#bc if its white you will be like 'naah these colours are too strong' and you wont dare to try more
pumpkster · 11 months
hii sorry if you’ve already answered something like this in the past but how do you shade? ur art is always rendered so nicely and the colors are chosen so well!!
HELLOO THANK YOU! SO let’s start from the basics
when something is white or black you can change that to something else, here’s an example (for black you can just pick any colour and make it darker)
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2. if you have space (in the background? idk how you call it) you can put a showy colour
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3. colour picking - i tone it down / take the saturation
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i dont add lighting unless there's something like glass
separation line cuz its gonna get a bit long
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you get your base colours ( i revived my oc for this ) (now after the basics u know where the white, black and [in this case] yellow came from)
2. i hope you know how to use layers
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specific art style thing, i dont know what that is
3. if you arent the type of person to stick all the layers of your base colours then CHANGE IT!! for this tutorial
so what you are going to do is create a gray layer, all gray, fill it, the layer has to be on top of the base colour layer
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u click that button, it has to look like this
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4. you create another layer (above the gray one) (it has to be on the same layer mode with the second button so what you do doesnt go out from the base colors)
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then you put your shading, I use red
+ i like to remark around the lineart bc yes
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trust me
[extra unnecessary info = a good mix is red + blue, and purple or brown are good on their own (in multiply)]
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you experiment with the layers, adding or deleting until you like it (i usually dont like if the shading ends up too not-colourful or too heavy) (the modes for these layers are multiply and SUBEXPONER) (I DONT KNOW THE TRANSLATION BUT ITS THIS ONE)
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7. once you get what you want you merge the shading layers one per one to the base colour layer, so its all gone, you have all in one layer
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you make outlines around the shading, in a colour that is more ?saturated? / showy <- you can use these same lines you are doing to just remark what you want (like the speechbubble, bad example but u get it)
in the black color i used (here its darker blue) i didnt use a lighter saturated colour like everywhere else, i used a darker blue
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whats the difference between these and the ones from before? in this step your starter color is the base color (in the other you picked from the shading) , you dont go too far to make it outstanding
all of this it makes it more solid
10. AND LAST you colour the lineart (in the same layer mode you used before where what u do doesnt go out of the layer)
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very saturated here and i randomly added orange bc reusing colors is cool (since the filling behind the hair was yellow it ended up like this)
edit: i dont like to change much from the outlines, more the inside because i like it when it looks like a sticker
thank u for reading
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witchybitchys · 7 years
Another get to know me post bc i’m hella bored & why not.
 What is you middle name? My middle name is Lauren - God knows why, I think my parents plucked that name out of thin air.
 How old are you? I’m 21 (But I look about 12)
 When is your birthday? April 19th 1995. I’m so old.
 What is your zodiac sign? I was born on the Aires/Taurus cusp! but I relate more to the traits of a Taurus. 
 What is your favourite colour? I really love dark colours. I’m a little bit obsessed with dark green at the moment. Black has to be my fav tho.
 Do you have any pets? I have a little tabby cat called Lulu! she is the apple of my eye. I’ll never forget the day we rescued her and welcomed her into our home!
 Where are you from? A really boring town Called Barrow, located in the North-West of England. seriously tho - never come here.
 How tall are you? I’m a smol bean. I’m exactly 5″1. But that means I’m the same height as gaga so idc ;)
 What shoe size are you? My feet are odd! there are times that I’ll fit into a 3 and times I’ll fit into a 4??
.What talents do you have? *cries internally* I suck at most things... i’d like to say that I’m good at being a domestic goddess?? 
Are you psychic in any way? I don’t think so! although yesterday I predicted that I’d get an email of UCAS & I did... SOO MAYBE I AM.
Favourite song? Marry the Night OR born this way??? both songs have such meaningful lyrics that have helped me through so much crap.
Favourite music artist? LADY GAGA OFC. THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE.
Favourite movie? I can’t really think?? I watched the curious case of Benjamin button the other night & i really enjoyed it. 
 Who would be your ideal partner? I’m already with my ideal girlfriend! she’s my best friend & the love of my life. I’m so lucky to call her mine.
Do you want children? Yes! I’d like two children - bc I grew up as an only child & it sucked so much.
Do you want a church wedding? naah, I’d like to get married somewhere fancy. Tbh, churches kinda freak me out.
 Are you religious? My only religions are Lady gaga, cats and Chicken nuggets.
Have you ever been to the hospital? Too many times. :’)
Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Not really... I’ve been told of by the police for trespassing and underage drinking (i was such a badass)
 What colour socks are you wearing? I’m not wearing any bc wearing socks in bed is sickening. 
What type of music do you like? I really like 80′s music along side Lady Gaga, Lana Del Ray & lots of other stuff that I cba typing.
What do you typically have for breakfast? I usually skip breakfast but, sometimes I’ll grab a cereal bar or smth.
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? I was once awake for a solid 24hrs and it was gross. I was awake at 5am for work & that same night I went out drinking with becca... but she drank too much & was throwing up / passing out SOOO I had to stay awake and look after her until like 5am.
Do you have any scars? yes! I have a couple on my head from when I was younger, a few on my legs from falling out of trees & one on my wrist from the time I got it caught in a suitcase :’)
Have you ever had a secret admirer? YES... an old man left me a cactus and some chocolates at work once. He always asks me to go out for drinks too :/ i stg he’s like 90.
Do you have a strong accent? I’ve been told by multiple people that I sound very Northern. Its always the first thing people comment on when I open my mouth.
 What is your favourite accent? I love, love love the Australian accent. It does things to me.
 What is your personality type? INFJ.
 Are you scared of spiders? Totally depends on the size of them... I can handle little ones BUT NOT THE FAT ONES.
 Favourite food? Probably has to be pasta or sweet chilli chicken wraps? OH, or chicken nuggets.
 Favourite foreign food? I’m really fussy when it comes to foreign food. I’d say I like Chinese food... but that’s basically chips, rice and curry sauce. I want to try more tho. 
Are you a clean or messy person? I’m pretty clean tbh. I enjoy cleaning?? I often clean Becca’s room for her bc i’m the best.
Most used word? .... LIKE.
Do you talk to yourself? ALLL the fucking time... and I even answer myself sometimes.
Do you sing to yourself? yeah, i can’t sing for shit tho.
Biggest Fear? Being abandoned by the people I love (welp that was deep)
Favourite school subject? I really enjoyed science.
Extrovert or Introvert? It all depends on who I’m with!
Are you ticklish? Yes and anyone who knows me v well will know they will get a foot to the face if they try and tickle them
Have you ever drank underage? Yeah, i got caught by the police tho. It was the last day of school and we broke into this huge abandoned hall and it was pretty cool tbh.
Who was your first real crush Lmfao I had a huge crush on a girl who worked in a coffee shop??? how tragic :’) but then I went on a date with a girl to that exact coffee shop & I fell for her and forgot about the petty coffee girl crush.
 How many piercings do you have? I have my ears, my helix and my nose pierced atm.
How fast can you run? hahahaha. i cant run for more than 30 seconds without losing my breath
 What colour is your hair? Dark brown atm. It’ll no doubt be 50 shades of brown in a few weeks tho.
 What colour are your eyes? My eyes are really blue. 
 What are you allergic to? *laughs* I’m allergic to scented shower gel & basically anything that has perfume in it. I hate my skin.
 Do you keep a journal? Yes, I like to journal whenever I have time. I journal no matter what mood I’m in however, I write more if I’m in a bad mood or I’m stressed / anxious - its a great way to reduce bad feelings.
What do your parents do? My mum is a theatre sister & my dad is a health and safety manager at b.a.e systems (not bae systems) 
What makes you angry? I fucking DESPISE it when people cough too many times in a short period of time (I know that sounds petty af) but it goes right through me and idek. 
Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? I really like the name Imogene for a girl & Harrison for a boy.
 Do you want a boy a girl for a child? If the baby is healthy, that’s all that should matter!
 What are you strengths? I make a mean soft boiled egg. :’)
What are your weaknesses? I get jealous too easy and I find it hard to control. I also find it difficult to express my emotions - i bottle things up for too long and then I lose control.
 How did you get your name? My dad picked my name bc my mum wanted to call me Olivia & my dad hated it. 
Color of your bedspread? Black & white.
 Color of your room? White and a really, really deep red. I decorated my room as a little project to help pick me up during depression - i really wanted to paint it black but I wasn’t allowed fml.
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