garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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Some of my favourite characters from FE3H.
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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it’s been roughly 500 years since i uploaded anything to here since i’m mostly on twitter now but fire emblem has stolen all of my brain cells (again) and i’d protect marianne with my very Life
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
Hello, may I request a male ( to be matched with) matchup from Fe 3 houses please & thank you. LINK - The first part is shortintrovertships (.) tumblr(.) (com) (without the parentheses). You can take as much time as you need to, I don’t mind being patient & waiting. I hope I got this in time, if not you can ignore this message.
Hello! I hope you’re safe and sound right now friend! Thank you so much for your request! Thank you also for being so patient and understanding! you don’t know how much I appreciate it hehe💕 Idk if this is worth mentioning but omg your description reminds me so much of myself, sometimes I legit felt like I was reading my own description, but you seem much cuter than I do lol💕. Anyways I digress lol, your match is...
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Yuri Leclerc!!!
Yuri definitely comes across as a sort of scoundrel at first. An impish rogue who always follows his own agenda. In truth, he is actually a very caring individual who dedicates his life to protecting and defending those he cares about and those who have no one to care for them. He, in fact, is quite similar to you. One of the most important things in your lives is the people you care about, whether that be family or friends. In general, you are both compassionate and loyal people who look towards helping those around you, even if you go about it in different ways. Yuri helps the ones he loves by protecting them at all costs and leading them, whereas you express your love for others by pleasing them and keeping them happy. While Yuri is fiendish and cunning, you are peaceful and sensitive. There’s a bit of a stark contrast between you, but I like to think those differences would ultimately draw you towards each other as well as balance each other off. Just as Yuri dislikes himself for being cold, you might dislike yourself for feeling sensitive and vulnerable at times. So, Yuri could teach you how to be more assertive with conflict and decision making, perhaps even help you on how to be more charming like him, and you could help Yuri quell his disconnection people. As roguish as Yuri seems to be though, he is much more high-principled than one may realize. He sometimes states how ashamed he is of himself and is often shown to bear a lot of feelings of guilt and self-loathing for all he has done. In my opinion, he seems to be very appreciative and warm with people who are sort wide-eyed, for example with Bernadetta and Ingrid, and even with Byleth at times. I think your past of being sheltered along with your more timid and bubbly demeanor could some sort of evoke fondness from him. I feel like it would also in some way remind him or take him back to his happier days when he was younger and more innocent. And while we’re on the topic, Yuri, although distrustful at first glance, never goes against those he cares about and will never betray them. He always takes care of others: his gang, his friends, his mom, etc. Someone like you who has problems with mental health could definitely rely on him. He has his fair share of problems, but that would make him all the more understanding. He would at the very least keep you company. Another thing you share is how you’re both idealists. Deep-down, you’re passionate dreamers, people very in tune with their wishes and dreams. What you care about, you care about with a great deal of passion. And only an idealist can see another idealists vision a reality.  
I can imagine that when you guys first meet you both think you’re polar opposites, thinking something along the lines of “like I’d ever get along with this person”. 
Yuri at first probably urges you to share your thoughts, it’s how he gets to know people after all, and Yuri does not like not knowing stuff. But unexpectedly, the most surprising thing he’d find out is how similar you guys are.
You both have your guard up most of the time and are always thinking and analyzing everything around you. Yuri wouldn’t know if he should feel happy or sad to find someone as guarded as him, but he can’t deny it’s comforting. 
It’s funny that despite coming from almost opposite backgrounds, you who were sheltered and Yuri who was thrown out into the world ended up with very similar values and traits. Is this fate perhaps?😳
Tbh, Yuri loves to tease you, not in a mean-spirited way of course, but just in a playful and lighthearted manner.
I just think he’d find your personality very cute, you’re playful and bubbly, but also curious and eccentric at times. And well, above of all though he likes a person to keep him entertained lol.
Also, Yuri would probably try and be flirtatious with you in some manner, but a lot of comments would probably just go right over your head, which is hilarious. Though this only means that every time he does manage to make you flustered or shy he won’t be able to remove the stupid grin of his face for the entirety of the day.
Yuri is always looking out for you. When you’re about to fall or drop something he quickly grabs you or the object. If you’re distracted or daydreaming he’ll gently nudge you to bring you back to reality. Just small things like that.
Both super inquisitive about anything, Balthus would probably rack his brain around you guys. Because of this though Yuri likes having you around when he needs to think about things, and asks for your input. 
If there is anyone Yuri knows to not break their trust, it’s you. He has done it with his friends before, but with you, he knows it’s too much of a gamble, and it’s not worth it. That would only leave him with having to be as open and honest with you as possible, which admittedly he could find pretty annoying at first, because of how distrusting he is. He’d quickly find out how freeing and liberating it is, to let your guard down and be yourself. No more secrets, no more shields, no more worries and fears, just Yuri. And maybe through him, you’d also find the courage to be and express yourself. 
Last thing and most important thing I have to say... cooking couple that’s all I have to say-
Other matches: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Ashe Ubert
Hope you enjoyed your matchup! If you feel like you weren’t portrayed correctly/I misinterpreted your information let me know and I’ll make the corrections!
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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Oath of the Dagger
Painted my favourite scene from the game :)  
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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Polished only my thorns, wonder if the flower remains 
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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Hey, Professor. You’re looking lovely as ever!
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses, but the next DLC is Band Geeks instead of sports
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
I’ve been waiting for that Constance portrait so I can finally make this Mean Girls masterpiece. Your welcome
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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I can’t wait for these two to interact
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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What a stupid funny scene.
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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Day 2636  - 7 August 2019
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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The gangs all here
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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the voice actor of claude dressed up as claude and then proceeded to marry himself through claudia (byleth)
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
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garregmachmatchups · 4 years
 Can I have a matchup please? Any gender is fine
INTP, virgo, 9. Short curly hair ombre from red to blue, 5’ 2", pale, color changing eyes. Here’s an outdated pic from before I had my hair dyed again:
Charismatic, observant, adaptable, passionate, and intelligent; introspective, empathetic, and analytical. Very artistically and musically inclined, as well as a writer and a fencer. Hard to offend, sometimes a bit of a day dreamer. Chronic nightmares, anxiety, depression, PTSD. Very loving, patient, and stubborn/persistent.
Likes: food, adventure, stories, animals, pillows, soft things.
Dislikes: conflict, hurting others, close-mindedness, cleaning.
Hello! 💕💕💕 I hope you are staying safe and healthy during the quarantine friend! I’m sorry this matchup took so long. I thought I’d have it out sooner (as well as multiple other matchups) but I’m literally a mess. Thank you for asking about it though, as it let me know you are interested in the matchup, which makes me think I might be doing a good job on these lol? Hopefully, you’ll like yours💕 Also I wanted to say that I did get the picture attached to the submission (you are gorgeous btw!), but removed it just in case you didn’t want others to see it, if you want I can put it back up though, just let me know! With all that said, your match is…
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Ashe Ubert!!!
Ashe is one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet. It’s hard to find someone as friendly and supportive as him. He is always considerate of others and of their circumstances. Although he isn’t one to be angry or hateful, he definitely is disapproving of people when they are cruel and unfair. That’s why I think Ashe is best paired with someone who is empathetic and compassionate like him, who also sees the importance of being benevolent and understanding with others, but isn’t as idealistic and sentimental as he is, as he often gets carried away. His care for others also translates into other aspects of his life. Ashe has a great fascination with knighthood and chivalry, even wishing to be a knight himself. The people he admires tend to possess knightly or noble-like qualities themselves, such as Dimitri and Felix. And while you, of course, aren’t a knight yourself, you do have certain traits that align with those of a noble or leader. For example, you are charismatic and adaptable, traits people often look up to. You also seem to be cool-headed and very reasoned because of your INTP and Virgo personality, other traits also needed to lead others. Not only that but you are also stubborn and persistent, that is to say, you don’t give up easily and are determined with your goals. Due to all of this, I think Ashe would gravitate towards you naturally and would hold you in high esteem. As a result of how passionate he is about his love for knights, Ashe sometimes gets criticized for it, claiming he is too starry-eyed. And while that may be true, that doesn’t make his dreams any less important. Therefore, since you are passionate and quite a day-dreamer, you’d be able to relate to Ashe’s enthusiasm about his dreams and ideals. In my opinion, Ashe would be a great friend to someone who struggles with mental health. He radiates kindness and encouragement, and others often find themselves swayed by it (I still can’t believe he got Anna to lower her prices). He always goes out of his way to help whoever he can, all the while with a smile on his face. In moments where you’d feel sad, anxious, or in general, just down and out, Ashe would be willing to do anything to make you feel better. Despite the fact that Ashe is always trying his best to complete his dreams of being a knight and for those he cares about, he always sells himself short and overall just doesn’t have the best self-esteem. Someone loving and patient would do him some good, let him know that he is more helpful and skilled than he realizes.
When Ashe first meets you, he is captivated by you straight away, by your charisma and wit. He thinks you are so charming, almost like a noble from a story (you even fence!). And while he doesn’t tell you this outright, he does compliment you whenever it’s warranted. 
At first, he even questions whether you’d want to be friends with him or not, and when you ultimately do show interest in being friends with him, he makes sure to never take your friendship for granted.
Ashe is in love with your color-changing eyes. For him, they are as if they were straight out of a mythical tale.
He is thrilled to find out that both of you share an interest in stories and adventure, as it’s something very important and close to his heart. He immediately asks to exchange books and stories with you. 
As a result of your mutual love of stories, you often spend time together in the library or in each others chambers just reading together.
He loves talking about stories with you, as he always finds your take on them super interesting, sometimes even pointing out stuff he hadn’t even considered.
He is course is absolutely supportive of your writing career. There isn’t anyone in the world that could match his level of encouragement.
That isn’t to say he isn’t supportive of all of your other passions, he definitely is. Most of the time he wonders how he could’ve gotten so lucky to have someone so talented by his side?
Whenever you are craving some good food, don’t be afraid to ask Ashe to fix you something up. He is probably one of or if not the best cook out of all of his classmates. 
If he notices you like his food a lot, he’ll offer to share some of his recipes with you, or if you aren’t that good at cooking, teach you how to (expect some cute cooking shenanigans).
Ashe might not be super passionate about animals, but he’ll definitely be happy to help you take care of them (I can just envision him making some treats for them or perhaps giving them food that’s too tasty for an animal)
Tbh, because of how highly he thought of you, he is very shocked and saddened to find out about your mental health struggles. His shock makes him all the motivated to help you in any way he can.
For how many nightmares or depressive episodes you have, you know Ashe will always try to the best of his abilities to comfort you. He may not be a psychologist or anything, but he’ll read you a story, cook your favorite dish, literally clean your whole house for you, or just spend the whole day with you if you feel lonely or have trouble falling asleep. 
On rare occasions, you swear that sometimes with just his earnest smile and positivity you feel a bit better.
Even if he doesn’t believe it himself, Ashe is one of the most gallant and virtuous people there is. He’ll stand by you through the good and bad, and will never hesitate to lend you a hand. His greatest pleasure in life is helping and making others happy, you, of course, being no exception.
Other matches: Ignatz Victor, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester
Hope you enjoyed your matchup! If you feel like you weren’t portrayed correctly/I misinterpreted your information let me know and I’ll make the corrections!
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