#bcs im legit tired of having to do all the work to approach ppl and lose all my energy through the proccess for literally nothing
iidsch · 9 months
god really loves giving his hardest battles (depression and unhealthy behaviors that feed off each other) to his weakest soldiers (me who is terribly lonely and emotionally weak)
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unicyclehippo · 7 years
(I'm gonna mark these asks as from gay writing anon) On the topic of writing queer relationships in media: I totally agree that queer relationships need to be approached and written more carefully than het relationships. However, how "different" their writing needs to be I think depends on the subject matter and environment of the show. Like if the writing team wants to milk the "queer drama" of coming out, then they have to do more to treat the queer relationship right in writing.
Gay writing anon part 2) But what if the show is set in an environment where queer relationships are absolutely 100% nothing to bat an eyelash at / not at all out of the ordinary? I think they still to be written carefully, but do they need to necessarily be written differently than het relationships in these instances? Of course, this brings up the issues of writings teams who say "oh sexuality isn't an issue in our world" because they don't want to deal with the difficulties of writing (cont
(gay writing anon part 3) queer relationships legitimately, accurately, and sensitively. Media doesn't exist in a vacuum, so I'm not trying to argue that this is how shows should address queer relationships. I'm just wondering whether they are really inherently different in-universe of every show - they're obviously different than het relationships in how they'll be perceived by the audience, but what about the characters/universe? I absolutely agree on all of the other points you made (cont)
(gay writing anon part 4) especially your points about not having any normal feel-good coupley moments, and cishet writers having difficulties in pinning down what being queer is really like. I know when I first started coming to terms with my sexuality, I just ate up any media with any queerness at all. But now I'm tired of all these half-assed stories that still don't represent my experience accurately, and they're the best thing I have (excluding some examples like Alex's coming out) (cont)
(gay writing anon part 5) I just wanted to say again that I'm not trying to pick a fight or argue or anything like that - just trying to figure out my own feelings about queer rep in media (which I'm still muddling through) and compare them to others. I'm supremely grateful if you read all of this, and totally understand if you didn't. (If I forgot to go on anon for any of the parts, could you please not publish that part? I'm fine with you knowing my url, but I'd rather it not be public.)
okay im notoriously terrible w explaining stuff go figure?/ im a “writer” apparently (pls note here that i am hardcore rolling my eyes @ myself) but im gonna try bc u went to a heap of effort here & like im always a slut for literary discussion (esp when someone knows more than me bc im like heck Yes teach me smth?? anyway onwards)
so for me, when i say that a queer relationship always needs to be written different from a het relationship, part of that ofc is bc media doesnt exist in a vacuum as u point out!! & historically queer representation has been violent & stereotypical or completely erased or treated as a joke or a punishment etc so from this point like u said with modern stories dealing w coming out or realisations like i think those are rly valid & rly important avenues to explore still like there are ppl who dont feel represented by what we’ve seen so far & there are stories that have barely been touched on if at all & there’s so much more work & fun to be had there (hopefully a lot of fun) & i esp think that these need to be handled w care & with so so much love . i think also that queer relationships need to be written differently from het relationships bc like,, i feel like there is a lvl of awareness? like this is a constant choice that we are making to hold someones hand in public, to say these vows in front of family & friends & u KNOW that one family member has been teetering on the edge of blatant homophobia but is being threatened by that other family member to keep it to their damn self for one fucking day bc its a goddamn wedding ok or whatever there is this awareness & i think its kind of,, not deceitful but maybe ignorant or smth?? to ignore the ways in which society always has an effect on our relationships that het relationships dont? rly experience? 
theres more to say abt it & i doubt i did that well at all but there just one tiny thing i wanted to say abt those universes that view sexual orientation as a non-issue which is like,,, for me especially, its hard to see true rep for queer women bc this is an orientation that is absolutely not abt men. but,, they’re so prominent in all these stories & i dont mean queer women who were married before they came out or who have had sex w men like thats legit & valid & they’re so valid im not abt that gold star bullshit i just mean like a queer relationship between two women, or more for our poly pals what up pals, in this queer relationship there are??? no men involved??? & its hard to convey exactly how i would want this to be represented in media i dont mean they cant be friends with men or family with men certainly not, i just mean that i feel like there is this gap of understanding like,, this is a love that is like,, it’s different!!! it’s !!!!! everything. i truly believe that this kinda love, this kinda relationship, is inherently different from a het relationship. it isn’t the same therefore it Must be different. 
i dont know if this makes sense or if u would agree w it at all, its cool if u dont, but yknow there we go. i tried lol
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