#dinluke week 2022
pridoo · 2 years
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Time for @dinlukeweek prompt for Halloween Special!! This is Costumes and Disguises, and since I was inspired by @bleur-oi art here (I love these clothes too btw, like damn. Mogu has amazing fashion sense!) I wanted to draw Din with a jedi disguise. Whatever it is that they need it for.
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usagi-peachs · 2 years
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The Mand’alor & The Prince of Naboo.
I really love this AU. This is the fourth fanart I'm drawing :)
Also, I like to dress Luke in mother's clothes. (sorry🙏)
Happy dinluke week! 😘
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its-kinda-snowy · 2 years
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June 12: Alternate First Meeting
yooo happy dinluke week guys! I'm so excited to see everyones take on the prompts :3.
ngl I am a complete sucker these two guys meeting before anh. Just like, 'Wormie' Luke trying (and failing) to flirt with this new guy in town, while Din(fresh out of the sewers) is horribly out of his element and is desperately attempting to seem normal around this nerdy farmboy
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lil-ace-of-spades · 2 years
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For the DinLuke Halloween Special Week 4 Prompt: Apparitions & Spectres
When I read this prompt, this was the first thing that came to mind. Oh, how proud these mothers would have been of their sons (´•ω•̥`)
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cicisiniestra · 2 years
Dinluke Week, June 17: Fatherhood
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I did this art based on Ch.11 of Ever Decreasing Circles by @materassassino
Beautiful fanfic 😭✨ I love seeing these three being a family with their little green baby, wholesome moments to my heart 💜
(AND YES, I drew a black/gray version of Luke's Jedi training outfit. We should appreciate that outfit more often, it's one of my faves)
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drawingisphysics · 2 years
Dinluke Week: Scary Stories and Tall Tales
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"There's a story about a jedi temple filled with lost eyes. What could they be looking at. What could they want. All the remnants of the lost order all but dead— What could they want."
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artlefty · 2 years
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Sith Luke (Dinluke Week 2022)  SO imagine: Luke had a vision he’d be able to keep his father and Leia alive if he teamed up with Vader but through absolute tomfoolery palpatine survived and as such electro shocked anakin and luke into next week. But like it’s perfect because the emporer is like ‘hey ill murder your dad/son if you betray me again’ and so they’re both stuck in a loop until they can find a way out of it and luke’s trying REAL HARD not to fall to the dark side but it’s been several years, several rebellion attacks, leia doing her BEST from planet-side and now the emporer’s pet moff is having PROBLEMS and luke’s been sent in like a nice little attack dog because there’s apparently a mando causing trouble and keeping the Not-Yoda outta the moff’s (apparently useless) hands.  ....only luke met this mando a long time ago. back on tattooine. 
AU within an AU anyone? HAHAA  hey my life blew up a few months ago so i have some dinluke week stuff that’s only.... [checks watch] 3 months late  This is also like...a spiritual successor to that one dinluke art i did ages ago that ppl followed me for wahey
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thatgreyjedi · 1 year
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Dinluke Week Day 4
A little late to the party, but hoping to participate in at least another one if I have time!
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materassassino · 2 years
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It’s Father’s Day, and DinLuke Week may be over but I still have a prompt or two to fill, so this is for Day 6: Fatherhood.
Dads doing dad stuff. It takes two grown men to wash this disaster child.
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pridoo · 2 years
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Today's @dinlukeweek prompt is Time Travel AU and you know, of all silly things in the world, this is one of my faves. Oh no, what is Din going to do with all of these Lukes…ooooaaaaa
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usagi-peachs · 2 years
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“I’ll always be by your side”
I hope they have a happy ending.
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its-kinda-snowy · 2 years
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June 15: Time Travel AU
I may or may not be a sucker for time travel aus, and although this is most certainly not what the prompt meant. But I love to imagine the boys getting stuck in 1970s space earth ala Little Green Men and having to go undercover lol
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lil-ace-of-spades · 2 years
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Happy (belated) Fathers Day! For the DinLuke Week Prompt: Fatherhood
Yes, they have matching slippers :D
Yes, that's Din's shirt and Luke's sweatpants :D
Yes, those are Frog lady's eggs printed on Grogu's blankie :D
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drawingisphysics · 2 years
Dinluke Week: Apparition and Spirits
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(IN THIS AU. Luke and Leia are ghost hunters on Youtube and Din is ghost with Grogu (Yes this is Buzzfeed Unsolved AU.) Han is the camera guy and Chewie is the sound guy)
Dinluke Week: Curse and Hexes
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"There's a tale of a lost, sleeping King far, far away from all the other's. Cursed to sleep for eternity till true love's first kiss. His kingdom hasn't been found for 250 years since the curse has been set in place."
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Dinluke Week 2022 Day 3 ☀️Sun & Moon🌑
Moons are the brightest beings in the night sky, orbiting around planets, acting as a guide to natural forces in the darkest depths of space. They may seem cold and uninviting from a distance, but are a welcome and steady friend from dusk until dawn.
Suns act as beacons of gravitational control in the galaxy, holding orbits of satellites in place. Red giants, though blazing hot, are the coldest of the stars. Their short lifespans end in a deadly fate as they collapse on themselves and explode into supernovas.
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snakeplantships · 2 years
Dinluke Week 2022 honourable mention prompt: R2 dislikes Din
Din saw a meme on the holonet once that said that the chances of being killed by an astromech droid were low, but never zero.
Trying to find a moment alone with Luke was trying enough with Grogu and the other younglings around. 
Luke had laughed and said that his nasty droid was just protective, they’d been through a lot together. 
But the “I’m gonna fuck you up” carved on the side of his ship was concerning. 
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