#being openly ANYTHING was hard and obviously it was easier for cis bisexuals to like. pretend to be straight. or if they couldnt...
shojoboy · 10 months
Being Bisexual is sooo cool we can be any gender and be attracted to any gender any amount, we lovvvvve women and nonbinary people and men and even if we only ever date or fuck one of those we are still Bisexual. We aren't "half straight, half gay", because that's not how sexuality works. Sometimes it feels like we don't have our own community but tbh that's because, the Gay community? We in there. The Lesbian community? We in there. Trans community??? We in there!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!
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discyours · 5 years
Huh? Why are people saying that women should unlearn their penis repulsion? Straight and bisexual women have (obviously, all males are scum) been traumatised by men. Do they need to ‘unlearn’ their trauma? Why should lesbians have to include penis? They’ve been told from birth to include males. Society is heteronormative and women are conditioned to center men, even tho lesbians do not...which is why they are lesbian. Genitals play a big role in sex. This whole thing is rape culture.
Why are straight people never called out for transphobia? Why is it always lesbians? Straight women are exclusive as they only want men, they want dick and usually talk about dick a lot. Straight males talk about fucking bitches and getting pussy 25/7. They’re usually openly transphobic and are the ones killing trans women, not ‘terfs’ yet a lesbian says she’s same sex attracted or god forbid, only likes pussy and she is attacked, sent rape and death threats...why lesbians and not men?
Women being held to a way higher standard is just misogyny. Women are expected to be caretakers, to heal you from all the evils of the world. You can eat shit from men for your entire life and still not have the anger you feel towards them come anywhere close to what you feel about the betrayal of women who refuse to give you the kindness you need after all of that. With lesbians it’s even worse because they’re marginalised. That makes them easier targets from a predator’s perspective, but it also makes them seem a lot more “guilty” to people who are only entitled through their excessive self-loathing. 
I mean, just imagine. You’re a trans woman, you feel like you’ve been treated unfairly your whole life. You’re dysphoric, the people close to you aren’t necessarily accepting, you’ve lost some friends, your family is distant. So many people just plain refuse to see you as a woman and they’re vocal about it, too. All you want is for ONE nice woman to relate to you, to understand you, to be nice to you. A marginalised woman just like you. An LGBT woman just like you. And every time you meet someone who you think might fit this role, she’s just like all the other bigots and flat out refuses to be with you just because of how you were born. Just because you were born with a penis you don’t even want. She should KNOW what it’s like to be rejected by the whole world, she should know how hard your life has been, and she still refuses to even TRY to get over her penis repulsion? She’s such a transphobic bitch she has no problem letting something so fucking insignificant getting in the way of the relationship you KNOW you were supposed to have? That’s a bigger betrayal than anything any transphobic cis man ever could’ve done to you. 
I obviously don’t feel bad for them. If they’re so self centred that they can’t even take a second to realise that women don’t owe it to them to compensate for whatever they may have experienced from other people, that’s 100% on them. If they’re old enough to be rapey they’re too old for me to put any blame on their mothers for not preparing them for the real world; though they probably didn’t do the best job at that. It’s a useful thought exercise though. People attribute so much malice to pro cotton ceiling trans women when really for the majority of them it isn’t premeditated evil. Just self loathing mixed with an astronomical amount of self centredness, not that it’s even more than most men have. 
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