#bc i am not a good artist this is just for funzies
aureutr · 2 years
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"You keep forgetting I'm a farm boy from Tatooine. You belong here as much as I do."
“I don’t even know how to dance,” Din admitted. Luke laughed at that, but not at him.
“That is easy to fix. I can teach you, Leia taught me.”
Din thought about the sweeping, whirling motions he had seen the twins doing and shook his head.
“I saw you two dance, I can’t do that.”
“You don’t start there,” Luke said and took half a step back from Din. He held his hands up. “Here, I’ll lead. It’s easier to learn when you aren’t leading.”
Din had no idea what that meant or what to do with his hands and he shrugged.
Luke grabbed Din’s right arm and put it on his shoulder. He put his own left hand on Din’s waist and tilted his elbow up, making a sort of shelf that Din could rest his arm on. He then held out his other hand and laced their fingers together, holding their hands up at about chest height.
“Uh,” Luke looked down to consider the space around them then pulled Din back with him so they were more centered on the balcony. “Okay. Here. You start with your left foot backwards and go from there. Put your full weight behind each step.”
Din started to protest that Luke hadn’t given him nearly enough information but then there was gentle pressure on his hand and waist, guiding him, and Luke started to move forward with his right foot. Din had no choice but to move back a step.
"Line your right foot up with your left but a little wide."
Luke pushed, still so gently, to the side and back. Din looked down, sure he was going to trip.
"Don't look at your feet, keep your eyes on me.”
From Crash and Burn, Chapter 15
For the @dinlukeweek​ prompt, Mand’alor and Jedi Master
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