#belos: no i love when my coven heads beat each other up😌
numericalbridge · 23 days
another wip
Terra’s face reddens. The other Coven Heads whisper among themselves. Someone giggles.
The plants coil around Terra. The spikes seem to grow and curve. “Oh, are you really sure, Head Witch?" Terra crows. "There are four of them. You can understand numbers, right?”
“Terra, Eber, you don’t need to…” Galatea Vault tries to interfere. “Terra, we can all see that they are quite impressive...”
“Fight Eber,” Eberwolf repeats.
“Gladly, you little…”
“Ugh, should we really do this?” Darius Deamonne’s voice interrupts her. From the corner of their eye Eber can see that he is looking into one of those new ‘scroll’ things. “Some of us have work to do," Darius reminds them. "And – what’s equally important – a manicure appointment,” he adds.
“Yes, yes, that’s right,” Galatea hastily agrees. “We can’t just waste our Emperor’s precious time with something so insignificant.”
“No,” the Emperor waves his hand. “I think this might become a good lesson for all of us. Proceed.”
“Of course, My Emperor,” Terra bows.
Eber hides the baby worm in his mane.
“Someone definitely needs to be taught a lesson,” Terra says. Her plants coil up like springs.
“Agreed,” Eber growls.
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