#because he just wanted her out of the way because he was a misogynistic ass
navree · 6 months
you can call anne boleyn many things, good and bad alike. a protestant martyr, however, is not one of those fucking things
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leatherbookmark · 9 months
According to Ellis, women are fascinated by male strength, but they have no opinions about male beauty. Insensitive almost to the point of being blind, they have a discerning eye for male beauty not greatly different from that of the normal male. (Forbidden Colours, trans. Alfred H. Marks, Penguin edition p. 94)
oh mr mishima you would be pleasantly surprised by kpop stans. perhaps even disgusted
#shrimp thoughts#my mother yesterday: is this all we are as women? to fawn over and get stupidly excited over men's bodies and what they have in their pants#because some kpop girlies were thirsting over jk on twt apparently. lady you are in kpop guy thirsting corner of the website#augh no but seriously while i loved confessions of a mask forbidden colours is... A Journey certainly#50 shades of misogyny in which all men are convinced women are the oppressing class except every time a female character appears#even if the narration is going out of its way to tell you the reader about how stupid and limited and suffering in its misery she is...#it's like. yknow if not for the stupid ass men and the misogynistic society this girl would've been happy.#eeeeevery single time i see female characters casually wondering if their partners have someone on the side -- which should be a deal#breaker but isn't -- and just bear it in silence instead of cutting the bitch off once and for all i am mentally looking into the camera.#shunsuke fucking. 'is amazed that 'and old person with kidney disease could do him so unwitting a bodily injury just because she was a#woman' and then the bodily injury is that she gives him her dead husband's necktie pin which he puts in his pocket and forgets about#and then later he puts his hand in his pocket and pricks his fingertip on it. this is what kinda person shunsuke is lmao#'i don't want to read the classics! they're all just old misogynistic white men!' diversity win! this classic has old misogynistic#JAPANESE men instead!
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fellhellion · 11 months
it feels like im reading against the intended tone of the relationship and character but god. if you take dana’s actions purely at face value the kind of person it paints is like. One I have a lot of complicated feelings about. 
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almalvo · 11 months
About An Official Spiderverse Artist...
Please do not just scroll past this post; read it.
If you guys follow me on twitter, you probably already know.
But if you dont or still want to read this anyway - here you go:
I aint big, but I got a growing platform that I see as important for me to use as a force for things that matter.
So here I am.
And I got something to say about a certain "artist".
There are so many fucked up people who call themselves artists who are so heavily worshipped by us who both get and or dont get outed in the world for things they do and for their general piss-poor behaviours and persons.
Im here to talk about one in particular (and certainly wont be the last).
There is an artist that basically EVERYONE here has seen art from before, printed in the official Sony artbooks too.
If you have seen this:
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Then you have seen this artist before.
His name is Alberto Mielgo. He goes by @/pinkman_himself on twitter.
He is a HUGE part of the art direction and stylisation of the spiderverse movies, if that isnt already obvious. Because he was the former original art director of Into The Spiderverse.
Yes. Former.
Cuz he got "mYsTeRiOuSlY fiReD" from Sony 2 years into pre-production and completely removed from the project.
You may have also seen this character before:
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Yes. THAT asian character from Netflix's Love Death + Robots, from the episode "The Witness".
Familiar? Yeah. Because this episode was also made by the same guy, Mielgo.
I aint going to talk about what happens in that episode and hesitate to encourage anyone to watch it - cuz all it basically is is a megalo-misogynistic, assault "glorified for the sake of aRtT", racially fetishised showcase of this crazy makeup/haired bdsm stereotyped asian girl sex worker who essentially gets murdered over and over and over after running for her life completely naked through the city for all of us to see for some fucking reason.
BUt yeah anyways, you can see it in the first pic, but Ill put it here to show more clearly - this here is NOT the character from LDR. But I can understand why you might think so:
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Yeah. You read that name in the bottom right corner correctly. This is Peni Parker. His concept art of Peni Parker. A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD. Lookin suspiciously like and dressed as the adult person from LDR with ALSO the crazy hair, make up - WITH AN O-RING CHOKER AND BALL-GAG LIPSTICK (BDSM).
13. year. old. child.
This man only sees east asian women this way.
He likes them crazy, sexy, broken--
and young.
Cuz this man also wrote this on a now-deleted post on his website:
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Yeah. He, this whole ass middle-aged white cishet male spaniard thirstin for kids since he was 18 for 12 year old girls.
Cuz 12 year old girls are a fuckin "KNOCK OUT" when they grow up, when they ripen up into adulthood, to this man Alberto Mielgo, aka @/pinkman_himself, this creature.
And if auctioning NFTs isnt bad enough (cuz yes, ofc he does that too - its literally the first option on his website) -
His entire fucking portfolio is of drawing women he had sex with.
His fucking PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO is all of painting and drawing women in very compromising, questionable ways of the VERY SAME WOMEN HE HAD SLEPT WITH THROUGH HIS LIFE.
They look as creepy as they are.
But the scariest part?
While I myself had only just found out about this some days ago as of writing this, some of us have known about this man and his antics for years.
And he keeps getting greenlit by the industry, over and over and over; winning awards, getting respected, praised, admired, even by fellow at-home artists like many of you out there if you dont already do so.
And nothing will happen to him cuz he is a white cishet male artist who has money and a following and connections and influence and power.
So yeah.
I just wanted to talk about a certain official Spiderverse artist to just let yall know there are freaks everywhere, and that no matter how small it is, it's people like me and you who need to do what we can to keep up awareness and warn our communities and protect our most vulnerable.
My suggestion is to take heed of what I said, ask questions about everything you will ever see again from anyone around you, no less the industry, THINK for once, and actually give a fuck.
Keep away.
Do not support this man.
But the decision is ultimately yours.
Stay awake, yall.
(His face, publicly available as his imdb profile):
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goldsbitch · 5 months
Just don't talk
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. Lando can't stand Y/N, the first female driver in F1. He also can't stand not having her with her clothes on.
warnings: please don't be offended by weak ass feminism debate, swear words, minors do not interact, just generally don't take this one too seriously, smut (that's what we came for)
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He radiated stupidity. Reckless, annoying, careless and just plain stupid. Blood boiled hard and fast in Y/N when he entered the room. Cocky smile, as if he was the shit. And those poor fans did not even realize, because his PR managers worked around the clock to stop the scandals getting out and to remain his bubbly, down-to-earth image he seemed to hold in general public. Now, she never doubted his driving genius. It was honest respect on that part. No, this was about everything else. Even the way he grew his "so called" beard annoyed her.
She radiated arrogance. Being the first female driver on the grid had everyone looking differently at her, as it would be the opposite if she was just another rookie driver. He could not stand that. It felt strangely misogynistic. But what sent him to levels of annoyance he had not discovered prior to meeting her, was how she did absolutely nothing about this. Danced around as if she did not see it. But Lando could see through her, she was a calculating bitch that knew exactly what was happening.
It's not like either of them got it wrong really. Lando had his personality that did not correlate with the desired persona the public wanted him to maintain. For as long as he remembered, he had to be a grown up, missing his young adult experiences completely. Sometimes, it just got the better of him. Lando was not exactly proud of that or anything. Y/N was indeed calculating. But it would be hard to argue that she could have chosen not to do that - yet, the world was simply not ready for any kind of female driver to enter the grid. She had to be smarter than an average rookie. There is a possibility that this was all just in her head, but it was hard to prove it at this point.
They avoided talking to each other like they would avoid the plague. Lando felt like all the years of media training lead to the moments where they shared the interview room. Their disenchantment with each other was not exactly a known thing, they were deceitful enough to do keep it between themselves. Well, the more observant drivers and members of their team were well aware of the truth. There was not a single member of the close inner circle that would dare to speak about how when these two had to share the pre race interviews, it would be the driest interview of them all. Frankly, drivers dreaded that. Daniel would be the one to try and break the ice. George found it mildly amusing. Max could not give two shits about them.
And to the luck of everyone involved, there was Lando, set next to Alex Albon, who was sat next to Y/N. He sighed heavily before taking hold of the microphone.
First interviewer asked about the lasted updates on Y/N Aston Martin car. The second one went to Lando, with a request to address the bad strategy the team had on the last Grand Prix, which he answered very diplomatically.
Third interviewer asked Y/N on whether the talks have started regarding her contract for the upcoming season.
"Yes, we are talking about that. I love racing and I'm planning on staying here," she laughed lightly. "I want to be here to...possibly to inspire and attract young girls, same as those like Fernando was a role model to both Alex and Lando. The female audience of F1 is growing and that is absolutely amazing. And perhaps now will the female fans have an opportunity to cheer for one of their own."
"May I have a question?" Lando entered the chat. His tone was indicating fire being lit within him and him intending to spread it wide. The game was on. Y/N tensed up. Alex smiled nervously.
Both Lando and Y/N shot a look at the interview moderator, who was prepared for many scenarios, but not this one exactly. Once Lando received an unsure nod, he continued. "We both know the numbers, we sit on similar meetings. The percentage of female audience is now nearing almost half, is that correct?"
"Well, we are nowhere near that - more like 30-40%"
"Right. And this trend has started prior to you joining the grid, right?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"Are you saying that the female viewers did not have anyone to connect with before that?"
"I'd be brave enough to assume so. Where are you heading?"
Alex wanted to stop them, he shot looks to multiple people who had the power to end this. Members present from both teams woke up from their slow mundane afternoon. But the conversation was too fast for anyone to interrupt.
"So, what was the motivation of the female viewers to watch F1? Why were they watching?"
"Um, well the sport is fascinating and can capture one. The quality of our media teams has risen greatly, social media and-"
"Yes. So are you saying that young boys and teenagers were watching this for a different reason that girls and any other genders?"
"Like I was saying, it might be hard to connect. Young boys and teenagers can relate and even imagine themselves as the future F1 driver."
"So why do, in your opinion, little girls and female teenagers watch races? Are you saying that prior to your start, their reasons were less valid? Less noble? Does miss misogyny over here think that female audience is now validated due to her representation in the sport?"
The room went silent. Y/N took a deep breath and without missing a beat she replied.
"I'm sorry, there must have been something foul in your cornflakes this morning. After all, even in these progressive times, some of the people involved did not get the memo about the way how to interact with the fanbase in a healthy manner. It must be hard hard to think straight and not draw over-the-top conclusions when one's mind is stuck in an endless cycle of "Hello, gorgeous" and "Sure, I'll text you back.""
Alarmed looks were shared accros the room. Alex tried to laugh it off. The moderator ended the discussion. The pair kept staring at each other, until their prompted their exits orchestrated by their team.
Asshole. Obnoxious idiot. She wanted to slap him. The social media was on fire, this topic clearly resonating among fans. It was clear the opinions were divided and this was just not good to have on your track record. She was mad at herself as well. Got caught up like a fly to a spiderweb. He won this one. She'll just have to beat him during the race or shoot him in the leg at the next opportunity.
"Stay true to your beliefs" was the caption under his newly posted photo. Smiling as ever. Some photographer with under-appreciated talent managing to capture him in the perfect light. Total thirst trap. Her PR team was figuring out how to salvage this, but everyone knew Lando stuck a good one this time.
But that was not the opinion of the McLaren media team, who really did work their butts off the last few months. This was not good, as his haters were currently busy pointing out holes in his argument, making Y/N the hero they wanted to have. PR team picked the photo of him they had in store in order to play it safe and nonchalantly. Lando got a big threatening talk right after the press conference. McLaren was not letting the word misogyny be connected to their brand. He defended himself for a while, but at the end agreed to avoid bringing these subjects to light prior to the knowledge of the team. In his eyes, she won. He got her free attention. The nickname miss misogyny was not going to stick. The only thing this brough him was a headache and built up anger.
She was bursting with anger and was not about to leave it in for herself. "You can stick this bullshit up you ass, Lando."
"Don't assume I like the same things you do," was his immediate response.
Confidentiality. That was the only thing she believed he could uphold. Both of them had too much to loose.
They were bad for each other. Bringing out the worst traits, putting others in discomfort and creating drama out of nowhere. But the once the night covered the daily routines and worries, the truth would start crawling out. Once the chequered flag got packed up after a race, it was time for a parade of red flags to begin.
It was suppose to be a one time mistake. Party that go out of hand. Club bathroom sex that was better than they'd be willing to admit. They never spoke of it. Nobody knew.
Like magnets they circled towards each other on the quiet nights on the road. Always her place, never his. As if she'd make the effort to come toward him. Like he would ever let her invade his private safe space. It worked for them, transforming the anger into rough bites and hickeys. Lando enjoyed leaving them on her, just at the line where he knew she'd have to think about how to cover them up and made sure she never made any mark on him. Hate fucking, that's what that was.
Once again, his hot breath cut through the crispy Monaco night air coming from the opened window of her bedroom. He had her handcuffed to the bed side and legs wrapped around his toned torso. He was driving her crazy, not letting her stay on top this time, robbing her of the pleasure of watching him submit to her moves and direction. He watched attentively, making sure he changed his tempo whenever she was about to climax. She was not one to enjoy delayed gradification, not when this obnoxious idiot was watching her and having fun with it. One thing he had to admit was that she was fucking hot, mainly in the way how she able to carry herself around. From the first moment he had the misfortune to see her in person, it had been the one thought unable to leave his mind. What did she look like when she was just about to come? Was she the one to make any sounds? Did she like it rough or soft? Would she be able to dominate him? During the day, he let his frustrations out verbally, during the night he thrusted into her as if there was no tomorrow. Like a drug addict getting his hit. She was even more mad at him when he was fucking her. Because it was just so good. They had the same rhythm and their bodies spoke in a language no one would have understood anyway. So she just surrendered. It drove her crazy, not being on the top. He licked and bit her nipples and did forbidden things - like stopped fucking her out of nowhere and buried his head in her waist, slowly twisting his tongue around her clit. When he felt like she adjusted to that, he continued back with thrusting in her. He moved so fast that she started get dizzy from the motion, the heavenly kind of dizzy. Lando watched her like and animal would observe his prey. Not often did he manage to get completely under his control, but tonight was one of the precious days he'd be recalling in the shower days after. He delayed his own orgasm for as long as he could, but there was a point where he just gave in and released him into the condom. There was always a hint of disappointment in the joyous moment. His darkest wish was to have her walk the day after with his cum dripping out of her. She was his little work slut, his nemesis, his Vegas girl.
Y/N never wanted to cuddle afterwards. She appreciated that Lando always swiftly got up and left without a word. Because what if he had spoken, what if the oxytocin started flowing in and she'd loose her guard and get herself in even bigger of a mess than this little game was. She was the first female driver. There were things she had to prove to the world. Fucking one of the other drivers was not one of them.
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nyaagolor · 6 months
How do you rank the prosecutors on order of homophobia
forgot about this in my drafts for literally months oops. Anyway. Finished now!!!!
So I made this post a while ago that has some of the prosecutors and antagonists, but if you want a ranking of EVERY prosecutor (not including DGS bc i haven't finished yet) huzzah!!
Simon Blackquill: Not actually homophobic but he gets points docked for siccing Taka (known homophobe) at Klavier (known bisexual) for stealing his pretzels from the office pantry that one time. 3/10
Blaise Debeste: I think he's gay but he made me look at that ugly ass beard for far too long and I consider that disrespectful. out of principle? 8/10
Sebastian Debeste: Just look at him. 0/10
Miles Edgeworth: Bratworth was simultaneously gay, homophobic, and a misogynist, and eventually develops into a man who is only like 1.5 of those things. he's getting better. 5/10
Byrne Faraday: I don't really think he cares much about gay people he's busy being a single father and stealing shit. For the apathy? 2/10
Klavier Gavin: He's extremely gay and does a lot of work for the gay community but making Ema Skye deal with him is explicitly lesbophobic so 4/10
Godot: He has a lovely wife but whatever he was doing with Ron DeLite was probably not osha-compliant. I don't know what that means for his sexuality or stance on gay people and neither does he. ?/10
Ga'ran: I think she has a lot of other problems she should deal with first but considered she's bigoted to defense attorneys I don't think her being homophobic would be that out of pocket. Not sure I want to find out. 7/10
Neil Marshall: Have you ever been a gay bar? This guy would do NUMBERS. Also, real cowboys support gay rights. 0/10
Gaspen Payne: Being homophobic is actually why he got fired by the prosecutor's office and Winston is really fucking embarrassed about it. 10/10
Winston Payne: You'd think he'd be homophobic but you can't work for the Japanifornia Prosecutor's Office and hate gay people or you would actually go insane. He's like that one suburban guy who uses terms from the 60s but has the spirit. However, his ally lapel pin is really ugly so 3/10
Jaques Portman: He was calling Edgeworth slurs even before realizing he was gay. 9/10
Lana Skye: Dated Mia in college but refused to explain that to Ema because she has a lot of internalized homophobia and other weird issues of self. Repressed yuri personified. 1/10
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi: He supports gay people but gets all his talking points from the internet so even though he's supportive he's also incredibly fucking annoying about it and no one wants to invite him to brunch because of it. Stop using twitter for fact-checking you jackass. 2/10
Franziska Von Karma: Despite the fact that her lesbianism is so strong it borders on misandry, I think she has a lot of internalized homophobia so she spends the first 25 years of her life being a judgmental little shit. She'll get better dw about it. I believe she can bring that number down with time. 6/10
Manfred Von Karma: I think when he finds out Edgeworth is gay he starts going to gay bars and picking up dudes just to show Edgeworth he has way more rizz than him. Considering how people in my notes have told me on numerous occasions how much they want him carnally, I think he could actually pull it off. In that respect I think he's done a lot for the gay community. It ends up cancelling out somewhat because I think he'd be kind of an ass about it. 4/10
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strrwbrrryjam · 6 months
rockstar: here is micah bell. he is racist, he is misogynistic, and he harasses his fellow gang members as well as sexually towards the women in camp. he assaults several gang members. he's antagonistic to the player and the protagonist. arthur doesn't like him. no one in the gang (aside from dutch) likes him, no one feels safe with him. he spoke about "taking" a young deceased girl in a very creepy way. he is not a man that you can put your trust in. we've planted evidence at his camp that he was obviously planning something. we've had the pinkertons confess on micah's behalf that he was working with them and ratting them out.
incredibly stupid rdr2 player: oh but what if he didn't work alone. what if it's this young woman who came into the gang and got pregnant in her second or third year in the gang, who was then abandoned by her partner for the first year of her son's life. who knows that being in the gang is dangerous, for her and her son. who wants her son to grow up without the threat of dying hanging over her young son's head. who doesn't want her or her son to see his partner die. who is obviously in distress as gang members keep dying around her. whose fucking scared.
man, she's such a bitch to her partner, who disrespects her at every turn and then again abandoned her for the first year of her son's life and likely never apologized for it and barely acknowledges the fact that he even has a son and often accuses her of infidelity.
i mean, it doesn't make sense, right, that she, a young, healthy young woman escaped from the cops in disguise, from cops who wouldn't know her association with the gang, as she hasn't been in the gang that long and obviously with a young child, wouldn't go on a lot of the big jobs, but this old man, with a chronic illness and is the second most important gang member, who cares for this young woman and her child and sees her as family and wants the best for them and wants them out of the gang, who obviously had sacrificed himself for her so that they can live a better life.
another incredibly stupid rdr2 player: oh, yeah, you're right! although, it could have been this young woman, who was abused throughout the story of the game and disrespected at every turn by the gang leader. who was isolated from everyone because of the gang leader. who no one in the gang really likes due to the manipulations of the gang leader. who is losing her sanity due to the mistreatment and isolation over the course of the story. who is often interrupted when she tries to interact with other gang members and is often disregarded as less important and no ones priority. who is scared and alone, that when she disappears no one in the gang really notices or even cares.
incredibly stupid rdr2 player: oh man, you might be on to something there, i mean, she confessed, right? when she was incredibly drunk and in so much distress and obviously suicidal because of everything she went through over the course of the game. who is hurting so much that when she is dragged back to the gang, she is so clearly desperate for death and is pulling everything out of her ass for someone, anyone to free her from her daily torment. the rat could absolutely be her, right?
another incredibly stupid rdr2 player: man we are sooo smart. we obviously aren't just being incredibly sexist and take every opportunity to hate women even though we have nothing really to back up this statement.
rockstar: i fucking hate you guys.
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 5 months
I Can Fix That... | Dr. Jonathan Crane x fem!reader
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Summary| She's the detective assigned to investigate one of Gotham's top villains, Falcone, but as she follows her leads, she uncovers a new suspect: Dr. Jonathan Crane. His charisma and good looks won't stand in the way of justice, or at least that's what she thinks.
Warnings| Mentions of self-harm in the beginning in accordance to the movie (Batman Begins 2005). Not explicitly discussed but implied sexist and misogynistic work environment. Some archaic language when discussing psychiatric hospitals bc I tried to follow the language that the movie used. Violence with needles, drugging someone. Gun is mentioned but not used. Knife is mentioned a lot but never used to inflict pain. Smut, dubious consent, unprotected sex, restraints.
word count: 6757k (long-ass story bc I didn't want to make separate posts)
Song for a Guilty Sadist- Crywank 🎶
Butch 4 Butch- Rio Romeo 🎵
IFHY (feat. Pharrell)- Tyler, The Creator 🎶
Please read warnings before continuing, thanks <3
She had been following him for weeks, stealing into the shadows at every turn as Jonathan Crane walked through Gotham City’s Police Station. She’d been suspicious of him for months and with the men in the police force finally working up the nerve to investigate Gothem’s leading henchman, Falcone, she’d uncovered a theory that pointed simultaneously at the notorious psychiatrist. Of course, the men in her force had refused to believe her, reminding her of Crane’s long history with the department and work to establish Gothem’s Psychiatric Hospital for the Criminally Insane: Arkham Asylum. But the real reason why Crane had never been investigated was because of his status in the department of justice, and it didn’t hurt that the man was charismatic. He knew how to work the system to get what he wanted. 
Jonathan Crane had a reputation of declaring criminals insane after mere minutes of deliberation, especially those who happened to work with or for Falcone. She’d been in charge of carrying out Falcone’s case and taking him to trial as a detective for the prosecution. After being put in jail, Falcone had managed to slash his wrists just enough to draw attention and a little bit of blood. He was immediately flagged for psychiatric evaluation, bringing Jonathan Crane once again into the basement interrogation rooms to administer an interview. When he clamored down the steps onto the basement floor, she was waiting for him by the door into Falcone’s interrogation room.  
“Dr. Crane,” she greeted him with a smile, drawing every ounce of her long lost theater-kid days into play. 
“Miss —,” he remembered her name and shook her hand with a serious glint in his blue eyes, covered by harsh rectangular glasses. His handshake was firm and strong, and he made eye contact that still shook her even after speaking with him so many times before. She didn’t let it show, however, and nodded towards the door. 
“He cut his wrists last night during the changing of the guard but we don’t know how he even got access to the weapon that he used; and I’ve spoken with him numerous time since we processed him and he’s never given me any reason to suspect that he was mentally unstable, but of course, you are the professional. It’s better that he be evaluated anyway-”
“In case anything were to happen,” he finished for me and clenched his jaw. He gave a curt nod of his head and went inside, shutting the door behind him and drawing the blinds on the door closed. She scoffed quietly beneath her breath and clenched her fists. Don’t be fooled by his good looks or superior smile, she told herself, Jonathan Crane was capable of things that she didn’t know of yet. He was not someone to admire, he was someone to distrust. 
After only ten minutes of quiet murmuring, she could hear clear and blood curdling screams through the door. She knocked on the door, “Dr. Crane?” She called through the door but it opened in her face before she could do anything. He stood in the doorway, his dark hair falling into his pale, angular face. 
“He’s definitely what I would classify as mentally unstable,” he chuckled calmly as he side-stepped her and closed the door. He ran a hand through his hair and fixed the glasses perched on his nose. “I can’t treat him here, I’ll need to move him to Arkham.” 
“Are you sure?” She asked, more surprised than anything. He had started to walk down the hallway to the stairs when he turned around, stopping right in front of her face, his breath fanned across her face. 
“Are you questioning my diagnosis, detective?” He smirked, an underlying tone of warning below his wide-lipped smile. His blue eyes were unwavering as he studied her face, she swallowed to steady herself. 
“No, sir. Of course not.” She apologized and crossed her arms across her chest, ducking her head nervously. When she looked back up, his eyebrow was cocked. 
“Do I make you nervous, detective?” He smiled and she could tell he was setting a trap, attempting to make himself more likable, more trusting. As if he could be anything of the sort. She laughed lightly and met his eyes, holding his eye-contact defiantly. 
“No, sir.” She answered and he nodded. 
“Good day, Miss —.” He called with his back turned, walking to the stairs and climbing them quickly. She watched him leave and finally released a sigh of relief. There was something about him that unsettled her, but it was something that also attracted her with a devious strength, ripping factual and independent reasoning from her head. 
She had started following him when one of Falcone’s men had been moved to Arkham two weeks before. She switched her assignment for the day to escort the man to Arkham, getting a chance to see the asylum for herself. It was a large gothic building with a modern facade in the center of Gotham. The attendants at the door led the prisoner (or patient now) through the heavily guarded door into the hospital’s main ward that was closed to visitors. Even police or other officials had to obtain a special license that granted them clearance into the institution. The second time she’d stepped inside, she was following a few yards behind Crane, studying how he actually entered the building. They had a separate entrance for the asylum’s psychiatrists at the side of the building by the alley. She waited a few minutes for Crane to enter the building before she approached the guard stationed at the door and flashed her badge. He’d allowed her in but warned that he’d lose his job if he did it again. The next time she followed him, she would need a new method of entering the building, one that didn’t alert Crane that she was in the building in case he got suspicious. When she entered it was easier to blend in so she followed the maze of hallways until she reached a small hub with arrows guiding attendants to the different wards of the hospital. Dr. Crane’s office was included in the psychiatrist ward (funny they had their own ward). 
The psychiatrists each had their own labs, whether or not they used them was their own business, but she knew for sure that Crane used his but for what, she didn’t know. Walking down the hallway to his office, she peeked inside the wide panel of glass into his lab. He had one assistant who was copying his notes into a binder for Crane but quickly left when Crane shooed him away from the set of beakers and vials of powders he was working with. She flattened herself against the wall and pretended to answer a call on her phone as the assistant passed her in the hallway. She hurried to leave the institute, leaving through the same door she entered, thanking the security guard discreetly. 
This time as she watched Crane climb the stairs, she pulled aside a police officer and explained Falcone’s transfer. The officer nodded and left to initiate the transfer to Arkham, Falcone’s hysterical screams still audible through the thick steel door. Crane tugged at the starched collar of his shirt as he crossed the lobby of the police station, sighing in relief. Falcone had tried to corner him. Him! Falcone may have been powerful but he was stupid and Crane didn’t have patience for stupidity especially from someone who was supposed to be a criminal mastermind. News flash: he wasn’t. Falcone was sloppy and arrogant, he didn’t take his own threats seriously. He’d threatened to tell the police about Crane’s experimental drug concoctions but in reality, he still didn’t know the full extent of what Crane was planning to do to Gotham. 
“You don’t know anything,” Crane said pointedly, tired of Falcone’s attitude. 
“I know that half of the drugs we moved belong to you and the police still don’t know what they are or what they can do.” Falcone scratched his greasy nose. Crane almost laughed. He removed his glasses and sighed, reaching into his open briefcase. 
As soon as the words, “would you like to see my mask,” left his mouth, Falcone was done for. The only thing that had inspired a shred of panic for Crane was hearing the girl’s voice through the steel door, calling his name. He expected her to open the door and see his mask, and while he had an explanation that a normal officer would believe, he knew that she was different. He didn’t trust her but something about her made him laugh. She was good looking and smart but too invested in his work and he didn’t like that. He’d have to keep an eye on the young detective, Miss —. In fact, he’d like to strap her down… hide her away in his asylum and play with her head like he did with his other playthings - - - oops - - - patients. Same thing.
She pretended that her plan was straightforward, it was the only way that she could convince herself to go through with it. No one else in her department would have had the balls to sneak into the asylum where once you went in, you may not be able to leave, that is- if Dr. Crane diagnosed you accordingly. She left a note on her desk in her office, explaining where she was going and the evidence she had already collected. Photos, “destroyed” medical records, and recent missing shipments from cargo ships including one micro-wave machine meant for warfare. She made copies of everything and hid them away in a special box directed to the only person she really trusted in her department, Sgt. Gordon. Even if someone dumped the notes on her desk, Sgt. Gordon would find the box of evidence, she knew. Falcone had been transferred the day before and was nearing his second night in the institution, now was her time to investigate what he was planning to do to him and why. 
She stashed a small knife at her thigh, having learned that a woman had to carry multiple weapons in this city if she wanted to protect herself, which unfortunately, happened often. She checked her weapon and put it in her holster at the small of her back. She was wearing a gray quarter length top tucked into a black skirt. She pulled on her straight black leather coat and closed the door to her office, locking the door. She knew that Crane would be in his office, he almost never went home, and with Falcone there and at risk to disclose sensitive information, he would be sure to stay close by. 
The sun had already set hours before when she approached Arkham Asylum. Each window was bright with light but it didn’t make the building any more welcoming. She shivered as she approached the side door, seeing a different security guard at the door. He stood when she approached, not recognizing her.  
“Stand down, officer. I’m detective — on police business,” she showed him her badge.
“You’ll have to check in at the front, detective.” The officer sat back down with a nod. 
“My business here is strictly confidential; Dr. Crane said I could enter in this way.” She pointed at the side door and the officer looked nervously at her. He reached for his walkie-talkie. 
“I’m here about Falcone. I am the detective assigned to his case, he was transferred here two days ago. I’m supposed to meet with Dr. Crane about some of the things Falcone has said during his initial treatment. Because of the sensitivity of Falcone’s case in the department, as I’m sure you know, the department has asked that we keep this confidential. No one inside can know that I was here to meet about Falcone. We haven’t told the public yet that he’s been transferred here. Your compliance is necessary for this.” She lied out of her ass but the officer nodded slowly when she finished, his eyes widening at the mention of Falcone’s name. 
“Oh, of course. I’m sorry for delaying you. It’s just business.” 
“I understand completely, thank you officer.” She smiled kindly as the officer scanned her in. Once she was inside she hid her police badge and followed the path she had scouted days before, following the black arrows to the psychiatrist ward (again, funny that they had their own ward- almost as if they were patients themselves). Her black mary janes squeaked quietly as she finally turned onto the hallway where Dr. Crane’s office was located. A row of fluorescent bulbs flickered ominously and she rolled her eyes, silently cursing the asylum for its additional eeriness. His lab was empty and dark and his office was empty though the lights were still on. An assistant passed her, coming from a different lab with a pile of boxes in her arms. 
“Excuse me, do you know where Dr. Crane is right now?” She asked the assistant who shuffled the boxes in her arms to answer. 
“I saw him in the ward with the new transfer patients just before I picked these up, so he’s probably about to start a sit-down with a patient. Do you have an appointment with him?” She asked curiously, knowing it was too late for a business meeting. 
“No, I work in the office and I was going to request a few files to finish a transfer of a patient but it seems that he’s busy. I’ll try tomorrow morning. Thank you!” She smiled and the assistant nodded. 
“Have a nice night,” the assistant hurried off down the corridor into the hub. She wasted no time in checking the door to Crane’s office which was miraculously unlocked. She hurried inside and closed the door, making sure that she left everything as she had found it. The door to the lab was located inside Crane’s office, so she entered the lab through the office. The blinds were closed to the outside so she opened the flashlight on her phone and scanned the dark lab tables for the powders she had seen before. The room smelled heavily of chemicals and cleaning solution and it was hard to breathe normally already because she was nervous. The first table was empty of anything but the second was set up for what looked to be his next round of testing. A box that looked like a closed mouse trap was set up on the table. There was a single switch on the top of the box which she knew better than to turn but she examined it nonetheless, hoping to see what it may contain. A tray of petri dishes full of powder sat beside it. Each was marked with a different series of numbers and letters, denoting their different status, she assumed. She recognized the series on one of the dishes: F7jw009. The number had appeared on the list of drugs recovered from Falcone’s drug transport. It was one that hadn’t yet been tested to see what it was composed of. She didn’t recognize the two other dishes but she assumed the powder and the mousetrap device were used for the same thing.
There was a small bookcase attached to the base of the lab table and she crouched, scanning the spines. The books on the top, free of dust, were on phobias. A bound scientific paper on the chemical structure of fear sat on top of the textbooks. She picked it up and flipped through the pages, noticing strokes of pen and notes on many of the pages. In the centerfold of the paper, she saw a picture of a cartoon scarecrow, one from a halloween decoration. It looked like it had been ripped from a kid’s storybook. She stared at the picture, struggling to place where she had heard about a scarecrow before in the precinct… she flipped farther through the pages and landed on a second photo shoved between the pages. It was a drawing of a mask made of burlap. The mask resembled a scarecrow’s face, she furrowed her eyebrows, more uneasy. Finally, she flipped to the very end where she found a clear note detailing what Crane thought the synopsis of the paper had been: 
Fear can be constructed using a series of complex compounds and put into an admissible form. They have already invented serums that temporarily remove the presence of fear by blocking certain receptors in the brain that receive signals of distress or pain. By doing the very opposite, temporarily numbing the receptors that calm the nervous system when danger has been averted, fight or flight is heightened and the human mind is more susceptible to the suggestion of danger and terror. Fear merely needs to be suggested to elicit a response after the brain is prepped for the reaction. Fear can be weaponized. Building the compounds of fear into a powder, the drug can be administered immediately into the air and receive a simultaneous reaction. Pills? Water? How can we distribute this powder? What is the easiest way to administer fear to the entire population? 
The distinct click of a door opening and closing shocked her back to attention. She put the bound paper back onto the shelf and switched off the light on her phone. In the dark she scrambled into a hidden alcove inside the lab behind one of the hooded chemical boxes. She was pretty sure that the lab’s closet would be shared with the lab next door but she couldn’t remember which side of the room it was on. Dr. Crane had gone into his office and removed his suit jacket. He was too excited by Falcone’s reaction to his fear serum in powder form and he needed to get a handle on himself. It was nearly midnight when he checked his watch. Most of his colleagues would be gone by now, just the night staff remained to look after the patients. Night was the perfect time to work undisturbed in his lab, especially because his assistant couldn’t know the full extent of his research into the chemical compounds of human fear. He slipped his coat over the back of his desk chair and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows. 
He exhaled slowly and removed a stack of papers from his desk, flipping through them as he opened the door into his lab and kicked the door closed with the heel of his shoe. His elbow flicked on the lightswitch and he spread out the papers on the first lab table, seemingly absorbed by the chemical structures his assistant had prepared for him to review. He scribbled a note in red pen on the corner of the document, berating his assistant for his obvious mistake with one of the compound structures. What was this? High school chemistry class? He licked his thumb and turned the page, writing another note in the margin. 
“I know you’re here, Miss —.” He smiled, not looking up from his notes. He tossed the first set of pages further down the table and moved to the next one. “You and your perfume… I can always tell where you’ve been by your scent. I don’t think you’re naive enough to wear perfume in your field, especially when on your little jaunts into other people’s business. So, the lovely smell is from your shampoo, I venture. You use an expensive brand of shampoo because you think that your hair is your best attribute, and I agree, it's one of the best. Your job makes you feel dirty too, doesn’t it? This city makes you feel dirty and so you wash your hair every night with the same sulfate-free shampoo to get the smell of our city out of your system. Your shampoo smells like mint and you like it the best because it makes your head feel cleaner, tingly,” he laughed and moved to the next stack of stapled papers. “And that’s why you chose this job, a detective, because you feel like you’re cleaning up our streets; removing all of the bad blood of Gotham but it’s been a disappointment to say the least. The system is backwards, though you knew that from the beginning, you thought you could fix it. You want things to be right and I don’t blame you, so do I.” 
Dr. Crane finished writing a note on the last paper and capped the pen. He circled the table once before moving to the second table. 
“I’m cleaning the city in my own way, I guess you could say. This city needs a restart button, a way to begin everything again and start fresh. Fear can do that, fear can be controlled and it controls.” 
She could barely breathe, her back was pressed against the wall of his lab. She was scared and she knew that he knew. Fear was his thing, his kink and she anticipated the absolute worst as she waited out her fate, wondering how long it would take for him to find her or if she could manage to escape. 
“This machine can diffuse the compounded form of fear. I’ve used it on most of your suspects, all of them Faclone’s men. I even used it on Falcone himself. Oh, I wish you could have seen his face! The second the powder entered his system he abandoned the arrogant criminal persona, he reverted back to who he was at his very core. He was suddenly controllable and easy to manage. So you see how this could be used to clean up Gotham. It’s a way to seize back control of our city, take it away from the people who run it now; the sycophants and billionaires.” 
Crane pulled a needle from the drawer at his hip and flicked the glass tube. Her chest rose and fell in a state of panic. Dr. Crane leaned against the counter calmly. 
“That’s why you like me. I’m clean. I’m orderly and smart. I’m the opposite of the criminal justice system that reminds you of this dirty city. And, Y/N, that’s why I like you.”
She tensed at his use of her first name. She’d never heard him use it before and it sent a chill down her spine. She reached for her gun. Dr. Crane rounded the corner and stabbed the needle into her neck, pushing the tranquilizer into her bloodstream. She wobbled before slumping back against the wall. She managed to push past him and run for the office door but the drugs worked almost immediately and her legs began to go numb. She couldn’t feel anything below her waist and she worried that he would break her legs running without being able to feel which bones she was using to get away. She collapsed on the floor of the lab and looked up at Dr. Crane who smiled down at her, his hair disheveled. 
“Don’t be embarrassed,” he cooed and crouched at her feet, “I applaud you for your efforts. You may have succeeded had I not recognized the smell of your shampoo. I know you’ve been here before. You’re a smart girl but I won this game, and the victor gets the spoils. That’s how it works, Miss —.” He crawled over her and pulled the needle from her neck. She didn’t even feel it. Her hair that he loved so much was fanned out on the floor, falling in loose curls. He twirled a curl between his fingers and nodded approvingly. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll treat you with the utmost respect. Afterall, you are my colleague, of sorts,” he shrugged and stood up, straddling her. “It’s a pity that you became a detective. You would have done well in this bloodthirsty field because,” he disappeared for a moment and returned with a set of keys which he slipped into his front pocket, “you’re like me.” 
He pulled her up and put one of her arms around his shoulder, supporting the brunt of her weight that way. Though he was small and lanky, he was muscular and strong. He dragged her through the door in his lab that connected to a separate room that she hadn’t even noticed. He flipped the light switch with his elbow and sighed with pleasure when the room was lit up with light. 
“Here it is. This is where the real fun happens, Y/N. This is where I test my new treatments on our most psychotic patients. Falcone will be here soon, perhaps tomorrow once you and I finish our discussion.” The room was smaller than the lab and housed what looked like a mortuary slab. She tried to scream but her mouth was numb. He dragged her to the table and lifted her onto the flat surface. The numerous straps he buckled around her waist, her wrists, and her feet. When she was secured onto his table, he pushed a peddle at his foot which titled the table forward, propping her more upright. 
“Ah, and now I can finally see you,” Dr. Crane smiled and moved her hair so that it was caught behind her back. He straightened her hair against her chest, running his fingers through the strands. He moved a stool in front of the table and sat on it, his legs spread and his arms across against his chest. “Do I make you nervous now, detective?” He smirked and chuckled darkly when she couldn’t respond. “It will wear off soon. It’s one of those doses that act quickly but then wear off just as quickly. I wouldn’t do anything to you while you were in this state. What kind of man would I be if I did that?” 
He watched her for a few minutes, his bright blue eyes trailing up and down her body. She knew what that look meant from men. Her gun was so close and yet she knew she wouldn't be able to reach it even when she regained control over her body. While he waited, he arranged numerous tools and vials around the room, humming softly to himself. She could feel herself starting to get feeling back in her stomach as the blood recirculated from her heart. Her hands and her feet took the longest to twitch awake. She dropped her head from left to right, groaning in the absence of words. Dr. Crane came back and checked her pulse, pinching her wrist and counting the seconds on his watch. 
“Good girl, you’re coming back. Can you speak yet?” He supported her chin with his hand and when she didn’t answer he nodded. “That’s all right. You’re all right.” He soothed her and she couldn’t help but relax as his eyes checked over her. “Now, Miss —, where are your weapons?” He posed the question theoretically and touched her, she flinched beneath his hands. He felt around her waist and inside her jacket. “There aren’t many places to hide it.” He whispered and wrapped his hands around her waist, finding the gun at the small of her back. “Ah, here it is.” He smiled as he took the gun from its holster and tossed it onto a small lab table. “You have something else, don’t you. You’re smart so of course, you have a second weapon.”  He licked his lips, thinking but it didn’t take him long to trail his hands up her thighs, glancing up into her eyes as he did. Her skirt rose as he felt below it and soon, his fingers were on top of the knife’s handle. 
“What do we have here?” He lifted her skirt, showing the knife’s hiding place at the top of her thigh. “This is honestly almost funny so forgive me if I laugh.” He ripped the knife from the holster and she cried out as much as she could, terrified by his quick movement. He let her skirt fall back into place and twirled the knife in his hand, examining the small blade. “You’ve just made my night so much more interesting, Miss —.” He smirked darkly. 
She finally regained her ability to speak though her words were jumbled and hard to get out around her tongue.
“Use your words, honey.” Dr. Crane frowned frustratedly. 
“Please…” she managed, “don’t… hurt… me.” She pushed the words out and he listened carefully. 
“Oh but it’s so hard to resist when you so willingly came here and with your own weapons. Can you see how this might be hard for me?” He furrowed his brow as he spoke and she couldn’t tell what was sarcasm and what was real. 
“It was nothing personal… I had a job to do.” She whispered weakly and he cocked his head, his lips parted. 
“You know it's funny because Falcone’s men all said the same thing. I know you didn’t work with them… but I can make it look like you did.” He whispered close to her face and her chest clenched with fear. “I can do whatever I want, do you understand? I have the power to say that you checked yourself in and I evaluated you. I found you on the verge of a psychotic breakdown because we all know you were already prone to hysterics. But your office shouldn’t worry because I’ll be your psychiatrist. And so what if you happen to disappear- go missing? No one comes in here, except for you, and that was stupid.” 
“You might die tonight, detective. I’m sorry to say it because you are one of the most attractive women I have met in Gotham and I fear that you have ruined our chances of continuing this to a second date.” He studied the curvature of her clavicle as it dipped above her sternum. Not knowing what else to do, she kissed him. Dr. Crane stiffened as her lips met his. He pulled away, stopping short a few inches from her mouth.
“What are you doing?” He raised his eyebrow. 
“If I’m going to die, I might as well make the most of it,” she shrugged and kissed him again, her head leaning as far forward as she could reach. She hoped that she sounded truthful enough. He pulled away again and stared at her, his forehead creased as he watched her. She panted softly, straining against her restraints. Her cheeks were flushed and her chest had broken out into hives from the stress. Fear made her even more beautiful. Going against his better judgment, he leaned forward into her and kissed her hesitantly. Slowly, he began to kiss her more aggressively, his tongue dragging against the roof of her mouth before he captured her top lip in a deep kiss. Her hands instinctively went to reach for his hair but they snapped back against the table. He broke away, panting, and took a few steps back, resting his back against the wall. 
“I don’t trust you,” he put his hands on his hips, still holding the knife. 
“What can I do, Jonathan?” She tried using his first name and he raised an eyebrow again, “I can’t move, no one can hear me scream, you’re going to kill me… what reason is there left to trust me? So, either kiss me or go ahead and kill me.” She nearly cried, overwhelmed and terrified. Her plan had been to seduce him, to use most men’s fatal flaw against him, but she worried that it wouldn’t work with Dr. Jonathan Crane. In a way, she had planned for this. The evidence was back in her office waiting to be discovered. She hadn’t gotten a chance to take pictures of the lab but maybe depending on how far he went with this, she could get away. But God, even though she was terrified and held on a slab against her will, he was beautiful. He was looking at her with his aquamarine eyes, his black hair gelled and falling around his face. Even his glasses looked perfect on his face. 
“Jonathan…” she started with a shakily voice, “despite why I came today and what you’ve told me about what you want to do to Gotham, right now, more than anything, I want you to come here and kiss me because while I may hate you and you may be the cause of my death, I want you. Give me some comfort if you’re going to take everything away from me.” 
“Freud would have some things to say about you, Y/N.” He pushed his glasses higher on the bridge of his nose and studied the edge of the knife. “Your psychology is so interesting,” he flicked his eyes up to her’s and set the knife down on the table. “To study you…” he trailed off as he loosened his tie and ripped it from his neck. He approached her, standing far enough away that she couldn’t reach him with her mouth. She exhaled, waiting. “I almost studied anatomy,” he pushed a hand against her navel, holding her even more in place. 
“Why didn’t you?” She whispered. 
“I loved the human mind too much to abandon it,” he smiled and drew a hand up her thigh. Her muscles spasmed beneath his hand. He leaned in against her ear, “I know you’re scared of me,” he whispered calmly, “and isn’t that incredible? That you can be so afraid of something that you want so much?” His hand pulled down her underwear and it stretched between her open thighs, held apart by the restraints. His hand went further still, gently tracing the folds of her labia. She knew that she was wet and it embarrassed her, though she knew it helped confirm her story that she wanted him, he didn’t seem to care either way. His thumb rubbed her clit as he slowly inserted his middle finger into her, pushing past the initial resistance. She always hated fingering because it didn’t feel like how people pretended it did. That being said, she sighed as he gently inserted a second finger and pulled against the top of her cunt, fingering her slowly. 
“The body holds fear because our bodies hold memories,” he explained as he pressed her clit harder. “I can find what really scares you and I can fix it.” 
“I’m scared of you,” she whispered, her breath escaping in a sharp pant. 
“I can fix that.” 
He pulled his fingers out of her and held her neck still against the table as he kissed her. The sense of urgency to fight and escape melted into an afterthought when the back of his hand slid slowly down one side of her neck, making the tendons flex. He held her neck still as he kissed down to her collarbones, licking their shelves and tracing the bone with his tongue. His free hand groped her breast over her tight shirt and then surrounded her waist. She started shifting her hips back and forth, wishing that she had something between them to relieve the pressure she felt. He smiled against her skin and clicked his tongue, pulling away from her. He pressed the pedal again with his foot and the table reclined once again as it had been. He climbed onto the table and sat above her on his knees, looking down at her as she panted. 
“Look at me,” he told her and made sure that her eyes met his. “I have no plans to kill you tonight and I know this act is solely for the benefit of your own survival. But knowing that I will not kill you, would you like to change your mind?” He put both hands around her waist, showing the pale flesh of his forearms. She tried to weigh her options, she tried to think clearly but it all felt like a dream. It didn’t feel real enough to have consequences, so she shook her head and licked her lips quickly.
“No, keep going.” She whispered, “please.” Dr. Crane chuckled lightly and trailed his fingers down to her ankles. 
“In that case, would you like to see my mask?” He smiled darkly, teasing her. 
“No, I want to see your face.” She answered calmly and he nodded. 
“Fine.” He removed the restraints around her ankles. He took the knife from the table and cut away her underwear with one strong swipe of the blade. She gasped and he smirked, “I’m a doctor, remember? I know how to use a knife, detective.” 
He put the knife aside and pulled her knees up, sitting between them. He unbuckled his pants and withdrew his erection, glistening with precum. He guided himself into her with his hand, his eyes never leaving her face. She gasped again as he entered her. He rocked his hips slowly back and forth and groaned, watching her mouth open in a silent moan. She raised her knees higher, closer to her chest, giving him a better angle at which to fuck her. His hands pressed against her stomach and his thrusts became faster as his body began to learn hers. 
“You’re getting wetter,” he observed with a sly smile, “I must be doing something right.” He teased her as he started to rub her clit with his thumb, the rest of his hand pressed against her uterus. She couldn’t even speak. It had been months since she’d last had sex and even then, it wasn’t good sex. “I’m going to go harder but you can take it,” he told her matter of factly and placed either hand by her hips on the table. Leaning forward he shifted his hips slowly but harder, going deeper without much care for how her body adapted to the thrusts. “There you go,” he grunted as his hips bucked rhythmically into hers. She cried out, her body sliding up and down against the table, hot with her perspiration. Holding onto the top of the table, he moved farther up, pushing more inside of her, and started thrusting fast. He was suddenly in so deep and only backing away a few inches before snapping back in. Her hips bounced off of his and she gripped the excess material around her wrists to help her stay stationary. 
“Slow… God, please! Slow down… its so much, fuck.” She whimpered and smiled down at her face, flushed and angry with red. He slowed his hips, squeezing his glutes together whenever he thrusted inside. He leaned down and kissed her slowly, still rocking in and out of her. Her body shuttered from the high and started to build a more even climax. She hummed against his lips, her voicing getting higher as she started to orgasm. 
“And here comes the orgasm,” Jonathan smiled and sped up slightly, leaving hickies up and down her neck. She orgasmed with a shuttering cry that she couldn’t cover with her hand, but he didn’t let her finish there. “Fuck, you got so tight again.” He groaned as she panted, her system overwhelmed with waves of pleasure and exertion. She started to tighten further around him as her thighs squeezed his hips. Her breath left her lungs in short pants and she moaned beneath him like a pitiful creature. “Are you cumming again?” He laughed and stroked her cheek. She nodded weakly and he kissed her again briefly. 
“Its so tight, fuck. I won’t last much longer like this.” He took her hips in his hands and started a steady rhythm, pulling her hips onto his cock and thrusting at the same time. She came around him and he groaned animalistically, his thrusts becoming more sporadic and needy. He watched her breasts bounce inside her shirt and how he slid in and out of her, her cum collecting at the base of his shaft. Finishing with fast, desperate movements, he moaned loudly. She felt him finish inside her and it felt almost better than if she had finished herself. He pulled down her bottom lip with his thumb and admired her fucked-out face. Her pupils were shot and she shook slightly from the high. Finally, he pulled out and stuffed himself back into his pants. He sighed as he straightened his clothes and ran a hand through his hair. He took the gun and the knife and stuffed them both into a drawer and locked it with a set of keys from his pocket. They stared at each other for a while until Jonathan broke the silence, clearing his throat. 
“You’re coming home with me tonight, Miss —. We’ll decide what to do with you later.” 
421 notes · View notes
madelynraemunson · 2 months
i neeeed you to hear me out on this one okay. okay okay so the song is casual by chappell roan and its about like being super intimate w a guy but he still tells his friends you're just a casual fuck. like some of the lyrics are "i've heard so many rumors that i'm just a girl that you bang on your couch" and "knee deep in the passenger seat and you're eating me out, is it casual now?" so like. eddie munson. angst. and reader whos fed up with him being so cocky to his friends ab how he gets her off while he brushes her off. PLEASE hear me out 🫣
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(as someone who dated a literal INCEL in high school who was charismatic to all and manipulative to none but me this fucking triggered me. i see you boo)
CW: misogynist behavior, adult themes, 18+ minors DNI
eddie sweetie, this isn't you :( but without further a due...
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"If you have to go around telling people that you're a good person, you probably aren’t a good person."
incel!asshole!modern!eddie x fem!innocent!reader
WC: 1.3k words | part two here
Ever since you became exclusive with the ‘Town Freak’, your friends have constantly been ripping your ass a new one.
They were all so wrong about Eddie Munson. Because beneath the rugged, edgy persona he likes to put on every day (spewing his ‘Abolish-The-Status-Quo’ Manifesto atop an unsteady table in the cafeteria) lies a woman-worshipping gentleman, a soft, romantic, misunderstood love-sick puppy who would do just about anything to know you like the back of his hand.
Your dream boy.
"No one ever wants to date the nice guy," Eddie would say to you, alluding to himself. You’d constantly deny his claim. “But the jocks? The rabbits in band? The chess club dweebs? Oh yeah, without a doubt. Anyone but the freak."
It all made you think Eddie was created perfectly for you. That there was some sort of invisible string in the halls of Hawkins High, waiting for just the right moment to pull you two together. And when you two kissed that one day after detention, his hands snaked gently around your waist behind the rusty, faded bleachers out by the stadium, it felt like a match made in heaven.
“You gonna be my girl?” Eddie grinned into you, stroking your cheek, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Mine and mine only?”
“Yours,” you whispered breathlessly to him before reeling him in for another blissful peck.
And soon, lonely afternoons in study hall turned into D&D campaigns with him and his friends. Mundane weekend errands turned into fishing trips with him and Wayne. And soon quiet, anxious car rides became karaoke and head-banging sessions. Once aimless and confused, lost in the melody of life, suddenly all the love songs were about Eddie. You finally found the one.
It all leads you to believe your friends were just jealous of you. True friends would be over the moon.
This afternoon you had a surprise for Eddie. Just last week, you lost your virginity to him and were still swooning over how caring and tender he was with you. Surely, that is the bare minimum for a guy, but the bare minimum is so hard to come by nowadays. Cookies for Discord night with his friends was the least you can do to show how much you appreciate your boyfriend.
After extracurriculars, you rush home to get the oven going, throwing down in the kitchen to make the best snickerdoodles Eddie will ever have. And after one last look in the mirror, fixing your flirty skirt and your plump glossy lips, you set off to Forrest Hills Trailer Park.
Eddie has his headset on so he doesn’t hear your multiple knocks at the door. You knew he would be home though, dude’s got nowhere else to be on a Friday night. Eventually, you decide to hobble out back, looking through one of the windows by the kitchen that he always cracked open just so he doesn’t hotbox the place.
“I’m right behind you, right behind you!” Eddie warns his friends as he nears them in the game. “Gonna need some backup from Gareth the Great.”
Since he’s focused on his electronics, you decide to shoot him a text message. Hopefully then he’ll come to the door.
Hi baby 💕 I brought you some homemade snickerdoodles :)
You can’t help but smile when you hear your custom text-tone go off. But, to your surprise, you watch as Eddie turns a blind eye, chucking his phone onto the nearby couch instead of answering your text.
What the fuck?
"Ugh. She's texting me again," your boyfriend grumbles to the boys as he proceeds with the game. "She's kinda annoying, to be honest. Gonna wait a while before I respond.”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. Pressing your ear against the mesh blinds that separated you two from each other, you decide to listen in for a while longer.
“Don’t you think you’re stringing her along, Eds?”
Yeah, don’t you think? you think to yourself.
“Yeah, but… free pink,” Eddie sneers with a tsk and shrug. “However I want, whenever I want. She just makes it so easy.”
Eddie then starts to spill the details of taking your virginity, about how you were “chimping out” underneath him on his couch while Wayne was sleeping. What was a sacred ordeal to you was made to sound like a cheap, subpar experience to Eddie. His commentary sends the boys into a spiral, fits of hooting and hollering like it was the best stand-up bit they’ve heard in a long time. Resentment simmers within you. This can’t be the same boy.
“How’d you get a pretty girl like that anyway?” comes another voice in the call.
“Pretty fucking easy,” Eddie scoffs. “You just tell her exactly what she wants to hear. Just say what she says right back to her and the panties come right off. She’ll think you’re soulmates.”
The room erupts with virtual laughter, followed by obnoxious sound effects that the app enables users to send to one another. Your stomach begins to twist, the forbidden cookie dough you ingested just an hour prior threatening to make its way back up.
“HAHAHA,” someone in the chat cackles. “Eds will do anything for that roast beef.”
“I’ve always been keen on them deli meats. Am I right, boys?”
The snickering commences again. Eddie thanks the Discord guys as they extol him in compliments, encouraging him to write a playbook on how to get a proper lay. Eddie ends up shutting down the idea. But not because he thinks it’s fucked. No. It’s because he claims he doesn’t “have to try” and that you just “put out” at the drop of a hat.
The tray of Eddie’s undeserved cookies shakes in your hands as your body begins to tremble. You’re going to be sick. And just when you think it can’t get anymore twisted, it does.
“Hey, what do you think about that girl from math class with the fat ass?”
“God if she’s into me too I’d dump my girl in a heartbeat,” Eddie swoons.
Of course he’d gawk over Harmony. Outside of Tammy Thompson and Chrissy Cunningham, Harmony Heathers was next up to bat for the Queen of Hawkins High.
“She’s got fucking beanbags where her ass should be. I’d do just about anything for her.”
“And her.”
“Yeah and I’d do her.”
"I'd do her too," Eddie admits.
That’s enough.
You’ve heard enough to know that Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson was just like the rest. Throwing the snickerdoodle cookies you made for him into the trash, you sprint back to your car and set off for your house, music blaring the entirety of the commute.
My friends call me a loser 'Cause I'm still hanging around
I've heard so many rumors That I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch
You slam the door to your room the moment you get home. And before stripping down and hopping into the safety of a warm shower, you send Eddie one last text.
Actually, you know what? It’s over. Don’t talk to me ever again.
Washing the grossness off of you was the only way you felt you could feel okay.
You wanted the remnants of Eddie OFF of your body. Hysterically sobbing, you attempt scrub off all the dead skin on your body with a loofah. Frustrated tears roll down your face.
I thought you thought of me better, Someone you couldn't lose
You wanted all the dead cells off of you. You wanted a new body. You wanted a new life.
And you couldn’t wait to grow newer, thicker skin. A new shell of you. It will be skin that Eddie can never say he touched.
You said, "We're not together" So now when we kiss,
Fuck Eddie Munson.
I have anger issues
You give the weird kid a chance, and then suddenly he acts like you’re the freak.
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silkjade · 2 years
genshin men as wedding dates
It’s wedding season and you’ve got a large one coming up. But it’s not just any wedding, it’s a family wedding meaning…extended relatives. Are you going to brave the night out on your own or are you rsvping with a plus one?
Featuring— Kaeya, Diluc, Venti, Childe, Zhongli, Xiao, Thoma
gn!reader, modern au, mentions of alcohol, mostly platonic but implied romantic feelings
Part 1 (here) - Part 2 - Part 3
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you guys pregame the wedding
he’s cool, he’s charismatic, he’s definitely the hottest person at the entire event (and he knows it)
makes funny little comments about the family with you; flirty banters all day all night
insists on dancing together and will definitely dip you at some point
gossips with the old ladies (i mean he’s not #1 grandson candidate for nothing right) and tells you everything
drawback is he makes you take photos of him all night and will make you take it again until he likes it! and it’s not just fit pics because he’ll be drinking a glass of wine or eating cake and be like
“wait take a candid of me real quick”
the bride overshot the mark and tossed the bouquet way too far and that’s how he ends up catching the bouquet
“oh? guess we’re next” and then he offers the bouquet to you and kisses your hand
clingyyyyy drunk at the end of the night and spills about how nice it was to be included at a family event, and how grateful he is to you for inviting him
please invite him again to your next family gathering
congrats you’ve officially gotten the family flex of the century! bragging rights forever!
picks you up in his fancy car. he’s not planning to drink anyway so he’ll take care of you (but pls drink responsibly he just wants to have a nice night out with you)
you get interrogated upon arrival because is that really the wine tycoon diluc ragnvindr???
will excuse the both of you if he notices you’re getting overwhelmed; diluc’s had his fair share of social events so he does this easily without offending anyone for your sake
“ I said I’d take care of you tonight, didn’t I?”
the flower girl asks him for a dance and he does the thing where he lifts her onto his feet and oops now all the kids at the wedding want a turn à la ross from friends
would’ve been stuck there all night but you’re soft for his ‘help me’ face so you whisk him away and he finally gets to dance with you
a week later you get a link with all the photos from that night and there’s a candid of the two of you where you’re laughing and diluc is looking at you with a soft smile and the most lovestruck look in his eyes
if it’s a wedding with an open bar..do you really even have to ask??
on the ride there, he keeps saying he’s got something up his sleeve but doesn’t elaborate further, just “ehe”
turns out he snuck his pet lizard dvalin in via his..you guessed it, sleeve. dvalin escapes some time during the ceremony and neither of you notice because you’re busy whispering little jokes and comments to each other
you guys don’t see dvalin again until the reception when an entire table is screaming
he makes up for it by making the most beautiful, poetic toast to the married couple
someone wanted to film a first drink vs last drink tiktok and it goes viral but all the comments are about venti’s segment (he’s at ‘tie around his head’ level messy)
pukes on you in the uber back and passes out. you have to haul his ass home after the driver sticks you with the cleaning bill. he’s here for a good time not for a long time
wants to make a good impression so he insists on you giving him a who’s who rundown presentation a week before the big day. calls it a battle plan
“that’s your misogynistic cousin right? can I punch him?” “yeah but just do it outside”
HAS to win all the wedding games
it’s his dance floor and we’re just dancing on it
your teen cousins all develop a crush on him because they think he’s the fun spontaneous boyfriend of their dreams
you two take forever in the photobooth; you’re doing cute photos, funny photos, using all the props!! even sneaks a kiss on your cheek! puts his copy in the back of his phone case (he has one of those clear ones)
he's great with the kids at the wedding; and seeing him almost seamlessly blend into your family dynamics makes you feel a little….
everyone keeps asking when you two are getting married and he says hopefully soon <3 (but you aren’t even dating?!)
you’re whatevs about catching the bouquet so he gets competitive about it for you
why is he in all the important family photos
gets a personal invite to the next family gathering and has the audacity to ask you to be his plus one
he's that one guest who would randomly be an ordained minister if anything happens
drifts to the oldest people at the wedding and exchanges stories but when he mentions he works as a funeral consultant, they think he's just trying to sell them a funeral package
there are disposable cameras scattered around the tables during the reception and he tries so hard to take a selfie with you. after the photos get developed it's just....blurry..or a bunch of photos of the top of your heads..or one of you is cut out of the frame..or -
the photos he takes of you are very cute though! and he took so many! they’re not the best quality but they have the candid blurry aesthetic™ going on
good at formal dances but is otherwise so stiff. hu tao convinced him it’d be a fun idea to throw it back; he’s never been more embarassed in his life
you think it's adorable but your mean cousin makes a comment and you're about to beat their ass for his honor (to be fair you did hear his bones crack but that’s not the point)
brought tupperware for leftovers from the dessert bar. reminds you to take the centerpiece
tbh he wouldn’t even consider it unless you two are very close
says no at first but agrees when you say you'll have to ask someone else
"hmm…do you think venti would want to-" "venti? really? you can’t be serious. I’ll go.”
comes off very cold when you introduce him to everyone; he's very respectful (especially to elders) but he just isn't a very social person
mostly sticks to you and just minds his own business sitting at the table all night but he will defend you if he overhears anyone talking smack about you
one dance and that’s it. it’s a slowdance and he’s looking everywhere except at you. help him he’s nervous
the two of you end up leaving the party for some fresh air and take a walk around the gardens outside the venue
you watch the firework show from your spot in the garden as well. his eyes aren’t on the fireworks though
arguably one of, if not the best, candidates to meet family
he definitely wants to match with you!!!
his dashing looks and polite, personable charisma are truly a deadly combination
social butterfly! open to chatting with anyone, he’s sharing recipes and knitting tips and talking about how housework is for everyone… the girls, gays, and theys love him
your aunt tries setting him up with your cousin and wait a minute- what’s that feeling bubbling in your chest..it’s not jealousy is it? after all, you and thoma are just friends
if you get different desserts, he’ll hold out his fork to feed you some of his
“mm! you have to try this — it’s so good!”
kind of a bad dancer but that just adds to his charm; also your personal hype man!!
instagram bf material; he’ll take so many photos of you at so many angles! he just wants a few photos of the two of you together, which the photographer happily obliges
at the end of the night, after all the partying, he sneaks a selfie together of you dozing off on his shoulder and makes it his new lockscreen goodbye taroumaru
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Thank you for making it to the end! I had to go to a family friend’s wedding recently by myself and it was…an experience. Anyways! What did you guys think? Do you guys want a part 2 with different characters? This is my first time writing and posting headcanons publicly so please be easy on me 🥹
© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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artbyblastweave · 3 months
Okay, Time for that belated Shrinking Rae post-
In the comics, Shrinking Ray's "arc" (bearing in mind an extremely liberal definition of that term, they had exactly one scene showcasing this) was that he was implied to be developing an inferiority complex; he's not necessarily incompetent, but he's out of his niche, his clever shrinking-based plans kept getting upstaged by brute-force solutions from the more conventionally powerful heroes like Invincible. He's the scrawny, nerdy little guy with the joke powers, he never gets a win, and in most fights he literally isn't visible. In the fight with the Lizard League his death is framed as pathetic and ineffectual- there's one or two panels between "I'll make you pay!" and getting eaten alive by Komodo. All of this is doing a couple of things- it's emphasizing that again, this is in fact a story and setting where superheroes sometimes just die really badly with limited fanfare- a thing that IIRC hadn't happened since the original Guardians team wipe in issue 7. Second, it's an indicator that the new Guardians are structurally kind of on the ropes. They're heavily staffed by second stringers, they exact second they have to split their forces they suffer a 66 percent casualty rate, and that's with backing from two capes who aren't actually part of the team. Grim! Anyway, when they do the adaptation Shrinking Ray becomes Shrinking Rae, because they want to tweak the gender balance of the cast and the pun is too good to pass up. But I think that there was a reasonable reluctance to transfer the "arc" from the comics one-to-one, because to be blunt, "Ineffectual Nebbish Glasses-wearer who whines a lot and dies pathetically," paired with absolutely nothing else, is gonna read as misogynistic if the character is a woman now. So in the adaptation Rae is markedly more competent. We're introduced to her taking down a much larger opponent by fucking around inside his ear canal, which becomes a favored trick of hers. There are traces of the self-esteem thing- the visual gag where she physically shrinks about a foot when getting chewed out in the briefing- but the overall throughline isn't "look at this loser who somehow ended up on the guardians." In the Lizard League fight, she doesn't get eaten- she's deliberately trying to execute a Thanus maneuver and just fucks it up, seconds after successfully killing a different villain the same way. And there's a second where it looks like it might work, too, before hope is cruelly yanked away. Which makes for a markedly cooler death scene- but who died? What was actually going on with her? Anything? In some sense she's cooler, but it's kind of an undifferentiated cool. She had what, Six lines? Seven? On balance I think Rae is still doing her fundamental job in the story, which is to pad the Guardians roster for a while and have someone who actually dies and stays dead as a result of the Lizard League fight- but I think they definitely missed an opportunity to give her some more texture than her comic counterpart had. Part of me thinks that the show would have been a good place to go even harder on Shrinking Rae being in over her head, but in a considered way, to emphasize that the Guardians aren't well managed- maybe tie it into the tensions between Robot and Immortal regarding sustainable team management practices. Part of me thinks you should go the other way, that if you're gonna do away with the idea she's underwhelming you should blow up her role, have her actually say and do some things that affect the story or the team dynamic in any noticeable way, because as it stands she's kind of visibly siloed as the designated mauve shirt. I'm definitely of one mind that this showcases something I suspected was gonna bite the show in the ass, which is that they're (laudably) diversifying a secondary and tertiary cast whose main role in the source material is often to die badly or fade out of focus.
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misguidedasgardian · 9 months
Blurred Lines (2)
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2. All in
Summary: You don’t know how you got to the point where Jace was just… living there with you… you liked it though
Warnings:  Cursing, cheating, adultery, talks about body shaming, therapy, misogynistic undertones (“man of the house” and whatnot), Harwin is not a good person on this… and Jace isn’t either, implied tampering with birth control, spy cameras, a bit creepiness, alcohol consumption, reader is a bit drunk in some parts, masturbation, fingering, inappropriate relationship, smut, oral sex (m receiving)
Wordcount: 4.9k
Notes: OH MY! things are heating up, I really don’t want to drag this along hehe, I want to just get to the good part
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He knew that he had to bid his time, that he needed to draw you in, but as he sneaked a peek at you, he got so tempted…
He had picked a movie called “the boy next door”, in which a separated woman who is going through a divorce, moves to a small town where she starts an affair… with the 20 year old boy next door. You looked away at the very hot sex scene between them
The mom was interpreted by a famous actress, a singer, a hot, mature one.
You were acting so coy, looking away, Jace got painfully hard just by looking at you. You had “made yourself comfortable”, wearing some black cotton leggings that did nothing to hide your delicious thighs and ass. and that sweater too big for you
Now you were curled up on the couch, nursing your beer.
Jace could bet you thought it was hot, that’s why you were so embarrassed, the best part is that he was older than the guy in the movie, and you were way younger than her…
Jace always thought it was creepy how there was a huge age gap between you and Harwin, and a much lesser one between you and him. 
“You didn’t like the movie?”, he asked, making you jump. You laughed coyly
“It’s good”, you muttered, nodding and taking a sip, “a bit kinky Jace”
“Oh right”, he mocked, you were twenty nine, a week shy of turning thirty, you were not an old woman, you were barely getting started 
Why couldn’t you see that?”
He put on his best puppy dog face
“Yeah, it’s awkward”, he muttered, turning towards you, “can I ask you a question?”, he asked, when the actress was whining about her cheating ex-husband
“Yeah”, you said, smiling encouragingly at him
“What happened between you and Harwin?”, Harwin, not dad, he couldn’t have you connecting those dots tonight 
You took a sip of your second beer
“It’s complicated Jacey”, you said softly
“I’m sure you can work it out”, he said dismissively, he was being risky, but he needed to know, he needed to know by your own words what happened, and then he could exploit it 
“I’m not so sure”, you whispered, taking yet another sip of beer, Jace had you exactly where he wanted you
“Why did you kick him out?”, he asked then
“What did he do that was so bad?”, he said innocently
“Well. we drew apart last year and… well, he was feeling lonely I guess, I was too occupied with Aerea…”, Jace blood was boiling, he couldn’t believe was he was hearing, you were trying to soften the fact that the bastard had cheated on you, only for him to hear, his son
Gods you were so fucking good
So nice
He couldn’t wait to keep you full of his cock, because if you kept that up, you are never going to refuse him once he starts fucking you 
“He felt lonely?”, he couldn’t keep the ruse up for long, “what does that mean?”
“Jace I really don’t want to speak ill of your father”, you whispered 
“He cheated on you, didn’t he?”, he asked, and to you, he was appearing completely heart broken, like he just learned his hero had done something terrible
Jace should be an actor
“What a cunt!”, he cursed
“Jace, he is your father!”, you chided, “he cheated on me, not you”
“How could he?”, he continued, “how could he cheat on you? you are beautiful, smart, funny, hot as hell”
“Jace!”, you said, embarrassed that he would call you that… hot as hell. what a joke
“Why would he?”, he asked again, “he must be insane!”
“Well Jace, my pregnancy wasn’t easy, and women bodies change when they… get pregnant, and after they give birth”, you whispered, remember sadly how Harwin loved to make the baby, but not as much once she was about to be born or already here, when your body started changing 
“You can’t be serious!”, he snapped, “you are blaming yourself?”
“I shouldn’t have told you”, you said, feeling guilty
“I’m glad you did”, he made his play, he placed a hand on your shoulder, and your raised your gaze again to look at him wide-eyed, “he has never stopped disappointing me, this doesn’t surprise me”, he admitted, “but I’m glad I can be here for you”
“Thank you”, you said, smiling softly, he caressed your arm
“He doesn’t deserve you, or Aerea”, he whispered, “come here”, he was all in, you smiled and happily scooched over to his open arms, to hug him
A seemingly kind, warm gesture
“I’m glad you are here Jacey”, you whispered 
“I’m glad to be here to keep you company”, he said against the top of your head, “you deserve better, a man that cares for you, desires you, takes care of your daughter…”
“Thank you Jacey, and I have to say, you and your brothers will always be welcomed in my home”
. . .
Tonight had gone way better than he expected
Through the camera in your room, Jace could you tossing and turning in your bed, it was still hot outside, you were sleeping in these flimsy cotton shorts, and you accommodated yourself placing the sheet between your thighs, you bend your back, popping out your ass
He was already hard
He took out his cock, already weeping, and he started squeezing it and stroking
You were right there
Just two rooms over
He could go, open the door, rip your shorts off your body, and fuck you
He know you’d love it, you were so deprived of physical love and affection
He needed to exploit it
He touched himself at the visual of the two of you, when you hugged him over the couch, he imagined you raised your head then, looking up at him with those doe eyes of yours, he imagined grabbing your jaw and devouring you, kissing you hungrily.
He thought about pushing down on your back and him jumping over you, ready to eat you whole, ripped off your clothes and go at it right on the living room
He imagined how tight you would feel around him, as he snapped his hips into you over and over, oh! the sounds you could make, he had to cover your mouth with his big hand, to not wake Aerea
As he looked down at your desperate face, when he finally finds that spot inside you, your eyes would roll off to the back of your head, as he’d feel his hand wet with your saliva, your mouth open in desperation against his palm
Those tits of your, finally released from his prison, would be moving to the rhythm of his thrusts 
His big, fat cock in and out of you as he fucked you as deeply as he could go 
But once he started he would stop there, he would release you, taking himself out of you with no warning, making you whine and cling onto him, begging him for more
He knows he had you then
So he would grab you roughly, he wanted to see your ass now, he would turn you around so you’d be in all fours for him, and he would fuck you again, your round ass there in his grasp… your skin jiggling when the thrusted into you
It was embarrassing to admit how fast he cummed, knowing you were just a few feet away from him
. . .
Soon another week ran past, Jace was coming and going from your house to his, now he couldn’t point blankly stay in your place, he had to return to his own home
But he came back… regularly
It was true, at least, the business part. He had invested most of his savings on this enterprise with his friend Cregan Stark, but it was just so perfect to use it for his own benefit
Apparently your interview had also played out, because now you were working, Aerea was in daycare, and Jace was currently on a videochat with his friend and business partner
“Well Jace, normally I would be against my best friend baby trapping some woman but phweet”, he whistled, “she is delicious”
“Isn’t she?”, he purred, he felt so proud of himself, he had sent his friend pictures, boasting about you like you were already his, and you somehow were, in his mind, “She is so fucking naive, and sweet, gods!”
Cregan laughed through the computer 
“Damn, and how do you plan on getting her though”
“Well, the devil’s in the details, I already have access to her place, her daughter…”
“You half sister”, mocked Cregan
“Already calls me dada, and adores me, I’ve already made myself indispensable at her home”, he continued, “she is totally dependant on me to do all the “toughest” things around the house” 
“Good good”, he purred, “so after it is all done.. what are you going to do?”
“Well, our company is going to be up there isn’t it?”
“You plan on moving her here?”
“When we start our relationship…”
“When you knock her up you mean..”
“I don't think she would want to stay here near all the people that know us so…”
“Good”, his friend seemed pleased
He heard you coming in the house then, and Jace got jumpy
“She is here, gotta go..”, he whispered
“Well Jace, good meeting, I’ll send you the details of the first shipment”
“And I will have those sheets for later…”, he said, continuing their conversation from before 
“Great”, you waved at him from behind the counter, and he smiled back, Aerea came rushing in
“DADDY!”, She greeted, and Jace couldn’t be happier, he grabbed her and showed her to Cregan through the camera
“Hi”, greeted Aerea
“And who’s that?”, teased Cregan, “Hello sweetie, she is a sweet little thing, looks like you Jace!”, he said loudly, winking at his friend, Cregan chuckled as you looked surprised
“Doesn’t she?”, he teased
The call was ended short after, and you looked a bit conflicted, Jace could tell 
You didn’t like the fact that Aerea called Jace “daddy”, it wasn’t healthy, your child needed to know, to remember her father, or else she was going to get all confused 
Luckily, Harwin had agreed to take her, the weeks he had his kids, so he could get help from Jace and Luke, and it was easier on him…
Perhaps he wanted some weeks off to see her… or others
Not that you’d care
You start putting some things you bought after work around, and you smiled fakely at Jace as he approached
“Need help with something?”, he asked, he had noticed you ahd bought a couple of bottles of wine, you were going to have the first week to yourself since… forever and a hot bubbly bath with a cup of whine and some strawberries with chocolate sounds like the remedy to all your problems
“It’s fine Jace”, you said softly, “Harwin is picking you both any minute now”, you made him remember 
He looked somewhat disappointed
“Right, this is his first week with Aerea, right?”
“Right”, you smiled
“Actually, I have a bunch of work to do, do you mind if I stay the night again?”, he asked
He was risking it, he thought
You could use some time alone, you thought yourself
But those big eyes of him, made you smile
You had all week
“Sure”, you said, faking another smile, he smiled back at you sincerely.
He didn’t like that fake smile on your face
He could tell he had overplayed it
“I’m gonna keep working…”
“Sure”, you said, you then turned to Aerea, “Let’s get you packed sweety, wanna go to papa?”
The little girl’s face lit up
“PAPA!”, she exclaimed, reaching for you, as you were going to take her to him
“Let’s go darling”, you whispered sweetly 
You felt Jace’s gaze as you walked down the hallway
He growled, frustrating, and he realized he had to change his strategy
He sat back in front of the computer and he finished his work, it didn't take him more than twenty minutes 
When you appeared back, you had a large bag in your hands, and Jace changed his plan right then, he put wavy his computer and gave you a smile
“Turns out I didn't have much work as I thought”, he said, “I’m done, and I should go to my dad’s”, you smiled then sincerely
“That is great,I know that I shouldn’t had said what i said, he is still your father and he loves you and cares for you deeply”, he smiled and nodded
You heard a honk outside
“There’s papa!”, Aerea applauded
Harwin might be a shitty husband, but he was not a shitty dad, Jace had to admit, replacing him was not going to be as easy as he thought
You were nervous as you led your little girl outside, it was going to be the first time you saw Harwin since you split
He walked to the door with a soft smile
“Hey darling”, he said, looking straight at you, and then he turned to Aerea, who jumped into his arms
Jace thought he was going to be happy to witness this debacle, but it wasn’t weird or angry, you were actually smiling tenderly at the fucker
“Jace, you are here”, muttered Harwinm, surprised, “thanks for keeping my girls company”
That was a low blow for everyone there
You stomach sank, but Jace got so angry
He didn’t deserve calling you his 
“We should go”, muttered Jace, grabbing Aerea, and you thanked him for it, to distract her, or else she was going to start crying when she realizes you are not going
You waved him goodbye as they got in the car and drove away
You loved your daughter with all your heart, but Gods if you needed a break from all of this
You had bought like a ton of chocolate, wine, strawberries, your favorite pasta dish, you even went as far as to go to the grocery store and buy yourself those “spa” bundles, that include a candle, a very bubbly soap, a nice soft loofah, and body cream for later
So you did exactly that
You got comfortable, got rid of your clothes, until you were in your underwear (a lacey little thing you had bought to entice Harwin), and you put a soft robe on top, just to cover your modesty. 
You cooked your pasta, with your favorite sauce, you poured some wine in your cup, as you watched from the kitchen your favorite show. And when it was ready.
You ate it with pleasure, congratulated yourself because it was as good as you wanted it, so delicious, very creamy. 
You poured more wine
then you watched some more twenty minutes episodes of your favorite soap opera and THEN… you melted the chocolate, cutted some strawberries, and with a bottle and cup in hand, you went to treat yourself to the bathroom
You filled the tub, you put in the entirety of that bubble bath and you sipped your wine happily until it was full, then you undressed, dropping pieces of clothing anywhere.
Despite what happened with Harwin in the last years, today, you were feeling particularly sexy, perhaps you were ovulating or something.
You undressed like the sexiest man alive was there, watching your every move, and then, you got into the tub, moaning to express the wonderful time you were having, the hot water instantly relaxing your tired body 
Oh shit you forgot the music
No matter.
The warm up for the tub had been so nice that, now you were horny, very horny. 
Your “sexy man” was watching, so you decided to give him a show, you dipped your finger in the chocolate and brought it to your mouth
Immediately the delicious taste invaded you
Your other hand went to one of your breasts, your nipples already hard. Oh fuck you were going to enjoy this
It had been a while since you felt like this… 
Since your baby-making months…
You placed a chocolate covered strawberry in your mouth, and moaned at the taste, and at the feeling of your fingers pinching your nipple softly
You were so horny, your hand traveled down the waters over your belly and you were ready to really treat yourself 
And then, just about when thing were starting to get truly fucking good
You felt the front door opening loudly. You heard a familiar voice calling your name
You gasped, as it was just down the hall, and the door to the bathroom was wide open, and your underwear was in the hallway, and by the soft candlelights coming from the bathroom…
“WAIT!”, you pleaded, “I’m in the bathroom!”
“I’m sorry!”, he lamented, you heard him getting closer
“Jace, don’t come in please”, you whined, your hand until over your pubis, gods, this was going to be so good.
And yet…
The need didn’t go away being almost being caught
“You good?”, asked Jace, just by the door
“Too good Jacey”, you said, not being able to hide how disappointed you were
“I’m sorry I interrupted you”, he sounded entertained, he had clearly saw your underwear there
“Did something happen?”, you asked
“Harwin and I had a huge fight, I’m so sorry I… should have called you, or gone home, but… the only place I deemed safe is… well… here”
You sighed, loudly
“Jace you caught me in a bad time”, you admitted
Oh he knew exactly what you were doing, and he timed it just perfectly
As you looked at the space of the open door, your breathing quickened
Jace was right there
And that didn't turn you off, it did the opposite
You almost got caught masturbating on the bath by the hottest twenty one year old you had ever seen 
But you shouldn’t, you whined to yourself
And as you looked down at the empty bottle of wine… at everything set up for your pleasure…
But you wanted the real thing
So so badly
You didn't realize though, that your “mental” whine, sounded for a real, a moan that got Jace’s blood rushing to his cock, and that made him take a single step, to watch you -in real life and not on his cellphone-, in that tub
You were looking at him wide eyed, as he had your panties on his fist, the ones from the hallway
“Jace?”, you called, you look like a deer in headlights, you didn’t hide, you didn't shrieked and demanded him to leave 
You just looked at him, with desire on those beautiful eyes of yours. 
Jace growled at the sight of your soapy breasts, peaking over the water, of if he could just take a picture of this moment
You had never been so beautiful
The whole scene looked like a renaissance painting
He grabbed his phone, he couldn’t resist, and snapped a picture
You didn’t even flinched, you even moaned one more time, your chest sticking out 
“You look so fucking gorgeous”, he admired, not being able to act any longer, this was it, it came sooner than expected, but anticipated nonetheless 
“Jace”, you called, but it wasn't accusatory, it was indeed, a call
He walked until he kneeled by the side of the tub
“When I said I was going to help you with whatever you needed, I mean… anything”, he teased with a wide smile.
You rubbed your tights together shamelessly, not trying to hide it, and Jace smirked darkly 
HIs hand disappeared under the water, down your leg and then
You moaned wantonly, like a common whore when a single finger grazed your folds
One touch, and you spread your legs wantonly
How long has it been?
Way too fucking long
“We shouldn’t”, you managed to muster, even though you spread your legs wider like a whore, he only laughed, not believing it for a second
“We shouldn’t… we fucking have to”
He was your stepson
You forgot about it pretty quickly when he latched his lips to your, devouring you, taking your breath with only one lock of lips
He fucked you with two fingers, first softly, until you moaned and turned in the tub, asking for more, begging for it.
“You like it when your stepson fingerfucks you?”, he teased
“Yes!”, you admitted, because to you, this was only a dream, this couldn’t be happening, not really.
“Aren’t you a dirty little whore, uh?”, he kept teasing, “fucking men more than a decade older than you, you should be with someone who can keep up with you”
“Someone like you?”, you whined
“Fuck yeah like me”, he said, twisting his fingers until he found what he was looking for, then your eyes did traveled to the back of your head, just like he imagined it
And when you were about to cum…
He released you
“Mmmm why?”, you whined, tears in your eyes
“Because you had been such a tease”, he growled, you are going to beg me to fuck you”, you moaned, “I’ll be waiting for you in your room”, he whispered dangerously, and left the bathroom
Now you could put a stop to this right now, or you could get into your room and get your back blown out just like you needed it
The decision was pretty easy to make
You got out of the tub, dried yourself slowly, not daring to even touch your pussy, then you put on your rob, you could see Jace from the bathroom, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at you with a smirk on his lips
Where was the sweet boy you had met the past few weeks?
Nowhere to be found
And that made it even more easy to do
You walked slowly, teasingly, your eyes on him, his eyes on you
You didn’t even cared to think about the consequences of this actions
You didn’t care
A primal need had taken a hold in your body, and you they were going to get sated
This was the culmination of years of sexual neglect… you didn't even dare to think about how wrong this was…
“Jacey”, you moaned, testing the opening of the robe, “are you sure?”, you knew your body wasn’t perfect, and yet, you had him here, looking at you like that, eating you with his eyes darkened like those of a hunter about to pounce
This wasn’t happening…
So it didn’t matter
It was all a dream
It had to be
it was definitely not the pills jace had replaced your birth control with
It was not the wine
It was a dream
“I can’t take it any longer”, he muttered, grabbing you by the fabric, ripping your robe from your body, grabbing your hips and drawing you to him, until you straddled him on the bed
You felt his… thick cock right under your pussy, and you moaned, wanted to feel it for real
“Oh yeah, rub yourself on me, you needy little thing”, he whined, he was so fucking sexy, as he looked up to you with those dark eyes, and chiseled like features 
He was wearing soft gray cotton pants, that did nothing to hide his monster cock
“Please Jacey”, you whined
“What?”, he teased, “you have been a really bad girl, you know? flaunting all of this in front of me, not even giving me a taste…”, his eyes trailed your naked body over him, his greedy hands grabbing and squishing everything he could get his hands on
You rubbed yourself on him shamesly, needily 
“I need you”, you whined
“Oh I know you do”, he growled.
You decided to take matters into your own hands. you separated from him a bit, just enough so you could grab the hem of his pants and lower them, releasing his…
Oh fuck
So you weren’t lying to yourself, it was big and thick, and already so hard, and leaking
All for you
“Mmmm”, you moaned, in anticipation, as you took it with both your hands, it felt so heavy, you couldn’t even wrap your hands around it
“Use it”, demanded Jace, you started rubbing him, pumping him, making sure to use his own precum to lubricate him.
“So big”, you barely recognize yourself, you didn't know what was happening, you wanted him so badly it hurted you
“Is all yours baby”, he whined 
If it was yours, you were going to do as you wanted, you dropped to your knees between his thick thighs, as Jace looked down at you with devotion
Only two of his fingers and he had you on your knees for him
He couldn’t even wait to see what was going to happen after he fucked you
He moaned, dropping his head back when you gave him a kitten lick at his tip
“Fuck”, there was no way you could fit it all in your mouth, so you used both hand to massage him as you took care of his tip, “yes just like that”
You moaned approvingly, trying to get as much as you could, but it wasn’t much
“You like sucking cock don’t you?”, he asked, his voice thick
“Yes”, you released him, only to answer, and then you took him in your mouth again, sucking his tip
“Shit!”, he cursed
He knew you were going to be… open… for it, but he never expected this, it was better than anything he could have imagined 
You wanted to please him, and he didn't rush you, yet, you tried to take more and more each time your head bobbed up and down
Not even half
But Jace stopped you
“I need you”, he demanded, he stood up and helped you up too, you undressed him at his request, taking his hoodie, shirt, and getting rid of his pants until he kicked them off of his feet
He looked down at you, until he grabbed you, drawing you to him
Your naked bodies collided as your lips with his
He was hungry for you, his tongue immediately asking permission to enter and you gladly granted it
It was dirty, wrong, and you fucking love it
This is a dream
This is a dream
You were a tangle of limbs, as you fell to the bed, but you wanted to resume where you left, so you make sure he accommodate himself on the bed 
Your marital bed
His cock rested over his stomach, as you accommodate yourself over him
“Take it slow darling”, he whined, you grabbed his cock still wet with your saliva.
Oh he so wanted to taste you
But tonight, it was all about you using him
You accommodated yourself over him, lining his thick cock with your entrance, and then, you lowered yourself
You moaned when he entered you, the stench was a bit painful, but you were so wet, it felt incredibly delicious
“Tell me darling”, he said, looking up at you, his hand grabbing your hips, squishing the skin, “who is this making you feel so good?
“Mmmm Jace”, you whined, taking another inch inside of you, you moved your hips in circles, easing him into you, it felt so good, to feel him rub against your insides, he was filling you so good.
“Who?”, he demanded
“Jace!”, you cried out, when he retrieved himself, to punish you for something
“Who’s this cock that your are fucking yourself with?”, he asked then
“Yours!”, he slammed down, making you take all of him in one movements, “AH fuck!”, you cursed, “So full”
“This is nothing”, he teased, “I want to see you full of my cum”
Gods those words enticed you to keep moving your hips, fucking yourself on him, until you found the angle you needed, for him to bully your special spot
“It feels so good”, he whined, “your pussy is so fucking tight”
“Your cock is so big”, you babbled, now going up and down
“I know, and it's all yours”
“All mine?”, you asked
“Yes, is this pussy mine?”, he asked, easing your clit with his thumb, making you shriek 
“Yes!”, you screamed
“You sure?”, he teased
“Mhmh”, you moaned
“Good girl, as long as it is only mine, you can have this all you want”, you started going back and forth with your hips, making Jacaerys draw his head back… but he couldn’t come just yet, he grabbed you, and with a shriek and a single smooth movement, now he had you under him
“Enough, now we are making thing my way”, he growled
And he started thrusting so hard into you, the bed started creaking dangerously under you, the board slamming against the wall
“Ah”, you whined, your pussy tightening so hard, squeezing him, jace had to work hard not to cum tight then and there
“Take it”
He couldn’t believe this was happening, this must be a dream…
You cummed, hard, didn’t even try not to, it was too much…
And Jace cummed right after, filling you with his cum
You didn't even think about the consequences, there was not going to be any…
This was just a dream…
He took himself off of you, and immediately you felt his seed dripping out of you.
He chuckled darkly, with one of his fingers, he collected it and pushed back inside you, with your moan resounding all over your room
“You are mine now”, he demanded
Sleep was taking you, you were exhausted…
And Jace only hoped this was enough to breed you, not like he didn’t want to have you more times… 
But the sooner the better…
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I'm going to be honest, I was going to cut it right before the smut, and then I thought, I couldn't do that to you all
She folded pretty quickly but I mean, who wouldn't?
@champomiel @urmomsgirlfriend1 @sweethoneyblossom1 @lukepattersin @ladylyanna91 @snowflake-latte @bruher @bellstwd @inesven @iamavailablesstuff @haydee5010 @happinessinthebeing @agqrtz @ajanauia @joliettes @lightdragonrayne @ivoryluvs @fairysluna
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Canon events aren't bad, Miguel's just projecting his trauma.
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One of the things that will always stand out or bother me in this scene are these three lines from Miguel:
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Because... Wait what?
Miguel admits himself that some canon events can be positive - but he names none, refusing to show any of these instances, instead surrounding Miles with images of loss and grief.
Even he admits that Canon Events aren't inherent tragedies.
They only come off that way, because he's hyperfixated on suffering. Largely, his own.
People have talked about Miguel's background in the past and that's a job for a Spider-man 2099 fan - but in short, Miguel DID NOT have a good life.
If you think about it - it's extremely hard for Miguel to POSITIVELY connect with other Spider-people.
He lacks the spider-bite, has no MJ, Harry, Doctor Octavius, or May. He's never had the experience of happily and excitedly coming into his powers.
The only thing he has, is a lot of tragedy.
Him not having many positive events in his life is just another reminder of how he's othered.
Because he's unable to connect to other Spider-people based on things like biology, love, familial connection to aunt May, the driving lesson that 'with great power comes great responsibility'.
Much of all knows is tragedy.
Because of this he hyperfixates on traumatic Canon Events, using the resulting fear as a source of unity, rather than uniting them all over good, constructive Canon Events.
Idk it just always stood out to me. Cause what do you mean GOOD???
Either Miguel is wrongfully weaponizing 'Bad' Canon Events as a source of authority - protecting his trauma and ignoring the good-
OR he's lying about there being good Canon Events, and that's something he tells them to make them feel better. Which would be fucked up.
OR OR The Canon Events he considers 'good' aren't actually good at all. Marrying your MJ might be a 'good' canon event. But you still have to do it. Even if you aren't into marriage.
Isn't that an arranged marriage?
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If I don't wanna marry my MJ, but that's my Canon Event, is Miguel gonna beat my ass over it? 🤨😐
[Yes, that's apart of Dianes lore lol Her MJ Martin is a poseur-punk asshole rich record producer whose bordering misogynistic. He hates Hobie. But uhh oh he's supposed to be a 'good canon event']
But like...
If Jessica Drew's canon event was getting pregnant and the next one is like 'nah I want my tubes tied' Miguel gonna be like 'sorry no can do'?????????
HUH... IS THAT WHAT YOU MEAN BY GOOD??? Compulsory 'positive' events.
BUT NO REALLY what the hell is Miguel talking about???
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
that stepbrother!eddie was TOO GOOD *screams into pillow* — what if he takes the reader to a party (he has to drive her bc he’s meant to watch after her), but then he gets jealous bc she’s wearing a revealing outfit and he parks the car in the middle of the woods and hate f**ks her :))) ahh yess, delicious dark stepbro content right there
warnings: noncon, spanking, unwanted creampie, degradation including misogynistic terms, stepcest obviously, semi public sex
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You stared down into your lap, painted nails toying with your black fishnets. It was unusually silent in the van, except of course for his Dio tape playing over the stereo.
"Eddie, where are we going?" you pouted as you realized he was taking a wrong turn.
"We're sure as hell not going where anyone can see you dressed like that."
You self-consciously tugged down the bottom of your black leather skirt, feeling your face heat up. The funny thing was, you'd dressed this way because you wanted to look cool and get Eddie's approval. The look on his face when you glanced over at him didn't seem particularly approving.
The van came to a stop, and you glanced around to see woods in every direction. He opened his door and hopped out, slamming it behind him, which startled you; when he circled the back to open your door, he yanked you out by your wrist. "Get out," he ordered, and you whimpered as you let him pull you forward and slam you against the side of the van.
"Eddie, I'm sorry," you began.
"Don't be," he insisted, his chest pressed to your back which was pushed up against the van. "I'm just gonna make sure you understand something."
"W-what?" you breathed as his hands trailed up your fishnet-covered thighs.
"That if you look like a whore, people are gonna treat you like one."
He yanked your skirt up to expose your ass, and roughly tore a hole in your tights as you whined. "Eddie, I'm sorry, okay?"
"What would our parents think, hm? What would they think if they saw you like this..."
What would they think if they saw you doing this to me?
One hand held the back of your neck, keeping your face pressed against the rusted paint, while the other pulled your hips back a bit. "You know how whores get treated, right, baby?"
You choked on a sob as he yanked your panties down, the cool breeze moving through the forest and blowing against your soaked pussy. You heard his belt opening; you shut your eyes tight. "Just stop, Eddie, this isn't funny," you pleaded quietly.
"Damn right it's not funny," he spat. "Nothing funny at all about my stupid little sister thinking she can dress like a slut without consequences. You know what would've probably happened if I took you to that party? A bunch of random guys would've hit on you, touched you, probably passed you around like a cheap fucking toy. Is that what you want?"
You shook your head.
"So, what did you want?" he wondered.
I wanted you to think I looked cool. "I just wanted to have some fun, Eddie."
"Oh, baby, I think you and I are gonna have a lot of fun together."
You whimpered when you felt his cock poke at your entrance, sliding through your folds teasingly. "Sh-shit, Eddie, what about a condom?"
"What about it?" he purred.
"Y-you can't--"
"I can't... what? I can't bend you over in the woods and teach you your fucking lesson? I can't pound my little sister raw like the whore she is? What can't I do to you right now?"
You choked on your attempt to respond, his hand tightening on the back of your neck.
"I think the better question is, who's gonna stop me?" he smiled.
He slid his cock inside you, groaning as your wetness coated him, ignoring your gurgled yelp of pain and confusion. "E-Eddie," you begged for a little mercy.
When his hips were flush with yours, you heard him sigh. "Hm, fuck," he groaned. "Nice and wet, like any good whore pussy should be."
Gasping, you tried to wiggle your hips away to keep him from going so deep, but didn't manage much with him holding your hips like that.
"Fuck, keep doing that," he breathed, "you get tighter when you fight it."
He pushed his cock as deep as it could go before beginning to properly fuck you, moaning loudly as you quietly cried. "I-I'm sorry," you choked out one more time.
"I know, baby, I know," he cooed, dripping with faux sympathy. "And you know what? Your sorry ass is gonna be bruised up and used up by the time I'm done with you, and I think you're gonna like it."
He gave you a hard spank and you jolted. He did it again, and again, and again until you sniffled and cried for him. "Y-you're hurting me," you informed him in a week and pathetic voice.
"Good," he grunted. "Maybe you'll remember your lesson this way."
He moaned through his teeth after another impact landed on your ass.
"I like the way your hole squeezes me when I do that," he explained. "If you don't want me to keep doing it, you shouldn't make it feel so good."
You were trying not to tense up inside each time he hit you, but you couldn't help it. It was even worse when he spanked your thighs.
"Shit," he groaned, "my sister's got the sweetest fucking pussy-- so tight and sensitive, baby, I can tell you're gonna like the way I fuck you. I'm gonna stretch you open, hm? That's what you really wanted, isn't it?"
He didn't give you a chance to answer, holding your waist tight in both hands and beginning to fuck you ruthlessly. The sounds of skin on skin, of his belt jingling from each thrust, and most of all, your loud cries, filled the empty woods.
"Tell me this is what you wanted," he ordered.
"No, Eddie, I--"
Another hard spank set you straight, making your toes curl inside your heels. "Try again, baby."
"I -- I wanted this!" you shouted. "I wanted you to fuck me, Eddie..."
"I know, sweetheart," he breathed, "I know, I wanted to fuck you, too. I've been thinking about it for so long... been thinking about how this needy pussy can only be satisfied by your big brother's dick."
Choking on a shaky moan, you resigned yourself to it, shutting your eyes tightly and pressing your hands up against the van to try to keep yourself stable. His fingers dug deeper into your waist, only taking a break to give you seemingly-unprovoked smacks on your ass or to tug your hair back.
"Baby, you're dripping," he informed you with a light chuckle. "Can you feel it? Can you hear it?"
Yes, you could do both: your back kept arching deeper and you felt your own arousal running down your thighs. There was a filthy squelching sound echoing around the woods, and up until now, you'd been successfully pretending that it wasn't coming from you.
"Not sure how long I can last with you soaking me like this, baby," he purred. "Bet you want it all nice and deep, huh?"
You didn't quite realize what he meant, at first.
"Come on, baby," he taunted with another spank, "tell me you want my come deep inside you."
A sob tore out of your throat and you picked up your fight again, hoping you could somehow get away just long enough...
"Stop fucking moving," he grunted, "I'm close."
"Please pull out," you begged, "please don't come inside me, don't come inside me, Eddie..."
"How the fuck am I supposed to pull out of a cunt like this?" he grinned. "You keep squeezing me tighter, sweetheart, I just know this pussy wants to milk my dick. Doesn't it, baby?"
You were only doing that because you were about to come, and you couldn't help it.
"I know you want your step brother to fill your little hole, sweetheart, just admit it," he laughed, although a second later all the playfulness was suddenly gone from his voice. "Fuckin' say it, bitch."
"I want you to," you choked out. "I want you to-- f-fill me up."
"You want who to fill you up?" he pressed.
"My... uh," you stalled. "My step brother." You put as much emphasis on the step as you could, but it didn't make it feel any less wrong.
"I know, baby," he panted, "m'gonna. I will, I'm so close-- fuck!"
A jolt ran up your spine, you knew you couldn't hold it back anymore; the best you could do was try not to make it too obvious. You whined through your teeth, legs shaking, and fought to stay upright as ecstasy tore through you.
"Oh, you really needed this," he taunted in a rough voice, "really needed me to fuck you, huh? God, I'm about to give you so much fuckin' come... say please, baby."
"P-please," you gasped, and that was all he needed because the very next moment, he groaned loudly and lost control of his thrusts. When he stilled, you could feel his cock flexing, and you sighed as your head dropped limply between your shoulders.
He eventually caught his breath, and groaned as he lifted the upper half of your body up towards him; he hugged your back into his chest, pressing his smile against your neck. "Should've known this would happen when you put that skirt on, baby," he cooed, kissing your shoulder. You both winced slightly when he slipped his cock out, and you knew you would be sore for at least a week after this.
You sniffled, wiping the tears off your jaw, as he helped you pull your panties back up and get your skirt down.
"There you go," he mumbled, offering you a reassuring smile as you tried to collect yourself. Just when you thought he'd put you back in the van, he guided you with a hand on yours towards the other side of the trees.
Of course, you hadn't noticed where you really were. Just a few steps past the treeline, you saw a crowd of your classmates, cups in hand, staring at the two of you. Your stomach dropped and you felt a little light-headed.
"Guess we weren't that far from the party after all," Eddie grinned. "You still wanted to go, didn't you?"
Your tights were ripped, your skirt was too short to hide his come running down your thighs, your face was striped with mascara tears; Eddie slipped his arm around your shoulders and guided you to walk with him.
"People are staring," you whispered to him.
"They probably heard you, silly," he laughed as he pulled you in for a kiss on the cheek.
"C-can we just go home?" you pleaded.
"Aw, come on, you've been begging me to take you to this party all week!" he reminded you, dragging you along through the field. "We should make sure to say hello to everyone."
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Hi. So I found this
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And you can’t tell me that it doesn’t scream Fushiguro Reader’s drip. She could be wearing the most expensive kimono for her birthday (courtesy of uncle Naoya) but what stood out the most was her footwear. People are supposed to be GUSHING over the kimono but they cant help stare at her sandals
Fushiguro reader is just slurping up her noodles, not caring for manners while everyone stares at her feet
And uncle Naoya is sharpening his blade cuz they being creeps for staring at his niece’s feet
And that was the only time Fushiguro reader didn’t cause her usual chaos because I feel like she loves her uncle enough that she’s willing to offer him some peace and mind on her special day because he became her mom AND her dad ☺️
Platonic Yandere Uncle Naoya x Fushiguro reader
Oh yesss 100%. I mean just imagine that its reader's birthday (who is either a teen/adult now) and Naoya already gifted her the kimono the day before her actual birthday, and by now reader knows that she has to wear it because its a tradition- every year, Naoya gives you a kimono for your birthday (which is the first of many gifts he has for you) and you have to wear it for the birthday portraits he has commisioned for and its followed by a big party at night at home, so yeah... its the same every year because according to him "this is how rich people celebrate their birthdays."
You only comply because he lets you do anything you want for the rest of the day before the big party, plus you do love your uncle. I mean, even if he's an ass sometimes, a misogynist to everyone else, a walking red flag... he still raised you like his own, provided you with all the luxuries and a comfortable life, even after you were "abandoned" by your father. In his own way, you know he loves you and only wants the best for you.
Anyways, its the morning of your birthday, the maids have just finished dressing you up and doing your hair and you go to the living room for your pictures, and as expected the rest of the clan is already there, smiling widely as they all gushed about how pretty you looked in traditional clothing and its a nice sight to see you out of your Hello Kitty shorts and a hoodie with Naoya's face edited on a cockroach. They all start coming towards you, wishing you a happy birthday and envelopes with wads of cash, the females kissing your cheeks and cooing how cute you looked, while the men stiffly patted your head.
After the portrait and family pictures are done, its time for you and Naoya to do stuff you want while the family prepares for your big party.
You're both sitting in the car as the driver takes you to your favourite place- 7/11. "Do you like your kimono?" Naoya asks, looking out his window.
You nod. "I do. Thanks. Its really comfortable."
Naoya turns to look at you. "It better be. Its Chanel."
"Its definitely better than the snakeskin Gucci kimono you got me last year."
"I thought you'd like to know how it feels." Before you could argue, your favourite convenience store came into place and you were already out the door before the car had even came to a full stop, making Naoya yell at the driver for not getting the child locks installed.
Naoya could only watch in disgust as you ate downed another bowl of instant ramen before moving onto another one, the noodles smacking against your cheek as you slurped hard.
"Ugh." Naoya cringed as he picked up a napkin to wipe the residues off your face. "Why must you eat so messily? Do I need to send you to table etiquette classes?"
You just shrugged. "Its fun this way." You picked up another onigiri before inhaling it.
"Oh my- can you stop eating like you dont know where your next meal is coming from?!"
"Can you stop screaming? This is a public place, and you're disturbing everyone with your screeching." "You brat-" "Buy me some instant rice. I need to add it to my soup."
As Naoya is walking towards the aisle, grumbling about how this chemical pumped liquid full of MSG that you kill "soup" is gonna kill you one day, he notices some people standing in the corner and just staring at you- or more specifically, your feet.
And thats when Naoya notices those pink monstrosity of sandals.
What's worse is that these people are just gawking so openly, hell they even have their phones out and taking pictures of your feet and its driving Naoya absolutely bonkers because what kind of feet fetish creeps are these guys (some of them are just old grandmas, but Naoya does not discriminate. Everyone's a creep.)
Besides, he doesnt know how long they've been standing there. For all he knows, they could've taken pictures of more than just your feet and Naoya doesn't remember giving them the permission to fucking look, let alone record you!
So, naturally, Naoya stomps over to you and tells you that you need to leave now. Upon inquiring, Naoya tells you about the "creeps" who have been recording you all this time and what not and you just shrug.
"I'm not leaving. Besides, it doesnt bother me."
"Y/n dont start-"
"Cant you take care of it? I thought you said youd let me do anything on my birthday." You take the rice from his hands and dump into in your soup. "This is all sounds like an excuse for either your jealousy because I'm the one who's taking the spotlight or your inability to protect me, hm?"
And Naoya knows- he KNOWS this is your unbothered ass doing reverse psychology on him, but it works.
Because now Naoya has taken their phones, smashed them to the ground until they were pieces and then immediately bought the whole store so that these creeps can be thrown out.
"See? I can take care of you. And you wish I was jealous of you."
"Mmhmm." You hummed as you ate your ice cream. The whole store was now empty, so you could eat as much as you wanted in peace.
Naoya narrowed his eyes. "Besides, those sandals were not a good decision. Who let you walk around like that?"
"Your hair is not a good decision. Who let you dye it that color? Does everyone in the hate you so much that they let you walk around like that?" You countered.
"You brat, you're lucky its your birthday."
"I'm also lucky I dont look like a bleached rat, unlike some people who thought that was the shade of blonde they wanted their hair to be."
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victimsofyaoipoll · 9 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
kairi is the third protagonist of the kingdom hearts series and the third member of the destiny trio, alongside fan favorites sora and riku. sora/riku shippers HATE kairi, and will go out of their way to discount her at every turn. the hate for her ranges from typical "she's a boring bitch" to fans of soriku making five-hour long video essays reassuring their fellow shippers that the big bad kairi won't show up in the next installment – to quote one video, "she's in a box. she's on the shelf. four walls, no door." kairi is the greatest bogeyman the soriku fandom has ever known, to the point where most of said video essays and fanon meta posts focus not on why sora and riku should get together, but rather on why they don't like kairi.
Literally has a 100+ page Google doc fan theory writing her out of the narrative and putting all of her (few) canonical accomplishments onto half of the popular m/m ship (soriku). Don't even get me started on how her memory was completely written out of the canon plot of re:coded. KH is a nightmare to explain so dude trust me she is THE victim of yaoi
She is so fundamental to the plot and themes and narratives of game and yet it is near impossible to find anything about her thats not ship bashing pre-mlm with the other two characters. I dont even care if she ends up with one of the main characters i just want fans to see her as a cool character to love or like, anything other than “annoying comphet girl.” You can write your mlm but pleaae stop inventing comphet where it doesnt exist. She does not even get to spend time with sora ever?? Why does everyone see her as a threat and a thing to destroy?? Let her have friends so help me
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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