#because anne wasn't killed for her religious beliefs at all!
navree · 6 months
you can call anne boleyn many things, good and bad alike. a protestant martyr, however, is not one of those fucking things
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wheelygoodteddys · 5 years
How Low Can Hate Go?
The extent that a hater will go to is totally shocking to me. When did people degenerate to such a low standard and why do people, behind the computer screen, feel that they can say the most horrific things!?
In many ways the internet is absolutely fantastic and it would be hard to go back to life without it. However, it has totally obliterated my hope in the common person on the street.
From death threats and threats of rape to sexulising my 15 month old niece, not to mention mental illness shaming, I see the human race very different now. Especially people who have a hatred for everything and everyone Islam.
The illogical and hypocritical arguments that afford everyone and everything: context, over all context, historical context and spiritual context, Except for Islam and Muslims.
The twisted belief that all Muslims are paedophiles based on the Prophet Muhammad marrying a young girl. There is no consideration at all that Aisah was in the Prophet's household for intellectual reasons (she went on to teach, lead and write regarding Islam) nor that she had no children with the prophet. His history of marrying an older women or his subsequent wives being widows or divorced is not given any consideration at all. Additional facts are ignored due to a desire to justify their hate.
However, for arguments sake, let's say the prophet married a young girl because of sexual attraction:
Being sexually attracted to prepubescents is paedophilia.
The Prophet Muhammad forbade marriage to prepubescent girls.
Pedophilia is a psychological disorder.
Being part of a world wide religion, with a wide range of differing beliefs, cultures, traditions, races and families, does not automatically make you a paedophile.
Despite these reasonable and logical facts, this is what haters believe.
Contrary to this belief, Muslim men, like other man, can be attracted to a wide variety of women.
A side note here: just as an argument can be made for the prophet being a paedophile, a greater argument can be made for him being into older women. The evidence for this is overwhelming: his first wife was 15 years older than him. She was his only wife till the day she died. He had children with her. Their' s was known as a "great love".
The other arguments are that the prophet Mohammed was a warlord. The conclusion is that, because wars were fought, Islam can't be a religion of peace. How's that hypocrisy!? By that standard, neither could be judeism or Christianity.
However, let's forget that the prophet Muhammad had merciful rules to war, like not killing women or children, saving the enemy if they are sorry, not attacking religious servants or religious buildings. He fought wars in defence not offence. And history tells us that he walked into Mecca without shedding one drop of blood.
Did the prophet Muhammad fight wars? Yes.
He wasn't the first, he won't be the last, he wasn't the only religious leader that did and he certainly wasn't the worst. Once again, illogic and hypocrisy reigns supreme with Islamphobic people.
To identify as Muslim opens one up to all sorts of abuse:
I have been told I will go to hell for stealing an article even though I put it all in inverted commas and credited the author, to being threatened with rape.
I will share with you the latest comments, directed at me, on a happy post wishing people, "Eid Mubarak". A woman wrote these comments:
"Jo-Anne Swain you have yet to show me anything that your pedo prophet didn’t rape a 9 year old. Sounds like it is a trend with you people. That little grand girl you got is sure to make some pedofile a happy man when she turns what 5 or 6 is customary for you people. I heard that blond hair and blue eyes make them a choice pick".
"Does your daughter know what you have planned for her baby or have you already done it to her as well".
"Jo-Anne Swain You are a disgusting human being and I hope someone shows this to child protective services so you never get to see that little grandkid again. You are what is absolutely wrong with today’s society".
How can any reasonable person think this is ok?
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Moreover, I am shocked and saddened that human beings can speak to their fellow mankind in the way expressed by online Islamphobes!
My conclusion is that I feel a disheartening disappointment in people.
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