#because of ignis and anders working on that
maleficarlife · 2 years
I have decided that, in the Red Schism AU, Vivienne ends up as the Headmistress of the major southern school of Blood Magic due to a serie of unpredictable political shifts.
She would strip that from the curriculum, but that's just not possible, so she just ends up picking the safer teacher avaible for the subject and wondering how she ended up here.
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mageglory · 3 years
I have no idea if I have ever summed all my Dragon Age Canon Characters but in short. Oh and I treat Bioware Canon like my playground so be warned.
Galria Theirin nee Brosca: Brosca origins (obviously), two handed reaver berserker. She is the Warden and becomes Queen of Ferelden with Alistair, her romance. She is the first non human queen of an human kingdom in history and tecnically she converted to andrastianism for politics (and because she doesn't care anyway about religion) but the Chantry keeps annoying her until Leli becomes Divine Victoria.
Ignis Hawke: Fire magic, Force magic and Blood Magic. He follows Anders romance and is a ruthless supporter of Mage RightsTM. He keeps switching between Red Hawke or Blue Hawke answers depending on who he is talking to (Red Hawke with Meredith, Elthina, Orlesians. Blue Hawke with fereldeans refugees, mages, elves and similar). He is one of the leaders of the Mage Underground with Anders if not the leader (mainly because Anders keeps telling him he's the boss even if Ignis considers himself equal to him) and he helped enlarge the underground across all the Free Marches, a lot of the random apostate npc we fight on the wounded coast are gonna live as members of the underground. To protect his identity/keep his family safe from Templars and because Hawke is not Hawke without drama he wears a mask in his rebel persona and Meredith has been yelling to Cullen to bring her the apostates leader in chains for years. He doesn't want to hurt civilians, but he is ready to accept civilians casualties as necessary if it's to free his people. His mabari is called Templar and Varric keeps saying Ignis exausted all his life capacity for jokes in that one idea. He's the gayest revolutionary/terrorist (depends who you ask) in town.
Raphaël De Bougainville: The Marquis of Serault. He has an obviously smaller role and is kinda irrelevant to The Fate of ThedasTM but he is a good guy despite having a very orlesian centric view of the world out of ignorance/cultural upbringing. His main worries are to restore Serault glory, which he succeeded in (and he also annexxes Aloyns along the road since the neighboor Marquis tried to sabotage his relationship with Justinia and failed) and romance Krem while visiting Skyhold. He had the idea to pay some mages after the rebellion won to come work for him with the glassworkers and now there are a lot of Serault glassworks for nobles with sparkly enchantments, but nothing plot relevant, he's just rich because now every noble in Orlais wants Serault magical glass. His main quirk is that he's an enthusiast of scientific research (think the king guy in Eragon) and his dream is to teach at the University of Orlais.
Melkior Lavellan: This damn boi is a pacifist. IN THEDAS. He is not the First of his clan, but only because he left the position to travel around the clans and bring messages/organize things. I'm not sure if canon mentions something similar but he's basically a travelling Keeper, so he has a bit more knowledge of the world, especially thanks to his high emotional intelligence. Kind of guy who smiles even when he doesn't like you and the "if he yells shit is going down" character archetype. Clan Lavellan Keeper is his grandma because his parents were murdered by Gaspard De Chalons during a dalish hunt, in front of him. Gaspard would have killed him too but decided that a knife eared kid wasn't worthy of a chevalier steel. Years later, Gaspard will fail to recognize Melkior at the Winter Palace (because elves are all the same amiright? I doubt Gaspard remembers his victims faces) and that's how the Granduke died and also one of the two occasions in which Melkior got really angry. Also, Melkior is the host to a spirit of Hope, which made the entire Inquisition scream in fear of abominations when they heard about that. Melkior romances Cassandra (altought I made her supposed character arc/change matter uh Bioware?) and tries to spare/redeem/imprison if necessary as much people as possible when sitting in Judgment because he doesn't like to kill and he does that enough on the field. At the end of Trespasser he disbands the Inquisition but he also creates a constitution that blocks the power of the Chantry so that in 100 years no Divine will be able to recreate Circles or Templars and a council to oversee the constitution with elected officials with a mandate of 5 years max.
Alidda Tabris: Someone could ask why I put the Tabris after the Lavellan, well that's because Alidda Tabris, my non warden dual wielder rougue, is more linked to Briala than Origins. She was prisoner of Arle Howe dungeons with others during Origins, forgotten there after having murdered the Arle son. She was freed by the Warden before the Landsmeet and despite the long imprisonment she suffered she fought in the Battle of Denerim, defending the alienage. After the death of the Archdemon, she helped King Alistair and Queen Galria in dealing with the many issues the elves had and was later sended to Orlais to investigate the risk of a new invasion of Ferelden. She joined Briala during the events of The Masked Empire, helping Celene in beating Gaspard but hating the Empress for her genocide of elves, she was helping only because forced to choose between her and Gaspard. She joined Briala at the end of the book and the two got together shortly after. In Inquisition, Alidda breaks in Celene vault during Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearths to get her beloved medallion back and the two keep plotting the liberation of the Dales after the ball.
Livia Amladaris: Magister of Tevinter, new leader of House Amladaris, descendeant of Corypheus and the worst person ever and I love her for that. Livia is literally my favourite classic villain tropes throwed together, because if you don't do that in Tevinter what's the point. While Livia wasn't a Venatori during Inquisition, she took control of the movement later. She is considered the most beautiful woman in the Imperium by many (the Amladaris pratic eugenics unironically) and she is a political genious and probably the greatest demonologist and necromancer (the Quentin kind, not the Dorian kind) Tevinter will ever see. Sadly, all this perfection on paper was given to a woman who respects only one thing: power and hates the other Magisters because they are limited in their ambitions. Livia intends to not simply enter in the Fade like her ancestor, but to open thousands of minor rifts controlled only by her, causing an army of binded demons to invade every nation of Thedas at once. The Imperium will rise again with her as the first Imperatrix of all Thedas. Someone could call her mad, but if she is mad then she is of the lucid and most dangerous kind. She has invented numerous evil spells (the "blood sacrifices and demons" kind) and has the power to turn others in abominations against their will. She is at last defeated at the end of DA4, but not before she blood sacrificed all of her supporters inside the Imperial Senate to start her ritual and shapeshifted into a giant monster before being slain. She is the Maleficent of Thedas and I love a good old fashioned evil witch ok?
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paradoxi-kay · 6 years
what all ships do you ship dom/sub?
(I’m curious since you seem to like bdsm relationships a lot)
you are not wrong! I love well-written D/s stuff - but I’m super super picky, so in practice I... pretty much just like my D/s headcanons and my own fic, with a few beautiful exceptions.
But to actually answer your question - I don’t really ship anything as D/s exclusively, but these are the pairings I think work really well with that dynamic? 
Kaiba/Ryou, Ryou/Yuugi maybe?? Ryou would make such a good Dom but he also needs a hell of a lot of therapy first tbh (Yugioh) 
Fubuki/Yusuke (Yugioh GX)
Ignis/Prompto (Final Fantasy XV) 
also Ignis/Gladio and Ignis/Noctis honestly... and Noctis/Prompto, and Iggy and Gladio teaming up against Prompto and/or Noct... so many good combos here.
Spark/Blanche/Candela and various combinations thereof, particularly Candela/Blanche - this is totally declinant’s fault (Pokemon Go)
Erasermight (My Hero Academia) 
Izumo/Mikoto, Tatara/Mikoto, Izumo/Tatara/Mikoto (K Project) 
Kio/Soubi, Yamato/Kouya (Loveless)
Michael/Sylvia (Star Trek: Discovery)
Kathryn/B’Elanna (ST: Voyager)
Iron Bull/Inquisitor, particularly my Effie Trevelyan but other Inquisitors are good too (Dragon Age: Inquisition) (hey this one’s actually canon! o: )
Isabela/Merrill, Hawke/Anders...? (Dragon Age 2)
I feel like I’m probably forgetting something but this is... some of them...... 
a few pairings got left off the list because they’re less D/s and more just shoving someone around without negotiation, which isn’t BDSM, it’s just being a dick
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terra-bunny · 7 years
I just remembered that @nomadsky tagged me in this a while back. Thank you!
Rules: tell me your favorite characters from fictional works (movies, books, tv, video games, etc.) and tag 10 people!
Ziggurat 8 (Xenosaga) - I only ever played the first Xenosaga game, and that was so long ago that I only remember the bare bones of his story; but Ziggy was a case of "right character at the right time". He committed suicide after the death of his wife but was revived against his will with all his memories intact. His story of finding meaning resonated with me hugely at the time.
Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI) - Obviously. Her story of finding meaning also resonated with me, if from the other direction (of having no memories). Interesting...I never noted that connection before.
Tidus (Final Fantasy X) - Aaaand another one who resonated with me at the time. Because he was so friendly and optimistic. And I was fresh out of hospital and was also trying to be friendly and optimistic. And then he turned out to be a dream asdfghjkl I've never forgiven Square for that.
Balthier (Final Fantasy XII) - One of Square’s more complex and rounded characters, in my opinion. I’m also very, very fond of Fran. And not only because she’s bunny-shaped.
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) - I was so disappointed when I discovered he was romancable in ME2 but I'd already romanced Kaidan in ME1 and didn't want to cheat on him (now that I know what an ass Kaidan is about you cheating on him after he's been a dick to you, I don't care nearly as much). I don't need to say anything about Garrus, y'all know him already.
Ignis Scientia (Final Fantasy XV) - He's perfect :P I’d like to list a whole bunch of characters from FFXV but they’ve yet to pass the test of time.
Anders (Dragon Age 2) - Super problematic but he's the one who's stuck with me most from the Dragon Age games.
Svetlana (Night Watch series) - "An introverted, bookish child, with a mass of complexes and her head full of crazy ideals and a childish faith in the beautiful prince who was searching for her and would surely find her. Work as a doctor, a few girlfriends, a few male friends and lots and lots of loneliness. Conscientious work almost in the spirit of a builder of communism, infrequent visits to the cafe and occasional loves. And each evening like every other one, on the sofa, with a book, with the phone lying beside her, with the television mutting something soapy and comforting."
Corran Horn (....Star Wars EU novels...) - I was like, 12, okay, don't judge me :P
Lyra Belacqua (His Dark Materials) - Lyra is so precious to me I can't even begin to explain it.
Toru Okada (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle) - There's no way I can explain The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle in a paragraph so I won't try. Toru Okada is the protagonist, and is a personification of passivity/letting life happen to him, but who nevertheless has a surprisingly interesting internal life.
Tommy Corn (I <3 Huckabees) - A messed-up firefighter who cares too much and has major existential issues. Basically me in a two hour comedy :P
Tate Zhang (Fallout original character by @imperfectkreis) - Tate’s just amazing, okay. Such a fucking mess, but learning how to deal with it.
Pikachu (Pokémon, specifically the one who hangs out with Ash) - Can’t really beat him. Definitely more interesting than any of the human characters.
I’m tagging @barfyscorpion, @imperfectkreis, @hourortwo, @april-december, @shmeards
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