#because Status Quo Is God
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It’s rather rare when the programme demonstrates
that changes in the past alter the future (or present day).
‘Mum! You’re still you!’ — Joanna Martin to Vera Martin
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bonefall · 2 months
tall shadows line of "she was only a kittypet" kinda reminds me of the line "they were only slaves" from the prince of egypt.
What kills me about it is that like, at that point in the movie, the Pharoah Is Bad. Him saying that a billion babies where fed to crocodiles is A Bad Thing. It's the point where Moses realizes he can't be part of the royal family without being complicit.
But Tall Shadow says "calm down, Bumble was less than human anyway" and Gray Wing nods along (complete with the jiggly clicking noise that comes with shaking a can of spraypaint) and this is an example of them being reasonable. Level-headed, even, not getting swept away by the passion of the angry mob.
There are so many levels to how fucked up the Bumble Debacle is that you can't explore every floor all at once. It is an onion. It has layers.
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nandermoenthusiast · 9 months
i dont think i will ever be over nandor tying guillermos cape with such care and focus. that moment its possibly my favourite from the finale NANDOR ACTS OF SERVICE GUY MAKES ME WANNA CLIMB A WALL and the way hes putting guillermo on equal ground now makes my heart grow 3 sizes
and to be honest i dont think they can go back to where they were before. for anyone whos worried. like yeah he told him “now clean up the body” after he reverted back to human but to me that was more like nandors brain going like. “i cooked now you clean”. he went through such a tremendous amount of work to help guillermo. he had the empathy to recognise the problem. he thought it through concocted a plan. he got the robes and the candles and he painted and hung those banners. he held a fakeass ceremony with all their friends and elders so it looked official. he then also comforted guillermo when he couldnt do it and staked derek himself without a second thought. so maybe its was more of a. i pulled you out of a very hairy situation. can you take care of the body now? (also it IS gonna be hard to let go of certain habits so maybe some comments like this are gonna slip out next season, but that is just because they are useless and in guillermos absence the house fucking imploded in one year lmao… maybe guillermo is gonna teach them how to take care of it themselves next season so they can split the workload and cute shenanigans will ensue)
i just dont think it was mean spirited on nandors part tbh. LAZLO even offered to help. i dont think that was just to have him in the next scene i dont think an unusual detail like that could be just for convenience. i do FULLY believe they are gonna all be on equal grounds next season. and thats gonna be so fucking delicious to me specifically
#to see a nandor and guillermo dynamic where nandor has freed himself from the inibitions of a master familiar dynamic? sign me up#he was so fucking warm and caring after he forgave him and idk if i can handle it GOD I LOVE IT#nandermo#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#wwdits spoilers#comment#im making a post out of some of my tags in one of my queued posts bc i#want to put this thought out in the world#i saw a lot of people going now that guillermos human everythings back to the status quo!!! and im like#no the fuck i hope not!! their relationship has consistently moved in a new direction each season#familiar. bodyguard. best man. best friend. now they went through allllll the trouble of showing them having an equals relationship#they made nandor utter the words he will be living in this house as an equal from now on#and next season everythings gonna revert back?? i surely hope not#there is also to be considered from nandors standpoint that now guillermo truly has no more reason to stay. he really isnt a#familiar anymore because he presumably doesnt want to be a vampire anymore (?) so he has to consider#if he wants guillermo to stick around. its gonna have to be out of the love he has for them. and nandor needs to give him an incentive#which would be equal grounds with the vampires even though he isnt one#and guillermo is probably gonna be in such an existential crisis mode that hes not even gonna notice all the cute things nandor is doing#for him now for a WHILE. until he does and thats gonna be delicious#anyway. why do i keep making excellent points in the tags this could have been a post
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movedtodykedvonte · 6 months
I feel like the only way Narilamb works is if there is absolutely no equal footing between the lamb and Narinder. I’m not talking about a gross power dynamic but I mean Narinder has nothing in terms of godly power or influence other than being the now dethroned god the lamb would tell their followers they were worshipping.
He can’t influence the lamb anymore, he can’t scare the followers cause the lamb won’t allow him to act on threats and he won’t descent. He is less than powerless cause he is just there, the lamb does not even torment him.
But that’s where it starts. The lamb is not nice but is kind and Narinder has never equated death with kindness truly. It baffles him that the lamb respects him or tolerates him and there’s an infatuation before even a feeling of complacency or interest. A fear that this is all there is gonna be and wanting a more terse connection to the one he once saw as nothing as a vessel. The lamb doesn’t even act familiar with him, Narinder another sheep in the flock.
Narinder needs the lamb to want him to need to follow the dynamics in place. To feed in to what Narinder should feel is more personal and I feel it’s crazy I don’t see this interpretation carried out as much
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takaraphoenix · 4 months
What do you think about the changes to Luke’s confrontation with Percy ?
Got this ask, got really confused, realized the final episode was out, went to watch it, came back here.
As with the majority of the many changes this show made to the books, I have... mixed feelings on it.
Part of me loves this much more than the books - much - more. Because it made so much more sense. Luke, trying to recruit Percy instead of just... flat-out trying to murder him again.
And! That Percy was the one who figured it out, on his own. I love how clever this show makes Percy.
It was a really tense and interesting confrontation.
Now here's the part that made me dislike it. Because it made so much sense.
In the books, Percy not taking Luke's side made complete sense, because Luke just flat-out tries to murder him, for the second time, and he is screaming and throwing so much stuff out in such a frantic way that he does sound like he lost his mind. It's very easy to conclude "My guy, you're being brainwashed by Kronos".
But this Luke? And this Percy?
The Percy who literally spent the entire damn show MAKING Luke's points. The first half of this show, every single conversation between him and Annabeth was basically Percy reciting Luke's bulletpoint list of why the gods suck and demigods shouldn't do their bidding.
And now, what? All of the sudden, just because, what, daddy dearest showed up once and saved Percy's life from Zeus, he is Team Olympus? C'mon. That was weak as fuck.
A very brief summary of a point I've made in the past, I don't want to drag this argument out again but it's important to bring up in this context: PJO is inherently a story about keeping the status quo. It follows the very tried concept of giving the villain (Luke) a very good and valid motivation to rebel against an oppressive force, but undermining the good points he makes by adding something that nobody can argue is bad (Kronos controlling everything in the background), so the hero fights the immediate problem instead of the shared oppressors, instead of just giving the very good and valid motivation to the hero and have them fight for real change.
And in the books, at least there really wasn't much of a reason for Percy to join Luke, and Luke doesn't even really ask for it either.
But this Luke asked. This Luke very coherently expressed himself.
And this Percy has made his exact talking points in the past. And nothing, aside from Poseidon stepping up once in his fucking life, has really changed. If anything, I'd say the bad - Ares, Zeus, ATHENA - really outweigh the good.
Why is Kronos worse than Zeus? Because he ate his children? Zeus did worse things to his own children in mythology, to be quite frank. Show Percy is too clever - too knowledgeable about mythology and the past of their godly family and good at putting one and one together - and too bitter toward the gods to so fully dismiss Luke, in my opinion, especially considering we removed the "I will immediately try to murder you with a killer scorpion" and added Luke explicitly trying to recruit Percy.
And I'm not saying "Percy should have absolutely joined Luke's side", but I am saying that it felt far too much like a 180 on Percy's part to be defending the gods and pretend that Luke isn't making sense. I liked that Chiron called that out in the end, but... Percy's reply was even weaker because there was no foundation for why he would be so stubborn about this.
Even if you don't pull through with it, I think that an angle of doubt, an angle of temptation, should have been played up here.
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indecisive-v · 11 months
forgive me, i've really gone down the p5x rabbit hole now
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 year
so i talked about Din being so ungodly unpredictable, and after digging a bit deeper beneath the surface of The Mandalorian season1 and 2, i think now i know why.
To the surprise of absolutely noone, Din Djarin is a rogue!! He's a rogue character, that's the foundation of his personality, at any point of his characterization he's designed to stray from structure and to undermine it.
But he's also a knight! and this introduces a very intriguing and fascinating conflict at the heart of his character: the duality of honor, and how he orients himself towards that specific value. He's a knight and a knight is bound by honor and servitude; but in order to save his honor he has to choose what and whom he serves at different points of the narrative, and he has to disobey in order to obide by his honor. A rogue character by definition is the least honoring person, a knight is most honorable. So the heart and the lungs of Din Djarin's characterization is his struggle with servitude and where his values lie, and it's never "this" or "that"; he's constantly switching between rogue and knight in the bat of eyelash, just when you think he's bound to code he abandons mission and when he's supposed to stray he stays and binds himself to a child.
I think introducing him in the position of a king is the most outrageous and hilarious plot twist, because narrative wise, all three archetypes of the Rogue, the Knight and the King have in common the conflict of honor, while the King is most bound to obedience and the Rogue is least concerned with it. So i'm actually quite curious now to know where they'll take season 3 Din Djarin, simply because this is such hefty faceted dynamic and it's quite frankly very ambitious to tackle, we haven't had an archetypal story this intricate in star wars since, well, the original trilogy.
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shummthechumm · 1 year
part of me wants to say that MV couldve really benefitted from being longer, but then i immediately remember that this is wc we are talking about and no matter what; they will find a way to deny just how dangerous a way of life following the code can be for those who don’t fit within it’s rules. 
all of warriors does this and it only confuses the narrative more. im not surprised that there is so much discourse surrounding the story and it’s characters, man. and on top of that the series is targeted towards kids in elementary school so. 
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sonic-adventure-3 · 6 months
important to me that you know squabble rocket jumps
she is always doing stupid stunts that involve excessive amounts of explosives. luckily she's basically incapable of getting hurt worse than a skinned knee or bruise here and there cause she defies the laws of physics. it's a very good thing this is the case otherwise carrion would find ways to murder the inanimate objects she gets hurt on
carrion waits on squabbles every whim gladly and will not make any attempt to stop squabble from doing the dangerous things she wants to, but as long as he’s in the vicinity everything will work out conspicuously perfect
jerryjack thinks squabble is incredibly entertaining and would absolutely never remind her of basic safety precautions. they up the stakes constantly
rig is wholly unaware what's normal for a 12 year old to do so instead of interfering she just offers practical advice like ‘that amount of c4 is unnecessary for what you're trying to blow up. using less will make a better explosion’. despite that, she’s super anal about gun safety (though she does not see any issues with giving squabble a gun in the first place)
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kraviolis · 1 year
with the rising fascism in the world, im not gonna trust any new medias with stories that make the villain an agent of chaos & terror while the hero/es fight to preserve the status quo.
#after 9/11 there was a rise in childrens media where this was exactly the case#a foreign threat to peace that must be eliminated#and sure there were a lot of good stories made with that format. doesnt erase the true intent being the message.#and now theres come a rise of stories with empires and dictators as villains who are destroyed by rebellions#a good example of the stories about preserving the status quo are literally all of the marvel movies#thats why ragnarok was breath of fresh air. they didnt preserve the legacy of someone who destroyed thousands in the name of 'keeping peace#odin's legacy was burned to ash and thor put his people first.#another example is HP. even the newest stories set hundreds of years in the past still aim to preserve the status quo#and make the oppressed trying to fight back into villains by giving them really good points and then making them into murderers#a good example of a story that does the OPPOSITE is the owl house. god that show was so perfect.#just the subtle touch of luz's magic not having a white core like belos's in the end was so perfect.#making her final most powerful form look like a stereotypical villain with the black eyes and clothes and her dark magic??#her palisman being able to shapeshift into stereotypically feared animals like spiders scorpions snakes and bats??#the fact that she looked like a demon while belos was pretending to be carrying out the will of his god? that he was on some holy crusade?#belos believing himself to be the hero of the story even to the bitter end because he couldnt imagine that people he considers subhuman#had any right to life. that they werent just pests to be crushed in the name of his god. and in the end he was the one crushed like a bug.#so good. so good. so good. dana terrace i am kissing you#i like the owl house more than i like gravity falls and BOY is that saying something#krav talks
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hiddleyheh · 9 months
I was not expecting body horror in WHA but honestly i all here for it
Genuinely terrifying i love it, I forgot how much this manga bashes my head with a lead pipe <3
more reactions under cut warning for the body horror
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genuinely holy fucking shit i was not expecting this it was so out of left field BUT IT FITS THE WORLD SO WELL
like demons being created out of misuse of magic on humans??? Yes yes yes show the political and ethical implications of it story
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Also if there's one thing about WHA that I fucking love, it's the critique of the established status quo and the institutions exercising authority to enforce it
All the kids except Agathe basically see through the established dynamic of witches, humans, and forbidden magic. (It can be said Agathe witnessed this but I've only caught up to Chapt 68 so idk her full backstory yet). I really want to see how the characters will go about this
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lynxgirlpaws · 7 months
>Decide I'm gonna finally start confronting the elephant in the egg I mean room
>Write a whole page's worth of a letter to my therapist because I know I'll be too scared and stupid to say anything out loud
>Even confirm the suspected to a friend that doesn't really talk to my other friends anymore, as a sort of safety measure also she's probably one of the best options for such a thing to be done seamlessly
>Despite blasting the brisket song in my head for the past hour and a half, still scared shitless
>Contact Sheeve for conversation bc fuck sitting alone with my thoughts for the rest of this night especially
>Get reminded that it's Halloween
God fucking damnit I got spooked. I spooked myself. I fell for the "do scary things on Halloween" meme. Can I show up to therapy in a costume or-
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tomurakii · 2 months
I truly apologise but I've never found a character more irritating than Ruby Rocks. It is severely impacting my ability to watch a crown of candy because this bratty literally-the-embodiment-of-the-status-quo bitter bastard child won't stop sulking and being shitty to the only good surviving member of this royal bloodline (Saccharina).
The immediate Rocks family in general is so unsympathetic, I'm sorry but if you want me to feel bad over your personal growth journey you can't ALSO be a monarch who has absolute power over an entire nation-state. If you had literally the best education of everyone in your country and you're still an idiot I don't know what to tell you except that you're a resource hoarding pig who has not earned an iota of the power or luxury you have. They have SERVANTS and all they do is complain about going to class or doing their job. Hey if it sucks so bad demolish the state and redistribute your wealth <3 you won't <3
#shes just wrong and a brat. ive found it difficult to sympathise with the monarch characters the whole time but shes the worst of the 3#i was her age 3 months ago and I've NEVER been as stupid and ignorant and selfish as she is#youre gonna send thousands of your people to die at war over your own petty vendetta??? you grow up in immense privilege and all you do is#complain about the tiny bit of responsibility it comes with but the second someone else (who has worked infinitely harder and suffered#infinitely more) comes along and is willing to take that responsibility you hate her and talk shit and try and turn people against her#because she'll “uphold the status quo” WHERE did you get that from. she has more respect for the people and awareness about the monarchy#than you EVER have. youre a fuckin idiot rich kid. this is game of thrones-themed 1400s monarchy. some 30% of kids die in their first year#barely any of them can read. 90% of your people have experienced the death of their parents or siblings firsthand#but rather than ending the war you're gonna send MORE of them to die fighting the empire over your personal vendetta#saccharina has NEVER been pro church??? she is quite literally only taking the throne to CHANGE the status quo#meanwhile your ass would probably keel over and die after 2 seconds without the luxury that status quo has afforded you your entire life#you dont want to change SHIT. youre just mad it isnt you or your OTHER sister on the throne anymore. your dad is the fuckin EMPEROR#you ARE the status quo. “changing the status quo” means people come and take your house from you brat ass loser. it means they kill your#father. you dont want that youre just making excuses because youre a stupid brat who got oneshotted your first time leaving the castle#because despite 18 years of the best possible education you dont understand simple concepts like “people want to kill royalty”#jet died because she was immature and by god if ruby isnt carrying on her legacy
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irregularbillcipher · 2 months
if there is one thing that starkid and the tin can bros know how to do it is write an act one finale song
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bridgyrose · 1 year
The gods literally curse Salem to never see her beloved one just because she did what every person would do if they know there is a way to bring someone they loved back to life.
Whatever they were right or not about Ozpin what they did to her is what cause all of the war in remnant
Everyone can have their opinion but i don't see the gods as good guys especially when v9 final show us that they know nothing about balance.
Maybe they don't need to be killed but they defiantly need to learn their lesson and mistakes.
(Also what theme killing the gods is going against?)
Here's the thing, I'm not at all saying the gods were right or wrong in what they were doing, but they were definitely not prepared to deal with a human that doesnt know how to deal with loss. But what you're missing is that the opinion I keep seeing around is that the gods have to die, the gods are the real villains, the gods are evil dickheads, and everything we've learned about the gods just doesnt support any of that. Yes, the gods have a lesson they need to learn, but the thing is, killing them or treating them as an entity that has to go isnt going to solve anything.
And placing the full blame of Salem's actions on them isnt exactly a fair sentiment either. They were absolutely wrong to curse Salem the way they did, but what vol 9 showed us is that's all they really knew how to deal with the situation. They're from the Ever After. Death isnt really a thing there, at least, not in the way we know it. In the Ever After, everyone is functionally immortal. Barring any accidents or running into the Jabberwalker, as long as you are content with your purpose, you'll never die of old age. And Salem's curse is basically just their way of using the Ever After's rules to try to help her change and learn. But it backfires because Remnant doest operate on those same rules.
So, yes, they absolutely have lessons they need to learn with balance and compassion, and that's one of the themes of RWBY. That no matter the mistakes that are made, everyone deserves a chance to learn otherwise and to correct those mistakes. And killing the gods would go against those themes.
The other thing about the gods, we really dont know anything about them besides stories. What we learned about the gods from Jinn was all from Ozma's perspective, from someone who fears the gods and has a reverence to them in fear. And the blacksmith talks about them as if they're children because they left the Ever After relatively young. They're inexperienced beings that dont quite understand how their creations feel. That doesnt make them evil or bad guys, it just means they need to learn and grow. Why would a story about allowing people to learn and grow kill off two beings that need those lessons, and quite frankly, probably wont really play much more of a role in the story until the end?
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bitchfitch · 1 year
If this is helpful I do think of your OC couples as that "you two are perfect for each other just never involve anyone else in the fucked up shit you have going on" reddit comment so seeing content for a non-OC ship w that dynamic would be neither disturbing nor surprising
ye i think the issue I'm having is that Mohg/Miquella is a ship i wouldn't normally go within a mile of based on the tags and archive warning that apply to it by default. It's two things that squick me out so bad i can't read a good portion of the fics for them on ao3 because some authors enjoy leaning into those aspects of their relationship a lot more than i do. which like, not shaming them but boy howdy is the back button important for their tag.
so i worry folk would have the same assumptions about them I would have had if i had just like, saw a fic and associated tags without a 100hr game worth of context
#like#Its incest in the way a lot of greek myth is.#and invokes that same gods being god awful vibe#and Miquella is cursed with eternal youth though its arguable what that means#in the game proper it feels pretty obvious that Miquella has broken his curse but when in the timeline mohg snatched him is not clear#and the lore goes out of its way to make it clear how frustrated Miquella was with his curse which make sme think it only effected his body#like how Malenia's rot only effected her body despite the same rot driving Radahn insane.#if i didn't have that context and sorta Lore Thoughts Before seeing the content that exists for them i wouldn't have ever gone near them#Like i had a lot of Miquella thoughts before i l realized the connection between him and mohg because like#'Usurper prince whos frustrated with the status quo and how it cant heal him or his sister goes out of his way to create something Better#than the kingdom that brought him into existence and also hes an actual god associated with growth dreams and mind control#and is the most powerful of all these kickass demigods and the two other gods in the game'#Thats My Vibe. Adore Him.#The Mohgs all 'Brutal bloody love. almost every description or character that mentions him talks about his love and ambition for the future#and he was born a prince but cast out along with his twin when they were still just infants because they were born as creatures that#represented the source of all life instead of just being human. and he rose from nothing and is desperate to become lord and start a#new dynasty because he believes thats the only way for this broken world to feel love again. and for all those deemed wrong or other#to be allowed into the light again.'
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