".
(si logro tener mas bocetos listos antes de mi retorno a clases; tratare de hacer mas, lo prometo)
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cylikaart · 2 years
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BassRock Week 2022 - Light
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cylikaart · 2 years
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BassRock Week 2022 - Stars
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cylikaart · 2 years
Just a heads up...!
Bassrock/Forterock week will happening next year to 100% !
Theme will be "Summer"
I will ask for prompts around April.
The prompts will be posted in June!
The week will be at 4 - 10 of September!
I am thinking about doing a small event in April that is the time where the Cherry Blossum are blooming!
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biolumink · 2 years
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BassRockWeek 2022
Here’s all the art I did for this year’s BassRock Week!
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