#because i've been informed playing games with children is 'creepy'
concerto-roblox 1 year
i'm so sick of twitter i just saw someone say that eddie, a 20 year old, was a creep for 'playing board games with children'. he's a high schooler who ran a high school club what do you want from him girlie
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a-mag-a-day 2 years
I remember the first time I listened to this episode, I had to keep going back because I was on the bus and I couldn't hear.
I can't help but feel as though it's a bad idea to go on long walks in unfamiliar woods with nothing to guide you back home but your footsteps in the snow. What if it starts snowing again?
Found this random creepy graveyard in the middle of the woods. Gonna head back tomorrow.
He marked the trees! And told people where he was going! And brought a lantern! Good on him.
Always a good sign when the shadows in the random creepy building are closer to the entryway then they have any right to be.
Random creepy figure watching from the tree line? Lets go talk to him
He also brought a gun! Good for him.
Random creepy stranger tells you you're in danger if you go into the random creepy mausoleum? "No sir, you have.. nothing to fear from the dead."
Should've turned back and never tried his luck again.
No trousers? *insert Megamind*
"Statement continues"
Great, the random creepy mausoleum is empty, now we can leave and never return yayyy.
Creepy staircase, something that is ALSO always a good sign. *Proceeds to walk down the creepy staircase*
Two marble slabs and only one of them has a coffin? Smh.
Books are always good. Definitely never evil or harmful in any way, shape, or form.
Oh great creepy eyes.
Yes king take the random creepy evil book home.
Actually, the person on that coin is Jon. This is canon information.
Gotta love it when the children come up with yet another random absurdly dangerous game to play. Especially when it gets somebody killed.
Now, obviously, I should keep the possibly cursed items I got from the obviously cured tomb. And, while we're at it, let's go on another walk!
Aw shit, I've been followed home. (Pretty sure that this dude is related to The Eye.)
Maybe Jonah told this guy not to kill Albretch?(did I spell that right?) Definitely seems like that's what happened.
One of the most likely cursed objects has gone missing! Good signs all around! The servant that stole it died a horrible and gruesome death.
Also Mary has a very intriguing bloodline, ngl.
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volinare 1 year
my in-depth experience with each of the powers because you totally asked:
the Buried: running out of air is pretty clearly not great, but I've always had sort of a weird fascination with the general concepts explored in the buried. I used to tell people my greatest fear was being buried alive because I couldn't actually think of anything. I think part of the reason this one doesn't bother me as much is I haven't really had any close encounters with it. One of the ways it manifests is financial issues which is something I haven't had to deal with in an extreme way, so even that i haven't really brushed with it. I like heavy rain though.
the Corruption: Most of the traditionally scary stuff associated with this I've never really minded? I've definitely had interaction with infestations, maggots, mold, etc. but not in a way that felt unnaturally scary. Still gross, obviously. However, the unhealthy obsessions and such are something that I've had issues with and I would say just compared to other people I've met I've had more interaction with all parts of this fears.
the Dark: i will say that being alone on a dark night will get my heart beating, but I've been pretty desensitized to it. I don't have any specific scenarios or anything that would make me flip out like with some of the other fears here. The concept of 'being in the dark' about something has always bothered me, I'm not 100% sure thats covered under this but yes. I hate the idea of not knowing something and information being passed around behind me. But again, pretty desensitized to it in all aspects. (still one of the scarier ones)
the Desolation: This one is pretty fucked up imo. Pointless destruction, the idea that it can just come out of no where? I can see this manifesting too as sudden losses in ability, the death of children, and natural disasters and stuff but idk. The Desolation is also grouped pretty close to the Slaughter in my mind. Lots of scary points for this one, I hate consequences.
the End: One of the less severe ones for me. There are waves sometimes where I fear a sudden death for me or other people, but I would group the specifics of my fears closer to the Desolation than the end. I guess the grief is overwhelming and never ending though. The wiki also says the end has close ties to dreams and i have a lot of pretty fucked dreams so
The eye: you KNOW i get the eye. My truman show delusion? seeking answers even if they destroy me? Feeling as if im being watched or followed? Not to be basic but I'd say this is one that I have a close connection with. Also the general concept in the Magnus Archives of collecting stories and experiencing them vividly as you consume them is something I appreciate, as i think most people who take the time to listen to a 200+ episode fiction podcast can relate to.
the flesh:
the hunt: the only time i've experienced this one is in conjunction with the Eye. I think that might be the case for most humans? I tried to lie here but I gotta say, I do occasionally imagine hunting people. That fantasy used to be so scary to me that I would over correct and not even be able to hurt people in video games. I'm still pretty strict about my video game morals but I loosened up after having a weird freak out in front of friends because I was scared that they would see me play the end of Sally Face and Know.tm. It's weird. My relationship with this fear is weird.
the Lonely: creepy in a way I feel completely disconnected from? I think I have such a constant relationship with the eye that this one is a bit hard to conceptualize. From what i can tell its different from being bullied or shunned. Like its about complete lonelyness. Which, scary but hard for me to truly get. I think too, my relationship with the lonely would be closely tied to the Spiral.
the Slaughter: I am a pussy <3
the Spiral: my bitch! My life is the Spiral. I grab the Spiral by the waste, dip it low and kiss the Spiral deeply on the lips. Seriously though, being like 'this is the box that shit that just doesn't make sense goes in' has helped me so much. That's kinda ironic now that I think about it, thinking about the Spiral as an entity has lowered my fear of the Spiral significantly. Although I've never had much fear of the Spiral until the last year or so before that I was just Alice in Wonderlanding it up. Recently has been fucking with me a lot.
the Stranger: I interact with this a lot but its not high on my fear list. I think its like the Eye where its so present that I'm like 'ah yes. Im vaguely unsettled'. I also just don't really get the uncanny valley effect (autism) so i think that takes a lot of the punch away. The anglerfish is one of my fav episodes.
The Vast: Scary but I force myself to face it a lot. Like the dark though where it sometimes gets my blood pumping lol. Also another one that I sometimes seek out, like I love floating in deep water and wide open spaces like big fields and shit.
The Web: HOLY shit. Spiders are cool though.
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thefloatingstone 3 years
What are the Deltarune takes? o.o
Ack! Sorry I asked and then bounced. We were hit with a bad storm that knocked out my wifi for like a whole day!
Anyway, people did in fact want to know my bad Deltarune takes as I haven't had any contact with the fandom as a whole's opinions yet, so here we go!
Let's start with what my friend tells me is tumblr's new favourite, Spamton.
I do not like Spamton.
I don't DISLIKE Spamton necessarily, but I don't reallylike him. (his music fucking slaps tho)
I liked him when you first meet him and he's just kind of a silly dude, but the more he talked and the more things he said the more he just genuinely unnerved me. I find the dude incomprehensibly creepy. And not in a 馃憖 way. In a "hmm. Don't like that." way.
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All I can imagine when I read him talking is fucking SHODAN.
I don't like it.
His song when you fight him the first time is genuinely in my top 3 of the chapter tho. And his very first fight is the first fight in ANY of Toby Fox's games where I managed to end the fight without taking a single hit. His NEO form is also the first highly difficult fight I managed to beat. (I need to go back and do Jevil since Seam said if I defeat him in any save file the darkshard will appear in my chapter 2 save file.)
So that's it for Spamton. Dude's creepy.
I've really REALLY grown attached to Susie. I think she's my favourite character in this whole thing. I replayed Chapter 1 to get ready for chapter 2 and yeah. I love Susie so fucking muchhhhhh!!! I think when I played chapter 1 the first time it was during the Hell Year for me, and I was really nervous and like weirdly uneasy about "a new maybe-Undertale" game and what it would mean for the original that Susie's mean-girl personality was genuinely intimidating. But now knowing what her character arc is in chapter 1, I was much more on board with her in chapter 2 and she's so greatttttt aaaaaaa
I took every opportunity to be nice to her.
she's my fwend
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Ralsei is suuuuuuuper fucking Sus in this chapter.
I've been pretty open that I was really disappointed when at the end of chapter 1 it's revealed he's not a fluffy little spider boy but instead Asriel version 2.0. But he is acting REALLY suspicious throughout this entire chapter. Not like he's evil or anything like that, but like he knows a LOT more than anything he says, and he's purposefully being vague and trying to manipulate Kris and Susie's actions and decisions because "they have to make the choices themselves but it's super important they make the RIGHT decisions so I'm just gonna gently nudge and manipulate them and withhold critical information and generally just be incredibly untrustworthy."
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I have never agreed with Susie more.
Noelle is.... ok.
She's a really passive and meek girl who got introduced to the friend group late when Kris, Susie, Ralsei, and Lancer had just bonded into a unit. So having her introduced after this but not too long after this makes her feel like a bit of an intruder, but I have a very strong feeling this might actually be on purpose which I'll get to later.
The date was ok. I liked the part where I told Susie to eat moss to impress Noelle.
Queen is a difficult character for me because I can't actually figure out what her personality is.
Ok so she's "teh lol random XD" and she's basically one of the less plot crucial Homestuck trolls, but I can't really figure out who she is? Other than She friggen imprints on any unsupervised children she finds and decides to adopt them faster than friggen Batman, I don't really know.... anything about her as a person.
She's funny I guess, but jokes and shitposts are not a personality.
So I don't really know what to make of her.
I was so happy to see Lancer was along for the ride! I had a very genuine concern that he might not show up in chapter 2 at all since the end of chapter 1 ends with everything in the dark world turning into real world items. So part of me was rather unsure whether that dark world and the characters even still existed. But chapter 1 overall had a very strange and slightly off-putting undertone where everything and all the characters in the over world had a rather unpleasantness to them which I couldn't really figure out. I genuinely thought it was a plot point that was going to lead to something, but after Chapter 2 I'm not thinking perhaps Toby was going through something when he was making chapter 1 which might be why it had a strange off putting undertone to it.
So yeah, my point is I was very very happy to see lancer 1: still existed XDDD and 2: was gonna be along for the ride to a smaller degree.
I didn't think of checking him in my inventory as I played tho, so I might need to replay to see if he has unique dialogue as you play. I did think Toby leading you to use him to solve a puzzle was REALLY well done. You put something in your inventory which seems weird, so you check your items to see what it is only to find it gone, so you think "oh it must be under key items" and go there, only to see Lancer say he ate it. And then right after this is when you need to use Lancer to solve a puzzle, and you've just been reminded that he's there. I genuinely thought this was a brilliant bit of game direction.
I also really really REALLY like the concept of the little castle town that you're building as you play. I love this so much.
But now I wanna talk about the character I find most interesting in this game; Kris.
Honestly I like Kris as an individual character a lot more in chapter 2 than chapter 1 where they still felt like an extension of the player. After replaying chapter 1 and playing chapter 2 I really enjoy them as a character on their own more.
There's a continuous theme in chapter 2 of Kris getting pushed aside, first by their family and the town in chapter 1, and now in chapter 2 even by the friends, they made in chapter 1. Which introducing Noelle into the plot feeds into on purpose. So again, it's not that I dislike her but not exactly a recipe for me to like her that much. I just notice Kris' friends pushing them aside more and more, completely by accident, as they get more wrapped up in each other.
One of the enemies (I forget who. It might have been Queen or even Spamton) make fun of them for it. As does a save point. Like "aaaawwww, did your friends all ditch you?" And when you're alone with Noelle after Susie runs off with Ralsei, she mostly asks you about Susie. Just like all the people in town in chapter 1 mostly talked to you to hear how Asriel is doing.
So when you find out Kris had slashed Toriel's tires at the end of the chapter I was like "oh yeah. yup. that'll happen."
I don't see it as spooky scary Chara possessing Frisk. I see it as Kris being a very troubled kid who really really needs some help but they are continuously overlooked, forgotten about, not considered etc etc.
Kris also obviously has massive issues with fitting into Monster society. They show a lot of discomfort about being a human among monsters and shows to try and avoid any reminder of other human beings, which is also a running theme in the game. You hear about them in chapter 1 asking about when they'll grow horns and how Toriel had to buy Kris little fake ones to make them feel better. You see in chapter 2 Kris has been googling how they can learn to use magic like the other monsters can (and sadly only getting results on being a magician). You see Toriel had checked out a library book multiple times on how to take care of a human child and when kris pages through it and gets to a photo of other humans they quickly slam the book shut.
Kris has a feeling of "not belonging". Which is why I think them making friends with Susie, who is also a complete outcast is so great. Especially since Kris is seen as the one who "has it together" more than Susie does when I think the reality is, Kris is a lot more troubled than Susie is.
This is why I like Susie a lot, I like her friendship with Kris and Lancer, I think Susie, Kris (and Lancer) have a LOT more synergy than with Ralsei who is basically the babysitter trying to herd a group of cats, and I think that's why the introduction of Noelle as a main character is rather sad, because just as Kris manages to develop a friend group removed from Asriel, Ralsei is shown to basically be Asriel 2.0 and Noelle comes in and starts turning Susie's attention away from Kris Which gives the impression that Kris is basically just there as a bandaid for Susie while she goes through her character growth. and once she becomes a better adjusted person she'll move on from him to a new friend group in time.
Kris is her "training wheels" until she can form other, stronger, closer relationships and friendships with other people. Then she won't need Kris any more. And will probably move on without even realising Kris is getting left behind. I think Kris is aware of this, and it hurts them as is obvious by the save points in theanymore game when Susie runs off with Ralsei so she can bully him into teaching her healing magic.
I knew when she did that, that that is what she was doing. It was too convenient timing with her suddenly getting the idea to learn healing magic and then basically forcing Kris to shoo so she can ask Ralsei to teach her in private because she feels embarrassed asking in front of Kris. But the save points during this section makes it clear that Kris' feelings are a little hurt.
My friend said she's picturing Kris as wingmanning Noelle and Susie's relationship and I 100% agree, except I saw it more as gently encouraging her and Noelle to get closer to each other because Kris has this belief that Susie will ditch him eventually anyway, just like Asriel did. and Asgore did.
And Lancer is as well. Lancer is obvious BFFs with Susie, but Lancer is also branching out and making friends with all of Kris' growing social circle too. He's made friends with Queen, he's been nice to Berdly who is almost definitely gonna become a party member in the future. He's making friends with the new dark world characters who join your town from the computer. Lancer has always been more Susie's friend than Kris' friend, but it's just an added relationship slowly moving past Kris.
This is also why I think it's super important that Susie said she'd walk Kris home at the end of the game. I think (and I hope but I do believe this is gonna be the case) that the longer Susie spends with kris, the more she's gonna notice everything is not actually ok. And if the story goes the way I think it will, It'll be good to see her completely reject this "I'm just your training friend until you can make real friends" idea and punch some sense into Kris. This is also why I like that she stood up to the kids making fun of Kris behind their back in the overworld.
Susie is proving to actually NOTICE. And to actually LISTEN.
This is also seen after beating Spamton NEO although this might be me reading too much into things. But after you leave, Susie asks Kris if they're ok. You have the option to say no which I took. Kris has a meltdown at Susie which we only hear from Susie's side, but then RALSEI fucking bumps her out of the way to be all "hey hey~ It's ok Kris! Everything will be ok~ Just take deep breaths~!"
And Susie's little side-eye squinty glare of suspicion as she just stays silent before breaking the awkwardness and lightly calling Kris a dumbass for trying to do stupid shit on their own without her help. (ie fight Spamton).
And then she breaks the tension by smashing a fuck ton of pots in the next room.
This is also why the tire slashing, and the reveal that kris is the person creating the dark fountains wasn't even a twist for me. I didn't know what Kris was doing when they climbed out the bathroom window, but Toriel calling the police because the tires were slashed made me go "oh yeah. There it is."
And I had pretty much become convinced Kris was the knight around the middle of the chapter. I can't remember what it was that made it clear to me. I don't think it was any individual moment or thing that made me realise it. I think it was a suspicion I've had since the end of chapter 1, and the further I went along in chapter 2 the more convinced I was of this.
Anyway. Those are my Deltarune Chapter 2 thoughts before the fandom has a chance of swaying my opinions or thoughts on any of these things.
I hope you guys enjoyed???
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I loled at this part because all I could think was "I wonder how angry this made people."
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mysticgalaxychaos 5 years
"In depth" analysis (commentary) on Mcs vs Yaha dialogue (part 2)
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This is the continuation from the previous thing he said and now he downright flirts with Nowe in a very very creepy way. This phrase can be read so wrong and I guess it's meant to be that way. Again with the weird word choice! Is "look into my eyes" that bad? I mean we all know you're trying to smash so why be weird about it?? And that tone!! So horny!
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Imma assume this one is referring to Nowe too and there is just nothing I can really say. I guess the battle got him in the mood for flirting and... Other stuff... Ngl tho those horror-fied slowed down roblox death sound effects set a pretty good mood!
*Ah yes! Nothing gets you going like watching your pact partners, whose existence your life depends on being slaughtered!*
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Now the focus turns to Urick and we also move to different footage because the other one had the order mixed up (apparently these quotes appear in a certain order but it depends to the time you take and finishing the fight quickly cuts out some important ones). Here Yaha talks about "the old good days" when he and Urick were... Friends?? (A couple??). This tells us that Yaha up until this point had hopes of them going back to what they used to be which is a bit of a sad thing considering how they were friends and Yaha was trying to change the relationship into a romantic one. Him wanting to at least be friends again is pretty sad... (Urick's just heatless man!)
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This is also a very weird line! On the surface it just seems like it's the first line that reveals Yaha's feelings for Urick... and that's why I've went out of my way to overanalyze the shit out of it, so LISTEN! This will tie to later quotes as well (of course) but not in the way that you might think. This does seem to be a question, askig Urick and assuming that he did know about Yaha's feelings but the way that "Right, Urick" is spoken kinda gives a vibe of "Right, Urick? We were FRIENDS, RIGHT??? Friends? Were we FRIENDS Urick? Were we really friends, though???" But this is kinda contradicted by the "you must have known". I think it would be more appropriate to say something like "You knew" or "You did know"
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Now, now, NOW this is a bit of a ground breaking quote, and given the context, it seems like it's addressed at Urick. From what I've seen, if the gameplay goes by quickly you get this like after the "Come now, I'm waiting" line which makes this seem like it's about "General Oror" but this is an idea I am not willing to entertain so for our sanity's sake we will take Urick as a fact here. Now the first time I watched a gameplay of this game, I missed this quote completely, but it affects the story quite a bit mainly for one reason, we don't know what he's talking about! Is this "exquisite moment" that day he met Urick at the orphanage? Was it the day he discovered Lord of the Rings is a thing? Was General Oror really that good?? We don't know? But considering the context and Yaha's perceived personality (both before and after pact deal) we can safely assume that General Oror is in fact really THAT good that this was an incident involving Urick and Yaha. This is the "event" I talked about before. My interpretation is that something (probably sexual) happened between them (It could have been romantic but judging by how much emphasis is put by both Urick and Yaha on the fact that he lost his ability to feel *sexual* pleasure, we can see they are both very sex oriented). Also we know this thing happened before the pact deal both from something that's said later on and from the fact that if this was a sexual experience, he seems to have enjoyed it which he wouldn't be able to do after the pact deal (*Dramatically looks down*). Either way, Yaha here talks about what appears to be a very big moment for him, probably involving Urick
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This is were Yaha goes off and begins telling us the story of his life (not really, his pact deal) and it kinda messes up the narrative of what we've had so far. Because if this "exquisite moment" he talked about before was something that happened between them that would render them "more than friends" this takes us back to square one ("The friendzone"). A bit random, but this quote also makes me sad. If you think about it, the man sacrificed a part of himself (all be it not a super important one) for Urick and it still didn't work for a completely uncknown reason. The mention of the word "finally" implies he tried to "get" him using other means to, but it could just mean he waited for super long, even though again, given the context, it doesn't look like it. Urick hates this poor guy for a reason, that reason, though uncknown, could very well be Yaha's attempts to get Urick to date him.
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:(... He sounds so heartbroken... But, as sad as this is, it gives us what might be the most important piece of information we've had so far, that being that Urick rejected Yaha. Not only that, but "rejected me then" implies that Urick had rejected him before. This tells us that Urick didn't want a romantic relationship, that Yaha probably made multiple attempts to get him and that Urick is (drum roll, important plot hole incoming) immune to Yaha's charm! YEP! The supernatural charm he paid with his (*dramatic gasp*) ability to feel pleasure!!! (*Dramatically faints with arm on forehead*). Also, this tells us Yaha hadn't been the most loyal to his love for Urick, as Urick was "The only one" who wouldn't go with him. That does have a couple of scary implications given the rest of the cast, but we won't judge Yaha's taste (or lack thereof) in men now. The phrasing used here also gives the impression that Urick was never involved with Yaha in any way that was not friendly which makes the other quote ("I want to relieve that exquisite moment") super confusing... Guess we'll have to assume it was about General Oror after all...
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This is Yaha's quote when you defeat all his gnomes and the gnome king (?) appears. It doesn't have any plot relevance, but the phrasing is interesting. Yaha's described the battle as "playing" before and addresses his gnomes as "children". I honestly have no clue what this means or why he does it, it just kinda makes him sound super innocent and child like, which I think the devs were kinda going for with his voice and everything. Which is just really weird... Cause he's a massive pervert who might have fucked every single adult male character we know... I really don't understand what they were going for. Maybe some short of subverting expectations/stereotypes kinda thing, like "Look! He's an elf! You know how elves are in fiction, pure. And look at how innocent he sounds and how he addresses these gnomes as children and... Oh look! We tricked you! He's actually a creepy prevy guy!!!隆隆" On the other hand, he is supposed to be an illusionist so I guess it might make sense...
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Here is where the bosse's helth begins to get kinda critical and Yaha begins to realise that he might die, so he starts talking about it, trying to get who I will again assume to be Urick to maybe spare him (spoiler alert, Urick is a heatless rock of a human being and he won't spare anyone). Again I have to point out this part because they just keep giving us contradictory statements!! Here Yaha is trying to convince Urick (and Urick's friends) to not kill him, and his argument is "I will die and the crystal will be destroyed", but here, the crystal really doesn't make for a convincing argument. Urick (or his friends) isn't attached to this crystal, so Yaha's argument here really is something along the lines of "Urick if I die you ain't getting none". Really he is using his "beautiful body" to get Urick to spare him. It's either that these two really, REALLY don't understand each other, at ALL, or that something has happened in the past that would lead to Urick not wanting to loose Yaha's "beautiful body". Interesting word order there as well. "YOU would let THAT happen?" instead of "Would you let that happen". Placing emphasis on "You" reinforces this idea. Also that final line sounds kinda mocking.
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And this is Yaha's final quote before he dies and we go into the cutsceen. As you can see he's fully gone insane, presumably because of the extreme levels of power given to him by the Hogyoku in a short amount of... Wait, what am I even writing about?? Yaha's definitely kinda loosing it there and I can't make sense of this at all... In what way is this romantic? Unless it's meant to be ironic.
"Oh, so you're killing me! Yes, Urick this is the perfect ending to our date! You are SUCH a romantic guy!!"
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